Battle of Hastings Rohan

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History homework

This is a terrible battle. Its the 14th of October 1066. I am a Knight in King Harolds army. Last month we had a battle with the Norwegians and we won , at Stamford Bridge. Now we are at Hastings, and we have to fight the French. There were three rows of men, the first row were archers, the second row were infantry, and the last row (was the row I was in) were Knights. The first attack was made by the Normans by showering us(the English army) with countless arrows, but we formed an almost unbreakable wall of shields protecting us from the raining arrows. Then the Norman army sent the infantry to attack, but we threw javelins and stones at the Normans. Even the few that made it up the hill failed to break the wall of shields, At this time we guessed that William would be very angry, he sent his cavalry to attack us. After an hour of fighting the entire left Norman flank had been wiped (success ), The right flank , under such pressure, retreated, my teammates made the fatal mistake of chasing after them and breaking their ranks. Rumour had spread that William had been killed, to prove otherwise William took off his helmet. This meant that the tables had turned and they attacked us (the English) as we had broken our ranks. Despite such bloodshed, our shield wall was still intact he loured us out of the cover and cut us down. Just before I was killed I saw Harold got a arrow in the eye, he pulled out but then got cut down.

The end

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