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IRRI Rice Seminar Series

Randy Barker
11th Airborne Division 1953-55. UPCA-Cornell (UPCO) program 1965-66. Social Science Division, IRRI 1966-78, 2007-08. UP teaching (one course a year) 1965-78 IRRI softball team 1965-78 College Country Club (tennis), 1965-78 Rotary Club of Los Baos, 1969-78 IRRI Emeritus International Staff, 2012 to present

Grant Singleton
Rodent Ecologist/Irrigated Rice Research Consortium Coordinator Crop & Environmental Sciences Division

David Johnson
Weed Scientist/Consortium for Unfavorable Rice Environment Coordinator Crop & Environmental Sciences Division


Prior to World War II Burma and Indochina were leading world rice exporters; Vietnam after the fall of Saigon: A road map for Myanmar agriculture? The situation in Myanmar: Problematic but promising IRRI prepares to help

Trend in rice exports,1900-1940

Exports '000 tons
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0




19 00

19 02

19 04

19 06

19 08

19 10

19 12

19 14

19 16

19 18

19 20

19 22

19 24

19 26

19 28

19 30

19 32

19 34

19 36

19 38

Note: 1900-1940 source is Rose, 1985: Appendix to the rice economy of Asia

19 40


Thousand tons
10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 5000

0 1975 1980 1985

Doi Moi Decree No. 10 Decree No. 100

1990 1995 2000

Liberalization of markets Land Law

Water Law

Mekong: conflict over fresh vs. brackish water

Fresh water
My Phuoc (1994) Cai Trau (1994)

Bac Lieu province

Thanh Tri (1995)

Cau Sap (1996) Bach Nguu (2000) Vinh My (1997) Pho Sinh (1998) Chu Chi (1997) Ca Mau (2000) Lang Tram (1998)

Saline water

1994 1998 1999



Values in US$ million

429 1024 1025

551 858 971



Yield (t/ha)

Trend in rice yield (t/ha), 1960-2011 Vietnam and Myanmar



19 60 19 /196 62 1 / 19 196 64 3 19 /196 66 5 19 /196 68 7 19 /196 70 9 19 /197 72 1 / 19 197 74 3 19 /197 76 5 19 /197 78 7 19 /197 80 9 19 /198 82 1 / 19 198 84 3 19 /198 86 5 19 /198 88 7 19 /198 90 9 19 /199 92 1 / 19 199 94 3 19 /199 96 5 19 /199 98 7 20 /199 00 9 20 /200 02 1 / 20 200 04 3 20 /200 06 5 20 /200 08 7 20 /200 10 9 /2 01 1

IRRI and Myanmar

-the past decade and the prospects for


David Johnson, Grant Singleton March 2012

Crop nutrition and productivity

LCC training in 2002, and (below) LCC critical values experiment , Yezin, 2004

IRRC training course (2005) and (below) LCC demonstration at extension camp 2004

Crop establishment and weed control

7 6 5

Grain Yield

4 3 2 1 0 Hlegu Lepadan Pyay Tharawaddy Pathein Myaungmya Kyaiklatt

IWM Farm

Dry season yield gaps on farmers fields with better weed control

from yield gap studies to farm demonstrations and field schools

Rodent research
1. Ecology, damage assessment, management options 2. Assessed KAP of farmers (IntJPestMgmt 54: 69-76, 2008) 3. Two MSc, 4 PhD students (local universities) 2007 -2012 1. Study of rodent outbreak in Chin hills 2. Rodent outbreaks & cyclone Nargis: included GIS modelling paper in press Pest Management Science 3. PhD student (Nyo Me Htwe) at Northern Arizona Univ

AWD and aerobic rice

Monywa ,Shwebo, (Sagaing) Nyang U, (Mandalay)

Yezin, Nay Pyi Daw,(Mandalay) Pyay, Bago ( West)

Myaung mya, Kyaulat,

Since 2006 33 sites AWD; 18 sites aerobic rice Training /on-site briefings with 180 staff; 480 farmers


Postharvest Development
2006 Partners Myanmar Agricultural Services Myanmar Rice and Paddy Traders Association Pioneer Postharvest Development Group 2011

Delay in harvesting High physical losses on farm Improper drying No mechanical dryers Poor storage

More than 330 flat bed dryers

Excessive qualitative loss

IRRC Support Dryer manufacturing training in Vietnam Capacity building at IRRI and in Myanmar Hermetic storage pilots Support to dryer manufacturer

