(Lib4U.net) Thiet Ke Template Joomla

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Thit k





1.Cn bn lm Template v Thit k Site

Tng quan v lm Template File dn trang Style Sheets trang inh kiu

Tng quan v lm Template

The Joomla Template system is amongst the easiest to learn in the Content Management System family. Templates are located in the /templates directory. The following shows a typical directory structure for a template: H thng Joomla Template nm trong nhng ci d hc nht ca h Content Management System /templates /basic_template /css template_css.css /images index.php template_thumbnail.png templateDetails.xml l tp hp ti thiu cc file bn cn to mt template. Lnh nhn i hi mi tn file phi c tn trng nh th. Ch rng trong khi khng c nh no hin th trong th mc /images, n l ni c trng bn nn bt c nh no ang h tr cho template ca bn, nh nh nn (backgrounds), banner, v.v. Chng ta hy xem k tng file trong .

index.php y l file gin trang template. template_css.css Css stylesheet cho template (trang nh kiu). templateDetails.xml File siu d liu (metadata) theo nh dng XML. template_thumbnail.png Mt mt mn hnh (screenshot) thu nh ca template, thng khong rng 140 pixel v cao 90 pixel.

File dn trang
Mc d file dn trang l mt file PHP, n c vit phn ln trong HTML vi ch vi tiu trnh (snippet) ca PHP. Bn khng cn phi l mt chuyn gia v PHP vit c mt file template. Tt c bn cn l hc ni no t cc kha mc (key hooks) vo c my template Joomla. Trong khung (framework) HTML bn t cc ca x nhn vo bn trong c s d liu ng sau website ca bn. c nhiu ca s nh in hnh c gi l cc Module v thng thng mt cai m rng hn (nh mt ca chnh) cho mt Component. Bn c khuyn khch vit cc template trong XHTML. Mc d c tranh lun liu XHML c l li i ca tng lai hay khng, n vn l mt nh dng XML chun rt tt, trong khi HTML l mt chun ri rc. Cc phin bn tng lai ca Joomla s gia ngy cng nhiu vo XML v l li i k tc kiu muby gi. File index.php cho dn trang 3 ct gn nh ging di y trong kiu sng sng: 1: <?php


2: $iso = explode( '=', _ISO ); 3: echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $iso[1] . "\">\n"; 4: /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ 5: defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); 6: ?> 7: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 8: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="<?php echo _LANGUAGE; ?>"> 9: <head> 10: <title><?php echo $mosConfig_sitename; ?></title> 11: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>" /> 12: <?php 13: if ($my->id) { 14: initEditor(); 15: } 16: ?> 17: <?php mosShowHead(); ?> 18: <link href="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/templates/basic_template/css/template_css. css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 19: </head> 20: <body> 21: <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0"> 22: <tr> 23: <td colspan="3"> 24: <?php echo $mosConfig_sitename; ?> 25: </td> 26: </tr> 27: <tr> 28: <td colspan="3"> 29: <?php mosLoadModules ( 'top', 1 ); ?> 30: </td> 31: </tr> 32: <tr> 33: <td width="20%" valign="top"> 34: <?php mosLoadModules ( 'left' ); ?> 35:</td> 36: <td width="60%" valign="top"> 37: <?php mosMainBody(); ?> 38:</td> 39: <td width="20%" valign="top"> 40: <?php mosLoadModules ( 'right' ); ?> 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" valign="top"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'bottom' ); ?>

46: </td> 47: </tr>


48: </table> 49: </body> 50: </html> Cng tm hiu nhng chc nng chnh. Chng ti gi d rng bn d bit cht t v cc trang HTML mc nh l cc th tag head, body, table, v.v. s b qua. Dng 1-3: nh ngha file l chun file XML. _ISO l mt hng s c bit nh ngha bng m k t c dng. N c nh ngha trong file ngng ng ca bn (language file). Dng 5: Ngn chn vic truy cp trc tip vo file ny. L iu cn thit khi bn thm dng ny vo template ca bn. Dng 7-8: Thit lp chun XHTML cho trang. Dng 10: In ra tn bin cu hnh Tn Site trong cp th tag title ng v m. Dng 11: _ISO c dng li nh ngha tp hp k t dng. Dng 12-16: $may->id l mt bin lnh (script) m s mang gi tr non-zero nu mt ngi dng ng nhp vo site ca bn. Nu mt ngi dng ng nhp th mt trnh son tho trc quan ch nh trc c np. Bn c th, nu bn mun, lun lun np trc trnh son tho, nhng ni chung mt khch nc danh s khng cn vit bi. N lu gi mt tp lnh tiu bn trn vic duyt site bnh thng. Dng 17: Chn nhiu khi siu d liu (metadata block). Dng 18: Ti CSS stylesheet (trang nh kiu). $mosConfig_live_site l mt bin cu hnh nm gi a ch URL tuyt i ca site bn. Dng 24: N in Tn Site trong mt bng (m rng ra 3 ct) Dng 29: Ti cc module bt k c xut bn trong v tr top. i s th hai, 1, ch rng cc module c cn dng theo chiu ngang. Dng 34: Ti cc module bt k c xut bn ti v tr left. Cc module ny s c hin th trong mt ct n. Dng 37: Ti component vo template ca bn. Component c thit lp bi a ch URL, v d, index.php?option=com_content s hin th ni dung (Content) Component trong vng ny. Dng 40: Ti bt k module no c xut bn trong v tr right. Cc module ny s hin th trong mt ct n. Dng 45: Ti module bt k c xut bn trong v tr bottom.

