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Mentoring Scheme 2012 - Info for Mentees

Creative Leicestershire are looking for 10 individuals, at any stage in their career, who are interested in working with a mentor over a six month period in 2012 to support their professional development. To apply you must be: based in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland be over 18 years old be currently working professionally full or part-time in the arts sector (either as an artist/creative or arts administrator/manager)

The mentoring process

1. You may apply with a mentor in mind or not. If you dont have a mentor lined up we will work with you to find you a suitable person. If you have a mentor in mind, they dont have to be based locally, but bear in mind that the scheme cant cover your travel costs. 2. All mentors and mentees will be expected to attend a briefing session to meet each other and learn more about the mentoring process in July 2012 and a debrief session in January 2013 so we can learn how it has worked. 3. You and your mentor will be expected to have at least 4 face to face sessions between August 2012 and January 2013. You will be expected to communicate regularly with your mentor, agree with them what you will cover in your sessions and let us know if you are experiencing any problems or difficulties. In addition you will have access to support from our Creative Leicestershire business adviser if required. 4. With support from your mentor we will ask you to work up a development plan for yourself. Once the plan is agreed you will be given 500 towards the implementation of the plan which can be spent on any training or other professional development (eg conferences, seminars or other relevant events, and travel/accommodation as necessary). We will ask you to commit to writing a brief report on what you did and sending us evidence of spend (eg copies of receipts). 5. We wont be able to cover payment for your time spent being mentored or any expenses. Your mentor will receive a fee for their work direct from Creative Leicestershire.

The application process

If you are interested in being a mentee, please send in the following information by Monday 30 April 2012 to Lucia Masundire e: Please send 1000 words maximum covering the following: 1. Your name & contact details 2. Your experience and training so far in your chosen area of work 3. Why you would like a mentor 4. Contact details for your mentor and a paragraph about what they can offer, if you have someone in mind OR 5. What skills and experience you would be looking for in a mentor. Selection of the 10 mentees will be made by the Creative Leicestershire team, a representative from our funders and an independent mentoring specialist. Mentees will be selected on the basis of: Evidence of an enthusiasm to learn Commitment to the time required for mentoring and to carry out your development plan potential to develop their work in the sector based on track record potential to contribute to the artistic life of Leicester/shire and Rutland

All applicants will be informed of the outcome by Monday 21 May. If you have any queries or would like an informal chat about the scheme please email Lucia on e: with your contact details.

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