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Measurements of | Aerodynamic

Forces |

Mainly measuring parameters - Air Velocity - Pressure - Temperature rise

VELOCITY Simply by Bernoulli's equation if we know the pressure difference then we can easily find velocity at any point on test model only if airflow is Incompressible.. Direction - by | tufts of yarn, mounting treads or by visual air flow like smoke |

we will find pressure difference or pressure at any point

There are many ways to find pressure

1) By drilling many holes along the air flow and using multi-tube manometer

Hole pattern

Multi tube manometer

Second way By Pressure sensitive paint(PSP) > > It is paint which fluoresces in differing intensities depending on the external air pressure being applied to its surface.

In which higher local pressure is indicated by lowered fluorescence of the paint at that point.

Like these there are so many ways but one Advanced technology has introduced recently -

[ Ultra-Miniaturized Pressure Sensor ]

.. In which multiple ultra-miniaturized pressure sensor modules are integrated into a flexible strip. .. The strip is attached to the aerodynamic surface with tape, and it sends signals depicting the pressure distribution along its surface.

Presented by Deepak Mech

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