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INTRODUCTION Security has become a pre-requisite in virtually every organization ranging from small to large organizations. There is a need for development of a standard security protocol to checkmate problems that could occur due to the absence of security features. As the number of theft and intrusion cases increases, there has been a need for firms to develop a security system that can deny or grant access for only authorized individuals into some specific areas. Normally, this can be done manually whereby a human worker could be placed to give or deny access to people. This can be dangerous as humans and can be unfaithful. The project Design and implementation of a finger print controlled door is considered to have solved some of the problems existing. Some of the solutions to these problems are as follows; Provide restricted access to certain areas in an organization Minimize the problems of insecurity of life and property Provide an alternative to a security worker Provides a reliable, efficient and more modern access system for security Save time and energy in checking for authorized persons and equally in opening and closing door.

In the design, different workers have different passwords with which they can gain access through the door. The door is interfaced to the computer through a printer cable. This design focuses its attention on the use of parallel port and visual software for the programming of the software. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Checking in and checking out of people in all most every organization in Nigeria and some other developing country has been done manually. This design is being considered based on this event that has been taking place all the while. This present method of checking in and out of people has constituted a lot of problems which has been highlighted in the introduction part of this study. Those days are gone where we hire few people for security at our offices, home and other sensitive places. In this hard economy time we have to think about something smarter which can save our money and can also provide better security. Finger print scanning is a form of security where people are identified by a scan that analyses the blood vessels at the back of the hand. Finger Print scan security usually involves a low-intensity light source and optical coupler, which read the blood vessels with accuracy. Finger Print patterns are difficult to fake and even the Finger Print of a dead person will change soon after they have died. Finger Print scans prove identity in a way which few other security measures can. Finger Print scan technology involves the use of small green light to record the Finger Print patterns of a person and ensure they match up with the finger print patterns of those people who are allow access. This green light contains a low-intensity

light source. The user needs to keep their head still and keep their fingers focused on the green light for about ten seconds. During this time, the finger print scanner will read the pattern of the finger print2.It is on this background that we carry out our design. 1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

.There are a lot of problem in the present method with which different organization or companies check in people into the restricted areas, some companies biometric measurements are taken from the fingers of the guests to ensure that the persons ticket is used by the same person from day to day. but in this study we are also using finger print that why our objective of embarking on this study is to help solve some of these problems and make security more tighter by the help of Finger Print controlled door. Some of our aims of achievement include the following. The objectives include the following:

Finger Print scan provide restricted access to certain areas in the organization.

Finger Print scan make sure that only the authorized persons gain access into the company.

To reduce cost of employing workers who will always keep watch at the door. To improve the level of security.



The present method of checking on people in an area has left many companies with problems to solve. The design of a password -controlled door using the finger print is so important to the society for many reasons but not just for an organization in the sense that doors and gates at individual homes will only recognize finger print patterns of only residents of the building thereby reducing theft and irregular burgling of home. Furthermore, this design will reduce the cost of employing workers at that will keep watch at the door and will equally check in and out people in the organization. This design will help solve the problem of admitting unauthorized persons into an organization .It is easier to disarm the security worker and gain entrance into a restricted area and then it is illicitly manipulate the purposed design. 1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY

This design is restricted to the use of the finger print in accessing a door to a particular place. There are many ports of the computer that can be used in interfacing but this design makes use of a parallel port. There are also many programming languages that can be used to program the hardware but our design is based on the use of the visual 1.5 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY. This study has to make use of security worker in the design but it has not been possible for us to get this as a result of unavailability of materials in the market; as a result of this, we are doing the construction ourselves.

The study need to be done with construction of this hardware component that will make use of the software system but due to the lack of resources and time frame we are limited to the simulation of the software system only.

2.1 HISTORY OF DOORS The earliest records are those represented in the paintings of the Egyptian tombs in which they shown as single nor double doors, each in a single piece of wood .in Egypt where the climates is intensely dry, there would be no fear of their warping, but in other countries it would b necessary to frame them, which according to Vitruvius (.IV.6) was done with stiles and rails the spaces enclosed being filled with panels (tympana) let into groups made in the stiles and rails. The styles were the vertical boards, one of which, tenure or hanged, is known as the hanging stile. The other as the middle or meeting stile. The horizontal cross pieces are the top rail, bottom rail, and middle or intermediate rails. The most ancient doors were in timber, those made from King Solomons temple being in olive wood (1 kings vi.31-35), which were carved and overlaid with gold. The doors dwelt upon in homers epics would appear to have been cased in silver or brass besides olive wood, elm, cedar, oak and cypress were used. According to Thomasi Gioachino Lanzi and Angela Zalapi (1980), the ancient Greek and Roman doors were either single doors, double doors, sliding doors or

