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QUESTIONNAIRE NAME.................... ADDRESS... CONTACT NO 1.What is your occupation?

a)Business man b) Teaching (c) Defence (d) Any Other

2.Which Car brand do you own? a) Maruti b) TATA c) Fiat d) Hyundai e) Any other..

3. Have you purchased this car on Finance scheme? a ) Y e s b ) N o

4.Who prompted you to buy this Car? a) Friends & Relative b) Past experience c) Dealer Recommendation d) Word of mouth e) Advertisementsf) Any other.

5. What attribute you consider while purchasing the Car? a) Price b) Performance e) Fuel efficiency 6.What effect these attribute have an effect on purchase decision: StronglyAgreeAgree N. A.norDisagreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreePriceFuelEfficiencyResale ValuePerformanceMaintenanceCostFinanceScheme 7. What comes in your mind while considering the under mentioned brands: 1. HYUNDAI VeryHighH i g h S a t i s f a c t o r y L o w V e r y LowPriceFuelEfficienc yResale valuePerformanceMaintenancecostFinanceScheme3 . M A R U T I VeryHighH i g h S a t i s f a c t o r y L o w V e r y LowPrice c) Resale value d) Maintenance cost f) Finance scheme


Agree N. A.norDisagree DisagreeStron glyDisagreePri ceFuelEfficien

cyResale ValuePerform anceMaintena nceCostFinan ceScheme 7. What comes in your

mind while considering the under mentioned brands: 1. HYUNDAI

VeryHighH i g h Satisfact ory Low Ve r y LowPriceFu elEfficiencyRe sale valuePerforma

nceMaintenan cecostFinance Scheme3. MA RUTIVeryHigh High Satisf actory Low

V e r y LowPric e

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