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Acknowledgment is gratefully made to the following publishers and
poets for the portions of their work used as illustrations herein:

Publisher Author Poem Source

Boni & Liveright Samuel Hoffenstein Poems in Praise of
The Century Brander Matthews En Route
Dodd Mead & Austin Dobson July; The Ballade of
Company Prose and Rhyme
Dodd Mead & Carolyn Wells Four Limericks
Doubleday, Doran Rudyard Kipling The Sons of Martha
& Company
Henry Holt & Walter de la Mare The Listeners
Henry Holt & Robert Frost The Death of the
Company Hired Man; The
Black Cottage;
"Out, Out—"
Henry Holt & Carl Sandburg Cahoots; Cool
Company Tombs; Fog
Houghton, Mifflin Guy Wetmore How the Helpmate
& Company Carryll of Bluebeard
Made Free with a
Alfred A. Knopf, John V. A. Weaver Sonnet
The Macmillan Edwin Arlington Merlin; Roman
Company Robinson Bartholow
Manas Press Adelaide Crapsey Triad

Samuel Minturn "Before the Dawn"
The Poets Press Clement Wood Canopus; The Flight
of the Eagle
Charles Scribner's Henry Cuyler A Pitcher of
Sons Bunner Mignonette;
Behold the
Charles Scribner's William Ernest Ballade of Dead
Sons Henley Actors
Charles Scribner's Edwin Arlington The House on the
Sons Robinson Hifl
Small, Maynard & Charlotte Perkins Homes; A Man
Company Gilman Must Live
Frederick A. Stokes Alfred Noyes Marchaunt
Company Adventurers

The desire to write poetry, or at least acceptable verse, is almost uni-
versal. The achievement of this desire may be gained by anyone,
without excessive effort. Almost everyone, at some stage of his or her
life, has yielded to the seductive siren, and has done his or her best to
write poetry. An adequate craftbook on versification is a necessity,
when the urge becomes unconquerable.
When the versifier's problem is narrowed down to rhyme, the need
for a convenient and logically arranged rhyming dictionary soon
becomes self-evident. Rhyme is exclusively a matter of sound: what
the scientists call phonetics. The logically arranged rhyming dic-
tionary must be arranged scientifically by sound; arranged phoneti-
cally, to use the scientific word. The arrangement of rhyming sounds
in the present volume is wholly phonetic.
The introductory study of versification is so complete, that the
book will answer almost every question on technique that any would-
be poet or versifier desires to have answered. Moreover, it provides
models for the most intricate forms of poetry and versification that
English-speaking poets use. Following a model is at best finger exer-
cise. But finger exercise must precede mastery of the keyboard.
The phonetic devices in the volume are simplified from the leading
standard dictionaries, by eliminating in general all phonetic signs
except those placed above the accented or rhyming syllable. Once
these simple phonetic devices are understood and absorbed, poets
and versifiers will begin to think accurately, scientifically and phonet-
ically about rhymes and rhyming. The technique of rhyming will
become as automatic as the technique of walking: and the poetic
energy will be proportionately released for the more effective creation
of poetry.
Poetry and Verse, 3
Poetry in Human Affairs, 4
The Poet's Equipment, 5
Poetic Greatness, 5
How Poems Come, 6
Originality in Poetry, 7


Accent and Rhythm, 9
Meter and Metric Feet, 11
Iambic Verse, 13
Trochaic Verse, 16
Anapestic Verse, 18
Dactylic Verse, 19
Variations in Metric Verse, 20
Accent Pattern Instead of Metric, 22
Blank Verse and Free Verse, 23
Line Length in Verse, 25
Important Classical Terms for Poetic Devices, 26


Correct and Incorrect Rhyme, 29
Function and Types of Rhyme, 33
Undesirable Rhymes, 36
Alliteration, 37
Assonance, 38
Consonance, 38
Your Mental Rhyming Dictionary, 40

The Couplet, 44
The Triplet or Tercet, 45
The Quatrain, 46
Stanzas of More Than Four Lines, 48
Certain Other Stanzas, 50
Sapphics and Other Classic Forms, 53
Indentation, 56

Narrative Poetry: Epic, Metrical Romance, Tale,
Ballad, 59
Dramatic Poetry, 62
Lyric Poetry: Ode, Elegy, Pastoral, 62
The Simple Lyric: The Song, 64
The Sonnet, 65


Formal and Light Verse, 70
Rules of the Fixed Verse Forms, 72
The Ballade Family, 72
Chain Verse, 79
The Kyrielle, 80
The Pantoum, 80
The Triolet, 81
The Rondel, Rondeau and Roundel Family, 83
The Sestina, 89
The Villanelle, 92
The Lai and the Virelai, 93
The Limerick, 95
Little Willies, 98
Light Verse in English, 99


The Vocabulary of Poetry, 103
On Translating Poetry, 108
Exercises in Versification, 111


What Rhyme Is, 112
The Vowel Sounds, 112

The Consonant Sounds, 114
Sound Does Not Depend on Spelling, 115
This Dictionary Makes Consonance Accurate, 116


Accented Vowel A Sounds, 121
Accented Vowel E Sounds, 164
Accented Vowel I Sounds, 209
Accented Vowel O Sounds, 247
Accented Vowel U Sounds, 280


Accented Vowel A Sounds, 307
Accented Vowel E Sounds, 400
Accented Vowel I Sounds, 456
Accented Vowel O Sounds, 514
Accented Vowel U Sounds, 571


Accented Vowel A Sounds, 620
Accented Vowel E Sounds, 639
Accented Vowel I Sounds, 655
Accented Vowel O Sounds, 674
Accented Vowel U Sounds, 696



• I -


Poetry and Verse

THE WORD POETRY is often used loosely to mean whatever embodies
the products of imagination and fancy, the finer emotions and the
sense of ideal beauty. In this lax usage, men speak of "the poetry of
motion," the poetry of Rodin or Wagner, the poetry of dahlia-raising.
In accurate usage, poetry is a specific fine art, defined as follows:

Poetry is the expression of thoughts which awake the higher and

nobler emotions or their opposites, in words arranged according to
some accepted convention.

This definition includes, for instance, Oriental forms of poetry,

where the sole convention is the number of syllables to the line. Lim-
iting it to usual Occidental poetry the following definition applies:

Occidental poetry, in its usual form, is the expression of thoughts

which awake the higher and nobler emotions or their opposites, in
words whose rhythm tends toward uniformity or regularity, rather
than toward variety.

Both prose and poetry have rhythm. But the rhythm of prose tends
toward variety; and that of poetry toward regularity. There is no defi-
nite dividing line; each poet, each reader and appreciator of poetry,
must arrive at his or her own dividing line. To some, the borderline of
poetry includes only the strict regularity of Pope or Dryden, or—

Baby in the caldron fell,—

See the grief on mother's brow!
Mother loved her darling well.
Darling's quite hard-boiled by now.
Baby, Harry Graham.

No one can quarrel with this, if it is an honest boundary. To others,

the magnificent wilder rhythms of Walt Whitman and Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address are definitely poetry. No one can quarrel with this
The test as to subject matter is subjective: does the alleged poem
awake in the reader the higher and nobler emotions or their opposites?
Each reader, appreciator or poet is final arbiter in this test, as in the
test of technique. The expression of thoughts which fail to register
emotionally with a reader as poetry is called verse. Thus, divided by
technique, there are the two classifications, poetry and prose; divided
by subject matter and its emotional effect, there are the two classifica-
tions, poetry and verse.

Poetry in Human Affairs

Poetry preceded prose, as a persisting form of literary expression.
Writing was unknown to early man; and poetry was far better
adapted to be retained in the mind than its more plodding relative,
prose. The conventions of poetry formed memory devices which
prose lacked. In the beginning, lyric cries, folk wisdom, tales of tribal
heroes, formal odes of jubilation or lamentation, religious teachings,
philosophies, pseudo-sciences, histories of men, demigods, gods and
peoples, developed first in the form of poetry.
Insofar as the conventions of poetry were artificial and unnatural,
poetry tended constantly to rigidify and petrify. It became artificial
and unnatural, whereas prose continued to be natural. Man learned to
write, and to preserve his writing in stone, papyrus, sheepskin and
paper. At first it was the poetry which was so preserved; at length the
art patterns were broken, and humbler and more natural prose began
to replace poetry. Today, we look to prose for folk wisdom, actual and
fictional narratives, religious teachings, philosophies, scientific writ-
ings, and histories. Poetry, as the most concentrated and emotional
expression of the soul of man, still should have its place in the lyric
outbursts, the songs, of man. But poets, bound by fossilized conven-
tions, have become a tepid social group, their words largely unimpor-
tant; and in the large prose tends today to have replaced poetry
entirely. Many of the poets today and tomorrow seek to restore poetry
to something of its original wide popularity, as a natural and unartif i-
cial expression of concentrated emotional speech.
Kings, rulers, statesmen, generals, philosophers, scientists were

once of necessity poets: it was their sole socially acceptable form of

expression. This is so no longer. Poets were once doers; they are now
at best sayers, increasingly unheard. This is one price of man's
extreme specialization. The price paid may be more than the human
gain, in this particular.

The Poet's Equipment

The poet, like all artists, is one of the race's sensitives: one of those
more finely attuned to phrase the past and the present acceptably, and
sense and phrase the future. The first necessary equipment is sincer-
ity. This demands that commonplace phrasings must be avoided, in
favor of fresh original expression of individual or group concentrated
emotions. If the race recognizes these as its own, to that extent the
poet will be hailed as poetically great.
Another essential is technical mastery; adeptness in the craft
of poetry, skill in handling all the tools of the trade. Familiarity with
all the conventions will enable you to break them and make new ones
when your fresh subject matter demands it. Technical mastery is as
easy, and no easier, than learning how to raise better peas than your
neighbor, or how to build better bridges and skyscrapers than anyone
else. Having learned the craft, anyone with an ear for word-music can
improvise flawless heroic blank verse or any other form of blank
verse by the hour, or improvise elaborately rhymed sonnets with no
appreciable hesitation. This is not poetry. But the familiarity with the
craft makes the coming of poetry easier, in the rare hours when the
poet has a concentrated word that must be said.

Poetic Greatness
One can become great poetically, either in his own sight alone or
in the opinions of others, without knowledge of the craft. Homer,
Sappho, Villon, Burns, made their own patterns, or poured their
burning emotional beauty into ready-made patterns followed without
being comprehended. The definitions of patterns were made after-
ward, from a scholastic study of poetry widely recognized as great.
Such greatness may be achieved by anyone today—the entirely satis-
factory expression of one's soul's yearnings. But the recognition of

such greatness today will ordinarily be limited to the poet and his
immediate circle of admirers within or without his family.
With a complete technical mastery of the craft of poetry, any poet
today can achieve complete greatness in his own sight. Whether he is
hailed by others as great, and especially whether or not his name is
hailed by his own and subsequent generations as great, depends
largely on the extent to which his own concentrated heart-utterances
express the desires of the race, in a new, fresh and original form.
Given such recognition by the race, an enduring poetic greatness has
been achieved. The poet can no more control this than Cnut could act
as dictator over the tide.

How Poems Come

Verse upon any theme, and in treatment ranging from the most
ponderously serious to the most frivolously flippant, can be
manufactured at any time. Its technique is comparatively simple. Its
devices, meter, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, consonance, stanza
arrangement may be mastered as easily as multiplication tables.
Poetry comes differently. It is primarily the intellect that manufac-
tures verse; but the intellect plays only a secondary part in creating
poetry. The desire that seeks expression, which it finds in the poem,
springs from a deeper basic source than thinking. Man, indeed all
forms of life, are compact of desires. The fulfillment of one desire
causes others to spring hydra-like from its invisible corpse. Psycholo-
gists tell us that dreams are likewise expressions of desire, in the form
of desires fulfilled; that is, wish fulfillments. Much thinking is like-
wise wish fulfillment; there is truth in Wordsworth's dictum, "The
wish is father to the thought." There must be, also, an obstacle to the
immediate fulfillment of the wish; otherwise the poet would proceed
to achieve his wish and have no need for a poem to express it. As one
poet has it:
Singing is sweet; but be sure of this,
Lips only sing when they cannot kiss.
Art, James Thomson.
Because of the obstacle, a tremendous inner compulsion comes upon
the sensitive poet to seek relief by creating his wish-fulfillment in
words: and so it is that poems are born. This inner compulsion has, as

one of its names, inspiration. Inspiration blows from no outer sky, but
from the universe of desires within. The woman's insistent inner com-
pulsion to deliver her child at the appointed hour is hardly more shat-
ter ingly imperative than the true poet's insistent inner commandment
to write.
At times the whole poem forms itself within the mind, before the
first word is written down. At times a couplet, a single line—perhaps
the first, but more often the last—or even a phrase or a mood comes
first, with the dominant insistence that it be given the intermittent
immortality of writing. The wise procedure for the poet is to write
down what comes, as it comes, even if only a single line or less is the
result. As far as possible, write out the poem without delay, to prevent
another visitor from Porlock's silencing part of your poem forever, as
Coleridge's Kubla Khan was silenced forever.
When the poem or poetic fragment is written down, the critical
intellect comes into play. If technical mastery has become habitual,
the intellect may have no changes to suggest. The poet who fails to be
a critic as well is usually his own self-slayer. More extended poems,
of course, require more preparation and slower writing and criticism.
In all cases the danger is more in the overuse of the intellect than in
the use of inspiration.

Originality in Poetry
The easiest way, in poetry, is to rephrase your own emotional reac-
tions in the words and phrases created by the favorite poets of the
past: so that a thing is "white as the driven snow," or "red as a June
rose." When these similes were first invented, they were creations;
their repetition, unless in slightly altered form, is plagiarism or bor-
rowing. Second-rate poets distrust their own vision, which differs in
every case from that of every other person in the world; and hence sag
into such uncreative repetitions. It is wisest to be true to your own
differing vision and seek to expand the boundaries of poetry by stat-
ing your own desires in your own terms.
The weakness of much verse and some poetry of the past is partly
traceable to unoriginal teachers of English or versification, who
advised their pupils to saturate themselves in this or that poet, and
then write. Keats, saturated in Spenser, took a long time to overcome
this echoey quality and emerge into the glorious highland of his Hype-
rion. Many lesser souls never emerge. It is valuable to know the

poetry of the past and love it. But the critical brain should carefully
root out every echo, every imitation—unless some alteration in phras-
ing or meaning makes the altered phrase your own creation.
The present double decade has splendidly altered the technique
of versification in poetry, by the addition of freer rhythms, conso-
nance, and other devices in the direction of natural speech. It has
altered the themes and subjects of poetry as much, until the Verboten
sign is unknown to the present generations of poets, as far as themes
are concerned. If the speech is natural and conversational; the treat-
ment sincere and original; the craftsmanship matured—there is no
reason in the poet's effort to withhold him from a seat among the
• II •
Accent and Rhythm
RHYTHM IS THE emphasis structure of successive sounds. It is easy to
understand and not easy to define. In prose and poetry it means the
flow of accented and unaccented syllables. It may be defined as:

The successive rise and fall of sounds, in pitch, stress, or speed;

when used of words, depending on accents, pauses, or durational

In classical Greek and Latin poetry, rhythm was not based on accent,
but on the conventionalized time it took to pronounce syllables. Sylla-
bles were not accented or unaccented, as in modern poetry, from a
standpoint of versification; but were long or short. Since two conso-
nants occurring together made a syllable long, and a short vowel
made a syllable short when followed by one consonant, the word hon-
est was scanned as short-long: the rhythmic stress occurring on the
second syllable, not on the first, as with us. Honest, pronounced in the
classical Greek or Roman way, would be ta-TUM; with us, it is pro-
nounced rhythmically TUM-ta, the accent falling on the first syllable.
This one example will show why verse written in English accord-
ing to classical rules of scansion, based upon long and short syllables
instead of accent, is unnatural and only slightly pleasing to the ear. It
is no more at home among modern poets writing in English than
Greek clothing or the Greek language would be.
Modern poetry written in English must be in words whose rhythm,
based upon accent, tends toward uniformity rather than toward vari-
ety. Both prose and poetry have rhythm, the stream or flow of
accented and unaccented syllables; in prose the pattern constantly
varies, while in poetry it approaches some sort ofregularity.This is
clearly poetry:

Music, when soft voices die,

Vibrates in the memory—
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,

Are heap'd for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when Thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
"Music, When Soft Voices Die,"
Percy Bysshe Shelley.

It would be no less poetry if it were set up:

Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory.

Odours, when sweet violets sicken, live within the sense
they quicken. Rose leaves, when the rose is dead, are
heap'd for the beloveds bed.
And so thy thoughts, when Thou art gone, Love itself
shall slumber on.

It did not take the line division to make this poetry. Technically, the
tendency toward regularity in the rhythm made it definitely verse and
not prose, while its emotional appeal, to most people, makes it
poetry. It is equally poetic in either typographic form. Set up the
opening of the first chapter of this book in the same line division:

The word poetry is often used

Loosely to mean whatever embodies
The products of imagination
And fancy, the finer emotions

And the sense of ideal beauty.

In this lax usage, men speak of
"The poetry of motion," the poetry
Of Rodin or Wagner, the poetry

This is prose. No magic worked by the line division can bring it any
closer to poetry. Only a comparative regularity in the alternation of
accented and unaccented syllables can make it acceptable verse; this,
plus the proper emotional appeal, alone can make it poetry.

Meter and Metric Feet

Meter is a comparatively regular rhythm in verse or poetry. There
are four common metric feet used in English verse. Their names are
taken over from classic durational or quantity meters. In the examples
below, the accented syllable is marked thus (/), and the unaccented
syllables thus (--). These feet are:

Name of Scan- Example pronun-
Foot sion Description Example Scanned ciation
Iamb ' Unaccent—accent Delight De-light ta-TUM
Trochee ' Accent—unaccent Going Go-ing TUM-ta
Anapest *-' ' Unaccent—unaccent— w w /
accent Appertain Ap-per-tain ta-ta-TUM
Dactyl ' ""- Accent—unaccent— / w w

unaccent Merrily Mer-ri-ly TUM-ta-ta

The first two feet listed below are occasionally encountered in

English verse, the third rarely or never.
/ /
Spondee ' ' Accent—accent Headlong Head-long TUM-TUM
w w w / _
Amphibrach ' Unaccent— Believing Be-liev-ing ta-TUM-ta
w w
Pyrrhic Unaccent— with a with a

In practice, the spondee may be used as an iamb or as a trochee; in

combination, we may have—

In head | -long flight

in which the word is used as a trochee;

He plunged ( head-long

in which the word is used as an iamb.


In actual verse and poetry, never forget that the actual rhythm of
the words, as normally uttered in a conversational tone, differs from
the artificial scansion pattern adopted. Take one of the most regular
five-foot iambic lines in the language:

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,
Thomas Gray.

Scanned normally, as this would be spoken, we have the following

natural scansion:
- / W / - / , W / W , /

The curfew j tolls | the knell | of parting | day.

Here we have one iamb, two feet consisting of mere accented sylla-
bles for which we have no name, and two feet of three syllables each
(unaccent—accent—unaccent, or amphibrachs). Yet this is described
as an ideal iambic line, because the pattern indubitably is:

taTUM taTUM taTUM taTUM ta TUM

To make the actual line fit the planned iambic pattern, we have to
divide words as follows:

The cur-1 few tolls | the knell | of part-1 ing day.

Absolutely natural iambic lines are rare:

And dwell | upon | your grave | when you | are dead.

The Comedy of Errors, William Shakespeare.

A repetition of such lines would be monotonous, unnatural and intrin-

sically unpoetic.
To show a still further group of variations, the opening of Hamlet's
most famous soliloquy, commencing "To be or not to be," is theoreti-
cally in the same iambic five-foot pattern: three lines, each consisting
theoretically of five ta-TUM's. The actual scansion brings in strange
and unusual feet, or groups of unaccents with one accent, and shows
that these three lines have only four actual feet apiece (a foot being, in

English, normally grouped around one accent), where the pattern

called for five in each line:

To be I or not to be. | That | is the question.

Whether | 'tis nobler | in the mind | to suffer
The slings | and arrows | of outrageous | fortune . . .
Hamlet, William Shakespeare.
Here are four feet of two syllables each (two iambs and two trochees);
four of three syllables each (three amphibrachs and one anapest); one
of one syllable; and three of four syllables each (two of one type, one
of another). And only four natural feet to each line.
This is acceptable five-foot iambic verse, in the hands of the
world's greatest master. In later plays, his variations became more
extreme, until at times his rhythms were less regular than Whitman's
typical free verse or polyrhythmic poetry.
What is desired, in metric poetry, is a regular pattern, with
restrained freedom and variety in its use. The poet should learn to
scan his poetry—that is, to mark the accented and unaccented sylla-
bles as above, and then to divide it both into the natural speech
rhythm and into the artificial pattern rhythm. There is no need for
pride, if the poetry is excessively regular. As a rule, that means that it
is strained and unnatural in phrasing, and to that extent falls below
true greatness in technique.
In reading poetry aloud or to oneself, avoid most of all an unnatu-
ral singsong. Never read the lines from Hamlet as if they had been
to BE or NOT to BE that IS the QUES tion.
v/heTHER 'tis M>bler IN the MIND to SUFfer
the SLINGS and Art rows OF outflAgeous FORtune . . .
Instead, read this and all other poetry as naturally as if it were unpat-
terned prose. The pattern is there and will make itself felt. Excellence
in reading depends upon naturalness in expression.

Iambic Verse
The commonest line pattern in English verse is based upon the
iamb («-/). Many more words in English are trochees than iambs.

Iambic is the preferred pattern because such trochaic words are nor-
mally introduced by a one-syllabled unaccented article, preposition,
or the like. Normally lines do not open with the trochee hoping, but
rather with such a phrase as in hoping, for hoping, and hoping, this
hoping, if hoping, and so on.
Lines name the metric pattern and are described by the type of foot
and the number of feet to the line. Thus a one-foot iambic line could
be written:

All hail!

A two-foot iambic line would be:

All hail to you!

A three-foot iambic line would be:

All hail to you, my friends!

A four-foot iambic line would be:

All hail to you, my worthy friends!

A five-foot iambic line would be:

All hail to you, my wholly worthy friends!

Note how naturally trochaic words like wholly and worthy fit into this
iambic pattern. This line might have been:

In hailing friendship's wholly worthy sons,

in which case four words (hailing, friendship's, wholly, worthy) are

complete trochees in themselves, yet are transformed into word-split
units in the iambic pattern, by the introductory unaccented word in
and the concluding accented word sons. This is an entirely legitimate
following of the iambic pattern, which can be most easily remem-
bered as:

taTUM taTUM taTUM taTUM taTUM.


A word ending on an accented syllable is said to have a masculine

ending; one ending on an unaccented syllable, & feminine ending. The
iambic pattern may be used with a feminine ending: that is, with the
addition of an unaccented syllable to the last foot. A stanza of five
lines, successively one-, two-, three-, four-, and five-foot iambic lines
with feminine endings, could be manufactured easily:

Good morning,
Benignant April,
With all your rainbow blossoms,
With birds all carolling their rapture,
With love alive within the hearts of maidens.

The scansion for this would be: .

Good morn-1 ing,

_ / w / w

Benig- nant A- pril,

_ / _ / w / w
With all I your rain-1 bow bios-1 soms,
~ / ~ / L / w / w
With birds | all car-1 oiling | their rap- |ture,
w / ,w / / w / / ~
With love I alive | within | the hearts | of maid-1 ens.
This is often described as if the first line, for instance, were a two-
foot line, with one syllable missing, and is called catalectic verse. The
reality is that of an iambic foot followed by a loose or unattached,
unaccented syllable.
Writing iambic verse is as easy as writing any form of verse. Get
the metrical pattern firmly in mind:

and then proceed to let the words flow into this pattern.
Iambic verse may be altered into trochaic at any time, by adding an
accented syllable to each line's beginning or by removing the opening
unaccented syllable. The process may be reversed as easily, thus
changing trochaic verse into iambic. Start with this iambic version:

And then the little Hiawatha

Remarked unto the old Nokomis,
I know that hills are edged with valleys.

By adding an accented syllable at the beginning of each line, this

becomes trochaic:

Now and then the little Hiawatha

Said aloud unto the old Nokomis,
Well I know that hills are edged with valleys.

By removing the opening unaccented syllable in each iambic line

above, the lines are four-foot trochaic:

Then the little Hiawatha

Said unto the old Nokomis,
All the hills are edged with valleys.

This is the regular meter of Longfellow's Hiawatha and is as easy to

write as iambic verse.

Trochaic Verse
Trochaic verse is less usual in English than iambic, because the
custom of the language is to introduce most remarks with an unac-
cented syllable or word. Based upon the trochee (/—), the pattern is,
in the case of four-foot trochees,

TUM-ta TUM-ta TUM-ta TUM-ta

Hiawatha opens upon this pattern:

Should you ask me, whence these stories,

Whence these legends and traditions,
With the odours of the forest,
With the dew and damp of meadows.
Hiawatha, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

In natural accent the first three of the lines quoted have only two
accents apiece, and not four: so that the natural scansion, as of the
third line, is

With the odours | of the forest.


Shakespeare commences a witches' incantation with the abrupt stac-

cato natural accent:

Round about the cauldron go;

In the poisoned entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweltered venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first f the charmed pot.
Macbeth, William Shakespeare.
An interesting variation here is the use of cold as a dissyllable, as if it
were pronounced co-old. It may be regarded as the one-syllabled cold,
followed by a pause consuming the length of time it would take to
pronounce an unaccented syllable. In any case, it is an effective vari-
ant device.
Trochaic verse might certainly be described with propriety as iam-
bic verse, with the introductory unaccented syllable omitted in each
line. The description is unimportant; the important thing is to choose,
understand, and use adequately the pattern, whatever it is called.
Again, in the sixth line quoted above from Macbeth, there is an
extra unaccented syllable, a sort of grace note, added: making the
second foot in reality a dactyl:
/ w / / ~ /
Boil thou | first i' the | charmed | pot.
If preferred, though it is less usual, this could be scanned slightly dif-
/ _ / _ w • « /
Boil thou | first i' | the charmed | pot,

in which case there is an amphibrach in the third foot; or it might be

/ _ , / _ - / _ /
Boil thou I first F | the char-1 med pot,

regarding it as two trochees followed by two iambs. But the accepted

pattern is trochaic four-foot, and the custom is to prefer the first scan-
sion given. At any time, within reason dictated by the poet's own

inner ear and sense of music, the substitution of an anapest or a dactyl

for an iamb or a trochee is permitted. Or the substitution of a spondee
( / / ) , and any of the other feet (iamb, trochee, dactyl or spondee, as
well as amphibrach, etc.) may be substituted for a foot in anapestic
verse. Similar substitutions may take place in dactylic verse. The best
poetry contains variety within uniformity.
Notice that in the trochaic lines from Macbeth the last unaccented
syllable is omitted in every line. This again gives an example of
catalectic verse. The name is unimportant: a trochaic line may end
on a masculine ending as easily as an iambic line ends on a femi-
nine ending. A dactylic line may end on a trochee or an accented
syllable; an anapestic line may have an extra unaccented syllable, or
even two of them, without losing its anapestic character. Variety in
uniformity ...

Anapestic Verse
The anapest ( — / ) is a foot of three syllables, the first two unac-
cented, the last accented. It may be described as an iamb with an
extra unaccented syllable added before it. It may be indicated ta ta
TUM, so that a three-foot anapestic pattern would be:

tataTUM tataTUM tataTUM.

A typical line following this pattern would be:

To the end of the world in the dawn.

The English language has more accented syllables than many others,
and a succession of two unaccented syllables is comparatively
infrequent. Constantly the anapestic pattern is broken by a foot called
the amphimacer (/"-/), accent—unaccent—accent, giving us a result
such as:

Let me go anywhere I can find,

scanned as anapestic thus:

Let me go | anywhere 11 can find,


but having a natural scansion consisting of three amphimacers:

Let me go | anywhere 11 can find.

There are so few natural anapests in the language that this is usual
and permitted. The same thing applies to dactylic verse. Even more
unusual three-syllabled feet appear, each with two accents: the
antibacchius (//w), the bacchius ( - / / ) , the tribrach (——), the
molossus ( / / / ) . In anapestic and dactylic verse, a fourth syllable,
usually unaccented, again like a grace note, may appear in any foot.
So long as such variations please the inner ear, the inner sense of
word music, they are aids.
The natural poet will always make his own patterns, knowing that
poetry is self-created and not devised by rigid rules.

Dactylic Verse
The dactyl (/-—) is a foot of three syllables, the first accented, the
next two unaccented. It may be described as a trochee with an extra
unaccented syllable added after it. Here is an illustration:
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they fought, and well. . . .
The Charge of the Light Brigade, Alfred Tennyson.
Scanned as dactylic verse, this would appear:
Cannon to right of them,
/ w - / - w

Cannon to left of them,

/ / w w

Cannon in | front of them

Volleyed and | thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they | fought, and well.

As a matter of fact, these last two lines would have a different natural
scansion, including amphimacers:
/ , / _ /
Stormed at with shot and shell,
/ . / ~ /
Boldly they | fought, and well.
Once the technique of scansion is mastered, the poet must be his own
court of last appeal upon it.
Dactylic verse is not wholly at home in English; and amphi-
brachic verse (using as its norm the amphibrach, *~/~) is as
much of an alien. These feet become excessively monotonous in long
poems, though they may be used with advantage in brief lyrics.

Variations in Metric Verse

The use of variations in metric verse is widespread. The develop-
ment of every poet of importance, whose technique did not
begin and remain rigid and crystallized, has been in the direction of
more and more variety. This is displayed impressively by the develop-
ment of Shakespeare and of Keats. Little such development is shown
in the technique of more rigid minor poets. A few examples must suf-
fice. Shakespeare in his final peak period wrote lines whose natural
scansion was as loose as:
A malady

Most in-1 cident) to maids; | bold oxlips and

The crown imperial; lilies of all kinds,
„ / / / w / , / /
The flow-1 er-de-luce | being one! O, these 11 lack. . . .
The Winter's Tale, William Shakespeare.
The most unusual usage is the ending of the second line in the
extraordinary foot which seems a spondee followed by a pyrrhic,
(//ww). The reverse foot opens a line in one of his sonnets,
~ w / / / - w / , - /

Of the wide world | dreaming [ on things | to come.

Sonnet CVII, William Shakespeare.

One of the most praised lines in Keats is:

Robs not I one light | seed from | the feath-1 er'd grass.
Hyperion, John Keats.

Here two spondees introduce the rest of the line, the scansion being as
if his pattern were—


Keats has at least one line, in the same pattern, consisting of five

Thea! | Thea! | Thea! | Where is | Saturn?

Hyperion, John Keats.

Robert Frost has such masterly lines as the following, in the same
five-foot iambic pattern:

And spread her apron to it. She put out her hand. . . .
The Death of the Hired Man, Robert Frost.
Strange how such innocence gets its own way.
The Black Cottage, Robert Frost.
And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled.
"Out, Out—", Robert Frost.
So. But the hand was gone already.
"Out, Out—", Robert Frost.

In this last line the monosyllable So is followed by a pause that takes

the place of a foot and a half. One of Frost's most triumphant varia-
tions is:
Little—less—nothing! And that ended it.
"Out, Out—", Robert Frost.

In natural scansion, this would b»:

/_ / , / - , _ _ /
Little— J less— | nothing! | And that ended it

A common variation is an alternation of iamb and anapest, as in

this old English ballad:
w / . W W / . w / . w w / w

0 Al-1 ison Gross, | that lives | in yon tower.

Alison Gross, Old English Ballad.

We find the reverse of this order in a Browning lyric,

w w / w / . w w / . w /

Where the chaf-1 finch sings | on the or-1 chard bough. . . .

Home-Thoughts, from Abroad, Robert Browning.
So numerous are the variations to which the metric pattern in English
can be adapted, to the greater naturalness of the poetry.

Accent Pattern Instead of Metric

Coleridge, in one poem, abandoned the formal metric foot alto-
gether, in favor of a rediscovered Old English method of letting the
line pattern consist of a definite number of accents, with any number
of unaccented syllables, occurring in any order. Here are the opening
w w / . w w / w w / w S

'Tis the mid-1 die of night | by the cas-1 tie clock,

W w / . w w / w w / w /

And the owls have awak- ened the crow- ing cock.
/ / / /
lb-1 whit! I lb-1 whoo!
_ / W / w / . w /

And hark, ( again; | the crow-1 ing cock

w / w / , w /

How drow-1 sily | it crew.

Christabel, Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Thomas Hood uses lines consisting of only three accented syllables,

, / , /
Stitch! | Stitch! | Stitch!
w / . w w / , w w /

In pov-1 erty, hung-1 er and dirt. . . .

The Song of the Shirt, Thomas Hood.

This follows the same method of accent versification. Walter de la

Mare's most famous poem is built around a pattern of three accents to
the line, as the second and fourth line below indicate; he uses unac-
cented syllables where he pleases:

But on-1 ly a host | of phantom listeners

That dwelt | in the lone | house then,
Stood lis-1 tening in the qui-1 et of the moonlight |
To that voice | from the world | of men.
The Listeners, Walter de la Mare.

Other modern poets have done as much, or more. Variety within uni-
formity . . .

Blank Verse and Free Verse

Blank verse means simply unrhymed verse. Any line pattern, if
unrhymed, is blank verse. Heroic blank verse is unrhymed five-foot
iambic poetry or verse. Most of Shakespeare is written in heroic
blank verse. Heroic couplets, beloved of Dryden and Pope, are pairs
of five-foot iambic lines rhymed with each other.
Free verse may be rhymed or unrhymed, although it is usually
unrhymed, since rhyming is an even more unnatural convention of
poetry than meter; and the poet who has abandoned formal meter
will hardly, as a rule, still use the device of rhyming. Free verse is
verse without a metric pattern, but with a wider pattern than meter
allows. It still tends toward regularity, rather than variety, and the
final court of appeals as to whether any example should be classified
as poetry or prose from a standpoint of content, or as verse or prose
from a standpoint of technique, is the individual poet or reader him-
self. To many readers, the following are all poetry:

Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations.

Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed
the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou
art God. Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, return, ye
children of men. . . .
The Ninetieth Psalm.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot conse-

crate—we cannot hallow—this ground. The brave men, living
and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our
poor power to add or to detract. The world will little note, nor long
remember, what we say here; but it can never forget what they did
here. . . .
The Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln.

Out of the cradle endlessly rocking, out of the mockingbird's

throat, the musical shuttle, out of the Ninth-month midnight, over
the sterile sands, and the fields beyond, where the child leaving his
bed wandered alone, bareheaded, barefoot, down from the show-
ered halo, up from the mystic play of shadows twining and twisting
as if they were alive. . . .
Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Rocking,
Walt Whitman.

Walt Whitman used the artificial line division of poetry to pre-

sent the third of these selections; the King James version of the Bible
and Lincoln used the natural line division so familiar in the printing
of prose. Little or nothing is added by the artificial line division:

Out of the cradle endlessly rocking,

Out of the mocking-bird's throat, the musical shuttle,
Out of the Ninth-month midnight,
Over the sterile sands, and the fields beyond, where the
child leaving his bed wandered alone, bareheaded,
Down from the showered halo,
Up from the mystic play of shadows twining and
twisting as if they were alive. . . .

It is poetry, to many, in either form; and the first form is the more
natural and readable. Scan the Whitman selection, or any of the oth-
ers, and the tendency toward regularity of rhythm becomes apparent:
a wider regularity, perhaps only an up rhythm or a down rhythm, but
still inevitably there. This distinguishes free verse from prose, from
the technical point of view.
At times writers of free verse let their lines reach surprising
lengths, no matter how lovely the music is: thus Sandburg,

Pocahontas' body, lovely as a poplar, sweet as a red haw in Novem-

ber or a pawpaw in May, did she wonder? does she remember?
in the dust, in the cool tombs. . . .
Cool Tombs, Carl Sandburg.

Again the lines can be extremely brief:

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Fog, Carl Sandburg.

The free verse writer devises his own line-division pattern. This
form, eliminating the devices of meter and rhyme, calls on the poet to
avoid the inconsequential and the trivial, and to write down only his
important utterances. If rhyme is a shelter for mediocrity, as Shelley
wrote in his preface to The Revolt of Islam, free verse is a test of the
best that the poet has in him.

Line Length in Verse

Oliver Wendell Holmes, himself a doctor, advanced the theory that
line length in verse marked physiologically the normal breathing of
the poet. In other words, a breath should be taken at the end of each
line; and the line should be no longer than the poet's ability to hold
his breath. No artificial line division is used in prose, to indicate
where a breath should be taken. There is no greater reason for artifi-
cial line division in poetry. It still remains true that the long Greek
lines, each consisting of six feet, called for huge-breasted warrior-
bards to chant them; that the norm of English verse, the five-foot
iambic line, indicates a lesser chest expansion in the typical English
poet; and that the briefer modern tendency shows a further deteriora-
tion in the chest expansion of poets.
Where poetry consists in end-stopped lines—lines with a natural
pause at the end of each line—there is more reason for an artificial
line division. Shakespeare began so; many poets never get beyond
this, in the main. But when we come to poetry like—

We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep,

The Tempest, William Shakespeare.

the break comes after on, and not after stuff or life; and the last reason
for the artificial line division has vanished.
A sonnet set up in this manner appears:

O bitter moon, O cold and bitter moon, climbing your midnight

hillside of bleak sky, the earth, as you, once knew a blazing noon.
Night brings the silver hour when she will die. We shall be cold as
you are, and as bitter, icily circling toward a tepid fire, playing at
life with our deceitful glitter, past joy, past hope, forever past desire.
Yet still the forest lifts its leafy wings to flutter for a while before
the chill. And still the careless heart is gay, and sings in the green
temple on the dusty hill. And the gulls tumble, and the homing ships
peer for the harbor. . . .
And the sand drips.
The Flight of the Eagle, v, Clement Wood.

In an earlier volume, this had appeared with the usual line division of
poetry as ordinarily printed. Rhyme can occur of course in ordinary
prose, although this usage is extremely rare. Where the rhythm of
verse is used, as in the sonnet quoted, it is possible for poets to use
the line and paragraph division usual to prose, if this is desired.



Classical Name Common Name, or Explanation

Monometer A verse containing one metrical foot.
Dimeter A verse containing two metrical feet.
Dipody A measure consisting of two metrical feet; a
Trimeter A verse containing three metrical feet.
Tetrameter A verse containing four metrical feet.
Pentameter A verse containing five metrical feet.
Hexameter A verse containing six metrical feet.

Heptameter A verse containing seven metrical feet.

Octometer A verse containing eight metrical feet.
Distich A strophic verse of two lines, usually
called a couplet today.


Tribrach Three unaccented syllables w w ^

Molossus Three accented syllables / / /

Amphimacer Accent, unaccent, accent /-/
Bacchius Unaccent, accent, accent - / /
Antibacchius Accent, accent, unaccent //~
Ditrochee Two trochees regarded as a
compound foot /~/~
Paeon Accent, unaccent, unaccent,
unaccent / w

Choriamb Accent, unaccent, unaccent, accent / ~ w /

Epitrite Three accents and one unaccent:

of the first, second, third or fourth
class, depending on the location of
/ / / w
the unaccented syllable


Classical Name Explanation

Acatalectic Verse Verse not defective in the last foot; verse
complete in its number of syllables.
Arsis The lighter or unstressed part of a foot, espe-
cially in quantitative verse; later, the
accented syllable of a foot.
Caesura A break in a verse caused by the ending of a
word within a foot. A masculine caesura
follows the thesis or stressed part of a foot.
A feminine caesura follows the arsis or
caesura comes after the third half foot,
which means in the second foot; a
penthemimeral caesura, after the fifth half
foot; a hepthemimeral caesura, after the
seventh half foot; and so on. A bucolic
caesura, in dactylic hexameter, is a caesura
occurring in the fourth foot, especially in
pastoral poetry.

Catalectic Verse Verse lacking a syllable at the beginning, or

terminating in an imperfect foot.
Diaeresis, Dieresis The break caused by the coincidence of the
end of a foot with the end of a word.
Bucolic diaeresis, a diaeresis occurring in
the fourth foot, especially in pastoral
Enjambement The extension of the sentence beyond the lim-
itations of the distich.
Ictus Metrical stress.
Thesis The heavier or stressed part of a foot in clas-
sical prosody, especially in quantitative
verse; later, the unaccented syllable or syl-
lables of a verse.
• III •

Correct and Incorrect Rhyme
RHYME IS AS simple to define as rhythm is difficult.

Rhyme is the identity in sound of an accented vowel in a word, usu-

ally the last one accented, and of all consonantal and vowel sounds
following it; with a difference in the sound of the consonant imme-
diately preceding the accented vowel.

Rhyme deals exclusively with sounds and has nothing to do with

spelling. The rhyming dictionary terminating this book is strictly
phonetic and therefore logical and useful.
Correct rhymes may be spelled alike:

ate, plate, mate, abate, syncopate.

They may be spelled differently:

ate, bait, straight, freight.

In this case the spelling is immaterial.

So called "eye rhymes"—that is, words spelled alike that look alike
but are pronounced differently—are not rhymes at all; they slip into
versification, if at all, as consonance, which will be discussed later.
That is, the incorrect rhyme

earth, hearth

so popular among English versifiers, is no more a rhyme than the

following sets of words identically spelled, but pronounced differ-

cow, blow
climber, timber
finger, ginger, singer
cough, enough, plough, though, through.
Identities do not rhyme, no matter what the spelling is; since the
preceding consonantal sounds must differ. The following are identi-
ties, and not rhymes:

bay, obey
bare, bear, forbear
laying, overlaying
ability, possibility, probability.
Sounds almost alike, after the identical accented vowel sounds, do
not rhyme. These are properly called assonance and have not suc-
ceeded as a versification device in English. Examples are:

main, game, reins, lamed

hate, shape, played
feed, sleet, creep
sandwich, orange, lozenge
childhood, wildwood
Norfolk, war talk
anguish, Flatbush
silver, deliver

You can find examples of incorrect rhymes in poems by many

accepted poets, and in a much higher percentage of popular songs and
newspaper versification. Two of the above examples were taken
directly out of songs nationally popular. Slovenly rhyming is one of
the sure signs of mediocrity in versification. Learn correct rhyming
first; then, if you wish to break the rule you understand, that is your
The language's poverty in rhyming has caused the following
almost-rhymes to become widely accepted:

given, Heaven; bosom, blossom; shadow, meadow;

God, road; war, more; bliss, is; was, grass.

Among widely used "eye rhymes," which are not rhymes at all, but
mere identities in spelling, are:

earth, hearth; bare, are; north, forth; real, steal.

Bosom-blossom, was-grass are combinations of consonance and asso-

nance; bliss-is is assonance; the others in the first list are consonance.
The first three pairs in the second set are acceptable consonance;
real, steal is an attempt to rhyme a two-syllabled word with a one-syl-
labled one and has no justification from any standpoint. Use conso-
nance or assonance purposely, if desired; but always know that this is
not correct rhyming.
If the poet is tone-deaf as to sounds, it is best to rely upon the pho-
netic symbols above each group of rhyming words in the rhyming dic-
tionary that terminates this book, or upon dictionary markings. Many
people cannot distinguish the obvious difference in sounds between
this pair of words, which do not rhyme:

north, forth.

Take away the th sound, and many people still hear no difference
between this pair of words, which do not rhyme:

nor, fore.

Take away the r sound, and some people still hear no difference
between this pair of words, which do not rhyme:

gnaw, foe.

Gnaw plus r plus th cannot rhyme with/oe plus r plus th. If in doubt
as to such off-rhymes, follow the phonetic markings.
A third common error in rhyming comes from such mispronuncia-
tions as dropping a terminal -g. These do not rhyme:

martin, parting,
herding, burden.

They may be rhymed colloquially, that is, in quoted words, as


martin, partin',
herdin', burden,

the latter being not quite a rhyme at that. But unless writing collo-
quially, do not use such incorrect rhymes as those given first above. A
similar error comes from ignoring the r sounds, which causes such
off-rhymes as:

court (pronounced cou't, like coat), boat

Lord (pronounced Lawd), gaud.

Rhymes can be made of two or more words. Here are examples of

perfect rhymes:
satin, flat in.
Quentin, went in.
pray tin, hate in.

Such couplings are more appropriate to light and humorous verse

than to serious poetry. Rhyming must always give the effect of unob-
trusive naturalness, or it fails of its proper effect.
Robert Browning is in a class by himself in fantastic many-word
rhymings and near-rhymings, often in serious verse:

The wolf, fox, bear and monkey

By piping advice in one key. . . .
Pacchiarotto, and How He Worked
in Distemper, et cetera,
Robert Browning.

This is not a rhyme, because monkey is, phonetically, a rhyme sound

for ungki, or at best ungke; and one key is, phonetically, a rhyme
sound for unke, the unguessed g sound in the first spoiling it as a
rhyme. Again, in the same poem, he uses this fantastic coupling:

While, treading down rose and ranunculus,

You Tommy-make-room-for-your-uncle-us!

Ranunculus has its rhyme sound ungk'-u-lus; the next line, ungk'-
ool-us: a minor difference, but enough to spoil the rhyme. Much
closer is Byron's celebrated couplet:

O ye lords of ladies intellectual,

Inform us truly, have they not henpecked you all?
Don Juan, I, xxii, Lord Byron.

The unaccented last syllable of the first line differs from the unac-
cented last syllable of the second with the difference of a and 6.
Barham furnishes many perfect many-worded rhymes, such as:

Should it even set fire to one's castle and burn it, you're
Amply insured for both building and furniture. . . .
Sir Rupert the Fearless,
Richard Harris Barham (Thomas Ingoldsby).

Samuel Hoffenstein furnishes a splendid example:

You haven't the nerve to take bichloride;

You lie up nights till you're gaunt and sore-eyed.
Poems in Praise of Practically Nothing,
Samuel Hoffenstein.

In using such rhyme combinations, it is wise to put the combination

with the inevitable sound first; bichloride; following this with
the combination of words to rhyme with it. Thus W. S. Gilbert, a mas-
ter rhymester, uses in this order:

monotony, got any.

cerebellum too, tell 'em to.

In light and humorous verse, such rhyming cleverness is a crown; in

serious verse, if used sparingly, it is permitted.

Function and 'types of Rhyme

In serious verse, since obvious cleverness defeats the appeal to the
serious emotions, rhyming should be unobtrusive. To have your
rhyme words merely conveniences demanded by your rhyming pat-
tern is one of the chief faults of rhymed verse.
Rhyme is a potent shaper. Once you have written down a line of
verse or poetry, and intend to have the next line or the next line but
one rhyme with it, your choice of terminal words for the rhyming line
is limited by the limited rhyming resources of the language. If a poet

October is the wildest month,


he has estopped himself from any rhyme, since month has no rhyme
in English.
Assuming that the first line's rhyming word has certain rhyming
mates, the choice of terminal rhyme words for the rhyming line is
limited to these; and the direction of the poet's thought and its expres-
sion must be deflected into some natural use of one of these rhyming
mate words. Rhyming is a brain stimulant and may even spur on the
poetic imagination. The meaning of the planned poem may have been
clear in the mind; but its expression, if rhyme is used, must work in
limited fields, and only the master achieves in these that finality of
natural utterance which is one of the charms of great poetry.
To the authentic poet, especially the living poet, there is no such
thing as poetic license: the right to warp and twist the language out of
its natural order or grammar, to suit the exigencies of rhyme. Mr.
Browning continued his Tommy-make-room-for-your-uncle-us cou-
plet with this:

Quick march! for Xanthippe, my housemaid,

If once on your pates she a souse made. . . .
I would not for worlds be your place in,
Recipient of slops from the basin!

What Browning meant, in the direct natural order, was:

Quick march! for Xanthippe, my housemaid,

If once she made a souse on your pates,
I would not for worlds be in your place,
Recipient of slops from the basin!

Even this is unnatural; the real order would be "Quick march! for if
once Xanthippe, my housemaid, made . . ." etc. Let us suppose that
inspiration worked with him in the erratic fashion quoted above. Then
would be the time for the critical sense to come in, and rigorously to
eliminate all such evidences of poetic license—inversions, ungram-
matical constructions, and the like. Not one has a place in poetry,
more than in speech.
This is a rigid rule to lay down. It is not any individual's rule. It is
the rule that Shakespeare followed when he wrote:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

To the last syllable of recorded time,

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Macbeth, William Shakespeare.

This was written some three hundred years ago. There is not an obso-
lete or even archaic word in it, not a strained construction, not an
inversion or instance of ungrammatical poetic license. The quotation
given in fragmentary form from Browning, which includes ranun-
culus, homunculus, skoramis, and countless inversions, was outdated
long ago: the words of Shakespeare live. The best of Burns, of Shel-
ley, of the Keats of Hyperion, of the best among the modern poets,
always follows this rule: no inversions, no archaisms, no poetic
license. This is the price of a chance for wide poetic greatness.
To return to the strict technique of rhyming, one-syllabled rhymes
are called single or masculine rhymes. Examples are:

we, flee, sea, apostrophe, harmony,

disk, tamarisk, odalisque,
fling, sing, carolling.

In the last pair of the first grouping, and the third rhymes in the oth-
ers, note that only a secondary accent falls on the rhyming syllable.
This is enough. A rhyme may be more smothered, if read naturally—
a modern variation in which it may be said that an accented syllable is
rhymed with an unaccented one: such as anguish, wish; ring, wedding.
Used sparingly, this is effective.
Two-syllabled rhymes are called double or feminine rhymes.
Examples are:

ocean, motion, devotion,

traded, aided, play did.
see us, flee us.

Three-syllabled rhymes are called triple rhymes. Examples:


saleable, mailable.
lyrical, miracle, empirical, satirical.
going now, blowing now.
rest of it, best of it, palimpsest of it.

There may be rhymes, especially in light verse, of four or even more

syllables. A rhyme like the one last given shows iittle cleverness, since
it is merely "rest, best, palimpsest" with the phrase "of it" added. The
lack of cleverness makes it more suitable for serious poetry than for
light verse.
End rhyme is used at the end of the lines. Here is an example, the
rhyming words being italicized, and the rhyme scheme indicated by
the corresponding numerals:

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, 1

Old Time is still a-flying; 2
And this same flower that smiles today, 1
Tomorrow will be dying. 2
Counsel to Girls, Robert Herrick.

Rhyme 1 is a single or masculine rhyme; rhyme 2 is a double or femi-

nine rhyme.
Internal rhyme is rhyme used within the line, to give added effec-
tiveness by a closer repetition of the rhyming sounds.
"Each day, all day," these poor folk say,
"In the same old year-long, drear-long way.
We weave in the mills and heave in the kilns.
We sieve mine-meshes under the hills,
And thieve much gold from the Devil's bank tills.
To relieve, O God, what manner of ills?"
The Symphony, Sidney Lanier.
Here year-long rhymes internally with drear-long; weave, heave,
sieve, thieve and relieve are further internal rhymes; and mills is an
internal rhyme to kilns and the three next end rhymes.

Undesirable Rhymes
Incorrect rhymes, or rhymes constructed by straining the natural
expression into inversions and grammatical perversions, excused on

the outworn plea of poetic license, are always undesirable. Quite as un-
desirable are rhymes which are hackneyed and overworked, such as:
kiss, bliss.
yearn, burn; yearning, burning.
love, dove, above.
fire, desire.
trees, breeze.
These are unobjectionable technically. But they have been so used and
overused by other poets that the only excuse for them today is use in
an entirely new manner.
It is the fact that most rhymes have been comparatively overworked
that has caused the tendency toward consonance, which is such a
marked feature of modern poetry, from Emily Dickinson onward.

Alliteration, like rhyme, is a repetition of sounds. But the sound
repeated is only the initial consonant of syllables or words. This was
one of the major devices of Anglo-Saxon poetry, which did not use
rhyme. Langland's Piers Plowman opens:

In a summer season, when soft was the sun,

I shope me in shroudes, as I a sheep were
The Vision of Piers Plowman, William Langland.

Alliteration is used effectively by later poets in connection with

rhyme, as this example illustrates:

Whether /empter sent, or whether rempest rossed thee here ashore,

Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted,
In this home by //orror /jaunted, tell me truly, I implore.
The Raven, Edgar Allan Poe.

If not overused, this is highly effective. Swinburne was one of the

masters of alliteration, tending to overuse it, as in—

The /ilies and /anguors of virtue

For the roses and rapture of vice.
Dolores, Algernon Charles Swinburne.

Where there is no sense of unnaturalness in the repetition of allitera-

tive sounds, it may be successfully employed.

Assonance, called also vowel rhyme, consists in the identity of the
final accented vowel sound, with dissimilarity in the subsequent con-
sonantal and vowel sounds. It was used in Provencal and Old French
poetry, and is still used in Spanish. George Eliot tried unsuccessfully
to introduce it into English, the assonances being italicized:

Maiden crowned with glossy blackness,

Lithe as panther forest-roaming.
Long-armed naead, when she dances.
On the stream of ether floating.
Bright, O bright Fedalma!
Song of Joan, in The Spanish Gipsy,
George Eliot.
The repetition here is not sufficiently marked to make this device
popular in English versification. Typical groups of assonantal mascu-
line or single-rhyrrted endings are:

grab, crack, had, tan, sham, hang, fat

face, shade, hate, pain, claim, male
led, wreck, hem, then, set, step
bide, kine, fight, pipe, wise, advice

In feminine endings, we would have:

aiming, faded, scraping, hailing, painter, lateness
roaming, floated, coping, goader, golden
coming, dumbness, stubborn, rustle

Unpopular so far, at any time assonance may achieve a popularity

in English versification.

Consonance, also loosely called off rhymes, sour rhymes and ana-
lyzed rhymes, consists in an identity of all consonantal and vowel

sounds after the accented vowel; and a difference in the accented

vowels. An improvised model would be:
There's a golden willow
Underneath a hill.
By a babbling shallow
Brook and waterfall;
And a mill-wheel turning
Under moon and sun.
As if gently scorning
Time and tide and man.
There can be any combination of end and internal consonance
with end or internal rhyme in the same poem, according to the best
modern practice: the poet himself being the judge of what form is
most pleasing to his inner sense of music, and that of his prospective
Edna St. Vincent Millay, in The Poet and His Book, uses these
pairs of words in consonance:
worry, bury; withered, gathered; cluttered, spattered; quarrel, lau-
rel; hunters, winter's; valleys, bellies.
She also twice uses assonance:
cupboard, upward; only, homely.
Elinor Wylie uses such instances of consonance as:

bloody, body; people, ripple; mourner, corner; primer, dreamer;

standard, pondered; noble, trouble; music, physic; Circe, hearsay;
Vulcan, falcon; languish, distinguish; lost, ghost; sword, lord; suns,

and many more. Emily Dickinson is more lavish in her use of conso-
nance than any of these.
The reason has been hinted before: the limited field of rhymes in
the language, in spite of the impressive length of any rhyming dic-
tionary. One advantage of a phonetic rhyming dictionary is that it
makes the use of precise and accurate consonance possible. Words are
arranged by rhyme and not by consonance; and yet the phonetic
arrangement gives a start toward arriving at accurate consonance. If

the following method is used, consonance can be achieved by little

more effort than is required for rhyme.
There are five a sounds that occur in accented syllables; three e s;
two / 's; six o 's; and three u 's, or a total of nineteen vowel sounds
appearing in accented syllables. Most of these sets are grouped
together: most of the a's; two of the e 's (omitting the e followed by r,
which appears only when er is reached); both of the /'s, and so on.
Thus AD is followed by AD and this by AD, so that we may proceed
directly from rhyming sounds like aid to sad and then to charade. In
double rhymes, O 'le, OL 'e and OL 'e follow in regular sequence; thus
holy, Macaulay and folly are near neighbors.
Suppose it is desired to locate all the consonance sounds possible
for a line ending with holy. Turn under the a's to all the phonetic sym-
bols similar to O'le—A'le (as, daily), AL'e (as, alley); under e, to
E 'le (as, freely), EL 'e (as, jelly); under i, to / 'le (as, dryly) and IL'e
(as, hilly); also under o to OOL 'e (as, woolly), OIL 'e (as, oily); under
u, to O'le (as truly) and UL'e (as, dully). Look up also OUL'e and
other possible vowel combinations, to make sure there are no rhyme
sounds under them. And now the poet has an accurate test to see
which words are in precise consonance with holy, and which are not.
Thus this most modern of all sound-repetition devices in English
versification can be achieved most perfectly through the use of a pho-
netic rhyming dictionary. The phonetic symbols, of course, must be in
precise alphabetical order. Turn, under each of the five vowels (not
forgetting the vowel sounds Ol, OO, and Oil come alphabetically
also), to the vowel followed by the identical consonant and vowel
sounds following the accented vowel in the rhymed syllable you wish
consonances for; and all consonances that the lists of words afford
will be found.
There is small adventure in rhyming, except in the made rhymes of
two or more words more common to light verse. Compilers of
rhyming dictionaries have completed the adventure long ago. There is
great adventure in the use of consonance, which expands the sound-
repetition resources of the language. It is possible to write a poem
where not one of the consonance couplets has been used before. The
adventurous will not overlook this.

Your Mental Rhyming Dictionary

As times it is inconvenient or impossible to have a rhyming dic-
tionary available. Especially where the poet desires to write such a

Single Double Triple Rare

— CH
K(C) KL (CL)
th thR

piece of formal verse as a ballade, requiring fourteen rhymes on one

sound, no two of which could be identical, it is advisable to be able to
improvise your own temporary rhyming dictionary.
The method is simple. First write down all the single, double and
triple consonantal sounds you can remember. It is not necessary to
write down all of them, although for your convenience the list on page
41 is approximately complete.
Having jotted down as many of these as you remember, test the
rhyme sound desired against this table, and write out the results.
Thus, if the rhymes to aye, the long A sound, are desired, the poet
would get, to begin with, of the single consonantal sounds:

aye, bay, day, fay, gay, hay, jay, kay or cay, lay, may, nay or neigh,
pay, ray, say, decollete for the t sound, survey for the v sound, way,

Be careful, when a one-syllabled rhyme in such an instance is miss-

ing, to use ingenuity to find longer words with the desired rhyme, as
decollete, survey.
Then, for the double consonantal sound rhymes, the following
could be added:

redouble for the bl sound, bray, dray, flay, fray, gray, clay, McCrae
for the cr sound, play, pray or prey, shay, risque for the sk sound,
slay, dismay perhaps for the sm sound, stay, sway, they, tray, tway.

In addition, the triple consonantal sounds would give:

splay, spray, stray.

