DG Anti Oedipus Overview

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D&G Anti-Oedipus Overview

Anti-Oedipus: All desire is social; schizophrenic id is best guide rather than neurotic ego o Schizoanalysis: focus on body parts and social connections Not a celebration of schizophrenia, but use of it to explore contemporary society Individual subject as heterogeneous aggregate of parts functioning in social and natural machines o Subsume Marx and Freud in single Nietzschean framework: desiring-production Critique of traditional Marxism and Freudianism History and politics of social libido Critique of Freudianism; extending Freud beyond family o Oedipal-capitalism link ignored Oedipus is mode of channeling desire Psychoanalysis reinforces this channeling o Capitalism and desire Deterritorializes Destroys feudal hierarchial channels Sets adrift pieces of desire, body, etc. Reterritorializes Channels all production into commodity form Oedipalization concentrates, individualizes desire into neurotic daddy-mommy-me Schizophrenia is result of fragmentation without Oedipal integration o Positive desire Desire traditionally seen as lack Plato Exception: Spinoza Lacan most evident example today For D&G, this is negative, reactive, idealistic, slavish Rather, they want positive, productive desire Desiring-production o Freuds libido o Nietzsches will-to-power Unconscious o Unrelated to negation

o Indifferent to personal identity o Independent of linguistic expression Pure multiplicities: nomadic singularities Critique of Marx: libidinalizing Marx o social field is immediately invested w/ desire No distinction between production and consumption o everything is production No distinction between use and exchange value Use value depends on stable needs, but needs are mobile, produced (as Marx knew very well) Schizo-model for desiring production (not a romanticizing of schizophrenia, but using it to interrogate modern production) o Desiring-machines: invasion/persecution Production proper Cutting off primary flows Symbolizes unceasing production e.g. flow of milk between o breast machine o mouth machine linked in chains with other machines in body other bodies nature society unconscious is a factory rather than a theater rather than linking dependent parts into a functioning whole, desiring machines involve heterogeneous parts in a connective synthesis o body without organs: catatonia recording (distribution and exchange/ unconscious inscription) congealing desiring-machines into undifferentiated object desiring-machines at zero intensity extra part produced alongside desiring-machines paranoiac machine: body w/o organs repels desiring-machine miraculating machine: body w/o organs attracts desiring-machine socius: larger social body w/o organs body of earth: o primitive o autochthonous myths [miraculating] body of despot o barbaric

o divine origin and absolute power myths [miraculating] body of capital o capitalistic o fetishism: capital appears to produce labor [miraculating] each chain of desiring-machines is a line traversing body w/o organs, thus forming a grid disjunctive synthesis: all lines libidinally invested at once in a synthesis that affirms differentiation o nomadic subject: multiple personalities consumption when social codes [e.g. Oedipus] break down in their channeling of desire, then the nomadic subject is possible, traversing the lines of the desiringmachines inscribed on the body w/o organs o model of the giant egg traversed by lines with a wandering point of pure intensity history of social machines o primitive territories pre-state: resist centralization of power socius: body of the earth codes: kinship relations coding flow of goods, privilege, people, prestige filiation: fixed capital stock o blood o administrative o hierarchial alliance: mobile blocks of debt o marriage o political o economic debt primary dissymmetry setting in motion flows ceremonial inscription within systems o giver: debtor o receiver: surplus value of code representation ceremonial system is a writing in which words pronounced and signs written are plurivocal system is also libidinal economy of pleasure and pain o Nietzsche and debtor-creditor o Barbarian despotic states Befalls primitive territories as catastrophe from without Socius: body of despot

Codes: functional pyramid Despot at apex Peasant at base Debt Primitive debt become infinite debt of existence owed to despot Punishment no longer festive, but vengeful Representation Fixed meanings Deterritorialization of graphic sign: made into transcription of the voice Sound given meaning by transcendent authority enforcing law of linguistic regularity [dream of transcendental signifier] o Saussarian linguistics is reflection on despotic representation o Signifier dominates the signified Two forces Deterritorializing of signifiers [creates arbitrary flow] Fixing of signifier-signified Signifier is arbitrary, but also acoustic image within which resounds mute voice from on high o Civilized capitalist production Capitalist machine arises from within Socius: body of capital Debt Deterritorialized into abstract unit of exchange: free flows of goods, bodies, images, etc. Reterritorialized through an axiomatic o Conjoining two flows o Of labor o Of capital Direct relation of entities on abstract qualities No limit: can always add new axiom Representation o Breaks free of Saussarian domination o Means nothing: simply functions as means of coordination of flows Post-state: capitalist state is hangover o Cap sign does not simply replace despotic sign, but reintegrates it

o Absorption yet indigestibility provokes oscillation between two poles of desire Paranoia (metaphysics!) Domination Hierarchy Molar aggregates Schizophrenia Non-systematic Nomadic Molecular Schizo-politics o Overcoming paranoiac tendencies by intensifying schizophrenic tendencies Accelerating deterritorialization For those trapped in hierarchies Micro-political intervention Good for intervention in hierarchial parties o Politics of creativity Freeing of new patterns Horizontal rather than vertical o Foucault: power as primary o Deleuze and Guattari: desire as primary

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