Style Sheets
CSS Stylesheets

The XML Setup File


The Thumbnail
Khi bn hon thnh template ca mnh, xut bn n vi Template Manager trong Administrator. Xem


trc site v ly mt mt mn hnh (screenshot). Nhp mt mn hnh vo gi son tho ha yu thch v ct ton ni dung ca cng xem trnh duyt. Gim kch thc nh xung khong 140 pixel chiu rng v 90 pixel chiu cao ri lu n theo nh dng PNG trong th mc template (n l /templates/basic_template).



2. Advanced Templating ( 4 items )

Tng quan Administrator Templates (cc template cho Administrator) Tham kho chc nng Cc chun template

Tng quan
Chng ny bao gm mt s chc nng cao cp hn nh n cc ct template v thit k template cho Administrator.

n cc module
i khi mun n cc module no nu khng c module c gn cho vng . Bn c th n cc vng ny bng cch dng hm mosCountModules. <?php if (mosCountModules( 'right' )) { ?> <td> <?php mosLoadModules( 'right' ); ?> </td> <?php } ?> Nu hm mosCountModules tr v gi tr ln hn 1, bng s c hin th. Nu khng c module c nh ngha cho v tr right trang lin quan ny, th s khng c hin th. y l mt k thut tt tng chiu ngang mn hnh trn cc trang no .

Dng cc hu t lp (Class Suffixes)


Administrator Templates cc template cho Administrator

Lc ny kiu mu cho cc Administrator Template vn ang hnh thnh. Mong rng c hai h thng template Site v Administrator s hp nht vo mt API chung trong tng lai. D vy, mt s ghi ch c to ra y tham kho.

H tr Module
Bn c th thm cc module vo cc Administrator template trc tip vi mosLoadAdminModule hoc trong cc nhm, ging nh cc site template, vi mosLoadAdminiModules. V d: <table width="100%" class="menubar" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="menubackgr"><?php mosLoadAdminModule( 'fullmenu' );?></td> <td class="menubackgr" align="right"> <div id="wrapper1"> <?php mosLoadAdminModules( 'header', 2 );?> </div> </td> <td class="menubackgr" align="right"> <a hreef="index2.php?option=logout style="color: #333333; font-weight: bold">Logout</a> <strong><?php echo $my->username;?>&amp;nbsp; </td> </tr> </table>


Hm mosLoadAdmiModule ly mt i s, tn ca module b i tin t mod_. u tin ca bng v d ti Full Menu module ( l mod_fullmenu). Trong th hai, tt c cc module c gn vo v tr header c ti. thng s th hai l mt thit lp kiu (style): 0 = u ra lin tc m cc module xut ra. 1 = hin th mi module trong mt Tab 2 = hin th mi module c bao bc trong mt th tag <div>

nh dng cho cc module header c thc hin hon ton thng qua CSS. V d, kiu wrapper1 c nh ngha nh sau: #wrapper1 div { border: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; display: inline; } Cc module c bao trong cc th tag thun <div>. hin th cc module trong mt ct bn c th thm mt thuc tnh chiu rng v thay i thuc tnh hin th thch hp. Cc module sau y sn dng vi bn phn phi Joomla. mod_fullmenu Full Menu module hin th menu Administrator DHTML truyn thng. Cc Content Section v Component c thm ng vo phn tha ca menu c nh ngha tnh. mod_components Components module hin th mt danh sch y cc Component v cc mc con. N hu dng ni nhiu component c ci t v sc cha ca cc menu DHTML c m rng. mod_latest Lastest Items module hin th cc mc ni dung mi nht. mod_mosmsg Message module hin th thng ip gi trong URL. mod_online Users Online module hin th s lng thnh vin log in. mod_pathway Pathway module hin th mt ng dn Administrator. mod_popular Most Popular module hin th mt danh sch cc mc bi nhiu hit nht. mod_stats Menu Stats module trnh by mt s thng tin thng k v cc menu. mod_toolbar Toolbar module hin th biu tng toolbar. mod_unread Unread Messages module hin th s lng cc thng ip c nhn cha c. mod_logged Logged module hin th mt danh sch cc user login hin thi.


mod_quickicon Quick Icon module hin th mt mng cc biu thng shortcut.

