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Co-curricular Project
Starts TODAY (21 Feb 2012) Team of 4 or 5 Choose any India company & products Choose a country for launch
> Highlight the Culture, economy, political & legal scenario > Highlight the pitfalls & what you will leverage

Identify countrys trade barriers, treaties, subsidies

Co-curricular Project
Strategic Planning exercise
> Potential & Demand Forecasting > Organization planning market entry, partnerships, organization structure > Competitive drivers

> Secondary data > Primary research what, how

Identify the buyer behavior, decision drivers Prepare the Segmentation Plan Estimate the Value Proposition

Gurudas Nulkar


Co-curricular Project
Prepare a Resources Plan
> HR, network, infrastructure, IT, external & internal partners

Address the Marketing mix

> Product attributes, range, branding > Place distribution network > Price competitive pricing, value aspects. Customs structure, distribution margins > Promotion Strategies media habits, direct marketing

Identify the Key Success Factors for the chosen segment

Co-curricular Project
Supply chain Planning
> Local raw materials, logistics, (This is optional, you may choose not to address Supply Chain in detail)

Gurudas Nulkar


Project Submission
Submit a WORD PDF report deadline before the last 4 sessions Prepare & present a PPT of max 15 slides to cover your report 20 minutes incl Q&A Marks 50

I doze off in the first 2 minutes of a drab presentation be warned.

Make the presentation interesting! Use props, show actual products modifications, use a lot of keep me awake

Gurudas Nulkar

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