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Density, Buoyancy, and Archimedes Principle Name:__________________________ Period:________ Date:_______________ Video Questions 1.) What was Archimedes Challenge?

2.) When you push a liquid out of the way this is called ___________________.

3.) How much does the block of wood weigh?

4.) What was the weight of the water pushed out of the contained by the floating wooden block?

5.) True or False--If an object floats in a fluid, the weight of the displaced fluid equals the weight of the object.

6.)True or False---A canoe can be made out of concrete.

Post-Viewing Questions To answer these questions, please read the article titled "Buoyancy & Density: Sink, Float, or Boat" 7.) What two properties of an object will determine whether an object will float or not?

8.) What is the equation for density?

9.) Generally, the solid phase of a substance is denser than its liquid phase. Name one substance that is one of the few exceptions to this rule.

10.) Explain why certain materials like gold, lead, and osmium are dense in terms of their chemical structure.

11.) What factor is critical to making an object denser than water float in water?

12.) What is the weight of water that is displaced by 100,000 ton oil tanker?

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