Teleportation Also Called

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Quantum Teleportatoin Abstract

Teleportation also called, as Quantum Teleportation is a technique, which involves the duplication or re-creation of physical properties using light beams. Teleportation involves the transfer of quantum sates between two separate atoms. It relies on a strange behavior that exists at the atomic scale known as "entanglement", whereby two particles can have related properties even when they are far apart. Entanglement allows particles to have a much closer relationship than is possible in classical physics. If two particles are entangled, we can know the state of one particle by measuring the state of the other. For example, two particles can be entangled such that the spin of one particle is always "up" when the spin of the other is "down", and vice versa. An additional feature of quantum mechanics is that the particle can exist in a superposition of both these states at the same time. The landmark experiments are being viewed as a major advance in the quest to achieve ultra-fast computers, inside which teleportation could provide a form of invisible "quantum wiring". These machines would be able to handle far bigger and more complex loads than today's super-computers, and at many times their speed. Here in this paper we are going to discuss about the technique involved in quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation and in specific Quantum Computers along with its advantages and disadvantages.

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