Distinction of Philosophy

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Distinction of Philosophy Education Practical The actual process of education is a matter of actively dealing with those factors, i.e.

e., teaching, organizing programs, and building curricula. The experience of the educator in nurturing the young places him in touch with phases of reality which are considered in making philosophical judgment. While philosophy is a guide to educational practice, education as a field of investigation yields certain data as a basis for philosophical judgment. Philosophy Theoretical and speculative Asks questions, examines facts of reality and experience, many of which are involves in the educative process. Philosophy yields a comprehensive understanding of reality, a world view, which when applied to educational practice lends direction and methodology which are likely to be lacking otherwise.

Philosophy Religion Truth Gaining knowledge which is dependable and authorities. Calls for personal commitment, for practice of a way of life, and the shouldering of social responsibility. Truth Intellectual Philosophy is not religion. Worship is an intellectual love of God (after Spinoza) or a thinking of thoughts of God after Him (following Kepler). Fellowship with others based on the common ground of honest search for truth rather than upon agreement in specific beliefs. Practical social endeavor may be in religious uplift or in areas of everyday life other than religion.

Importance of Philosophy 1. It can be used to help convince people that you are right and that they are wrong. 2. It serves to develop intellectual abilities important for life as a whole, beyond the knowledge and skills required for any particular profession. 3. It enhances analytical, critical and interpretative capacity that are applicable to any subject matter and in any human context. 4. People can clarify what they believe, and they can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. 5. It has enormous influence on our everyday life. The language we speak uses classifications derived from philosophy. 6. Every institution of society is based on philosophic idea, whether that institution is the law, government, religion. The family, marriage, industry, business or education. 7. Systems of education follow a societys philosophic ideas about what children should be taught and for what purpose.

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