folding doors, in the last case the leaves were hinged and folded back. In Eumachia, is a painting of a door with three leaves. In the tomb of thereon at agrigentum there is a single four-panel door carved in stone. Kostoff, spiro (1989) says; in the church of SS Cosmas and Damiano in Rome, are important examples of roman metal work of the best period; they are in two leaves, each with two panels, and are framed in bronze. Those of the pantheon are similar in design, with narrow horizontal panels in addition, at the top-bottom and middle. Two other bronze doors of the Roman period are in the Lateran Basilica. Rybezynski withhold in (1995) held that, of the 11th and 12th centuries there are the numerous examples of bronze doors, the earliest being the one designed at Hildesheim on Germany in the year (1015) of others in south Italy and Sicily, the following are the finest: in Sant Andrea, Amalfi (1060): Salerno (1099); Canosa (1111); Troia, two doors (1119 and 11224); Ravello (1179), by Barisano of Trani, who also made doors for Trani cathedral; and in Monreale and Pisa cathedrals, by Bonano of Pisa. OGorman James (1986) posited that the exact period when the hinge was substituted is not quite known, but the change i.e. the introduction of the hinge to doors brought about another method of strengthening and decorating doors, with the wrought iron bands of infinite varieties of design. As a rule three bands from which the ornamental work springs constitute the hinges, which have rings outside the hanging stiles fitting on to vertical tenons run into the masonry or wooden frame. There is an early example of the 12th century in Lincoln; in France the metal work of the doors of Notre Dame at Paris is perhaps the most beautiful in execution, but examples are endless throughout France and England.

In the renaissance period, the Italian doors were quite simple, their architects trusting more to the doorways for effects; but in France and Germany the case was contrary. The French and the Germans made sure their doors were elaborately carved, especially in the era of Louis XIV and Louis XV periods, and sometimes with architectural features such as columns and entablatures with pediment and niches, the doorway being in plain masonry. While in Italy, the tendency was to give scale by increasing the number of panels. The French made one of the greatest doors at that time which was called the door of Fontainebleau, which is in two leaves, is entirely carried out as if consisting of one great panel only. In England in the 17th century the door panels raised with projecting modules or bolection sometimes richly carved round them; Also, in the 18th century the moldings worked on the stiles and rails were carved with the egg and tongue ornament. According to Gerchenfeld, Neil A.(1989), in the 20th century, Stack Jurgen invented an electromechanical operated door having a control and regulation system. The door was driven by an electric motor and sensors controlling the movement of the door. The control and regulation system of the door was equipped with a microprocessor control and provided for signal and command processing. The design is relevant to both the mechanical and electrical design of the thesis project, which gives idea of the whole system design. 2.2 ORIGIN OF COMPUTERIZED DOORS

The first case of the authorized automatic door opener was registered in the late 60s. One day in the late 60s a quadriplegic asked an engineer friend of his to modify his van so he might be able to drive it. The engineer went to

work on the request and successfully converted the van so his friend could safely drive himself. The friend was so pleased at his newly founded independence that he asked if it was possible to design a unit to automatically open and close the door to his house- and the result was the computerized door opener, designed by Stark Jurgen of Power Access Inc.USA, installed in 1967 in Denver, Colorado USA.

2.3 History Of Biometric Doors

Bimetric Door Locks Over time the particular advancement associated with doorway and locking mechanism security may be enhanced thanks to advances inside engineering. Criminals as well as criminals constantly reckon of fresh ways to penetrate a home or perhaps a building. You must stay updated using the most recent security breakthroughs unless you want to turn out to be vulnerable to unwanted site visitors. Instead of using a standard locking mechanism and key, everybody is today promoting digital front door locks. Its not necessary an vital to penetrate or depart your home if you are using this type of lock. An electronic digital doorway locking mechanism simply needs a PIN program code, a digital vital, the smack card, or perhaps a handheld diffident control. You can use this door freeze the house or perhaps a industrial making. That way, its not necessary to worry about bringing or losing the tips any longer. The obvious advantage of electronic digital door hair is that you could limit the folks that get into your home with no actual vital. You are able to find the few public that will get access to a pin number or perhaps key greeting card thus they will be the sole types who are able to get into, for instance family members and even reliable friends. Digital locking mechanism is such well loved inside a business setting because only the workers as well as staff may penetrate in the constructing. In draw a distinction to the original crucial, you cannot effortlessly copy a key greeting card. Some electronic tresses likewise use fiddle with prints which are extremely hard to copy.

