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Customer's copy. Strictly confidential. Property of Koch-Glitsch. KG-TOWER Version 5.

0 Registered To: PAVAN, ZEPPELIN

Project Name Tower Name Case Name ZONE DESCRIPTION TRAY NUMBER % OF LOADING LOADINGS Vapor Rate Vapor Density Vapor Volume Vapor Viscosity Liquid Rate Liquid Density Liquid Volume Surface Tension Liquid Viscosity Tray Spacing System Factor Jet Flood Downcomer Flood Downcomer Backup Downcomer Exit Velocity Dry Tray Pressure Drop Total Tray Pressure Drop Total Tray Pressure Drop Cf Active Area Weir Load Weir Crest Tower Diameter Tower Area Sieve Hole Diameter Percent Hole Area HEXANE PURIFICATION EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION COLUMN Individual tray flooding OTTOM TRAY 20 100 kg/hr kg/m3 m3/hr cP kg/hr kg/m3 m3/hr cP mm % % mm liq m/s mm liq mm liq mm Hg m/s m3/h/m mm liq mm m2 mm % | | | mm | m2 | mm | mm | | 19810 3.464 5718.82 0.0084 19970 864.40 23.10 19.51 0.286 600.00 1.00 54 26 93.8 0.164 35.8 62.6 4.0 0.07 22.5 22.5 1520 1.81 15.000 10.38 Side | | BOTTOM | | | 200.00 | 200.00 | 0.14 | 0.14 | TOP 50.80 38.10 | | | OTTOM TRAY MIN 70 13867 3.464 4003.18 0.0084 13979 864.40 16.17 19.51 0.286 600.00 1.00 39 18 77.0 0.115 17.6 49.8 3.2 0.05 15.7 17.8


04-Apr-2012 Page : 2/ 4 Date : File : EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION COLUMN_ IN KPK By : Revision : OTTOM TRAY MAX 120 23772 3.464 6862.59 0.0084 23964 864.40 27.72 19.51 0.286 600.00 1.00 64 31 111.3 0.197 51.6 78.3 5.0 0.08 27.0 25.5 mm mm m2 1 1120 1028 1.53

Number of Passes Flow Path Length Weir Length Active Area

Downcomer Width Downcomer Area Weir Height Downcomer Clearance

Active Area Flow Path Length

m2 mm

Panel A 1.53 1120.00

The Sieve Tray results in the KG-TOWER software are provided for general informational purposes only. When internal calculations are performed by Koch-Glitsch these internal rating pages may be the same or different from the present results. Please contact Koch-Glitschs Technical Assistance with any questions
The information contained herein is the confidential and proprietary property of Koch-Glitsch, LP and/or its affiliates ("Koch-Glitsch"). This information and any derivatives thereof are the exclusive property of Koch-Glitsch. This information is believed to be accurate and reliable but is not to be construed as implying any warranty or guarantee of performance.

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