The Control Panel

Control Panel cho Administrator l mt file ring bit, cpanel.php, n c bao gm trong template. N l mt file ring bit cho php ty bin vng ny theo cc site khc nhau v cc user thch c nhu cu khc bit cho nhng phn gi tr ca mn hnh c nh. File Control Panel khng cn c bao gm nhng nu n c bao gm th n s hin th mt s Administrator Module c publish trong v tr cpanel. File cpanel.php c th ch n gin nh v d di y: <?php /** * @version $ Id: cpanel.php,v 1.3 2004/08/12 08:29:21 rcastley Exp $ * @package Joomla * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software and parts of it may contain or be derived from the * GNU General Public License or other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); ?> <tableclass="adminform"> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="top"> <?php mosLoadAdminModules( 'cpanel', 1 ); ?> </td> </tr> </table>

File tham chiu hm v Tham chiu hm

Cc hm sau y ang sn dng cho cc nh pht trin template. mosLoadComponents C php: mosLoadComponents( $name ) Ti mt component. V d banners. Khng bao gm tin t com_. mosCountModules C php: mosCountModules( $position_name ) m s lng module c th hin th trn trang hin ti trong v tr position_name. mosLoadModules C php: mosLoadModules( $position_name [, $style] ) Hin th tt c cc module c gn vo v tr pssition_name cho trong hin ti. i s style l ty chn nhng c th l:


0 = (hin th mc nh) Cc Module c hin th mc nh trong mt ct. Sau y hin th mt v d u ra: <!-- Individual module --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable[suffix]"> <tr> <th valign="top">Module Title</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Module output </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Individual module end --> 1 = Cc module c hin th theo hng ngang. Mi module c xut ra trong mt ca bng bao bc. sau y hin th mt v d xut ra: <!-- Module wrapper --> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="top"> <!-- Individual module --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable[suffix]"> <tr> <th valign="top">Module Title</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Module output </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Individual module end --> </td> <td align="top"> <!-- ...the next module... --> </td> </tr> </table> -1 = Cc module c hin th nh mt hng xut ra v khong c cc tiu . Sau dy hin th mt v d xut ra:

Module 1 OutputModule 2 OutputModule 3 Output

-2 =Cc mudule c hin th trong nh dng X-Joomla. Sau y hin th mt v d ca u ra: <!-- Individual module --> <div class="moduletable[suffix]"> <h3>Module Title</h3> Module output </div> <!-- Individual module end --> -3 = Cc mudule c hin th trong mt nh dng cho php, v d, cc gc trn co dn c. Ty chn ny c gii thiu trong Mambo <!-- Individual module --> <div class="module[suffix]">


<div> <div> <div> <h3>Module Title</h3> Module output </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Individual module end --> Ch trong tt c c trng hp mt lp ty chn suffix c th c p dng thng qua cc thng s module. mosShowHead C php: <?php mosShowHead(); ?>
Tp hp nhiu th tag head bao gm th tag title v nhiu th tag meta.

mosMainBody C php: <?php mosMainBody(); ?> Bao gm u ra ca component c quyt nh bng gi tr ty chn trong URL.

Template Standards
Cc tiu chun (NHP) Nhn dng ngn ng trong th tag Head Yu t HTML phi bao gm thuc tnh lang (ngn ng). <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="<?php echo _LANGUAGE; ?>"> <head> Ghi ch: t Joomla 1.1 tr i n s c hiu lu dng $_LANG->isoCode() th hin ca tham chiu _LANGUAGE.: ISO 639 language codes Identifying the primary language

Cung cp mt tm tt cc bng Yu t TABLE nn bao gm thuc tnh tm tt din t cu trc v mc ch ca n. <table summary="Hits on news compared to help"> <caption>Hits on news compared to help</caption> <!--table cells here--> </table> Dng thuc tnh tm tt cho cc bng dn trang l ty nh thit k nhng ni cung khng c khuyn khch, tham kho thm: Providing summary information Layout Tables

Vn bn lin kt To on vn bn lin kt khi chng la s liu trong ng cnh v cng phi chc chn rng cc a ch lin


kt khc nhau c vn bn khc nhau. V d, cho php dng click here. Tham kho: Link text

Kt hp cc iu khin biu mu vi yu t LABEL Yu t LABEL c th kt hp trc tip mt m t ca yu t biu mu vo chnh n. LABEL thuc tnh for phi ph hp duy nht vi thuc tnh id ca yu t biu mu. <label for="mod_login_username"> <?php echo $_LANG->_( '_USERNAME' ); ?> </label> <br /> <input id="mod_login_username" name="username" type="text" class="inputbox<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx; ?>" alt="username" size="10" /> Vi s kt hp ny, mt s trnh duyt cho php vic click nhn dnh c con tr cho vic iu khin. tham kho: Labeling form controls Forms - Section 508 Accessibility


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