A few years ago it had been routine to need to constantly make sure the doors after youve locked them with the tips each time you would certainly go out. Thanks to the engineering of electronic digital doorway locks now this is not the case because as soon when you abandon and also close the door, digital locking mechanism straight away protects everything. The doorway may also unlock automatically when youre using the lock from inside. Failing to remember the keys is one area of history. What are the results during a strength disappointment? Are you able to nonetheless penetrate and exit? Electronic digital doorway tresses are always equipped with battery power back-up so you can still use it even when there exists a energy interruption. The machine will certainly alarm if it is time for you to replace it. Putting in an electronic door secure will certainly intimidate a potential robber or thief. Just the view than it will be passable to decrease the particular sly felony to reckon two times regarding entering your house or perhaps headquarters. Some of the high end tresses are designed to say you if someone else is attempting to eliminate the actual lock and obtain inside your home with out your acceptance. If you use a PIN to go in your material goods, the particular secure will burglar alarm in the consequence the not authorized particular self inputs the incorrect mixture for any particular variety of instances previously. Numerous designs even have a security function so that if you are incapable of all of a swift open your lock they may be built with a mechanical crucial override. There are many kinds of electronic doorway hair. The most typical is the digital papan ketik secure, helping to make usage of any code or even mixture. You may also make use of digital vital credit card locks, which can be well-liked in business structures. Ultimately, the biometric door hair awards access via fiddle with print recognition. This really is one of the most protected options since each self features a unique fingerprint. A possible problem using this is that you need to media your hand correctly so the biometrics can read your fiddle with marks. So if you are focused on price, dont be concerned. The digital doorway locking mechanism just isnt costly and you certainly will not repent setting up one out of your house. Having its aid, your house would have been a safer place to are now living in. A fingerprint lock works by scanning your fingerprint to identify its unique structure. If it matches a print which has already been programmed into the lock, access is granted in a matter of seconds. Biometric fingerprint locks of this nature require a power source, usually batteries such as AA or 9V.

Fingerprint locks offer more reliable security over traditional keyed locks; keys can be used by anyone and are small enough to be lost. Neither is right for fingerprints, which are completely unique and require a permitted self to be present to open a lock. If you want several public (perhaps your family members and a trusted supporter, in case of emergency) to have access to your home, manifold keys are required. With a fingerprint door locks, you can program manifold users into your biometric lock (renowned as enrolling). A biometric lock can replace keypads in the headquarters as well.



Access control is the ability to permit or deny the use of a particular resource, by a particular entity. Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources(such as a movie theatre, to bank account, with a limited number of people authorized to make a withdrawal),or digital resources(for example, a private text document on a computer, which only certain users should be able to read)



This uses computer to solve the limitations of mechanical locks and keys. A wide range of credentials can be used to replace mechanical keys. The electronic access control system grants access based on the credential presented. When access is granted, the door is unlocked for a predetermined time and the

transaction is recorded. When access is recorded refused, the door remains locked and attempted access is recorded. The system will also monitor the door and alarm, if the door is forced open, or held open too long after being unlocked. 2.6 ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATION

When a credential is presented to a reader sends the credentials information, usually a number, to a control panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compares the credentials number to an access control list, grants or denied based on access control list, the door remains locked. If there is a match between the credential and the access control list, the control panel operates a relay that in turn, unlocks the door. The control panel also ignores a door signal to prevent an alarm. Often, the reader provides feedback such as a flashing red LED for an access denied, and a flashing green LED for an access granted. 2.7 CONTROL SOFTWARE The control software is a window program that may be installed on any computer on the premises protected by the Access control system. It is used by administrators to control various the features of the pass point Access control system database. These features include; Designating what time schedule each or a group of cardholders will be allowed access to the premises or protected areas within Keeping a permanent time record of all persons entering protected areas Automatically unlocking specified areas at specified times

Disabling access permission to a specific card should it become lost or due to revocation of the cardholders privilege


various levels of administration, password protected, to

control what administrating privileges are granted to each 2.8 COMPONENTS OF AN ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM

Every access control system centers on the need to control individual ability to gain access or egress through an entryway. An entryway may be an employee entrance, parking gate, garage door, loading dock or any such barrier that can be secured. The main parts of an access control system are as follows: Electro-Mechanically Controlled Locking Hardware Magnetic Lock o Electric Strike o Electric Lock-Set Access Credentials Encoded Access Card Personal Identification Number (PIN) Biometric Attribute Reading Device Card Reader Keypad Biometric Verification Station Electronically-Based, Decision-Making Processor


Main Processor (Controller) Application Software Interface With PC and other Peripheral Equipment.