Altogether this has furnished thirty-nine rhymes for aye: and this is
more than enough to satisfy the requirements of any formal verse.
Suppose only four rhymes for the purposes of the rhyming pattern
are needed, and the poet decides to use huge as one of them. Using
the above rhyming dictionary, only a group of/rhymes are discov-
ered—febrifuge, subterfuge, vermifuge and so on; and perhaps, if the
poet is expert in pronunciation, gamboge, which also rhymes with it.
But no fourth rhyming sound. The huge rhyme sound would then have
to be discarded and some other sound tried.
Try a double rhyme, ended. Using this mental rhyming dictionary,
the poet discovers:

ended, bended, fended or defended, Jen did, Len did, mended or

amended, depended, rended, tended or attended, vended, wended,

and, using double and triple consonantal initial sounds,

blended, friended and befriended, expended for sp, extended for st,
trended, then did, splendid,

and this can be supplemented with men did and many other two-word
rhymes. Here are at least eighteen rhyming mates, which can be used
as the 2 rhyme in a ballade, which requires fourteen rhyming mates.
So even if the rhyming dictionary is left behind, a mental rhyming
dictionary can always be improvised, once the mechanism is learned.
• IV •

The Couplet
A SINGLE LINE of poetry is called, technically, a verse of poetry. A
series of lines arranged formally as a part of a poem is called a
stanza. Stanza forms may be rigid, with a fixed order of sequence as
to line length, meter, or rhyme; or they may be mere divisions of a
poem, corresponding to the paragraphs of prose.
The simplest stanza is one of two lines, called a couplet. The word
couplet is used to mean either a two-line poem, or a two-line stanza—
that is, a part of a poem; and this is equally true of triplets or tercets,
quatrains and so on. It may be rhymed:

"Where are you going, my pretty maid?" 1

"I'm going a milking, sir," she said. 1
Mother Gooses Nursery Rhymes.
Naturally, if our stanza has only two lines, it can be rhymed in only
one way: each line followed immediately by its rhyming mate. This is
called rhyming in couplets, and is indicated by 1, 1. The second
rhyme sound used in the poem would be designated by 2, the third by
3, and so on. Thus a series of couplet stanzas, if rhymed, would be
rhymed 1, 1; 2; 3, 3; and so on. This is called couplet rhyming, a term
used of any lines rhymed in this fashion, even when not divided into
separate couplet stanzas.
Five-foot iambic lines rhymed couplet fashion are called heroic
couplets. This was the favorite measure employed by Dryden and
Pope, who enriched the language with many polished quotations:

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien I

As, to be hated, needs but to be seen; 1
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, 2
We first endure, then pity, then embrace. 2
An Essay on Man, Alexander Pope.

These pairs of lines are not stanzas, much less complete two-line
poems. Thus couplet is used with the third meaning of a method of
rhyming—the 1, 1; 2, 2 method.
A couplet need not be rhymed: it may be an unrhymed two-line
poem, or two-line stanza. It may be in any rhythm or combination of

The Triplet or Tercet

A group of three lines, whether a complete poem or a stanza, is
called a triplet, or tercet. This is not as common a form as the couplet
or the four-line form, the quatrain. An example is:

A still small voice spake unto me, 1

"Life is so full of misery, 1
Were it not better not to be?" 1
The Two Voices, Alfred Tennyson.

It is clear that with three lines to work from, theJines in such a group
might be rhymed 1, 1, 2, in which the third line rhymes with nothing
in the triplet; or 1, 2, 2; or 1, 2, 1. In the case of groups of triplet
stanzas, the rhymes may be interlocked:

Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: 1

What if my leaves are falling like its own! 2
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies 1
Will take from both a deep autumnal tone, 2
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce, 3
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! 2
Drive my dead thoughts over the universe 3
Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! 4
And, by the incantation of this verse, 3
Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth 4
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! 5
Be through my lips to unawakened earth 4
The trumpet of a prophecy! O wind, 5
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 5
Ode to the West Wind, Percy Bysshe Shelley.

This interlocked rhyming, where the unrhymed middle line of one

triplet becomes the rhymed first and third lines of the next, the whole
ending with a thirteenth and fourteenth line rhyming with the
unrhymed central line of the preceding triplet, is a special Italian
verse stanza form, called terza rima. As Shelley used it, it might be
regarded as an apt variation of the Shakespearean sonnet. It may be
constituted of less or more triplets, always followed by such a con-
cluding couplet.
Notice, in the hands of this master, the rhyming devices. Is-har-
monies illustrates rhyming a primary accent with a secondary one:
and the secondary one is an indeterminate sound, more often rhymed
with seas than with is, which gives it the effect of partial consonance.
Fierce-universe is consonance, not rhyme, as is birth-hearth-earth,
long defended as an "eye rhyme," but admissible as consonance. The
same is true of mankind-wind-behind. It is incorrect to pronounce the
noun wind as if it were the verb to wind; wind here rhymed with
thinned, and is in consonance with behind.
Triplets may be in any rhythm, including free verse or polyrhythm.
And they may be unrhymed:

I have had playmates, I have had companions,

In my days of childhood, in my joyful school-days;
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
I have been laughing, I have been carousing,
Drinking late, sitting late, with my bosom cronies;
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
The Old Familiar Faces, Charles Lamb.

In this poem Lamb invented his own pattern—unrhymed six-foot

trochaic in the main, with seven feet in the fifth line; and with the
terminal line of each triplet a refrain, repeated without alteration.
Any poet may make his own pattern for any poem he wishes; and, if
it finds favor, it may become a standard pattern.

The Quatrain
A quatrain is a stanza or poem of four lines. This is the most popu-
lar brief stanza in English versification, and has a variety of familiar
rhyme schemes. Ordinary ballad meter was originally seven-foot
iambic rhymed couplets:

As Robin Hood in the forest strayed, all under the greenwood

tree, 1
He was aware of a brave young man, as fine as fine might be. 1
Old English Ballad.

As normally printed today, this becomes a quatrain, with the first and
third lines unrhymed, and only the second and fourth rhyming—a
rhyme scheme that may be used with other meters as well, and with
any number of feet to each line:

As Robin Hood in the forest strayed, 1

All under the greenwood tree, 2
He was aware of a brave young man, 3
As fine as fine might be. 2

Almost as popular is the quatrain rhymed on alternate lines:

A violet by a mossy stone 1

Half-hidden from the eye! 2
—Fair as a star, when only one 1
Is shining in the sky. 2
The Lost Love, William Wordsworth.
Quatrains may be rhymed couplet-wise:

Tiger, tiger, burning bright 1

In the forests of the night, 1
What immortal hand or eye 2
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 2
The Tiger, William Blake.
Note that this is not indented: that is, that line two is set directly
under line one. The purpose of indentation is primarily to show the
rhyme scheme: lines rhyming with each other may be normally set
beneath each other, as in the two previous examples. Indentation is
used either to show identities of rhyme, or to center briefer lines in a
stanza or poem.
The In Memoriam stanza is built upon a four-foot iambic pattern,
rhymed as follows:

Ring out old shapes of foul disease; 1

Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; 2

Ring out the thousand wars of old, 2

Ring in the thousand years of peace. 1
In Memoriam, Alfred Tennyson.

Edward Fitzgerald's translation or recreation of the quatrains or

Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam has one of the most famous quatrain
rhyme patterns in the language, using five-foot iambic lines:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, 1

Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit 1
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line 2
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it. 1
The Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam,
translated by Edward Fitzgerald.

Other possible quatrain rhyme arrangements are: 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1,

1, 2; 2, 2, 2, 2; 1, 2, 1, 1; 1, 2, 3, 1; 1, 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3, 3; 1, 2,
2, 3; and no doubt others. Hereafter, no additional rhyming patterns
will be listed, since by now it should be understood that none is
As for the number of feet to the line in these quatrains, the number
for the better-known patterns is as follows:

Ballad Meter, 4, 3, 4, 3. Called also Long Meter in hymns.

In Memoriam, 4, 4, 4, 4.
Rubdiydt, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Short Meter (in hymns), 3, 3, 4, 3.

This last was popular in the sixteenth century as Poulter's measure.

These four are all in iambic lines. Of course, any metric foot or com-
bination of feet may be employed. It need not be repeated again that
the quatrain, as any other stanza, may be unrhymed or may be in

Stanzas of More Than Four Lines

A five-line stanza or poem is called a cinquain. Adelaide Crapsey
invented one containing 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1 iambic feet respectively in
the lines:

These be
Three silent things:
Hie falling snow . . . the hour
Before the dawn . . . the mouth of one
Just dead.
Triad, Adelaide Crapsey.
A rhymed cinquain is used in one of Shelley's best-known odes:
Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! 1
Bird thou never wert, 2
That from heaven, or near it, 1
Pourest thy full heart 2
In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. 2
To a Skylark, Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Notice how the indentation centers the briefer lines, as well as indi-
cating, in the first four, rhyming mates. The number of feet here is 3,
3, 3, 3, 6. A terminal six-foot iambic line is called an Alexandrine;
this was constantly used with iambic five-foot lines as a terminal.
Shelley uses this pattern throughout his poem To a Skylark. Foe,
another master craftsman, altered his rhyme and meter pattern from
stanza to stanza in his greatest lyrics. The familiar love song To Helen
("Helen, thy beauty is to me—") has, in his three cinquains or five-
line stanzas, these three different rhyme arrangements; 1,2, 1, 2, 2;
3, 4, 3, 4, 3; 5, 6, 6, 5, 6. To his inner musical ear, these changes
were more musical than regularity could have been.
A six-line stanza is called a sextet or sestet. Here is an example:

Fear no more the heat o' the sun 1

Nor the furious winter's rages; 2
Thou thy worldly task hast done, 1
Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: 2
Golden lads and girls all must, 3
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. 3
Dirge from Cymbeline, William Shakespeare.

The trochaic pattern here is four-foot lines. One of the favorite stan-
zas of Robert Burns has the iambic pattern of 4 , 4 , 4 , 2,4, 2; as in his
To a Field-Mouse:

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin', tim'rous beastie, 1

0 what a panic's in thy breastie! 1
Thou need na start awa sae hasty, 1
Wi' bickering brattle! 2
1 wad be laith to rin and chase thee 1
Wi' murd'ring pattle! 2
To a Field-Mouse, Robert Burns.

The consonance beastie, breastie, hasty, chase thee was to be

expected in the hands of a master. A popular pattern (using an
unusual trochaic 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2 measure) was used by Whittier:

And if I should live to be 1

The last leaf upon the tree 1
In the spring, 2
Let them laugh, as I do now, 3
At the old, forsaken bough 3
Where I cling. 2
The Last Leaf, Oliver Wendell Holmes.
This may be used in longer stanzas, with a scheme such as 1, 1, 1, 2,
3, 3, 3, 2, a variant of this being popularized by Tennyson:

Willows whiten, aspens quiver, 1

Little breezes dusk and shiver 1
Through the wave that runs for ever 1
By the island in the river 1
Flowing down to Camelot. 2
Four gray walls, and four gray towers, 3
Overlook a space of flowers, 3
And the silent isle embowers 3
The Lady of Shalott. 2
The Lady of Shalott, Alfred Tennyson.
This stanza is called a tail rhyme stanza and is a mere elaboration of
the pattern of The Last Leaf.

Certain Other Stanzas

It may seem like profanation to some, to subject to the critical
scalpel such a masterpiece as Keats's Ode to a Grecian Urn. But the

poem suffers no loss from the process, for the reader returns to it to
find it all uninjured in the end; and no other method will permit an
understanding of the technical achievement involved in such lasting
beauty. Here are five ten-line stanzas. Each opens with a 1, 2, 1,2
sequence. Thereafter there are differences. The first and last have the
next six lines 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5; the fourth and fifth use instead 3, 4, 5,
3, 4, 5; while the second has 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4.
A famous seven-lined stanza is called Rhyme Royal. This was used
by James I of Scotland in his The Kinges Quhair, and repeatedly by
Chaucer and others. Here is a typical use by Chaucer:
To you, my purse, and to none other wight 1
Complain I, for ye be my lady dear. 2
I am full sorry, now that ye be light, 1
For, certes, ye now make be heavy cheer. 2
Me were as lief-y laid upon my bier 2
For which unto your mercy thus I cry, 3
Be heavy again, or elles mote I die. 3
The Complaint to His Empty Purse, Geoffrey Chaucer.
This has a terminal couplet rhyming 3, 3, which breaks the flow of
the narrative somewhat. To avoid this, the Canopus stanza points a
way out:
The night's mysterious wings pulsed thru the dark, 1
The night's mysterious noises cracked and shivered, 2
And where their fingers met a visible spark 1
Seemed to leap forth at them, and pulsed and quivered 2
Throughout them both. Their thickened tongues were dumb, 3
The pretty words of star-lore undelivered, 2
The pretty words that found no breath would come. 3
Canopus, Clement Wood.
Note here also that the use of some feminine or double rhymes with
single or masculine rhymes is effective. This is especially effective in
a Shakespearean sonnet.
Ottava rima is an Italian stanza adopted in English by many poets.
It is an eight-line stanza, composed of a sestet rhymed alternately, fol-
lowed by a terminal rhyming couplet. The Italians use their heroic
meter, eleven syllables to the line, in it; the English prefer iambic
five-foot measure. Spenser, Milton, and Keats used it, and Byron pre-
ferred it, as in his Don Juan:

But "why then publish?"—There are no rewards 1

Of fame or profit when the world grows weary. 2
I ask in turn,—Why do you play at cards? 1
Why drink? Why read?—To make some hour
less dreary. 2
It occupies me to turn back regards 1
On what I've seen or pondered, sad or cheery; 2
And what I write I cast upon the stream 3
To sink or swim—I have had at least my dream. 3
Don Juan, Lord Byron.

Again note the use of double and single rhymes in the same stanza,
quite often effective.
The Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser, and has
long been used in serious dignified verse. The eight opening five-foot
iambic lines are terminated by an Alexandrine, or six-foot iambic
line; the pattern may be seen in this opening of Keats's poem, which
uses the stanza throughout:

St. Agnes' Eve—ah, bitter chill it was! 1

The owl, for all his feathers, was acold. 2
The hare limped trembling through the frozen grass, 1
And silent was the flock in woolly fold. 2
Numb was the Beadsman's fingers while he told 2
His rosary, and while his frosted breath 3
Like pious incense from a censer old, 2
Seemed taking flight for heaven without a death. 3
Past the sweet Virgin's picture, while his prayer he saith. 3
The Eve of St. Agnes, John Keats.

Terza rima is an iambic rhythm, usually of five feet to the line. It is

usually written continuously, and not in stanzas. It consists of groups
of three lines, rhymed 1, 2, 1; but the rhyming sound of the middle
line, 2, becomes the first and third line of the next group; and so on.
The end of the canto or poem is a couplet, tying up the rhyme sound
left loose as the central line terminal sound in the preceding triplet.
Thus it is a sort of chain verse, its rhyme scheme proceeding: 1,2, 1;
2, 3, 2; 3, 4, 3; 4, 5, 4; n-1, n, n-1; n, n. Shelley, in his Ode
to the West Wind, used this in fourteen-line groups, separating the
triplets and concluding couplet as if they were separate stanzas.
It is advisable for the poet or versifier to spend some time in the

pleasant chore of analyzing the favorite poems of the great poets—the

odes of Keats, the sonnets of Shakespeare, the greater lyrics of Poe,
and so on. Scansion will indicate the meter employed; and the
numeral system 1, 1, 2, 2 will mark for you the rhyming pattern. Let
your attention be directed especially to ingenious devices for securing
variety within a formal pattern.
The sonnet, which will be reached in the study of lyric poetry, has
been used often and successfully as a stanza.
In polyrhythmic or free verse, the stanza division follows the poet's
inner mandate of where each group of lines should end, as if it were
a paragraph in prose.

Sapphics and Other Classic Forms

Elegiac verse, according to the classical models, consists of lines
alternately dactylic hexameter and dactylic pentamenter; and then
this difference is explained away by saying that the shorter lines have
six accents, but omit the unaccented syllables in the third and sixth
feet. Coleridge indicates the method:
In the hexameter rises the fountain's all-silvery radiance;
In the pentameter aye falling in melody back.
Translation from Schiller, Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
It is significant that none of the five greatest examples of elegiac
poetry—that based upon death, or reflections upon death—in the
English language, use this form. These five poems are Milton's
Lycidas, Shelley's Adonais, Tennyson's In Memoriam, Gray's famous
elegy, and Whitman's When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed, a
tribute to Lincoln.
The Greek dactylic hexameter, the classic model as the iambic
five-foot line is in English, is far more complicated, according to the
prosodists, than it sounds. There are six feet. The fifst four are
dactyls or spondees. The fifth must be a dactyl; otherwise, if a spon-
dee appears here, the verse is called spondaic. The last is a spondee or
a trochee. A diagram makes this clearer.

or or or or
' / // // //

This may be written in English, with an accent basis instead of a

quantity basis (that is, long and short syllables).
Hendecasyllabics were eleven-syllabled lines composed of a spon-
dee, a dactyl, and trochees. Thus:

This meter has never been successfully naturalized into English.
Alcaics, named from the lyric poet Alcaeus, a contemporary of
Sappho, are of several kinds. The first variety has a five-foot line,
consisting of a spondee or iamb, an iamb, a long syllable, and two
dactyls. Here is the pattern:

o/ l_ / l / l / J/__
The second variety has two dactyls and two trochees to the line:

\nd, for the third, the line is composed:

(I) - " /
(11)/-// •

or / ~ ~ / / „ /
(in)//-/ (stress on (stress on - //
or 1st or 4th 1st or 4th (Stress on first
(IV) / / / - syllable) syllable) long syllable)

What are the names of these feet? The first is an epitrite (first, sec-
ond, third or fourth epitrite, depending upon the Jocation of the short
syllable); two choriambi or choriambs as above; and a bacchius. This
technique does not often produce poetry in English; more often, it
produces prosody or verse.
For an Alcaic ode, each strophe consists of four lines. The first two
are eleven-syllabled Alcaics of the first kind; the third an especial
form of iambic two-foot of nine syllables, described as hypercatalec-
tic; and the fourth a ten-syllabled Alcaic of the second kind. Ten-
nyson tried to catch it in:

O mighty-mouthed inventor of harmonies,

O skilled to sing of time or eternity,

God-gifted organ-voice of England,

Milton, a name to resound for ages.
Milton, Alfred Tennyson.
Sapphics are named after the poet Sappho, who is said to have used
the form with high skill. A sapphic line consists of five equal beats,
its central one of three syllables, and the rest of two each. The origi-
nal Greek sapphic stanza consisted of three of these lines, followed by
a shorter line called an adonic, the whole following this pattern:

// /~~ /- //
/ or
- or
/ / //
or /__ /- or
• / -

/ w / „ /- or

/- /-

Certain English poets have essayed this meter. In the examples given,
the accent sign ( ) means a syllable described as long; the other sym-
bol ( ) means one described as short. Here is Swinburne's use of the

Saw the | white im- | placable | Aphro-1 dite,

Saw the hair un- bound and the feet un- sandalled
/ - / w
Shine as I fire of Isunset on western | waters;
/ / w
Saw the re- luctant

Feet, the straining plumes of the doves that drew her,

Looking, always looking with necks reverted,
Back to Lesbos, back to the hills whereunder
Shone Mitylene
Sapphics, Algernon Charles Swinburne.

and so on to the end. A choriambic line consists of a spondee, three

choriambi and an iamb. A galliambic line is composed of iambs, one
of which drops its final syllable, the next foot to the last being an

The purpose of indentation is primarily to indicate the rhyme
scheme. Indenting a line means sinking it inward by an increased
blank space in the left-hand margin. Every paragraph in prose is
indented at its beginning. An early indentation of poetry was similar
to this, and consisted in indenting only the first line of each stanza.
Where the poet desires to impress the reader with his rhyme scheme,
indenting of lines rhymed is proper:

Yet this inconstancy is such

As you too shall adore:
I could not love thee, Dear, so much,
Loved I not Honour more.
To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars, Richard Lovelace.

The following indentation is improper and essentially illiterate:

That which her slender waist confined

Shall now my joyful temples bind:
No monarch but would give his crown
His arms might do what this has done.
On a Girdle, Edmund Waller.

Needless to say, the poet set this up without indentation. The motive
for such misindentation seems to be the following foggy thinking on
the part of the versifier:

(a) Some poems by great poets are indented.

(b) Therefore I must indent my poem, to make sure it is
regarded as great.

Once the motive for indentation is learned—to show the similarity of

rhyme sounds terminating lines indented to the same point—this
error will be avoided.
A second purpose of indentation is to center short lines in the

central portion of the poem, instead of leaving them dangling off to

the left. One of Guy Wetmore Carryll's eight verse poems proceeds:

A maiden from the Bosphorus,

With eyes as bright as phosphorus,
Once wed the wealthy bailiff
Of the caliph
Of Kelat.
Though diligent and zealous, he
Became a slave to jealousy.
(Considering her beauty,
'Twas his duty
To be that!)
How the Helpmate of Bluebeard Made Free with a Door,
Guy Wetmore.

Here the first, third, fourth and sixth indentations indicate rhyming
changes; the second and fifth are to center briefer rhyming lines. The
object is to make the poem appear as presentable as possible, consid-
ering the rhyme scheme and length of line. Recall the indentation of
Shelley's To a Skylark, already given.
As to sonnets, there are only two proper ways to present them:
indenting for rhyme and omitting indentation. The Italian and Shake-
spearean form would then have the following indentation, if this is
used to indicate the rhyme scheme:

Italian Sonnet Shakespearean Sonnet

1 1
2 2
2 1
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 3
1 4
3 5
4 6
5 5
3 6
4 7
5 7

It is more usual to set up sonnets without indentation. The original

method of indenting the Shakespearean sonnet consisted of twelve
lines without indentation and an identation for the concluding
All this assumes that the poet wishes to impress on the reader the
rhyming scheme and the poet's fidelity in following it. But this is ini-
tiating the reader into the irrelevant laboratory work of the poet, and
has its many disadvantages, since the reader primarily wishes to
know what the poet has to say, not the devices by which he increases
his effectiveness. The modern tendency is to eliminate the indenta-
tion in all poems. If poems are printed similarly to prose, the indenta-
tion will be the same as prose, to indicate paragraph openings, or to
insert a quotation.
• V •

Narrative Poetry
POETRY IS COMMONLY divided, from the point of view of the poet's
presentation of his material, into narrative, dramatic, and lyric
poetry. The distinction is simple:
• In narrative poetry, the poet tells us a story as if he had been a
spectator, but not a participant, in the events.
• In dramatic poetry, the poet lets the characters of the story
speak their own words.
• In lyric poetry, the poet speaks his own moods, thoughts and
These, like all definitions, define from the centers, not from the
boundaries. A long-winded narrative in the first person, telling the
poet's own adventures, might be classed with reason as any of the
three: narrative poetry because it tells a story; dramatic, like a long
dramatic monologue; and lyric, because the poet himself is speaking.
This attitude classification is not of primary importance.
A fourth division, didactic poetry, that which teaches or points a
moral, was once popular and is still encountered. It is regarded at
best as a low flight of poetry.

Epic, Metrical Romance, Tale

An epic is a long narrative poem, dealing with heroic events,
usually with supernatural guidance and participation in the action.
Epics are divided into natural or folk epics, and literary epics. There
is a suggested theory that folk epics are preceded by and composed of
folk ballads. The earliest known epics exhibit little or no trace of any
welding or amalgamating process.

The earliest literary remains in Greece are of the epic type, of

three varieties. Epics of personal romance and war center around the
semimythical blind bard Homer, with his Iliad—the story of the
flight of Helen of Sparta with her Trojan lover, Paris; the war of
Greeks against Trojans to avenge this; the anger of Greek Achilles and
its effects; the defeat of Troy—and the Odyssey, telling the world wan-
derings of Grecian Odysseus after the sack of Troy, and of his return
to his native Ithaca. Parts .of these long poems are essentially prosy;
but they have never been equalled for long poetic flight in narrative
form. Epics dealing with the mysteries of religion center around the
mythical singer Orpheus. Epics of a didactic nature center around the
name of Hesiod. Scholars state that many lost epics in all three fields
preceded the epics now remaining.
The Mahabharata and the Ramayana in Sanskrit, the Shahnameh
in Persian, the Niebelungenlied in Middle German, Beowulf in
Anglo-Saxon, the fragmentary Elder Edda from Iceland, the Poem of
the Cid from Spain, the Song of Roland in medieval France, the
Kalevala from Finland are all folk epics. They originated before the
invention of writing and were transmitted orally, with inevitable
changes and additions from time to time. Literary epics are a later
attempt to catch the charm of the ancient epics; and as a rule they
are a lower flight. Virgil's Aeneid, Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered,
Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, Dante's didactic Commedia are the most
outstanding among these. The Lusiads of Camoens gave form to the
Portuguese language, much as Dante did to modern Italian, Chaucer
to English and Luther to German. Spenser's Faerie Queene has lost
most of its charm for many modern English readers; even Milton's
Paradise Lost, which sought to express English Puritanism as Dante
had sought to express medieval Catholicism, is largely dull to modern
Stories in verse preceded stories in prose. Chaucer's Canterbury
Tales, the narrative metrical romances and tales of Scott, Byron and
others, preceded the novel and the short story in English. But prose
has become the popular medium, as it is the more natural one, and the
long poetic narrative today usually seems artificial.

The ballad, the brief story in verse, alone retains some general
popularity. The name meant first a folk song-and-dance, like the

surviving London Bridge Is Falling Down or Oats, Peas, Beans and

Barley Grow. It came to mean the folksong that tells a brief story—at
first to be sung, later to be said or read. The Germanic bards or
scalds, the gleemen, harpers, minstrels, troubadours, and minne-
singersrs were a distinguished lot—the oral literature (and music) of
races in the pre-bookish age. The chief figures in the ballads at first
were noble, since nobles were the patrons of the singers. Later on, the
lower classes became vocal—the oppressed Saxons in the Robin Hood
ballads, and many early ballads in which a commoner ends by marry-
ing one of noble lineage. The technique at first was simple, often with
a simple refrain that the hearers might chorus. In English, the first
ballad meter was seven-foot iambic lines, rhymed in couplets. A vari-
ant of this is the Scottish ballad Edward, Edward, with a pause be-
tween the invoked names taking the place of a foot in alternate lines:

"Quhy does zour brand sae drop wi' bluid, Edward, Edward?
Quhy does zour brand sae drop wi' bluid, and quhy sae sad
gang zee, O?"
"Oh, I hae kill-ed my hauke sae guid, Mither, Mither,
O, I hae kill-ed my hauke sae guid; and I had nae mair but
he, O."

Like the majority of the older ballads, this is a gory thing, full of
blood and stark universal passions. If modern poetry gave us more of
such red meat instead of caviar canapes, it would hold a wider popu-
larity than it now has.
The rhythm is much freer than centuries of later iambic versifica-
tion. The modern versifier can learn much of the way to sprinkle
anapests in an iambic pattern, and of more important devices in ver-
sification, from old English folk ballads, as from that other depository
of English folk verse, Mother Goose. Folk ballads originate among
people largely pre-bookish; certain American mountaineers and cer-
tain Negroes still commemorate thrilling events with folk ballads,
like the one within our memory on The Sinking of the Titantic.
Literary ballads are more successful than literary epics. Ballads by
Heine and Housman, or Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner,
have been taken to the heart of the race. The stanza form is almost
invariably simple. Yet it is worthwhile to study the slight elaborations
of the ballad meter that Coleridge employed—with stanzas ranging
from four to nine ballad half-lines. There are many more successful
literary ballads.

Dramatic Poetry
Like storytelling, drama is largely a lost field to poetry, purely
because of the unnaturalness of poetic drama as usually written.
There is a field for drama in natural free verse, which may yet be
widely used. Classic drama was divided into tragedy, a play ending in
death, and comedy, a play not ending in death. This division was
unworkable and has been abandoned today.
Thespis, reputed father of Grecian drama, never permitted more
than one actor on the stage at one time, with a chorus to interpret the
action to the audience. This rigid convention was shattered by
Aeschylus, who added a second actor. Sophocles added a third; but
classic Greek drama never permitted a fourth. The typical Shake-
spearean play had five acts, the climax occurring during the third act,
the solution at the end. This usually meant a dragging fourth act,
which only Othello among the great tragedies avoided. Shakespeare
and most other English verse dramatists used a five-foot iambic line,
most often in blank or unrhymed verse. None of these conventions are
more sacred than the one-actor convention of Thespis.
The dramatic monologue, or dramatic lyric, sprung from the
speeches of Thespis's actor and the unnatural soliloquy of classic and
English drama, is the one form of drama in verse which preserves
considerable popularity. Robert Browning made this field peculiarly
his own, with such magnificent dramatic vignettes as My Last
Duchess, Andrea del Sarto, Caliban upon Setebos and so many more.
His tremendous The Ring and the Book is, within a brief framework,
ten immense dramatic monologues: the same group of facts, as seen
through the eyes of ten differing personalities. Such dramatic mono-
logues may be in any rhythm, any line length, and with or without
rhyme. Success comes in proportion to the naturalness of the speech,
the universality and depth of the emotion displayed, and the accuracy
in character drawing.

Lyric Poetry: Ode, Elegy, Pastoral

Perhaps the earliest, and certainly the most enduringly popular
type of poetry, is the lyric. As the name indicates, it meant originally
poetry to be sung to the lyre—a dance at first accompanying this.
The ode, the most exalted form of lyric poetry, had strict rules

in classic times. The Greek Pindaric ode had three movements: a stro-
phe, in which the chorus moved from a given spot toward the right;
the antistrophe, following the same versification pattern, and to the
same tune, in which the chorus moved correspondingly to the left;
and the concluding epode, different in structure, sung to a different
tune, and with the chorus standing still. Efforts to revive this form in
English have not succeeded. In English, the ode is a dignified lyric on
some high theme, with constant progress in its stanzas toward its con-
clusion. Familiar odes in English include Wordsworth's:

Our birth is but a sleep and- a forgetting;

The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath elsewhere its setting
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home.
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!
Ode on the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of
Early Childhood

and also the great odes by Shelley and Keats already referred to.
An elegy is a formal expression of the poet's grief at death, whether
general or centered about the death of an individual. It has no more
definite a pattern in English than the ode. Milton, in Lycidas, uses an
iambic measure, with lines of differing lengths, and a f luidic rhyme
scheme. Shelley, in Adonais, chose the Spenserian stanza. Tennyson,
in In Memoriam, selected the quatrain pattern already encountered.
Whitman, in his major Lincoln threnody, "When Lilacs Last in the
Dooryard Bloomed, wrote in magnificent polyrhythmic verse. Gray's
familiar Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, alone among these a
meditation upon death in general, used alternate-rhymed five-foot
iambic lines. There are many familiar short elegies in the language.
The pastoral is a reflective lyric upon some aspect of nature, for-
merly concerned with shepherd life, whence its name. Milton's
shapely LAllegro and // Penseroso, and Whittier's Snowbound, are
examples in this genre. As city living increasingly replaces country
living, some form of city lyric may supplant the pastoral, if it does not
die without offspring.

The Simple Lyric: The Song

The word song is loosely used for any. simple lyric, on the theory
that it may always be set to music. It is best to reserve the word for a
lyric intended to be set to music. This calls for a knowledge, on the
part of the poet, of the human voice in music, and the ease or diffi-
culty with which the various sounds are produced. Certain conso-
nants and combinations of consonants are singable only with great
difficulty. A line like:

The gross-sized much-touched scratch will itch

is not easily singable. The terminal consonants m, n, I, r are sung with

ease; s, z, ch, sh, as terminals, with difficulty. Of the vowels, broad a,
long o, long a, ou are easiest to sing, though no vowel is really diffi-
cult. The words chosen should always end, and as far as possible
include, only sounds which open the mouth, instead of closing it.
Simple words are to be preferred to complicated ones; definite precise
words to indefinite abstract ones; emotion-evoking words to intellec-
tualized ones.
The lyric canon in English is one of the glories of its literature.
After the dawn-hour lyrics before the Elizabethan age, the golden
song of Campion—

Shall I come, sweet Love, to thee,

When the evening beams are set?
Shall I not excluded be,
Will you find no feigned let?
Let me not, for pity, more
Tell the long hours at your door
Shall I Come, Sweet Love? Thomas Campion.
the equally melodious singable lyrics of Shakespeare and his contem-
poraries, the lyrics of Shelley, Keats, Byron, Burns, Housman and so
many more in England, and of Pbe, Emily Dickinson, Sidney Lanier
and a few later singers, together make up a body of song that the race
continues to treasure.
The themes and treatments of the lyric may vary as widely as the
desires and visions of the poets. A lyric may have any chosen form of
rhythm, with or without rhyme. It is often natural and effective in free
verse or polyrhythmic poetry, since in this form the precise emotion-

moving thoughts and images may be written down, without the warp-
ing often demanded by such devices of versification as rhyme, asso-
nance, consonance, and formal meter and stanza arrangement. Here
is an example from the chief American user of the form, in a lyric
called Reconciliation:

Word over all, beautiful as the sky,

Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage
must in time be utterly lost,
That the hands of the sisters Death and Night
incessantly softly wash again, and ever again,
this soil'd world;
For my enemy is dead, a man divine as myself is dead,
I look where he lies white-faced and still in the
coffin—I draw near,
Bend down and touch lightly with my lips the white
face in the coffin.
Reconciliation, Walt Whitman.

Modern users of polyrhythmic poetry as a rule use less eloquence

than Whitman and less of the expansive cosmic note, and tend instead
toward the tense and gripping emotional appeal usual in rhymed and
metric lyrics. Much shorter line division is also common.

The Sonnet
The sonnet is the most popular fixed form in English. It is a lyric of
fourteen iambic five-foot lines, with a defined and definite rhyme
scheme. There are two forms of it widely used in English, the Italian
or Petrarchan sonnet, and the Shakespearean sonnet.
The rhyme scheme of the Italian sonnet appears from the following

The world is too much with us; late and soon; 1

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: 2
Little we see in Nature that is ours; 2
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! 1
This sea that bares her bosom to the moon, 1
The winds that will be howling at all hours, 2
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; 2

For this, for everything, we are out of tune; 1

It moves us not.—-Great God! I'd rather be 3
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; 4
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, 3
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; 4
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; 3
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn. 4
Sonnet, William Wordsworth.
The first eight lines of any sonnet are called the octave. In the Ital-
ian sonnet, the rhyme scheme is rigid and may not be departed from.
The octave consists of two quatrains rhymed 1,2,2, 1, the In Memo-
nam rhyming pattern made familiar by Tennyson's use of it. The
entire octave then rhymes 1, 2, 2, 1; 1, 2, 2, 1. It is not permitted
to vary the rhymes in the second half of the octave, by using 1, 2, 2,
1; 3, 2, 2, 3, or a form too commonly encountered, 1, 2, 2, 1; 3, 4,
The concluding six lines of any sonnet are called the sestet. The
two permissible rhyme schemes for the sestet of an Italian sonnet are
3,4, 3,4, 3,4, and 3,4, 5, 3,4, 5. It will be noted that the sonnet by
Wordsworth, quoted above, uses the proper octave rhyme scheme and
the first of these two sestet arrangements.
As to treatment, the octave must be end-stopped—that is, the
eighth line must mark the termination of a sentence. Even the halves
of the octave should be end-stopped. The first quatrain should intro-
duce the theme and develop it in a certain direction; the second should
continue this development in the same direction. The sestet intro-
duces a new development in a different direction, with the first tercet
carrying this new direction to a definite point; and the final tercet
bringing the theme to a conclusion. The actual movement of the strict
Italian sonnet may be expressed as a flow in the octave and an ebb in
the sestet—so Theodore Watts-Dunton phrased it in his sonnet The
Sonnet's Voice. This does not mean, of course, that the inspiration or
the emotional effect should ebb.
Wordsworth's sonnet, emotionally effective as it is, violates several
of these strict rules. The octave movement does not end with the
eighth line, but trespasses into the ninth. There is no break in thought
between the two tercets that together comprise the sestet. We will
find constantly among the masters violations of the rules, at times in
the nature of experiments; none of these has as yet established its
popularity in English poetry. In his sonnet On the Extinction of the

Venetian Republic, Wordsworth's octave rhymes 1, 2, 2, 1; 1, 3, 3,

1—another variation.
One authority examined 6,283 Italian sonnets in English and
found these variations for the terminal sestet rhymes:

3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4
3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 4
3,4,4,3,5,5 3,4,5,5,4,3
3,4,5,4,3,5 3,4,4,5,3,5
3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3
3,4,5,3,5,4 3,4,3,5,5,4

Two of these have terminal couplets, the most regrettable variation of

the Italian sonnet. Six others include a couplet somewhere within the
sestet. In addition to the above, the following two-rhyme variants are

3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3
3,4,4,3,3,4 3,4,3,3,4,4
3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3

Only the first excludes any couplet rhyming. Shelley's poem Ozyman-
dias had the rhyme scheme 1, 2, 1, 2; 1, 3, 4, 3; 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6.
Milton led the way in failing to separate clearly the octave and sestet,
so much so that his type of sonnet is sometimes called the Miltonic-
Italian in rhyme pattern, but without the characteristic Italian flow
and ebb of theme, broken after the eighth line.
The Shakespearean sonnet is simpler and more natural in rhyming,
and is in wider favor among English-using poets. An example is:

When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, 1

I all alone beweep my outcast state, 2
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, 1
And look upon myself and curse my fate, 2
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, 3
Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd, 4
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, 3
With what I most enjoy contented least; 4
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, 5
Haply I think on thee, and then my state, 6
Like to the lark at break of day arising 5

From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; 6

For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings 7
That then I scorn to change my state with kings. 7
Sonnet XXIX, William Shakespeare.
This is the accepted Shakespearean indentation for this form: though
it may be indented to show rhyming mates, as the Italian also may be.
Both types of the sonnet at times are printed with octave and sestet
separated, making a poem of two stanzas; or an octave divided into
two quatrains, and at times the sestet similarly divided.
The rhyming scheme of the Shakespearean sonnet is three qua-
trains—1,2,1, 2; 3,4, 3,4; 5, 6, 5, 6—with a concluding couplet, 7,
7. A shrewd interspersing of double or feminine rhymes aids. Many
variations have been tried on this simple rhyming basis. Sir Philip
Sidney repeated the rhymes of the first quatrain in the second, giving
him a pattern of 1, 2, 1, 2; 1, 2, 1, 2; 3, 4, 3, 4; 5, 5. Spenser, in his
120 sonnets, used a chain-verse device of interlocking rhymes
throughout each sonnet, so that his pattern was: 1,2, 1, 2; 2, 3, 2, 3;
3, 4, 3, 4; 5, 5. Keats, in his second sonnet on Fame, wedded the
Shakespearean octave to the Italian sestet, with his rhyme scheme 1,
2, 1, 2; 3, 4, 3,4; 5, 6, 5, 7, 7, 6. Rupert Brooke, in the first and fifth
of his soldier sonnets, used the Shakespearean octave and a straight
Italian sestet: 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7. The third and fourth of the same series
also wander from any strict pattern.
The sonnet was invented in Italy in the 13th century, probably by
Pier delle Vigne, Secretary of State in the Sicilian court of Frederick.
His sonnet Pero cK amore is the earliest known. His rhyme form—1,
2, 1,2; 1,2, 1, 2; 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5—has never become popular in
English. The French sonnet prefers the strict Italian octave, with a
sestet of three rhymes commencing with a couplet. This also has not
become naturalized in English. There are occasional variations in
English poetry, such as 1, 2, 1, 2; 2, 1,2, 1; 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5; Italian
sonnets with sestet 3,4, 3, 4, 5, 5; and so on. Watts-Dunton points
out, in his article on the sonnet in the eleventh edition of the Encyclo-
paedia Britannica, that the charm of this and otherfixedforms comes
from familiarity in advance with the rhyme scheme to be followed;
and that this charm is dissipated when any break in the expected
rhyme scheme occurs. We feel somewhat as if we listened to a limer-
ick with an extra foot or an extra line: a sense of surprise, its pleasure
being doubtful. In spite of this, poets continue to vary the rigid forms
from time to time and will continue to do so.

The sonnet, of either form, is used by many poets as a fourteen-

line stanza. Many of the Elizabethan sonnet sequences illustrate this;
and there are many more recent examples. In writing the sonnet, it
will aid to write down the rhyme scheme to the right of the space
where your lines are to be written, and thereafter to mark across from
each numbered rhyme the initial consonantal sounds used: giving a
check against repeating a rhyming sound (that is, identity), which is
inexcusable false rhyming. We would then have a notebook page like:

Rhyme Sounds
Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold 1 G
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; 2 S
Round many western islands have I been 2 B
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. 1 H
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told 1 T
That deep-browed Homer ruled as his demesne: 2 M
Yet never did I breathe its pure serene 2 R
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold. 1 B
—Then felt I like some watcher of the skies 3 SK
When a new planet swims into his ken; 4 K
Or like stout Cortez—when with eagle eyes 3 Vowel
He stared at the Pacific—and all his men 4 M
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise— 3 M
Silent, upon a peak in Darien. 4 Vowel
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer, John Keats.
Thus, by this check, it appears that the poet used, for rhyme 1,
OLD, these consonantal sounds: g, h, t, b; for rhyme 2, EN, s, b, m,
r; for rhyme 3, IZ, sk, the unconsonanted vowel sound, and m; for
rhyme 4, EN, k, m, and the unconsonanted vowel sound. No identi-
ties; rhyme throughout. The sonnet, from a technical rhyming stand-
point, has no flaws. When this method is followed during the writing
of the sonnet—the first group of columns, that containing the numer-
als, properly indented, being written down first—this gives a check
as the writing of the sonnet proceeds and saves much rewriting.
• VI •
Formal and Light Verse
ANY POETIC FORM may be used either to arouse the great serious
emotions or the lighter and more frivolous ones. Nor is there any rea-
son for holding the serious poet higher than the comic poet. Surely
Aristophanes, the great Athenian comic dramatist, ranked as high and
was doubtless more popular and influential than any of the great seri-
ous triad, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Shakespeare the
comic dramatist, the author of Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer
Night's Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, is as impressive a figure as
the Shakespeare who let the melancholy Dane live and die in Elsi-
nore, the Shakespeare who was the chronicler of Othello's jealousy
and Lear's senility. Cervantes, who jeered knighthood to death, is
greater as a writer than any other Spaniard; Racine, Moliere, Voltaire,
Anatole France were greatest as satirists; and so the roll continues.
Serious writers and poets are more popular and are taken more seri-
ously; but this may be because it is more civilized and difficult to
laugh than to weep. Animals can suffer agonies; but they cannot
chuckle. And yet the race would not willingly exchange Robert
Burns's Tarn o' Shanter and W. S. Gilbert's The Bab Bollards for any
number of closet dramas, ponderous versified essays and odes, or a
whole trainload of lyrics to spring and young love.
Fixed forms of poetry tend to become outgrown, like a child's shirt
too small to close over a man's heart. They then become relegated to
minor versifiers, to light verse writers, and to college and high school
exercises. Prose ages more quickly than poetry: witness such master-
pieces, written for adults, as the world's great fairy stories, Aesop's
fables, the Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels in the
nursery; and the essays and novels of yesterday encountered in school
or college. Poetry itself ages: Shakespeare, Milton, Virgil, Horace are
more used in the classroom than in the living room today, and so of
the rest of them. In spite of constant insistence that nothing changes

under the sun, the nature of man is stretched outward by his expand-
ing environment, and coiled more tensely into molecules and atoms
and complexes and other inner things; and the poetry, the concen-
trated heart's expression, of yesterday cannot forever be the poetry of
today. Prose, in the large, must be rephrased every fifty years or less
to be enjoyable to living men; poetry survives longer, but the hour
will come when the most enduring poem of a Shakespeare or a Sap-
pho will seem ancient, and must be restated or recreated by a living
poet, to speak again for the maturing soul of man. If this is true of the
poetry itself, it is truer of the patterns in which poetry has been
uttered, and especially of the fixed forms.
The sonnet, an emigrant from Italy that became naturalized in
English literature, still holds its own as a major method of expressing
serious poetry, in the eyes of many poets and readers. Even at that, it
is now regarded as puerile by the extreme advocates of free verse or
polyrhythmic poetry, especially since Whitman and the Imagist
movement. Numerous other alien verse forms did not fare so well and
have established themselves primarily as mediums for light and
humorous verse. These include the ballade, the rondeau, the vil-
lanelle, the triolet, and so on. This may be because of theirrigidrules
and formal repetitions, which were not acceptable to the living poet.
And yet they started as seriously as Sapphics, heroic blank verse, or
polyrhythms. . . .
Of all the forms of verse originating in medieval Provence, among
those that failed to acclimatize themselves in English are the vers,
canzo, sirvente, tenso, alba, serena, pastorella, breu-doble, an
retroensa. Only the most elaborate of the lot, the intricate sestina, ha
survived in English. When religious crusades wiped out this culture,
the germs of formalized verse took root in northern France, espe-
cially under Charles d'Orleans and Frangois Villon. The ballade
appeared. Spenser used 3,848 of his nine-line Spenserian stanzas in
one poem: across the Channel, Eustache Deschamps, a friend of
Chaucer's, left no less than 1, 175 complete ballades. Froissart the
chronicler wrote many. Charles d'Orleans is hailed as the early master
of the roundel, as Villon is lauded as the prince of ballade-makers.
Jean Passerat gave the villanelle its present form in the sixteenth
century; Voiture, a century later, perfected therondeau.In the seven-
teenth century, after the forms had been known for two hundred years
in English, Patrick Carey published a series of dignified religious tri-
olets; and the overartificialized forms have repeatedly been revived

Rules of the Fixed Verse Forms

In English verse, the rules for the fixed forms are stricter than in

I. No syllable once used as a rhyme can be used again in the

same poem as a rhyme—not even if it is spelled differently or
if the whole word is altered by a prefix.

This bars such identities as Ruth, a girl's name, and ruth, pity; bear,
an animal, bear, to support, bare, forbear, and so on; sale and sail;
claim, reclaim, and disclaim; facility, imbecility; and, if this is taken
as a single rhyme, not a triple one, it forbids the use of more than one
from this group: tea, manatee, imbecility, impossibility, lenity, and so
As to the refrain, an important element in many of these forms:

II. The refrain must not be a meaningless repetition of sounds as

in many English ballads; it must aid in the progress of the
thought; come in naturally; and be repeated in all its sounds,
without any change of sound.

Slipshod versifiers alter the refrain by changing the introductory

word, as by using an and for a but, a then for an if. This is unfor-
giveable. But the requirement goes no further than the repetition of all
sounds. Punctuation may be changed, spelling may be changed,
meaning may be changed: permitting the following—

It's meet, this sale; Its meat, this sale.

Gray day; Grade aye; Grade A.

The Ballade Family

There are two standard forms of the ballade. The more usual one
consists of three stanzas of eight lines each; followed by a concluding
quatrain, known as the envoy. It is thus a poem of twenty-eight lines,
or twice the length of a sonnet. Each stanza, and the envoy, terminate
with a line repeated sound by sound, and called the refrain. The
rhyme scheme is 1,2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3R for each stanza, 3R being the

refrain; and 2, 3, 2, 3R for the envoy. The rules of the ballade may be
stated as follows:

I. The same set of rhyme sounds used in the first stanza, in the
same order, must be used in each stanza; and the last half of
this scheme must be used in the envoy.
II. No rhyme sound, once used as a rhyme, may be used again for
that purpose anywhere else in the poem.
III. Each stanza and the envoy must close with the refrain line,
repeated without any alteration of sound; though its punctua-
tion, meaning and spelling may be altered.
IV. The sense of the refrain must be supreme throughout the bal-
lade, the culminating refrain line being always brought in
without strain or effort as the natural close of the stanza or

Formerly the length of the refrain governed the length of the

stanza. Thus an eight-syllabled refrain dictated an eight-line stanza,
and a ten-syllabled refrain a ten-line stanza. This rule is followed no

V. The stanza should carry an unbroken sense throughout, and

not be split in meaning into two quatrains, or any other divi-
sion. The needful pauses for punctuation are allowed, but the
sense is not to be finished midway of the stanza.
VI. The envoy, as used in ballades and the chant royal, was at first
addressed to the patron of the poet. It is thus usual to com-
mence it with some such invocation as Prince! Princess! Sire!
or by some mythical or symbolic persons so introduced. This
is at times omitted. The envoy is both a dedication and a cul-
mination, and should be richer in wording and meaning and
more stately in imagery than the preceding lines.
Here is a well-wrought ballade, in four-foot iambic verse. The
rhyme scheme is indicated by the numerals 1, 2, and 3, the refrain
line being designated 3R. To the right appear the checking columns
for the three rhyming sounds, to make sure that there are no repeti-
tions^—unforgiveable, in strict formal verse of this type.

Rhyme Sounds
Where are the passions they essayed, 1 S

And where the tears they made to flow? 2 FL

Where the wild humours they portrayed 1 TR
For laughing worlds to see and know? 2 N
Othello's wrath and Juliet's woe? 2 W
Sir Peter's whims and Timon's gall? 3 G
And Millamant and Romeo? 2 Vowel
Into the night go one and all. 3R Vowel
Where are the braveries, fresh or frayed? 1 FR
The plumes, the armours—friend and foe? 2 F
The cloth of gold, the rare brocade, 1 K
The mantles glittering to and fro? 2 FR
The pomp, the pride, the royal show? 2 SH
The cries of youth and festival? 3
The youth, the grace, the charm,
the glow? 2 GL
Into the night go one and all. 3R Vowel
The curtain falls, the play is played: 1 PL
The Beggar packs beside the Beau; 2 B
The Monarch troops, and troops the Maid; 1 M
The Thunder huddles with the Snow. 2 SN
Where are the revellers high and low? 2 L
The clashing swords? The lover's call? 3 K
The dancers gleaming row on row? 2 R
Into the night go one and all. 3R Vowel
Prince, in one common overthrow 2 THR
The Hero tumbles with the Thrall; 3 THR
As dust that drives, as straws that blow, 2 BL
Into the night go one and all. 3R Vowel
Ballade of Dead Actors, William Ernest Henley.

As to the two requirements about rhyming, a ballade requires six 1

rhymes. Here the six consonantal sounds, as the checking column
establishes, are s, tr, fr, k, pi, and m.
A ballade requires fourteen 2 rhymes. Here the fourteen consonan-
tal sounds, as the checking column establishes, are //, n, w, the
unconsonanted vowel, f,fr, sh, gl, b, sn, I, r, thr, and bl.
A ballade requires five 3 rhymes, one of which reappears three

times as the refrain. The five sounds used here are g, the unconso-
nanted vowel, v, k, and thr. The rhyming is correct throughout.
The refrain line is used without any alteration of any kind through-
out, satisfying the third requirement. It is used throughout as a natu-
ral climax of each stanza. Each stanza has its own climactic rise to the
refrain. The envoy meets the requirements wholly.
n This ballade then may be used as a model.
The meter of a ballade need not be four-foot iambic, as in this
example. Andrew Lang's Ballade of Primitive Man has a three-foot
anapestic movement with the refrain, " 'Twas the manner of Primitive
Man." Dactyls may be used or anapests. A recent newspaper ballade
had only two trochees to the line, its refrain being "Life is gay."
Another had merely one iambic foot to each line, with the refrain "I
love." No doubt someone has written a ballade with only one syllable
to each line.
The most famous of all ballades is Fran?ois Villon's ballade Des
Dames du Temps Jadis (Ballade of Bygone Ladies). There are many
familiar translations of this: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's with the refrain
"But where are the snows of yester-year?", John Payne's with "But
what is become of last year's snow?", and others. None of these are
authentic recreations in living poetry; not even of the refrain Mais ou
sont les neiges d'antan? (But where are the last year's snows?) In
technique, Rossetti has entirely different rhyming sounds in each
stanza and another in the envoy. Payne is accurate though he repeats
some rhyme sounds, and uses words as unliving as vade (that is, go,),
marish, whilere, dole; and surely "Virgin debonair" is an unfortunate
mistranslation of Villon's stately Vierge souvraine. At least, none of
this is as archaic as two words in this line of Rossetti's version:

(From love he won such dule and teen!)

Examining the Villon original, we find that he uses the terminal

sounds -maine seven times, and rhymes it with moyne and other
apparent consonances; rhymes lis and Allis; and otherwise is as lax as
French rules allow, rather than following the strict and at that time
unpromulgated English rules. An acceptable version in English may
take advantage of the practices in the original, although it will have to
be an authentic poetic recreation.
The second standard form of the ballade consists of stanzas of ten
lines, usually of ten syllables each, as in the five-foot iambic pattern;
followed by an envoy of five lines. The regular rhyme scheme for each

stanza is 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,4, 3,4R, 4R being the refrain line. For the

envoy, the rhyme scheme is 3, 3, 4, 3, 4R. This is much rarer in
English than the foregoing.
The ballade with double refrain uses two refrains, one occurring at
the fourth line of every stanza, and one at the eighth; while, in the
envoy, the refrains are the second and fourth lines respectively, the
envoy being rhymed couplet-wise. The rhyme scheme for each stanza
is 1, 2, 1, 2R; 2, 3, 2, 3R, 2R being the first refrain line, and 3R the
second. The rhyme scheme for the envoy is 2, 2R, 3, 3R. The best
technique selects two antithetical refrains, and develops each stanza
upon the refrain used to close it. Here is an excellent example:

When the roads are heavy with mire and rut, 1

In November fogs, in December snows, 2
When the North Wind howls, and the doors are shut, 1
There is place and enough for the pains of prose;— 2R
But whenever a scent from the whitehorn blows, 2
And the jasmine-stars to the casement climb, 3
And a Rosalind-face at the lattic shows, 2
Then hey!—for the ripple of laughing rhyme! 3R
When the brain gets dry as an empty nut,
When the reason stands on its squarest toes,
When the mind (like a beard) has a "formal cut,"
There is place and enough for the pains of prose;— 2R
But whenever the May-blood stirs and glows,
And the young year draws to the "golden prime,"—
And Sir Romeo sticks in his ears a rose,
Then hey!—for the ripple of laughing rhyme! 3R
In a theme where the thoughts have a pedant strut,
In a changing quarrel of "Ayes" and "Noes,"
In a starched procession of "If" and "But",
There is place and enough for the pains of prose;— 2R
But whenever a soft glance softer glows,
And the light hours dance to the trysting-time,
And the secret is told "that no one knows,"
Then hey!—for the ripple of laughing rhyme! 3R
In a work-a-day world,—for its needs and woes, 2
There is place and enough for the pains of prose; 2R
But whenever the May-bells clash and chime, . . . 3

Then hey!—for the ripple of laughing rhyme! 3R

The Ballade of Prose and Rhyme, Austin Dobson.

The position of the two refrains is indicated throughout by 2R and 3R;

and the couplet rhyming of the envoy is also indicated.
The double ballade consists of six stanzas of- eight or ten lines
each, rhymed as in the ballades already given. Thus this may be six
stanzas rhymed 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3R; or 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4R.
Usually the envoy is omitted. Henley, who liked the form, always
used an envoy. His Double Ballade of the Nothingness of Things goes
beyond these schemes, and has eleven lines to each stanza, rhymed 1,
2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5R; with an envoy rhymed 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5R.
And he has stranger varieties. Swinburne's Ballade of Swimming has
ten lines to the stanza, and seven anapests to each line—a long inter-
val between rhymes.
The chant royal is the longest and most dignified offspring of the
ballade. It has five stanzas of eleven lines each, usually rhymed 1, 2,
1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5R. The envoy has five lines, rhymed 4, 4, 5, 4",
5R. Sixty lines, in all. . . . Seven (5) rhymes, ten each of (1), (2), and
(3), and eighteen separate rhymes for (4). . . .
Here is an amusing example:

I would that all men my hard case might know;

How grievously I suffer for no sin;
I, Adolphe Culpepper Ferguson, for lo!
I, of my landlady am locked in,
For being short on this sad Saturday,
Nor having shekels of silver wherewith to pay;
She has turned and is departed with my key;
Wherefore, not even as other boarders free,
I sing (as prisoners to their dungeon stones
When for ten days they expiate a spree):
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
One night and one day I have wept my woe;
Nor wot I when the morrow doth begin,
If I shall have to write to Briggs & Co.,
To pray them to advance the requisite tin
For ransom of their salesman, that he may
Go forth as other boarders go alway—
As those I hear now flocking from their tea,

Led by the daughter of my landlady

Piano-ward. This day, for all my moans,
Dry bread and water have been served me.
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
Miss Amabel Jones is musical, and so
The heart*of the young he-board6r doth win,
Playing "The Maiden's Prayer," adagio—
That fetcheth him, as fetcheth the banco skin
The innocent rustic. For my part, I pray:
That Badarjewska maid may wait for aye
Ere she sits with a lover, as did we
Once sit together, Amabel! Can it be
That all that arduous wooing not atones
For Saturday shortness of trade dollars three?
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
Yea! she forgets the arm was wont to go
Around her waist. She wears a buckle whose pin
Galleth the crook of the young man's elb6w;
/ forget not, for I that youth have been.
Smith was aforetime the Lothario gay.
Yet once, I mind me, Smith was forced to stay
Close in his room. Not calm, as I, was he:
But his noise brought no pleasaunce, verily.
Small ease he gat of playing on the bones,
Or hammering on the stove-pipe, that I see.
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
Thou, for whose fear the figurative crow
I eat, accursed be thou and all thy kin!
Thee will I shew up—yea, up will I shew
Thy too thick buckwheats, and thy tea too thin.
Ay! here I dare thee, ready for the fray!
Thou dost not "keep a first-class house," I say!
It does not with the advertisements agree.
Thou lodgest a Briton with a puggaree,
And thou hast harboured Jacobses and Cohns,
Also a Mulligan. Thus denounce I thee!
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
Boarders; the worst I have not told to ye:
She hath stolen my trousers, that I may not flee

Privily by the window. Hence these groans,

There is no fleeing in a robe de nuit.
Behold the deeds that are done of Mrs. Jones!
Behold the Deeds! (Being the Plaint ofAdolphe
Culpepper Ferguson, Salesman of Fancy Notions,
held in durance of his Landlady for a failure to
connect on Saturday night), Henry Cuyler Bunner.

The stanza rhyme scheme is 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5R, 5R being

the refrain; with the envoy 4, 4, 5, 3, 5R. The rhyming throughout is
accurate, and the result is a perfect chant royal. The form is intricate,
and the method of checking the various rhyme sounds as they are put
down should be followed, to be sure that no rhyming sound is
repeated. A great deal of reworking is often necessary to perfect such
a form as this. In order to make the envoy the culmination of the
verses, it is often necessary to shift the strongest and most vigorous
rhyming sounds to it and substitute other words in the earlier stanzas.
It is wise, for rhyme 4, which must be repeated eighteen times, and
similar others repeated constantly in the fixed forms, to choose a
comparatively simple rhyming sound, such as the E here, to prevent a
lack of rhyming words.

Chain Verse
We have already noted that form of chain verse used in terza rima,
where the triplets rhyme 1,2, 1; 2, 3, 2; 3, 4, 3; 4, 5, 4; and so on.
Any repetition of a rhyme, word, phrase, line or group of lines, to tie
up a section of the poem with the succeeding section, constitutes
chain verse. John Byrom lets line four of each quatrain become line
one of the next:

My spirit longeth for thee

Within my troubled breast,
Although I be unworthy
Of so divine a Guest.
Of so divine a Guest
Unworthy though I be,
\et has my heart no rest,
Unless it comes from thee.

Unless it comes from thee,

In vain I look around,
The Desponding Soul's Wish, John Byrom.
and so on. Chain verse can rise to the elaborateness of a chain of son-
nets or more, with the final line in each repeated as the opening line
of the next, or even the final word or rhyme sound so used.

The Kyrielle
The kyrielle, strictly described, consists of quatrains with eight
syllables to the line, each stanza terminating with the same line—a
simple use of the refrain. Here is an example from a poem by John
A little pain, a little pleasure,
A little neaping up of treasure,
Then no more gazing upon the sun.
All things must end that have begun.
Where is the time for hope or doubt?
A puff of the wind, and life is out;
A turn of the wheel, and the rest is won.
All things must end that have begun.
Golden morning and purple night,
Life that fails with the failing light;
Death is the only deathless one.
All things must end that have begun.
Kyrielle, John Payne.
Here the eight-syllabled pattern is intermittently broken. There is of
course no sacredness in any pattern. Such a simple form must com-
pensate by climactic development from stanza to stanza, to justify
itself in poetry.

