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EDUC 6331 Administrative Internship Overview of Projects/Tasks Instructor: Dr.

May Mentor: Kim Heckman Intern: Avisay Cerda Sprint 2012

Area of Concern Whether small group instruction increases reading comprehension scores versus large group instruction

Needs Assessment Some bilingual students struggle with reading comprehension. It is suggested that small grouping can lead to higher abilities.

Projects Action Plan The entire class will receive whole group instruction. Homogeneous groups will be created and small group instruction will be given to each group.

Evaluation I will be using the district's Curriculum Associate's Test Ready Spanish second grade edition assessment to evaluate students before I start applying small group instruction strategy. After two months I will reassess students to record findings. After review my collected data. I will meet with the SDMC committee to present my suggested revision of the dismissal plan. We will discuss it and propose a new plan. Students in this target group will be monitored from 1st5th grades. Data will be collected to see if students excelled in English as did the average English student.

Competency addressed C004 C005 C006

Parents and school personnel are concerned about dismissal procedures at our school

We dismiss 1,080 students at one time in a quick yet safe way.

Every year we see a select group of bilingual students that do not progress in Spanish academics.

The suggestion our principal has made is to have those students waived and entered into the English program at the beginning of second grade. These students

I will observe, take notes, interview, and take pictures of the different areas of dismissal for the school. I will review all current dismissal procedures. Students in kindergarten that are currently struggling will be targeted for possible inclusion into this special group. They will be monitored through first

C007 C009

C002 C003 C004 C005 C007 C008

Parents at our school do not have computers and internet. There is an increasing concern that students with our demographics will fall further and further behind without access to the interent.

will receive a collection of services that will be included in the school budget. Parents need to know what programs are available for purchasing computers and affordable internet.

grade to see if they should be included in this test group. Surveys will be taken to see how many parents do have computers and internet. I will conduct informational parent meetings to discuss issues preventing getting connected with the internet and how to overcome these issues. Each year surveys C001 will go home to see if more homes are connected to the internet. Meetings will continue to advise parents, help them find affordable computers and internet service, and information on free educational programs that will help their children excel.

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