Systems analysis is the detailed study of a systems operation. This is normally done to discover most problems associated with such system understudy. However, the principal aim of system analysis to ensure proper execution of the right decision taken. Hence, systems analysis is to ensure and reveal major problem areas that should be discarded. But once the basic operations that generated poor performance in the

system are determined, the tendency that the new system will produce the same problem is highly reduced or minimized tremendously. System analysis is conducted with the following objectives in mind; I. II. III. IV. Identify the user needs. Evaluate the system concept for feasibility. Perform economic and technical analysis. Allocate functions to hardware, software, people, database and other system elements. V. Create a system definition that forms the foundation for all subsequent engineering work.



The main reason for all analyses is to find what information the system should manage, what fact to find and search for, how to find them, and how to record them for usage. However, to execute these objectives, Structure Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) was used. SSADM is an internationally accepted software engineering model. The various steps involved in the model are as follows: I. II. Problem Identification. Feasibility Study.


System Analysis. System Design. Program Coding. Program Testing. System Implementation. Program Maintenance, and Documentation.




It was these problems identified the researcher to develop an enhanced and more active system to overcome the shortcomings and drawbacks of the present system. Hence, in identifying these problems, the researcher was able to clarify the new systems objectives and users, desired output, desired inputs and desired processing.



During the process, investigations were thoroughly made in order to develop the new system in sufficient depth. This done to enable the proposed system to provide information that can justify its implementation, hence deciding if the new system is feasible within the present budget.

However, the methods of data collection used in the course of finding the new systems feasibility include; I. II. III. Oral interview Website research Library research.



The requirements were analyzed and presented in the form of the specifications document the functionalities and capabilities of the product. This is also known as the specification phase. The activity procedure is systematic and was presented using Gane and Sarsan approach for flow of logical data. 3.1.4 SYSTEM DESIGN.

The specifications of the proposed system underwent two consecutive designs. Architectural design and Detailed design processes. Architectural design process allows the entire program to be broken down into components called modules. Then, each of these modules in turn are designed, this is the detailed design. These two resulting design documents describe how the product performs its operations. Under the architecture, the High Level Model (HLM) was built around the Visual Basic programming software which has objects as the front end and a database as its back end.




The logical requirements from flowcharts drawn from the proposed system were translated into programming i.e. numbers, letters, and symbols that make up the program source code. To do this effectively, Visual Basic.Net was selected as an appropriated programming language because of the objects implemented in the proposed system.



After coding the program, alpha testing method which involves desk checking and debugging of the new program was used to ensure that the program source codes were free of errors. This is followed by beta testing method, in which real world data are used to ensure the stability of the new system, and to ensure that the expected outputs from the program are accurately achieved. Testing involves running each module of the program with a few data in order to detect any syntax, runtime or logical errors.



This is also known as programming-in-the-many. During this phase, the researcher was able to document the users training and instructions on the changes the new system will introduce in the area of information management and decision making.




The enhancement maintenance (software update) was used in the system. It consists of changes to the specifications and the implementation of these changes. This could be done either in each form or through the database.



This was designed to fulfill the following basic functions; I. II. To enable a user operate the program correctly, and To enable another person to understand the program so that it may be

modified or corrected by another person, if necessary.



There are basically two major sources used in collection of data for this project work. They are; I. II. Primary sources of data. Secondary sources of data. PRIMARY SOURCES OF DATA.



The primary data were collected through personal contacts and discussions with one of the managers Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Abuja. An oral interview was equally conducted with several security personnel at the office. 3.2.2 SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA.

The secondary data were obtained from relevant books in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical / Electronic textbooks, internet. 3.3 ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM.

