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Cum scriem o scrisoare

I. Experesii introductive 1. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply = Ma scuzati ca a durat asa mult sa va raspund 2. I have just received your letter = Abia am primit scrisoarea de la tine 3. I was very sorry to hear = Imi pare rau sa aud ca 4. What a surprise to get a letter from you after such a long time = Ce surpriza sa primesc o scrisoare de la tine dupa atat de mult timp 5. You will be very glad to hear that = Vei fi foarte fericit sa auzi ca 6. I hope you and your family are well = Sper ca tu si familia ta sunteti bine.. 7. Thank you for answering my letter so quickly = Multumesc ca mi-ai raspuns asa repede 8. How nice it was to hear fromm you = Ce placere sa aud vesti de la tine II. Concluzii 1. I shall be looking forward to seeing/ hearing from you soon = Astept vesti de la tine cat mai curand 2. Please give my love/ regards/ best wishes to = Te rog transmite dragostea mea/ salutari/ cele mai bune urari (persoanei respective) 3. I hope you will soon be well = Sper sa te vei face bine in curand 4. I hope to hear from you soon = Sper sa ne auzim cat mai curand 5. Looking forward to receiving news about = Astept vesti despre IMPORTANT - Marginile laterale ale scrisorii trebuie sa fie egale - Adresa: 116, Stefan cel Mare, Racaciuni, Bacau, Romania - Data: 15th March, 2012 - Yours, George


Adresa (numarul casei, strada, localitatea, comuna, judetul, tara) Data Dear., 1. Introducere (folosim expresiile introductive mentionate mai sus) 2. Cuprins (facem referire la subiectul scrisorii) 3. Incheiere (folosim expresiile de final)

Love/ Yours (sincerely/ truly), (Numele)

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