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A Project Report submitted to the Manonmanium Sundaranar University for the fulfillment of BACHELORS DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE By P.MAGESH M.VIGNESHWARAN M.SAMSU SEKU MAIDEEN Under the Guidance of Mr.P.Iyyadurai Selvaraj,, MCA., M.Phil., 3809648 3809665 3809658

Department of Computer science V.O.Chidambram College, Thoothukudi 628 008 Re Accredited A Grade by NAAC April 2012

Department of Computer Science V.O.Chidambaram College Thoothukudi - 628 008 This is to entitled that the project work entitled BANKING SYSTEMS AND ATM TRANSACTIONS is a bonafide work done by Name P.MAGESH M.VIGNESHWARAN M.SAMSU SEKU MAIDEEN Reg No. 3809648 3809665 3809658

As a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree in Bachelor of computer science during the academic year(2009-2012), submitted for the University exam held on ________ .

Head of Department

Signature of the Guide External Examiners 1.


First of all, we thank the Almighty God, who enriched us with knowledge, wisdom and power to handle the project and produce it successfully, we praised him to shower his blessings on us. We thank our Principal Mr.M.Maragathasundram, M.Sc., M.Phil., for granting permission and providing facilities to carry out the projects. We thank our head of the department Mr. U. Kuttalingam, MCA., who encouraged and guided us to complete our project in a successful manner. We owe our sincere thanks to our internal Guide Mr.P.Iyyadurai Selvaraj., M.Sc., MCA., M.Phil., for his ideas which added us to bring out this project an effective one and who also encouraged up to proceed forward efficiently with our project. It also Provided us with the at help in Completely our project efficiently. I express my sincere thanks to the staff members and Lab assistants for providing the encouragement and helped throughout the course. Finally, I would like to mention my gratefulness to our friends for their assistance during this Project development.

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