SocPsy Sp11 PG 1

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Name: (Last, Ftrs0 Social Psychology



Following the 9111 terroristattack onNew York, people {lcross the cormty donated their time and money to assist the devastated community. This behavior best illushates: A) altruism. B) deindividuation. C) the bystander effect. D) the just world phemmenon.


According to Milgramo the most fundameirtal lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that: A) people are naturally predisposed to be hostile and aggressive. B) even odinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction. C) the desire to be accepted by others is one of the stongest hrmran motives. D) people value their freedom and react negatively when they feel they are being cosrced to do something.


Tlrc Milgram obedience experiments were contoversial bwause the; A) "teachers" actually seemed to enjoy shocking the "leamers." B) "learners" received painful electic shocks even if they had heart problems. C) experiments were performed despite mass studant protests against the research. D) 'teachers" welt deceived and frequently subjected to severe stess.


In Milgram's obedience ocpedments, "teachers" werE most likely to deliver high levels shock when: A) the experimenter was perceived to be an ordinary college shuilent like themselves. B) the "learner" was placed in a different room from the'teachtr." C) they saw that otlrer "learners" disobeyed the experimenter. D) they saw how "leamerr'who disobeyed the experimeuter were punished.


5. Philip

Zimbardo devised a simulated prison and raadomly assigned college students to srve as prisoners or guards. This experiment best illustated the impact of:

A) team membership on social loafing. B) selfdisclosure on conciliation.

C) frusfiation on aggression D) role-playing on attitudes.


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