Ccea Minutes 3-16-12

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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes March 16, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Andrea Conley, Terri Smeltzer, Jacob Little, Annie Enzbigilis, Mark Safranski, Joy DeFors, Erika Myers, Janet Oliver, Karen Onorato I. Approval minutes from January meeting II. Annie motioned to approve the minutes, Joy seconded the motion. The February minutes were approved Treasurers Report III. There are no changes to the treasurers report. Andrea motioned to approve the minutes. Jake seconded the motion. The Treasurers report was approved. Positives/Concerns Ide -There is a concern over the summer curriculum work counting for 1.6 hours of credit. Can we add to it and make it 2 hours? -There is a concern on how report cards next year will be handled. When will we know how many? Prarieview +Sue Hagansee is meeting with people regarding the new IMC position and what teachers would like -Outdoor recess and having to avoid areas due to new grass -Concern over teacher input with the superintendent search. -Summer curriculum work and pay Lakeview -There is a teacher concern over the summer curriculum work (feeling required to go and amount of pay) IV. Regional Council Report See March minutes Stalward award dinner is April 25th. Suggested that Becky Foellmer and Karin Snodgrass be recognized for their work with negotiations. V. Adjournment Andrea motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 a.m. V. Presidents Report

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