In the existing system, security personnel are placed at the entrance and exits in order to open and close the doors. They ensure that only authorized persons enter the restricted areas. People can only gain access into these areas if they show proof if authorization, like possession of identity cards, e.t.c. Once a person comes, the security personnel check the persons identity. If authorized to gain entry, the person is allowed. Access is denied if the person does not meet with the criteria for entry. 3.3.1 PROBLEMS OF THE EXISTING STSTEM.

The existing system has the following problems;


Access can be granted to the wrong person, probably as a result of wrong identification.


The security personnel could be disarmed by an intruder. Access can not be gained in absence of the security person in charge of keys.



The security worker could deliberately aid an unauthorized Person\ to gain entrance.








This shows the program structure of the proposed solution, represented in a topmodule specification.





4.1 OBJECTIVE OF DESIGN There are a lot of problem in the present method with which different organization or companies check in people into the restricted areas, some companies biometric measurements are taken from the fingers of the guests to ensure that the persons ticket is used by the same person from day to day but in this study we are also using finger print that why our objective of embarking on this study is to help solve some of these problems and make security more tighter by the help of Finger Print controlled door. Some of our aims of achievement include the following. The objectives include the following:

Finger Print scan provide restricted access to certain areas in the organization. Finger Print scan make sure that only the authorized persons gain access into the company. To reduce cost of employing workers who will always keep watch at the door. To improve the level of security.

4.2 MAIN MENU The main menu which is the control centre of the software is a unit of modules and sub modules of the system. All the modules and sub modules to be executed pops out from main menu and thus main menu remain functional for other modules and sub modules to be invoked.

Door Security System Access Authentication Fingerprint Verification Entrance Acceptance Checkout Security Log Records Help Access Management Registratio n 22



Field id lname fname bdate country gender civilstatus contact fingerprint

Type AUTONUMBER Text(42) Text (42) Text (25) Text (42) Text (6) Text (11) Text (42) Text (35)

Null Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Fig. 4.1 Main Menu Structure For Proposed System

4.3 DATABASE SPECIFICATION In the design of the new proposed system, Fingerprint Security Door System, different data and information are specified or will be provided which requires storage in database. The database was designed using Microsoft Access Database to enable across the network data transaction. Different tables and fields were structure suit different purpose of the system. The tables and fields structure is as follow: 1. db.profile


2. db.users

Field id uname Pword Fname

Type Autonumber Text (35) Text (35) Text (35)

Null Yes Yes Yes Yes


3. db.chkinlog
Field id uid rtime rdate status Type Autonumber Number Datetime Datetime Number Null No No Default 0

4. db.chkoutlog





id uid rtime rdate status

Autonumber Number Datetime Datetime Number

No No

4.4 PROGRAM SPECIFICATION The proposed system was design with different modules and sub modules integrated together to produce the desired system. The modules and sub modules are as follow: A. Access management

Login: Login module is used in securing user access to the modular system.

B. Registration:


Registration module is used in open a new account for access users. This is where the bio information about the access user is collected and the creation of fingerprint authentication record. C. Users: Users module is used in creating new users access to the Access Management system module. D. Security Log: This module keeps log every access authentication both attempted and successful authentication. E. Records: This module keeps record of every individual access F. Access Authentication 1. Fingerprint Verification: This module verifies the fingerprint of

access and match it the ones in the database 2. Entrance Acceptance: This module is used to confirm entrance

of the person after verification 3. Checkout: this module is used to checkout when leaving the


4.5 INPUT SPECIFICATION The input specification for the proposed system is as follow:

A. Access Management 1. Profile

Last Name: First Name: Birth Date: Country: Gender: Marital: Contact:

2. Fingerprint Enrollment

Fingerprint scanner readings Fingerprint Image

Scanning template number {0}

Close 27

3. Users
Username: Password: Confirm Password:

4.5 OUTPUT SPECIFICATION The output specification of the proposed system will comprise both a single record and bulk record which will be check of balance and displaying customers and users list. 1. Profile List
ID Name Birth date Country Gender Marital Status Contact

2. Security Log
Log ID Name Check in Time Check in Date Check Out Time Check Out Date Status

3. Records

Full Name: Date Check in Time Check Out Time Status



Signal to Door Access User Enrollme nt

Door Signal Authenticatio n Access User Verificatio n

Door Security Management System

Saving Data

Retrieve 29

Data Storage

Star t


Authenticatio n flowchart is common

type of chart that represents and algorithm or process

Is Access Management

showing the flow of controls.

Scan fingerprint for verification A

Matching scanned fingerprint with record

Did fingerprint match any record?