Local storage bag NGO Pioneer Postharvest development Group for out-scaling

Drought-prone areas
State/Division Mandalay Area (ha) 58482



Bago (East) Bago (West) Total

35985 28956 253886

Source : 2004 2005 Annual Report of Myanma Agriculture Service

On-farm evaluation of entries for submergence tolerance at five locations

Yield (t/ha) Entry
Nyaung done Myaung mya Kyaungkone Einmae Yezin

Swarna-Sub1 TDK1-Sub1 BR11-Sub1

Hnankar Meegauk

1.89 1.84
3.08 -

6.96 5.1 4.17


4.23 3.98 4.54


5.32 5.37 3.79


5.4 4.8 3.8

3.8 -

2.9 t of registered Swarna sub1 seed distributed to 7 townships 0.88 t foundation seed produced

Promising lines for salt affected coastal and inland salinity areas - Myanmar
Yn 3220-MAS-77-2-8 Yn 3220-MAS-62-2-4 Yn 3220-MAS-76-4-1 Yn 3220-MAS-108-2-3-1

IR 72046-B-R-4-3-2-1
IR 72044-B-R-22-3-1 IR 72593-B-B-2-11

Screening conducted 2008 to date

Engaging at the policy level

Myanmar Agricultural Services Strategic planning for rice development Yangon, October 2005 Rice economy Workshop Nay Pyi Taw , 2007

Rice and Climate Change Nay Pyi Taw, February 2011

Meeting with the Minister, Nay Pyi Taw, January, 2012, and his visit to IRRI

New developments

Lower delta areas

Improving livelihoods of rice-based rural households in the lower delta

Livelihoods & Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT)
IRRI to provide technical advice on rice production Developed strong links with NGOs (e.g. GRET, Mercy Corp, Welthungerhilfe, ACTED) Collaborate with Bogale Agriculture Technical Working Group (BATWG) in Bogale & Mawlamyinegyun Collaborate with Mercy Corp & LEAD in Laputta

USD2.4 million over three years 1.7 IRS

Outputs of LIFT-IRRI
1. Improved rice crop management practices demonstrated and new varieties tested in three townships in the lower delta 2. Strengthened capacity of partners including scientists and extension personnel Advise on resource management of current rice varieties

Diversification and intensification of ricebased systems in the Ayeyarwady delta (ACIAR)

Rice left in field after harvest of monsoon crop

Farmers leave bundles in field for 10-30 days. Leads to 5-10% grain loss PLUS loss in rice quality.

Expected outputs are

Short- and medium-maturing, high-yielding rice varieties and crop management options (rice-rice; ricepulse) available to farmers to increase cropping intensity of target areas by 20%. Postharvest options available to farmers to improve their rice productivity by at least 10%. Technology delivery pathways identified via assessment of challenges and opportunities, and strategies developed to disseminate improved options. Strengthened capacity of project staff in natural resource management of rice-based cropping systems.

Land use capability / targeting

genotype x environment x management (GEM) Application pending to UNDP: LIFT GIS and ground study of incidence and distribution of major stresses and soil types Household studies at benchmark sites Evaluation of technology options Guidelines & decision tools for dissemination

Future activities

Land capability / targeting (GEM - Lift)

Rice-rice; Rice-pulse (ACIAR) Improving livelihoods in the lower delta (Lift)

Exciting developments By mid 2012 expect to have 3 IRS permanently located in Myanmar plus 11 local staff More calls from donors likely (e.g. SDC) In 2012 further in-country consultation on priorities for R&D & capacity? Visit by DG and/or DDG-R to reinforce IRRIs strategy for Myanmar

Vietnam s success has been due to major policy changes and institutional reforms. To a significant degree they followed the road map of China state capitalism and land reform. Will Myanmar be able to make the necessary institutional and policy changes that will allow agricultural productivity and the economy to grow. MAYBE over 10 to 20 years. Dont forget that in 1965 there was a general feeling around Los Baos that IRRI would never amount to anything.

19 60 /

Yield (t/ha)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Source: USDA
Thailand Vietnam
19 19 62 61 1 9 /1 9 64 63 1 9 /1 9 66 65 1 9 /1 9 68 67 1 9 /1 9 70 69 1 9 /1 9 72 71 1 9 /1 9 74 73 1 9 /1 9 76 75 1 9 /1 9 78 77 1 9 /1 9 80 79 1 9 /1 9 82 81 1 9 /1 9 84 83 1 9 /1 9 86 85 1 9 /1 9 88 87 1 9 /1 9 90 89 1 9 /1 9 92 91 1 9 /1 9 94 93 1 9 /1 9 96 95 1 9 /1 9 98 97 2 0 /1 9 00 99 2 0 /2 0 02 01 2 0 /2 0 04 03 2 0 /2 0 06 05 2 0 /2 0 08 07 2 0 /2 0 10 09 /2 01 1

Trend in rice yield (t/ha), 1960-2011



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