The Pantoum
Ernest Fouinet introduced the Malayan pantoum into French versi-
fication, and Victor Hugo popularized it in the Orientales. It is written

in four-line stanzas; and the second and fourth line of each stanza
become the first and third of the succeeding stanza. In the last stanza
the second and fourth lines are the third and first of the first stanza;
so that the opening and closing lines of the pantoum are identical.
The rhyme scheme would then be: 1,2, 1, 2; 2, 3, 2, 3; 3, 4, 3, 4;
. . . n, l,n, 1.
Brander Matthews gives an example of one in English:
Here we are riding the rail,
Gliding from out of the station;
Man though I am, I am pale,
Certain of heat and vexation.
Gliding from out of the station,
Out from the city we thrust;
Certain of heat and vexation,
Sure to be covered with dust.
Out from the city we thrust:
Rattling we run o'er the bridges:
Sure to be covered with dust,
Stung by a thousand of midges. . . .
En Route, Brander Matthews.
to the final stanza, ending as the verses began:
Ears are on edge at the rattle,
Man though I am, I am pale,
Sounds like the noise of a battle,
Here we are riding the rail.

The Tftolet
The triolet was the first of the rondeau family to appear. The first
ones known appeared in the Cleomades of Aden^z-le-Roi, who wrote
in the latter part of the thirteenth century. At first, with ten syllables
to each line, the triolet dealt with serious subjects. Today the form is
usually eight syllables to the line or even six; and the themes have
grown appreciably and constantly lighter. It has eight lines, with only
two rhymes. The first line is repeated as the fourth line; the first two
lines reappear as the seventh and eighth. The rhyme scheme is 1R,

2R, 1, 1R, 1, 2, 1R, 2R, the repeated lines appearing as 1R and 2R.
Suppose you decide to write a brief triolet, opening with the

Drink deep—the glass

Is full—and near!

You can at once fill out your fourth, seventh and eighth lines from
this, making your pattern now appear as:

Drink deep—the glass 1R-

Is full—and near! 2R
Drink deep! The glass 1R
Drink deep—the glass 1R
Is full—and near! 2R

Only three lines, then, remain to be filled in. Once this is done, you
have the triolet complete:

Drink deep—the glass

Is full—and near!
Come, lad and lass,
Drink deep! The glass
Too soon will pass
And disappear.
Drink deep—the glass
Is full—and near!

At times a more serious mood rules the use of the form. Thus H. C.
Bunner wrote:

A pitcher of mignonette
In a tenement's highest casement;
Queer sort of a flower-pot—yet
That pitcher of mignonette
Is a garden of heaven set
To the little sick child in the basement,
The pitcher of mignonette

In the tenement's highest casement.

Triolet, Henry Cyler Bunner.

Here we have no progress in thought in the use of the reiterated

refrain or repetend. Worse than that, the refrain line alters from A
pitcher to That pitcher and The pitcher, a vital fault in the use of
refrains in the French forms.
A transition to the rondeau form is furnished by this eight-line
verse by Leigh Hunt:

Jenny kissed me when we met,

Running to the chair I sat in.
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets upon your list, put that in!
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me;
Say I'm growing old, but add—
Jenny kissed me.
Jenny Kissed Me, Leigh Hunt.

The opening half of line one, reappearing as the refrain in line eight,
prophesies the rondeau and similar forms. This brilliant little pattern
has never become accepted and named.

The Rondel, Rondeau and Roundel Family

The triolet is the seed of the rondeau family. The rondel (the word
is an old form of the later word rondeau) arose in all probability in
Provence and appeared later in the fourteenth century writings of
north France, in the verse of Froissart, Deschamps and others. It
began as a lyric of two stanzas, each stanza having four or five lines
only, and rhyming triolet-wise upon two sounds . . . either a triolet
or a ten-line variant of the triolet.
With Charles d'Orleans, the rondel took the distinct form now
assigned to it, of fourteen lines on two rhymes. The first two lines
reappear as the seventh and eighth, and as the final couplet—a mere
variation of the triolet. This double repetition of the two-lined refrain
made the form unwieldy. Later French poets shortened the form to
thirteen lines, omitting the second line of the original refrain at the

The form as Charles d'Orleans used it appears in this rondel:

Paper, inviolate, white, 1R

Shall it be joy or pain? 2R
Shall I of fate complain, 2
Or shall I laugh tonight?
Shall it be hopes that are bright?
Shall it be hopes that are vain? 2
Paper, inviolate, white R
Shall it be joy or pain? 2R
A dear little hand so light,
A moment in mine hath lain; 2
Kind was its pressure again— 2
Ah, but it was so slight!
Paper, inviolate, white,
Shall it be joy or pain? 2R
To a Blank Sheet of Paper, Cosmo Monkhouse.

The following rondel, by Samuel Minturn Peck, is in the preferred

modern pattern:

Before the dawn begins to glow, 1R

A ghostly company I keep; 2R
Across the silent room they creep, 2
The buried forms of friend and foe. 1
Amid the throng that come and go, 1
There are two eyes that make me weep; 2
Before the dawn begins to glow, 1R
A ghostly company I keep. 2R
Two dear dead eyes. I love them so! 1
They shine like starlight on the deep, 2
And often when I am asleep 2
They stoop and kiss me, being low, 1
Before the dawn begins to glow. 1R
Before the Dawn, Samuel Minturn Peck.

The rondeau is, next to the ballade, the French form most popular
in English. It is written, like the triolet and rondel, on two rhymes
throughout: thirteen full-length lines and two briefer unrhymed

refrains. The refrain may consist of the first half of the first line, but
may consist merely of the first word. The fifteen lines are grouped in
three stanzas, the first of five lines, the secqnd of three lines and
refrain, the third of five lines and refrain. The rhyme scheme then is:
1, 1, 2, 2, 1; 1, 1, 2, R; 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, R. Here is a rondeau that is a
poem as well:
A man must live. We justify 1
Low shift and trick to treason high, 1
A little vote for a little gold 2
To a whole senate bought and sold 2
By that self-evident reply. 1
But is it so? Pray tell me why 1
Life at such cost you have to buy? 1
In what religion were you told 2
A man must live? R
There are times when a man must die. 1
Imagine, for a battle-cry, 1
From soldiers, with a sword to hold,— 2
From soldiers, with the flag unrolled, 2
This coward's whine, this liar's lie,— 1
A man must live! R
A Man Must Live, Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
The roundel, based upon occasional early French variants, is today
associated with the name of Swinburne, because of his volume A Cen-
tury of Roundels. As used by Swinburne, the roundel was eleven lines
long, two of which were the brief refrain lines. The refrain either con-
sisted of the opening word of line one, or of a portion or a half of that
line. If it consisted of more than one word, it usually rhymed with the
(2) sound rhyme. The rhyming pattern then would be 1, 2, 1, R; 2, 1,
2; 1, 2, 1, R; or 1, 2, 1, 2R; 2, 1, 2; 1,2, 1, 2R. Here is an example:

A Roundel is wrought as a ring or a starbright sphere,

With craft of delight and with cunning of sound unsought,
That the heart of the hearer may smile if to pleasure his ear
A roundel is wrought.
Its jewel of music is carven of all or of aught—
Love, laughter, or mourning—remembrance of rapture or
That fancy may fashion to hang in the ear of thought.

As a bird's quick song runs round, and the hearts in us

Pause answers to pause, and again the same strain caught,
So moves the device whence, round as a pearl or tear,
A roundel is wrought,
The Roundel, Algernon Charles Swinburne.

The rondelet is a seven-line fixed form, normally of four eight-syl-

labled lines, and three, the refrain lines, with four syllables each. The
rhyme and rhythm scheme is: IR, 2, IR, 1, 2, 2, IR—IR standing for
the refrain line, and 1 for the line rhyming with it. Here is an example
by May Probyn:

"Which way he went?" IR

I know not—how should I go spy 2
Which way he went? IR
I only know him gone. "Relent?" 1
He never will—unless I die! 2
And then, what will it signify 2
Which way he went? IR
Rondelet, May Probyn.

The rondeau redouble, a remote relative of the rondeau, is in real-

ity a formalized theme-with-variations treatment. It starts with a qua-
train as a theme. This is followed by four additional quatrains, in each
of which successively lines one, two, three, and four of the theme qua-
train appear as the terminal lines. A concluding stanza has four lines
of regular length and a refrain (the first half of line one of the theme)
to terminate.
An example will make this clearer:

My soul is sick of nightingale and rose, 1-a

The perfume and the darkness of the grove; 2-b
I weary of the fevers and the throes, 1-c
And all the enervating dreams of love. 2-d

At morn I love to hear the lark, and rove 2

The meadows, where the simple daisy shows 1
Her guiltless bosom to the skies above— 2
My soul is sick of nightingale and rose. 1-a

The afternoon is sweet, and sweet repose, 1

But let me lie where breeze-blown branches move. 2
I hate the stillness where the sunbeams doze, 1
The perfume and the darkness of the grove. 2-b
I love to hear at eve the gentle dove 2
Contented coo the day's delightful close. 1
She sings of love and all the calm thereof,— 2
I weary of the fevers and the throes. 1-c
I love the night, who like a mother throws 1
Her arms round hearts that throbbed and limbs that strove, 2
As kind as Death, that puts an end to woes 1
And all the enervating dreams of love. 2-d
Because my soul is sick of fancies wove 2
Of fervid ecstasies and crimson glows; 1
Because the taste of cinnamon and clove 2
Palls on my palate—let no man suppose 1
My soul is sick. R
Rondeau Redouble, Cosmo Monkhouse.

As far as strict rhyming goes, repose—suppose and throes—throws are

identities, and not rhymes.
The glose, which is superficially a freer variant of the foregoing
pattern, derives apparently from a different source, and is found more
often in Spanish and Portuguese verse than in French. It begins, like
the rondeau redouble, with a quatrain, here called the texte, which
may be a quotation. This texte the glose proceeds to develop, in four
stanzas often lines each, closing each stanza, as in the rondeau redou-
ble, with the successive four lines of the texte. The concluding stanza
and refrain of the preceding form are omitted here. In the rhyme
scheme, lines six, nine and the tenth or texte line in each stanza
rhyme; the rest of the rhyme scheme differs with different users of the
Gleeson White, author of a definitive book on the French forms,
was unable to discover at the time he wrote any example of the form
in English. There are not many examples available. The texte in the
following is from Graham R. Tomson's Ballade of Asphodel.

"Queen Prosperine, at whose white feet 1-a

In life my love I may not tell, 2-b
Wilt give me welcome when we meet 1-c

Along the mead of Asphodel? 2-d

Your Majesty, permit me to 3
Indite, as one would say, this bit 4
Of verse respectfully to you; 3
Of course admitting entre nous 3
You may not really fancy it; 4
Although it will be rather neat. 1
And yet the dedication's fit; 4
I want assistance from your wit: 4
I should permit my heart to beat, 1
Queen Proserpine, at whose white feet? 1-a
Remember, Proserpine, I know 5
That quite discriminatingly 6
You made your mind up long ago; 5
You did not like your Stygian beau; 5
He smacked a bit of deviltry,— 6
And you were not designed for hell, 2
This shows you're quite a clever she; 6
Ergo, you ought to counsel me. 6
I must make up my mind, or,—well, 2
In life my love I may not tell. 2
Should I ask Venus, she would vote
(That surely is a goddess' right)
For some dame with "a quivering throat
And bosom of desire"—I quote
From memory the line tonight.
Minerva would choose some discreet
Young woman, staid and erudite;
But only she could give delight
Who would, though life's young roses sweet
Wilt, give me welcome when we meet. 1-c
Come, choose her for me! Let her be
Stately or dumpy, brown or fair,
If only she'll agree that we
Should learn to dwell in harmony,
Giving a gay good-bye to care,—
A beatific way to dwell!
Come, Queen, be gracious to my prayer!
But, no! Such maidens here are rare;

You'd scarce find such a demoiselle

Along the mead of Asphodel! 2-d
The Quest, Clement Wood.
Naturally, the rhyming scheme of the texte (which is 1, 2, 1, 2
here), dictates the rhyming of the sixth, ninth and tenth lines of each
main stanza. In other examples, the quatrain that forms the texte may
have any quatrain rhyming, and so a similar extent dictates similar
rhymes in each stanza. It is permissible to use the same rhymes in
each stanza, except where the rhyme sound of the texte line ordains
differently. In other words the four stanzas might be:
1-a, 2-b, 1-c, 2-d
3,4,3,3,4, 1,3,3, 1, 1-a
3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2-b
3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1,3, 3, 1, 1-c
3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2-d
This is not required by the strict rules.

The Sestina
Arnaut Daniel, a Provencal troubadour, invented the sestina at the
end of the thirteenth century. In France it has been slightly popular.
Dante and Petrarch liked to use it. Here are the rules, as drawn up by
Daniel and his followers in Italy, Spain and Portugal:
1. The sestina has six stanzas—each of six lines, of the same
length—and a concluding three-line stanza.
2. The lines of the six stanzas end with the same six words, not
rhyming with each other; these end words are chosen exclusively
from two-syllabled nouns.
3. The arrangement of these six terminal words follows a regular
law, very complex in ancient times, and altered toward simplicity
later, as appears hereafter.
4. The closing three-line stanza uses the six terminal words, three
at the centers of the lines, three at their ends.
Modern usage permits the variation of allowing the termyiating
words to rhyme, either on two rhyming sounds, as Swinburne uses it,

or on three. In every case, the six terminal words must be repeated,

with no change in sound or spelling, through each succeeding stanza.
The order for the six terminal words in the six successive stanzas is as

1st stanza 1,2,3,4,5,6

2nd stanza 6, 1 , 5 , 2 , 4 , 3
3rd stanza 3 , 6 , 4 , 1,2,5
4th stanza 5 , 3 , 2 , 6 , 1,4
5th stanza 4,5, 1,3,6,2
6th stanza 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1

The concluding half stanza ends with 2, 4 and 6; and uses 1, 3 and 5
at the beginning—not necessarily as thefirstwonl—of the lines; or at
the half line, in rhymes that permit their introduction there.
Here is an example: The numerals refer to terminal words, not
rhyme sounds.

We are the smiling comfortable homes, 1

With happy families enthroned therein, 2
Where baby souls are brought to meet the world, 3
Where women end their duties and desires, 4
For which men labor as the goal of life, 5
That people worship now instead of God. 6
Do we not teach the child to worship God?— 6
Whose soul's young range is bounded by the homes 1
Of those he loves, and where he learns that life 5
Is all constrained to serve the wants therein, 2
Domestic needs and personal desires,— 4
These are the early limits of his world. 3
And are we not the woman's perfect world, 3
Prescribed by nature and ordained of God, 6
Beyond which she can have no right desires, 4
No need for service other than in homes? 1
For doth she not bring up her young therein? 2
And is not rearing young the end of life? 5
And man? What other need hath he in life 5
Than to go forth and labor in the world, 3
And struggle sore with other men therein? 2

Not to serve other men, nor yet his God, 6

But to maintain these comfortable homes,— 1
The end of all a normal man's desires. 4
Shall not the soul's most measureless desires 4
Learn that the very flower and fruit of life 5
Lies all attained in comfortable homes, 1
With which life's purpose is to dot the world 3
And consummate the utmost will of God, 6
By sitting down to eat and drink therein. 2
\ea, in the processes that work therein— 2
Fulfilment of our natural desires— 4
Surely man finds the proof that mighty God 6
For to maintain and reproduce his life 5
Created him and set him in the world; 3
And this high is best attained in homes. 1
Are we not homes? And is not all therein? 1, 2
Wring dry the world to meet our wide desires! 3, 4
We crown all life! We are the aim of God! 5, 6
Homes, Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Here the lines end on accented syllables, and by no means on two-syl-

labled nouns exclusively. There is no sestina in any of the collections
in English which follows this convention; it may be dismissed, with
the reflection that the French, Spanish and Italian languages have
more double rhymes than English.
The movements of each terminal word follow a definite pattern, as
a graph of the numbered terminal words will show. The order of posi-
tion is successively 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, etc. By this means
the last word of one stanza terminates the first line of the next; and
meanwhile the last line of next has been shifted from third position to
last, to terminate line one of the ensuing stanza.
Swinburne uses, as terminal words in one of his rhymed sestinas,
day, night, way, light, may, delight, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and thereafter
achieves alternate rhymes throughout, by creating his own sequence
pattern, as follows: 6, 1,4, 3, 2, 5; 5, 6, 1, 4, 3, 2; 2, 5, 6, 1,4, 3; 3,
2, !, 6, 5, 4; 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1, with the terminals of the concluding
triplet light, way, delight (4, 3, 6), and the internal rhymes here day,
night, may ( 1 , 2 , 5). He has worked out even more intricately his
rhymed double sestina, The Complaint of Lisa—twelve stanzas of

twelve lines each, with a concluding sestet, of 150 lines in all.

Charles W. Coleman, in his sestina Love's Going, used three rhyme
sounds, sing, rose, heart, thing, goes, apart; but he retains the
unrhymed sequence formula, and thus has rhyming couplets in four of
his stanzas. Swinburne's variation is to be preferred to this.
Clearly, in writing the sestina, after the first stanza has been com-
pleted, the next task is to write down the terminals for all the lines of
the next five stanzas, and the terminals and center words of the brief
concluding stanza. Then proceed to write. . . .The form is more suit-
able to clever light verse than to poetry.

The Villanelle
The villanelle lends itself to seriousness, as well as to frivolity. It
consists of nineteen lines: five three-lined stanzas, concluding with a
quatrain. The refrain couplet, which terminates the form, consists of
lines one and three of the first triplet. Moreover, line one (the first
half of the refrain) terminates stanzas two and four and line three (the
other half of the refrain), stanzas three and five. Only two rhyming
sounds are used. The following villanelle follows the pattern strictly:

O Singer of Persephone! 1-a

In the dim meadows desolate, 2
Dost thou remember Sicily? 1-b
Still through the ivy flits the bee 1
Where Amaryllis lies in state, 2
O Singer of Persephone! 1-a
Simaetha calls on Hecate, 1
And hears the wild dogs at the gate; 2
Dost thou remember Sicily? 1-b
Still by the light and laughing sea 1
Poor Polypheme bemoans his fate, 2
O Singer of Pers ephone! 1-a
And still in boyish rivalry 1
Young Daphnis challenges his mate: 2
Dost thou remember Sicily? 1-b
Slim Lacon keeps a goat for thee; 1
For thee the jocund shepherds wait, 2

O Singer of Persephone! 1-a

Dost thou remember Sicily? 1-b
Theocritus, Oscar Wilde.

Edwin Arlington Robinson pours poetry into the form, in a villanelle


There is ruin and decay

In the House on the Hill:
They are all gone away,
There is nothing more to say.
The House on the Hill, Edwin Arlington Robinson.

The Lai and the Virelai

The ancient French lai was composed of couplets of five-syllabled
lines, all on the same rhyme, separated by single lines of two syllables
each, which rhymed with one another. The number of lines in each
stanza was not fixed, nor the number of stanzas in the complete
poem. An improvised example would be:

Summer heat today

In its torrid way,
I see,
With its awful ray
Sears till it must slay
Poor me,
Tree and grass and clay.
It's the bay—the spray
And glee! 2

A curious old tradition connected with the form is that the indentation
of the shorter lines is forbidden. This detail was called arbre fourchu,
a forked tree, from the fancied resemblance of the poem on paper to a
tree with branches projecting. Where lais have more than one stanza,
the two rhymes in each stanza have no reference to the rhymes in any
The virelai or virelai ancien grew out of this, with a sequence of
rhymes throughout. Thus, in a twelve-line stanza, the rhymes would
be 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, I, 1, 2. The next stanza would be 2, 2, 3,

2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3; and so on, until the last stanza appeared as n,

n, 1, n, n, 1, n, n, 1, n, n, 1. Thus each rhyme sound would appear
once in the longer lines, and once in the shorter. The form is too sim-
ple to need illustration.
The virelai nouveau is written throughout on two rhymes. Its initial
rhymed couplet serves as a refrain for the later stanzas; and the two
lines close each stanza alternately until the last, when they both
appear together, but in inverse order. Here is an example which
begins with the couplet as its first stanza.

Good-bye to the Town!—good-bye! la

Hurrah for the sea and the sky! 1-b
July, Austin Dobson.
The second stanza is rhymed, 1, 1, 1,2, 1, 1-a. Its third stanza is 1,
2, 1,2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1-b. The succeeding stanzas are as irregular, but
each is confined to the two rhymed sounds, and the refrains occur in
the prescribed order. And here is the concluding stanza, showing the
refrain reversed:

So Phyllis, the fawn-footed, hie 1

For a hansom! Ere close of the day 2
Between us a "world" must lie,— 1
Hurrah! for the sea and the sky! 1-b
Good-bye to the Town! GOOD-BYE! 1-a
The Sicilian octave at times is used as a fixed form. It consists of
eight iambic five-foot lines, rhymed 1,2, 1, 2, 1,2, 1, 2. No diffi-
culty will be found in writing in this pattern.
The rispetto is an Italian form, with interrhyming lines ranging
from six to ten in number, though not usually exceeding eight. Used
rarely in English, it is usually divided into two stanzas, rhymed 1, 2,
1, 2; 3, 3, 4, 4.
A brief American fixed form, called the sonnette, was originated
by Sherman Ripley and had a vogue for a time. It consisted of seven
five-foot iambic lines, rhymed: 1, 2, 2, 1; 3, 2, 3. It differed only
slightly from the Canopus stanza, already described, which also used
seven five-foot iambic lines, but rhymed them 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3. Both
avoid the terminal couplet, and hence have an uninterrupted flow for
narrative verse.

Another recent form is the Douzet, its origin unknown. It consists

of twelve five-foot iambic lines, rhymed as follows: 1, 2, 2, 1; 3, 4, 4,
3; 1, 2, 3, 4. This introduces a novelty in the repetition of rhyme not
encountered so far elsewhere: the concluding quatrain's rhyme
scheme amounting to a summary of the rhyme sounds gone before.
There is no limit to the patterns that ingenuity in versification can
produce. Only the rare few among these achieve enduring popularity.
The Japanese form, the hokku, follows Japanese poetry {tanka or
uta) in having alternate verses of 5 and 7 syllables. The hokku or
haikai consists of only three lines, 5 , 7 , and 5 syllables, or 17 in all.
An improvised example is:

More fleeting than the

Flash of withered windblown leaf,
This thing men call life.
The Japanese tanka ordinarily has 31 syllables, consisting of five
lines, with respectively 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 syllables. An improvised
example is:

The rippling sea-swell,

Curling upon the gold sand,
And, curving over,
A bough of cherry blossoms,—
Youth shielding eternal age.

Longer Japanese poems may be constructed in the tanka form,

with the invariable alternation of 5 and 7 syllables to the line, and the
addition of a terminal 7-syllabled line. The rhythm in Japanese poetry
is not regarded. The only convention is the number of syllables to the

The Limerick
The limerick is the only fixed form indigenous to the English lan-
guage. It first appeared in Songs for the Nursery, or, Mother Goose's
Melodies for Children, published by Elizabeth Goose, (formerly Ver-
tigoose, married to Thomas Fleet, a Boston printer) in 1719. More-
over, in this collection it appeared in all three of its successive forms.
The first stage opened and closed the five-line form with a nonsense

Hickory, dickory, dock!

The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one—
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!
Nursery Rhymes, Mother Goose.

The second form, the one used by Edward Lear throughout, ended
the first and fifth line with a geographical name, at times these lines
being identical:

As I was going to Bonner,

Upon my word of honor,
I met a pig
Without a wig,
As I was going to Bonner.
Nursery Rhymes, Mother Goose.

The third and culminating form has a new rhyme sound in the fifth
line—as in this example:

There was an old soldier of Bister

Went walking one day with his sister,
When a cow at one poke
Tossed her into an oak,
Before the old gentleman missed her.
Nursery Rhymes, Mother Goose.

A classic model to follow is the famous limerick—

There was a young lady from Niger,

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.
More Limericks, Cosmo Monkhouse.

The identity instead of rhyme in lines 2 and 5 cannot spoil the charm
of this, although the pure pattern would avoid it. This would be—

remembering that an extra unaccented syllable can be added either

to the 1, 2, 5 rhyme group, or to the 3, 4 group, or to both:

a TUM—ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM

ta TUM—ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM,
ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM
ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM
ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM—ta ta TUM.

In other words, an anapestic pattern, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5 feet to the lines

respectively, rhymed 1, 1,2,2, 1, usually with an iamb opening lines
1 and 2. Any trick rhyming device is permissible, as:

An amorous M. A.
Says that Cupid, that C. D.,
Doesn't cast for his health,
But is rolling in wealth—
He's the John Jaco-B. H.

This must be read by pronouncing M. A. as "master of arts," and by

rhyming lines two and five properly to it—"caster of darts" and
"Jacob Astor of hearts." Here is one of the tongue-twister variety:

A tutor who tooted the flute

Tried to teach two young tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it harder to toot, or
To tutor two tooters to toot?"
Four Limericks, Carolyn Wells.

Among other possible variations is:

There was a young lady of Diss,

Who said, "Now I think skating bliss!"
This no more will she state,
For a wheel off her skate
;siq) 3>f!i Suiqpuios dn qsiuy jaq spej^

The writing of limericks at times becomes extremely popular.


Little Willies
Any form may become, almost overnight, a favorite with poets and
especially light verse writers. Some college student wrote and pub-
lished in his college paper a rhyme proceeding approximately like

Tobacco is a filthy weed.

I like it.
It satisfies no normal need.
I like it.
It makes you thin, it makes you lean,
It takes the hair right off your bean;
It's the worst darned stuff I've ever seen.
I like it.

At once this form was copied by newspaper and other light versifiers
the breadth and length of the land, and is still intermittently alive.
Another form assumed wide popularity, arising from one of Col.
D. Streamer's (Harry Graham's) Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless

Billy, in one of his nice new sashes,

Fell in the fire and was burned to ashes.
Now, although the room grows chilly,
I haven't the heart to poke poor Billy.
Tender-Heartedness, Harry Graham.

The quatrain here consists of two couplets, rhymed 1, 1, 2, 2. The

meter combines trochees and dactyls; it might be iambs and anapests,
of course, or any of the four. Somehow Billy became rechristened
Willie, and at least one anonymous volume has appeared since, deal-
ing in this or other simple quatrains with the adventures of Willie and
his family. Among famous ones are:

Willie and two other brats

Licked up all the Rough-on Rats.
Father said, when mother cried,
"Never mind, they'll die outside."

Father heard his children scream,

So he threw them in the stream,
Saying, as he drowned the third,
"Children should be seen, not heard!"
The Stern Parent, Harry Graham.
Late last night I slew my wife
Stretched her on the parquet flooring.
I was loath to take her life,
But I had to stop her snoring.
Necessity, Harry Graham.
Willie poisoned father's tea;
Father died in agony.
Mother looked extremely vexed:
"Really, Will," she said, "what next!"

The model for a Little Willie, with its trick last line and its sadistic
content, can be taken from any of these.

Light Verse in English

Light verse, including its elegant form called vers de societe,
demands a technical dexterity greater than that of poetry; for the
obviousness and cleverness of the rhyme are a charm here, where they
usually interfere with the emotional effect of poetry. The student of
versification will benefit by studying Tom Hood, for the use of puns
in light verse; Mother Goose, for inspired use of rhythm; Edward Lear
and Lewis Carroll, for shapely nonsense verse; Charles Stuart
Calverly for mastery of every trick of rhyming, and great dexterity in
stanza-devising; W. S. Gilbert, for mastery of the whole field. The
long finale of his lolanthe is his peak in rhyming, and almost the peak
of light verse in English. Split words are a constant device: as in

Who would not give all else for two p-

Ennyworth of beautiful soup?
Soup of the Evening, Lewis Carroll.

or another surprise rhyming sung by Canning:


Sun, moon, and thou vain world, adieu,

That kings and priests are plotting in;
Here doomed to starve on water-gru-
-El, never shall I see the U-
-Niversity of Gottingen,
-Niversity of Gottingen!
Song by Rogero, George Canning.
Humorous verse need not be clever. A poem like Ernest Lawrence
Thayer's Casey at the Bat is a perpetual favorite because the theme
invokes deep laughter, not because it is trickily versified. Dialect
verse is in a class by itself. In writing dialect verse, be careful
(1) To use dialect spelling only where required.
(2) Not to overuse it or the reader will not understand it.
Such an improvised quatrain as—
Sum peoples iz peculyer,
I reitteratez agen,
They mus' come f'um Atlanta
An' not from Bummin'ham
is full of bad writing. Sum is the correct pronunciation of some, not a
dialect pronunciation; the same is true of iz, reitteratez, and agen.
The same is probably true of peculyer. And why f'um and from in the
same poem? This is as inept as using you and thou (in any form) in
the same poem, to refer to the same person. F'um, mus' and an' are
accurate dialect speech.
Among other forms of light verse are parody, aping the versifying
mannerisms of another; nonsense verse; whimsical verse of many
kinds; mosaic or composite verse, each line taken from some other
poet; macaronic verse, where two or more languages are hashed
together; shaped whimsies, where the typography pictures the theme,
as in the Song of the Decanter, on page 102.
Various forms of typographical oddities may be devised, in which
certain of the lines (as the terminals of each quatrain) represent the
way a person walks, sober, or intoxicated, or the way he falls down.
Acrostics are verses where the opening letters of the lines, or the
closing letters, or letters arrived at by some other system, name a per-
son, or convey a special message. Here is an example:
From your bright sparkling Eyes I was undone;
-Rays, you have; more transparent than the Sun,

Amidst its glory in the rising Day

None can you equal in your bright array;
Constant in your calm and unspotted mind,
Equal to all, but will to none Prove kind,
So knowing, seldome one so Young, you'll Find,
Ah! woe's me, that I should Love and conceal
Long have I wished, but never dared reveal,
Even though severely Love's Pains I feel;
Xerxes that great, wasn't free from Cupid's Dart,
And all the great Heroes, felt the smart.
Acrostic, George Washington.

The words conveyed by the acrostic are revealed by reading down-

ward the first or italicized letters of each line.
The actual writing of light verse calls upon the versifier for every
resource and device within the technique of versification. The rhymes
should be natural and not rhyme-induced, and the entire treatment
natural and adapted to please and amuse.

There was an old decanter and its

mouth was gaping wide; the
rosy wine had ebbed away
and left its crystal side;
and the wind went
up and down: the
wind it flew, and
through the reed-like
hollow neck the wildest
notes it blew. I placed it in
the window, where the blast
was blowing free, and fancied
that its pale mouth sang the queer-
est strains to me. "They tell me—puny
conquerors! the Plaque has slain his ten,
and war his hundred thousand of the very best
of men; but I"—'twas thus the Bottle spake—"but
I have conquered more than all your famous conquerors,
so feared and famed of yore, Then come, ye youths and
maidens all, come drink from out my cup, the beverage that
dulls the brain, and burns the spirits up; that puts to shame
your conquerors that slay their scores below; for this
has deluged millions with the lava tide of woe. Tho'
in the path of battle darkest streams of blood may
roll, yet while I killed the body, I have damned
the very soul. The cholera, the plague, the
sword such ruin never wrought, as I
in mirth or malice on the inno-
cent have brought. And still I
breathe upon them, and they shrink
before my breath, while year by year my
thousands go my dusty way of death."
Song of the Decanter, Warfield Creath Richardson.
• VII •
The Vocabulary of Poetry
THE VOCABULARY USED by a poet in his poetry should be the vocabu-
lary that he uses in his living speech. Prose uses this, or else it
becomes stilted and affected. If an orator commences,

O Mississippi, Father of Waters, thou wast engendered in the hills

of Minnehaha; thou hast meandered through meadows green and
valleys dappled for more miles than man computeth,

his hearers feel that there is something strained and unnatural in his
words. The same thought occurs, when poetry, especially modern
poetry, contain words no longer in the living vocabulary of man,
because they have become archaic; or else unknown to the living
vocabulary, because they are artificially constructed to meet the exi-
gencies of rhyme or meter: such words as—

Thou, thee, thy, ye, mineself.

Art (verb form), wast, wert, dost, wilt (verb form), hast, hadst,
wouldst, shouldst, shah, and all verb forms ending in -est, -st
and the like.
'Tis, 'gainst, 'gin, 'tween, 'neath, e'er, and other contractions not
in living speech; as opposed to it's and other contractions used
in living speech.
Wroth, bethink, reft, reaving, athwart, welkin, rathe, fardel, bur-
then, murther, nave, chaps, gins, sooth, Norweyan, proof (for
armor), composition (for terms of peace), ronyon, and all other
archaic, obsolescent or obsolete words.
Except for "unless," memorize for "make memorable," and other
outworn usages of words.

All unnatural and elliptical expressions, improper in living speech,


such as as to for "as if to," bethink me for "recall," for to that for
"for to that end" and the like.
All inversions and strained expressions improper in living speech,
such as the soldier brave, have I seen, I battles fought, and the like.
These are common, because they are rhyme-induced.
Poetry that speaks a dead language is dead from its birth; poetry
that speaks a warped and distorted language is warped and distorted
from its birth. For when real poetry from real poets is encountered,
its speech is as direct, forthright and living as:
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all of which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
The Tempest, William Shakespeare.
The captious might suggest inherits for inherit; might point out that
faded is out of place; that "made of" is preferable to "made on"; we
might query the rack. At that, rack is still used in "rack and ruin," a
"cloud-rack," "the rack of a storm"; and rack, used here in the sense
of a vestige, is intelligible and may be regarded as living. And this
poetry was written more than three hundred years ago, by William
Shakespeare, who knew too much, even then, to stud his verse with
thee's and thou's and their outmoded verb forms, welkin, athwart,
amaranthine, and so on.
The test for the phrasing of poetry is: could you have said the same
thing, or its equivalent, to your maid or your butcher, and not been
regarded as eccentric? If your poetry speaks your own living lan-
guage, its vocabulary is acceptable. If it is marred with word fossils
no longer acceptable in living speech, to that extent it falls below its
possible flight.
No word acceptable in acceptable prose is out of place in poetry.
Any word may be so ineptly or awkwardly used in poetry that it
becomes a blemish. When Shakespeare wrote:

It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing,
Macbeth, William Shakespeare.

he used idiot magnificently and poetically; when Wordsworth wrote:

Why bustle thus about your door?
What means this bustle, Betty Foy?
Why are you in this mighty fret?
And why on horseback have you set
Him whom you love, your Idiot Boy?
The Idiot Boy, William Wordsworth.
the word idiot is as unpoetic as the rest of the passage. The living
speech, the colloquial, can be magical, poetic, as in this sonnet

It is some lie that under a windswept tree,

Touching your lips, I touched my vanished youth,
And found again a young, new ecstasy.
It is a lie, I say. This—this is Truth!
Now—I shall rest. For youth and you are gone.
Tomorrow I shall put my flannels on.
Sonnet, John V. A. Weaver
Edwin Arlington Robinson will be remembered for lines as collo-
quially magical as:

The man who had made other men

As ordinary as arithmetic . . .
I'll have to tell you, Brother Bedivere,
That crowns and orders, and high palaces, . . .
Will not go rolling down to hell just yet
Because a pretty woman is a fool.
Merlin, Edwin Arlington Robinson.

He will have to be forgiven for verse as bookish as:

Born with a face

That on a bullfrog would ensure for life
The lucubrations of a celibate . . .

Less to remembering an obscure monition

Than to confessing an assured renascence—
Roman Barthalow, Edwin Arlington Robinson.

though both of these are not so much archaic as morbidly pedantic.

Frost rarely departs from living speech; he has enriched the language
by phrases immortally and colloquially true, including the familiar:

The trial by market everything must come to.

Even slang has its place: did not Shakespeare have Hamlet say this?

So I do still, by these pickers and stealers . . .

Hamlet, William Shakespeare.

Nor is Sandburg more unpoetic, when he writes:

Play it across the table.

What if we steal this city blind?
If they want anything let 'em nail it down.
Cahoots, Carl Sandburg.

John Livingston Lowes, in Convention and Revolt in Poetry, phrases

words of gold for poets to remember:

The very greatest effects of poetry are often produced without the
use of a single word which might not he employed in ordinary

Thomas Gray wrote in one of his letters:

The language of the age is never the language of poetry. . . . Our

poetry . . . has a language peculiar to itself.

This attitude explains the common idea permitting dead speech in

verse; it cannot resurrect poets following it from the graves their prac-
tice of this dug. Such poets live only insofar as they violate this state-
Wordsworth followed this, when he preluded his The Force of
Prayer with the double archaism:

What is good for a bootless bene?


Witty Mary Lamb flashed back, when her brother Charles read this to
her, "A shoeless pea," and punned this absurd line into immortality.
And there is Rossetti's phrase from his rendition of the Villon ballade,

From Love he won such dule and teen!

Poetry does not gain by using such mummified speech.

Kipling was more successful than any previous poet so far in using
the language of the machine age in poetry:

It is their care, in all the ages, to take the buffet and cushion the
It is their care that the gear engages; it is their care that the
switches lock;
It is their care that the wheels run truly; it is their care to
embark and entrain,
Tally, transport, and deliver duly the sons of Mary by land and
The Sons of Martha, Rudyard Kipling.

In a memorandum dealing with the writing of Leaves of Grass, Walt

Whitman wrote:

I had great trouble in leaving out the stock

"poetical" touches, but succeeded at last.

Even this great plain-speaking master slipped back, as he aged, into

stock poeticisms such as:

'mid, unrecked, know I, yield we, ye valleys grand.

But in the main he avoided this blemish. And he has made the task
easier for those who followed him.
Sidney Lanier lays stress upon phonetic syzygy, that extension of
alliteration which includes all related consonants, as t, d, th, and TH;
g, k, ch, and other gutturals; and so on. Other authorities deal exten-
sively with onomatopoeia, the language device in which words repro-
duce the sounds they are intended to convey, as in—

With lisp of leaves and ripple of rain.

Chorus from Atalanta in Calydon, Algernon Charles Swinburne.

With any inner sense of music, we will avoid lines as awkward, inept
and unsingable as Browning's familiar:

Irks care the crop-full bird, frets double the maw-crammed beast?
Rabbi Ben Ezra, Robert Browning.

Let your poetic speech be your own living speech at its best, dictated
by an innate sense of music, and the result will satisfy.

On Translating Poetry
Poetry cannot be translated; it can only be recreated in the new lan-
guage. We are dealing with the ingredients of verse, not of poetry, in
this book: a study of the essence of poetry would not deal with iambs
and cinquains and sestinas, it would deal with the stimuli that most
deeply affect the human emotions. The emotion-arousing quality in
words cannot be stated otherwise even in the same language, much
less in another one. There is no translation in English for emotion-
arousing words such as home, mother, love, and so on; not house or
domicile, not mamma or maternal ancestor or Moms or ma, not affec-
tion, or devotion or lust or rut. How can night be expressed in another
word, or moon or sun, or May, or December? Each of these words—
to some extent each word in the language—has a tone color, a history,
a personality, an effectiveness of its own. With many of the words
in the language, each person has strange and personal associations,
naturally untranslatable. There are emotions which are not translat-
able from country to country, but which can only be recreated by
some remote equivalent. When Noyes climaxes a poem with the glori-
ous invocation,

Marchant Adventurers, Alfred Noyes.

he utters a battle cry that only an Englishman could thrill to. Its word
music is lost the moment it reappears as Angleterre! Angleterre!
Angleterre! Angleterre! "Finland! Finland! Finland! Finland!" would
not thrill similarly, though the rhythm and word tune are the same. A
fourfold repetition of Switzerland, or Czechoslovakia, or, queerly
enough, even of United States would not evoke a similar thrill. More-
over, Shelley could have used the same repetition of England, in a

poem in the bitter mood of The Masque of Anarchy, and it would have
evoked utter detestation: so intangible are the elements in sounds that
uplift or break the heart, that send a Cardigan or a Pickett with a
whole brigade of men to death at the monosyllable "Charge!"—that
spell heaven in a girl's whispered "Yes," and a lifetime's dearth in her
even briefer "No."
In Keat's Ode to a Nightingale we have two lines of peak magic:

Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam

Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.

These two lines cannot be said differently in English without wreck-

ing the magic. Accurately paraphrased, they would give:

Enchanted supernatural windows, unclosing on the bubbles

Of dangerous oceans, in unreal romantic countries dejected.

There is no poetry here now. Translate it with absolute fidelity into

another language, and the poetry is as dead. It must be recreated by a
poet of like emotional power in the other language, if it is to survive
there as poetry.
Fitzgerald did such magic, when he took a literal translation of
the poetic Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam, such as these two groups of

Everywhere that there has been a rose or tulip-bed,

It has come from the redness of the blood of a king;
Every violet shoot that grows from the earth
Is a mole that was once on the cheek of a beauty.
Quatrains, Omar Khayyam.

This is inaccurate botanically and only whimsically effective as an

idea. It is certainly not poetry. Nor is:

Hell is a spark from my useless worries,

Paradise is a moment of time when I am tranquil.
Quatrains, Omar Khayyam.

But out of this material Fitzgerald wrought—created, recreated—

what thousands hail as poetry:

I sometimes think that never blows so red

The Rose, as where some buried Caesar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears
Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head. . . .
Heav'n but the Vision of fulfilled Desire,
And Hell the Shadow from a Soul on fire,
Cast on the Darkness into which Ourselves,
So late emerged from, shall so soon expire.
Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald.

This is no longer Omar Khayyam; it is far more Fitzgerald, inspired

by Omar Khayyam. The reflection about the rose is acceptable now;
the whimsy about the hyacinth is more pleasing to us than the more
fleshly Oriental passion of the mole on the cheek of a beauty. The
definitions of heaven and hell no longer resemble the original at all.
Oriental impassivity and superiority to things earthly have been
replaced by a viewpoint accurate enough to have come out of Freud,
and acceptable as concentrated truth to many of us. All of this is
expressed with the most effective devices of versification, a language
in which poetry must speak, if it speaks at all.
Something like this must be done, each time you seek to make a
translation. A literal translation can give the idea, but never the
For a last example, here is an accurate translation of the first five
verses of the first chapter of Genesis by Fagnani:

At the beginning of Elohim's forming the heavens and the earth,

when darkness was upon the face of the abyss, Elohim said, "Let
there be light," and there was light.
Elohim saw that the light was excellent.
And Elohim separated the light from the darkness and he called
the light Day and the darkness he called Night.
Evening came, and Morning came.
The Beginning of History, According to the Jews,
Charles Prosper Fagnani.

This is near to poetry, so magnificent is the primitive conception. But

it is not mere familiarity that makes us recognize, from the hands of
greater poets writing in English, the magnificent poetry of the same,
verses, as they appear in the King James Bible:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the
light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis, King James's Translation.

The most accurate translation of a poem is no more than rude notes

for a poem to be built upon. There is always need for accurate rendi-
tions of the poetry of other lands and tongues. But, unless the English
versifier reissues the product as his own re-creation, it remains mere
verse, a museum curiosity rather than impassioned song.

Exercises in Versification
To give the book its greatest value, the reader, having reached this
point, should start over again, and write exercises in each poetic
device treated. Practice iambic lines, each number of feet to the line,
rhymed and unrhymed. The same with trochaic, anapestic, and
dactylic lines. At times seek to pour poetry into these molds; at times
find the relief of light verse in them.
Essay the stanzas, from the couplet up to such involved arrange-
ments as the Spenserian stanza and terza rima. Work on sonnets of
both kinds: aiming at technical mastery, rather than poetic excellence,
at first. Get the patterns etched on your mind, and then you can write
in them accurately without consciously remembering them. Try the
solace of concentrated and poetric free verse. And then, if you care
to, go to the fixed forms one after another, preferably in light verse,
and among all these attempts you will startle yourself by achieving at
times a veritable poem or gem of light verse when you merely
intended finger exercises.
And at all times, when the poetic mood comes, write what comes,
from a phrase, a line, a couplet, to an epic fragment: and preserve it,
on the chance that, sooner or later, the rest of the poem will come.
• VIII •


What Rhyme Is
RHYME IS THE identity in sound of an accented vowel in a word, usu-
ally the last one accented, and of all consonantal and vowel sounds
following it, with a difference in the sound of the consonant immedi-
ately preceding the accented vowel.
Rhyme thus deals exclusively with sound. Sound is indicated in all
dictionaries by phonetic markings. In this rhyming dictionary, each
group of words that rhyme is preceded by a heading consisting of
the accented vowel, marked phonetically, and followed by all the con-
sonantal and vowel sounds following it. The unaccented syllables
are not marked phonetically as thoroughly, since they are rela-
tively unimportant: except to distinguish between rhyme sounds like
pasture (AS'tur) and faster (AS'tur), and to identify certain long
The one-syllabled rhymes are given first, with the rhyme-sound
headings arranged alphabetically, from the first A sound to the last U
sound. Then follow the two-syllabled rhymes, similarly arranged;
and, last of all, the three-syllabled rhymes.

The Vowel Sounds

In this phonetic arrangement, the vowel sounds used are indicated
as follows. After each is given the various ways in which the sound
appears in spelling in English

A as in ale; heard also in pain, day, break, veil, obey, gaol, gauge,

A as in care; heard also in there, pear, air, heir, prayer, e'er.

A as in add; heard also in plaid, bade.
A as in arm, father; heard also in hearth, sergeant, memoir.
A as in ask. Strictly, authorities say that A should be so
pronounced (midway between the A in father and the A in
add) when followed by s, th, for morn plus a consonant. In
, practice, this sound is usually pronounced like the A in add.
The rule becomes absurd when we try to pronounce pan with
the A sound in add, and pans with a different A sound.

E as in me; heard also in eve, feet, beam, deceive, people, key,
Caesar, machine, field, quay, phoebe.
£ as in here; heard also in fear, dreary, weird.
E as in end; heard also in heifer, leopard, friends, Aetna, feather,
asafoetida, bury, any, Thames, said, says.

! as in ice; heard also in vie, rye, height, eye, aisle, aye (meaning
yes), sky, buy, choir.
I as in ill; heard also in sieve, English, pretty, been, breeches,
women, busy, build, nymph, hymnal.

6 as in old; heard also in note, oh, roam, foe, shoulder, grow, owe,
sew, yeoman, beau, hautboy, brooch.
0 as in or; heard also in all, talk, swarm, haul, caught, law,
fought, broad, memoir.
6 as in odd; heard also in want, wash, shone.
01 as in oil; heard also in boy.
OT) as in foot; heard also in full, wolf, could.
OU as in out; heard also in cow, sauerkraut.

U as in use; heard also in beauty, feud, pew, queue, lieu, view, cue,
suit, yule, you, do, rule, true, food, group, drew, fruit, canoe,
rheum, maneuver, blue. (The difference in sound between
dew and do is that dew is properly dyU, with a consonantal y
sound preceding the long U. This difference does not affect

rhyming, except as it concerns preceding consonants. For the

sake of convenience, the yU group ordinarily precedes the U
U as in urn; heard also in fern, err, heard, sir, word, journal,
myrrh, colonel.
U as in up; heard also in won, one, does, flood, double.

The Consonant Sounds

The consonant sounds used in English, and in most instances
spelled phonetically in the headings preceding all groups of words
rhyming together, are as follows:
B as in baby.
CH as in chair; heard also in, match, question, righteous.
D as in did; heard also in robbed.
F as infill; heard also in philosophy, laugh.
G as in go, anger; heard also in guard, plague, ghost.
GZ as the sound represented by x in exist.
H as in hat.
HW as the sound represented by wh in what.
J as in joke; heard also in gem, religion, pigeon, soldier, edge.
K as in keep; heard also in chorus, epoch, cube, pack, conquer,
KS as the sound represented by x in vex.
KW as the sound represented by qu in queen.
L as in late.
M as in man.
N as in no.
N The French nasal sound, not natural in English.
NG as in sing; heard also in tongue, bank, junction, linger, canker.
P as in papa.
R as in red; heard also in rhombus.
S as in so, this; heard also in cell, scene, hiss.
SH as in she; heard also in machine, ocean, social, conscious, sure,
nauseous, pension, issue, passion, nation.
T as in time.
TH as in then.
th as in thin.
TU as in nature. This sound is more accurately TY consonantal.

V as in van.
W as in want; heard also in persuade, choir.
Y as in yet; heard also in union.
Z as in zone; heard also in is, lives, Xenophon.
ZH as the sound represented by z in azure; heard in glazier, plea-
sure, vision, abscission, rouge, genre.

A few warnings are important:

C is not a separate sound. Words spelled with c appear under K
Q is not a separate sound. Words spelled with qu or q appear under
X is not a separate sound. Words spelled with x appear under GZ
or KS; initial x appears as Z.
NK, in words like rank, is properly NGK and so appears.
To form plurals and other inflections, F, K, P and T are followed by
the sound S; the plain vowel, G, D, B, M, N, S, V, J, CH, L, R, KS
(X) and Z are followed by the sound Z.
To form past tenses and other inflections, CH, S, F, K, and P are
followed by the sound T; the plain vowel, G, D, B, M, N, S, V, J, L, R
and Z are followed by the sound D.

Sound Does Not Depend on Spelling

Sound does not depend on spelling. "Eye-rhymes," or words
matched as rhymes only because they are spelled alike, need not be
rhymes at all. For instance, here are five different sounds spelled
alike, ough:

cough, enough, plough, though, through.

It is as logical to rhyme these together as to rhyme earth-hearth,

bare-are, north-forth, real-steal.
Again note that timber and climber are spelled alike; but the first
rhymes with limber (IM'bur) and the second with rhymer (IM'ur).
Three more words spelled alike but rhymed very differently are
ginger (INJ'ur); singer (ING'ur); and finger (ING'ur). Until cow
rhymes with blow it is well to avoid all these words spelled alike but
pronounced differently.

This Dictionary Makes Consonance

Consonance consists in the identity of all consonantal and vowel
sounds after the accented vowel; and a difference in the accented
vowel. This dictionary, classified according to strict phonetic pronun-
ciation, for the first time makes consonance easy and accurate. Alpha-
betically arranged by the headings preceding each group of rhyme
words, the following three rhyme sounds appear together: O'le
(wholly), O'le (Raleigh), OL'e (folly). Naturally these three groups
are in consonance with each other.
To get the other groups of rhyming words which may be used in
consonance with these three, look up successively A'le, AL'e, E'le,
E'le, OIL'e, OOL'e, OUL'e, UL'e; and you have all the possible
sounds in consonance with the three sounds given. You may stretch a
point and add AR'le, AR'le, ER'le, and UR'le if you wish, and now
nothing conceivable is omitted.
Consonance, always used by the best poets, is growing so increas-
ingly in favor that this use of the present Complete Rhyming Dic-
tionary may become very important.


This volume contains hundreds of rhyming words omitted

from other collections: words recently added to the vocabulary, espe-
cially in the fields of general science, pure and applied; inventions
and popular applications of them; and the vivid field of recent gener-
ally acceptable slang words. The effort has been to include all words
that are a proper part of the living vocabulary of man, for it is in this
language that living poetry must speak.
Archaic and obsolete words, words used in an artificial or solemn
style, and words whose pronunciation in poetry may vary from their
pronunciation in prose have also been included. They are available to
the seeker who wishes to use them, each in its proper niche, usually
identified by being in italics.
In addition to this, the present volume contains more proper names
than were ever listed in a rhyming dictionary before. This includes
The familiar first names of boys and girls, men and women.
The familiar and easily rhymable geographical names.

The more familiar surnames, family names, or last names.

In listing proper names, the name is often not repeated when it dif-
fers only from a common word by the use of a capital. Thus, since
wood is included, Wood is not. Where the spelling differs, the
rhyming proper name is usually added. Thus to main is added Maine.
Moreover, unnecessary duplication of words is generally avoided
throughout the book. A large number of words ending in -y is given
as rhymes for the long E sound; but at the end of this large list, the
reader is referred to other words ending in -y, to be found in such
three-syllabled rhyme groups as the words rhyming with ability,
which are to be consulted, if the seeker desires more rhymes for long
E. Moreover, at the end of the rhyming words listed to rhyme with
fade, the reader is referred to the list of words rhyming on the long A
sound, to which -ed is to be added, to make further rhymes for fade;
and this is to be consulted, if the seeker desires more rhymes for fade.'
There is as little such cross-reference as possible, and it is never per-
The dictionary is not wholly complete, and probably none will ever
be. Rare and unusual scientific and geographic terms and names, for
instance, as a rule have been omitted. It will add to the value of your
copy of the book if you add, at the appropriate place, all omitted
words that you discover.
In the lists of words rhyming on the last syllable and on the syllable
before the last, certain words are included which have no rhyming
mates. The monosyllables or words accented on the last syllable
which appear to be rhymeless are:

aitch, H bourne culm

avenge, revenge bourse cusp
avenged, revenged bulb doth
bilge coif film
forge peart sylph
fugue porch torsk
gulf, engulf pork twelfth
lounge poulp plagued, unplagued
mauve prestige warmth
month puss wasp
morgue recumb wharves
mourned, bemourned, rouge wolf
unmourned sauce wolves
mouthe scarce

of, hereof, thereof, spoilt

whereof swoln
In addition to these forty-three rhymeless sounds, there is a group
which has no rhyme in the living vocabulary:
amongst forth, fourth
breadth ninth
depth sixth
eighth tenth
fifth width
These can all be rhymed by using permissible contractions of archaic
or obsolete forms, such as: clung'st, shed'th, step'th, hate'th, sniff 'th,
pour'th, pine'th, mix'th, pen'th, and skid'th. There is a limited group
of words which find their rhyming mates only in proper names,
alb (De Kalb) hemp (Kemp) oblige (Lije)
There are other words which have no proper rhyming mates, but have
words so close in sound that they are used as rhyming mates by many
blague (vague) en masse (class)
raj (dodge) basque (mask, masque)
wand (pond) else (belts)
melange (blanc mange) grilse (wilts)
swap (top) Welsh (belch)

• Section I •
In compound words—words consisting of two or more words
united—the parts of the words may be joined without a hyphen, may
be joined with a hyphen, or may be written separately. In some words
usage is fixed; in others it varies. No standard rule is followed; though
the hyphen today is less used than formerly. In this book, the usual
practice of the best prose writers and poets is followed, modified in
instances by the editor's own preference. In general, poets and versi-
fiers make such decisions for themselves in each instance.

These words include the following accented vowel sounds:

A as in ale; heard also in pain, day, break, veil, obey, gaol, gauge,
A as in care; heard also in there, pear, air, heir, prayer, e'er.
A as in add; heard also in plaid, bade.
A as in arm, father; heard also in hearth, sergeant, memoir.
A as in ask. In practice, this is usually pronounced like the A
sound in add.

For the vowel sound heard in all, talk, swarm, haul, caught, law,
see under 6.
For the vowel sound heard in want and wash, see under 6.

