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Name of the Course: Course Number: Course Instructor:

1. Course content a) b) c) d) can be covered in one semester too much to be adequately covered in one semester not enough for one semester difficult to comment

2. Relevance of the course in the overall structure of the study a) b) c) d) very relevant reasonably relevant not at all relevant difficult to comment

3. Overlap with other courses a) b) c) d) no overlap some overlap repetition of several topics difficult to comment

4. Recommended reading material for the course a) b) c) d) adequate and relevant to some extent adequate and relevant mostly inadequate cannot comment

5. Organization of Lectures a) b) c) d) well organized usually well organized not organized difficult to comment

6. Reception of lectures a) can easily follow b) can follow to a large extent

2 c) difficult to follow the language d) difficult to comment 7. Control and focus of lectures a) b) c) d) always controlled and focused sometimes strays from the main theme often stray from the main theme difficult to comment

8. Your attitude towards lectures a) b) c) d) would not like to miss the lectures sometimes like to abstain from the lectures can manage without lectures no comment

9. Suitability of assignments/tests a) b) c) d) given clearly and is related to class work sometimes unrelated to class work usually related to class work difficult to comment

10. Evaluation of assignments/tests a) b) c) d) objective objective to a large extent not objective difficult to say

11. Accessibility of the teacher a) b) c) d) easily accessible sometimes accessible not accessible no comments

12. Your participation in classroom discussions a) b) c) d) often participate sometimes participate do not participate not allowed to participate

13. Your performance in the previous semester a) b) c) d) above 75% between 60 to 75% between 40 to 60% no comments

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