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Must Know GRE Wordlist 299
abate aberrant abscond accolade acerbic acumen adulation adulterate aesthetic aggrandize alacrity alchemy amalgamate ameliorate amenable anachronism anomaly approbation archaic arduous ascetic assuage astringent audacious austere avarice aver axiom bolster bombast bombastic bucolic burgeon cacophony credulous culpable cynicism dearth decorum demur derision desiccate diatribe didactic dilettante disabuse discordant discretion disinterested disparage disparate dissemble divulge dogmatic ebullience eccentric eclectic effrontery elegy eloquent emollient empirical endemic enervate enigmatic ennui ephemeral equivocate fulminate mendacity furtive mercurial garrulous meticulous germane misanthrope glib mitigate grandiloquence mollify gregarious morose hackneyed mundane halcyon nebulous harangue neologism hedonism neophyte hegemony noxious heretical obdurate hubris obfuscate hyperbole obsequious iconoclast obstinate idolatrous obtuse imminent obviate immutable occlude impassive odious impecunious onerous imperturbable opaque impetuous opprobrium implacable oscillation impunity ostentatious inchoate paean incipient parody indifferent pedagogy inert pedantic infelicitous penurious ingenuous penury inimical perennial innocuous perfidy insipid perfunctory pragmatic prattle precipitate precursor predilection preen prescience presumptuous prevaricate pristine probity proclivity prodigal prodigious profligate profuse proliferate prolific propensity prosaic pungent putrefy quaff qualm querulous query quiescence quixotic quotidian rancorous rarefy recalcitrant recant recondite solvent soporific sordid sparse specious spendthrift sporadic spurious squalid squander static stoic stupefy stymie subpoena subtle succinct superfluous supplant surfeit synthesis tacit tenacity terse tirade torpid torque tortuous tout transient trenchant truculent ubiquitous unfeigned

canon canonical capricious castigation catalyst caustic censure chary chicanery cogent complaisance connoisseur contentious contrite convention convoluted

erudite esoteric eulogy evanescent exacerbate exculpate exigent exonerate extemporaneous facetious fallacy fawn fervent filibuster flout fortuitous

intractable intransigent intrepid inured inveigle irascible laconic laud loquacious lucid luminous magnanimity malevolent malleable martial maverick

pernicious perspicacious peruse pervade pervasive phlegmatic pine pious pirate pith pithy placate platitude plethora plummet polemical

redoubtable refulgent refute relegate renege repudiate rescind reticent reverent rhetoric salubrious sanction satire sedulous shard solicitous

untenable urbane vacillate variegated veracity vexation vigilant vilify virulent viscous vituperate volatile voracious waver zealous
Note There is no guarantee that words listed here will appear in GRE. You can use the words above as reference to improve your GRE Exam Verbal Skills. Words were collected using the information available in online community and forums. Couple of students got many words from above list in actual GRE Exam. Good Luck with your exams.

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