A airway archway ashtray

affray alackaday array assagai
agley allay Ascension Day assay
A 122

astay buffet dapple-bay entryway

astray byplay dapple-gray 6p6e
atelier byway day espalier
attache cableway dead-pay espav6
au fait cabriolet decay essay
auto-da-fe cachet declasse estaminet
away cafe deejay estray
aweigh Calais defray everyday
aye caraway dejeuner expose
backstay castaway delay expressway
bay Cathay d6mod6 fair play
Beaujolais causeway dey fairway
belay cay disarray fay
beltway Chevalier dismay feather-spray
bepray chevet disobey fey
beret Chevrolet display fiance*
betray Christmas Day distingue fiancee
bewray cinema v6rit6 distrait fireclay
bey clay divorce* first-day
bidet clearway divorcee flambe
birthday cliche* DNA flay
Biscay Cloisonne doomsday foldaway
blas£ cogway doorway footway
bobsleigh communique Dori foray
bobstay consomme dossier forelay
bomb bay convey downplay foreplay
Bombay corvee dragonn6 foresay
bomb6 coryphee dray forestay
Bordelais couche* driveway forlay
bouchee coule* Dubonnet foul play
boucle* coupe* Dupr£ frae
boulevardier couturier Easter day fray
bouquet crible* eh freeway
brae crochet emigre Friday
bray croquet employe gainsay
breakaway crossway employee gala day
bridle way cruiseway endplay galloway
Broadway cutaway entree Galway
brochi Dday entremets Gamay

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h£re, Snd; Ice, 111;
123 A

gangway judgment day Monterrey Passion play

Gaspe Kay Montpellier pate
gateway Labor Day Montrachet pathway
gay lack-a-day moray pav6
getaway Lady Day motorway pay
glace lai nae payday
gley lame nay Pele
good day lay naysay Pelee
gourmet leaden-gray nee per se
gray leeway negligee photoplay
Green Beret Leigh neigh pipe clay
grey Lord's day neve piquet
guideway lycee noonday pis aller
habitue macrame Norway play
hae mainstay nosegay playday
Haigh Malay O'Day plie
half-day Mandalay O'Shay plisse
halfway manque obey plumassier
haole margay ofay popinjay
hay market day okay portray
hearsay Massenet Olivier pourparler
hey matelasse outlay pousse-cafe
heyday matinee outre pray
hideaway May outstay prepay
highday May Day outweigh prey
highway mayday overlay protege
hodden-gray melee overpay protegee
hogmanay metayer overplay purvey
holiday metier overstay qua
Honore midday overweigh quarter day
hooray midway papier mache Rabelais
horseplay Midway parfait railway
inlay Milky Way parlay raisonne
interlay mislay Parmentier ray
interplay misplay parquet Recamier
intraday missay pase rechauffe"
inveigh moire passageway recherche-
iron gray Monday passe relay
jay Monterey passepied repay

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
A —A 124

replay slipway Thursday weekday

respray sobriquet tideway weigh
resume" soigne£ today welladay
resurvey soiree Tokay wellaway
retroussd someday Torbay wey
reveille someway touche whey
ricochet sommelier toup6e windlestrae
risqu£ soothsay toupet wordplay
rissole" sorbet tourniquet workaday
roadway souffle towaway workday
Roget spay tramway working day
rokelay speedway tray Wray
role-play spillway trey Xray
rollaway splay trysting day yea
roman a clef spray TUesday yesterday
roquet stageplay tway
roturier stairway underlay A
roue stay underpay aa
roundelay steerage way underplay abaca
runaway sternway undersay acara
runway stingray underway Aceldama
sachet stowaway under weigh aga
Salom6 straightaway unlay ah
San Jose strathspey unpray aha
Sante Fe stray unsay Al Fatah
saskay subway uplay algebra
Saturday sundae upstay Allah
say Sunday velouti alumina
scray survey verite alumna
screenplay sway video verity amah
seaway Taipei videoplay amphibia
settling day takeaway virelay anathema
seventh day tay vis6 Andromeda
shay Tay walkway anglophobia
silver-gray teleplay waterway animalcula
skidway thereaway way Apocrypha
slay they waylay Aquila
sleigh throwaway wedding day automata
sley thru way Wednesday ayah
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
125 A —AB

ba gondola Panama silica

baa grandmamma papa spa
baccarat guarana parabola spatula
bacteria ha pariah ta
bah hah pas taffeta
baklava ha-ha pasha taha
basilica Hegira pate de foie taiaha
blah holla gras tanka
bourgeois howdah patois tarantula
bra hurrah peau de soie tarentola
budgereegah huzza peninsula ta-ta
cabala hydrophobia petit pois tonic sol-fa
camera hypochondria phantasmago- tra-la
carnivora incognita ria tra-la-la
casbah insomnia phenomena Utopia
cha-cha Jah pizza uvula
cha-cha-cha jataka plethora verglas
chapeau bras joie pooh-bah vertebra
cholera ka prolegomena viola
cinema la Pthah wa
clepsydra ma purdah wa'
Contra maa pya wah
coup d'etat Mafia pyrola wah-wah
cupola majolica qabbala yah
da mama qua
dada mamma quadrigesima AB
Degas mandragora quadrumana Abe
diaspora Mensa quinquagesima astrolabe
eclat na rah babe
Egeria nah rah-rah cosmolabe
ephemera nebula ranula foster babe
et cetera oolala replica
fa oompah retina AB
faux-pas opera Sandinista Abb
foie gras orchestra schwa Ahab
formula pa septuagesima bab
gaga padishah sexagesima Babb
genera pah Shah baffle-gab
Golgotha palama Shia baobab

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AB —AD 126

bedab aitch unlatch blade

blab H blockade
cab ACH braid
Cantab ACH deathwatch brigade
confab attach dogwatch brocade
crab bach overwatch cade
dab batch stopwatch camerade
drab brach watch camisade
fab catch wristwatch cannonade
frab coffee klatsch (See also carronade
gab cratch OCH.) cascade
grab Crosshatch cassonade
jab crosspatch ACHT cavalcade
Joab detach attached centigrade
knab dispatch hatched charade
lab hatch semidetached co-aid
mab kaffee klatsch (See also cockade
McNabb latch ACH; add -ed colonnade
Moab match where appro- corrade
nab mismatch priate.) croupade
pedicab natch crusade
prefab nuthatch AD dade
rab overmatch abrade dairymaid
scab patch abraid Damascus
shab percussion accolade blade
Skylab match Ade decade
slab potlatch Adelaide deep-laid
stab rach afraid defilade
tab ratch aid degrade
taxicab rematch alcaide dissuade
Satch ambassade dragonnade
AB scatch ambuscade enfilade
jawab scratch arcade escalade
jelab shooting match bade escapade
squab slatch balustrade esplanade
swab smatch barricade estacade
(See also OB.) snatch bastinade estrapade
tache bejade evade
ACH thatch Belgrade fade

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, find; Ice, 111;
127 AD —AD

falcade nightshade stade brad

fanfaronade old maid staid cad
fire brigade orangeade stockade Chad
flanconnade overlaid storm-stayed chiliad
free trade overpaid suade clad
fusillade overpersuade suede dad
gabionnade overshade tirade egad
gallopade overstayed trade englad
gambade paid unafraid fad
gasconade palisade unarrayed footpad
glade panade unassayed forbade
glissade parade u'nbraid gad
grade pasquinade underaid glad
grass blade passade underlaid grad
grenade persuade undismayed had
grillade pervade unessayed heath-clad
hade pesade unlade hebdomad
handmaid pistolade unlaid iron-clad
harlequinade plaid unmade ivy-clad
harquebusade plantigrade unmaid kilorad
inlaid pomade unpaid krad
interlaid postpaid unprayed lad
invade prepaid unrepaid launchpad
jade promenade unstaid Leningrad
lade raid unweighed mad
laid rayed upbraid moss-clad
lancepesade ready-made wade myriad
lemonade renegade (See also Olympiad
made retrograde A; add pad
maid rodomontade -ed where Petrograd
make the grade saccade appropriate.) pine-clad
marinade scalade plaid
marmalade sea maid AD rad
masquerade self-made ad sad
McDade serenade add scad
Medicaid serving maid bad shad
mermaid shade bedad superadd
milkmaid slade begad tongue-pad
new-made spade bade Trinidad

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AD —AFT 128

unclad ADZ draff telegraph

undergrad ads eidograph tipstaff
unforbade adze electrocardio- whipstaff
unsad scads graph
winter-clad (See also AD; epigraph AF
yclad add -s where epitaph behalf
appropriate.) flagstaff belly laugh
gaff better half
AD AF giraffe calf
aubade chafe graff graf
baaed enchafe graph haaf
ballade fail-safe hagiograph half
chamade safe half half-and-half
charade strafe half-and-half laugh
couvade unsafe halfstaff mooncalf
death squad vouchsafe heliograph strafe
estrade waif holograph
facade ideograph AFT
gallopade AF idiograph abaft
glissade actinograph laugh aft
ha-ha'd agrafe lithograph aircraft
hurrahed anagraph monograph allograft
hussa'd autograph mooncalf antiaircraft
jihad behalf paleograph craft
kamerad belly laugh pantograph daft
lancepesade better half paragraph draft
me tad calf penny gaff draught
noyade calligraph phonograph engraft
oeillade carafe photograph fellow craft
pomade cenotaph polygraph folkcraft
promenade chaff quaff graft
psha'd choreograph quarter-staff haft
quad chronograph raff handicraft
remoulade cinematograph riff-raff hovercraft
rodomontade cross-staff seismograph ingraft
roulade cryptograph shandy-gaff life raft
squad diagraph staff metalcraft
wad dictagraph stenograph needlecraft
(See also OD.) distaff stereograph overdraft

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, gnd; Ice, III;
129 AFT —A J

priestcraft nag appropriate.) harborage

raft nighthag hemorrhage
river craft quag AJ heritage
sea craft rag acreage hermitage
shaft ragtag age hospitage
stagecraft saddle bag alienage leverage
waft sag anchorage lineage
witchcraft scalawag appanage mage
woodcraft scrag arbitrage matronage
shag armitage middle age
AG shrag assuage mucilage
fainaigue slag atomic age offstage
Hague snag average old age
plague sprag backstage outrage
stravage stag baronage overage
vague swag beverage page
tag brigandage parentage
AG wag brokerage parsonage
bag Wragg cage pastorage
barf bag zigzag cartilage pasturage
battle flag chaperonage patronage
brag AG compage peonage
Bragg blague concubinage personage
bullyrag Bundestag cooperage pilgrimage
cag gulag discage pilotage
chew the rag Laoag disengage plunderage
crag Prague downstage porterage
drag Reichstag encage preengage
fag engage presage
fag hag AGD enrage pupilage
fishfag unplagued equipage quarterage
flag espionage rage
gag AGD flowerage ramguage
hag bagged foliage rampage
jag betagged foot-page sage
jet lag tagged fortilage saxifrage
knag untagged gage seignorage
lag (See also AG; gauge stage
mag add -ed where hajj surplusage

old, or, ddd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AJ —AK 130

swage coffee break overtake ack-ack

tutelage coffeecake pancake alack
tutorage cornflake partake almanac
uncage crake piece of cake ammoniac
underage cupcake quake amnesiac
unsage daybreak rake aphrodisiac
upstage devil's food rattlesnake applejack
vassalage cake robin-wake attack
verbiage double take sake bac
vicarage drake seaquake back
villanage earache seedcake backpack
villenage earthquake shake bareback
wage fake sheik biofeedback
weather gauge flake sheldrake bivouac
foresake shortcake black
AJ forespake slake blackjack
badge fruitcake snake bootblack
cadge garter snake snowflake bootjack
fadge griddle cake spake brach
hadj hake stake bric-a-brac
hand brake steak callback
AK handshake stomachache cardiac
ache hard-bake strake chack
after-rake heartache sweepstake clack
angel food heartbreak take claque
cake jailbreak toothache comeback
aslake Jake undertake crack
awake johnnycake unmake crackerjack
backache lake upbreak cul-de-sac
bake make uptake demoniac
barley brake mandrake wake dipsomaniac
beefcake milk shake wapentake drawback
bellyache milk snake water break Dyak
betake mistake
water snake egomaniac
blacksnake moonquake
water-crake elegiac
Blake muckrake
wedding cake fallback
brake namesake
AK feedback
break opaque
cake flapjack
outbreak aback
ale, care, add, arm, me, hfre, end; Ice, 111;
131 AK —AKT

Fond du Lac lumberjack tack anthrax

fullback macaque tamarack anticlimax
good-lack maniac tarmac Astyanax
gopak megalomaniac thrack ax
greenback monomaniac throwback battle ax
gripsack natterjack thunder crack beeswax
hack nymphomaniac thwack climax
Hackensack offtrack ticktack earwax
hackmatack outback track excise tax
halfback pack umiak fax
hardback paperback Union Jack flax
hatchback Pasternak unpack Halifax
haversack pickaback WAAC income tax
haystack piggyback Wac lax
hemophiliac plack wetback overtax
hijack Pontiac whack parallax
horseback pyromaniac wisecrack pax
huckaback quack woolpack relax
humpback rack woolsack Sachs
hunchback ransack wrack sales tax
hypochondriac razorback yak sax
insomniac rucksack yashmak Saxe
jack sac yellow jack sealing wax
jimcrack sack zodiac slacks
kayak sacque zwieback surtax
kickback sacroiliac syntax
kleptomaniac sal ammoniac AK tax
knack sea wrack plaque Tay-Sachs
knicknack shack Sarawak value-added tax
kodak skipjack wax
kodiak skyjack AKS zax
lac slack Great Lakes (See also AK;
lack slapjack jakes add -s where
ladybrach Slovak (See also AK; appropriate.)
laid-back smack add -s where
lakh snack appropriate.) AKT
lampblack stack abstract
leatherback stickleback AKS act
leather jack symposiac Analax attacked

old, or, odd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AKT —AL 132

attract Airedale exhale paravail

backed ale fail pass-fail
bract all-hail fairy tale pigtail
cataract assail farthingale prevail
compact avail fingernail quail
contract aventail flail rail
counteract bail foresail regale
detract bale frail retail
diffract bepale Gael sail
distract betail Gail sale
enact bewail gale scale
entr'acte blackmail gaol shale
exact Bloomingdale ginger ale sliding scale
extract bobtail grail snail
fact brail greenmail spale
impact Braille grisaille stale
infract camail hail swale
intact canaille hale tael
matter-of-fact Chippendale handrail tail
overact cocktail hangnail tale
pact countervail hobnail telltale
protract curtail Holy Grail tenaille
react dale impale they'll
redact dead-pale inhale trail
re-enact death-pale interpale travail
refract derail inveil trundle-tail
retract detail jail unveil
retroact disentail kail upscale
saddle-backed dovetail kale vail
subtract downscale mail vale
tact draggle-tail male veil
tract dwale martingale wail
transact empale monorail wale.
underact engaol nail whale
untracked engrail nightingale wholesale
enjail outsail
AL enscale overveil AL
Abigail entail pail aboriginal
ail entrail pale academical

ale, care, 5dd, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;

accentual arboricultural Calvinistical conclusional

acritical archeological canal conditional
adhesional architectural cannibal confessional
admiral arithmetical canonical congressional
aerial arsenal capital conical
aesthetical arsenical caracal conjectural
affectional ascetical cardinal conjugal
agal asexual carnival conjugial
agricultural asthmatical carnivoral connubial
Al astrological cartographical consanguineal
alchemical atmospherical casual consistorial
alchemistical atypical casuistical constitutional
alexipharmical audiovisual categorical continual
alexiterical Babylonical catholical contradictional
algebraical bacchanal centrical conventical
alkalimetrical bacchical cerebral conventional
allegorical bacteriological cervical conventual
allodial bal chaparral conversational
alluvial balsamical characteristical corporal
alphabetical banal chemical corral
amatorial barometrical cherubical cortical
ambrosial baronial chimerical cosmetical
analogical basilical chorale cosmical
analytical beatifical chronological coxcombical
anarchical bestial circumlocu- criminal
anatomical biblical tional critical
angelical bibliographical classical cryptical
animal bibliomaniacal clerical cubical
annual bibliopolical climactical cyclical
antediluvial biographical climatical cylindrical
anthological biological climatological cynical
antiphonal bisexual clinical dal
antipodal boreal codical decanal
antithetical botanical collateral decennial
apical Brahmanical collegial decimal
apochryphal bureaucratical colloquial deistical
apologetical cabal comical democratical
apostolical cacophonical communal demoniacal
arboreal Cal complexional demonological

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AL 134

denominational ecclesiastical ethnological generical

descensional echinal etymological genial
despotical economical Eucharistical geographical
destinal ecstatical eulogistical geological
devotional ecumenical euphemistical geometrical
diabolical educational euphonical germinal
diaconal effectual evangelical gerundial
diacritical egoistical eventual gestural
diagonal egotistical evolutional geyseral
diagraphical electrical exceptional gradual
dialectical elegiacal exegetical grammatical
dialogical elimactical exoterical graphical
dialogistical elliptical exotical guttural
diametrical emblematical expansional habitual
diaphonical emotional expurgatorial Hal
dictatorial emphatical extemporal Hannibal
didactical empirical extrinsical harmonical
dietetical empyreal falderal Hebraical
digital encomiastical fanatical heliacal
digressional encyclical fantastical hemispherical
diluvial encyclopedical farcical heptagonal
diplomatical endemical federal herbal
dipsomaniacal energetical femoral heretical
discretional energical ferial hermetical
display termi- engimatical festival heroical
nal enthusiastical fictional hexadecimal
divisional ephemeral fiducial hexagonal
doctoral epical finial hierarchical
doctrinal epidemical finical historical
dogmatical epigrammatical forensical horticultural
dolorifical Episcopal fractional hospital
dominical episodical functional hygienical
dramatical epithetical funeral hymeneal
dropsical equivocal funereal hyperbolical
Druidical erotical gal hypercritical
duodecennial esoterical galvanical hypochondria-
duodecimal ethereal geminal cal
dynamical ethical genealogical hypocritical
eccentrical ethnical general hysterical

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, find; Ice, 111;
135 AL

identical lachrymal metaphorical optical

idiotical lackadaisical metaphysical optional
illogical laical methodical oratorical
imaginal latitudinal Methodistical orbital
imitational lethargical metical original
immaterial Levitical metrical pal
immechanical liberal microbal palatal
immemorial literal microbial parabolical
imperial littoral microscopical paradisaical
impersonal liturgical millesimal parasitical
inaugural locale mineral parenthetical
incorporeal logical minimal participial
individual longitudinal ministerial parti tional
industrial lyrical misanthropical passional
ineffectual machinal missional pastoral
infinitesimal madrigal monarchical pastorale
infusorial magical morale pastural
inguinal magistral municipal pathetical
inimical magnificat musical pathological
initial majestical mutual patrimonial
inquisitorial mall mystical patronal
inspirational maniacal mythical patronymical
institutional mareschal mythological pedagogical
instructional marginal national pedantical
insurrectional marital natural pedestal
integral marsupial nautical pedestrial
intellectual mathematical nectareal penological
intentional matinal neoliberal pentagonal
intercessional matronal nepotal perennial
interjectional matutinal nominal periodical
international mayoral nonclassical peripheral
interval mechanical nonsensical periphrastical
intestinal medical notional perpetual
iridal medicinal novercal personal
ironical memorial numerical phantasmago-
Jesuitical menstrual nymphal ria!
jovial mensural occasional Pharisaical
juridical mercurial octagonal pharmaceutical
La Salle meridional oneirocritical phenomenal

old, dr, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, Qrn, up; THis, thin
AL 136

philanthropical prophetical satanical synchronal

philological proportional satirical synchronical
philosophical Provencale scenical synodical
photographical proverbial schismatical synonymal
phrenological provisional scholastical synonymical
phthisical psychiatrical scriptural synoptical
physical psychical sculptural synthetical
physiological psychological seasonal systematical
pictorial punctual seigneurial tactical
pictural puritanical seigniorial technical
pietistical purpureal Senegal technicological
piratical pyramidal seneschal technological
pivotal pyramidical sensational temporal
platonical pyrotechnical sensual terminal
pneumatologi- quadrennial seraphical terrestrial
cal quadrigesimal serial territorial
poetical quadrilateral several tertial
polemical quadrupedal sexual testimonial
political quetzal shall textual
polygonal quizzical sideral textural
pontifical radical sidereal theatrical
Portugal rational skeletal theological
postprandial rationale skeptical theoretical
postural recessional sociological theosophical
practical reciprocal Socratical topical
pragmatical regional sophistical topographical
precautional remedial soritical torsional
preceptoral residual spasmodical traditional
preceptorial retinal spherical tragical
preternatural rhapsodical splenial transsexual
primordial rhetorical sporadical trigonal
principal rheumatical staminal trivial
probational rhythmical stoical tropical
problematical ritual strategical tympanal
processional root canal supernatural typical
prodigal sabbatical sutural typographical
professional sal sybaritical tyrannical
professorial salle symbolical umbilical
progressional sartorial symmetrical uncanonical

ale, care, idd, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
137 AL — A M

unethical De Kalb (See also ALP; disfame

unusual add -s where electronic game
urinal ALD appropriate.) endgame
usual aild entame
uxorial ailed ALT exclaim
vaginal bobtailed alt fame
vatical unassailed shalt flame
vegetal unbewailed frame
ventriloquial unhaled ALV game
veridical (See also AL; bivalve name
vertebral add -ed where priming valve inflame
vertical appropriate.) safety valve lame
vesical salve maim
vesperal ALD valve Mame
vestigial caballed melodrame
vicarial corralled ALZ misname
victorial emerald Marseilles name
video display palled Wales nickname
terminal (See also AL; overcame
viminal ALF add -s where proclaim
virginal Alf appropriate.) quitclaim
virtual Ralph reclaim
visceral AM same
visional ALK acclaim self-same
visual catafalque aflame shame
volitional talc aim surname
vortical ashame tame
whimsical ALKS became video game
zodiacal calx blame war game
zoological catafalques brand name
came AM
AL ALP claim Abraham
kraal alp counterclaim ad nauseam
Lasalle palp creme de la am
morale scalp creme Amsterdam
shamal dame anagram
ALPS declaim battering ram
ALB Alps defame Birmingham
alb palps disclaim cablegram

old, dr, ddd, oil, foT>t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
AM —AMZ 138

cam ma'am calm Davy lamp

Candygram madame embalm death damp
centrigram Mam Guam decamp
Cham mammogram imam encamp
clam marjoram impalm en stamp
cofferdam McAdam Islam firedamp
cram milligram ma'am gamp
cryptogam monogram malm guimpe
cryptogram Nizam palm lamp
Cunningham Nottingham psalm minedamp
dam oriflamme qualm ramp
damn parallelogram salaam revamp
decigram Petersham safety lamp
dekagram phonogram AMB samp
diagram photogram dithyramb scamp
diaphragm phraseogram gamb signal lamp
dithyramb pram stamp
drachm ram AMD tamp
dram roentgenogram acclaimed tramp
echocardio- Rotterdam unblamed vamp
gram salaam unclaimed
electrocardio- Schiedam unframed AMP
gram scram unnamed swamp
electroen- sham unreclaimed (See also
cephalogram shram unshamed OMP.)
encephalogram Siam untamed
epigram slam (See also AM; -
flimflam sonogram add -d or AMPT
gam stereogram -ed where undamped
gram swam appropriate.) (See also AMP;
ham telegram add -ed where
hectogram tram AMP appropriate.)
hologram Vietnam afterdamp
ideogram whim-wham amp AMZ
jam yam camp Ames
jamb champ James
kilogram AM clamp (See also AM;
lam balm cramp add -s where
lamb becalm damp appropriate.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; ice, ill;
139 AMZ —AN

AMZ Caine elecampane Lorraine

alms campaign enchain main
balms campane engrain Maine
Brahms cane entertain maintain
Psalms chain entrain mane
(See also AM; chamberlain explain Mayne
add -s where champagne fain McLain
appropriate.) champaign fane McLean
Champlain featherbrain mediterrane
AN Charles's Wain feign membrane
abstain chatelaine fleabane midbrain
acid rain chicane forebrain misfeign
aerophane chilblain foreordain moraine
aeroplane chow mein frangipane mortmain
again cocaine gain obtain
airplane Cockaigne germane ordain
Aisne complain grain pain
allophane constrain henbane Paine
amain contain hindbrain pane
appertain co-ordain humane Payne
aquaplane counterpane hurricane pertain
arraign coxswain hydrophane plain
ascertain crane hydroplane plane
attain Dane immane pleasure train
atwain deign inane porcelain
Bahrain delaine ingrain preordain
bane demesne insane profane
battering train demimon- interchain pursuit plane
Bayne daine interreign quatrain
bearing rein deraign inurbane rain
bestain detain jain refrain
betweenbrain detrain Jane regain
blain diaphane Jayne reign
boatswain disdain jean rein
bower thane distrain lain remain
brain domain lamebrain restrain
braindrain drain lane retain
bridle rein Duchesne legerdemain role strain
Cain Duquesne lithophane sane
old, dr, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN —AN 140

scatterbrain adman bran fan

Seine Afghan Briarean firman
sextain Afghanistan Bulgarian fisherman
Sinn Fein African caducean flan
skein alabastrian Caledonian foo yong dan
slain Alcoran Cambrian foremast man
soutane Aldebaran can foreran
Spain alderman Canadian Frenchman
sprain Alexandrian caravan frying pan
stain Algerian castellan fugleman
strain also-ran CAT scan Gall ican
subterrane amatorian Catalan gamelan
sugarcane Amazonian catamaran gargantuan
sustain American charlatan gentleman
suzerain amphibian Cimmerian hardpan
swain an clan harridan
ta'en anchorman clergyman Hesperian
tain Anglican Columbian historian
terrain Ann comedian Hunan
thane Anne Copernican husbandman
thegn antediluvian corban Indian
train artisan Corinthian inspan
twain Baconian cosmopolitan Iran
Ukraine bagman countryman Irishman
unchain ban courtesan Isfahan
unrein Barbadian cran Isle of Man
uptrain barbarian custodian Japan
urbane barbican Cyprian journeyman
vain barracan Dan juryman
vane bartizan Delphian khan
vein basil ican diluvian Klan
vervain Bataan dirty old man Klansman
wain Batavian divan Koran
wane Bavarian Dominican Ku Klux Klan
water crane bedpan Dutchman latitudinarian
weather vane began echinidan legman
best man Englishman librarian
AN Bezonian equestrian lighterman
Acadian Bohemian Ethiopian liveryman

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;

longshoreman pecan signalman AN

luggage van pedestrian South autobahn
Lutheran pelican American corban
madman pemmican span Genghis Khan
madwoman Peruvian spick-and-span khan
man plan Stygian Parmesan
Marianne platitudinarian subterranean swan
Matapan postmeridan suffragan wan
medicine man Powhatan superman Wotan
Mensan praetorian taipan (See also ON.)
merchantman predestinarian talisman
meridian Presbyterian tallyman ANCH
merman prison van tan avalanche
metropolitan Procrustean Teheran blanch
Mexican proletarian than branch
Michigan Promethean Thespian carte-blanche
midshipman publican tragedian flanch
Milan puritan trencherman ganch
minuteman quarry man trepan ranch
Mohammedan quotidian Turkestan scranch
Mussulman Ramadhan unman stanch
Neapolitan ran utilitarian
nectarean rattan Utopian ANCH
nobleman Reagan valerian Blanche
oat bran redan valetudinarian carte blanche
octogenarian Republican Valkyrian haunch
Olympian Sabbatarian van launch
oppidan Sacramentar- Vatican manche
orangutan ian vegetarian paunch
ortolan sacristan Vesuvian stanch
ottoman salesman veteran staunch
outran saleswoman veterinarian
outspan Samaritan vulgarian ANCHD
overman scan Walkman launched
overran Scotchman warming pan unstanched
Pakistan Scotsman waterman (See also
pan Sedan wherryman ANCH; add
partisan serving man Yucatan -ed where
pavane shandrydan Zoroastrian appropriate.)

old, dr, ddd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AND — ANG 142

AND backhand manned appropriate.)

abstained band master hand
birdbrained bandstand minute hand AND
bloodstained bland motherland gourmand
constrained brand multiplicand wand
diaphaned bridle hand name brand (See also OND.)
disdained command newsstand
featherbrained contraband no-man's-land ANG
harebrained countermand offhand bang
hot-brained demand overhand bhang
inter veined deodand overland big bang
maned disband quicksand boomerang
muddy-brained Disneyland rand clang
rattlebrained expand remand fang
scatterbrained fairyland reprimand gang
self-restrained fatherland Rio Grande gangbang
shallow-brained firebrand Samarkand gobang
shatter-brained firsthand sand hang
travel-stained four-in-hand saraband harangue
unascertained full-manned second hand meringue
unconstrained gland self-command Mont Blanc
unplained grand stagehand mustang
unprofaned grandstand stand orangoutang
unreined Greenland strand overhang
unrestrained hand sweatband pang
unstained handstand underhand Penang
unstrained headband understand rang
unsustained hired hand unhand sang
untrained Holy Land unland seatang
(See also AN; homeland unmanned serang
add -ed where hotband unscanned shebang
appropriate.) Iceland upper hand slang
ill-manned waistband slap-bang
AND imband washstand spang
aband inland wasteland sprang
abbey-land land withstand stang
ampersand Lapland wonderland swang
analysand lotusland (See also AN; tang
and mainland add -ed where trepang

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, 5nd; Ice, ill;
143 ANG —ANS

twang savings bank change country dance

uphang shank counterchange dance
vang shrank derange death dance
whang slank disarrange deliverance
spank enrange demilance
ANGD stank estrange discountenance
banged tank exchange dissonance
langued thank grange dominance
unpanged twank interchange elance
(See also ANG; watertank mange elegance
add -ed where West Bank prearrange enhance
appropriate.) yank range entrance
Yank rearrange expanse
ANGK - sea change extravagance
bank ANGKS shortchange exuberance
blank branks strange finance
brank Fairbanks France
Cape Blanc lanx - furtherance
chank longshanks ANJ glance
clank Manx flange heritance
crank phalanx phalange ignorance
dank spindleshanks impuissance
data bank thanks ANS incogitance
drank (See also advance incognizance
embank ANGK; add ambulance inconsonance
enrank -s where appurtenance inhabitance
flank appropriate.) arrogance inheritance
franc ANGKT askance insouciance
frank sacrosanct bechance intemperance
hank spindle- break dance intolerance
lank «hankftH chance irrelevance
mountebank unspanked circumstance lance
outflank (See also clairvoyance luxuriance
outrank ANGK; add complaisance manse
plank -ed where concomitance mischance
point-blank appropriate.) consonance Nance
prank continuance ordinance
rank ANJ conversance penetrance
sank arrange countenance perchance

old, dr, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ANS —ANT 144

petulance constraint aunt extravagant

prance daint brant exuberant
precipitance depaint cant fabricant
predominance distraint can't figurant
preponderance faint chant figurante
protuberance feint combatant flagellant
puissance Geraint commandant fulminant
radiance liver complaint communicant gallant
recognizance mayn't complaisant gallivant
reconnaissance paint concomitant Gant
relevance plaint confidant germinant
resonance quaint confidante grant
romance restraint congratulant gratulant
seance saint consonant habitant
sibilance self-restraint conversant hesitant
significance straint cormorant hierophant
stance taint corposant ignorant
sufferance 'taint corroborant illuminant
suppliance teint Corybant imaginant
tolerance unconstraint courant immigrant
trance unsaint covenant implant
utterance decant impuissant
variance ANT or ANT deodorant incogitant
vigilance abdicant deplant incognizant
(See also ANT; adamant descant inconsonant
add -s where adjutant determinant inhabitant
appropriate.) adulterant disenchant insignificant
agglutinant disputant intolerant
ANS altitonant dissonant intoxicant
fer-de-lance altivolant dominant irradiant
insouciance ambulant elegant irrelevant
annuitant elephant irritant
ANT ant emigrant itinerant
acquaint anticipant enchant jubilant
ain't applicant enceinte Kant
attaint appurtenant excommunicant Levant
bepaint arrogant executant litigant
besaint askant exorbitant luminant
complaint aslant extant luxuriant

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
145 ANT —AP

mendicant significant (See also ANT; pape

militant slant add -s where rape
miscreant stimulant appropriate.) red tape
occupant supplant scape
odorant suppliant ANZ scrape
pant supplicant Great Plains seascape
penetrant sycophant Plains shape
petulant tant Raines shipshape
plant termagant Raynes tape
pollutant tintinnabulant (See also AN; transshape
postulant tolerant add -s where trape
precipitant toxicant appropriate.) uncape
predominant transplant unshape
preponderant undulant ANZ videotape
procreant variant banns
Protestant vigilant (See also AN; AP
protuberant visitant add -s where afterclap
puissant vociferant appropriate.) agape
pursuivant ASCAP
quant ANT ANZH bestrap
rant aunt melange cap
recalcitrant can't chap
recant debutante AP clap
recreant detente agape claptrap
recusant dilettante ape dap
refrigerant nonchalant audiotape entrap
reiterant shan't cape enwrap
relevant chape flap
Rembrandt ANth crape flip-flap
resonant crepe foolscap
resuscitant amaranth drape forage cap
reverberant amianth escape frap
ruminant tragacanth fire escape gap
sacrificant gape gape
scant ANTS grape genapp
scintillant fancy pants jape genappe
sensitive plant Hant's landscape handicap
shan't pants Lape hap
sibilant underpants nape heel-tap
did, or, ddd, oil, ffl&t, out; Qse, urn, Qp; THis, thin
AP —AR 146

Jap APS rapt compare

JAP apes snow-capped concessionnaire
knap jackanapes wrapped dare
lagniappe Mapes (See also AP; debonair
lap traipse add -d, -ed, or declare
Lapp (See also AP; -ped where Delaware
map add -s where appropriate.) despair
mayhap appropriate.) devil-may-care
mishap AR disrepair
nap APS Adair doctrinaire
nightcap apse affair earthenware
overlap collapse affaire eclair
pap craps air e'er
percussion cap elapse aire elsewhere
rap illapse anywhere ensnare
rattletrap interlapse armchair ere
sap lapse arriere etagere
scrap perhaps au pair everywhere
shoulder strap prolapse aware eyre
slap relapse Ayr fair
snap schnapps ayre fare
stopgap synapse backstair flair
strap bare flare
tap APT bear forbear
thunderclap aped beche-de-mer forswear
trap shaped bedare gare
unlap unshaped beglare glair
unwrap V-shaped beware glare
wapp (See also AP; billionaire Gruyere
water tap add -ed where blare hair
wishing cap appropriate.) capillaire hare
wrap care heir
yap APT chair howe'er
adapt chare impair
apt charge d'affairesi jardiniere
AP bestrapped claire lair
gape enrapt dare laissez-faire
swap inapt cockle-stair maidenhair
(See also OR) moss-capped commissionaire mal de mer

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;
147 AR —AR

mare sware acetabular columnar

McNair swear afar commissar
McNare tare aide-memoire consular
midair tear ajar couloir
millionaire their angular crepuscular
misfare there animalcular crossbar
mohair thoroughfare annular crowbar
ne'er threadbare antiar cultivar
otherwhere trouvere are cymar
outdare tuyere ar moire czar
outstare unaware au revoir dar
outswear unbeware autocar daystar
outwear underbear avatar debar
overbear underwear axillar deodar
pair unfair axle bar devoir
pare unswear bar dinar
parterre unware bazaar disbar
pear upbear bete noire dissimilar
Pierre upstare binocular drawbar
portiere uptear bizarre durbar
prayer vair bolivar earthstar
prepare vare Bolivar embar
prickly pear vin-ordinaire boudoir escolar
proletaire vivandiere boulevard escritoire
quair Voltaire boxcar evening star
rare ware boyar Excalibar
repair wear budgerigar fabular
scare whate'er calendar falling star
sedan chair whatsoe'er canard far
share whene'er capsular Farr
Sinclair where car feldspar
snare where'er catarrh flagellar
solitaire wheresoe'er caviar foliar
somewhere yare centikar funicular
spare zillionaire char gangliar
square chukkar gar
stair AR cigar glandular
stare Aar cinnabar globular
stere abattoir circular gnar

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
AR —ARCH 148

guitar monocular scimitar tonsillar

gyrocar morning star sea star torcular
handlebar motorcar secular tow bar
havildar narr segar Trafalgar
hospodar Navarre seminar triangular
hussar nebular shackle bar trocar
incunabular nightjar shikar trolley car
insofar north star shofar tsar
mstar objet d'art shooting star tubular
insular ocular sidecar turbocar
irregular ovular sillar tutelar
tsallobar Palomar similar unbar
isobar par simular unspar
. acamar parr singular upbar
Jaguar particular sircar uvular
Jar peignoir sirdar valvular
Jaunting car peninsular sitar vascular
Jemadar perpendicular somnambular vehicular
Jocular pilot star sonar vermicular
jugular popular spar vernacular
kantar pourboire spatular versicular
kbar pulsar spectacular vinegar
kilobar quadrangular spherular Wanderjahr
knar Qatar star zamindar
lamellar radar stellular Zanzibar
laminar railcar streetcar
Lascar railroad car subahdar ARB
lodestar registrar sun star barb
Loire regular tabernacular garb
lonestar Renoir tabular yarb
louvar repertoire tahr
maar reservoir tahsildar ARCH
Malabar roll bar tar arch
mar rouge et noir Telstar countermarch
memoir saddle bar tessellar dead march
millibar samovar thenar inarch
modular scapular tintamarre larch
moire scar tintinnabular march
rnolecular schedular titular outmarch

ale, care, add, arm, 3sk; me, h|re, Snd; Ice, 111;

overarch discard larf bedark

overmarch disregard scarf cark
parch dynamitard Clark
starch enguard ARJ Clarke
evil-starred barge clerk
ARD fard charge dark
aired foulard discharge debark
Baird Girard embarge Denmark
golden-haired guard encharge disembark
laird hard enlarge dispark
silver-haired interlard Farge easy mark
uncared Kierkegaard La Farge ecclesiarch
unheired lard large embark
unimpaired lifeguard litharge endark
unpaired milliard marge floodmark
unprepared nard overcharge footmark
unshared pard sea marge hark
unspared petard sparge hierarch
(See also AR; placard surcharge impark
add -d or -ed poultry yard targe iremarch
where regard uncharge knark
appropriate.) retard undercharge lark
sard marc
ARD shard ARJD mark
after-guard spikenard barged marque
avant-garde starred charged meadowlark
bard undersparred enlarged narc
Bernard unguard undischarged oligarch
blackguard unmarred (See also ARJ; park
blowhard vanguard add -ed where patriarch
bodyguard Vanguard appropriate.) quark
bombard wedding card remark
boulevard ARK sark
camelopard aardvark sea lark
(See also AR;
canard arc shark
add -ed where
card ark skylark
chard Asiarch snark
closebarred ARF bark spark
diehard 'arf and 'arf barque stark
old, or, ddd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, dp; THis, thin
ARK —ART 150

Starke barm ARN ARSH

watermark becharm bairn harsh
charm cairn marsh
ARKS countercharm tairn
Marx decharm ART
Ozarks disarm ARN apart
(See also ARK; disencharm barn art
add -s where farm darn cart
appropriate.) fire alarm imbarn carte
firearm incarn chart
ARKT forearm Marne counterpart
barked gendarme tarn dart
unmarked harm yarn depart
(See also ARK; love charm Descartes
add -ed where unarm ARNZ dispart
appropriate.) uncharm Barnes fart
unharm (See ARN; add flintheart
ARL -s where hart
Albemarle ARMD appropriate.) heart
carl alarmed impart
ensnarl forearmed indart
gnarl unalarmed ARP lionheart
harl (See also carp mart
imparl ARM; add epicarp Mozart
jarl -ed where escarp old fart
Karl appropriate.) harp opart
marl monocarp part
snarl ARMZ pericarp pop art
alarms scarp quart
ARLZ Armes sharp sart
Charles assault-at-arms shopping cart
(See also ARL; gentleman- ARS smart
add -s where at-arms scarce start
appropriate.) king-at-arms state-of-the-art
man-at-arms ARS sweetheart
ARM (See also farce tart
alarm ARM; add parse uncart
arm -s where sarse unheart
axle arm appropriate.) sparse • upstart

ale, care, add, arm, £sk; me, hfre, £nd; Ice, 111;
151 ART —AS

video art abase hiding place aftergrass

water cart ace horse race alas
aerospace idocrase allhallowmas
ARTH aface inner space amass
Applegarth anelace interface ass
garth apace interlace bass
hearth attache case interspace bonnilass
swarth base lace brass
basket case Mace Candlemas
ARV bass mace class
carve begrace misplace crass
larve belace outer space crevasse
starve birthplace outface cuirass
boniface outpace declass
ARTS brace pace demitasse
darts breathing space place en masse
Harz carapace plaice Eurailpass
martial arts case populace fiberglass
(See ART; add chariot race race first-class
-s where chase rat race flint glass
appropriate.) commonplace replace galloglass
dace resting place gas
ARZ data base retrace glass
airs debase scapegrace grass
backstairs deface space Hallowmass
stairs disgrace steeplechase hippocras
theirs displace test case hourglass
unawares efface thoroughbass isinglass
unbewares embrace Thrace kavass
unwares encase trace Khyber Pass
enchase trysting place kvass
ARZ enlace ukase landmass
Mars erase unbrace lass
memoirs face uncase looking glass
(See also AR; footpace underbrace lower-class
add -s where footrace unlace mass
appropriate.) freebase vase Michaelmas
grace middle-class
AS grimace AS minute glass

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AS —AST 152

morass brache thrash water cask

object glass brash trash
outclass cache unlash ASKT
overpass calabash weeping ash basked
paillasse calash whiplash unasked
pass calipash unmasked.
paterfamilias cash ASH (See also ASK;
rubasse clash quash add -ed where
sassafras crash wash appropriate.)
second-class dash (See also
sparrow grass Eurotrash OSH.) ASP
strass fash asp
surpass flash ASHT clasp
tarantass gash abashed enclasp
tass gnash undashed engrasp
Tass hash unlashed gasp
third-class hot flash unthrashed grasp
underclass interdash (See also ASH; hasp
upper-class lache add -ed where rasp
weatherglass lash appropriate.) unclasp
working-class mash
mishmash ASK ASP
AS mountain ash antimask wasp
coup de grace moustache ask
en masse Nash bask AST
kvass pash basque abased
springhass patache bemask after-taste
volte-face photoflash Bergamask apple-faced
plash cask barefaced
ASH rash casque baste
creche rehash flask brazen-faced
sabretache immask chaste
ASH sash mask distaste
abash slapdash masque double-faced
ash slash overtask dough-faced
backlash smash Pasch fair-faced
balderdash splash powder flask foretaste
bash splatter-dash task freckle-faced
bedash squabash unmask furrow-faced

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, N}re, end; Tee, 111;
153 AST —AT

hard-faced undefaced ghast where

haste undisgraced gymnast appropriate.)
hatchet-faced ungraced half-assed
horse-faced unshamefaced handfast AT
impaste untraced hast abacinate
Janus-faced waist high caste abalienate
laced waste iconoclast abate
lambaste weasel-faced idoloclast abbreviate
leaden-paced well-graced jury mast abdicate
lean-faced whey-faced last ablegate
lily-faced wizen-faced mast ablocate
mottle-faced (See also AS; metaphrast abnegate
pale-faced add -d or -ed metaplast abnodate
paper-faced where miscast abominate
paste appropriate.) newscast abrogate
pippin-faced outcast absinthiate
platter-faced AST outclassed absquatulate
plump-faced aghast outlast accelerate
posthaste avast overcast accentuate
pudding-faced bast paraphrast acclamate
pug-faced blast past acclimate
retraced bombast protoplast accommodate
sad-faced cablecast recast acculturate
self-abased cast repast accumulate
shamefaced caste scholiast accurate
sheep-faced cineast simulcast acerate
slow-paced colorfast sportscast acerbate
smock-faced contrast steadfast acetate
smooth-faced devast storm-blast acidulate
smug-faced downcast symposiast activate
snail-paced ecclesiast telecast actuate
straitlaced ecdysiast tight-assed aculeate
tallow-faced elegiast unfast acuminate
taste ember-fast unsurpassed adequate
thorough-paced encomiast vast adipate
two-faced enthusiast videocast adjudicate
traced fast wast administrate
unbraced flabbergast (See also under adulate
unchaste forecast AS; add -ed adulterate

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT 154

advocate apostolate bidentate celebrate

aerate applicate bifoliate celibate
affectionate appreciate biforate cerebrate
affiliate approbate bifurcate certificate
affreight appropriate Billingsgate chalybeate
agglomerate approximate bilobate cheapskate
agglutinate arbitrate bimaculate checkmate
aggravate armor plate binoculate chelicerate
aggregate arrogate bipinnate chlamydate
agitate arsenate birthrate chlorinate
ait articulate blind date chocolate
alienate asphyxiate brachiate cicurate
alleviate aspirate breastplate circinate
alliterate assassinate bunkmate circulate
allocate asseverate cachinnate circumambu-
altercate assibilate calcarate late
alternate assimilate calculate circumnavigate
aluminate assimulate caliphate circumstan-
alveolate associate calumniate tiate
amalgamate assonate campanulate citrate
ambulate ate camphorate classmate
ameliorate attenuate cancellate coacervate
ammonate augurate candidate coadunate
ammoniate aureate cannulate coagulate
ampliate auscultate cantillate cochleate
amputate auspicate capacitate coelenterate
angulate authenticate capitate cogitate
animate automate capitulate cohobate
annihilate aviate capsulate collaborate
annotate await captivate collate
annulate baccalaureate carbonate collegiate
annumerate bait carboxylate colligate
annunciate bantamweight cardinalate collimate
antedate barbellate carinate collocate
antepenultimate bate caseate commemorate
anticipate belate casemate commensurate
antiquate benzoate castigate commentate
apartheid berate cate comminate
apostate bicarbonate catenate commiserate

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
155 AT

communicate correlate decontaminate derivate

compassionate corroborate decorate derogate
compensate corrugate decorticate desalinate
complicate corticate decrepitate desecrate
concatenate coruscate •decudate desegregate
concelebrate costate decurtate desiccate
concentrate counterweight decussate desiderate
conciliate crate dedicate designate
condensate create deescalate desolate
conditionate cremate defecate desperate
confabulate crenellate deflocculate despumate
confederate crenulate deflorate desquamate
confiscate crepitate defoliate destinate
conflate criminate degenerate desublimate
conglobate cucullate deglutinate deteriorate
conglomerate culminate degustate determinate
conglutinate cultivate dehydrate detonate
congratulate cumulate delaminate detoxicate
congregate cupulate delate devastate
conjugate cuspidate delectate deviate
consecrate cutrate delegate devirginate
considerate cyclamate deliberate diaconate
consociate date delicate diagnosticate
consolidate deactivate delineate dial plate
constellate deadweight demarcate dichromate
consternate deaminate demonstrate dictate
constipate death rate denigrate differentiate
constuprate debate denominate digitate
consulate debilitate dentate dilapidate
consummate decaffeinate denudate dilate
contaminate decapitate denunciate dimidiate
contemplate decarbonate deodate diplomate
contriturate decelerate depilate directorate
cooperate decerebrate depopulate disaffiliate
coordinate decimate deprecate disarticulate
copper plate declinate depreciate discombobulate
copulate decollate depredate disconsolate
coronate decolorate depucelate discriminate
corporate deconsecrate deracinate disgregate

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
AT 156

disintegrate emancipate excommunicate faveolate

dislocate emasculate excoriate featherweight
disorientate embrocate excruciate federate
disseminate emigrate exculpate felicitate
dissertate emolliate execrate fenestrate
dissimilate emulate exenterate fete
dissimulate enate exfoliate figurate
dissipate encapsulate exhalate figure eight
dissociate enervate exheridate filiate
distrait enucleate exhilarate fimbriate
divagate enumerate exonerate fimbrillate
divaricate enunciate exorbitate first-mate
doctorate episcopate expatiate first-rate
domesticate equate expatriate flagellate
dominate equilibrate expectorate flocculate
donate equiponderate expiate floodgate
double date equivocate expiscate floriate
downstate eradicate explanate fluctuate
dunderpate eructate explicate fluoridate
duplicate escalate expostulate fluorinate
ecalcarate estate expurgate foliate
edentate estimate exsanguinate foliolate
educate estivate exsiccate foreordinate
edulcorate ethylate extenuate formulate
effectuate etiolate exterminate fornicate
effeminate evacuate extirpate fortunate
efflate evaginate extortionate fractionate
eight evaluate extrapolate free-associate
ejaculate evaporate extravagate freight
elaborate eventuate extravasate fructuate
elate eviscerate extricate frustrate
electorate exacerbate exuviate fulminate
electroplate exacinate fabricate fumigate
elevate exaggerate facilitate funambulate
eliminate exasperate falcate functionate
elucidate exauctorate fasciate fustigate
elucubrate excalcarate fascinate gait
emaciate excavate fashionplate gate
emanate excogitate fate gelatinate

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
157 AT

geminate immateriate indeterminate insulate

generate immediate indevirginate integrate
germinate immensurate indicate intemperate
gesticulate immigrate indiscriminate intenerate
gestate immoderate individuate intercessionate
glaciate immolate indoctrinate interdigitate
gladiate impassionate indurate interlaminate
glutamate impenetrate inebriate intermediate
gradate imperforate infatuate interminate
graduate impersonate infibulate interpolate
granulate impetrate infiltrate interrelate
grate implicate inflate interrogate
gratulate importunate infumate interstate
gravitate imprecate infuriate intestate
great impregnate infuscate intimate
guesstimate impropriate ingeminate intimidate
habilitate improvisate ingerminate intonate
habituate inaccurate ingrate intoxicate
hallucinate inactivate ingratiate intricate
hate inadequate ingravidate inundate
heavyweight inanimate ingurgitate inusitate
hebetate inappropriate initiate invaginate
helpmate inarticulate innate invalidate
hesitate inaugurate innervate invertebrate
hibernate incapacitate innovate investigate
homologate incarcerate inoculate inveterate
humiliate incastellate inordinate invigilate
hundredweight inchoate inornate invigorate
hydrogenate incinerate inquinnate inviolate
hyphenate incommensurate insalivate invocate
hypothecate incompassionate insatiate irate
ideate inconsiderate inseminate irradiate
illiterate incorporate insinuate irradicate
illuminate increate insolate irrigate
illustrate incriminate inspissate irritate
imbricate incubate instantiate irrogate
imitate inculcate instate irrorate
immaculate incurvate instigate isolate
immarginate indelicate insubordinate iterate

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT 158

itinerate magnate narrate orate

jubilate makebate Nate orchestrate
jugulate mammillate navigate ordinate
Kate mancipate necessitate orientate
labiate manganate negotiate originate
lacerate manipulate neonate ornate
laciniate marginate nervate oscillate
lamellate marinate nickle plate osculate
laminate marquisate nictitate ostentate
lanceolate masticate nidificate outdate
lancinate masturbate nodulate overrate
lapidate mate nominate overstate
late matriculate notate overweight
Latinate mediate novitiate ovulate
laureate medicate nucleate oxalate
legislate meditate nucleolate oxygenate
legitimate mendicate numerate paginate
levigate menstruate obambulate palamate
levirate messmate obdurate palliate
levitate methylate obfuscate palmate
liberate micturate objurgate palpebrate
licentiate middleweight oblate palpitate
lightweight migrate obligate paperweight
lingulate militate obliterate participate
liquate miscalculate obnubilate passionate
liquidate miscreate obrogate pastorate
literate misdate obsecrate pate
litigate mismate obstinate patinate
lixiviate misstate obturate patronate
locate mistranslate obvallate pectinate
loricate mitigate obviate peculate
lubricate moderate ocellate pendulate
lucubrate modulate oculate penetrate
lunulate mokebate officiate peninsulate
luxuriate motivate oleate pennyweight
macerate multiplicate operate perambulate
machicolate muriate opiate percolate
machinate muricate oppignorate peregrinate
magistrate mutilate oppilate perennate
ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, £nd; Ice, 111;
159 AT

perforate procreate reconciliate resonate

permanganate professoriate reconfiscate restate
permeate profligate reconsecrate resuscitate
permutate prognosticate recrate retaliate
perorate proliferate recreate reticulate
perpetrate promulgate recriminate revegetate
perpetuate propagate rectorate reverberate
personate propitiate recuperate rhipidate
phenolate proportionate recurvate rollerskate
phytate prostate redate roseate
picrate prostrate redecorate rotate
pignorate protectorate rededicate rubricate
placate protuberate redintegrate ruminate
plait provinciate reduplicate runagate
plate proximate reescalate rusticate
playmate pullulate refrigerate saccharate
poet laureate pulsate regenerate sagaciate
pollinate pulvinate registrate saginate
pontificate punctuate regrate sagittate
populate purpurate regulate salicylate
portrait pustulate regurgitate salivate
postdate quadruplicate rehabilitate sanitate
postulate quantitate reinstate sate
potentate quaternate reiterate satiate
prate quintuplicate rejuvenate saturate
precipitate radiate relate scholasticate
predate radicate relegate schoolmate
predesignate radioactivate relocate scintillate
predestinate raffinate remediate Sea Gate
predicate rate remonstrate second mate
predominate ratiocinate remunerate second-rate
prefabricate rattlepate renegotiate secretariate
premeditate reactivate renovate sedate
preponderate rebate repatriate segmentate
presbyterate recalcitrate repopulate segregate
prevaricate recapitulate reprobate self-hate
prorate reciprocate repudiate sensate
probate reclinate repullulate separate
procrastinate reconcentrate resinate septennate

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT— AT 160

sequestrate subrogate transliterate venerate

seriate substantiate translocate ventilate
shipmate succinate transmigrate verberate
sibilate sufflate transubstantiate vermiculate
silicate suffocate triangulate vertebrate
silver plate suffumigate tridentate vertiginate
simulate sulcate tridigitate vesicate
sinuate sulfurate triturate vicariate
situate sulphurate triumvirate vindicate
skate sultanate truncate violate
slate superannuate ulcerate viscerate
solid-state supererogate ultimate vitiate
somnambulate supinate ululate vituperate
sophisticate supplicate uncrate vizierate
spate suppurate uncreate vociferate
speculate suricate underestimate vulgate
sphacelate syllabicate underrate wait
spifflicate syncopate understate Watergate
spinate syndicate underweight water rate
spoliate tabulate undulate weight
sporulate Tait unfortunate welterweight
stalemate tailgate unplait whitebait
state tellurate unstate
steady state temperate upstate AT
stearate tentmate urinate acrobat
stellulate tergiversate urticate aegrotat
stereobate terminate vacate aerostat
stimulate testate vaccinate aflat
stipulate tete-a-t6te vacillate anastigmat
straight third mate vacuate Arafat
strait third-rate validate Ararat
strangulate thwaite vallate arhat
stridulate titillate vanodate aristocrat
stylobate titivate variate assignat
subacetate tolerate variegate astigmat
subjugate toluate vassalate at
sublate torquate vaticinate autocrat
sublimate trait vegetate automat
subordinate translate vellicate baby-sat

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, find; Ice, III;
161 AT —AT

backchat Fermat mud cat stonechat

barostat fiat muscat sun hat
bat firebrat muskrat Surat
bear cat flat nougat tabby cat
begat forgat numbat tat
bepat format ochlocrat technocrat
blat frat pat that
bobcat fruit bat photostat theocrat
brat furzechat physiocrat thereat
brickbat gat pitapat thermostat
bullbat gerontocrat plat tipcat
bureaucrat gnat Piatt tit for tat
butterfat grasschat Platte tomcat
carat gynecocrat plutocrat top hat
cat habitat polecat unhat
caveat hardhat pornocrat vampire-bat
cervelat hat prat vat
chat heliostat proletariat water rat
chemostat hellcat pussycat waterchat
chitchat hepcat pyrostat whereat
civet cat hereat rabat whinchat
clinostat high hat rat wildcat
combat humidistat rat-a-tat wombat
commissariat hurlbat rat-a-tat-tat woodchat
Comsat hydrostat requiescat xat
concordat Intelsat rheocrat yellow-breasted
cow pat isocrat rheostat chat
cravat kat sabbat ziggurat
cryostat kittycat salariat
dandiprat lariat sat AT
democrat lat savate gigawatt
dingbat Laundromat scat Kalat
diplomat Magnificat secretariat Khelat
doormat marrow fat shat kilowatt
drat mat skat megawatt
esbat matte slat squat
fallow chat meerkat spat terawatt
fat meritocrat splat watt
fat cat monocrat sprat what

old, or, ddd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT —AZ 162

yacht snath enclave Slav

(See also OT.) engrave
Ath ensiave AV
ATH bath forgave calve
bathe bridle path galley slave enclave
lathe footpath gave halve
scathe lath glaive salve
snathe path grave Slav
spathe rath impave suave
swathe wrath knave Yugoslav
unswathe lave Zouave
ATS microwave
annates misbehave AZ
Ath misgave ablaze
faith Bates
i'faith Cates nave adays
misfaith Fates new wave adaze
othergates outbrave amaze
Snaith Yates pave appraise
unfaith Yeats rave baize
(See AT; add save Blaise
water wraith
wraith -j where shave beacon-blaze
appropriate.) shortwave bepraise
slave blaze
ATth AV stave braise
eighth angusticlave suave braze
hate'th architrave they've chaise
autoclave thrave chrysoprase
Ath behave tidal wave craze
aftermath belave trave daze
allopath beslave ungrave dispraise
Gath brave waive emblaze
hath cave wave faze
homeopath concave fraise
math crave AV gaze
osteopath Dave calve glaze
philomath deprave halve graze
physiopath drove have Haas
polymath eleve lav Hayes
psychopath encave salve haze

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, £nd; Ice, 111;
163 AZ — A Z ' M

laze wonder-maze unfazed massage

maize (See A; add unglazed menage
malaise -s where ungrazed mirage
Marseillaise appropriate.) unhazed montage
Mays unphrased persiflage
Mayes AZ unpraised photomontage
mayonnaise as unraised plage
maze has unrazed raj
metaphrase jazz reportage
naze pizzazz AZD sabotage
nowadays razz jazzed triage
outblaze whereas razzed
outgaze AZ'M
paraphrase AZ AZH bioplasm
phase Shiraz cortege cataplasm
phrase vase chasm
polonaise (See A; add AZH demoniasm
praise -s where arbitrage ectoplasm
raise appropriate.) badinage enthusiasm
rase barrage iconoclasm
raze AZD camouflage metaplasm
rephrase adazed corsage miasm
self-praise amazed counterespi- phantasm
then-a-days bemazed onage phasm
underpraise crazed decolletage plasm
unpraise dazed decoupage pleonasm
upblaze glazed entourage protoplasm
upgaze unamazed espionage sarcasm
upraise unappraised garage spasm
undazed maquillage

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
E 164

These words include the following accented vowel sounds:
E as in me; heard also in eve, feet, beam, deceive, people, key,
Caesar, machine, field, quay, phoebe.
§ as in here; heard also in fear, dreary, weird.
E as in end; heard also in heifer, leopard, friend, Aetna, feather,
asafetida, bury, any, Thames, said, says.
E bee coatee E-T
A.B. bel-esprit C.O.D. eau-de-vie
abandonee belee consignee employee
absentee Benedicite corroboree endorsee
acne biographee coryphee enfree
addressee blea CRT ennui
advowee bohea Cybele epopee
agape bonhomie D.D. esprit
Agapemone bootee DAT etui
agree bouilli DDT Eugenie
alee bourgeoisie debauchee Eulalie
allottee Brie debris examinee
amicus curiae bumblebee decree extempore
anemone burgee dedicatee facetiae
Anglice Burgundy dee facsimile
antistrophe B.V.D. degree faerie
apogee calipee devisee fairy
apostrophe Calliope devotee fancy-free
appellee calorie diablerie fee
appointee cap-a-pie disagree felo-de-se
assignee catastrophe divorcee fiddle-de-dee
avowee CD dominie filigree
axletree Chaldee donee flea
AZT chariotee drawee flee
bailee Cherokee dree fleur-de-lis
bain-marie chickadee druggie foodie
banshee chickeree Dundee foresee
bargee chimpanzee dungaree free
bawbee Chinee Dupree fricassee
be Christmas tree duty-free Frisbee

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, €nd; Ice, 111;
165 E

fusee manatee perigee selvagee

Galilee Manichee permittee sesame
gallows tree Marie petitionee settee
garnishee marquee Ph.D. she
gee Marshalsea Pharisee si .
geegee master key picotee simile
Gethsemane McFee plea skill igalee
ghee McGee pledgee snee
glee McKee point-d'appui snickersnee
goatee me poison tree spree
grandee Melpomene pongee stingaree
grantee mestee pontee suttee
guarantee Moonie potpourri sycee
he mortgagee presentee synecdoche
heart-free mustee promisee systole
honeybee N.G. pugaree tax-free
humblebee nebulae Q.T. tea
hyperbole Niobe quay tee
interrogatee nominee raki tehee
jamboree nudgy rani Tennessee
Japanee O.G. rapparee Terpsichore
jeu d'esprit obligee rappee the
jinnee ogee razee thee
jubilee on dit recipe third degree
Kennedy oversea referee three
key oversee refugee topee
killdee Parsee releasee toupee
knee Parsi remittee transferee
langue d'oui parti pris repartee tree
lea passaree rhe trustee
lee patentee Rosalie Tweedledee
legatee Pawnee rupee unforesee
lessee payee Sadducee unfree
levee PC sangaree VDT
ley PCB Sault St. Marie vendee
li PCP scarabee vertebrae
licensee pea scree vis-a-vis
litchi pedigree sea vouchee
M.D. Penelope see warrantee

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
E 166

we anarchy bakery century

wee anatomy balcony certainty
weeping tree ancestry barbarity changeability
whiffletree animosity barony chancery
whippletree anniversary barratry charity
ye annuity bastardy chastity
Zuyder Zee anomaly battery chivalry
anonymity beggary Christianity
antipathy benignity chronology
abbacy antiphony bigamy civility
ability antiquity bigotry clemency
absurdity anxiety billowy cogency
academy apathy biography colloquy
acclivity apology biology colony
accompany apostasy blasphemy combustibility
acerbity applicability blossomy comedy
acidity archery botany comity
acridity . argosy bravery commodity
activity aridity brevity community
actuality aristocracy bribery company
adaptability armory brilliancy compatibility
adultery arrowy brutality complacency
adversity artillery bryony complexity
advisability artistry burglary complicity
affability ascendancy cadency complimentary
affinity asperity calamity comprehensibil-
agency assiduity calumny ity
agility astrology Calvary compulsory
agony astronomy canopy conformity
alacrity atomic energy capability connubiality
alchemy atrocity capacity consanguinity
allopathy atrophy captivity consistency
ambiguity audacity casualty conspiracy
amenability augury catholicity constancy
amenity austerity causticity contiguity
amicability authenticity cavalry contingency
amity authority cavity contradictory
amnesty autonomy celebrity contrariety
analogy avidity celerity conveniency

ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
167 E

conventionality discrepancy equality fluency

convexity dishonesty equanimity flummery
coquetry disparity equity foppery
courtesy dissatisfactory errantry \ forestry
Coventry dissimilarity eternity forgery
credulity dissuasory eulogy formality
criminality diversity euphony fortuity
crotchety divinity expectancy fragility
crudity docility expediency fragrancy
cruelty domesticity extended fraternity
cupidity doxology family frequency
curacy drapery extremity frigidity
curiosity drudgery facility frivolity
custody dubiety factory frugality
debauchery duplicity faculty futility
debility dynasty fallacy futurity
decency ebony falsity gaiety
declivity eccentricity familiarity galaxy
deformity economy family gallantry
deity ecstasy fantasy gallery
delivery efficiency fatality garrulity
democracy effigy fatuity genealogy
demonry effrontery feathery generosity
density elasticity fecundity geniality
dependency electricity felicity gentility
depravity elegy felony geography
deputy elementary fernery geology
destiny elusory ferocity geometry
devilry embassy fertility Germany
deviltry emergency fervency gluttony
dexterity enemy festivity gratuity
diary energy fidelity gravity
dignity enginery fidgety harmony
dimity enmity fiery harvestry
diplomacy enormity finery heathery
directory entity fixity heraldry
discordancy entropy flagrancy heredity
discourtesy Epiphany flattery heresy
discovery epitome flippancy hilarity

old, dr, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
E 168
history incomprehen- jeopardy malady
homeopathy sibility jewelry malignancy
homily incongruity jocundity malignity
honesty inconsistency jollity masonry
hospitality inconstancy joviality mastery
hostelry incredulity jugglery maternity
hostility indignity juvenility maturity
humanity individuality knavery mediocrity
humility industry knight-errantry melody
husbandry inebriety laity memory
hypocrisy infallibility larceny mendacity
identity infamy laxity mendicity
idiocy infancy legacy merchantry
idiosyncrasy infantry legality mercury
idolatry infelicity leniency mimicry
illiteracy inferiority lenity ministry
illusory infertility lethargy minority
imagery infidelity levity misanthropy
imbecility infinity liberality misery
immaturity infirmary liberty mobility
immensity infirmity limpidity mockery
immodesty ingenuity litany modesty
immorality inhumanity liturgy monarchy
immortality iniquity livery monody
immunity injury Lombardy monopoly
imparity innumeracy longevity monotony
impassivity insincerity loquacity monstrosity
inpecuniosity insipidity lottery morality
impetuosity insufficiency loyalty mortality
impiety insularity lubricity multiplicity
importunity insurgency lucidity mummery
impropriety integrity lunacy municipality
impunity intensity luxuriancy mutability
impurity intestacy luxury mutiny
inability intrepidity machinery mystery
inadvertency irony magnanimity mythology
incapacity Italy mahogany nationality
inclemency ivory majesty nativity
incompatibility jealousy majority necessity

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, Snd; ice, ill;
M9 £
neutrality perjury probity rarity
nobility perpetuity proclivity rascality
nonconformity perplexity prodigality reality
normalcy personality prodigy reciprocity
Normandy perspicuity profanity recovery
notary pertinacity professory rectory
notoriety perversity proficiency refractory
novelty philanthropy profundity regency
nuclear family philosophy progeny regeneracy
nudity phylactery prolixity remedy
nullity physiognomy promiscuity revelry
nursery Picardy propensity rhapsody
obeisancy piety property ribaldry
obesity pillory prophecy rickety
obliquity pillowy propinquity rigidity
obloquy piracy propriety rivalry
obscurity pleasantry prosperity robbery
oddity pliancy provinciality rockery
Odyssey poesy proximity roguery
opportunity poetry prudery Romany
originality poignancy psalmistry rosary
pageantry policy psalmody rosemary
palmary polity psychiatry rotundity
panoply polygamy publicity royalty
papacy pomposity puerility rubicundity
parity ponderosity pugnacity rudimentary
parliamentary popery punctuality rusticity
parody popularity pungency sagacity
partiality pornography purity salary
particularity posterity pusillanimity salinity
paternity potency putridity salubrity
peculiarity poverty quackery sanctity
pedantry precocity quality sanity
penalty precursory quandry satiety
penury prelacy quantity satisfactory
peppery priority quiescency savagery
perfidy priory raillery scarcity
perfumery privacy rapacity scenery
perfunctory privity rapidity scrutiny

old, or, odd, oil, foTrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
E 170

secrecy sublimity travesty villainy

security subsidy treachery virginity
seigniory subtlety treasury viridity
senility sufficiency trickery virility
sensibility sugary trilogy virtuality
sensuality summary trinity virtuosity
sentimentality superficiality triviality viscidity
serenity superfluity truancy viscosity
servility superiority trumpery vivacity
severity supremacy tyranny volatility
shadowy symmetry ubiquity voracity
shivery sympathy unanimity votary
silvery symphony uniformity vulgarity
similarity taciturnity unity waggery
simony tapestry university watery
simplicity technicality unsavory whimsicality
sincerity telegraphy urbanity willowy
sinewy temerity urgency wintery
singularity tenacity usury witchery
slavery tenancy utility yeomanry
slippery tenantry vacancy zoology
snuggery tendency vacuity
sobriety tenuity vagrancy
testamentary valedictory (See Section
theocracy valiancy III, for many
theology validity more words
theory vanity ending in -v.)
theosophy vapidity absorbingly
thievery vapory abusively
threnody variety accordingly
thundery velocity accurately
timidity velvety acidly
tonicity venality affectedly
topography verbosity aimlessly
torpidity verdancy airily
totality verity alluringly
tracery versatility allusively
tragedy vicinity ambitiously
tranquillity victory amusingly
ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, h|re, find; Ice, ill;
171 E

anciently condescend- dustily groundlessly

appealingly ingly easterly grudgingly
ardently conducively elusively gruesomely
assertively confoundedly enduringly grumblingly
atrociously confusedly engagingly grumpily
auspiciously consummately engrossingly guiltily
awfully convivially eternally guiltlessly
banefully countlessly exclusively gushingly
becomingly cousinly expansively gustily
befittingly cowardly exultantly happily
beggarly cravingly exultingly harmfully
bespottedly crouchingly fadelessly harmlessly
bewail ingly crownlessly fairily heartbrokenly
bitterly cruelly faithlessly heartrendingly
bloodlessly crushingly fatherly heavenly
bloomingly cumbrously feelingly hereditarily
bloomlessly dastardly ferociously homelessly
blushingly daughterly fervidly hopefully
blushlessly decorously feudally hopelessly
bodily deductively flippantly horridly
bootlessly defenselessly floridly humanly
boundlessly deliciously flurriedly hungrily
boyishly delusively flushingly hurriedly
brainlessly devotedly foolishly illusively
breathlessly disapprovingly foppishly immorally
broodingly forebodingly immortally
brotherly foreknowingly imploringly
brutally forgivingly inclusively
bumptiously formerly indignantly
carefully forsakenly indulgently
carelessly fruitfully infernally
changelessly dolefully fruitlessly inhumanly
chirpingly doubtfully fulsomely insensately
chokingly doubtingly giddily instantly
churlishly dreamingly girlishly instructively
civilly dreamlessly gloomily insultingly
clownishly drippingly gloriously intermittently
complainingly droopingly gorgeously inwardly
concludingly gropingly irksomely
old, or, I, oil, fdot, t; use, urn, »; THis, thin
E 172

iridescently mournfully prayerfully secretly

jokingly mournsomely precociously seducingly
joyfully musingly prepossessingly seductively
joyously nakedly pretendingly seemingly
judiciously namelessly productively self-accusingly
juicily necessarily properly self-consciously
laughingly neighborly propitiously shamefully
lavishly niggardly provokingly shamelessly
legendarily noiselessly publicly shapelessly
lightfootedly normally pungently sharp-wittedly
loathingly northerly pursuantly shiftlessly
locally northwardly quarterly shrewishly
lonesomely obnoxiously quiescently silently
loungingly obstructively rapidly sisterly
lovelessly obtrusively readily sleepily
loverly officiously ready-wittedly sleeplessly
lovingly onwardly recklessly slouchingly
loyally opposingly recurrently slovenly
lucidly oppressively refulgently sluggishly
luckily orderly rejoicingly smilingly
lucklessly outrageously relentlessly smokily
luridly overtoppingly reluctantly soakingly
luringly owlishly remorsefully soberly
lustrously painfully remorselessly solemnly
maidenly painlessly responsively solidly
maliciously pallidly revengefully somberly
mannerly pathetically rippingly sordidly »
masterly peculiarly ripplingly sorrily
maternally peerlessly roaringly sorrowfully
matronly peevishly rovingly soulfully
meltingly pellucidly royally soullessly
merrily pervertedly ruefully soundlessly
misgivingly piquantly ruffianly spirally
mistrustingly plaintfully ruggedly splendidly
modestly plaintlessly savagely spoonily
morally playfully scholarly sportfully
morbidly pluckily scornfully sportively
mortally poetically scowlingly spotlessly
motherly portentously secretively stirringly

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 5nd; ice, ill;
173 E —ECH

stolenly truthlessly wearily add -5 where

stormfully tunefully wholesomely appropriate.)
stormily tunelessly wittingly
stormlessly unbecomingly wontedly ECH
straight- unbendingly worthily beach
forwardly unbiddenly worthlessly beseech
stubbornly unblushingly yearningly beech
studiedly unboundingly yeomanly bleach
stupendously unceasingly breach
stupidly unchangingly EB breech
sturdily uncloudedly glebe each
stylishly unerringly grebe forereach
suddenly unfailingly forespeech
sultrily unfeelingly EB foreteach
sunnily unfeignedly cobweb impeach
superhumanly unflaggingly deb keech
superstitiously unguardedly ebb leach
surefootedly unknowingly keb leech
suspiciously unlovingly neb overreach
swimmingly unmaidenly Seb peach
swollenly unmannerly web preach
sylvanly unmotherly Webb queach
tauntingly unneighborly reach
tediously unresistingly EBD screech
thanklessly unswervingly ebbed sea reach
thornily unweariedly webbed sleech
thoroughly unwittingly speech
thumpingly unwontedly EBZ teach
tonelessly unyieldingly Thebes unbreech
tranquilly urgently (See EB; add unpreach
tremendously usurpingly -s where
trippingly utterly appropriate.) ECH
triumphally verily etch
triumphantly vividly EBZ fetch
troublously voluntarily Debs fletch
trustfully wantonly ebbs Jack-Ketch
trustily warningly plebs ketch
trustingly wastefully webbs kvetch
truthfully waywardly (See also EB; letch

old, dr, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, . thin
ECH —ED 174

outstretch Ganymede retrocede bespread

retch glede Runnymede bestead
sketch »leed screed billethead
stretch jodspeed seaweed bled
vetch jreed secede blunderhead
wretch leed seed bonehead
mpede speed bread
ECHD mplead stampede breviped
beached nbreed steed chucklehead
unbleached ndeed succeed coed
unimpeached nterbreed supersede copperhead
(See also ECH; ntercede Swede dead
add -ed where nterplead teed deadhead
appropriate.) nvalid treed deathbed
Jereed Tweed death's-head
ECHD cnead undecreed dread
etched cnock-kneed unfeed dunderhead
far-fetched ead unpedigreed Ed
(See also ECH; mead upbreed egghead
add -ed where Vleade uplead embed
appropriate.) Vlede velocipede fathead
lneed weed featherhead
ED imillipede we'd fed
accede misdeed (See also E; figurehead
aniseed imislead add -d or -ed fissiped
antecede imisread where fled
bead ileed appropriate.) foresaid
bleed (jff his feed fountainhead
brede ()utspeed ED Fred
breed <jverfeed abed full-fed
cede i dead acidhead gingerbread
centipede j srecede adread go-ahead
concede j sroceed ahead head
creed i•ead airhead highbred
deed *eade arrowhead homebred
dispeed irecede bed hophead
Ead /•ede bedspread hothead
exceed i eed bedstead inbred
feed I*eid behead instead

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, £nd; ice, 111;
175 ED

jolterhead thunderhead brandished imprisoned

lead timberhead breakfasted inhabited
led tread burnished inherited
letterhead truckle bed carpeted inspirited
loggerhead truebred clustered jeoparded
lowlihead trundle bed conquered languished
maidenhead trundlehead continued light-spirited
masthead underbred contributed limited
misled unhead covered lingered
Ned unread coveted low-spirited
negrohead unsaid crescented marvelled
niggerhead unsped diamonded mean-spirited
outspread unthread diminished measured
overfed unwed discomforted merited
overhead warhead discredited murmured
overspread watershed dispirited overpowered
pilot bread wed disquieted overtowered
pinhead well-sped distributed pardoned
pled woolly head dowered patented
poppyhead Winifred embarrassed perjured
pothead zed emblazoned pirated
quadruped enamored poor-spirited
read exhibited prohibited
red accustomed faceted public-spirited
redd anchored famished punished
said answered fine-spirited quieted
shed astonished flowered ravaged
shewbread attributed forfeited recovered
shred balanced furnished relinquished
skinhead banished garlanded remembered
sled barren-spirited gathered ringleted
sorehead base-spirited gay-spirited rivalled
sped bediamonded glimmered sanctioned
spread bewildered glistened shepherded
stead bigoted hearkened shimmered
surbed blemished helmeted showered
ted blistered heralded shuddered
thoroughbred bold-spirited high-spirited signeted
thread bonneted hungered slumbered

old, 6r, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
ED —EGZ 176

soft-spirited bespread'th F beg

sorrowed breadth feoff beglerbeg
spirited hairbreadth Gorbachev egg
suffered Kiev goose egg
talented EDZ Prokofiev keg
tempered Eades UNICEF leg
tenanted Leeds Meg
thundered (See ED; add EFT peg
turreted -s where aleft philabeg
unballasted appropriate.) bereft skeg
unbonneted cleft teg
uninhabited EF deft unpeg
unlimited aperitif eft Winnipeg
unmerited bas-relief enfeoffed yegg
unprofited beef heft
unrespited belief left EGD
untenanted brief reft fatigued
visited chief theft overfatigued
wandered disbelief unbereft (See also EG;
weak-spirited fief weft add -ed where
wearied grief wheft approprate.)
winnowed interleaf
witnessed leaf EG
big league EGD
wondered leitmotif
blitzkrieg begged
worshipped lief
colleague spindle-legged
EDST enleague (See also EG;
reef add -ed or
bespread'st relief fatigue
dread'st Grieg -ged where
sheaf appropriate.)
fed'st shereef intrigue
fled'st thief klieg
led'st unbelief league EGZ
overspread'st Little League begs
said'st EF major league dregs
thread'st Brezhnev minor league Meggs
tread'st chef renege sea legs
wed'st clef sitzkrieg (See also EG;
deaf add -s where
EDTH enfeoff EG appropriate.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, HI;
177 EJ —EK

EJ antique halfbeak sleek

besiege apeak hide-and-seek sneak
liege areek Holy Week speak
siege batik houseleak squeak
beak Jesus freak sticky beak
EJ beek keek streak
allege Belleek leak teak
cledge bespeak leek technique
cutting edge bezique Martinique triptych
dredge bleak meak tweak
edge boutique meek unique
enhedge bubble and midweek unsleek
fledge squeak Mozambique unspeak
hedge cacique mystique upseek
impledge caique newspeak weak
interpledge Cazique oblique week
kedge cheek Passion Week widow's peak
ledge Chesapeake peak wreak
pledge chic peek yesterweek
privilege cleek peke
sacrilege clinique physique EK
sedge clique pipsqueak afterdeck
tedge comique pique Aztec
unedge creak plastique beck
wedge creek politique bedeck
critique pratique bewreck
EJD demipique radical chic blackneck
double-edged doublespeak realpolitik blank check
dredged ecofreak reek body check
sedged eke relique bottleneck
two-edged feak breakneck
unhedged fenugreek breck
(See also EJ; forepeak by heck
add -ed where forespeak check
appropriate.) freak cheque
geek sheik Chiang
EK gleek Kai-shek
afterpeak Greek deck
aleak Sikh
grosbeak counter check
old, dr, ddd, oil, fOot, out; Qse, urn, up; THis, thin
EK —EKT 178

countercheck reck Celotex pretext

crew neck redneck circumflex sexed
crombec roughneck complex sext
cromlech rubber check convex text
crookneck rubberneck duplex unperplexed
cross-check sandek ex unsexed
cusec sapeque Exe unvexed
Czech sec flex videotext
deck seek googolplex (See also EKS;
discotheque shipwreck inflex add -ed where
dreck sneck kex appropriate.)
feck spec Kleenex
fleck speck latex EKT
flyspeck swanneck lex beaked
foredeck tec Middlesex cherry-cheeked
geek tech multiplex peaked
hatcheck Techuantepec narthex rosy-cheeked
heck tenrec perplex unwreaked
henpeck Toltec prex (See also EK;
homeec trek Pyrex add-erf where
Kennebec turtleneck reflex appropriate.)
kopek undeck rex
leatherneck wreck Rolodex EKT
lech wryneck sex abject
leek xebec Tex-Mex adject
lek yech triplex affect
Mixtec unisex analect
neck EKS unsex annect
neck-and-neck beaks vex architect
OPEC breeks videotex arrect
overcheck sneaks vortex bedecked
parsec (See also EK; weaker sex benign neglect
peck add -s where (See also EK; bisect
pinchbeck appropriate.) add -s where circumspect
quarterdeck appropriate.) collect
Quebec EKS confect
rain check annex EKST conject
rebec becks annexed connect
recheck bedecks next correct

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; ice, ill;
179 EKT — E L

defect prospect bidonville forefeel

deflect protect big deal freewheel
deject recollect big wheel gear wheel
detect refect bonspiel genteel
dialect reflect breast wheel glockenspiel
direct reject Camille goldenseal
disaffect respect cartwheel havermeal
disconnect resurrect Castile heal
disinfect retrospect cebil heel
disrespect ripple effect ceil he'll
dissect sect chamomile ideal
domino effect select chenille imbecile
effect self-respect clownheal inchmeal
elect cochineal infantile
erect cockatiel interdeal
expect cogwheel Israfil
exsect commonweal jeel
genuflect conceal jheel
greenhouse congeal keel
effect cornmeal Kiel
unsuspect creel kneel
incorrect (See also EK;
indirect cystocele kriegspiel
add -ed where datil leal
infect appropriate.)
inflect deal Lille
inject deil locomobile
EL deshabille Lucille
abele dial-wheel machineel
aiguille difficile manteel
alguazil dishabille meal
introspect all heal driving wheel mill wheel
misdirect allele eel misdeal
neglect anele endocoele mobile
non-elect anneal enseal Mobile
object appeal exocoele Neal
perfect automobile feal ne'er-do-weel
porrect balance wheel feel Neil
prefect barleymeal feil Neill
prelect bastille fistmele neurocoele
project beal flywheel newsreel

old, 6r, odd, oil, fiJot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EL —EL 180

O'Neal thunderpeal bonnibel dispel

O'Neill toril bretelle divel
O'Sheel tuille bridewell divingbell
oatmeal tweel brocatel doggerel
ordeal uncongeal cadelle doorbell
paddle wheel unreal calomel dumbbell
pastille unreel Canterbury dwell
peal unseal bell eggshell
peel unseel caramel El
piecemeal unsteel caravel ell
pimpmobile urodele Carmel Emmanuel
pin wheel vakil carouse] excel
privy seal veal cartel expel
real weal cell farewell
recongeal weel chandelle fell
redeal we'll chanterelle ficelle
reel wheal Chaumontel filoselle
repeal wheel citadel fontanel
reveal wholemeal claribel foretell
schlemiel zeal clientele Fresnel
seal cockerel fricandel
seel EL cockleshell gabelle
shabby- Abarbanel compel gazelle
genteel aerogel cordelle gel
she'll aludel Cornell groundswell
sheal aquarelle coronet handbell
skeel artel cowbell hard sell
snowmobile asphodel Crannell hard-shell
speel Astrophel crenel harebell
spiel A.W.O.L. crenelle HDL
squeal bagatelle Cromwell heather bell
steal barbell damoiselle hell
steel bechamel damoselle hotel
surreal befell deathbell hydrogel
sweal bel decibel hydromel
Tarheel bell dell Immanuel
teal belle demoiselle immortelle
teel bluebell dentelle impel
teil bombshell dinner bell indwell

ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
181 EL —ELD

infidel oenomel rondel well

inkwell organelle rondelle white cell
inshell outsell ruelle yell
intermell oversell sacring bell zel
involucel pall mall sanctus bell Zell
Isabel parallel sarcel zinfandel
jargonelle Parnell sarcelle
jell passing bell sardel ELCH
Jezebel pedicel sardelle belch
jumelle pell scalpel squelch
jurel pell-mell seashell Welch
kell pennoncelle sell Welsh
knell personnel sentinel
kvell petronel shell ELD
lapel Philomel sickle cell afield
Lionel photocell smell annealed
love spell pickerel snell battlefield
mackerel pimpernel soft sell Chesterfield
mademoiselle pipistrel soft-shell Dangerfield
maitre d' hotel plasma cell solar cell Delafield
mangonel plasmagel speedwell enshield
marcel propel spell field
materiel prunelle spinel harvest field
mel pucelle spirituel shield
mell Purnell stairwell unaneled
minute bell quadrelle swell unrepealed
mirabelle quell Tavel weald
misspell quenelle tell wield
morel rappel tortoiseshell yield
moschatel Ravel tourelle (See also EL;
Moselle rebel undersell add -ed where
motel red cell unicell appropriate.)
muscatel refel unshell ELD
nacelle rel unspell beheld
Nell repel unwell belled
Nobel resell upswell eld
Noel respell vesper bell geld
nonpareil retell vielle held
nutshell ritornelle villanelle
old, or, odd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ELD —EM 182

jet-propelled whelk belt delve

meld yelk black belt helve
seld borscht belt shelve
unbeheld ELM brown belt twelve
unknelled dishelm celt
unparalleled elm dealt ELVZ
unquelled helm dwelt delves
upheld overwhelm felt elves
weld realm gelt ourselves
withheld underwhelm heartfelt selves
(See also EL; unhelm kelt themselves
add -ed where weather helm knelt yourselves
appropriate.) whelm melt
misspelt ELZ
ELF ELP pelt Dardanelles
delf help Roosevelt Elles
elf kelp smelt Lascelles
Guelph self-help spelt Seychelles
herself skelp Sunbelt Welles
himself swelp svelte Wells
itself whelp swelt (See also EL;
mantel shelf yelp unbelt add -s where
myself unfelt appropriate.)
oneself ELPS veld
ourself Phelps veldt EM
pelf (See also ELP; welt abeam
self add -s where white belt academe
shelf appropriate.) anatheme
thyself ELth beam
yourself ELS commonwealth beseem
else dwell'th blaspheme
ELFT (See also EL; health bream
delft add -s where stealth centime
appropriate.) wealth cream
ELFth (See also EL; daydream
twelfth ELSH add -th where deem
Welsh appropriate.) disesteem
ELK distream
elk ELT ELV dream

ale, care, 3dd, arm, 2sk; me, h§re, 2nd; Ice, 111;
183 EM—EN

embeam Brummagem temse amidine

enseam clem ammine
esteem condemn EMT amphetamine
extreme contemn adreamt aniline
fleam diadem attempt anserine
gleam em contempt antihistamine
icecream 'em dreamt aqua green
learn gem exempt aquamarine
misdeem hem kempt argentine
moonbeam mem preempt arsine
ream phlegm self-contempt arsphenamine
redeem pro tern tax-exempt astatine
reem requiem tempt atropine
regime stem undreamt atween
riem strategem unkempt aubergine
scheme them Augustine
scream theorem EMZ aventurine
seam beams Balanchine
seem EMD meseems baleen
self-esteem beamed (See also EM; bandoline
steam undreamed add -s where barkentine
stream unredeemed appropriate.) bean
supreme (See also EM; been
team add -ed where EMZ Beguine
teem appropriate.) gems bellarmine
theme temse bemean
unbeseem EMD Thames Benzedrine
unseam begemmed (See also EM; benzene
unteam uncondemned add -s where benzine
weathergleam undiademed appropriate.) bescreen
(See also EM; beta carotene
EM add -ed where EN between
ad hominem appropriate.) Aberdeen bismarine
ahem achene blue green
anadem EMP advene bombazine
apothegm hemp Algerine bottine
bediadem Kemp almandine bowling green
begem alpeen brigandine
Bethlehem EMS alpigene brigantine

old, or, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

brilliantine cysteine fourteen Irene

bromine cystine gabardine isoprene
buckbean damascene galantine Jean
buckeen damaskeen gamine jean
Byzantine dasheen gangrene jellybean
caffeine dauphine gardeen Josephine
canteen dean gasoline keen
capeline demean gazogene kerosene
Capuchin demesne gean kidney bean
capuchine dene gelatine kitt ereen
careen dentine gene lateen
carotene dopamine Geraldine latrine
carrageen dourine Ghibelline lean
chagrin drag queen glassine lene
chevaline dudeen glean libertine
chlorobenzene duvetyn gleen lien
choline ean go-between lima bean
chopine e'en gombeen limousine
chorine eighteen good-e'en lipoprotein
chryselephan- elephantine . gradine long green
tine Eocene grass green machine
cismarine epicene green magazine
clean epigene grenadine Magdalene
Clementine Ernestine guillotine mangosteen
closet queen Essene Halloween margarine
codeine Eugene haratin margravine
colleen Evangeline harvest queen marine
come clean evergreen Hellene matachin
complex fairy queen heterogene mavourneen
machine fascine Hippocrene May Queen
Constantine favabean histamine mazarine
contravene fellaheen hygiene meadow queen
convene fellahin hypogene mean
costean fifteen imine mesne
crapaudine figurine impregn mezzanine
crinoline. fillipeen incarnadine mien
cuckquean Florentine indene Miocene
cuisine fluorine indigene misdemean
cyanine foreseen intervene moline

ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h§re, £nd; Ice, 111;
185 EN

moreen phosphene rescreen steen

morphine phosphine rosmarine stein
mousseline photogene routine string bean
Mr. Clean phthalein sakeen submarine
muscarine physostigmine salmatine subteen
mytho green pinto bean sardine subterrene
nankeen piperidine sateen subvene
naphthalene piperazine scalene supergene
narceine pistareen scene superterrene
navy bean Pleistocene screen supervene
Nazarene Pliocene sea green takin
nectarine polygene seen tambourine
nervine polythene seine tangerine
Nicene porphyrogene seltzogene teen
nicotine poteen serene terebene
nineteen potheen serpentine terpene
nitrobenzene praline seventeen terrene
obscene praying sewing terrine
oleomargarine machine machine therebetween
olivine preen shagreen thirteen
opaline preteen Shean Tolkien
organzine prevene shebeen toluene
ornithine pristine sheen tontine
overseen proline shoneen tourmaline
overween protein simple machine toxaphene
palanquin purine Sistine transmarine
Palmyrene putting green sixteen travertine
patine pyrene skean treen
Pauline quadragene Slovene trephine
pea bean quarantine sourdine tureen
pea green quarentene soybean 'tween
pean quean spalpeen ultramarine
peen queen sphene umpteen
pelerine quinine spleen unclean
pentene Racine split screen undine
Peregrine ratine spodumene unforeseen
philhellene ratteen squalene unqueen
Philippine ravine St. Augustine unseen
phosgene reen stean unscreen

old, or, odd, oil, f<Sot, out; use, firn, up; THis, thin
EN—END 186

uplean ken squench condescend

vaccine Magdalen stench contend
valine men tench defend
Vaseline nitrogen trench depend
velveteen oxygen unclench descend
visne Parisienne wench distend
vitrine pen wrench dividend
voting machine prairie hen emend
wean regimen ENCHD end
ween Saracen bedrenched expend
wheen sen unblenched extend
wide-screen sen-sen (See also fend
wintergreen specimen ENCH; add forefend
wolverine ten -ed where forfend
yean then appropriate.) friend
yellow green tragedienne gable end
yestreen unpen _ godsend
Valenciennes END hornblende
EN varsovienne advened impend
again water hen cleaned intend
aldermen wen fiend interblend
amen when piend kenned
ben wren teind lend
brevipen yen (See also EN; mend
cayenne add -ed where minuend
Cheyenne ENCH appropriate.) misapprehend
citizen bedrench misspend
cyclamen bench END obtend
Darien blench amend offend
den clench an-end ostend
denizen drench append penned
equestrienne flench apprehend perpend
fen French ascend pitch blende
fountain pen intrench attend portend
glen mensch befriend prepend
halogen monkey bend pretend
hen wrench blend recommend
hydrogen quench commend rend
impen retrench comprehend repetend

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, find; Ice, 111;
187 END —ENS

reprehend length diligence indigence

reverend strength disobedience indolence
send dispense inexpedience
South Bend ENJ dissidence inexperience
spend avenge eloquence inference
subtend revenge eminence influence
subtrahend Stonehenge equivalence innocence
superintend evidence insipience
suspend excellence insolence
tend exigence intelligence
transcend expedience intense
trend expense irreverence
unbend ENS experience magnificence
unfriend abstinence fence magniloquence
unkenned accidence flatulence maleficence
unpenned affluence flocculence malevolence
upend beneficence frankincense mellifluence
upsend benevolence fraudulence munificence
vend blandiloquence grandiloquence negligence
vilipend breviloquence hence nescience
wend circumference immanence nonresidence
Zend coincidence immense obedience
commence imminence offense
ENDZ common sense impenitence omnipotence
amends competence impertinence omiscience
ascends concupiscence impotence opulence
(See also END; condense
imprevalence pence
add -s where conference improvidence penitence
appropriate.) confidence impudence percipience
confluence incense permanence -
ENGK consequence
Schenck incidence pertinence
continence incipience pestilence
convenience incoincidence plenipotence
ENGKS corpulence
Jenkes incompetence preeminence
defense incongruence preference
Jenks deference inconsequence prepense
dense incontinence prescience
ENGTH difference inconvenience pretense
full-length diffidence indifference prevalence
old, or, ddd, oil, f<36t, out; Qse, urn, ap; THis, thin
ENS —ENT 188

prominence ENST anent comment

propense against aperient competent
providence anenst apportionment complement
prurience commenced acquent compliment
quantivalence condensed arbitrament condiment
recompense dispensed argument confident
redolence evidenced armament confluent
reference experienced ascent congruent
residence fenced assent consent
resilience fornenst astonishment consequent
reticence 'gainst attent constituent
reverence incensed augment content
salience inexperienced babblement continent
sapience influenced banishment convenient
self-confidence reverenced battlement corpulent
self-defense sensed bedevilment dazzlement
sense bedizennient decipherment
somnolence ENT belligerent decrement
spence abandonment beneficent deferent
subservience abolishment benevolent dement
subsidence absent bent demolishment
subtense abstinent besprent dent
succulence accent betterment descent
supereminence accident bewilderment detent
suspense accipient blandishment detriment
tense accompaniment blazonment development
thence accomplishment blemishment devilment
truculence accoutrement blent different
turbulence acknowledg- botherment diffident
vehemence ment brabblement diffluent
videoconfer- admeasurement brent diligent
ence admonishment cement diminishment
violence advertisement cent dimplement
virulence affamishment chastisement disablement
whence affluent cherishment disarmament
(See also affranchisement circumambient discontent
ENT; add aggrandizement circumfluent discourage-
-s where aliment circumvent ment
appropriate.) ambient coincident disfigurement

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, £nd; Ice, 111;
189 ENT

disfranchise- equivalent immanent Kent

ment esculent imminent lament
disobedient establishment impediment languishment
disparagement esurient impenitent lavishment
dispiritment event impediment leant
dissent evident impertinent lenient
dissident excellent inplement lent
distinguish- excrement impotent ligament
ment exigent impoverishment lineament
divertisement expedient imprisonment liniment
document experiment improvident luculent
element extent impudent magnificent
eloquent extinguishment incident magniloquent
embarrassment famishment incipient malcontent
embattlement fent incoincident maleficent
embellishment ferment incompetent malevolent
embezzlement filament incongruent management
embitterment firmament inconsequent meant
emblazonment flocculent incontinent measurement
embodiment foment inconvenient medicament
eminent foremeant increment mellifluent
emollient forespent indent merriment
emolument foment ndifferent miscontent
empannelment festerment ndigent misrepresent
enablement franchisement ndolent misspent
encompass- fraudulent nexpedient monument
ment frequent nfluent munificent
encouragement garnishment ngredient muniment
endangerment gent nnocent negligent
endeavorment Ghent nsentient nourishment
enfeeblement government i nsipient nutriment
enfranchisemenl gradient nsolent obedient
enlightenment gradient nstrument Occident
ennoblement grandiloquent ntegument omnipotent
enravishment habiliment i ntelligent opulent
entanglement harassment i ntent orient
envelopment hereditament i nveiglement ornament
environment ignipotent i nvent ostent
envisagement ill-content i rreverent overspent

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ENT — EP 190

parliament resilient unspent ENZ

pediment reticent untent advenes
penitent reverent vanishment Essenes
pent rudiment vanquishment greens
percipient sacrament vehement smithereens
permanent salient vent teens
pertinent sapient vinolent (See also EN;
pesterment scent violent add -z where
pestilent sediment virulent appropriate.)
plenipotent self-confident wanderment
portent sent well-content ENZ
prattlement sentient well-meant cleanse
precedent sentiment well-spent ens
predicament settlement went flense
preeminent somnolent wilderment gens
premonishment spent wonderment lens
prescient sprent worriment Valenciennes
present stent Vincennes
presentiment subsequent ENth (See also EN;
president subservient fourteenth add -s where
prevalent succulent greenth appropriate.)
prevent supereminent lean'th
prominent supplement thirteenth EP
provident temperament (See also EN; adeep
prurient tenement add -th where aheap
punishment tent appropriate.) asleep
ravishment testament beauty sleep
recipient thereanent ENth beweep
redolent torment pen'th bopeep
refluent tournament tenth cheap
regiment tremblement (See also EN; cheep
relent Trent add -th where "•' chepe
relinquishment truculent appropriate.) chimney sweep
rent turbulent clepe
repent unbent ENTS creep
replenishment underwent accoutrements deep
represent unkent cents ensweep
resent unmeant contents estrepe
resident unsent (See also ENS.) forweep

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
191 EP — $R

heap appropriate.) yclept chanticleer

keep charioteer
leap EPS EPth cheer
neap steps depth chevalier
outleap (See also EP; stepp'th chiffonier
outsleep add -s where chimere
outweep appropriate.) %R circuiteer
overleap adhere clear
oversleep EPT aerosphere cohere
peep beneaped affeer commandeer
reap heaped amir compeer
seep neaped ahear conge d'elire
sheep unsteeped appear crotcheteer
sleep upheaped arrear cuirassier
steep (See also EP; asmear dear
sweep add -ed where atmosphere deer
swepe appropriate.) auctioneer disappear
threap austere domineer
under-peep EPT bandoleer drear
unkeep accept bayadere ear
weep adept beer electioneer
crept belvedere emir
EP except besmear endear
demirep inept bevel gear engineer
footstep intercept bier ensear
hep kept blear ensphere
overstep leapt bombardier fakir
pep outslept brevier fallow deer
rep overslept brigadier fear
schlep overstepped buccaneer financier
skep pepped canceleer fineer
step sept cannoneer fleer
steppe slept caravaneer friction gear
stepped carbineer frontier
EPS swept career fusileer
cheeps unkept cashier garreteer
creeps unswept cavalier gaselier
(See also EP; unwept cere gazeteer
add -s where wept chandelier gear

old, dr, ddd, oil, f<5&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
£R — E S 192

ginger beer planisphere upcheer afterpiece

gondolier privateer uprear ambergris
gonfalonier pulpiteer veer apiece
grand vizier queer veneer battlepiece
grenadier racketeer vizier Berenice
halberdier reappear volunteer Bernice
hear rear weir cantatrice
Heer reindeer year caprice
hemisphere revere cassis
here scrutineer £RD cease
indear sear adhered cerise
Indianeer seer beard chimneypiece
inhere sere feared Clarice
insincere sermoneer flap-eared coulisse
insphere severe lop-eared crease
interfere shear uneared creese
jeer sheer unfeared decease
killdeer sincere unpeered decrease
lear skeer weird degrease
leer smear (See also §R; esquisse
madrier sneer add -ed where Felice
meer sonneteer appropriate.) fleece
mere souvenir fowling piece
mir spear frontispiece
mountaineer specksioneer fierce geese
muffineer sphere grease
muleteer steer grece
musketeer tabasheer Greece
mutineer targeteer increase
near tear lease
overhear teer Lucrece
overseer tier ERZ mantelpiece
pamphleteer timberstere adheres masterpiece
peer timoneer Algiers Maurice
persevere Tyr shears mouthpiece
petardeer undersphere sheers Nice
pier ungear niece
pioneer unnear ES obese
pistoleer unsphere peace
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, find; Ice, 111;
193 ES —ES

pelisse colorless finesse nevertheless

piece comfortless flavorless noblesse
pocket piece comfortress flowerless numberless
police compress foreguess obsess
popping crease confess fortuneless obsolesce
predecease conqueress frondesce odorless
Reese conscienceless full-dress opalesce
release convalesce gala dress oppress
semese cress gentilesse overdress
sublease cultureless giantess pantheress
surcease cumberless governess patroness
Thais dauphiness guess penniless
Therese deaconess harborless phosphoresce
timepiece deliquesce headdress pitiless
valise demoness Hess pleasureless
verdigris depress idolatress poetess
digress impress politesse
ES dinnerless ingress possess
access dispossess inheritress powerless
accresce distress intumesce power press
acquiesce diving dress jess prepossess
address dress Kress press
aggress duress largess prioress
ambassadress editress less procuress
ancestress effervesce letterpress profess
archeress effloresce limitless progress
assess effortless marchioness phophetess
baroness egress masterless proprietress
Bess evanesce mayoress purposeless
blemishless excess meaningless pythoness
bless executress measureless Quakeress
bodiless express merciless quiesce
bottomless fanciless mess ransomless
bouillabaisse fatherless ministress recess
canoness fathomless moneyless redress
caress favorless monitress regress
cess featureless motherless repress
chess fess motionless respiteless
coalesce fetterless motiveless retrogress

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

rudderless adhesiveness artificialness boorishness

shadowless advantageous- artlessness bootlessness
shelterless ness assiduousness boundlessness
shepherdess affectedness atrociousness bounteousness
sitoeriess affrontiveness attentiveness boyishness
slumberless agedness attractiveness brackishness
S.O.S. aggressiveness auspiciousness brassiness
sorceress agileness avariciousness brawn i ness
spiritless agreeableness awfulness brazenness
stewardess airiness awkwardness breathlessness
stress alimentiveness backhanded- brilliantness
success alliterativeness ness brittleness
sultaness allusiveness backwardness brokenness
suppress almightiness balefulness brotherliness
tailoress amazedness banefulness brushiness
temptationiess ambitiousness bareheadedness brutishness
Tess amiableness barrenness bulkiness
Titaness amicableness bashfulness bumptiousness
transgress ampleness beastliness bunchiness
tress ancientness beeriness burliness
turgesce angelicalness beseechingness bushiness
unbless angriness besottedness buxomness
underdress anonymousness bitterness candidness
undress anticness blamelessness capaciousness
unless anxiousness blessedness capriciousness
valueless apishness blissful ness captiousness
virtueless apparentness blithesomeness carefulness
votaress appeasableness bloatedness carelessness
watercress appositeness blockishness cautiousness
weaponless apprehensive- bloodguiltiness ceaselessness
yes ness bloodiness chalkiness
approachable- bloodthirsti- changefulness
ness ness chariness
abjectedness arbitrariness bloomingness charmingness
abstractedness ardentness bluntishness chattiness
abusiveness arduousness boastful ness cheerfulness
accidentalness aridness boisterousness cheeriness
adaptiveness artfulness bonniness cheerlessness
addictedness articulateness bookishness childishness

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, here, find; Ice, 111;
195 ES

childlessness contradictious- decorativeness disposedness

chilliness ness defectiveness disputatious-
chubbiness contrariness defenselessness ness
churlishness contumacious- defiantness distastefulness
clandestineness ness definiteness distinctiveness
clannishness copiousness deformedness dizziness
cleanliness cordialness degenerateness doggedness
clear-sighted- corrosiveness dejectedness dolefulness
ness costliness deliciousness doubtfulness
cleverness courageousness delightfulness doughtiness
cliquishness courtliness delightsome- downiness
cloddishness covertness ness dreadfulness
cloudiness covetousness deliriousness dreaminess
clownishness crabbedness delusiveness dreariness
clumsiness craftiness dementedness droughtiness
coldhearted- craggedness depressiveness drowsiness
ness cragginess derisiveness drunkenness
collectedness cravingness desirousness dumpishness
collusiveness craziness despitefulness duskiness
comeliness creaminess destructiveness dustiness
commonness credulousness desultoriness dwarfishness
composedness crookedness detersiveness eagerness
comprehensive- cruelness detractiveness earliness
ness crustiness devotedness earnestoess
compulsiveness cumbrousness dewiness earthiness
conceitedness curiousness diffusedness earthliness
conclusiveness curliness diffusiveness earthly-mind-
conduciveness customariness dilatoriness edness
confusedness daintiness dilutedness easefulness
conjunctiveness dampishness dinginess easiness
conscientious- daringness direfulness eeriness
ness dauntlessness disastrousness effectiveness
consciousness deadliness discontented- efficaciousness
consecutiveness deathfulness ness effusiveness
conspicuous- deathiness discursiveness egregiousness
ness debauchedness disdainfulness elatedness
constructiveness deceitfulness disinterested- emotiveness
contentedness deceptiveness ness emptiness
contentiousness decisiveness dismalness endearedness
old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
feS 196

endlessness feebleness fraudlessness giddiness

enduringness feignedness freakishness giftedness
engagingness ferociousness freckledness girlishness
enormousness fervidness freeheartedness gladfulness
entertainingnessi fickleness fretfulness gladsomeness
equalness fictiousness friendlessness glariness
essentialness fiendishness friendliness glassiness
estrangedness fieriness frightfulness gloominess
evasiveness filminess frigidness gloriousness
everlastingness fishiness friskiness glossiness
exaltedness fitfulness frivolousness godlessness
exceptiousness fixedness frostiness godliness
excessiveness flabbiness frothiness goodliness
exclusiveness flaccidness frowardness gorgeousness
excursiveness flakiness frozenness gracefulness
expansiveness flashiness frugalness gracelessness
expeditiousness fleshiness fruitfulness graciousness
expensiveness fleshliness fruitlessness graphicness
explicitness flexibleness frumpishness grassiness
expressiveness flightiness fugaciousness gratefulness
exquisiteness flimsiness fulsomeness greasiness
extensiveness flippantness fumishness greediness
facetiousness floridness fundamental- greenishness
factiousness floweriness ness grievousness
faithfulness fluentness furiousness griminess
faithlessness fogginess fussiness grittiness
fallaciousness foolhardiness fustiness grogginess
false-hearted- foolishness gaddishness groundlessness
ness foppishness gallantness guardedness
far-sightedness forcedness gamesomeness guidelessness
fastidiousness foreignness garishness guilefulness
fatefulness forge tfulness garrulousness guiltiness
fatherliness formlessness gashliness guiltlessness
faultlessness forwardness gaudiness gustfulness
favoredness fractiousness generousness hairiness
fearfulness fragileness genialness handiness
fearlessness frankhearted- gentleness handsomeness
feeble-minded- ness ghastliness haplessness
ness franticness ghostliness happiness

ale, dire, add, arm, 3sk; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
197 ES

hard-hearted- hollowness inauspicious- inwardness

ness homelessness ness irefulness
hardiness homeliness incapacious- irksomeness
harmfulness hopefulness ness jaggedness
harmlessness hopelessness incautiousness jauntiness
harmonious- horridness incidentalness jealousness
ness huffishness incoherentness jettiness
hastiness humbleness incomprehen- Jewishness
hatefulness humidness siveness jolliness
haughtiness humorousness inconclusive- jovialness
haziness hurtfulness ness joyfulness
headiness huskiness incongruous- joylessness
healthfulness iciness ness joyousness
healthiness idleness inconsistent- judiciousness
healthlessness ignobleness ness juiciness
heartedness illicitness inconspicuous- jumpiness
heartiness illiterateness ness kind-hearted-
heartlessness ill-naturedness indebtedness ness
heathenness illusiveness indecisiveness kindliness
heavenliness illustriousness indecorousness kingliness
heavenly-mind- imaginative- inefficacious- knavishness
edness ness ness knightliness
heaviness imitativeness infectiousness knottiness
heedfulness immaculate- ingeniousness languidness
heedlessness ness ingenuousness large-hearted-
heinousness impartialness injuriousness ness
hellishness impassiveness inkiness lasciviousness
helpfulness imperfectness innoxiousness lawfulness
helplessness imperiousness inobtrusiveness lawlessness
heterogeneous- imperviousness inoffensiveness laziness
ness impetuousness insidiousness leafiness
hiddenness impiousness insipidness leaflessness
hideousness implicitness instructiveness leaviness
highminded- imponderous- intensiveness lengthiness
ness ness intrusiveness licentiousness
hilliness imposingness inventiveness lifelessness
hoariness impressiveness invidiousness light-hearted-
hoggishness impulsiveness invincibleness ness
holiness inattentiveness involuntariness lightsomeness

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, iirn, Op; THis, thin
ES 198

likableness mannerliness monstrousness nefariousness

likeliness mannishness moodiness neglectedness
limberness many-sidedness mopishness neglectfulness
timpidness marshiness morbidness neighborliness
liquidness mossiness mortalness nervousness
lissomeness massiveness mossiness niggardliness
listlessness matchlessness motherliness nimbleness
literalness mawkishness mournfulness nobleness
litigiousness maziness mulishness noiselessness
littleness meagerness multifarious- noisiness
liveliness mealiness ness noisomeness
lividness meatiness mumpishness notableness
livingness meditativeness murkiness notedness
loathliness mellowness muskiness notelessness
mustiness nothingness
loathsomeness meltingness
mutinousness notoriousness
loftiness meritoriousness
loneliness meretricious- noxiousness
lonesomeness ness numerousness
longsomeness merriness nutritiousness
loquaciousness mightiness narrow-mind- objectiveness
lordliness milkiness obligatoriness
loutishness mindfulness obligingness
love-in-idleness miraculousness nastiness obliviousness
loveliness miriness obsequiousness
lovingness mirthfulness observableness
lowliness mirthlessness obstreperous-
loyal ness miscellaneous- ness
ness obstrusiveness
lucidness naughtiness
mischievousness obviousness
luckiness near-sighted-
misshapenness odiousness
lugubriousness missishness ness
luminousness nebulousness odoriferousness
mistiness odorousness
lumpishness necessariness
moderness offensiveness
lusciousness necessitious-
lustfulness officiousness
moldiness ness
lustiness oiliness
momentousness nectateousness
maidenliness oleaginousness
monkishness needfulness
maliciousness openhandedness
monotonous- neediness
manfulness needlessness openheartedness
manliness openness
ale, die, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
199 ES

oppressiveness perspicuousness prayerfulness pusillanimous-

opprobrious- persuasiveness prayerlessness ness
ness pertinacious- precariousness putridness
orderliness ness preciousness quakiness
ostentatious- pervicacious- precipitousness qualmishness
ness ness precociousness quasiness
outlandishness pervious ness prejudicialness queenliness
outrageousness pestilentialness preposterous- quenchlessness
outwardness pettiness ness querulousness
painfulness pettishness presumptuous- quick-sighted-
painlessness piercingness ness ness
pallidness pig-headedness pretentiousness quick-witted-
paltriness pitchiness prettiness ness
parlousness piteousness previousness quietness
parsimonious- pithiness prickliness rabidness
ness pitiableness pridefulness raciness
passiveness pitilessness priestliness raggedness
pawkiness placableness priggishness raininess
peaceableness placidness primitiveness rakishness
peacefulness plaintiveness princeliness rancidness
pearliness playfulness prodigiousness rapaciousness
peerlessness playsomeness productiveness rapidness
peevishness pleasantness progressiveness ravenousness
pellucidness pleasingness properness readiness
penetrativeness plenteousness propitiousness rebelliousness
pennilessness pliantness prosiness recentness
pensileness poachiness prospectiveness receptiveness
pensiveness pointedness protectiveness recklessness
penuriousness pompousness prudishness reddishness
peremptoriness ponderousness public-minded- reflectiveness
perfectness poorliness ness refractiveness
perfidiousness porousness puffiness refractoriness
perfunctoriness portliness pugnaciousness regardlessness
perilousness positiveness pulpiness relativeness
perniciousness powerfulness pulpousness relentlessness
perplexedness powerlessness pulselessness remorsefulness
perplexiveness practicalness punctiliousness remorselessness
perspicacious- praiseworthi- puniness reproachfulness
ness ness pursiness repulsiveness

old, dr, ddd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ES 200

resistlessness sandiness shagginess sleepiness

resoluteness sanguineness shakiness sleeplessness
respectfulness sappiness shallowness sleetiness
responsiveness satisfactoriness shamefulness slenderness
restfulness sauciness shamelessness sliminess
restiveness savageness shapelessness slipperiness
restlessness savingness shapeliness slothfulness
restrictiveness savoriness sheepishness sluggishness
retentiveness scaliness shieldlessness smilingness
revengefulness scantiness shiftiness smokiness
rightfulness scorchingness shiftlessness snappishness
right-handed- scornfulness shiningness sneakiness
ness scragginess shoaliness snobbishness
right-minded- scruviness short-sighted- sober-minded-
ness seaworthiness ness ness
rigidness secondariness showeriness soberness
rigorousness secretiveness showiness sociableness
riotousness secretness shrewishness soft-hearted-
robustiousness sedentariness shrubbiness ness
rockiness seditiousness sickliness solidness
roguishness seediness sightlessness solitariness
rompishness seemingness silentness solubleness
roominess seemliness silkiness somberness
ropiness seldomness silliness sombrousness
rosiness self-conceited- simpleminded- sonorousness
rottenness ness ness sordidness
ruddiness self-conscious- simpleness sorriness
ruefulness ness simultaneous- sorrowfulness
ruggedness selfishness ness sottishness
ruthless ness self-righteous- sinfulness spaciousness
sacredness ness singleness sparklingness
sacrilegiousness senselessness sinlessness speciousness
sagaciousness sensitiveness sketchiness speckledness
saintliness sensuousness skillfulness speculativeness
salaciousness sententiousness skittishness speechlessness
sallowness seriousness slabbiness speediness
salutariness shabbiness slatiness spiciness
sanctimonious- shadiness slavishness spitefulness
ness shadowiness sleaziness splendidness

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; ice, 111;
201 ES

sponginess sturdiness tediousness transcendent-

spontaneous- stylishness tempestuous- ness
ness subjectiveness ness transientness
sportiveness submissiveness temporariness transitiveness
spotlessness subordinate- temptingness transitoriness
spottedness ness tenaciousness transparentness
spottiness substantialness tender-hearted- trashiness
springiness subtleness ness treacherousness
spriteliness successfulness tepidness tremendousness
spuminess suddenness testiness tremulousness
spuriousness sugariness thankfulness tributariness
squeamishness suggestiveness thievishness trickiness
starchiness suitableness thirstiness trickishness
starriness sulkiness thoroughness tricksiness
stateliness sullenness thoughtfulness true-hearted-
steadfastness sultriness thoughtless- ness
steadiness sumptuousness ness trustfulness
stealthfulness sunniness threadiness trustiness
stealthiness supercilious- thriftiness trustless ness
steel iness ness thriftlessness . trustworthiness
steepiness superstitious- thrivingness truthfulness
stickiness ness ticklishness truthlessness
stinginess suppleness tidiness tunefulness
stintedness suppliantness timeliness turfiness
stolidness surliness timidness turgidness
stoniness surprisingness timorousness ugliness
storminess susceptiveness tipsiness umbrageous-
straightfor- suspectedness tiresomeness ness
wardness suspiciousness toilsomeness unanimousness
strenuousness swarthiness toothsomeness unbendingness
stringentness sweat iness torpidness unblessedness
stringiness sweetishness torridness unboundedness
stubbiness talkativeness tortuousness uncleanl iness
stubbornness tamelessness totalness uncloudedness
studiousness tardiness touchiness uncourtliness
stuffiness tastefulness toyishness undauntedness
stuntedness tastelessness tracklessness uneasiness
stupendousness tawdriness traitorousness unexpectedness
stupidness tawniness tranquil ness unfeignedness

old, 6r, ddd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, dp; THis, thin
ES — ESK 202

unfriendliness validness weightiness yellowishness

ungainliness vapidness welcomeness yellowness
ungentleness vexatiousness whimsicalness yieldingness
ungodliness viciousness whitishness youthful ness
ungrounded- victoriousness wholesomeness zealousness
ness vigorousness wickedness
unholiness vindictiveness wilderness ESH
universalness viridness willfulness affiche
unkindliness virtuousness wiliness fiche
unlikeliness viscousness willingness leash
unloveliness visionariness winsomeness McLeish
unmanliness vitreousness wiriness McNeish
unpreparedness vivaciousness wishfulness microfiche
unquietness vividness wistfulness nouveau riche
unreadiness vociferousness witheredness pastiche
unrighteous- voluminous- witlessness
ness quiche
ness wittiness scottische
unruliness voluntariness woefulness ultrafiche
unseaworthi- voluptuousness womanliness unleash
voraciousness wondrousness
vulgarness wontedness ESH
waggishness woodiness aresh
wakefulness woolliness creche
untrustiness wantonness wordiness enmesh
unwieldiness warefulness wordishness flesh
unwillingness wariness worldliness fresh
unwontedness warm-hearted- worldly- mesh
unworldliness ness mindedness nesh
unworthiness washiness worshipfulness refresh
uppishness waspishness worthiness secesh
usefulness wastefulness worthlessness thresh
uselessness watchfulness wrathfulness
uxoriousness waveringness wretchfulness
waviness ESK
vacuousness wretchedness
waxiness arabesque
vagrantness wretchlessness
waywardness barbaresque
valetudinari- wrongfulness
wealthiness burlesque
ness weariness chivalresque
valiantness headedness
wearisomeness yeastiness Dantesque

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
203 ESK — EST

desk triste guest unbreast

gardenesque underpoliced hard-pressed undercrest
gigantesque unpriest hest underdressed
grotesque wedding feast imprest undressed
humoresque yeast incest ' unexpressed
Moresque increst unguessed
naturalesque EST infest unprepossessed
picaresque abreast ingest unpressed
picturesque acquest inquest unredressed
plateresque alkahest interest unrest
reading desk anapest invest untressed
Romanesque arrest jessed vest
sculpturesque attest jest west
soldatesque beau geste Key West wrest
statuesque behest lest yessed
bequest manifest zest
EST best midwest (See also ES;
archpriest blest molest add -ed where
arriviste breast nest appropriate.)
artiste Brest northwest
batiste Bucharest obsessed
beast Budapest obtest answerest
ceased cest overdressed astonishest
deceased chest palimpsest attentivest
east congest pest attributest
Far East contest predigest banishest
feast crest protest beamiest
fleeced depressed quest beguilingest
harvest feast detest recessed bleariest
least devest request blestfullest
Middle East digest rest blisterest
Mideast distressed second-best blithefulest
modiste divest self-possessed blithesomest
Near East dressed southwest blunderest
northeast Everest suggest breeziest
pieced funest test brilliantest
priest gabfest tressed briniest
queest gest Trieste burliest
southeast golden-tressed unblest cheerfullest

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EST 204

cheeriest filmiest hungriest murmurest

cheerliest filthiest huskiest muskiest
chilliest fleeciest iciest mustiest
chokiest flimsiest incumberest narrowest
cleanliest flightiest inheritest noisiest
clusterest flintiest inkiest nourishest
conquerest flowerest inliest offerest
continuest foamiest inspiritest pardonest
costliest forcefulest jolliest patentest
courtliest forfeitest juiciest pearliest
coverest freshenest kindliest pensivest
coziest friendliest kingliest pleasantest
creamiest funniest knightliest pleasurest
creepiest fussiest laborest portliest
crudest gatherest languishest preciousest
crustiest genialest libelest predestinest
curliest giddiest likeliest princeliest
daintiest glimmerest lingerest prosiest
decisivest glistenest lissomest punishest
derisivest gloomiest listenest quarrelest
determinest glossiest lithesomest questionest
dingiest glowerest liveliest quietest
dizziest goutiest livenest recoverest
doughtiest grimiest loftiest relinquishest
dowdiest guilefulest loneliest rememberest
dowerest guiltiest loveliest rescuest
dreamiest gustiest lowerest rightfulest
dreariest happiest lowliest rivalest
drowsiest haughtiest loyalest rosiest
dustiest healthiest marvelest rowdiest
earliest hearkenest mellowest royalest
easiest heartiest meritest ruggedest
eeriest heaviest merriest rustiest
effectedest holiest mightiest sacredest
emblazonest homeliest moistiest sedgiest
emptiest hopefulest moldiest seemliest
enviest horridest morbidest severest
evenest huffiest mossiest shimmerest
exhibitest hungerest mournfulest shiniest
ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
205 EST — ET

shoddiest thirstiest cleet Lafitte

showiest thriftiest compete leat
shudderest thunderest complete leet
slightliest timidest conceit lorikeet
silentest trustiest concrete maltreat
silliest ugliest countryseat marguerite
sketchiest unholiest county seat meadowsweet
skill fulest unreadiest Crete meat
skinniest veriest deadbeat meet
sleepiest vindictivest dead heat mercy seat
slimiest vulgarest dead meat mesquite
slumberest wanderest deceit mete
smokiest wealthiest defeat neat
snuffiest weariest delete obsolete
soapiest wheeziest deplete overeat
solidest windiest discreet parakeet
sorrowest wilfulest downbeat peat
spiciest winnowest Dutch treat pleat
spikiest winsomest easy street preconceit
spiritest wintriest eat receipt
splendidest witnessest effete repeat
spongiest wonderest elite replete
spooniest worriest entreat retreat
springiest yeastiest escheat sea-beat
spriteliest estreat seat
steadiest ET facete secrete
stealthiest accrete feat self-conceit
stilliest afreet feet self-deceit
stingiest athlete fleet sheet
stormiest balance sheet gamete skeet
stuffiest beat geat sleet
stupidest beet greet spirochete
sturdiest bittersweet heat street
sufferest bleat helpmeet suite
sunderest carte-de-visite honeysweet sunny sweet
sunniest catbird seat ill-treat sweet
surliest cheat incomplete teat
tearfulest cheet indiscreet terete
temperest cleat judgment seat treat

old, dr, ddd, oil, f<36t, out; use, urn, tip; THis, thin
ET — ET 206

unmeet blanquette facette lorgnette

unseat bobbinet falconet Lucette
unsweet Brett fan-jet luncheonette
upbeat brevet farmerette lunette
vegete briquette flageolet Margaret
weet brochette flet marionette
wheat brunette floweret marmoset
winding-sheet Burnett forget martinet
cabinet formeret medalet
ET cadet fossette met
abet calumet fourchette microcassette
aigrette canzonet fret mignonette
ailette carcanet frett minaret
alette cassette fumette minicassette
all wet cassolette gazette minionette
allumette castanet genet minuet
alphabet cellaret get misbeget
amourette chansonette Gillette motet
amulet chemisette globulet musette
anchoret cigarette grisette Nanette
angelet clarinet Harriet net
anisette Colette historiette noisette
Annette coquette ill-set novelette
Antoinette coronet inset octet
audiocassette corvette interset offset
backset coverlet Jeanette Olivet
baguette croquette jet omelet
banneret crossette Joliet onset
banquette crystal set judgment debt oubliette
barbette curvet Juliet outlet
Barnett dancette Juliette outset
baronet dead set jumbo jet overset
bassinet debt Kismet parapet
bayonet diskette landaulet paroket
beget duet launderette parquet
benet epaulet leaderette pet
beset epithet let pianette
bet estafette Lett pillaret
bewet etiquette leveret pipette

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
207 ET —Eth.

piquet Tibet unwreathe conquereth

piquette toilette upbreathe continueth
pirouette tournette wreathe covereth
planchette tourniquet determineth
poussette tret Eth dowereth
quartet triple threat beneath emblazoneth
quintet turbojet heath emspiriteth
regret underset Keith envieth
ret unfret Leith exhibiteth
revet unget 'neath flowereth
ricochet upset sheath forfeiteth
rivulet vedette sneath gathereth
rosette vet teeth glisteneth
roulette videocassette underneath glowereth
sarcenet vignette wreath hearkeneth
septet villanette hungereth
serviette vinaigrette Eth incumbereth
sestet violet Ashtoreth inheriteth
set wagonette breath inspiriteth
sett well met death laboreth
sextext wet Elizabeth languisheth
sharp-set whet Macbeth libeleth
silhouette yet saith lingereth
smart set zonulet 'sdeath listeneth
somerset Seth liveneth
soubrette ETH shibboleth lowereth
statuette bequeath thirtieth marveleth
stet breathe twentieth measureth
subset ensheath meriteth
suffragette enwreathe murmureth
sunset inbreathe answereth nourisheth
sweat insheathe astonisheth offereth
tabaret interwreathe attributeth overpowereth
tabinet inwreathe banisheth overtowereth
taboret seethe blemisheth pardoneth
tSte-a-tete sheathe blistereth pleasureth
Thibet sneathe blundereth predestineth
thickset teethe busieth punisheth
threat unsheathe clustereth quarrelleth

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
Eth —EZ 208

questioneth (See also ET; misconceive unrelieved

quieteih add -s where naive (See also EV;
recovereth appropriate.) New Year's Eve add -ed where
relinquisheth overachieve appropriate.)
remembereth ETZ perceive
rescueth bets preconceive EVZ
rivaleth Metz qui vive achieves
severeth (See also ET; reave eaves
shimmereth add -s where receive (See also EV;
showereth appropriate.) recitative add -s where
shuddereth reeve appropriate.)
silvereth EV relieve
slumbereth achieve reprieve EZ
sorroweth aggrieve retrieve aborigines
spiriteth beeve seave academese
suffereth believe sheave analyses
sundereth bereave shire-reeve Annamese
tempereth breve shrieve antifreeze
thundereth Christmas Eve sleave antipodes
ventureth cleave sleeve antitheses
wandereth conceive steeve appease
wearieth deceive Steve Aragonese
whispereth deev thieve Arakanese
winnoweth disbelieve undeceive Assamese
witnesseth eave underachieve bee's knees
wondereth endive unreave Belize
worrieth engrieve unreeve Bengalese
worshippeth eve unweave big cheese
greave upheave bise
ETHD grieve vive Bolognese
bequeathed heave weave boonies
unbreathed interleave we've breeze
(See also ETH; interweave yester-eve Brooklynese
add -ed where inweave bureaucratese
appropriate.) keeve EVD Burmese
khedive achieved BV.D.s
ETZ leave self-deceived Cantonese
beats lieve unbelieved Carlylese
Keats make believe unperceived Caryatides

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
209 EZ — I

cerise Hercules Pentagonese unfreeze

Ceylonese Hesperides periphrases valise
cheese hypotheses Pierides Veronese
chemise imprese please Viennese
chersonese indices Pleiades vortices
cheval-de-frise isosceles Polonese wheeze
Chinese Japanese Portuguese (See also E;
computerese Javanese Pyrenees add -s where
congeries Johnsonese rabies appropriate.)
D.T.'s journalese remise
Diogenes lees sea breeze EZ
disease Leonese seize Cortes
displease Louise Senegalese fez
ease Maimonides Siamese Juarez
eminence grise Maltese Singhalese says
enfreeze mease sleaze Suez
Eumenides Mephistophe- sneeze
feaze les Socrates
federalese Milanese squeeze EZH
freeze Navarrese syntheses prestige
frieze Nepaulese tease tige
Genevese New Yorkese these
grease obsequies trapeze EZH
Havanese parentheses tweeze barege
heartsease pease Tyrolese cortege
heeze Pekingese unease manege

These words includes the following accented vowel sounds:
I as in ice; heard also in vie, rye, height, eye, aisle, aye meaning
yes, sky, buy, choir.
I as in /'//; heard also in sieve, English, pretty, been, breeches,
women, busy, build, nymph, hymnal.

