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Scene 1 (In the covered wagon-reasons why): Kallyn: So since we're gonna be stuck in here for a while, we might

as well get to know each other. Emily: Um... I'm Mary. Mary Ann Grace Elizabeth Atherbery. And I'm afraid of everything. Ariel: What do you mean? Emily: Well there's choking on breakfast, choking on lunch, etc. (ad lib) Ariel: (interrupt) okay well... I'm Francis Marie Calender and I'm going to the west to make a home of my own. Kallyn: Impressive Ariel: I know right. Michelle: I'm Hazel. Hazel Grace Lancaster. I hear women in Texas do some pretty interesting things, like newspaper reporting and the suchlike, and I want to be one of them. Kallyn: Well I want a husband. Ariel: That's... great... Scene 2 (somewhere I guess-hardships): Emily: Omigosh, what was that? [Rustling noise in the background] Kallyn: What noise? Michelle: Just go back to bed Mary. You're probably just hearing the wind. [Rustling noise becomes louder] Enter: Lexy wearing ragged clothing and clutching a bible. Lexy: My sisters, if you would allow me to quarter in your humble homeKallyn: Who are you? Emily(screaming): INDIAN! INDIAN! Michelle: That's clearly not an Indian. Lexy: I am an escaped slave, preaching the word of our Lord, our savior. I am on the path to salvation and want to lead all to it! Michelle: Yep. Not an Indian. [Emily is still hyperventilating] [Enter: Ariel with a fake mustache] Ariel: Stop slave! I am a bounty hunter here to bring you back to your master! Bwhaha! Lexy: noo! Scene 3(somewhere-more hardships) (Just set scenes with people looking like they're drowning, getting crushed by wagons, and all that jazz) voice over Scene 4(at the promise land-legacy) (Arrive at promise land and leave lego schools, churches, libraries, etc.) voice over. I GOT LAZY :D

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