Error message

Send signal to door 30 Stop


Enter profile details

Process data and save to storage


Scan fingerprint for enrollment

Save fingerprint template



Enter username & password

Verify login details

Is Login true?

Is Users?


Is Registration?


Is Security log?


Is Record?

Ad 32



Enter user login details

Process data and save to storage



Retrieve access log records for the day

List logs


Retrieve access records for an individual

33 List records


5.1 INTRODUCTION System implementation and documentation are introduced after the codes are being translated, since it is designed through a set of programs which are written in some executable programming language. Modification and understanding of the software by the user and to make the software run efficiently and error free, the designer makes sure using the software maintenance details hardware and software requirement and modification details are well specified. 5.2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT

5.2.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS These components are physical part of the computer system needed for efficient functioning of the software. a. Power surge protector b. Stabilizer c. Uninterrupted power supply(UPS) d. Monitor e. Mouse f. Keyboard g. System Unit h. 512MB RAM i. CD-ROM drive j. 60GBhard drive k. Pentium 1V 2.4GHz OR Higher l. Floppy disk drive m. Compatible Printer

5.2.2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For running of the software efficiently and effectively, the following must be installed in the computer system a. Microsoft windows most be installed b. .Net Framework 2.5 sp1 c. .Net Framework 3.5 5.2.3 HOW TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE

Insert the disk plate in a disk drive, and then go my computer. Right click on the disk drive icon and select open. The run the setup application and follow the instructions 5.3 TRAINING OF OPERATIONS AND APPLICATION DETAIL 5.3.1 USERS GUIDE How to Run the Program Power on the system; wait for the system to boot up and complete loading. When that is done; i. Insert the CD containing the on a CD drive. ii. Right click on my computer icon on the desktop. iii. Select Open. iv. Double click on the CD drive containing the software v. Double click on the setup Icon

Then follow the instructions

5.3.2 APPLICATION DETAILS On the Main menu, to access any of the Submenu select the Menu from the Main menu, then select the Submenu of choice, For example; File, Marketer, Product, Transactions, Records, Tools and Help. 5.4 IMPLEMENTATION DETAIL 5.4.1 PROGRAM TESTING


Program testing is a process of running a program on a selected input to ensure proper reliability and accuracy of the output. In some cases, incorrect data may be used as input to check how the system will respond. 5.4.2 DEBUGGING This is the process of eliminating the errors or malfunctioning part that occurred during testing. The error might be a syntax or logical. 5.4.3 THE TESTING PROCEDURE The test procure refers to the procedure meant for testing. There are two methods for testing namely: Bottom up testing (which is used for the Implementation) and Top down testing (which is used for the design of the program). a) Bottom up testing- this testing starts from the unit, it proceeds with the modules, then the subsystem and then finally the system. b) Top down testing- this testing starts from the system, proceeds with the subsystem, the modules and then the unit 5.4.4 FILE CONVERSION In the system development, file conversion is a major part, also it involves fact finding, data capturing, clerical procedure, design and even program specification. It means the conversion of existing manual records, into a medium used by the computer. This may involve the appropriate computer medium. Once fie has been created, extensive checking for accuracy becomes essential otherwise problem may occur when the system becomes operational. 5.4.5 CHANGEOVER PROCEDURES

This process changes from manual system to computerized system. These are method of changing over. They include:a)

Direct change over: this is a method that involves the system been completely replaced by the new system in such that; there is an immediate changeover. Program corrections are difficult while the new system has to remain operational. Parallel change over: this method involves both the manual and the computerized system. They are operated concurrently for sufficiently long period and their output compared periodically. The old system is discontinued if the new system performs according to expectation. It has the new system to fall back on in case the new system fails and the disadvantage is the cost of which will achieve similar results. Phase change over: in phase change over, the change start with a branch, the effect of the new system in the sampled branch is observed before some other section which may be more sensitive can adopt the new system. Pilot change over: in this method, some transactions that are very complex are operated using parallel change over and in the remaining section of the existing system, direct change over is used. The researcher recommends the parallel changeover to avoid drastic problems that may arise due to failure of a newly developed system.




Therefore, parallel change over is recommended for this work. 5.5 COMMISSIONING In order to make the system operational, the following steps have to be considered; Obtain and install the hardware requirement. Obtain and install the software requirement

Obtain and install anti-virus/utility software (which should be frequently updated in order to remain active). The new system is installed and ready for use.