I alibi amplify apply

acidify alkali angelify awry
adry alkalify Anglify ay
alacrify ally apple-pie aye

old, 6r, ddd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
I 210

beatify deny glorify mollify

beautify descry go-by mortify
bedye die good-bye multiply
belie dignify gratify my
bespy disqualify GRI my eye
black eye dissatisfy guy mystify
blue-sky diversify heigh necktie
bow tie dragonfly hereby nigh
brutify drip-dry hi-fi notify
butterfly dry hie nullify
buy dye high nye
by eagle eye hog-tie objectify
by the by edify horrify occupy
by-and-by electrify humanify ossify
bye emulsify humble pie outcry
bye-bye ensky humidify outfly
candify espy hushaby outvie
cat's-eye eternify identify overbuy
certify evil eye imply overfly
citify exemplify incubi oversimplify
clarify eye indemnify pacify
classify fall guy ineye Paraguay
cockneyfy falsify intensify passerby
codify fie July personify
comply firefly justify petrify
counterspy fish-eye labefy Pi
countrify fly lazuli pie
crucify forby lenify pigsty
cry fortify lie pinkeye
damnify fossilify lignify ply
dandify trench fry liquefy porkpie
deadeye Frenchify lullaby potpie
declassify fructify lye preachify
decry fry magnify preoccupy
defy gadfly magpie prettify
deify gasify micrify private eye
demi Gemini mince pie prophesy
demy genii minify pry
demystify gentrify modify purify

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
211 I-lBZ
putrefy sny versify dib
qualify sockeye vie drib
quantify solidify vilify fib
rabbi specify vitrify gay lib
ramify spry vivify gib
rarefy spy walleye Gibb
ratify standby weather eye glib
rectify stander-by weather spy jib
red-eye stellify well-nigh lib
reify stultify whereby nib
rely stupefy why quib
reply sty wry rib
revivify supply wye sib
right to die syllabify squib
rye tabefy IB women's lib
saccharify termini ascribe
samurai terrify bribe IBD
sanctify testify circumscribe ascribed
satisfy Thai describe uninscribed
scarify thereby diatribe (See also IB;
sci-fi thigh gibe add-ed where
scorify thy imbibe appropriate.)
scye tie inscribe
sea pie tigereye interscribe IBD
Shanghai torpify jibe cribbed
sheep's eye torrefy kibe rock-ribbed
shoofly transmogrify prescribe
shoofly pie try proscribe iBZ
shut-eye typify scribe vibes
shy uglify subscribe (See also IB;
sigh umble-pie superscribe add -s where
signify underbuy transcribe appropriate.)
simplify underlie tribe
Sinai unify IBZ
sky unshy IB cribs
Skye untie ad lib dibs
sky-high Uruguay bib Gibbs
sly verbify Bibb his nibs
small fry verify crib (See also IB;

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IBZ—ID 212

add -s where (See also ICH; collide genocide

appropriate.) add -ed where confide germicide
appropriate.) countrified glide
ICH countryside goggle-eyed
ID cowhide green-eyed
abide cross-eyed gride
aborticide cyanamide guide
acetaldehyde cyanide Hallow tide
aldehyde decide hawk-eyed
Allhallowtide deicide herbicide
allied deride herpicide
alongside dignified hide
anhydride dissatisfied high tide
applied disulfide hillside
Argus-eyed diversified homicide
aside divide horsehide
astride double-dyed Hyde
backslide dove-eyed hydride
barmecide dull-eyed hydrochloride
Bartholomew eagle-eyed I'd
tide Eastertide infanticide
niche bedside
pitch ebb tide insecticide
benzaldehyde ecocide inside
quitch beside
rich elide iodide
bestride Ember tide justified
scritch betide
snitch eventide Lammastide
bide evil-eyed landslide
son of a bitch bonafide
stitch excide lapicide
boride feticide lee tide
switch bride
twitch fireside liberticide
broadside flip side
which lynx-eyed
witch flood tide matricide
chide fluoride meek-eyed
ICHT chloride foreside misallied
bewitched Christmastide formaldehyde misguide
unbewitched Clyde fortified morningtide
unhitched cockeyed fratricide nationwide
unwitched coincide full-eyed nicotinamide
fungicide nide
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
213 ID —IDZ

noontide slide vermicide overdid

nuclide snide vitrified pyramid
offside soft-eyed vulpicide quid
onside sororicide wall-eyed rid
open-eyed spring tide waterside skid
outride squint-eyed wayside slid
outside stateside weather side squid
outstride statewide weather tide thrid
override still icide Whitsuntide unbid
owl-eyed stride wide underbid
ox-eyed subdivide wide-eyed undid
pale-eyed subside worldwide unforbid
parenticide suicide Yuletide
parricide sulphide (See also I; IDST
Passiontide telluride add -ed amidst
patricide tide where bid'st
pesticide tie-dyed appropriate.) chid'st
pied tried did'st
pie-eyed trisulfide ID forbid'st
pop-eyed tyrannicide amid . hid'st
preoccupied unallied bid kid'st
preside unapplied chid midst
pride unbetide Cid rid'st
provide underside did slid'st
purified undertide fid
qualified undescried forbid IDTH
rawhide undignified fordid bid'th
refried undried gid width
regicide unespied grid (See also ID;
reside ungratified hid add -th where
ride unoccupied invalid appropriate.)
ringside unpurified katydid
riverside unqualified kid IDZ
saccharide unsanctified lid abides
seaside unsatisfied Madrid besides
self-pride unspied mid ides
self-satisfied untried outbid (See also ID;
Shrovetide uxoricide outdid add -s where
side vaticide overbid appropriate.)

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IF—IK 214

IF wiff nig oblige

afterlife periwig
bowie knife IFT Pig ij
fife adrift prig abridge
fishwife drift renege bridge
goodwife forelift rig enridge
half-life gift snig midge
housewife lift sprig nidge
knife miffed swig ridge
life rift thimblerig upridge
pro-life shift thingumajig (See also AJ.)
rife shrift trig
right-to-life sift twig UD
still life snowdrift unrig abridged
strife spendthrift Whig unabridged
wife spiffed whirligig unbridged
spindrift wig (See also IJ;
IF swift add -ed where
biff thrift IGD appropriate.)
cliff tift bewigged
diff topping lift digged IK
glyph unthrift full-rigged Alibi Ike
griff uplift jury-rigged alike
handkerchief square-rigged assassinlike
hieroglyph IFth (See also IG; belike
hippogriff fifth add -ed where bike
if miff'th appropriate.) boarding pike
jiff brotherlike
miff IG IGZ dike
neckerchief big Biggs dislike
riff brig Briggs dyke
skiff cig Higgs fairylike
sniff dig Riggs fyke
stiff fig (See also IG; ghostlike
Tenerife gig add -s where hike
Teneriffe grig appropriate.) kike
tiff guinea pig like
undercliff infra dig U maidenlike
whiff jig Lije manlike

ale, care, Sdd, arm, Ssk; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
215 IK —IKSth

marlinspike cowlick Sufic nix

mike crick Tantric Pnyx
minibike Dick thick politics
mislike double-quick tic prefix
motorbike fiddlestick tick prolix
oblique flick trick pyx
peasantlike geopolitic turmeric quick-fix
pike heartsick walking stick Ricks
psych heretic water pick Rix
Reich hick wick six
shrike impolitic Styx
spike kick IKS transfix
starlike kinnikinnick Dykes Trix
strike lick Rikes (See also IK;
tyke limerick Sykes add -s where
unlike lovesick (See also IK; appropriate.)
Vandyck lunatic add -s where
Vandyke maverick appropriate.) IKST
Van Wyck mick admixed
womanlike nick IKS atwixt
workmanlike pick admix betwixt
Wyke plethoric affix click'st
pogo stick Beatrix kick'st
IK politic cicatrix lick'st
arithmetic prick commix pick'st
arsenic quick crucifix prick'st
bailiwick realpolitik dirty tricks stick'st
beatnik rhetoric Dix trick'st
Benedick rick eighty-six 'twixt
bestick shtick executrix unfixed
bishopric sic fiddlesticks unmixed
brick sick fix (See also
candlestick sidekick geopolitics IKS; add
candlewick singlestick Hicks -ed where
Catholic skin flick Hix appropriate.)
chick slick immix
chivalric snick inheritrix IKSth
choleric stich intermix mix'th
click stick mix sixth

old, or, ddd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, dp; THis, thin
iKSth —IL 216

(See also IKS; chamomile smile espadrille

add -th where chyle somewhile fill
appropriate.) compile spile Francophile
crocodile stile free will
iKT defile style frill
addict diastyle therewhile fulfil
afflict enisle tile gill
astrict ensile up-pile goodwill
benedict erewhile versatile grill
bricked erstwhile vibratile grille
conflict file videophile hill
constrict Francophile vile ill
contradict Germanophile voltaic pile ill will
convict guile while imbecile
delict homophile wile infantile
depict infantile instill
derelict isle IL JiH
evict Japanophile Amityville juvenile
inflict juvenile Anglophile kill
interdict Kabyle befrill landfill
Pict lisle bestill Louisville
predict Lyle bibliophile mercantile
relict meanwhile bill mill
restrict mercantile Bozenkill nil
strict mile Brazil pill
uniicked Negrophile brill powder mill
unpicked Nile chill prill
(See also IK; otherwhile chlorophyle puerile
add -ed where paper file chrysophyll quadrille
appropriate.) pentastyle Cobleskill quill
peristyle codicil rill
IL pile daffodil self-will
aisle puerile dill Seville
Anglophile reconcile distil shrill
audiophile resile domicile sill
awhile revile downhill skill
beguile rile drill spadille
bibliophile Russophile enthrill spill
bile Sinophile Evansville squill

ale, care, add, arm, Ssk; me, hgre, end; Ice, HI;
217 IL —ILZ

still unreconciled ILKS guilt

stock-still unwild Wilkes hilt
swill wild (See also ILK; jilt
thill Wilde add -s where kilt
thrill (See also IL; appropriate.) lilt
till add -ed where milt
trill appropriate.) ILM quilt
twill film rebuilt
'twill ILD microfilm silt
until befrilled snuff film spilt
unwill begild splatter film stilt
uphill build tilt
versatile chilled ILN unbuilt
vibratile gild kiln ungilt
vill guild Milne Vanderbilt
volatile rebuild wilt
water mill self-willed ILS
whippoorwill unbuild grilse ILTH
will unchilled (See also filth
unfulfilled ILTS.) spilth
ILCH unskilled till'th
filch untitled ILST tilth
milch unwilled beguil'st (See also IL;
pilch (See also IL; defil'st add -th where
zilch add -ed where whilst appropriate.)
appropriate.) whils't
iLD (See also ILS; ILTS
aisled ILF add -et where basket hilts
beguiled sylph appropriate.) kilts
child (See also ILT;
childe ILJ ILT add -s where
enfiled bilge atilt appropriate.)
foster child basket hilt
love child ILK begilt ILZ
mild bilk built beguiles
self-styled ilk clinker-built Giles
unbeguiled milk clipper-built Miles
unchild silk frigate-built otherwhiles
unmild spun silk gilt whiles

old, or, ddd, oil, foTrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ILZ —IMZ 218

wiles dime gim IMD

(See also IL; nighttime glim bedimmed
add -s where overtime grim brimmed
appropriate.) pairing time gym untrimmed
pantomime Hasidim (See also IM;
IM paradigm him add -ed where
aftertime part-time hymn appropriate.)
bedtime pastime interim
begrime prime Jim IMF
belime prime time Kim lymph
berhyme quicklime Klim nymph
beslime ragtime limb sea nymph
birdlime real time limn
breathing time rhyme maritime IMP
chime rime Nym blimp
chyme Rosenheim prelim chimp
climb seedtime prim crimp
clime slime pseudonym ' gimP
crime sometime rim imp
daytime springtime Sanhedrim jimp
dime sublime seraphim limp
dinnertime summertime shim pimp
downtime suppertime skim primp
enzyme thyme slim scrimp
flextime time swim shrimp
full-time two-time synonym simp
grime upclimb Tim skimp
Guggenheim uptime trim tymp
halftime weaning time vim wimp
haying time wintertime whim
I'm zimb IMPS
lifetime IM crimps
lime antonym IMD glimpse
lunchtime bedim begrimed (See also IMP;
Lyme betrim well-timed add -s where
maritime brim (See also appropriate.)
meantime cherubim IM; add
mime dim -ed where IMZ
nickel and enlimn appropriate.) begrimes

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, III;
219 IMZ—IN

betimes bine eglantine lifeline

oftentimes bottom line Einstein line
oftimes brigantine enshrine load line
sometimes brine ensign Madeline
(See also IM; Byzantine •entwine malign
add -s where caballine Epstein matutine
appropriate.) caffeine Esenwein May wine
calcine Esquiline mine
IMZ canine Evaline moonshine
Simms Capitoline Evangeline nine
(See also IM; carabine eyne opaline
add -s where Caroline Fescennine opine
appropriate.) celandine fine outshine
Celestine Florentine overtwine
IN chine fortified wine Palatine
Adaline Clementine Frankenstein Palestine
Adeline Clyne Ghibelline pavonine
adulterine coastline gold mine peregrine
agatine columbine Goldstein petaline
airline Columbine grapevine Philistine
align combine guideline pine
alkaline concubine headline porcupine
Alpine condign Hoffenstein powder mine
aniline confine hyaline Proserpine
anodyne consign incarnadine realign
anserine Constantine incline recline
Apennine coraline infantine redline
apple wine countermine interline red wine
aquiline countersign intermine refine
Argentine crystalline intertwine repine
argentine dateline Jacqueline resign
ashine deadline Jain resupine
asinine decline kine Rhine
assign define Klein Rubinstein
auld lang syne design Kline saline
Beckstein dine langsyne sapphirine
benign disincline leonine saturnine
Bernstein divine libertine serpentine
beshine dyne Lichtenstein shine
old, or, ddd, oil, ftJ&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IN—IN 220

shrine vespertine argentine carotin

sibylline vine asbestine Catherine
sideline viperine aspirin catkin
sign vulturine atropine Celestine
sine waterline backspin cephalin
skyline Weinstein bacterin chagrin
snow line whine baldachin chamberlain
sparkling wine white wine bandoline chaplain
spine wine bearskin characin
spline Wittgenstein Bedouin chin
starshine wolverine been chinquapin
stein woodbine begin chromaffin
streamline Zollverein belaying pin chromatin
strychnine Benjamin cipolin
subdivine IN benzoin clavecin
subsign absinthin Berlin codeine
sunshine absinthine berlin coffin
superfine adrenaline bin colin
supine adulterine blackfin colobin
swine agatine blood kin coraline
sycamine agglutinin bluefin corinne
syne agrin bodkin coumarin
table wine akin Boleyn crankpin
thine alabastrine botulin crin
tine Aladdin bowfin crinoline
trephine albumin breastpin crotalin
trine Alexandrine buckskin crystalline
Turn Verein Algonquin bulletin culverin
turpentine alizarin buskin dauphin
twine alkaline Byzantine deerskin
Tyne all in caballine din
unbenign almandine caffeine discipline
underline alpestrine calfskin doeskin
undermine alevin calvecin dolphin
undersign amygdalin cannikin drumlin
unline Angevin capelin Dunedin
untwine aniline Capuchin dunlin
Ursuline answerine carabine dustbin
valentine aquiline carline elaterin

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
221 IN

engine hemoglobin larrikin Odin

ephedrine heparin lecithin oilskin
Evangeline herein Lenin olefin
feminine heroin libertine oleomargarine
Fescennine heroine lin onionskin
fibrin hin linchpin opaline
fibroin hirudin linn origin
fin hirundine Lohengrin paladin
finikin Ho Chi Minh luciferin paraffin
Finn hyaline lupulin pavonine
fiorin illumine Lynn Pekin
Florentine imagine mandarin pannikin
folliculin immunoglobu- mandolin peregrine
foreskin lin manikin petaline
Formalin in mannequin Philistine
francolin incarnadine margarin phytotoxin
gelatin indiscipline margarine pigskin
genuine infantine margin pin
Ghibelline inn masculine pippin
gin insulin melanin porcelain
globin intestine mezzanine porphin
globulin intocostrin Mickey Finn porphyrin
glycerin Jacobin Min porphyrine
Glyn jessamine minikin precipitin
Glynn javelin moccasin provitamin
goatskin jinn moleskin ptyalin
Gobelin kaolin morindin pushpin
gorgerin Katherine mortal sin quercetagetin
grenadine kerasin muscadin quercetagitrin
griffin keratin muscardine quercetin
grimalkin kidskin myoglobin quercimeritrin
grin kilderkin napkin quercitannin
gyn kin nectarine quercitrin
hairpin kingpin niacin quin
Harbin lambkin nicotine Quinn
Hardin lambrequin ninepin ramekin
harlequin lambskin nipperkin Rasputin
has-been lanolin nitroglycerin ravelin
hatpin lapin noradrenaline redfin

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, ftJot, out; use, urn, tip; THis, thin
IN—IND 222

redskin thiamine zein overtwined

rennin thick and thin Zeppelin purblind
respin thin remind
rosin thoroughpin INCH rind
Rumpelstilt- threadfin bepinch rynd
skin tiepin cinch snow-blind
saccharine tigerkin chinch storm-wind
safety pin tiger skin clinch unbind
Sanhedrin tin fallow finch unblind
sapphirine topspin finch unconfined
scarfskin tourmaline flinch undefined
sculpin Turin inch underbind
sealskin twin linch undersigned
sharkskin underpin lynch undesigned
sheepskin unpin pinch unkind
shin unsin unclinch unrefined
sibylline Ursuline winch unshrined
sidespin Vaseline unwind
sin venial sin IND upbind
siskin vespertine behind upwind
skin Vietminh bind vined
snakeskin violin blind wind
sooterkin viperine color-blind womankind
sovereign combined
virgin (See also IN;
spillikin crined
vitamin add -ed where
spin disinclined
vulterine appropriate.)
sporadin find
stickpin wankapin
gavelkind IND
suberin warfarin
grind abscind
sycamine waringin
hind disciplined
sympathin wherein
humankind exscind
tailspin whin
inbind grinned
take-in whipper-in
interwind lind
tamarin win
intertwined Lynd
tambourin wineskin
kind rescind
tannin Wisconsin
mankind Rosalind
tenpin within
mastermind storm wind
terrapin yang-kin
mind tamarind
therein yin
nonaligned thick-skinned
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, find; ice, ill;
223 IND —ING

thin-skinned Ming accustoming beslabbering

undisciplined Nanking actioning bespattering
wind offspring admonishing betokening
(See also IN; outwing afforesting beveling
add -ed where peiping altering bewildering
appropriate.) ping angering bickering
plaything answering blackening
ING ring appareling blandishing
a la king sea king arguing blanketing
anything seal ring armoring blarneying
atheling sea wing astonishing blathering
besing shufflewing attributing blazoning
bewing signet ring auctioning blemishing
bing sing auditing blistering
bowstring Sing Sing auguring blossoming
bring sling awakening blubbering
bullring spring badgering blundering
chitterling starveling balancing blustering
cling sting ballasting bolstering
daughterling string bandying bonneting
dayspring stripling banishing brandishing
ding swing bantering breakfasting
ding-a-ling Synge barbering broadening
driving spring thing bargaining buffeting
easterling ting barracking bullying
enring underling barreling burdening
evening underwing bartering burnishing
everything unking battering burying
fairy king unsling bedeviling busying
fling unstring beflattering butchering
full swing watch spring beggaring buttressing
hairspring wedding ring belaboring canceling
handspring weeping spring beleaguering candying
headspring wing belecturing cankering
heartstring wing ding bellowing cannoning
king wring bepattering cantering
lifespring abandoning bepowdering canvassing
ling accomplishing bepummeling capering
mainspring accrediting bescattering capturing

old, 6r, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ING 224

caroling deciphering entrammeling gamboling

carpeting destining envisaging gammoning
carrying determining envying gardening
cautioning deviling establishing garlanding
caviling dickering examining garnishing
challenging dieting exhibiting gathering
channeling diminishing faltering gesturing
chartering discouraging famishing gladdening
chastening discrediting fancying glimmering
chattering disestablishing farrowing glittering
chiseling disfavoring fashioning glowering
christening dishallowing fathoming graveling
Christmasing dishonoring favoring groveling
ciphering disparaging feathering hallowing
clambering dispiriting festering hammering
clamoring displeasuring filtering hampering
clattering disquieting fingering hankering
clustering dissevering finicking happening
cockering distinguishing finishing harassing
coloring distributing flattering harboring
comforting doddering flavoring hardening
compassioning dowering flickering harrowing
conditioning driveling flittering harrying
conjecturing duelling flourishing harvesting
conquering embarrassing flowering hastening
considering embellishing flurrying hazarding
continuing emblazoning flustering hearkening
contributing embodying fluttering heartening
conveyancing emboldening focusing heralding
covering embosoming following hovering
coveting emptying foregathering humoring
cowering enameling foreshadowing hungering
crediting enamoring foretokening imagining
cudgeling encouraging forfeiting imprisoning
cumbering encumbering forwarding incumbering
dallying enharboring freshening indenturing
damaging enheartening furnishing inhabiting
darkening enravishing furthering inheriting
deadening entering galloping inspiriting

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, end; ice, 111;
225 ING

issuing modeling punishing reckoning

jabbering monkeying purposing recovering
jeopardizing mothering quarreling remembering
jollying motoring quarreying rendering
junketing mouth-watering quartering rescuing
labeling murdering quavering reveling
laboring murmuring querying rivaling
lacquering mustering questioning riveting
languishing muttering quieting roistering
lathering narrowing quivering rubbering
lavishing neighboring pandering rubbishing
lazying nourishing paneling saddening
lecturing numbering pardoning sallying
lessening offering parrying sanctioning
leveling omening passioning sauntering
libeling opening patenting savaging
limiting ordering pattering savoring
lingering outbalancing pedaling scaffolding
listening outnumbering penciling scampering
littering outrivaling pensioning scattering
livening overbalancing peppering scavenging
lobbying overburdening perishing seasoning
long-suffering overmastering perjuring severing
lowering overpowering pestering shadowing
lumbering overshadowing pilfering shattering
maddening overtowering pillaging shepherding
managing paltering placarding shimmering
manufacturing pampering plastering shivering
marketing polishing pleasuring shouldering
marrying pondering plundering showering
marshaling pottering racketing shuddering
martyring powdering rallying sickening
marveling practicing ransoming silvering
meandering predestining rapturing simmering
measuring prohibiting rationing simpering
menacing promising ravaging sistering
mentioning prospering ravening slackening
meriting publishing ravishing slandering
mirroring pummeling reasoning slaughtering

old, dr, ddd, oil, ftf&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

slobbering undervaluing westering Humperdinck

slumbering unfaltering whimpering ink
smartening unflattering whinnying interlink
smattering unmeriting whispering jink
smoldering unmurmuring winnowing kink
sniveling unperishing wintering link
sorrowing unpitying witnessing meadow pink
spattering unpromising wondering mink
spiraling unraveling worrying outthink
spiriting - unreasoning worshiping pink
spluttering unremembering prink
stammering unslumbering INGD rethink
stationing unwandering bewinged rink
stenciling unwavering dinged rinky-dink
stuttering upholstering eagle-winged shrink
suffering uttering ringed sink
sugaring valuing stringed skink
summering vanishing winged slink
sundering vanquishing (See also ING; snowblink
sweetening vaporing add -ed where stink
sweltering varnishing appropriate.) think
tallying velveting tiddlywink
tampering venturing INGK tink
tapering video conferene- bethink trink
tarnishing ing blink twink
tarrying visioning bobolink unlink
tasseling visiting brink unthink
tempering volleying chink wink
threatening voyaging cinque zinc
thundering wakening clink
tinseling walloping countersink INGKS
tittering wandering doublethink clinks
toadying wantoning drink jinx
tottering wassailing enlink lynx
toweling watering Finck methinks
towering wavering Fink minx
trafficking weakening forethink sphinx
traveling wearying gink tiddledywinks
tunneling weathering hoodwink tiddlywinks

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
227 iNGKS —IP

(See also scringe ahint pine'th

f NGK; add -s singe behint
where springe pint INth
appropriate.) swinge colocynth
tinge INT hyacinth
INGKT twinge asquint labyrinth
blinked unhinge calamint plinth
clinked dint terebinth
distinct INJD fingerprint
extinct befringed flint INTS
indistinct unhinged footprint Heintz
instinct unsinged glint pints
procinct (See also INJ; hint
succinct add -ed where hoofprint INTS
tinct appropriate.) imprint aquatints
(See also lint chintz
INGK; add -ed INS mezzotint flints
where blintz mint (See also INS.)
appropriate.) convince misprint
evince newsprint INZ
INGZ merchant peppermint Appenines
awakenings prince print dines
besings mince quint Tynes
leading strings prince reprint
(See also ING; quince septuagint INZ
add -s where rinse skinflint odsbodikins
appropriate.) since sodamint winze
unprince spearmint withershins
INJ Vince splint (See also IN;
befringe wince sprint add -5 where
binge (See also squint appropriate.)
constringe INTS.) stint
cringe thumbprint ip
dinge INSK tint antitype
fringe Dvinsk vint archetype
hinge Minsk voiceprint autotype
impinge Pinsk bagpipe
infringe iNth blowpipe
perstringe INT ninth daguerreotype

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IP—ip 228

dead ripe dip warship demonship

electrotype drip weather strip draftsmanship
graphotype equip whip eldership
gripe flagship zip electorship
guttersnipe flip emperorship
heliotype grip ensignship
hornpipe grippe acquaintance- farmership
hype gyp ship fathership
kipe head trip administrator- fellowship
linotype hip ship generalship
logotype horsewhip agentship good-fellowship
monotype hyp aldemanship governorship
overripe kip apprenticeship guardianship
pipe landslip archonship horsemanship
pitchpipe lip babyship huntsmanship
prototype microchip bachelorship impostorship
ripe nip cardinalship inspectorship
snipe outstrip censorship jockeyship
stereotype overtrip chairmanship justiceship
stipe pip championship leadership
stripe pleasure trip chancellorship lectureship
swipe quip chaplainship legislatorship
teletype rip chieftainship librarianship
tintype rosehip churchmanship lordship
tripe scrip church mem- marksmanship
type ship bership marshalship
unripe sip citizenship mastership
windpipe skip collectorship membership
wipe slip commander- Messiahship
snip ship neighborship
IP spaceship companionship noviceship
airstrip strip consortship one-upmanship
apple pip tip consulship ownership
atrip training ship controllership paintership
battleship tranship copartnership partnership
blip trip cousinship pastorship
blue chip underlip craftsmanship penmanship
chip unrip creatorship praetorship
clip unship deaconship preachership

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h£re, end; Ice, 111;
229 IP —IR

prelateship pipes IPT dire

probationship (See also IP; griped enquire
professorship add -s where hunger griped entire
proprietorship appropriate.) prison striped esquire
questorship (See also IP; expire
rajahship IPS add -ed where fire
rangership acquaintance- appropriate.) flat tire
readership ships galley fire
recordership amidships IPT grandsire
rectorship Apocalypse apocalypt gyre
regentship buffalo chips chipped hellfire
relationship chips close-lipped hire
scholarship cow chips crypt inquire
seamanship eclipse frost-nipped inspire
secretaryship ellipse hipped ire
senatorship fish-and-chips manuscript lyre
sextonship midships script Mclntyre
sheriffship Phipps subscript Meyer
sizarship (See also IP; superscript mire
speakership add -s where tight-lipped Molly Maguire
spectatorship appropriate.) tipt perspire
sponsorship transcript pyre
sportsmanship IPST (See also IP; quire
statesmanship chip'st add -ed where require
stewardship dip'st appropriate.) respire
studentship dip'st retire
sultanship eclipsed IR shire
suretyship equip'st acquire signal fire
survivorship grip'st admire sire
swordsmanship rip'st afire spire
treasurership ship'st aspire spitfire
umpireship sip'st attire squire
viceroyship skip'st beacon fire suspire
virtuosoship slip'st bemire swire
wardenship st rip'st byre tire
workmanship tip'st choir transpire
wranglership trip'st conspire Tyre
uneclipsed death fire unsquire
IPS whip's t desire Untermyer

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
IR —ISH 230

vire slice dehisce sis

wildfire spice dentrifrice siss
wire splice diaeresis soul kiss
(See also fur.) suffice dialysis sui generis
syce diathesis Swiss
IRD thrice Dis synthesis
acquired trice dismiss syphilis
overtired twice ectogenesis this
spired vice edifice verdigris
unacquired vise elephantiasis vis
undesired Weiss emphasis wis
unexpired Zeiss fortalice y-wis
uninspired French kiss
(See also IR; is genesis
add -ed where abiogenesis hiss ISH
appropriate.) abyss hypostasis death wish
acropolis hypothesis dish
is ambergris interstice fish
advice amiss kiss gibberish
bespice anabasis liquorice impoverish
bice analysis Liss McNish
concise antithesis metabasis pilot fish
device apheresis metamorphosis pish
dice aphesis metastasis slish
entice armistice metathesis squish
gneiss artifice metropolis swish
grice avarice miss Tish
ice Beatrice Miss unwish
lice benefice M'liss wish
mice biogenesis necropolis
nice bis nemesis
overnice bliss orifice babyish
paradise cannabis paralysis bitterish
precise chrysalis parenthesis cleverish
price cicatrice periphrasis Cockneyish
rice clematis precipice devilish
sacrifice cockatrice prejudice dowdyish
self-sacrifice cowardice remiss feverish
sice cuisse Salamis heathenish

ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h$ne, end; Ice, HI;
231 iSH —1ST

kittenish lisp frist academist

knish whisp gist accompanist
licorice wisp glist activist
mammonish grist aerialist
ogreish 1ST hissed aerologist
quakerish Antichrist hist agamist
tigerish bespiced insist ageist
vaporish Christ intertwist agonist
viperish emparadised kissed agricolist
vixenish enticed list agriculturalist
vulturish poltergeist Liszt agriculturist
waterish tryst missed alchemist
willowish Zeitgeist mist alienist
womanish (See also IS; persist allegorist
yellowish add -ed where pissed allopathist
appropriate.) preexist altruist
ISK prejudiced amorist
asterisk 1ST resist anaesthetist
basilisk agist schist anagrammatist
bisque amethyst sissed analogist
brisk assist sist analyst
compact disc atwist subsist anarchist
disc backlist trist anatomist
disk bekissed tryst animalculist
fisc bemist twist animist
Fiske beneficed unkissed annalist
floppy disk blacklist unmissed annualist
frisk checklist untwist antagonist
obelisk cist unwist anthropologist
odalisque coexist whist antinomist
optical disc consist white list antipathist
risk cyclist wist apathist
tamarisk cyst wrist aphorist
videodisc desist xyst apiarist
whisk dismissed apologist
enlist Arabist
isp entwist abolitionist arboriculturist
crisp exist abortionist arborist
encrisp fist absolutist archaeologist

did, dr, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

archivist coalitionist diplomatist Fascist

artillerist collectivist dogmatist fascist
atheist colloquist dramatist fatalist
atomist colonist dualist federalist
augurist colorist duelist feminist
Bahaist communist ecclesiologist fetishist
balladist Communist economist feudalist
behaviorist conchologist educationalist fictionist
biblicist Confucionist educationist finalist
bibliophilist congregational- egoist financialist
bibliopolist ist egotist floriculturist
bicyclist constitutional- electrobiologist formalist
bigamist ist elegist fossilist
bimetallist constitutionist elocutionist fossilogist
biologist constructionist empiricist funambulist
Bolshevist contortionist enamelist futilist
botanist controversialist enigmatist futurist
Bourbonist conversationist entomologist galvanist
Brahmanist corruptionist epigrammatist genealogist
Buddhist creationist epitomist geologist
cabalist cremationist equilibrist glacialist
Calvinist culturist essayist gymnosophist
campanologist dactylist eternalist harmonist
canonist Dadaist ethicist Hebraist
capitalist Darwinist etymologist hedonist
casuist deconstruction- Eucharist Hellenist
catalyst ist eudemonist herbalist
catechist degenerationist eulogist horticulturist
centralist demonist euphuist humanist
centrist demonologist Eurocommu- humorist
chauvinist despotist nist hyperbolist
chirographist destinist evangelist hypnotist
chiropodist destructionist evolutionist idealist
choralist deuterogamist excursionist illusionist
chronologist devotionalist exorcist imitationist
circumlocution- devotion ist expansionist immaterialist
ist dialist experimentalist immersionist
classicalist dialogist externalist immortal ist
classicist diarist fabulist imperialist

ale, care, acid, arm, ask; me, hgre, £nd; Ice, HI;
233 1ST

industrialist metalist nihilist pietist

inspirationist meteorologist nominalist plagiarist
instrumentalist methodist novelist platonist
insurrectionist Methodist nudist pleasurist
intellectualist militarist nutritionist pluralist
internationalist millenialist obstructionist pneumatologist
Jainist mineralogist oculist pointillist
journalist minimalist onanist polygamist
Judaist ministerialist ontologist Populist
Lamaist misanthropist opinionist positivist
Latinist miscellanist oppositionist postmillenialist
leftist misogamist optimist posturist
legitimist misogynist organist pragmatist
Leninist Mithraist precisianist
liberalist modernist ornithologist
literalist monogamist Orphist prohibitionist
lithologist monopolist pacifist protagonist
lobbyist moralist passionist protectionist
loyalist motorist pathologist proverbialist
lyricist mythologist penologist provincialist
magnetist Napoleonist perfectionist psalmodist
malthusianist narcissist pessimist psychiatrist
mammonist nationalist petrologist psychoanalyst
mannerist naturalist pharmacist psychologist
Maoist naturist pharmacologist psychothera-
martyrologist necrologist phenomenist pist
Marxist neoclassicist philanthropist publicist
masochist neocolonialist philatelist pugilist
materialist neo-Confucian- Philhellenist pythonist
mechanist ist philologist quietist
medalist neo-Darwinist philosophist rabbinist
meliorist neofascist phlebotomist racist
melodist neo-Fascist photographist rapturist
melodramatist neologist phrenologist rationalist
memorialist neomercantilist physicist realist
Mendelianist neoplasticist physiognomist receptionist
Mendelist Neoplatonist physiologist recidivist
Menshevist neo populist physiotherapist religionist
mesmerist nepotist pianist
old, dr, , oil, ffl&t, t; use, urn, »; THis, thin
1ST —IT 234

repudiationist spiritualist Trotskyist albite

resurrectionist steganographist unionist Albright
revisionist stenographist universalist alexandrite
revivalist strategist vaccinist alight
revolutionist subjectivist vacuist all right
rhapsodist suffragist Vaticanist alstonite
rightist symbolist ventriloquist aluminite
rigorist sympathist verbalist alunite
ritualist syncopist violist alurgite
Romanist syncretist visionist alushtite
romanticist synodist vitalist Amalekite
royalist synonymist vocabulist amazonite
ruralist synthesist vocalist ambatoarinite
sadist Tantrist volumist amberlite
satanist Taoist voluntarist Ammonite
satirist tautologist voluntaryist ampelite
schematist technicist votarist amphibolite
scientist technologist zealotist anchorite
sciolist telegraphist Zionist andersonite
scripturalist teleologist zoologist andesinite
scripturist telephonist zoophilist andesite
secessionist * terrorist zootomist andradite
secularist textualist anhydrite
segregationist theologist IT anight
seismologist theophilan- Aaronite annabergite
sensationalist thropist accite anorthite
sensualist theorist achondrite anthoinite
sentimentalist theosophist acolyte anthophyllite
separatist therapist aconite anthracite
sexualist threnodist actinolite anthropomor-
Shintoist Titoist adamellite phite
sibyllist tobacconist Adamite anthropopathite
socialist topographist adamsite anthro-
sociologist toxicologist Adullamite pophagite
solipsist trades unionist aerolite aplite
soloist traditionalist aerophyte apophyllite
somnambulist traditionist affright appetite
Sorbonist transcendental- airtight archimandrite
specialist ist albertite arenite

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, 6nd; ice, ill;
235 IT

argentite bryophyte dendrite felsite

argillite bullfight Denverite fight
aright byte despite finite
asaphite calamite dight fistfight
attrite calcite dissight Fite
austenite Campbell ite disunite flashlight
autunite campsite dite fleabite
azurite Canaanite dogfight flight
Baalite candlelight dolerite flite
Babylonite Carmelite dolomite floodlight
backbite cartwright downright fluorite
Bakelite catamite droplight footlight
barite celestite dynamite foresight
bauxite cellulite Dyophysite forthright
bedight cenobite Ebionite fortnight
bedlamite cheddite ebonite fright
behight chiastolite eclogite frostbite
beknight chrysolite ectophyte gadolinite
belemnite cite Edomite garnierite
benight cockfight Elamite gaslight
bentonite columbite electrolyte geophyte
Bethlehemite condite endite geyserite
bight contrite endophyte ghostwrite
bipartite coprolite entomolite goniatite
birthnight copyright enwrite good night
birthright corallite epiphyte Gothamite
bite cordierite eremite granitite
blatherskite cordite erudite granulite
blight cosmopolite erythrite graphite
blite crinite erythrocyte grapholite
bobwhite crocidolite essexite graptolite
bombsight cryolite excite green light
boracite cryophyllite expedite gunfight
bornite crystallite extradite half-light
box kite cyanite exurbanite halite
bright Dallasite eyebright Hamite
bromlite daylight eyesight handwrite
Bronxite deadlight Fahrenheit hanifite
Brooklynite delight fanlight harbor light

old, or, ddd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
IT 236
Harlemite kaolinite Maronite nephelinite
headlight Karaite martensite Nephite
height kilobyte Masonite New Hampshir-
hellgrammite kimberlite McCarthyite ite
hellkite kite McKnight New Jerseyite
hematite knight melanite New Right
Hepplewhite krait Melchite night
hermaphrodite laborite menilite nightlight
heteroclite labradorite Mennonite niobite
heulandite lamplight meropodite nitrite
hight laterite metabolite novaculite
hindsight latite meteorite nummulite
Holly woodite lazulite Michiganite off-white
hoplite lazurite microcyte omphalopsy-
Houstonite lepidolite microlite chite
hydrophyte leukocyte Midianite on-site
ichnite Levite midnight oocyte
ichnolite light midshipmite oolite
ichthyodorulite lignite might oophyte
ichthyolite limelight millwright ophite
ignite limonite Minorite osteophyte
ilmenite lintwhite mite out-a-sight
ilsemannite lite Moabite outright
ilvaite Lucite moldavite overdight
impolite Luddite molybdenite overflight
incite lyddite Monophysite overnight
indict macrocyte montroydite overright
indite magnetite monzonite oversight
insight malachite moonlight overwrite
invite mammonite morganite oxylophyte
Ishmaelite manganite Mormonite ozokerite
Islamite mange mite multipartite parasite
Israelite Manhattanite munite pargasite
itacolumite marcasite Muscovite partite
Jacobite margarite Mutazilite pentlandite
jarosite marlite nadorite peridotite
Jerseyite marmatite natrolite phagocyte
kamacite marmite Nazarite phosphorite
Kaneshite marmolite neophyte playwright

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, end; Ice, ill;
237 IT

plebiscite sea fight stalagmite trothplight

plight sea light starlight Trotskyite
plowwright searchlight sticktight turfite
podite Seattleite stoplight twilight
polite second sight streetlight twite
pre-Adamite selenite strombite typewrite
pre-Raphaelite Semite stylite underwrite
prizefight sennight stylocerite undight
proselyte sexpartite stylotypite unite
Puseyite Shiite suburbanite unright
pyrophyllite shipwright sulfite unsight
pyrophyte sidelight sunlight unwrite
quadripartite siderite Sunnite upright
quartzite siderolite sybarite uptight
quinquepartite sight syenite uralite
quite signal light sylvanite uraninite
radical right site sylvinite uranospinite
Raphaelite skintight sylvite urbanite
ratite skite tachylyte Vancouverite
Rechabite skylight taconite variolite
recite skywrite tail light variscite
recondite sleight tantalite ventriculite
red light slight tektite vermiculite
relight smite tenorite vulcanite
renardite smithsonite termite wainwright
requite snakebite theodolite water sprite
retinite snite tight watertight
reunite snow-white Tokyoite wheelwright
rhodizite socialite tonight white
rhodonite sodomite topazolite white kite
rhyolite somite toxophilite white knight
right spermatocyte traffic light widow's mite
rite spessartite transvestite wight
Saint Paulite spherulite trichite Wisconsinite
Samnite spite trilobite wite
satellite spotlight tripartite wolframite
scapolite sprite trite wright
sciophyte stage fright troglodyte write
scolecite stalactite troostite wulfenite

old, 6r, odd,, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
IT —ITS 238

Wyomingite inknit slit withe

xerophyte interknit smit
yesternight intermit spit Ith
yperite intromit split acrolith
zeolite it sprit aerolith
zoolite Jesuit submit Arrowsmith
zoophyte kit tit forthwith
knit tomtit frith
IT lit to wit herewith
acquit manumit transmit kith
admit mass transit twit Ladysmith
afterwit McNitt unbit lith
apposite misfit unfit monolith
befit mitt unknit myth
beknit moonlit unwit paleolith
benefit mother wit whit pith
bit nit wit sith
bitt omit Witt smith
bullshit opposite writ therewith
chit outfit wherewith
cit outsit ITH with
commit outwit blithe withe
counterfeit permit lithe
definite perquisite scythe ITS
demit pit Smythe acolytes
DeWitt Pitt tithe anights
emit plebiscite withe footlights
exquisite prerequisite writhe tights
favorite preterite (See also iT;
fit pretermit Ith add -s where
flit quit myth appropriate.)
frit recommit stythe
grit refit ITS
hit remit ITH acquits
horseshit requisite forthwith blitz
hypocrite rifle pit herewith Fritz
immit Schmidt therewith glitz
indefinite shit wherewith grits
infinite sit with quits

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, III;
239 ITS —IV

Schlitz acquisitive disputative neoconserva-

(See also IT; additive distributive tive
add -5 where admonitive evocative nominative
appropriate.) affirmative exclamative nutritive
alliterative executive outlive
IV alternative expletive overlive
alive amative figurative pejorative
arrive appreciative forgive photosensitive
chive argumentative formative positive
Clive causative fugitive postoperative
connive coercive genitive premonitive
contrive combative give preparative
deprive commemora- illustrative prerogative
derive tive impeditive preservative
dive communicative imperative primitive
drive comparative imputative prohibitive
endive compellative incarnative provocative
five compensative inchoative pulsative
gyve competitive incrassative punitive
hive complimenta- indicative putative
I've tive infinitive quantitive
jive compulsative informative recitative
live confirmative inoperative reformative
power dive consecutive inquisitive relative
revive conservative insensitive remunerative
rive contemplative intensative reparative
shive contributive interrogative representative
shrive cooperative intransitive restorative
skive correlative intuitive retributive
stive curative irrelative sanative
strive declarative laudative sedative
survive decorative laxative semblative
thrive definitive lenitive sensitive
unhive demonstrative live siccative
wive derivative lucrative sieve
derogative manipulative speculative
IV desiccative misgive spiv
ablative diminutive narrative substantive
accusative dispensative negative superlative

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
iv—iz 240

talkative acclimatize apotheosize clockwise

tentative achromatize appetize cognize
transitive actualize apprise collectivize
uncommunica- adonize arise colonize
tive advertise aromatize colorize
undemonstra- advise artificialize compartmental-
tive Africanize assize ize
vibrative afterwise astrologize comprise
vituperative agatize astronomize compromise
vocative aggrandize atheize constitutional-
agonize atomize ize
IVD agrarianize atticize contrariwise
arrived albumenize attitudinize conventionalize
long-lived alchemize augurize cornerwise
short-lived alcoholize authorize counterclock-
unshrived alkalize balladize wise
unwived allegorize baptize crescent-wise
(See also IV; alphabetize barbarize criticize
add -ed where amalgamize battologize crystallize
appropriate.) ambrosialize botanize customize
Americanize bowdlerize dandyize
IVD amortize brutalize dastardize
long-lived analyze burglarize decimalize
negatived anathematize cannibalize decolorize
outlived anatomize canonize dehumanize
short-lived anesthetize capitalize demagnetize
unlived angelize capsize demise
Anglicize catechize demobilize
Ivz animal ize categorize democratize
arrives annalize cauterize demonetize
fives antagonize centralize demoralize
Ives anthologize characterize denarcotize
knives anthropomor- chastise denaturalize
lives phize chimerize deodorize
(See also IV; anywise Christianize depressurize
add -s where aphorize circularize deputize
appropriate.) apologize circumcise desensitize
apostatize civilize despise
iz apostrophize climatize detonize

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
241 IZ

devilize Europeanize harmonize liberalize

devise evangelize heathenize likewise
devitalize excise Hebraicize lionize
diabolize excursionize Hebraize liquidize
dialogize exercise Hellenize literalize
dialyze exorcise Hibernicize Lize
disguise experimental- histrionize lobotomize
disillusionize ize hospitalize localize
disorganize extemporize humanize Londonize
dogmatize externalize hyperbolize macadamize
doxologize fabulize hypnotize magnetize
dramatize familiarize hypothesize Mahomeda-
ebonize fanaticize idealize nize
economize fantasize idiotize mammonize
ecstasize federalize idolatrize manumize
Edenize fertilize idolize martialize
editorialize feudalize immobilize martyrize
effeminize fictionalize immortalize materialize
electrolyze finalize immunize matronize
emblematicize fluidize impatronize maximize
emblematize focalize imperialize mechanize
emblemize formalize improvise mediatize
empathize formulize incise memorialize
emphasize fossilize individualize memorize
emprize fraternize industrialize mercerize
energize galvanize internalize merchandise
enigmatize gelatinize international- mesmerize
enterprise genealogize ize metastasize
epigrammatize generalize Italianize metathesize
epitomize gentilize italicize methodize
equalize geologize itemize militarize
eternalize geometrize jeopardize mineralize
etherealize glamorize journalize miniaturize
etherize gluttonize Judaize minimize
etymologize gorgonize Latinize misanthropize
eulogize gormandize legalize misprize
euphemize gospelize legitimatize mobilize
euphonize guise lethargize modelize
euphuize gutteralize Levi's modernize

old, dr, odd, oil, fiflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
Iz 242

Mohammeda- personize resurrectionize sonne tize

nize pessimize revise specialize
moisturize philologize revolutionize spiritualize
monetize philosophize rhapsodize stabilize
monopolize physiognomize rhetorize standardize
moonrise pilgrimize rise sterilize
moralize plagiarize Romanize stigmatize
mythologize platitudinize royal ize subsidize
narcotize Platonize ruralize subtilize
nasalize plebeianize saccharize summarize
nationalize pluralize sacrifice sunrise
naturalize poetize sanitize supervise
neutralize polarize satirize surmise
normalize politicize scandalize surprise
notarize pollenize scepticize syllogize
novelize polygamize schismatize symbolize
organize popularize Scotticize sympathize
ostracize prelatize scrupulize symphonize
otherguise pressurize scrutinize synchronize
otherwise prize sectarianize syncopize
outsize proselytize secularize synonymize
oversize Protestantize seigniorize synthesize
overwise proverbialize seniorize synthetize
oxidize provincialize sensualize systematize
oxygenize psalmodize sentimentalize systemize
paganize publicize sepulchralize tabulanze
panegyrize pulverize sermonize tantalize
parallelize Puritanize sexual ize tautologize
paralyze radicalize sice temporize
particularize rapturize signalize tenderize
pasteurize rationalize silverize terrorize
patronize realize singularize Teutonize
pauperize recognize size theologize
pavonize rejuvenize soberize theorize
peculiarize remise socialize theosophize
pedestrianize remonetize Socinianize timonize
penalize reorganize solarize totalize
penny-wise reprise solemnize tranquilize
personalize republicanize soliloquize transistorize

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
243 IZ — iZ'M

traumatize his activism Baalism

trivialize is aestheticism babyism
tyrannize Liz Africanism bacchanalian-
underprize ms. ageism ism
universalize phiz agnosticism bachelorism
unwise quiz agonism Bahaism
uprise riz agrarianism barbarism
urbanize show biz agriculturism behaviorism
utilize sizz alcoholism biblicism
vagabondize 'tis algorism bibliophilism
vaporize viz alienism bibliopolism
ventriloquize whiz altruism bimetallism
verbalize Americanism bloomerism
victimize IZD anachronism blue-
villianize acclimatized anarchism stockingism
visualize ill-advised anathematism bogeyism
vitalize unadvised anatomism Bohemianism
vocalize unapprised aneurism Bolshevism
volatilize unauthorized Anglicanism boobyism
vulcanize unbaptized Anglicism botulism
vulgarize uncanonized Anglo-Saxonism Bourbonism
wantonize uncivilized animalism braggardism
weather-wise undersized animism Brahmanism
weatherize undespised anomalism brutalism
westernize undisguised antagonism Buchmanism
winterize unprized anthropomor- Buddhism
wise unsurmised phism cabalism
womanize (See also IZ; antiquarianism Calvinism
(See also I; add -ed where anti-Semitism cannibalism
add -5 where appropriate.) aphorism capitalism
appropriate.) archaism careerism
IZ'M asceticism cataclysm
iz abolitionism Asiaticism catechism
Ariz. absolutism asteism Catholicism
befriz abysm asterism centralism
biz academism astigmatism centrism
Cadiz accidentalism atavism characterism
fizz achromatism atheism Chauvinism
friz actinism atomism chloralism

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f<3ot, out; use, flrn, Op; THis, thin
IZ'M 244

chrism dogmatism federalism imperialism

classicalism dualism feminism individualism
classicism dynamism Fenianism industrialism
clericalism ecclesiasticism fetishism intellectual ism
Cockneyism eclecticism feudalism international-
collectivism egocentrism flunkeyism ism
colloquialism egoism fogeyism Irishism
colonialism egotism foreign ism Islamism
communalism electicism formalism ism
communism embolism fossilism isolationism
Confucianism emotionalism Fourierism Italianism
congregational- empiricism frivolism Italicism
ism epicureanism Gallicism Jainism
conservatism equestrianism galvanism Jesuitism
constitutional- Erastianism gentilism jingoism
ism esotericism Germanism jism
consumerism etherealism Ghandiism jockeyism
cosmopoli- etherism heathenism journalism
tanism eudemonism Hebraism Judaism
cretinism euphemism hedonism laconicism
criticism euphonism Hellenism laconism
cynicism euphuism heroism ladyism
Dadaism Eurocommu- Hibernianism Lamaism
dandyism nism Hibernicism Lamarckism
Darwinism evangelism Hinduism Latinism
deconstruction- exhibitionism histrionicism latitudinarian-
ism existentialism histrionism ism
demoniacism exorcism Hitlerism leftism
demonianism exoticism homeroticism legitimism
demonism expansionism humanism Leninism
denomination- expressionism hyperbolism lesbianism
alism exquisitism hypercriticism liberalism
despotism fairyism hypnotism libertinism
determinism fanaticism hypochon- literalism
devilism fantasticism driacism localism
diabolism Fascism Ibsenism Lollardism
dialogism fascism idealism Londonism
diamagnetism fatalism idiotism loyalism
diplomatism favoritism immaterialism Lutheranism

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, grid; ice, ill;
245 IZ'M

lyricism Mormonism cism plagiarism

magnetism Muslimism nepotism plasticism
Mahometanism mysticism nihilism Platonism
malapropism narcissism nominalism plebeianism
mammonism nationalism nudism pluralism
mannerism nativism occultism pointillism
Maoism naturalism ogreism Populism
Marxianism naturism onanism positivism
Marxism Nazism optimism postmillenial-
masochism necessarianism organism ism
materialism neoclassicism Orientalism pragmatism
Mazdaism neocolonialism Orphism precisianism
McCarthyism neo-Confucian- ostracism predestinarian-
mechanism ism pacifism ism
medievalism neoconser- paganism prelatism
meliorism vatism pantheism pre-Raphaelism
Mendelianism neo-Darwinism parallelism Presbyterian-
Mendelism neo-expression- paroxysm ism
Menshevism ism passivism priapism
mercantilism neo-Fascism patricianism prism
mesmerism neofascism patriotism professionalism
metabolism neo-Hellenism pauperism proletarianism
metacism neo-impres- peanism protectionism
methodism sionism pedantism Protestantism
Methodism neoisolationism pedestrianism proverbialism
microorganism neoliberalism peonism provincialism
militarism neologism peripateticism pugilism
millenarianism neo-Lutheran- personalism puppyism
millennialism ism pessimism Puritanism
minimalism neomercantil- phalansterism Puseyism
Mithraism ism phenomenal- pythonism
modernism neopaganism ism Quakerism
Mohammedan- neoplasticism phenomenism quietism
ism Neoplatonism philanthropism Quixotism
monarchism neopopulism Philhellenism rabbinism
monasticism neorealism Philistinism radicalism
monkeyism neoromanti- philosophism rationalism
Montanism cism physicism realism
moralism neo-scholasti- pietism recidivism

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IZ'M 246

religionism secessionism Sufism Unitarianism

Republicanism sectarianism Sunnism universalism
revisionism secularism supernatural- utilitarianism
revivalism Semitism ism Utopianism
rheumatism sensationalism syllogism valetudinarian-
rightism sensualism symbolism ism
rigorism sentimentalism synchronism vampirism
ritualism separatism syncretism vandalism
Romanism shamanism Syrianism Vaticanism
romanticism Shavianism Tantrism vegetarianism
royalism Shiism Taoism ventriloquism
ruffianism Shintoism terrorism verbalism
ruralism Shivaism Teutonicism vitalism
Sabbatarianism Sivaism theosophism vocalism
sacerdotalism skepticism tigerism voluntarism
sadism socialism Titoism voluntaryism
sado- Socinianism tokenism volunteerism
masochism solecism Toryism vulgarism
satanism solipsism totemism vulpinism
savagism somnambulism trades-union- vulturism
Saxonism somnolism ism Wesleyanism
scepticism sovietism traditionalism witticism
schism spiritualism transcendental- Yankeeism
scholasticism spoonerism ism zanyism
sciolism Stalinism tribalism Zionism
Scotticism stoicism Trotskyism Zoroastrianism
scoundrelism subjectivism truism
scripturalism subtilism unionism

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
247 6
These words include the following accented vowel sounds:
6 as in old; heard also in note, oh, roam, foe, shoulder, grow,
owe, sew, yeoman, beau, hautboy, brooch.
0 as in or; heard also in all, talk, swarm, haul, caught, law,
fought, broad, memoir.
6 as in odd; heard also in want, wash, shone.
01 as in oil; heard also in boy.
OO as in foot; heard also in full, wolf, could.
OU as in out; heard also in cow, sauerkraut.
For the vowel sound heard in do, see under U.
For the vowel sound heard in one, flood, see under U.

