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Region Council Rep Notes..

March 2012

Local Reports- Skipped

UniServ Director-Naomi Sheperd o Topic: Dismissal and Resignation Decisions If you resign you will NOT get unemployement benefits.

o You may think it would be better to resign before retiring but you lose unemployment benefits. o Most applications now have this question on the applications that you must answer truthfully for legal purposes, Have you ever resigned from a position in place of termination? o Districts should look into Certification changing to Licenses. July 2013 certification will change to licensing: ESPs will be hit with a license fee too.

IEA Retired-Kay Acklin Information for IEA- Retired and sent to those retiring.

GPA Report (from Rainy) Back Home Lobby Days Jake will be letting us know about this soon.

Primaries are over so pensions will be an issue again so get ready for calls to action. Region Chair Report-Rainy Kaplan IEA RA wrap up- Dues will be going up $10.00 IPACE and $ 10.00 for Pension related awareness (advertisements, announcements, etc.) o o StalwartBecky Foelmer and Karin Snodgrass Kay Acklin our Region Stalwart recipient. Please get orders in on time Election Report- We didnt run an ethnic minority electionoops

In Nov. 2012 they will hold this election to save on mailing and ballots.

State ballot recommendations for ethnic minority: Rachel Martin for esp and April Veal of Westmont Summer recommendation hearings- Every election we must have recommendation hearings. o o o June 11-13 at Lombard office they will have them all day and all at once. Anyone interested? Food provided. You will be recommending who IEA endorses in political elections. Licensure updates---Rainy will sendI will double check my email too. Summer Leadership sign up available online-sign up now for discounted rate!!!

Calendar Updates: 4/11 Region Council 4/16 Stalwart Checks Due 4/19 DuPace 4/25 Stalwart Banquet 5/15 Presidents Roundtable 6/11-13 Recommedation meetings 6/18 Delegate briefing 7/24-27 SLA 8/2 Membership Mania 8/6-7 Presidents Retreat

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