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Negotiation involves two or more parties with competing or conflicting interests or needs, working towards an agreement on how they

will cooperate. - Tillett Negotiation is a process of finding a point of balance between your objectives and that of the other party.

Careful Listener Self-Disciplined Creative Flexible Persuasive Decisive Confident Respect for Others Ability to Handle Pressure

There must be at least two or more parties involved. There is a common interest between parties. Have definite goals and objectives. Allow adequate time for the process

Positive Attitude Knowledge of the Negotiation process An understanding of people A grasp of your subject Creativity: settle on a solution before you negotiate Communication skills

Prepare objectives and strategy

Discuss and exchange information

Propose solution

Bargain and review areas of concession

Conclude and draft agreement

Interests: What do the parties want? Options: What are likely areas of Agreement? Alternatives: What if we dont agree? Legitimacy: How persuasive is each party? Communication: Are both parties willing to discuss and listen? Relationship: Are both parties ready to establish operational relationship? Commitment: Whats the structure of commitment from both parties.

Competing Those who use a competing negotiation style are often assertive and unwilling to cooperate. They place their needs above the needs of others and try to manipulate the situation in their favor. Accommodating Individuals who use an accommodating negotiation style tend to be passive as they seek cooperation. They often neglect their needs and wants to make sure others get their way. Avoiding Avoiding is a style in which neither assertiveness nor cooperation takes place.They have no desire to be involved in the conflict and will try to sidestep the situation Collaborating Those who collaborate are both assertive and cooperative; they are the exact opposite of avoiders. Collaborators seek a solution that satisfies all concerns while taking a leadership role in the conflict resolution

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