O bravissimo duodecimo generalissimo

adagio buffalo eau GIGO
aglow bummalo embow gigolo
ago bungalow embroglio glow
Alamo bureau embryo go
alow cachalot entrepot grow
although calico escargot half a mo
apropos cameo escrow haricot
Arapaho chapeau Eskimo heigh-ho
archipelago chateau ex officio ho
arow Co. fellatio hoe
audio comme il faut Flo honcho
banjo crow floe howso
bateau curacoa flow hullo
beau deathblow foe ice floe
below death row folio Idaho
besnow death throe forego imbroglio
bestow depot foreknow impresario
blow de trop foreshow in flagrante
bo Diderot fortissimo delicto
bon mot dildo fro in statu quo
Bordeaux do furbelow incognito
Borneo doe gazabo indigo
bow domino gazebo inflow
braggadocio dough gazpacho intaglio
old, or, ddd, oil, fflot, out; use, Orn, up; THis, thin
0-6 248

jabot overthrow shew video

Jim Crow owe show Westward ho
Jo Papilio simpatico woe
Joe patio skid row yo-yo
kayo pianissimo sloe
know pistachio slow 6Arkansas
little go plateau snow
lo PLO so awe
long-ago Po so-and-so begnaw
longbow Poe so-ho braw
Lothario politico sow brother-in-law
low portfolio status quo caw
Lowe portico stow chaw
magnifico portmanteau strow claw
malapropos pro studio craw
manito proximo tableau daughter-in-law
Mexico punctilio tallyho dauw
Michelangelo quid pro quo though daw
mistletoe radio throe dawe
morceau rainbow throw draw
mot raree-show timber toe father-in-law
mow ratio tiptoe faugh
music video right to know to-and-fro flaw
mustachio rodeo toe foresaw
Navaho roe Tokyo gnaw
no Romeo touch and go guffaw
nuncio rondeau tow haw
O rouleau tremolo heehaw
oboe Rousseau trousseau jackdaw
oh row trow jaw
olio Rowe ultimo landau
Ontario sabot undergo law
oratorio saddlebow undertow macaw
outflow Sappho unknow maw
outgo scenario upgrow McGraw
outgrow schmo upthrow mother-in-law
overcrow Scorpio van Gogh overawe
overflow seraglio Velcro overdraw
overgrow sew vertigo oversaw

ale, cSre, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; ice, 111;
249 6 —OD

papaw microbe squab anchor watch

paw Negrophobe stob blotch
pilau probe swab botch
pshaw robe thingamabob crotch
raw Russophobe throb deathwatch
saw Sinophobe gotch
scaw strobe OBZ harbor watch
seesaw unrobe blobs hopscotch
Shaw Dobbs hotch
sister-in-law OB Hobbes hotch-potch
slaw bedaub Hobbs larboard watch
son-in-law daub ods-bobs notch
spa nawab scobs outwatch
squaw . (See also OB; Scotch
straw OB add -s where splotch
tau athrob appropriate.) swatch
taw blob watch
thaw bob OCH
thraw cabob abroach OCHD
underjaw cob approach approached
undraw Cobb broach unapproached
unlaw corncob brooch unbroached
usquebaugh fob coach (See also OCH;
withdraw gob cockroach add -ed where
yaw hob croche appropriate.)
hob-and-nob encoach
OB hobnob encroach OD
Anglophobe job loach abode
conglobe kebab poach a la mode
disrobe knob reproach anode
enrobe lob roach antipode
Francophobe mob^. self-reproach area code
Germanophobe nob* slow coach arrode
globe quab bestrode
homophobe rob OCH bode
Japanophobe shish kebab debauch bridle road
Job slob nautch Clode
lobe snob - code
Loeb sob OCH commode

old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OD — 6F 250

corrode 6D nod appropriate.)

decode abroad od
discommode applaud odd OF
encode awed piston rod goaf
episode bawd platypod loaf
erode belaud plod oaf
explode broad pod quartern loaf
forebode Claude prod
freeload defraud quad OF
genetic code fraud quod bake-off
goad gaud river-god brush-off
implode lantern-jawed rod beef Stroganoff
incommode laud roughshod cast-off
load maraud sea-god cough
lode maud shod Gorbachev
lycopode overawed slipshod Khrushchev
middle-of-the- unawed sod kickoff
road whopper-jawed squad lift-off
mode (See also tightwad Molotov
Morse code 0;add tod Nabokov
node -ed where trod off
ode appropriate.) ungod Rachmaninoff
overload unshod Rimsky-
payload ()D untrod Korsakov
pigeon-toed Aaron's rod wad rip-off
road begod Romanov
rode clod ODZ send-off
spode cod Rhoades sign-off
strode Codd Rhodes Stroganoff
toad demigod (See also OD; takeoff
unbestowed divining rod add -s where trough
unload Dodd appropriatej turnoff
unowed dry-shod wave-off
woad Eisteddfod ODZ whooping
ZIP Code God clods cough
(See also goldenrod emerods
0 ; add hod odds OF
-ed where hotrod (See also OD; cloff
appropriate.) lycopod add -5 where doff

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, til;
251 OF —OID

philosophe bog scrog decoy

prof bulldog shog deploy
scoff catalog slog destroy
shroff clog smog employ
soph cog synagogue enjoy
toff Dannebrog theologue foy
decalogue travelogue good old boy
OFT demagogue unclog goy
aloft dialogue underdog Hanoi
croft dog hobbledehoy
doffed eggnog OGD hoi polloi
loft embog befogged hoy
oft epilogue frogged Illinois
soft flog waterlogged joy
toft fog (See also OG; killjoy
undercroft frog add -ed where loblolly boy
(See also OF; Gog appropriate.) Loy
add -ed where grog overjoy
appropriate.) hedgehog 6GZ paduasoy
Herzog befogs playboy
OG hog togs Pomeroy
apologue hot dog (See also OG; saveloy
astrologue incog add -s where Savoy
brogue jog appropriate.) sepoy
collogue log soy
embogue monologue OI teapoy
Hogue mystagogue ahoy Tolstoy
pirogue nog alloy toy
prorogue Patchogue annoy troy
rogue pedagogue bok choy viceroy
togue pettifog boy yellow boy
trogue philologue buoy
vogue Pokogue charity boy OID
polliwog chorus boy actinoid
OG prairie dog cloy albuminoid
agog prog convoy alkaloid
analog prologue corduroy alloyed
apologue Quogue cowboy android
befog road hog coy aneroid

old, or, ddd, oil, f«5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OID — OIS 252

anthropoid Lloyd's hard-boiled OIND

asteroid unsoiled adjoined
avoid OIF unspoiled dead poind
"boid" coif poind
celluloid OILT uncoined
coralloid OIL
crystalloid aboil OINT
deltoid assoil adjoint
dendroid boil OILZ anoint
devoid Boyle boils appoint
fibroid broil noils aroint
Freud coil (See also OIL; checkpoint
helicoid counterfoil add -s where conjoint
hemorrhoid Coyle appropriate.) counterpoint
hyaloid despoil cover point
metalloid disembroil OIN disappoint
Mongoloid Doyle adjoin disjoint
Negroid embroil almoign dowel joint
overjoyed entoil Boyne drypoint
ovoid estoile coign gunpoint
pachydermatoid foil coin joint
paraboloid langue d'oil conjoin pinpoint
petaloid moil Des Moines point
pyramidoid noil disjoin reappoint
steroid oil eloign repoint
tabloid overtoil enjoin viewpoint
trapezoid parboil fain West Point
typhoid quatrefoil frankalmoign
unalloyed recoil groin OIS
unbuoyed roil interjoin Boyce
unemployed soil join choice
varioloid spoil loin Hobson's choice
void toil purloin invoice
(See also OI; turmoil quoin Joyce
add -ed where uncoil rejoin outvoice
appropriate.) upcoil sejoin pro-choice
sirloin rejoice
OIDZ OILD subjoin Rolls-Royce
avoids boiled tenderloin voice

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
253 OIST —OK

OIST doge joke double-talk

foist gamboge Larocque Falk
hoist horologe loke gawk
joist masterstroke hawk
loud-voiced OJ moke jaywalk
moist dislodge oak mawk
shrill-voiced dodge outbroke Mohawk
unrejoiced hodge poke outwalk
unvoiced hodge-podge provoke pawk
voiced horologe revoke shoptalk
(See also OIS; lodge scrub oak sidewalk
add -ed where splodge sloke space walk
appropriate.) stodge smoke sparrow hawk
unlodge soak squawk
OIT spoke stalk
adroit OK stoke talk
dacoit artichoke stroke tomahawk
Detroit asoak toke walk
doit awoke toque
droit baroque unbroke OK
exploit besmoke uncloak acid rock
maladroit bespoke understroke acock
quoit bloke unyoke ad hoc
Voight broke upbroke alpenstock
choke woke amok
OIZ cloak yoke Antioch
avoirdupois coak yolk Bach
counterpoise coke Bangkok
equipoise convoke OK baroque
erminois counterstroke auk bedrock
froise croak awk belock
noise death stroke baby talk bemock
Noyes equivoque back talk billycock
poise evoke balk biological clock
(See also 01; folk boardwalk Bloch
add -s where forespoke cakewalk block
appropriate.) forspoke calk bock
gentlefolk chalk brock
OJ invoke dawk chock

old, or, 6dd, oil, fiflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OK—OL 254

chockablock pock Stokes vox

clock poppycock Vokes Velox
cock Ragnarock (See also OK;. Xerox
crock roadblock add -s where
deadlock roc appropriate.) OKT
dock rock evoked
fetlock round-the- OKS unprovoked
firelock clock alpenstocks water-soaked
flintlock schlock ballot box
flock shamrock bandbox OKT
folk-rock Sherlock boom box blocked
forelock shock boondocks concoct
frock shuttlecock box decoct
grok shylock chatterbox recoct
half-cock smock chickenpox unfrocked
havelock soc Christmas box (See also OK;
hoc sock Cox add -ed where
hock spatchcock detox appropriate.)
hollyhock stock Equinox
interlock stumbling Fort Knox OL
jazz-rock block fox amphibole
jock turkey-cock hard knocks anisole
knock turncock hatbox anole
lady's-smock understock heterodox apiole
langue d'oc undock icebox armhole
laughingstock unfrock idiot box arteriole
Little Rock unlock jukebox arvicole
loch Vladivostok lox augur hole
lock weathercock mailbox aureole
lovelock weeping rock matchbox azarole
Medoc woodcock orthodox azole
mock yock ox banderole
Mohock paddlebox bankroll
padlock OKS paradox barcarolle
Painted Rock artichokes phlox barge pole
peacock coax pillar-box bean pole
penstock hoax power box bedroll
percussion lock Nokes signal box bibliopole
plock Oakes small pox black hole

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, Mjre, find; Ice, 111;
255 OL

blackpoll curtain pole hellhole pigeonhole

blowhole dariole hole pinhole
Bluebonnet de Gaulle Independence pinole
Bowl decontrol Bowl pistole
bole dhole indole pole
boll dipole inscroll Pole
borecole dole insole poll
borehole droll Interpol porthole
bowl enbowl jelly roll pothole
bricole enroll jobbernowl pratincole
bronchiole enscroll jole profiterole
bunghole ensoul jowl prole
buttonhole escarole keyhole punch bowl
cabriole extol kneehole pyrrole
cajole eyehole knoll quadrupole
camisole farandole knothole rantipole
capriole feme sole kohl recontrol
caracole Fiesta Bowl Liberty Bowl remote control
carambole fishbowl lodgepole reroll
cariole fishing pole logroll resole
carmagnole flagpole loophole ridgepole
casserole foal manhole rigamarole
catchpole foliole Maypole rigmarole
centriole metropole
foxhole rissole
charcoal Mohole
frijol rocambole
cholesterol mole
fumarole rock and roll
citole multirole
furole rock 'n' roll
clearcole obole
fusarole role
coal Orange Bowl
Gator Bowl roll
cole oriole
girandole Rose Bowl
comptrol ostiole
condole girasole safrole
oversoul ,
console gloriole scroll
control glory hole scupper hole
Cotton Bowl goal segol
Creole Grand Guignol Peach Bowl self-control
creosol guignol peephole Seminole
croquignole half sole petiole Seoul
cubbyhole hawsehole phytosterol septimole
heart-whole sestole
old, or, I, oil, fdot, :; use, urn, i; THis, thin
OL—OL 256

Sheol wassail bowl fall scall

shoal whole fireball scrawl
shole wormhole football screwball
sinkhole footfall seawall
skatole 6L forestall shawl
skoal aerosol free-fall shortfall
sol all free-for-all small
sole all in all gall snowball
sotol appal Gaul spall
soul awl hairball spawl
squatarole ball hall speedball
stole banquet hall handball sprawl
stroll baseball haul spurgall
sugar bowl basketball install squall
Sun Bowl bawl judgment hall stall
Super Bowl befall kraal stonewall
swillbowl bemawl landfall tall
swimming hole Bengal lowball therewithal
tadpole Berlin Wall mall thrall
Tangerine bethrall maul trawl
Bowl blackball McCall trumpet call
telephone pole box stall meatball urban sprawl
thiazole brawl miscall wall
thole call Montreal waterfall
tole carryall mothball wherewithal
toll catchall Nepal windfall
tophole caterwaul nightfall withal
touchhole caul oddball yawl
troll Cornwall off-the-wall
turnsole crawl overfall OL
unroll disenthrall overhaul alcohol
unsoul downfall pall atoll
unwhole drawl Paul baby doll
uproll dwal pawl capitol
vacuole enthrall pitfall consol
variole evenfall pratfall doll
virole eyeball rainfall entresol
vole eyeball-to-eye- recall extol
Walpole ball Saul folderol

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, gnd; Ice, 111;
257 6L—OLV

girasol ice-cold bald thunderbolt

gun moll infold blackballed unbolt
loll interfold scald volt
moll leaf mold so-called
parasol leasehold unappalled OLT
poll Leopold uncalled assault
protocol manifold unenthralled basalt
Sol marigold ungalled cobalt
vitriol mold unrecalled default
multifold (See also OL; envault
OLCH old add-erf where exalt
Balch overbold appropriate.) fault
Walch refold gault
retold OLF halt
OLD sable-stoled golf malt
acold scold Randolf salt
afterhold sold rolf sea-salt
ahold spun gold Rolf smalt
anchor-hold stone-cold Rudolf somersault
behold stronghold spalt
blindfold thousandfold OLN vault
bold told swoln
bullet mold twice-told OLTS
cajoled twofold, etc. OLSH assaults
clay cold uncontrolled Walsh false
coaled unfold salts
cold unsold OLT valse
copyhold untold bolt waltz
enfold uphold colt (See also OL;
fold withhold demi-volt add -s where
foothold wold dolt appropriate.)
foretold (See also OL; holt
fourfold add -ed where jolt OLV
freehold appropriate.) lavolt absolve
gold molt circumvolve
half-soled OLD poult convolve
high-souled appalled revolt devolve
hold Archibald shackle bolt dissolve
household auld smolt evolve

old, or, ddd, oil, fcJot, out; use, iirn, up; THis, thin
OLV — O N 258

exolve holm bomb OMZ

intervolve home car bomb Holmes
involve honeycomb dom (See also OM;
resolve Jerome firebomb add -s where
revolve loam from appropriate.)
solve metallochrome Guam
metronome H-bomb ON
6LVD microsome hecatomb accident-prone
absolved monochrome hydrogen bomb acetone
undissolved motordrome intercom air phone
unresolved motor home letter bomb aitchbone
unsolved nobody home mail bomb aldosterone
(See also 6LV; no'm neutron bomb allophone
add -ed where Nome om alone
appropriate.) ohm pogrom androsterone
palindrome pompom Anglophone
OM polychrome rhomb anklebone
aerodrome pome sitcom anticyclone
afoam roam smoke bomb antiphone
astrodome Rome sworn Athlone
Astrodome Salome Syncom atone
befoam sea-foam the bomb audiphone
brome sea-holm therefrom backbone
catacomb sloam volcanic bomb balaphon
chrome Superdome barbitone
chromosome tome 6MP baritone
clomb comp barytone
comb OM pomp Beaune
currycomb haum romp begroan
dome imaum swamp bemoan
endome maum trompe bestrown
foam shawm bilestone
Frome OMPT birthstone
gastronome OM imprompt bloodstone
gloam A-bomb prompt blown
gnome aerosol bomb romped bolson
harvest home aplomb (See also 6MP; bone
heliochrome atom bomb add -ed where Boulogne
hippodrome axiom appropriate.) breastbone

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
259 ON

brimstone dispone gramophone knee bone

brownstone Dordogne graphophone known
butanone drone grass-grown knucklebone
cabezone duotone gravestone lactone
Capone earphone grindlestone ladrone
capstone eau de cologne grindstone limestone
car phone ecdysone groan loadstone
cellular phone ecotone grown loan
chalone electrophone hailstone lodestone
chaperone end stone half-grown lone
cheekbone end zone halftone macrotone
chon enterogastrone headphone marrowbone
chordophone enthrone headstone megaphone
cicerone enzone hearthstone mellophone
clingstone epigone heckelphone methadone
clone estrone herringbone microphone
cobblestone euphone hexone milestone
cogon evzone high-flown millstone
collarbone firestone hipbone moan
Cologne Firestone holy stone mobile phone
cologne flagstone homophone monotone
colon flavone hone moonstone
condone flown hormone moss-grown
cone flowstone hydrophone mown
copestone flyblown icebone none
corn pone foreknown impone occipital bone
cornerstone foreshown imposing stone ochone
cortisone foundation ingrown oilstone
coumarone stone interphone outblown
crone Francophone interpone outshone
curbstone freestone intone overblown
cyclone fresh-blown Ionone overgrown
dependency frontal bone ironstone overthrown
prone full-blown isotone overtone
depone full-grown jawbone own
dethrone funny bone Joan ozone
dial tone gallstone ketone parietal bone
dictaphone gemstone keystone peptone
disown gladstone kidney stone phenobarbitone

old, 6r, odd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, fip; THis, thin
ON — 6N 260

pheromone semitone unflown undrawn

philosophers' sewn unforeknown withdrawn
stone shewn ungrown yawn
phone shinbone unknown
phytohormone shone unmown 6N
Picturephone shoulder bone unsewn Acheron
pitchstone shown unshown Agamemnon
polyphone Sierra Leone unsown agon
pone silicone unthrone agone
postpone sine qua none unthrown aileron
prednisolone soapstone vibraphone Alencon
prednisone sone videophone Amazon
progesterone sousaphone vitaphone amazon
prone sown weather-blown anacoluthon
propone speakerphone whalebone anon
pyrone spironolactone whetstone antineutron
quarter tone stone whole-tone antinuclear
radiophone strown windblown antiphon
radiotelephone sulfone wishbone antiproton
rail phone T-bone wristbone archon
reflown telephone xylophone argon
reloan testosterone zone Argonne
repone thighbone asyndeton
resewn throne 6N Audubon
reshown thrown awn automaton
resown thunderstone "bawn" Avalon
rethrone toadstone brawn Babylon
rhinestone tombstone "cawn" Balaton
Rhone tone dawn baryton
rincon touchstone drawn baton
roan touch-tone faun begone
rone tritone fawn Bellerophon
rotenone trombone impawn benison
rottenstone turnstone indrawn Bion
sacaton two-tone lawn blouson
Sacaton unbeknown pawn bonbon
sandstone unblown prawn Bonn
saxophone undergrown sawn bonne
scone undertone spawn Borazon

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
261 6N

boson ephemeron irenicon noumenon

boustrophedon epimeron isogon nuclear
bygone epsilon Jeanne magneton
cabochon Esdraelon John nucleon
Canton estragon John nychthemeron
carillon etalon jupon Oberon
'carrying-on etymologicon khan octagon
carryon . etymon kikumon olecranon
catholicon Euroclydon krypton omicron
celadon fanfaron Laocoon on
cephalon filet mignon lepton onomasticon
Ceylon fleuron lexicon operon
chiffon foregone liaison opticon
chignon glucagon limagon Oregon
chronon glyptodon Little John organon
colophon gnathion logion Orion
COMECON gnomon long-field-on ornithon
con goings-on Luzon orthicon
conn gone mac6doine outshone
coupon gonfalon Macedon panopticon
cretonne gonfanon magneton pantechnicon
cyclotron haematoxylon marathon pantheon
Darvon hanger-on mascon papillon
decagon hapteron mastodon paragon
demijohn harmoniphon megaron parergon
dies non helicon mesencephalon parison
dodecagon Helicon mesenteron Parthenon
doggone heptagon mesepimeron Pentagon
Dogon hereon Micklejohn pentagon
don hereupon mon Percheron
Donne hexaemeron mouflon perigon
echelon hexagon myrmidon petalon
electron himation Neophron phaeton
elevon hoot mon nephron phenomenon
elytron Hyperion neuron phlogiston
encephalon hyperon neutron phon
enchiridion icon ninon phyton
encomion iguanodon Nippon piton
enteron interferon nonagon polygon

old, or, 6dd, oil, fiSot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ON — ONGK 262

polysyndeton undecagon Fronde gong

positron undergone Gironde headlong
pro-and-con upon monde headstrong
prolegomenon upsilon Hong Kong
protagon vidicon OND lifelong
proton walk-on abscond livelong
put upon wan beau monde long
put-on whereon beyond mah-jongg
radon whereupon blond nightlong
Rubicon woebegone bond overlong
Saigon wonton correspond Ping-Pong
salon yon demimonde prolong
Saskatchewan Yukon despond prong
Saticon Yvonne donned scuppernong
shone zircon fond singsong
silicon (See also UN.) frond song
sine qua non junk bond souchong
Sphenodon ONCH overfond strong
Stegodon craunch plafond thong
stereopticon haunch monde throng
swan launch pond tong
synonymicon paunch respond undersong
tampon raunch unparagoned Viet Cong
tarragon vagabond wong
Teflon OND wand wrong
telethon atoned yond
tetragon high-toned ONGD
tetragrammaton unatoned ONG belonged
theologoumenoni unmoaned all along unwronged
thereon unowned along (See also
thereupon unzoned battle song 6NG; add
trianon zoned belong -ed where
trilithon (See also ON; daylong appropriate.)
trimetrogon add -ed where dingdong
triskelion appropriate.) drinking song ONGK
trogon dugong conch
Tucson 6ND erelong conk
turn-on beau monde evensong honk
tympanon demimonde flong honky-tonk

ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, tojre, gnd; Ice, III;

6NGKS daunt appropriate.) matronhood

Bronx flaunt monkshood
conchs gaunt OOD motherhood
(See also haunt could neighborhood
ONGK; add jaunt deadwood orphanhood
-s where romaunt firewood parenthood
appropriate.) taunt good sisterhood
vaunt hood spinsterhood
ONGST want misunderstood unlikelihood
alongst plastic wood widowerhood
belong'st 6NT purple wood widowhood
long'st Dupont sandalwood womanhood
prolong'st font should
thrvng'st Hellespont stood OOK
wrong'st want understood betook
Underwood book
t%NfZ7. 6NTS unhood brook

fonts wildwood Chinook

wants withstood cook
(See also wood crook
ONS.) would forsook
-s where hook
appropriate.) ONZ inglenook
atones angelhood look
Davy Jones babyhood minute book
Jones brotherhood mistook
ensconce nones deaconhood nook
nonce (See also ON; fatherhood outlook
response add -s where foolhardihood overlook
sconce appropriate.) gentlemanhood overtook
hardihood partook
ONT 6NZ kinglihood pastrycook
don't bonze kittenhood pocketbook
won't bronze ladyhood rook
bygones likelihood shook
6NT Johns livelihood took
aflaunt pons lustihood unhook
ataunt (See also 6N; maidenhood undertook
avaunt add -s where manhood uplook

old, 6r, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

OOKS accountable improvable interchangeable

Crookes adorable inaccessible intractible
crooks affable inadmissible invaluable
snooks amenable inaudible invincible
tenterhooks amiable incapable irascible
(See also OOK; attainable incomparable irrepressible
add -s where audible incompatible irreproachable
appropriate.) available incomprehensi- irresistible
avoidable ble irresponsible
OOL believable inconceivable irretrievable
abb wool capable incontestable justifiable
bull changeable incontrovert- laudable
cock-and-bull combustible ible legible
full commendable incorruptible Mehitable
Kabul compatible incredible mutable
lamb's wool constable incurable notable
pull contemptible indelible ostensible
wool corruptible indescribable palpable
crucible indestructible passable
culpable indispensable perceptible
beautiful damnable ineffable permissible
bountiful delectable ineffaceable placable
dutiful deplorable inexcusable plausible
fanciful desirable inexhaustible portable
masterful detestable inexpressible possible
merciful 'lexible infallible praisable
pitiful brcible inflammable presentable
plentiful lorrible inflexible principle
powerful illegible infrangible probable
sorrowful mmovable inscrutable procurable
thimbleful immutable insensible producible
unmerciful mpalpable insoluble pronounceable
weariful impassable insupportable ratable
wonderful mpeccable insupposable redeemable
worshipful mperturbable insuppressible reliable
mplacable insurmount- reprehensible
• mpossible able respectable
acceptable mpregnable intangible responsible
accessible mprobable intelligible sensible

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
265 OOL —6P

susceptible Schmutz heliotrope rope

syllable toots hope roup
tangible horoscope sandsoap
tenable OP hydroscope scope
terrible agrope hygroscope seismoscope
tractable allotrope iconoscope skiascope
unimpeachable amnioscope interlope skip rope
unmatchable antelope isotope slope
unquenchable antipope jump rope sniperscope
visible apocope kaleidoscope snooperscope
voluble aslope kinescope soap
astroscope laparoscope soft soap
OOLF baroscope laryngoscope soft-soap
wolf bioscope lope spectroscope
bronchoscope lycanthrope statoscope
OOLVZ cantaloupe manrope stauroscope
wolves Cape of Good metope stereoscope
Hope microscope stethoscope
obs chronoscope misanthrope stope
puss cope mope stroboscope
diascope myope tachistoscope
OOSH dichroscope nope taupe
bramble bush dispope ope telescope
bush dope ophthalmo- thermoscope
push downslope scope tightrope
dragrope oscilloscope tope
OOSK electroscope otoscope towrope
brusque elope periscope trope
endoscope phalarope unpope
OOT envelope pharyngoscope upslope
afoot epidiascope philanthrope urethroscope
foot episcope polariscope zoetrope
forefoot fluoroscope polemoscope zoopraxiscope
pussyfoot footrope pope
put galvanoscope proctoscope OP
underfoot gastroscope protopope gaup
grope pyrope scaup
(TOTS gyroscope radarscope whaup
kibbutz helioscope radioisotope yawp

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
OP — O P T 266

6P estop overtop top

Aesop flattop paradrop traffic cop
aftercrop flip-flop pawnshop treetop
agitprop flippity-flop plop turboprop
airdrop flip-top pop underprop
atop flop pop-top unstop
backdrop fop prop whop
backstop foretop pull-top wineshop
barbershop full stop quop wop
barhop galop raindrop workshop
bebop ginger pop redtop
bedrop glop reprop OPS
bellhop grogshop rest stop copse
big top gumdrop riding crop drops
blacktop hardtop rollmop (See also OP;
bookshop hedgehop rooftop add -s where
bop hilltop scop appropriate.)
Boskop hippity-hop sex shop
carhop hop sharecrop
carrottop housetop shop OPT
catch crop intercrop short-stop eloped
chop joypop slipslop unhoped
chop-chop karate chop slop unsoaped
clip-clop knop snowdrop (See also OP;
clippety-clop kop soda pop add -ed where
clop lollipop sop appropriate.)
clop-clop lop soursop
coffee shop maintop stonecrop OPT
coin-op malaprop stop adopt
co-op milksop strop copped
cop mizzen top swap Copt
crop mop sweatshop dropped
desktop mountaintop sweetshop outcropped
dewdrop netop sweetsop uncropped
doorstop nonstop table-hop unstopped
dop op tabletop (See also OP;
drop orlop teardrop add -ed where
eardrop outcrop tea shop appropriate.)
eavesdrop overcrop tip-top
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, find; Ice, 111;
267 OR — 6R

OR hoar tore exterior

adore ignore troubadour for
afore implore underscore governor
albacore inshore uproar guarantor
ashore Lahore upsoar ichthyosaur
backdoor lore weather shore inferior
Baltimore matador whore inheritor
battledore mirador wore inquisitor
before more yore interior
boar nevermore interlocutor
Boer oar OR janitor
bore o'er abhor Labrador
chore ore ambassador legator
commodore outpour ancestor lessor
core outroar anterior lor
corps outsoar apparitor louis d'or
crore Parramore assignor man-of-war
death's door picador auditor matador
deplore pinafore bachelor metaphor
door pore chancellor meteor
encore pour competitor minotaur
evermore restore compositor mirador
explore roar conquerer monitor
first floor sagamore conspirator mortgagor
floor score contributor nominor
folklore seashore corridor nor
footsore semaphore councillor or
forbore shore counselor orator
fore Singapore creditor posterior
foreshore snore depositor primogenitor
forswore soar dinosaur progenitor
four sophomore dor proprietor
fourscore sore Doukhobor Salvador
frore spore Ecuador scaur
furthermore stevedore editor senator
galore store emperor senor
gore swore excelsior servitor
heartsore sycamore executor solicitor
heretofore Theodore expositor superior

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6R—6RM 268

therefore broadsword master chord stork

Thor ford McCord torque
tor gourd misericord uncork
toreador hoard Orde weeding fork
troubadour horde overlord York
ulterior ironing board polychord
verderor oared record ORKD
vice-chancellor seaboard reward corked
visitor shuffleboard sward storked
war surfboard unlord
sword video record ORL
ORB undeplored ward orle
absorb unexplored schorl
corb ungored ORF whorl
orb unhoard corf
reabsorb unimplored dwarf ORM
resorb unrestored wharf aciform
weatherboard acinaciform
ORBD (See also OR; ORG aciniform
absorbed add -erf where morgue aeriform
full-orbed appropriate.) aliform
(See also ORB; ORJ anguiform
add -ed where ORD forge anguilliform
appropriate.) abhorred aquiform
accord ORJ aswarm \
ORCH award disgorge baculiform
porch belord engorge barnstorm
bord George bestorm
ORCH chord gorge biform
bortsch concord regorge bound form
scorch cord brainstorm
torch disaccord ORK bromoform
fiord pork bursiform
ORD fjord cairngorm
aboard Ford ORK calciform
adored harpsichord cork cheliform
afford landlord fork chloroform
beaverboard lord New York Cominform
board lyrichord "orch" conform

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
269 6RM — ORN

cordiform iodoform rewarm unstormed

corm landform salverform well-informed
cribriform lentiform sandstorm (See also
cruciform ligniform scobiform ORM; add
cubiform linguiform scrotiform -ed where
cuculiform linguistic form scutiform appropriate.)
cuculliform lukewarm scyphiform
cumuliform misform snowstorm ORMTH
cuneiform misinform squaliform storm'th
deform moniliform stelliform warmth
deiform multiform storm (See also
dendriform napiform strombiform ORM; add
dentiform nitrochloroform sunny-warm -'th where
digitiform nitroform swarm appropriate.)
disinform norm tauriform
diversiform oviform tectiform ORN
dolabriform panduriform thunderstorm bemourn
dorm pectiniform transform betorn
electroform pediform triform borne
ensiform perform turdiform bourn
eruciform piliform unciform foot-worn
falciform pisiform unform forborne
fibrilliform planform uniform forsworn
filiform platform unwarm mourn
fire storm plexiform upswarm outworn
floriform poculiform variform overborne
form preform vermiform seaworn
forme pyriform vitriform shorn
free form quadriform vulviform sworn
free-form rainstorm warm toilworn
fungiform ramiform waveform torn
fusiform reconform windstorm unshorn
gasiform re-form unsworn
hailstorm reform ORMD waterworn
hamiform reinform bestormed wave-worn
harengiform remiform unformed wayworn
hippocrepiform reniform uninformed weatherworn
ice storm reperform unperformed worn
inform retransform unreformed (See also ORN.)

old, or, odd, oil, foT)t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6RN —ORT 270

ORN popcorn time warp sea horse

adorn porn warp stalking-horse
alpenhorn powderhorn torse
barleycorn priming horn ORPS unhorse
bescorn readorn corpse
blackthorn scorn warps ORSK
born sea-born (See also ORP; torsk
buckthorn self-scorn add -s where
Cape Horn skyborne appropriate.) 6RST
Capricorn soft porn addorsed
cloud-born stillborn ORS endorsed
corn suborn coarse horsed
disadorn thorn course Horst
dishorn tricorn discourse unhorsed
drinking horn trueborn divorce
firstborn unborn enforce ORT
foghorn unicorn force comport
forewarn video porn hoarse county court
forlorn warn intercourse court
French horn yestermorn perforce davenport
greenhorn recourse decourt
hard porn ORND reinforce deport
hawthorn bemourned resource disport
heaven-born mourned source export
highborn unmourned watercourse fort
horn forte
Horne ORND ORS import
hunting horn adorned corse misreport
inborn unadorned dead horse passport
kiddie porn unforewarned dextrorse port
Langhorne (See also dorse Porte
longicorn ORN; add endorse rapport
lorn -ed where gorse report
lovelorn appropriate.) hobbyhorse sally port
Matterhorn horse seaport
morn ORP Morse sport
night born dorp Norse support
Norn gorp remorse transport
peppercorn thorp retrorse (See also ORT.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
271 6RT—OSH

6RT abhorr'th actuose coloss

abort north adipose cross
amort Orth aggerose doss
assort swarth albuminose double-cross
athwart (See also OR; animose dross
bort add -'th where annulose emboss
cavort appropriate.) bellicose fiery cross
consort cellulose floss
contort 6RTS close fosse
detort aborts comatose gloss
distort quartz cose joss
escort Schwartz diagnose lacrosse
exhort shorts dose loss
extort Swarz engross moss
mort (See also ORT; floccose recross
ort add -s where foliose rhinoceros
quart appropriate.) gibbose rosy cross
resort globose sea moss
retort 6RVZ glucose Setebos
short wharves grandiose toss
snort gross weeping cross
sort ORZ jocose
swart adores metempsychose OSH
thwart all fours morose brioche
tort Azores nodose cloche
wart indoors otiose Foch
outdoors overdose gauche
ORth (See also OR; underdose guilloche
forth add -s where verbose
fourth appropriate.) OSH
henceforth OS awash
pour'th ORZ applesauce belly wash
setter-forth Louis Quatorze sauce bewash
thenceforth quatorze bigosh
(See also OR; (See also 6R; 6s Boche
add -'th where add -s where across Bosche
appropriate.) appropriate.) albatross bosh
Bos brainwash
ORth OS boss debosh

old, dr, odd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, arn, up; THis, thin
OSH —OT 272

eyewash wasp 6ST commote

firosh accost compote
galosh OST adossed connote
gosh aftermost betossed cote
goulash bettermost cabossed cote
hogwash boast cost coyote
josh bottommost crossed creosote
kibosh coast double-crossed cuttthroat
mackintosh dosed embossed demote
Mcintosh engrossed enmossed denote
mouthwash fingerpost frost devote
musquash foremost geognost diptote
nosh furthermost glasnost dote
Oshkosh ghost hoarfrost dovecote
quash hindermost Lacoste dreamboat
slosh hithermost lost eighth note
splosh host Pentecost emote
squash innermost sea-tossed entrecote
swash lowermost tempest-tossed epidote
tosh most uncrossed epirote
wash nethermost unlost ferryboat
whitewash northernmost wast float
oast (See also OS; folkmote
OSHT outermost add -ed where Fomalhaut
caboshed post appropriate.) footnote
great unwashed riposte garrote
squashed roast OT gemot
unwashed seacoast afloat gloat
(See also 6SH; southernmost anecdote goat
add -ed where toast antidote gote
appropriate.) undermost asymptote grace note
uppermost bedote greatcoat
OSK uttermost bequote groat
bosk westernmost billy goat gunboat
imbosk whipping post bloat half note
kiosk bluethroat haut
mosque OST boat houseboat
exhaust capote housecoat
OSP holocaust coat iceboat

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, fend; ice, 111;
273 OT—6T

keelboat revote troat fraught

keynote rewrote turncoat free thought
lepidote riverboat undercoat ghat
lifeboat rote underquote hard-fought
longboat rowboat underwrote hydronaut
lote sailboat unquote inwrought
manbote scapegoat unsmote juggernaut
matelote scote vote maut
misquote sea boat waistcoat merrythought
moat sheepcote whaleboat methought
mote shoat whitethroat naught
motorboat shote whole note nought
mountain goat showboat Witenagemot onslaught
nanny goat sixteenth note woodnote ought
note sixty-fourth wrote overwrought
oat note wyliecoat self-taught
old goat slote zygote sought
outvote smote taught
overcoat sore throat 6T taut
overwrote speedboat aeronaut thought
papillote sproat afterthought unbesought
pardalote starthroat aquanaut unbought
petticoat steamboat argonaut unfought
pilot boat stoat astraught unfraught
ploat strep throat astronaut untaught
pote surcoat aught unthought
powerboat surfboat besought unwrought
promote swingboat bestraught upbrought
quarter note table d'hote bethought upcaught
quote tailcoat bewrought wrought
raincoat telephote bought
recoat thirty-second brought 6T
red coat note caught abwatt
redcoat throat cosmonaut aliquot
redevote topcoat dear-bought allot
redingote tote distraught apricot
refloat towboat dreadnought ascot
remote trench coat forethought asquat
requote triptote fought beauty spot

old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, firn, up; THis, thin
6T 274

begot dovecot hotchpot night spot

bergamot dry rot Hotnot not
besot earshot hotpot ocelot
big shot ergot hotshot overhand knot
bloodshot eschalot hot spot overplot
blot eyeshot Hottentot overshot
bot feedlot Huguenot paraquat
bott fiery hot ill-got patriot
bowknot figure-eight ingot pentaglot
bowshot knot inkblot Pequot
boycott firepot inkpot peridot
buckshot first begot ink spot phot
cachalot five-spot jackpot plague spot
calotte fleshpot jogtrot plot
Camelot flowerpot jot plumcot
Candiote foreshot kilowatt polka dot
cannot forget-me-not knot polyglot
capot forgot kumquat pot
chamber pot fox-trot Lancelot potshot
cheap shot fusspot long shot prolonge knot
chimney pot galipot loop knot quot
chip shot gallipot loquat red-hot
clot garrote Lot reef knot
cocotte gavotte lot reknot
coffeepot gigawatt love knot replot
compatriot gluepot mandelbrot repot
complot Gordian knot marmot robot
cot got mascot rot
counterplot granny knot massicot sansculotte
crackpot grapeshot megawatt Sciot
culotte grassplot melilot Scot
Cypriot grot microdot Scott
dashpot guillemot misbegot secondary
despot gunshot monkey pot boycott
dicot hard-got monoglot sexpot
diddly-squat heptaglot moon shot shallot
diglot hexaglot mot shot
dogtrot hipshot motmot shoulder knot
dot hot motte sighting shot

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, III;
275 6T — OU

slapshot undershot 6th bowwow

slide knot unforgot Ashtaroth brow
slingshot ungot barley broth chow
slip knot unknot behemoth cow
slot upshot broadcloth dhow
snapshot wainscot broth disallow
snot wat cloth disavow
somewhat watt Coth endow
sot what froth enow
spot whatnot Goth Foochow
square knot white-hot moth frau
squat witenagemot Ostrogoth frow
stevedore knot wot pilot cloth Hankow
stinkpot yacht saddlecloth hoosegow
stockpot troth how
stot OTH Visigoth Howe
Stott clothe wroth kowtow
subplot loathe Kwangchow
sunspot OTS landau
surgeon's knot Oth boats mow
swat now

swot overbrow
talipot behemoth plough
teapot both add -s where plow
ten-spot growth appropriate.) powwow
terawatt prow
tetraglot loath row
tin pot oath OTS scow
tommyrot overgrowth Potts slough
topknot quoth (See also OT; snowplow
tosspot sloth add -s where somehow
tot Thoth appropriate.) Soochow
trot troth sow
truelove knot undergrowth OU Swatow
true lover's allow thou
knot 6th anyhow upplow
turkey trot swath avow vow
unbegot wrath bough Wenchow .
underplot wroth bow wow

old, dr, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin

OUCH scrouge decrown ungown

avouch discrown upside-down
couch OUL down uptown
crouch afoul downtown
grouch befoul drown OUND
ouch behowl eiderdown abound
pouch cowl embrown aground
scaramouch dowl evening gown around
slouch foul frown astound
vouch fowl godown background
growl gown bloodhound
OUD guinea fowl hand-me-down bound
allowed howl hoedown boozehound
aloud jowl lowdown browned
becloud owl markdown compound
beetle-browed peafowl meltdown confound
beshroud prowl midtown dumbfound
cloud scowl Motown expound
crowd screech owl nightgown flower-crowned
disendowed seafowl noun found
disenshroud waterfowl nut-brown ground
encloud Piltdown hell bound
enshroud OULD pronoun hidebound
intercloud befouled putdown homebound
loud uncowled reach-me-down hound
overcloud (See also OUL; renown icebound
overcrowd add -ed where rubdown impound
proud appropriate.) inbound
shroud shantytown ironbound
thundercloud OUN Mahound
unbowed adown merry-go-round
uncloud breakdown middle ground
unshroud brown mound
(See also OU; Chinatown outbound
add -ed where clown outward-bound
appropriate.) comedown pine-crowned
countdown pleasure
OUJ town
crosstown ground
gouge tumbledown
crown pound
ale, care, arm, ask; me, h|re, I; Ice, 111;
277 OUND — OUS

profound denounce bescour charnel house

propound enounce besour charterhouse
rebound flounce deflour chiaus
redound frounce devour chophouse
renowned ounce flour chouse
resound pounce hour clearinghouse
round pronounce our clothes louse
smut hound renounce scour clubhouse
sound rounce sour coach house
spellbound trounce sustaining hour coffeehouse
superabound (See also cookhouse
surround OUNT; add OURD countinghouse
triple-crowned -s where bescoured courthouse
ultrasound appropriate.) unsoured crab louse
unbound (See also crazy house
underground OUNT OUR; add customhouse
unground account -ed where deckhouse
unsound amount appropriate.) deer mouse
vantage ground catamount degauss
wound count OUS delouse
(See also discount alehouse doghouse
OUN; add -ed dismount almshouse dollhouse
where appro- fount backhouse dormouse
priate.) miscount bakehouse doss house
mount bathhouse douse
OUNDZ paramount Bauhaus farmhouse
abounds recount bawdy house field mouse
zounds remount birdhouse firehouse
(See also surmount black grouse flindermouse
OUND; add tantamount blockhouse flittermouse
-s where blouse flophouse
appropriate.) OUNTS boardinghouse fraternity
accounts boathouse house
OUNJ (See also body louse full house
lounge OUNT; add book louse gashouse
-s where bughouse gatehouse
OUNS appropriate.) bunkhouse gauss
announce cathouse glasshouse
bounce OUR chapter house Gnauss

old, or, 6dd, oil, ftJot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OUS —OUT 278

grasshopper pleasure-house town house doubt

mouse pocket mouse warehouse drinking bout
greenhouse poorhouse water house dropout
grouse porterhouse Westinghouse drought
guardhouse pothouse wheelhoiise dugout
guesthouse powerhouse white-footed fallout
halfway house prairie grouse mouse flout
harvest mouse prison house White House gadabout
headhouse public house whorehouse girl scout
head louse red grouse Wodehouse gout
henhouse reremouse wood grouse grout
hothouse roadhouse wood louse hangout
house roughhouse workhouse hereabout
house mouse roundhouse hereout
icehouse row house OUST holdout
jailhouse ruffed grouse browst holing out
jerboa mouse safe house choused in-and-out
jerboa pouched sage grouse oust knockabout
mouse sand grouse roust knockout
jumping mouse schoolhouse unhoused knout
kangaroo scouse (See also OUS; kraut
mouse shrewmouse add -ed where lockout
Kraus slaughterhouse appropriate.) lookout
lighthouse smokehouse lout
lobscouse snow grouse OUT mahout
longhouse souse about out
louse sporting house beshout out-and-out
madhouse spouse bespout pig out
meadow mouse springhouse blackout pout
meetinghouse statehouse bout put out
Mickey Mouse steakhouse boy scout rain out
mouse storehouse brownout redoubt
nous Strauss buyout right-about
outhouse sugarhouse carryout roundabout
penthouse summerhouse clout roustabout
pilothouse sweathouse cookout rout
plant house teahouse cop-out sauerkraut
plant louse titmouse devout scout
playhouse tollhouse diner-out shout

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
279 OUT — 6Z

shutout outs shrove interpose

snout thereabouts stove moss rose
spaced-out v/hereabouts strove nose
spout (See also OUT; throve oppose
sprout add -s where treasure trove pose
stakeout appropriate.) wove predispose
stirabout presuppose
stout OV propose
takeout ouz
arouse hereof prose
thereabout blouse of recompose
thereout blowze thereof repose
throughout bouse whereof rose
tout browse superpose
trout carouse OZ suppose
tryout drowse arose those
turnout espouse bramble rose transpose
umlaut house brose tuberose
washout rouse chose unclose
waterspout souse close unfroze
whereabout spouse clothes (See also 6 ;
whereout touse compose add -s where
without unhouse couleur de rose appropriate.)
unprouse damask rose
OUTH (See also OU; decompose 6z
mouthe add -s where depose applause
appropriate.) disclose because
OUth discompose cause
allow'th OV dispose clause
bemouth clove doze Dawes
drouth cove enclose gauze
mouth dove expose Hawes
south drove foreclose hawse
(See also OU; grove froze lantern jaws
add -'th where hove gloze menopause
appropriate.) interwove hose pause
inwove impose taws
OUTS Jove inclose vase
bouts mauve indispose yaws
hereabouts rove interclose (See also 6 ;

old, or, odd, oil, ffl6t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
6Z-C 280

add -s where OZD unopposed eloge

appropriate.) closed well-disposed loge
dozed (See also OZ;
6Z ill-disposed add -ed where 6Z'M
Boz indisposed appropriate.) macrocosm
Oz juxtaposed microcosm
was predisposed OZH

These words includes the following accented vowel sounds:
U as in use; heard also in beauty, feud, pew, queue, lieu, view, cue,
suit, yule, you, do, rule, true, food, group, drew, fruit, canoe,
rheum, maneuver, blue. The difference between dew and dp is that
dew is properly dyU, with a consonantal y sound preceding the long
U, while do is merely dU.
U as in urn; heard also in fern, err, heard, sir, word, journal,
myrrh, colonel.
U as in up; heard also in won, one, does, flood, double.
For the vowel sound in full, see under (Jb.

argue beshrew cachou

cacajou askew bestrew calalu
accrue Attu bhikshu canoe
adieu avenue bijou cap screw
ado baboo billet-doux caribou
Agnew babu blew cashew
ague baku blue catechu
ahu ballyhoo boo chandoo
aircrew bamboo boo-boo chew
airscrew Bantu boohoo choochoo
aku barbecue brake shoe chou
amadou barley-broo brew clerihew
Andrew Bartholomew broo clew
anew battue buckaroo clue
apercu bayou bugaboo coach screw
Archimedes' bazoo bunraku cock-a-doodle-
screw bedew burgoo doo

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
281 U

cockapoo emu guru IOU

cockatoo endew gym shoe Irish stew
conspue endue hairdo jabiru
construe enew halloo jackeroo
coo ensue haut gout jack screw
cooboo entre nous Hebrew Jesu
Corfu eschew hereinto Jew
corkscrew ewe hereto Ju
coup feu hereunto jujitsu
couru feverfew hew juju
coypu few Hindley's Kalamazoo
crew fichu screw kangaroo
crewe firenew Hindu karroo
cru Fitzhugh hitherto Katmandu
cuckoo flew honeydew kazoo
cue flu Honolulu kerchoo
curfew flue Honshu Kew
curlew fondue hoochinoo Khufu
curlicue fordo hoodoo Kinabalu
cuscousou foreknew hoopoe kinkajou
Daibutsu fou horseshoe knew
Daikoku froufrou how-do-you-do kudu
Danu gardyloo hue kung fu
debut garoo Hugh kuru
Depew gayyou hullabaloo kwazoku
derring-do Gentoo Hutu Kyushu
dew genu igloo lag screw
didgeridoo gillaroo imbrue lasso
Dien Bien Phu glue imbue lean-to
differential gnu immew lieu
screw golf shoe impromptu long-tailed
do goo imu shrew
doo-doo goo-goo indue loo
drew gout ingenue loup-garou
due Grand Cru interrupted lulliloo
ecru grew screw lulu
ejoo grue interview machine screw
elephant shrew gugu into Machu Picchu
Elihu gumshoe in transitu mafoo

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
u 282

malentendu overshoe rendezvous skew

Malibu overstrew renew skidoo
Manchu overthrew Renfrew sky-blue
Manitou overview reshoe slew
Manu pari passu residue sloo
Matthew parlez-vous resue slough
meadow rue parvenu retinue slue
mew passe-partout revenue smew
mildew pate' a chou review snowshoe
mirabile dictu peekaboo revue soft-shoe
misconstrue perdu right-handed sou
misdo Peru screw spew
Mogadishu pew rompu spreeuw
Montague phew roo sprue
moo phoo rough hew stage screw
mountain dew plew roux stew
move poilu rue strew
mu poo running shoe subdue
Mu pooh sapajou succes fou
muumuu pooh-pooh screw sue
napoo Port Salut sea mew sundrew
Nehru potoroo see-through surtout
nephew Premier Cru self-tapping surview
new preview screw susu
night dew prie-dieu set-to switcheroo
non-U pugh setscrew taboo
nu Pugh shampoo tap shoe
Nu Purdue shapoo tapping screw
old-shoe purlicue Shih Tzu tattoo
onto purlieu shizoku teju
ooh pursue Shluh teledu
ormolu purview shoe tennis shoe
outdo queue shoo tew
outgrew ragout short-tailed thereinto
overdo reconstrue shrew thereto
overdrew redo shrew thereunto
overdue redrew shu thew
overflew reglue Shu thitherto
overgrew regrew Sioux threw

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, III;
283 U —UD

through wahoo UB crutch

thumbscrew wallaroo battle club cutch
Timaru wanderoo Beelzebub Dutch
Timbuktu Waterloo blub forasmuch
tinamou Waterloo •bub hutch
Tippecanoe water shrew chub inasmuch
to well-to-do Chubb insomuch
to-do Whangpoo club master touch
toe shoe whereinto Clubb much
too whereto cub mutch
toodle-oo whereunto drub overmuch
to-whit-towhoo whew dub retouch
tree shrew who fub scutch
trou-de-loup Who's Who grub smutch
true widdifow hub such
true-blue witches' brew hubbub touch
tutu withdrew nub
Tuvalu woo pub UCHD
twenty-three wooden shoe rub clutched
skidoo wood screw rub-a-dub untouched
two worricow scrub (See also UCH;
unclew Wu shrub add -ed where
underdo Wuhu sillabub appropriate.)
undo Xanadu slub
undue yahoo snub UD
unglue yew stub abrood
unmew ynambu sub abstrude
unscrew yoo-hoo tub acerbitude
unshoe you acritude
unto zebu UCH allude
untrue zoo brooch altitude
Urdu zoozoo cooch amaritude
vendue Zulu hooch amplitude
view hoochy-cooch aptitude
view halloo UB mooch assuetude
virtu boob pooch attitude
virtue cube beatitude
Vishnu Rube UCH brood
voodoo tube clutch certitude

old, 6r, odd, oil, fS6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UD — U F 284

claritude intrude shrewd Judd

collude Jude similitude lifeblood
conclude lassitude slewed lud
consuetude latitude snood mud
crassitude lenitude solicitude rudd
crude lewd solitude 'sblood
decrepitude longitude stude scud
definitude lude subnude spud
delude magnitude subtrude stud
denude mansuetude thewed thud
desuetude mollitude torpitude
detrude mood transude UDZ
disquietude multitude turpitude buds
dude necessitude unglued duds
elude nude unpursued suds
exactitude obtrude unrenewed (See also UD;
exclude occlude unrude add -s where
extrude parvitude unrued appropriate.)
exude platitude unstrewed
fast-food plenitude unsubdued UF
feud pood unwooed aloof
finitude preclude vastitude behoof
food prelude verisimilitude bulletproof
fortitude promptitude vicissitude disproof
gratitude protrude you'd fireproof
habitude prude (See also U; foolproof
hebetude pulchritude add -ed where gable roof
home brewed Quaalude appropriate.) goof
illude quietude hoof
UD loof
inaptitude rainbow hued bestud
incertitude reclude opera-bouffe
blood proof
include rectitude bud
ineptitude retrude reproof
Budd roof
infinitude rood cud
ingratitude rude shadoof
dud spoof
inquietude seclude flood
insuetude senectitude Tartuffe
fud unroof
interclude serenitude HUD
interlude servitude virtue proof
ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
285 UF — UK

waterproof UFS mug judge

weatherproof bepuffs plug misjudge
woof fisticuffs pug nudge
(See also UF; rug prejudge
UF add -s where shrug rejudge
bepuff appropriate.) slug Rudge
besnuff smug sludge
blindman's buff UFT snug smudge
bluff cloven-hoofed thug trudge
breadstuff hoofed trug
buff roofed tug UJD
chough (See also UF; adjudged
chuff add -ed where UGZ ill-judged
clough appropriate.) drugs unjudged
counterbuff go bugs (See also UJ;
cuff UFT (See also UG; add -ed where
duff bepuffed add -s where appropriate.)
enough candytuft appropriate.)
fluff tuft UK
garden stuff (See also UF; UJ archduke
gruff add -ed where demonifuge bashi-bazouk
huff appropriate.) febrifuge beduke
luff gamboge chibouk
muff UG huge Chinook
off-the-cuff fugue insectifuge duke
on the cuff Scrooge fluke
powder puff UG scrouge Heptateuch
puff bug stooge Hexateuch
rebuff bunny hug • subterfuge juke
rough debug vermifuge kook
ruff doodlebug Luke
scruff drug UJ mameluke
scuff dug adjudge Marmaduke
slough fug begrudge nuke
snuff hug budge Pentateuch
sough jitterbug drudge peruke
stuff jug forejudge puke
tough litterbug fudge rebuke
tuff lug grudge snook

old, or, 6dd, oil, f(56t, out; use, iirn, up; THis, thin
UK — U L 286

spook ruck eruct molecule

stook rukh good-plucked mule
sawbuck induct O'Toole
UK schmuck instruct overrule
amuck shuck misconduct pool
awestruck stagestruck misconstruct pule
beduck struck obstruct reticule
beginner's luck stuck oviduct ridicule
buck suck product rule
Canuck sunstruck reduct school
chuck terror struck reluct spool
cluck thunderstruck subduct stool
dead duck truck substruct Sunday school
Donald Duck tuck superstruct toadstool
duck waterbuck tool
dumb cluck wonder struck usufruct Toole
dumbstruck woodchuck viaduct tulle
fast buck yuk (See also UK; vermicule
fuck vestibule
add -ed where
guck UKS whirlpool
high-muck-a- big bucks who'll
muck crux UL you'll
horror-struck dux April Fool Yule
ill luck flux befool
Kalmuck lux buhl UL
Lady Luck shucks carpool ahull
lame duck (See also UK; charity school annul
laverock add -s where cool barnacle
luck appropriate.) dirty pool chronicle
megabuck drool cull
misluck UKT ducking stool disannul
moonstruck abduct fool dull
muck aqueduct footstool gull
muckamuck beducked gene pool hull
nip and tuck conduct ghoul lull
pluck construct Istambul miracle
potluck deduct Liverpool Mogul
puck duct mewl monocle
roebuck educt mull
ale, care, 2dd, arm, ask; me, hgre, end; Ice, 111;
287 UL — U M

null ULJ impulse brougham

numskull bulge mulse brume
obstacle divulge pulse consume
pinnacle effulge repulse coom
scull indulge (See also ULT; coomb
seagull promulge add -s where costume
skull appropriate.) disentomb
spectacle ULK displume
stull bulk ULT doom
trull hulk adult dining room
vehicle skulk catapult drawing room
versicle sulk consult dressing room
cult elbowroom
ULB ULKT difficult embloom
bulb bulked exult engloom
hulked incult entomb
ULCH mulct indult enwomb
gulch (See also ULK; insult exhume
mulch add -ed where occult flume
appropriate.) result foredoom
ULD w ULZ gloom
unruled ULM gules groom
unschooled culm (See also UL; grume
(See also UL; add -s where heirloom
add -d where ULP appropriate.) illume
appropriate.) poulp inhume
UM jibboom
ULD ULP abloom khartoum
annulled gulp addoom legume
mulled pulp anteroom living room
thick-skulled sculp assume loom
(See also UL; baby boom lumber room
add -ed where ULS begloom perfume
appropriate.) appulse beplume plume
bulse bloom power loom
ULF convulse boom predoom
engulf dulse bridegroom presume
gulf expulse broom reading room

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
UM — UMD 288

reassume crumb moratorium stum

relume cumbersome mum succumb
resume curriculum natatorium sugarplum
rheum delirium numb sum
room drearisome odium swum
sea room drum opium symposium
simoom dumb opprobrium tedium
spoom emporium overcome thrum
spume encomium pabulum thumb
subsume epithalamium palladium troublesome
tomb equilibrium pandemonium turn
unplume exordium pelargonium tum-tum
untomb fee-fi-fo-fum pendulum tweedledum
flunkeydom pericardium tympanum
frolicsome petroleum unplumb
geranium platinum vacuum
CM glum plum venturesome
ad libitum grum plumb viaticum
adventuresome gum premium wearisome
adytum gymnasium prud'homme worrisome
aquarium halidom psyllium wranglesome
auditorium heathendom quarrelsome
become hum UMD
benumb humdrum addoomed
bum humorsome assumed
bumbledom intermeddle- full-bloomed
burdensome some implumed
cardamom kettledrum unfumed
Christendom laudanum ungloomed
chrysanthe- rhumb
lum unillumed
mum rum
martyrdom (See also UM;
chum sanatorium
maximum add -ed where
cockneydom meddlesome saxondom
scrum appropriate.)
come medium
compendium mettlesome scum UMD
consortium millennium sensorium begummed
cranium minimum slum benumbed
crematorium misbecome some bethumbed
cram modicum speculum unplumbed
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
289 UMD — UN

(See also UM; attune forenoon Neptune

add -ed where autoimmune frigatoon new moon
appropriate.) baboon full moon noon
balloon gadroon octoroon
UMP barracoon galloon old moon
bethump bassoon gambroon opportune
bump batoon gazon oppugn
chump Behistun goon oversoon
clump bestrewn gossoon overstrewn
crump boon Gudrun Pantaloon
dump Boone Half Moon pantaloon
frump bridoon half-moon patroon
hump Broun harpoon perilune
jump buffoon harvest moon picaroon
lump cacoon hewn picayune
mugwump Calhoun high noon platoon
mump Cameroon honeymoon poltroon
plump cardoon immune pontoon
pump cartoon importune poon
rump cocoon impugn prune
slump coffee spoon inopportune puccoon
stump cohune intercommune quadroon
sump Colquoun jejune quintroon
thump commune June raccoon
trump coon Kowloon Rangoon
tump coquetoon kroon ratoon
ump croon lacune repugn
demilune lagoon retune
UMPS dessertspoon lampoon rigadoon
be thumps detune loon rockoon
mumps Doon lune roughhewn
(See also UMP; doubloon macaroon runcible spoon
add -s where dragoon Mahoun rune
appropriate.) dune maroon saloon
eftsoon matzoon sand dune
UN entune midnoon saskatoon
afternoon excommune monsoon Saskatoon
apolune expugn moon scandaroon
aswoon festoon musketoon Schroon

old, dr, ddd, oil, fo"ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UN — UND 290

seroon Bunn outdone bunch

shalloon cardamon outrun clunch
shoon caparison overdone crunch
silver spoon cinnamon overrun free lunch
simoon colophon pantechnicon hunch
soon comparison paragon lunch
spadroon Chesterton Parthenon munch
spittoon done pentagon punch
spontoon dun percussion gun scrunch
spoon Dunn phenomenon
strewn foredone polygon UND
swoon forerun prolegomenon attuned
tablespoon foster son pun crooned
teaspoon fun quaternion disattuned
testoon galleon run unattuned
toon Galveston Sally Lunn untuned
tribune ganglion shun wound
triune garrison simpleton (See also UN;
tuchun gonfalon singleton add -ed where
tune gun skeleton appropriate.)
Tycoon halcyon son
typhoon hard run spun UND
unhewn hard won stun bund
untune Helicon sun cummerbund
vinegarroon homespun sunn dunned
waning moon hon ton fund
waxing moon Hun tun immund
wooden spoon jettison unbegun moribund
woon Middleton underrun obrotund
Walloon minute gun undone orotund
mon unison punned
UN myrmidon unnun refund
A-1 none venison refund
accordion Number one Whitsun Rosamond
Albion nun won rotund
amazon Oberon rubicund
begun oblivion UNCH shunned
benison octagon box lunch stunned
bun one brunch unparagoned