CHAPTER SIX SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION 6.0 SUMMARY This project entails the critical analysis of a security system in which access could be gained illicitly, owing the systems inefficacies. After a thorough analysis of the existing system, a computer controlled door using finger print, specially made to highly restrict access was successfully designed. new system is to implemented, taking into consideration the various hardware and software required. If used impeccably,

according to the documented usage instructions, the system enables restricted access to special offices and at the same time eliminates the requirements of a door control manager.


CONCLUSION Information technology is the order of the day, with its applications spanning across virtually all the fields of endeavours, Since its inception, IT has vehemently stamped a convincing proof of its reliability, speed and at most, optimum performance. With this, it is highly recommendable to computerize access control, considering the facts that computer systems have proved to be consistent, accurate, reliable, effective and most of all, unbiased.


RECOMENDATIONS The following recommendation should be considered for successful implementation of the new system, and to enable the achievements of its design objectives. 1. Restriction to the site of the system

This limits the number of personnel that gain entrance into the areas where the system is installed. This helps to eliminate the problem of gradual vandalization of the system components, by possible adversaries within.

2. Safeguarding of password Passwords are to be issued to the various authorized administrators in confidence and in the total absence of outsiders. Afterwards, it is the duty of the administrator to report to the authorities, any suspicions of unauthorized persons, unduly in possession of a password. 3. Conducive environment for the system The system being computer based, should be installed in a conducive, well air-conditioned ,dust-free environment. Its location should also have constant electric supply,for its proper functioning.


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Source Code
Profile Module Delegate Sub FunctionCall(ByVal param)

Public Class profile Dim Enroller As New EnrollmentForm()

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If txtcontact.Text = "" Or txtcountry.Text = "" Or txtfname.Text = "" Or txtlname.Text = "" Or cbogender.Text = "" Or cbomarital.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please fill the blank spaces", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, AD)


Exit Sub End If AddHandler Enroller.OnTemplate, AddressOf OnTemplate Enroller.ShowDialog() End Sub

Private Sub SplitContainer1_Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles SplitContainer1.Panel1.Paint

End Sub Private Sub insertdata() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim sql As String

sql = "select * from profile" rs.Open(sql, cn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) rs.AddNew() rs.Fields(1).Value = txtlname.Text rs.Fields(2).Value = txtfname.Text rs.Fields(3).Value = dtbdate.Value.ToLongDateString rs.Fields(4).Value = txtcountry.Text

rs.Fields(5).Value = cbogender.Text rs.Fields(6).Value = cbomarital.Text rs.Fields(7).Value = txtcontact.Text rs.Fields(8).Value = filename rs.Update() rs.Close() rs = Nothing txtcontact.Clear() txtcountry.Clear() txtfname.Clear() txtlname.Clear()

End Sub Dim filename As String Private Function genfilename() Randomize() Dim str As String For i = 1 To 7 str &= CStr(CInt(Rnd() * 9)) Next Return str End Function Private Sub OnTemplate(ByVal template)

Invoke(New FunctionCall(AddressOf _OnTemplate), template)

End Sub Private Sub _OnTemplate(ByVal template) Me.Template = template 'VerifyButton.Enabled = (Not template Is Nothing) 'SaveButton.Enabled = (Not template Is Nothing) If Not template Is Nothing Then ' MessageBox.Show("The fingerprint template is ready for fingerprint verification.", "Fingerprint Enrollment") filename = genfilename() + ".fpt" Dim filepath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\data\" & filename Using fs As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Open(filepath, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write) template.Serialize(fs) End Using insertdata()

Else MessageBox.Show("The fingerprint template is not valid. Repeat fingerprint enrollment.", "Fingerprint Enrollment") End If End Sub


Private Template As DPFP.Template End Class

Data Connection Module Imports ADODB Module ODBC Public cn As ADODB.Connection ' Public Const AD = "Banking Software" Dim DBstring As String Public Uname As String Public Const AD = "Fingerprint Door Security System" Public Function AdoConnect() As Boolean cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient cn.ConnectionString = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\db.mdb" cn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" cn.Open() End Function Public Sub textClear(ByVal frm As Form)

'For Each ctl As Control In frm.Controls


' If ctl Is TextBox.Then Then ' ctl.Text = ""

' End If


End Sub

End Module

Fingerprint enrollment capture module ' NOTE: This form is inherited from the CaptureForm, ' so the VisualStudio Form Designer may not load this properly ' (at least until you build the project). ' If you want to make changes in the form layout - do it in the base CaptureForm. ' All changes in the CaptureForm will be reflected in all derived forms ' (i.e. in the EnrollmentForm and in the VerificationForm)

Public Class EnrollmentForm Inherits CaptureForm


Public Event OnTemplate(ByVal template)

Private Enroller As DPFP.Processing.Enrollment

Protected Overrides Sub Init() MyBase.Init() MyBase.Text = "Fingerprint Enrollment" Enroller = New DPFP.Processing.Enrollment() UpdateStatus() End Sub ' Create an enrollment.

