NL Kruthiks

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KRUTHIK ALIENS Kruthik Warrior Template [14 pts]

-Quick Move (1 inches per AC) [4] -Mobility (move through rough terrain and obstacles at no penalty) [4] -Climb (may move straight up vertical surfaces1 AC for every inch) [2] -Team Work (No limit to combat assistance bonus in close combatCC+1 to hit and ST+1 for each other friendly model with the Team Work ability in the same combat) [4] -Hive Mind (immune to all morale test; may not aim ranged attacks) [free]

Kruthik Warrior Profile [51]

AC RA CC 9 2 6 3 0 5 Slashing Scythes UC RoA ST 4 2 +0 ST 5 5 [5] T 6 8 W 1 0 CO 3 2 AR 5 8 = 31 points

Corrosive Blood (ST5 hit on model in base-to-base if loses a wound) [1] Small [0] + Template [14]

Kruthik Overlord Profile [112]

AC RA 10 2 7 0 Fear (-1) [11] CC ST 7 5 7 5 Mutations: T W CO AR 6 3 7 5 8 20 9 8 = 64 Corrosive Blood (ST5 hit on model in base-to-base if loses a wound) [1] Horns (extra +1 CC and +1ST when charging) [2]

Piercing Tail UC RoA ST 4 2 +0

Reach [9/2=5] 2"

Gore [10] (Bulky -25%) MultiStriker [10=5] UC STR RoA DA UC STR RoA DA 5(6) +1 1 2 5 +0 3 1 3 0 10 0 10 0 TOTAL COST: 14 (template) + 64 (profile) + 20 (weapons) + 14 (fear -1&mutations) = 110 1350 LIST [1350] (3 units: 1 overlord, 5 kruthiks) 1x Queen with tunnel: 249 15x kruthik warriors: 765 3x overlords: 336 500 LIST [479] 2x overlords 224 5x kruthik warriors 255

Kruthik Queen (large character, general) [226]

AC RA CC ST T W CO 10 6 7 6 7 6 8 7 6 7 8 12 65 12 Trashing about with all appendages, x2 UC RoA ST 4 4 +0 (STR 6) = 2x (15/2) = 15 pts Gore Tongue UC RoA ST 6 1 +2 (STR 8) Extended Reach (2) DA 2 +2 (ST); +4 (2 reach); +10 (DA) = 16 AR 6(7 large) 12 = 129

Fear (-2) [18] Large model (free) Immunity 5 [7] (attacks at ST 5 or less do not wound model) Determined (reroll misses in CC with RoA 1 attacks) [2] Rapid Move (2 per 1 AC) [6] Stability (never knocked prone) [9] Unerring (treat fumbles as misses; does not lose any remaining actions) [17] Climb (may move straight up vertical surfaces1 AC for every inch) [2] Team Work (No limit to combat assistance bonus in close combatCC+1 to hit and ST+1 for each other friendly model with the Team Work ability in the same combat) [4] Hive Mind (immune to all morale test; may not aim ranged attacks) [free] Mutation: Corrosive Blood (Each wound inflicted on this model; any other model in base to base contact will be splattered by the blood and take an immediate ST 5 hit)[1] TOTAL COST: 226 With tunnel ability: +23 = 249 1350 LIST [1350] (3 units: 1 overlord, 5 kruthiks) 1x Queen with tunnel: 249 15x kruthik warriors: 765 3x overlords: 336 500 LIST [479] 2x overlords 224 5x kruthik warriors 255

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