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Am I Alive?

ES1 Stage 1
Students will explore different living things, their needs and their life cycles

Outcomes and Indicators

INVS1.7: Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data and suggesting possible explanations. Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment Observes, asks questions and predicts how plants and animals grow and change e.g. looking at life cycles. DMS.18: Develops And implements own design ideas in response to an investigation of needs and wants. Draws and labels life cycles of different plants and animals. Collaboratively writes, illustrates and publishes an information report about the needs of growing animals English: Students will Participate in informal public speaking activities to explain what they have learnt. Identify the purpose and audience when creating Wikispace presentations. PDHPE: Students will: Identify individual needs and recognising the needs of others. UTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task With teacher assistance, downloads images from a digital camera or iPad for publication on class Wikispace. Uses different software programs to create a life cycle of a chosen animal or plant. Uses iPads to explore different animal habitats.

Links with other KLAs

Maths: Students will: Classifying objects according to similarities.

Creative and Performing Arts: Students will: Creating art work depicting living things using different mediums.

Resources (This will be open throughout the unit) Class Wikispace resources relevant to this unit will be kept here. Various transport toys and models cars, trucks, trains and train sets etc. TaLe Learning objects Smart board activities (found on class Wikispace) Intellectual Quality Deep knowledge Deep understanding Problematic Knowledge Higher Order Thinking Metalanguage Substantive Communication

Quality Learning Environment Explicit quality criteria Engagement High expectations Social support Students self-regulation Student direction Significance Background knowledge Cultural knowledge Knowledge integration Inclusivity Connectedness Narrative

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Outcomes and Indicators INVS1.7: Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment DMS1.8: Collaboratively writes, illustrates and publishes a literary recount about the needs of growing animals INVS1.7: Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment

Learning Activity Unit Introduction: Students brainstorm what they already know about living things e.g. what is alive? Where do they live? Students complete worksheet Am I alive? Identifying needs Identify the needs of some of the animals on the mind map. Students develop a plan on how to meet these needs (food, water, housing, keeping clear, providing air, room to move, sunlight etc) Students pick an animal and write what their chosen animal needs to live, students then design an environment (zoo enclosure) for that animal. Investigating characteristics of living things. Observe and list characteristics of living things, e.g. movement, reproduction, growth. Ask: How do we know if things are alive? Describe the needs of living things. Observe the differences between living and non living things, from this make a check list. Using classroom items students determine if they are alive or not. Students then classify these items. Classifying living things. Students complete TaLe learning object activities, classifying different living things. Discuss characteristics of animals that fly, swim, walk etc. Students complete Where they live worksheet Life Cycles. Discuss and collect information about the life cycles of a plants and animals. On the smart board, students sequence pictures to depict the life cycle of a frog, bird, and a plant. Students then complete a cut and paste activity to sequence a series of pictures to create a life cycle. Science experiment Students will use materials to observe how plants take water up by the roots to grow. Students will predict what they think will happen during the experiment. At the end of the experiment students will fill in the Worksheet.

Assessment Students collects data about different living things

Resources Popplet Am I alive? Worksheet. Pencils Paper, pencils, crayon, textas. Pictures of animals and class mind map

Students illustrate the needs of animals and how these needs may be met.

Students asks questions about different living things

Classroom items, toys, plants, leaves, insects

INVS1.7: Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment DMS1.8 Observes asks questions and predicts how plants and animals grow and change e.g. looking at life cycles. DMS1.8 Observes asks questions and predicts how plants and animals grow and change e.g. looking at life cycles.

Students collects data about different living things

TaLe resources Worksheets

Observes and asks questions about how plants and animals grow and change

Pictures and images of different living things. Smart Board activity, worksheet Glue, scissors Stick of fresh celery Food colouring Jar Magnifying glass Water knife

Observes and asks questions and predicts how plants and animals grow and change.

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

DMS1.8: Collaboratively writes, illustrates and publishes an information report about a living thing INVS1.7: Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment INVS1.7: Observes, questions and collects data about different living things found in the local environment

Information report Using smart board information report activity, students jointly construct an information report about an Australian animal. Students then chose animal and collect information to write an information report. Students fill in the work sheet Plants in my school Take the students for a walk around the school, exploring the different plant life of the grounds. Take photos using the class digital camera Students collect leaves (from the ground) flowers, petals, clover to glue on their worksheet. Students then label different parts of the plant. Using worksheet Camouflage: Using interactive activity on SmartBoard, students find the camouflaged animal. Discuss why animals may need to use this? Discuss what kinds of animals may use camouflage to keep safe. Students complete Where am I worksheet.

Collaboratively writes, illustrates and publishes an information report about a living thing. Observes and questions characteristics of living things in the local environment. Observes and questions characteristics of living things in the local environment.

Images of living things Information report scaffold.

Camera Worksheet glue

SmartBoard activity Worksheet

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

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