Protected Overrides Sub Process(ByVal Sample As DPFP.Sample) MyBase.Process(Sample)

' Process the sample and create a feature set for the enrollment purpose. Dim features As DPFP.FeatureSet = ExtractFeatures(Sample, DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose.Enrollment)

' Check quality of the sample and add to enroller if it's good If (Not features Is Nothing) Then Try MakeReport("The fingerprint feature set was created.") Enroller.AddFeatures(features) ' Add feature set to template.

Finally UpdateStatus()

' Check if template has been created. Select Case Enroller.TemplateStatus Case DPFP.Processing.Enrollment.Status.Ready capturing RaiseEvent OnTemplate(Enroller.Template) SetPrompt("Please Click Close button") StopCapture() CloseForm() Case DPFP.Processing.Enrollment.Status.Failed ' Report failure and restart capturing Enroller.Clear() StopCapture() RaiseEvent OnTemplate(Nothing) StartCapture() ' Report success and stop

End Select End Try End If End Sub


Protected Sub UpdateStatus() ' Show number of samples needed. SetStatus(String.Format("Fingerprint samples needed: {0}", Enroller.FeaturesNeeded)) End Sub

End Class

Login Module

Public Class login

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If txtpword.Text = "" Or txtuname.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please fill the blank space", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, AD) Exit Sub End If Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim sql As String


sql = "select * from users where uname='" & txtuname.Text & "' and pword='" & txtpword.Text & "'" rs.Open(sql, cn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) If rs.EOF = True Then MsgBox("Sorry Login is not successful,please your login details", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, AD) Else mainfrm.lbluser.Text = rs.Fields(3).Value mainfrm.TopMost = False Me.Close() End If rs.Close() rs = Nothing End Sub


Private Sub login_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AdoConnect()

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click On Error Resume Next Application.Exit() End Sub End Class

Verification module


Imports System.Windows.Forms.Control Public Class verify Private Template As DPFP.Template Private Verificator As DPFP.Verification.Verification

Private Sub OnTemplate(ByVal template, ByVal filename) Me.Template = template 'VerifyButton.Enabled = (Not template Is Nothing) 'SaveButton.Enabled = (Not template Is Nothing) If Not template Is Nothing Then ' MessageBox.Show("The fingerprint template is ready for fingerprint verification.", "Fingerprint Enrollment")

Dim filepath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\data\" & filename Using fs As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Open(filepath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read) template.Serialize(fs) End Using


Else MessageBox.Show("The fingerprint template is not valid. Repeat fingerprint enrollment.", "Fingerprint Enrollment") End If End Sub Protected Sub Process(ByVal Sample As DPFP.Sample) ' Process the sample and create a feature set for the enrollment purpose. Dim features As DPFP.FeatureSet = ExtractFeatures(Sample, DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose.Verification)

' Check quality of the sample and start verification if it's good If Not features Is Nothing Then ' Compare the feature set with our template Dim result As DPFP.Verification.Verification.Result = New DPFP.Verification.Verification.Result() Verificator.Verify(features, Template, result) 'UpdateStatus(result.FARAchieved) If result.Verified Then 'MakeReport("The fingerprint was VERIFIED.")

Else 'MakeReport("The fingerprint was NOT VERIFIED.") End If End If End Sub Protected Function ExtractFeatures(ByVal Sample As DPFP.Sample, ByVal Purpose As DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose) As DPFP.FeatureSet Dim extractor As New DPFP.Processing.FeatureExtraction() feature extractor Dim feedback As DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback = DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.None Dim features As New DPFP.FeatureSet() extractor.CreateFeatureSet(Sample, Purpose, feedback, features) ' TODO: return features as a result? If (feedback = DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.Good) Then Return features Else Return Nothing End If End Function End Class ' Create a





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