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The quality of a school is often reflected with remarkable precision in the quality of the adult-to-adult relationships within the

schoolhouse. The manner in which adults speak to each other, share ideas, form partnerships and even manage conflict is a profoundly accurate predictor of the quality of learning for students within the classroom.

ISB Co-teaching

What is Co-Teaching?
Co-teaching is a pairing of professional educators who bring specific areas of expertise to a classroom and curriculum. Pairings may come in many combinations. Our co-teaching teams consist of a grade level or subject area teacher and a learning support specialist. Planning and classroom management are shared equally. The curriculum content of the course or grade level is taught to the same depth and at the same pace as other like classes.

Roland Barth Improving Schools from Within

The International School of Brussels Kattenberg 19, 1170 Brussels Tel: +32 (0)2 661 42 11 Fax: +32 (0)2 661 42 00

Why do we use this model?

Co-teaching is a well researched model especially popular in inclusive schools because It effectively doubles the teacher-student ratio in the class It allows for flexible groupings which can target interest, particular talents and the range of readiness for learning which exists in inclusive schools It models cooperative/ collaborative learning which is central to our beliefs about how we all learn It diminishes stigma for students with special learning needs It provides ongoing professional development for teachers through ongoing dialogue about curriculum and student learning

What are the benefits for my child?

Because of a higher teacher-student ratio, students will benefit from More direct instruction A variety of student groupings target areas of strength, and interest that

Increased small group and individual support for students who need reinforcement or specialized teaching within the context of the regular curriculum Increased opportunities for enrichment

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