Roles of Children (Humanities Project)

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Roles of children Children are showered with loving attention from the moment they are born.

Babies and children are cause for many celebrations within the Balinese culture, with many of their milestones celebrated by all.

The first year of a baby's life is filled with rituals, community feasting and prayers for strength and good health for the baby. A cloth sling attached to the front or back of the mother, aunties or older sisters is home for Balinese babies during this first year. The education system in Indonesia is based on the Dutch model. Education has improved since Independence in 1945. Girls and boys must attend six years of compulsory primary school.

Secondary schools are not found in as many places as primary schools, which makes it more difficult for students to continue their education, especially if their family is poor or they live far away. Many Balinese children have other responsibilities away from school. Children from poorer farming families will often be needed to help with the farm and for this reason may barely attend school Boys and girls also have different responsibilities within the family unit. Girls and boys are separated and they each learn different duties. Boys, especially first sons, are often encouraged to follow in their father's footsteps and earn money to support their family

Girls learn much from their mothers and become a great help in running the home. They must learn the skills associated with ceremonies, house cleaning and preparing and carrying offerings to the gods and spirits.

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