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, £nd; ice, 111;
291 UND — UP

unsunned UNGD compunct confront

verecund bunged conjunct cunt
(See also double-tongued defunct exeunt
UN; add honey-tongued disjunct forefront
-ed where leather-lunged funked front
appropriate.) loud-lunged trunked grunt
pleasant- hunt
UNG tongued UNGST Lunt
among shrili-tongued amongst manhunt
behung silver-tongued clung'st punt
betongue tongued (See also runt
bung trumpet- UNG; add seafront
clung tongued -'st where shunt
dung appropriate.) sprunt
flung UNGK stunt
high-strung bunk UNJ waterfront
hung chunk allonge witch-hunt
lung debunk blunge wont
mother tongue drunk dispunge
overhung flunk expunge UNth
pung funk lunge month
rung hunk muskellunge run'th
slung junk plunge (See also UN;
sprung monk sponge add -th where
strung plunk appropriate.)
stung punk UNS
sung quidnunc dunce UNZ
swung shrunk once Cameroons
tongue skunk (See also UNT; croons
underhung slunk add -s where eftsoons
Ung spunk appropriate.) (See also UN;
unhung stunk add -s where
unstrung sunk UNT appropriate.)
unsung trunk affront
unwrung unk afront UP
upsprung wunk blunt adroop
wither-wrung breakfront aggroup
wrung UNGKT brunt apple scoop
young bunked bunt cantaloupe

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UP — UR 292

cock-a-hoop chin-up send-up allure

coop cleanup setter-up amateur
croup close-up setup amour
droop coverup slap-up aperture
drupe crup smashup armature
dupe cup speedup assure
Guadeloupe dial-up stickup blackamoor
group fed up stirrup cup boor
hoop Gallup sunup breviature
jupe getup sup brochure
liripoop grace cup teacup calenture
loop grown-up tone-up candidature
nincompoop gup toss-up caricature
poop hangup tup cocksure
recoup hard up turnup colure
roup hiccup up comfiture
scoop holdup up-and-up conjure
scroop hookup wake-up connoisseur
sloop ketchup warm-up contour
soup keyed up wassail cup coverture
stoop larrup whup cure
stoup letup windup curvature
supe lineup write-up cynosure
swoop linkup demure
troop lockup UPT detour
troupe lookup abrupt discomfiture
unhoop loving cup corrupt divestiture
whoop makeup cupped dure
markup disrupt endure
UP mock-up erupt ensure
backup pasteup incorrupt entablature
blowing-up pickup interrupt epicure
blowup pinup supped expenditure
breakup pull-up forfeiture
buildup punch-up UR furniture
buttercup pup abature garmenture
buy-up push-up abbreviature garniture
catch-up roundup abjure guipure
checkup scup adjure immature

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
293 OR—UR

immure sure occur adulterer

impure tablature per adventurer
insecure temperature prefer affiancer
insure tour purr almoner
intermure troubadour recur amphitheater
inure unmoor refer answerer
investiture unsure shirr arbiter
judicature vestiture sir arbitrageur
Kohinoor water cure slur archiater
ligature your spur armiger
liqueur you're stir armorer
literature transfer artificer
lure UR were astrologer
manicure aberr whir astronomer
manure astir autobiographer
mature aver baluster
miniature befur accoucheur banisher
moor bestir amateur banister
obscure blur chasseur banqueter
Ostermoor burr chauffeur banterer
overture chirr coeur bargainer
paramour concur colporteur barometer
pedicure confer connoisseur barrister
perdure cur farceur barterer
perendure defer franc-tireur batterer
poor demur friseur bibliographer
portraiture deter frondeur bickerer
premature disinter hauteur biographer
primogeniture err litterateur blandisher
procure fir mitrailleur blazoner
pure fur persifleur blunderer
quadrature her restaurateur blusterer
reassure incur trouveur borrower
reinsure infer voltigeur botherer
secure inter voyageur brandisher
sepulture Kerr broiderer
signature knur burdener
sinecure liqueur administer burnisher
spoor myrrh admonisher calendar

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
UR 294

caliper endeavourer lingerer pilferer

canister engenderer lithographer pillager
carpenter enlightener loiterer pitier
caterer enlivener Londoner plasterer
cellarer establisher Lowlander plunderer
chafferer examiner Lucifer polisher
challenger Excalibur malingerer porringer
character executioner manager posturer
chatterer fashioner manufacturer poulterer
cherisher favorer mariner practitioner
chorister flatterer marshaller presbyter
chronicler flutterer massacre prisoner
cofferer forager measurer probationer
comforter foreigner messenger profferer
commissioner forester milliner provender
commoner forfeiter minister publisher
confectioner furtherer miniver punisher
conjurer galloper modeler purchaser
coroner gardener murderer quarreler
cottager gatherer murmurer quaverer
coverer gossamer mutterer questioner
cricketer gossiper nourisher ransomer
customer harbinger officer ravager
cylinder harborer palaverer ravisher
decipherer harvester parishioner reasoner
deliverer hexameter passenger register
demolisher idolater pasturer relinquisher
determiner imprisoner patterer reveler
diameter interpreter pensioner reversioner
diaper islander pentameter rioter
discoverer jabberer pepperer riveter
disparager juniper perjurer roisterer
distributer Jupiter pesterer saunterer
dowager languisher petitioner scavenger
driveler lavender pewterer scimiter
embellisher lavisher philologer sepulcher
emblazoner lecturer philosopher sinister
enameler leveler phonographer skirmisher
encourager libeler photographer slanderer

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; ice, HI;
295 UR

slaughterer voyager evener lonesomer

slumberer wagerer filmier lovelier
smatterer wagoner filthier lowlier
sophister wanderer fleecier loyaler
sorcerer wassailer flightier merrier
splutterer waverer flimsier mightier
squanderer whimperer foamier moldier
stenographer whisperer friendlier mossier
stutterer widower funnier mournfuler
succorer wonderer fussier muskier
sufferer worshiper giddier mustier
swaggerer gloomier narrower
tamperer glossier noisier
TelePrompter blearier goutier pearlier
terrier breezier grimier pleasanter
tetrameter brinier guiltier portlier
theater burlier happier princelier
thermometer cheerfuller healthier prosier
thunderer cheerier heavier rosier
topographer cheerlier hillier rowdier
torturer chillier holier ruggeder
totterer cleanlier homelier seemlier
traveler costlier horridor shinier
treasurer cozier huffier shoddier
trespasser creamier hungrier showier
trumpeter creepier huskier sightlier
typographer cruder icier silenter
upholsterer curlier inkier sillier
usurer dingier jollier skilfuller
utterer dizzier juicier skinnier
valuer doughtier kindlier sleepier
vanquisher dowdier kinglier slimier
vaporer drearier knightlier soapier
venturer drowsier likelier solider
verderer dustier lissome r spicier
victualer earlier lithesomer spikier
villager easier livelier spongier
vintager eerier loftier spoonier
visiter emptier lonelier springier
old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UR —URD 2%

spritelier curbed appropriate.) game bird

steadier imperturbed gird
stealthier uncurbed URD goatherd
stingier undisturbed absurd guide word
stormier unperturbed adjutant bird halberd
stuffier (See also URB; afterward half heard
stupider add -ed where afterword headword
sturdier appropriate.) apostle bird heard
sunnier begird hedge bird
surlier URCH bird herd
thirstier besmirch blackbird hummingbird
thriftier birch bluebird immerd
timider church bowerbird interred
trustier lurch butcher-bird inward
vivider perch buzzword jailbird
wealthier research Byrd jarbird
wearier search byword jaybird
wheezier smirch Cape Verde key word
windier weeping birch cardinal bird kingbird
winsomer catbird Kurd
wintrier URCHT catchword ladybird
(See also OR.) birched code word lovebird
unsmirched cowbird lyrebird
URB (See also cowherd Mesa Verde
acerb URCH; crocodile bird mockingbird
blurb add -ed where crossword nerd
burb appropriate.) curd night bird
curb deterred nonce word
disturb URD dirty word outward
gerb abjured disinterred ovenbird
herb ensured dollar bird overheard
perturb gourd engird overword
Serb reassured firebird password
suburb self-assured foreword pilot bird
superb unassured friarbird potsherd
urb uninsured frigate bird puffbird
verb unmatured furred railbird
(See also UR; fyrd rainbird
URBD add -ed where gallows bird redbird

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 2nd; ice, 111;
297 URD —URL

reheard appropriate.) URJD legwork

reinterred converged lurk
reword URF unurged make-work
riflebird AstroTurf (See also URJ; masterwork
seabird scurf add -ed where murk
secretary bird serf appropriate.) network
sepulchered surf openwork
sherd turf URK overwork
shirred O'Rourke paperwork
shorebird perk
snakebird URG URK piecework
snowbird berg artwork quirk
songbird burg beadwork right-to-work
stormbird exergue berserk roadwork
sunbird Goldberg breastwork salesclerk
surd Heidelberg brushwork schoolwork
swanherd iceberg Burke shirk
swearword casework smirk
swineherd URJ cirque sodajerk
tailorbird converge clerk stirk
third demiurge clockwork teamwork
thunderbird deterge dirk Turk
turd dirge Dunkirk underwork
undergird diverge fancywork waterwork
undeterred dramaturge firework waxwork
ungird emerge footwork wonderwork
unheard gurge framework woodwork
unsepulchered immerge frostwork work
urd merge groundwork yerk
verd purge guesswork
wading bird scourge hackwork URKT
watchword serge handiwork irked
wattlebird splurge headwork overworked
weaverbird Spurge homework (See also URK;
whirlybird submerge housework add -ed where
word surge irk appropriate.)
yardbird thaumaturge jerk
(See also UR; urge jerque URL
add -ed where verge kirk becurl

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

bepearl Old World URN turn

burl pearled adjourn unconcern
call girl Third World astern unlearn
charity girl uncurled attorn upturn
chorus girl underworld Berne urn
churl world burn yearn
cowgirl (See also URL; Byrne
curl add -ed where churn URND
earl appropriate.) concern adjourned
furl Dern hard-earned
girl URM durn unconcerned
hurl affirm discern undiscerned
impearl berm earn unlearned
knurl confirm erne unturned
merle derm eterne (See also URN;
mother-of- disaffirm externe add -ed where
pearl firm fern appropriate.)
pearl germ Hearn
pirl infirm Hearne URNT
playgirl isotherm hern burnt
purl misterm intern earnt
querl pachyderm interne learnt
seed pearl reaffirm inurn unburnt
show girl sperm kern unlearnt
skirl learn weren't
swirl squirm lucern
thurl term lucerne URNZ
twirl worm O'Byrne Burns
uncurl A overturn Kearns
unfurl URMD pirn (See also URN;
upcurl affirmed quern add -s where
upwhirl unconfirmed return appropriate.)
whirl (See also secern
whorl URM; add sojourn URP
-ed where spurn blurp
URLD appropriate.) stern burp
becurled subaltern chirp
impearled URN taciturn discerp
New World bourn tern extirp

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, gnd; Ice, ill;
299 URP — tJRth

twirp precurse intersert

usurp purse URT intervert
rehearse Adelbert introvert
URPT reimburse advert invert
chirped reverse alert liverwort
excerpt sesterce animadvert malapert
unsurped submerse assert maxiskirt
subverse avert midiskirt
URS terce begirt miniskirt
bourse terse Bert obvert
transverse blurt pert
URS traverse cert pervert
accurse universe chert preconcert
adverse verse concert retrovert
amerce worse controvert • revert
asperse convert seagirt
averse URST curt shirt
becurse accursed desert skirt
birse accurst dessert spirt
burse athirst dirt spurt
coerce becurst disconcert squirt
converse burst divert subvert
curse curst engirt syrt
cutpurse double first Englebert transvert
disburse durst Ethelbert ungirt
disperse erst evert unhurt
diverse first exert vert
Erse Hearst expert wert
excurse Hurst exsert Wirt
foster nurse outburst extrovert wort
hearse thirst flirt
herse uncursed girt URth
imburse unversed gurt berth
immerse versed hairshirt birth
inhearse verst hurt dearth
intersperse worst indesert earth
inverse (See also URS; inert firth
nurse add -ed where inexpert fuller's earth
perverse appropriate.) insert girth

old, or, ddd, oil, foTrt, out; use, firn, up; THis, thin
URth — US 300

inearth URVZ excuse Zeus

mirth conserves flower-de-luce
pennyworth turves goose US
Perth (See also URV; hypotenuse abaculus
unearth add -s where induce abacus
unworth appropriate.) introduce acephalus
worth juice angelus
URZ loose animus
URTZ amours luce blunderbuss
Wurtz Tours misuse bus
(See also URT; yours moose buss
add -s where (See also UR; noose caduceus
appropriate.) add -s where nous Cerberus
appropriate.) papoose convolvulus
URV obtuse cumulus
conserve URZ occluse cunnilingus
curve furze pertuse cuss
deserve (See also UR; produce denarius
disserve add -s where profuse discuss
incurve appropriate.) puce Erebus
nerve recluse esophagus
observe US reduce excuss
outcurve abstruse reproduce fuss
preserve abuse retuse harquebus
reserve adduce Roos Hesperus
serve Bruce Russ hippopotamus
subserve burnoose seduce humerus
swerve caboose sluice hydrocephalus
unnerve calaboose spruce ignis fatuus
verve charlotte russe superinduce impetus
conduce Syracuse incubus
URVD cruse Toulouse incuss
conserved deduce traduce Leviticus
ill-deserved deuce transluce minimus
undeserved diffuse truce muss
well-preserved disuse unloose nautilus
(See also URV; douce unsluice nonplus
add -ed where Druce use nucleus
appropriate.) educe vamoose octopus

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h(jre, end; ice, ill;
301 Crs
omnibus alkalous burglarious criminous
overplus alluvious cadaverous curious
Pegasus aluminous calamitous dangerous
percuss amatorious calcareous deciduous
phosphorus ambiguous calumnious deleterious
platypus Americus cancerous delirious
plus amorous cankerous devious
polypus amphibious cantankerous dexterous
pus amphibolous carboniferous diaphanous
radius analogous carnivorous diatomous
ranunculus androgenous cautelous discourteous
repercuss androphagous cavernous disingenuous
rhus anemophilous censorious doloriferous
Russ anfractuous ceremonious dolorous
sarcophagus angulous chivalrous dubious
Sirius anomalous cinereous dulcifluous
stimulus anonymous circuitous duteous
succubus anserous clamorous emulous
syllabus antipathous commodious endogenous
tantalus aqueous compendious envious
Tartarus arborous congruous eponymous
terminus arduous consan- equilibrious
thus armigerous guineous erroneous
truss assiduous conspicuous ethereous
untruss augurous contemporane- exiduous
us balsamiferous ous expurgatorious
barbarous contemptuous extemporane-
beauteous conterminous ous
abstemious bibulous continguous extraneous
acclivitous bicephalous continuous fabulous
acephalous bigamous contrarious farinaceous
acidulous bipetalous contumelious fastidious
adulterous bituminous copious fatuitous
adventurous blasphemous courteous fatuous
agricolous blusterous covetous felicitous
albuminous boisterous crapulous felonious
aliferous bounteous credulous ferruginous
aligerous bulbiferous crepusculous fluminous
alimonious burdenous Cretaceous fortitudinous

old, 6r, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
fortuitous incestuous luxurious omnivorous
fossiliferous incommodious magnanimous onerous
frivolous incongruous marvelous opprobrious
fuliginous inconspicuous mellifluous oviparous
furious incredulous melodious pachyderma-
garrulous incurious membranous tous
gelatinous indecorous meritorious parsimonious
generous indigenous metalliferous pendulous
globulous indubious meticulous penurious
glorious industrious miraculous perfidious
glutenous inebrious miscellaneous periculous
glutinous infamous mischievous perilous
gluttonous infelicitous monogamous perjurous
graminivorous ingenious monotonous perspicuous
gratuitous ingenuous mountainous pervious
gregarious inglorious mucilaginous pesterous
harmonious inharmonious multifarious pestiferous
hazardous iniquitous multitudinous petalous
herbaceous injurious multivious piteous
heterogeneous innocuous murderous platinous
hideous inodorous murmurous platitudinous
hilarious inquisitorius mutinous plenteous
homogeneous insensuous mysterious poisonous
homologous insidious nauseous polygamous
humorous instantaneous nebulous ponderous
idolatrous invidious necessitous populous
igneous jeopardous nectareous posthumous
ignominious laborious nefarious precarious
illustrious languorous notorious precipitous
imaginous lascivious numerous predaceous
immeritous lecherous oblivious preposterous
impecunious leguminous obsequious presumptuous
imperious libelous obstreperous previous
impervious libidinous obvious promiscuous
impetuous ligneous odious prosperous
impious litigious odoriferous pseudonymous
imponderous ludicrous odorous punctilious
imposturous lugubrious oleaginous pusillanimous
incendious luminous ominous quarrelous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
303 US — USK

querulous stridulous vainglorious douche

rancorous studious valetudinarious gobemouche
rapturous subterraneous valetudinous Hindu Kush
ravenous sulphurous valorous Joosh
rebellious sumptuous vaporous mouche
resinous supercilious various ruche
ridiculous superfluous vegetous Scaramouch
rigorous synchronous velutinous
riotous synonymous venomous USH
roisterous tautologous ventriculous blush
ruinous tedious venturous brush
sacchariferous temerarious verdurous crush
salacious tempestuous verisimilous flush
salubrious tenebrous verminous gush
sanctimonious tenuous vernaculous hush
sanguineous thunderous vertiginous lush
saponaceous timidous vicarious missel thrush
savorous timorous vicissitudinous mush
scandalous tintinnabulous victorious outblush
scintillous tortuous vigorous outrush
scrofulous torturous villainous plush
scrupulous traitorous viperous rush
scrutinous treacherous virtuous slush
scurrilous treasonous vitreous thrush
sedulous tremulous viviparous tush
sensuous tuberculous vociferous underbrush
serious tumultuous voluminous uprush
setaceous tyrannous voluptuous
sibilous ubiquitous voraginous USK
simultaneous unanimous vortiginous adusk
sinuous unchivalrous vulturous brusque
slanderous undulous zoophagous busk
slumberous ungenerous dehusk
solicitous unscrupulous tJSH dusk
somniferous uproarious barouche fuse
spontaneous usurious bonne bouche husk
spurious uxorious bouche Lusk
stentorious vacuous cartouche musk
strenuous vagarious debouch rusk

old, dr, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
USK — U T 304

subfusk disgust beetroot dispute

tusk distrust Beirut disrepute
dost birthday suit dissolute
USP dust birthroot dress suit
cusp encrust bitterroot electrocute
entrust bloodroot emeute
UST fust boot enroot
adduced gust breadfruit en route
deduced just breadroot evolute
unproduced lust brierroot execute
(See also US; mistrust bruit firstfruit
add -ed where must brut flagroot
appropriate.) nonplussed brute flute
robust bumbershoot folie du doute
rust butte folkmoot
boost sawdust Butte forbidden fruit
browst self-distrustcahoot freeboot
joust Stardust Canute fruit
loosed thrust cheroot galoot
noosed trust chute grapefruit
roost unjust cloot gym suit
roust untrussed comminute Hatshepsut
spruced wanderlust commute hirsute
unloosed (See also US;compute hoot
vamoosed add -ed whereconfute imbrute
appropriate.)consolute immute
constitute impute
adjust UT
convolute institute
adust absolute
coot involute
angel dust acute
coralroot irresolute
angust argute
cornute jackboot
august arrowroot
crinkleroot jackfruit
bedust astute
crowboot jute
betrust Asyut
cube root Knut
blind trust attribute
cute lawsuit
bust baldicoot
deaf-mute loot
coadjust bandicoot
depute lute
combust bathing suit
destitute malamute
crust beaut
dilute marabout
ale, dire, add, arm, 3sk; me, h§re, dnd; Ice, ill;
305 UT — U T S

meute scoot zoot suit woodcut

minute scute
moot seroot UT UTH
musquash root shoot abut besmooth
mute slack suit astrut booth
newt sluit besmut polling booth
obvolute smoot betel nut smooth
but soothe
offshoot snakeroot
orangeroot snoot butt Uth
orrisroot snowsuit catgut booth
outshoot solute clear-cut Duluth
overboot soot coconut forsooth
overshoot space suit crut insooth
pants suit square root cut ruth
pantsuit squawroot glut sleuth
parachute statute gut sooth
passion fruit subacute halibut tooth
permute substitute hut truth
persecute suit jut uncouth
Piute sunsuit Lilliput untooth
playsuit suppute McNutt untruth
pollute sweat suit mutt youth
prosecute swimsuit nut
prostitute taproot occiput Uth
pursuit toot outshut doth
puttyroot tracksuit peanut
putt UTHD
Rajput transmute
rebut smoothed
reconstitute trapshoot
rut unsoothed
recruit troubleshoot
scut (See also UTH;
redroot unboot
scuttlebutt add -ed where
refute undershoot appropriate.)
repute union suit shut
resolute unroot slut UTS
restitute uproot smut boots
revolute upshoot strut cahoots
root Ute surrebut (See also UT;
route versute tut add -s where
salute volute uncut appropriate.)
Salyut wet suit water butt
old, or, I, oil, foTrt, t; use, urn, >; THis, thin
UTS — UZH 306

UTS mourning dove circumfuse the blues

ifs, ands, or self-love confuse transfuse
buts shove contuse trews
klutz truelove cruise use
nuts turtledove cruse Vera Cruz
putz unglove diffuse who's
smuts disabuse whose
(See also UT; UVD disuse (See also U;
add -s where approved effuse add -s where
appropriate.) unimproved enthuse appropriate.)
unmoved excuse
UV unproved fuse UZ
amove unreproved guze Chartreuse
approve (See also UV; Hughes
behoove add -ed where incuse
disapprove appropriate.) infuse
disprove interfuse
groove UVD lose
improve beloved mews coz
ingroove unbeloved misuse does
move unloved muse doz.
prove (See also UV; news fuzz
remove add -ed where noose Luz
reprove appropriate.) ooze Uz
you've percussion fuse
UZ perfuse UZD
UV abuse peruse abused
above accuse refuse fused
belove amuse ruse ill-used
dove bemuse Santa Cruz misused
foxglove Betelgeuse schmooze self-accused
glove blues sea ooze
ladylove booze snooze UZH
light-o'-love bruise suffuse Bruges
love choose superinfuse rouge

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hijre, end; ice, ill;
307 A'ad — A b e

• Section II •

For a discussion of words included under the following accented vow-

els, see the beginning of A rhymes in Section I.

A'ad mayn't AB'urd.) blabby

naiad cabby
Aba AB'as crabby
A'al dabby
copaiba Barabbas
Baal drabby
betrayal flabby
defrayal gabby
Aba Sabbath
portrayal grabby
surveyal rabbi
Addis Ababa A'be
A an AH Baba Abey scabby
Altaian baba Abie shabby
Biscayan casaba baby slabby
Malayan indaba bush baby tabby
Kaaba crybaby yabbi
A'ans yabby
piassaba gaby
conveyance maybe
A'ban A'be
purveyance kohlrabi
Laban AB'e
abbey Punjabi
A ant AB'ard Abbie squabby
abeyant (See also babby tabi

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'be —AB'le 308

Wahabi tabid scabbing night table

slabbing retable
AB'er AB'U stabbing Round Table
(See also cabbage taxicabbing sable
AB'ur.) stable
AB'ik AB'it table
AB'es asyllabic babbitt timetable
abbess bisyllabic Babbitt turntable
decasyllabic cohabit unable
AB'est dissyllabic grab it unstable
blabbest hendecasyl- habit water table
dabbest labic inhabit worktable
drabbest imparisyllabic rabbet
gabbest monosyllabic rabbit AB"1
grabbest multisyllabic riding habit babble
jabbest octosyllabic bedabble
stabbest parisyllabic AB'jekt bedrabble
polysyllabic abject brabble
AB'eth quadrisyllable cabbie
blabbeth syllabic A'b'l dabble
dabbeth trisyllabic Abel drabble
gabbeth Abe'll gabble
grabbeth AB'il able gibble-gabble
jabbeth labile Babel grabble
stabbeth (See also cable habile
AB"1.) card table jabble
A'bez disable rabble
babies A'bln disenable ribble-rabble
Jabez Sabine dwaible scabble
rabies enable scrabble
scabies AB'ing end table
tabes blabbing fable AB'le
(See also A'be; cabbing flabel ably
add -s where confabbing gable stably
appropriate.) dabbing label unstably
gabbing labile
AB'id grabbing Mabel AB'le
crabbed jabbing Nabal babbly
rabid nabbing nabel dabbly

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, end; ice, ill;
309 AB'le — ACH'el

drably AB'ling A bob dabber

scrabbly babbling nabob gabber
bedabbling gibber-jabber
Ablest bedrabbling AB'ot grabber
ablest brabbling "abbot jabber
cablest cabbling Abbott knabber
(See also dabbling Cabot nabber
A'b'l; add drabbling sabot slabber
-est where gabbling stabber
appropriate.) grabbling A'bra yabber
scrabbling candelabra
AB'lest AB'urd
babblest A'brak belabored
bedabblest AB'lish daybreak
disestablish unlabored
brabblest (See also
dabblest establish AB'sens
reestablish A'bur; add
drabblest absence -ed where
gabbiest stablish
scrabblest AB'sent
A'blur absent
AB'let abler beslabbered
tablet. disabler A'bur
enabler beggar-my-
neighbor gabbard
AB'leth fabler
cableth belabor jabbered
stabler scabbard
(See also caber
tabler slabbered
A'b'l; add Gheber
-eth where good-neighbor tabard
appropriate.) AB'lur labor
babbler neighbor ACH'e
AB'leth bedrabbler saber catchy
babbleth brabbler tabor patchy ^
bedabbleth cabbler scratchy
brabbleth dabbler AB'ur seecatchie
dabbleth drabbler beslabber snatchy
drabbleth gabbler blabber
gabbleth grabbler bonnyclabber ACH'el
grabbeth scabbier clabber Rachel
scrabbleth scrabbler crabber Vachel

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ACH'el —AD'a 310

ACH'el ACH'ez catchment ACH'wurk

hatchel attaches detachment catchwork
satchel batches dispatchment patchwork
catches hatchment
ACH'est detaches ratchment Ada
attachest dispatches heyday
hatches ACH'6 lay day
latches macho Mayday
matches nacho payday
Natchez playday
patches ACH'up
scratches catchup Ada
snatches Ada
thatches ACH'ur armada
unlatches denature cicada
snatchest legislature digitigrada
thatchest ACH'ing nature Grenada
unlatchest attaching nomenclature Maida
batching Veda
ACH'et catching ACH'ur Zayda
Bob Cratchet detaching attacher
hatchet dispatching back scratcher AD'a
latchet body snatcher adda
ratchet catcher dada
matching conycatcher
ACH'eth patching detacher AD'a
attacheth scratching dispatcher armada
batcheth snatching flycatcher autostrada
catcheth thatching hatcher cicada
ietacheth unlatching matcher colada
iispatcheth patcher dada
hatcheth ACH'les scratcher Dada
latcheth matchless snatcher empanada
matcheth patchless Thatcher enchilada
oatcheth scratchless thatcher Granada
scratcheth thatchless unlatcher Haggadah
matcheth Intifada
thatcheth ACH'ment ACH'wa Nevada
unlatcheth attachment hatchway panada

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
311 AD'a — AD'est

pina colada jady cannonaded milkmaiden

posada lady degraded overladen
Sierra Nevada landlady dissuaded sea-maiden
maidy evaded serving maiden
AD'am milady faded underladen
Adam O'Grady graded unladen
macadam shady invaded
madam jaded AD'en
McAdam AD'e masqueraded Abaddon
baddie persuaded engladden
AD'ans, Big Daddy pervaded gladden
AD'ens caddie raided madden
aidance caddy serenaded Macfadden
cadence daddy shaded McFadden
decadence faddy traded sadden
finnan haddie unaided
AD'ant, gladdy unbraided AD'en
AD'ent haddie unfaded Aden
abradant laddie unshaded
aidant paddy upbraided AD'ens
cadent plaidie waded cadence
decadent sugar daddy (See also
AD'ed AD'ans.)_
AD'kap A'de added
madcap cadi padded AD'ent
irade plaided cadent
A'de Mahdi superadded (See also
bag lady qadi AD'ant.)
belady wadi AD'en
Brady Aden AD'est
braidy AD'ed Aidenn abradest
cadi abraded bowermaiden aidest
cascady aided dairymaiden bejadest
charlady ambuscaded handmaiden braidest
cleaning lady barricaded heavy-laden degradest
fady bejaded laden dissuadest
forelady blockaded maiden evadest
glady braided menhaden fadest
Grady brocaded mermaiden invadest

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
AD'est —AD'jet

madest addeth triadic unbraiding

overpersuadest gladdeth vanadic underaiding
persuadest paddeth unlading
pervadest AD'ing upbraiding
staidest AD'ez abrading wading
tradest Hades aiding
upbraidest ladies ambuscading AD'ing
wadest barricading adding
AD'ez bejading gadding
AD'est caddies blockading gladding
oddest (See also AD'e; braiding madding
baddest drop the -y and brocading padding
gaddest add -ies where cascading superadding
gladdest appropriate.) co-aiding -
maddest crusading AD is
paddest AD'ful degrading Addis
saddest gladful dissuading caddis
madful enfilading AD'ish
AD'eth sadful evading jadish
aideth (See also AD; fading maiHish
bejadeth add -ful where free trading
HIV*! U l C U U l o l I
braideth appropriate.) gasconading
degradeth grading QffliHich
dissuadeth AD'U insider trading
evadeth adage invading AD'ish
fadeth jading baddish
invadeth AD'ik lading caddish
madeth Cycladic masquerading faddish
over-per- decadic overlading gladdish
suadeth dyadic overpersuading horseradish
pervadeth faradic parading maddish
raideth haggadic persuading radish
serenadeth Helladic pervading saddish
spadeth monadic raiding
tradeth nomadic retrograding AD'it
upbraideth octadic serenading adit
wadeth Sotadic shading
sporadic spading AD'jet
AD'eth tetradic trading gadget

ale, care, add, arm, 3sk; me, hfire, find; Ice, 111;
313 AD'jet —AD'ok

Padgett madly AD'Iur fumado

sadly addler gambado
AD"I daddler grenado
cradle AD'les faddler muscovado
dreidel aidless fiddle-faddler renegado
encradle barricadeless paddler scalado
hadal bladeless raddler stoccado
ladle braidless saddler strappado
tradal brigadeless skedaddler tornado
brocadeless straddler
AD"1 fadeless AD'6
addle gradeless AD'man foreshadow
astraddle maidless Cadman overshadow
bestraddle paradeless > shadow
daddle serenadeless AD'mus
dog paddle shadeless Cadmus A'do
faddle spadeless amontillado
ADne amorado
fiddle-faddle tradeless
Ariadne avocado
packsaddle bravado
paddle AD'ling AD'nes Colorado
raddle cradling staidness dado
saddle encradling unstaidness desperado
scaddle ladling El Dorado
sidesaddle AD'nes imbrocado
skedaddle AD'ling badness Mikado
spraddle addling gladness passado
staddle daddling madness
straddle faddling plaidness
unsaddle fiddle-faddling sadness strappado
paddling ttavado
AD'le raddling A'dft
gradely saddling ambuscado AD'od
retrogradely skedaddling barricado foreshadowed
staidly spraddling bastinado overshadowed
straddling camisado shadowed
AD'le unsaddling carbonado unshadowed
badly crusado
Bradley AD'lok dado AD'ok
gladly padlock desperado haddock

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, firn, Op; THis, thin
AD'ok —A'eth 314

paddock raider A'eb sayest

raddocke serenader sahib slayest
shaddock trader sprayest
unbraider A'est stayest
AD'on upbraider allayest surveyest
Abaddon wader arrayest swayest
assayest underpayest
AD'os AD'ur bayest uplayest
extrados adder betrayest waylayest
intrados bladder bewrayest weighest
gadder brayest
AD'pol gladder conveyest A'eth
tadpole ladder defrayest allayeth
madder delayest arrayeth
AD'som padder dismayest assayeth
gladsome sadder disobeyest betrayeth
madsome stepladder displayest bewrayeth
essayest brayeth
AD'ur A'dur flayest conveyeth
aider cadre frayest decayeth
barricader gainsayest defrayeth
blockader AD'us gayest delayeth
braider gradus grayest dismayeth
corporate greyest disobeyeth
raider AD'vent inlayest displayeth
crusader advent inveighest essayeth
degrader layest frayeth
dissuader AD'vurb mislayest gainsayeth
evader adverb missayest inlayeth
free trader obeyest inveigheth
gasconader A'e overpayest layeth
grader clayey overstayest mislayeth
harquebusader spayey payest missayeth
invader wheyey playest obeyeth
nadir portrayest overpayeth
overpersuader A'e prayest overstayeth
parader Baha'i preyest payeth
persuader ruba'i purveyest playeth
promenader Tai repayest portrayeth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 2nd; Ice, 111;
315 A'eth — AF'ing

prayeth chafeth graphic Sapphic

preyeth Japheth heliographic scenographic
purveyeth vouchsafeth heterographic sciagraphic
repayeth hierographic seismographic
sayeth AF'gan historiographic selenographic
slayeth Afghan holographic seraphic
stayeth homographic siderographic
strayeth AF'ik homolographic sphenographic
surveyeth anaglypto- horologio- stenographic
swayeth graphic graphic stereographic
underpayeth autobiographic hydrographic stratigraphic
upiayeth autographic hyetographic stratographic
waylayeth bibliographic ichnographic stylographic
weigheth biographic ideographic tachygraphic
cacographic idiographic telegraphic
AF'* calligraphic isographic topographic
caff cartographic lexicographic traffic
chirographic lexigraphic typographic
A'ttr choreographic lichenographic uranographic
Mayfair chorographic lithographic xylographic
Playfair chromographic logographic zincographic
chronographic macrographic zoographic
AF'4 cinemato- maffick
baffy graphic micrographic
chaffy clinographic monographic chafing
daffy cosmographic neurographic enchafmg
draffy cryptographic oleographic vouchsafing
taffy crystallo- orographic
graphic orthographic
A'feld dactylographic paleographic AF'ing
Mayfield demographic pantographic chaffing
Rayfield diagraphic paragraphic gaffing
edaphic pasigraphic graffing
AF'est epigraphic petrpgraphic heliographing
chafest epitaphic phonographic lithographing
safest ethnographic photographic paragraphing
vouchsafest galvanographic polygraphic photographing
geographic pornographic stenographing
AF'eth glyptographic pyrographic telegraphing

old, or, odd, oil, fcJot, out; use, flrn, flp; THis, thin
AF'ing —AF'ur 316

AF'ing AF'old draughtest handicraftsman

laughing Saffold graftest raftsman
quaffing scaffold waftest
strafing AF'tur
AF'rfi! AF'teth wafture
AF'Ir taffrail draughteth
sapphire grafteth AF'tur
AF'rik wafteth after
AF'ish Afric dafter
raffish AFT'hors drafter
AF'ron draft horse grafter
AF"! saffron shaft horse hafter
baffle hereafter
gaffle AF'som AF'ty hereinafter
haffle laughsome waftage laughter
raffle rafter
scraffle AF'te AF'ting thereafter
snaffle safety engrafting wafter
yaffle drafting
AF'te grafting A'ful
AF'Ie crafty hafting playful
safely drafty rafting trayful
unsafely grafty shafting
wafting A'fur
AF'ling AF'ted chafer
baffling upwafted AFT'Ies cockchafer
haffling wafted craftless safer
raffling draftless wafer
scraffling AF'ted graftless
snaffling drafted raftless AF'ur
engrafted shaftless Kaffir
AF'lur grafted zaffer
baffler ingrafted AF'ton
haffler rafted Afton AF'ur
raffler shafted Grafton chaffer
scraffler wafted gaffer
AFTS'man gruffer
AF'nS AF'test craftsman laugher
Daphne daftest draftsman quaffer

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, end; Ice, 111;
317 AF'urd — AG'ling

AF'urd AG'art AG'ed bagging

Safford braggart cragged bragging
Stafford Taggart jagged dragging
Trafford ragged fagging
scragged flagging
AG'a gagging
plaga AG'end lagging
moss agate
rutabaga fag end magging
(See also
saga lagend nagging
AG'a AG est sagging
aga AG'e plaguest tagging
quagga Aggie vaguest unflagging
baggy wagging
Aga braggy AG'est
aga craggy braggest AG'is
saga daggy draggest haggis
draggy faggest
AG'al faggy flaggest AG'ish
bagel flaggy gaggest haggish
finagle gaggy laggest laggish
Hegel haggy naggest naggish
inveigle jaggy waggest waggish
paigle knaggy
plagal laggy AG'eth AG'I
vagal Maggie braggeth bedaggle
naggy draggeth bedraggle
AG'an quaggy faggeth daggle
Hagan raggy flaggeth draggle
O'Hagan ragi gaggeth gaggle
pagan saggy laggeth haggle
Regan scraggy naggeth raggle
shaggy raggeth raggle-taggle
AG'ard slaggy waggeth straggle
haggard snaggy waggel
laggard staggy AG'U waggle
staggard swaggy baggage
staggered taggy AG'ling
swaggered waggy AG'ing bedaggling

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AG'ling — A'hoo 318

bedraggling agnate flagon AG'ur

daggling magnate pendragon maigre
draggling stagnate snapdragon plaguer
gaggling wagon vaguer
haggling AG'nes
Higgling Agnes AG'ur
straggling bagger
waggling AG'net bragger
magnet carpetbagger
AG'lur dagger
(See also
bedraggler AG'num dragger
daggler magnum fagger
draggler flagger
AG'pi four-bagger
haggler Ago magpie
straggler cacafuego gagger
waggler farrago jagger
AG'pIp lagger
galago bagpipe
AG'mag galapago magger
cagmag imago nagger
AG'rans one-bagger
AG'man flagrance ragger
bagman fragrance sagger
plumbago (See also
dragman stagger
sago AG'rant; add •s swagger
flagman San Diego
ragman where appro- tagger
sebago priate.) three-bagger
AG'ment two-bagger
Tierra del ]
fragment AG'rant wagger
virago fragrant A'gus
AG'mlr vorago infragrant archimagus
vagrant choragus
AG'mite Chicago
stalagmite farrago AG'rik AGZ'man
lago chiragric cragsman
AG'nant Santiago podagric dragsman
AG'on A'gu A'hoo
AG'nat dragon ague wahoo

ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, Snd; ice, 111;

319 A'hoo — A'jent

yahoo tesseraic neighing grayish

trochaic obeying greyish
A'U voltaic outlaying silver-grayish
drayage outstaying
weighage A'ing outweighing A'ist
allaying overlaying algebraist
A'ik amaying overpaying archaist
Alcaic arraying overstaying prosaist
algebraic assaying paying Ptolemaist
Alhambraic baying playing
Altaic belaying portraying A'iz'm
ante-Mosaic betraying praying Chaldaism
apotropaic bewraying prepaying Laism
Aramaic braying preying Mosaism
archaic claying purveying prosaism
Brahmaic conveying relaying
Chaldaic decaying repaying A'ja
Cyrenaic defraying saying maharaja
deltaic delaying slaying raja
Eddaic disarraying soothsaying
formulaic dismaying spraying AJ'ant
Hebraic disobeying staying pageant
Jagataic displaying surveying
Judaic essaying swaying A'je
laic flaying undecaying cagey
mosaic foresaying underpaying ragy
Mosaic fraying underplaying sagy
paradisaic gainsaying unsaying stagy
Pharisaic haying unweighing
prosaic horseplaying waylaying AJ'e
Ptolemaic hurraying weighing cadgy
Passaic inlaying hadji
Romaic interlaying A'is howadji
Sadduseaic interplaying dais
Sinaic inveighing Lais AJ'ed
sodaic laying aged
spondaic maying A'ish
stanzaic mislaying clayish A'jent
stenopaic missaying gayish agent

old, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
A'jent — A J'us 320

double agent gauges gauging AJ'ur

reagent greengages paging ager
outrages presaging assuager
AJ'est pages raging eager
agest pre-engages staging disengager
assuagest presages drum major
engagest rages AJ'ing engager
enragest sages badging enrager
gagest stages cadging gager
gaugest wages gauger
outragest weather gauges AJ'Ie major
presagest sagely old stager
ragest AJ'ik pager
sagest archipelagic AJ'les presager
stagest ellagic rager
swagest hemorrhagic sager
wagest magic sergeant major
omophagic gageless stager
AJ'eth pelagic gaugeless swager
ageth tragic teenager
assuageth trumpet major
engageth AJ'il sageless wager
enrageth agile stageless
gageth fragile wageless AJ'ur
gaugeth _ agger
outrageth Aj'in AJ'ling badger
presageth imagine cageling cadger
wageth AJ'ind AJ'ment AJ'us
imagined assuagement advantageous
AJ'ez unimagined encagement ambagious
ages engagement contagious
assuages AJ'ing enragement courageous
cages aging pre-engage- disadvanta-
disengages assuaging ment geous
encages caging presagement oragious
engages engaging outrageous
enrages enraging AJ'nes rampageous
gages gaging sageness umbrageous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; ice, 111;
321 A'ka — AK'est

A'ka AK'e sukiyaki AK'end

Jamaica achy teriyaki awakened
raca braky unawakened
caky AK'ed (See also
AK'a faky naked AK'en;
alpaca flaky (See also AK; add -ed where
Malacca headachy add -ed where appropriate.)
polacca laky appropriate.)
quaky AK'est
A'ka shaky achest
jararaca slaky awakest
snaky bakest
AK'al betakest
jackal AK'e breakest
pack-all godforsaken
blackie fakest
cracky forsakest
AK'ard kraken
hackie makest
Packard hacky mistaken
placard overtaken
Iraqi opaquest
khaki overtakest
AK'at rewaken
knacky partakest
baccate shaken
lackey quakest
placate taken
maki rakest
saccate undertaken
Nagasaki shakest
quacky spakest
AK'brand unmistaken
raki stakest
crack-brained unshaken
tacky takest
slack-brained untaken
ticky-tacky undertakest
wacky wakest
AK'but waken
hackbut wind-shaken AK'est
sackbut A'ke, A'ke attackest
cocky AK'en backest
AK'daw Iraqi blacken blackest
jackdaw kaki bracken clackest
khaki slacken crackest
AK'doun Nagasaki hackest
breakdown sake A'ken lackest
shakedown saki kraken packest

old, or, ddd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AK'est —AK'ish 322

quackest forsaketh AK'U slaking

rackest maketh package spaking
ransackest mistaketh sackage staking
sackest overtaketh stackage stocktaking
slackest partaketh trackage taking
smackest quaketh wrackage undertaking
tackest raketh unmaking
trackest shaketh AK'ik upbreaking
unpackest staketh Bacchic uptaking
whackest taketh stomachic waking
AK'et AK'ing AK'ing
bluejacket aching attacking
bracket awaking backing
AK'eth bivouacking
cracket attacketh backbreaking
flacket baking blacking
backeth clacking
Hackett blacketh betaking
jacket braking cracking
clacketh hacking
leatherjacket cmcketh breaking
lumber jacket breathtaking knacking
hacketh lacking
nacket lacketh caking
packet dressmaking packing
packeth quacking
placket quacketh earthshaking
racket faking racking
racketh ransacking
rackett ransacketh flaking
red jacket forsaking sacking
sacketh slacking
sacket slacketh haymaking
sports jacket heartbreaking smacking
smacketh tacking
straitjacket tacketh housebreaking
tacket lovemaking thwacking
tracketh tracking
yellow jacket unpacketh making
merrymaking unpacking
AK'eth whacketh
mistaking AK'ish
acheth overtaking rakish
awaketh AK'ful
wakeful painstaking snakish
baketh partaking
betaketh quaking AK'ish
breaketh AK'U raking blackish
faketh breakage shaking brackish

ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;

323 AK'ish — AK'sent

knackish cackly AK'nes A'korn

quackish crackly blackness acorn
shackly slackness
AK'kloth tackly AK'pot
packcloth AK'ne crackpot
sackcloth AK'les acne jackpot
knackless hackney
AK"1 sackless AK'red
cackle trackless AK'ning sacred
crackle wakening
debacle AK'let AK'rid
grackle lakelet A'ko acrid
hackle Saco
hibernacle AK'ling Waco AK'ring
cackling sacring
crackling AKo
hackling goracco AK'rist
shackling Sacco sacrist
tackling shako
retackle tobacco AK'rum
shackle AK'log sacrum
spackle backlog A'ko simulacrum
Spackle hacklog guaco
tabernacle guanaco AK'se
tackle AK'lur Gran Chaco biotaxy
unshackle cackler braxy
untackle crackler AK'of Cotopaxi
hackler takeoff flaxy
AK'ld shackler heterotaxy
cackled tackier A'kob homotaxy
unshackled Jacob taxi
(See also AK'man waxy
AK"l;add-«/ blackman AK'on
where jackman bacon AK'sen
appropriate.) packman Lacon vaccine
AK'le AK'me (See also AK'sent
blackly acme AK'en.) accent

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AK'ses —AK'test 324

AK'ses infraction AK'sis AK'ted

access interaction axis abstracted
labefaction praxis acted
AK'sez liquefaction synaxis attracted
axes lubrifaction taxis compacted
madefaction contracted
AK'sez malefaction AK's'l counteracted
axes paction axle detracted
battle-axes petrifaction distracted
Maxie's protraction AKS'man enacted
relaxes putrefaction cracksman exacted
taxes rarefaction tacksman extracted
waxes reaction overacted
redaction AK'son protracted
AK'shun refraction
Anglo-Saxon reacted
abreaction retraction
caxon refracted
abstraction retroaction
flaxen retracted
action rubefaction
Jackson subtracted
arefaction satisfaction
klaxon transacted
assuefaction stupefaction
Saxon unacted
attraction subaction
benefaction subtraction waxen underacted
calefaction labefaction
AK'sta AK'test
coaction taction
compaction tepefaction backstay abstractest
contaction torrefaction jackstay actest
contraction traction attractest
counteraction transaction AK'ston contractest
counterattrac- tumefaction Braxton counteractest
tion Caxton detractest
detraction AK'shus Claxton distractest
diffraction factious enactest
dissatisfaction fractious AKS'wel exactest
distraction Maxwell extractest
exaction AK'sid protractest
extraction flaccid AK'tat reactest
faction ablactate retractest
fraction AK'sim lactate subtractest
inaction maxim tractate transactest

ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;

325 AK'teth —AK'tiir

AK'teth AK'tll AK'tit AKT'les

abstracteth attractile stalactite actless
acteth contractile bractless
attracteth dactyl AK'tiv factless
contracteth didactyl abstractive tactless
counteracteth heterodactyl active tractless
detracteth leptodactyl attractive
distracteth pachydactyl calefactive AKT'ment
enacteth protractile coactive enactment
exacteth pterodactyl contractive extractment
extracteth retractile counteractive reenactment
protracteth tactile counterattrac-
reacteth tractile tive AKT'nes
retracteth detractive compactness
subtracteth AK'ting ^ diffractive exactness
transacteth abstracting distractive intactness
acting enactive
AKT'ful attracting extractive AK'to
tactful contracting inactive de facto
counteracting liquefactive ex post facto
„ detracting olfactive
AK'tik distracting petrifactive AK'tres
catallactic double-acting protractive actress
didactic enacting putrefactive benefactress
emphractic exacting radioactive contractress
eupractic infracting rarefactive detractress
galactic overacting reactive exactress
intergalactic protracting refractive factress
lactic reacting retractive malefactress
parallactic refracting retroactive
prophylactic retracting satisfactive AK'tiir
protactic retroacting stupefactive facture
stalactic self-acting subtractive fracture
syntactic subtracting tractive manufacture
tactic transacting vitrifacture
underacting AKT'le
AK'tiks compactly AK'tiir
catallactics AK'tis exactly abactor
tactics practice matter-of-factly abstracter

old, or, ddd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
AK'tur — A'kwSn 326

actor AK'ur naker lacker

attracter acre pacemaker lacquer
attractor awaker painstaker nutcracker
benefactor backbreaker partaker packer
chiropractor baker peacemaker quacker
climacter ballad maker Quaker racker
compacter boilermaker raker ransacker
contactor boneshaker Sabbath sacker
contractor bookmaker breaker slacker
detractor braker saker smacker
distracter breaker shaker snacker
enactor caretaker Shaker stacker
exacter clockmaker shoemaker tacker
extractor dressmaker simulacre thwacker
factor faker staker tracker
infractor fakir stavesacre unpacker
malefactor flaker strikebreaker whacker
olfactor forsaker taker yakker
phylacter God's acre tiebreaker
protractor grubstaker troublemaker AK'urz
reactor haymaker truce breaker awakers
redactor heartbreaker undertaker breakers
refractor housebreaker waker (See also
retractor icebreaker watchmaker AK'ur; add
subcontractor image breaker wiseacre -s where
subtracter . image maker appropriate.)
tactor jawbreaker AK'ur
tractor laker attacker AK'us
transactor Laker backer Bacchus
varactor lawbreaker blacker Flaccus
lawmaker bushwacker jacchus
AK'tus maker clacker
matchmaker clamcracker AK'wa
cactus merrymaker corncracker backway
mischief-maker cracker packway
AK'up mistaker firecracker trackway
breakup money-maker hacker
makeup moonraker hijacker A'kwen
wake-up nacre knacker fay queen
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; Ice, 111;
327 A'kwen— A'les

May queen inhalant A'le valley

intranscalent Bailey
AK'woodz transcalent bailie A'le
backwoods Braley finale
A'lanks capercaillie kali
Ala phalanx daily pastorale
gala Daly
shillalah AL'ard Disraeli A'leb
Allard gaily Caleb
AL'a Ballard Haley
Allah Callard Israeli AL'ek
calla mallard kali Aleck
galla Mailly Halleck
mashallah AL'as Maley smart aleck
Valhalla balas Old Bailey Talleck
Dallas shaly
Ala palace shillelagh AL'en
gala Pallas ukelele Alan
(See also vale Allen
AL'ad AL'is.)
ballad AL'e AL'enj
salad alley challenge
ballast Allie
AL'ans Aunt Sally AL'enjd
balance bally challenged
counterbalance AL'bum dally unchallenged
outbalance album dilly-dally
overbalance galley AL'ens
valance AL'burd Hallie valence
jailbird kali
AL'anst Lallie AL'ent
balanced AL'burt O'Malley gallant
outbalanced Albert rally talent
overbalanced Sallie ungallant
unbalanced AL'dik sally
heraldic Sally A'les
AL'ant shilly-shally clayless
assailant AL'din tally dayless
exhalant Aldine tomalley hayless

old, or, ddd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'les — AL'ik 328

payless wailest veileth bailage

playless waileth curtailage
preyless AL'et retailage
rayless gallet A'lez or A'lez
sprayless mallet or A'lez AL'ik
wayless palate Gonzales Gaelic
palette malic
AL'est pallet AL'fa Salic
ailest sallet alfalfa
assailest valet alpha AL'ik
availest acrocephalic
bailest AL'eth AL'fred bimetallic
balest aileth Alfred brachisto-
bewailest assaileth cephalic
curtailest availeth AL'ful brachycephalic
derailest baileth baleful cephalic
detailest baleth pailful dolichocephalic
engaolest bewaileth wailful encephalic
entailest curtaileth
exhalest deraileth AL'gam eurycephalic
failest detaileth amalgam Gallic
frailest engaoleth grallic
hailest entaileth AL'id italic
halest exhaleth dallied macrencephalic
impalest haileth dilly-dallied macrocephalic
inhalest impaleth impallid malic
mailest inhaleth invalid medallic
nailest naileth pallid mesocephalic
outsailest outsaileth rallied metallic
palest paleth sallied microcephalic
prevailest prevaileth shilly-shallied monometallic
quailest quaileth tallied oxalic
railest raileth valid phallic
regalest regaleth platycephalic
retailest retaileth AL'if salic
sailest saileth bailiff thallic
scalest scaleth Caliph Uralic
frailest traileth Vandalic
unveilest unveileth AL'u vocalic

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, gnd; ice, 111;
329 AL'ik — AL'6

AL'ik railing nostalgy availment

pashalic regaling odontalgy bailment
retailing bewail ment
AL'iks sailing AL'jik curtailment
calyx scaling antalgic derailment
Salix Schmeling cephalalgic entailment
tailing neuralgic impalement
AL'in or trailing nostalgic inhalement
AL'in unveiling odontalgic prevailment
Stalin veiling regalement
wailing AL'kar retailment
AL'ing whaling mail car
ailing wholesaling railcar AL'mud
assailing Talmud
availing AL'ing AL'kat
bailing caballing defalcate AL'muk
baling palling falcate Kalmuck
blackmailing AL'is AL'ker AL'nes
countervailing Alice Valkyr frailness
curtailing all ice AL'kin haleness
derailing chalice paleness
detailing Challis staleness
empaling malice AL'le
entailing (See also frailly A'16
exhaling AL'as.) halely halo
grayling palely
Greyling AL'is staley AL'o
hailing Cornwall is Allhallow
haling AL'ma aloe
impaling AL'ish Alma callow
inhaling palish Thalma dishallow
jailing shalish fallow
mailing stalish AL'mat hallow
nailing palmate mallow
outsailing AL'je marshmallow
paling algae AL'ment sallow
prevailing cephalalgy ailment shallow
quailing neuralgy assail ment summer-fallow

old, dr, odd, oil, fdOt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AL'6 — AL'yan 330

tallow AL'spin nailer Calvin

unhallow tailspin paler
prevailer AL'vo
AL'6 AL'te quailer salvo
swallow frailty railer
wallow regaler AL'vur
(See also O'lo.) AL'td retailer quacksalver
alto sailer salver
AL'on contralto sailor salvor
gallon Sayler
talon AL'to scaler AL'vurt
rialto squalor Calvert
AL'on staler
salon AL'u tailor AL'win
undervalue Taylor Alwin
AL'op value trailer
gallop unveiler AL'ya
jalap AL'um wailer azalea
scallop alum whaler Bacchanalia
shallop castalia
AL'ur AL'ur dahlia
AL'ot failure caballer mammalia
ballot pallor marginalia
AL'ur valor paraphernalia
ALoz assailer penetralia
gallows bailer AL'us regalia
hallows baler callous saturnalia
(See also „ bewailer gallus terminalia
AL'6; add curtailer
-s where derailer AL'va AL'ya
appropriate.) detailer Alva dahlia
entailer Alvah
AL'pin failer Halveh AL'ya
Alpine frailer dahlia
cisalpine gaoler AL'vy
transalpine haler salvage AL'yan
impaler alien
AL'ping inhaler AL'vin Australian
scalping jailer Alvin bacchanalian

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
331 ALyan —AM'b'l

Daedalian salesman teledrama appropriate.)

Episcopalian talesman Teshu Lama
Idalian whalesman Vasco da Gama AM'ba
mammalian video drama gamba
marsupialian AM'a Yama
Messalian Bahama Yokohama AM'be
paralian krama Bambi
phantasmalian A'man namby-pamby
Phigalian AM'a cayman
Pygmalion Alabama dayman AM'bent
regalian digamma drayman lambent
saturnalian mamma highwayman
sesquipedalian layman AM'bik
tenaillon AM'a choliambic
tobaccanalian Bahama AM'ant choriambic
universalian Brahma claimant dithyrambic
Cinerama (See also elegiambic
AL'yant cosmorama A'ment.) galliambic
valiant cyclorama iambic
Dalai Lama AM'ant
AL'yard diorama clamant AM'bist
gaolyard docudrama cambist
kailyard drama AM'as gambist
duodrama Lammas
AL'yo Fujiyama AM'bit
intaglio georama AM'ask ambit
seraglio kaama damask gambit
AL'yon lama A'mat AM'kin
battalion llama day mate lambkin
Italian mamma desquamate
medallion melodrama hamate AM'b'l
rapscallion monodrama playmate amble
rascallion neorama bramble
scallion pajama AM'az gamble
stallion panorama Brahmas preamble
psychodrama cat's pajamas ramble
ALZ'man pyjama (See also AM'a;, scamble
dalesman Rama add -s where scramble

old, or, odd, oil, fcJot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AM'b'l —AM'est 332

shamble scrambler Mamie foramen

skimble- shambler gravaman
skamble AM'e Haman
AMbo chamois Lehmann
AM'blest ambo clammy stamen
amblest crambo gammy
gamblest flambeau mammy A'men
ramblest sambo rammy amen
scramblest zambo shammy ramen
shamblest tammy A'ment
AM'boI allayment
AM'bleth gambol AM'e betrayment
ambleth balmy defrayment
gambleth AM'brik calmy payment
rambleth cambric Miami prepayment
scrambleth palmy raiment
shambleth AM'bur pastrami (See also
antechamber qualmy AM'ant.)
AM'b'lz chamber salmi
ambles swami AM'est
gambles AM'bur acclaimest
rambles tambour AM'el aimest
scrambles camel blamest
shambles AM'bur Campbell claimest
amber enamel declaimest
AM'bling camber untrammel defamest
ambling clamber Hamal disclaimest
brambling mammal exclaimest
gambling AM'bus trammel flamest
rambling dithyrambus framest
scambling iambus AM eld gamest
scrambling enameled inflamest
shambling AM'bush untrammeled lamest
ambush maimest
AM'blur A'men namest
ambler AM'e amen proclaimest
gambler Amy Bremen reclaimest
rambler flamy examen shamest
scambler gamy flamen tamest
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 01;
333 AM'est — AM'is

AM'est damneth cycloramic disclaiming

crammest rammeth dioramic exclaiming
dammest shammeth dynamic flaming
damnest slammeth electrodynamic framing
rammest "• epithalamic gaming
shammest AM'eth gamic inflaming
slammest calmeth hydrodynamic laming
embalmeth hyperdynamic maiming
AM'est salaameth Islamic misnaming
calmest isodynamic naming
embalmest AM'fir keramic nicknaming
salaamest samphire monogamic proclaiming
monogrammic reclaiming
AM'flet panoramic shaming
AM'eth pamphlet parallelogram- surnaming
acdaimeth mic taming
aimeth AM'for phanerogamic
blameth camphor polygamic AM'ing
claimeth potamic cramming
dedaimeth AM'ful damming
defameth blameful telegrammic damning
disdaimeth flameful trigrammic lambing
exdaimeth shameful lamming
flameth AM'il ramming
foreshameth AM'y amyl shamming
frameth damage Tamil slamming
inflameth tramming
lameth AM'ik AM'in
maimeth Abrahamic examine AM'ing
nameth Adamic famine becalming
overcameth adynamic gamin calming
prodaimeth agamic embalming
redaimeth autodynamic AM'ing qualming
shameth balsamic acclaiming salaaming
tameth biodynamic aiming
ceramic blaming AM'is
AM'eth cinnamic claiming amice
crammeth cosmoramic declaiming chlamys
dammeth cryptogamic defaming tamis

old, or, 6dd, oil, foTrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AM'ish — AM'ping 334

AM'ish frameless backgammon AM'pest

lamish gameless daman campest
tarnish nameless gammon crampest
shameless mammon dampest
AM'ish tameless salmon decampest
affamish shaman encampest
enfamish AM'les rampest
famish balmless A'mond scampest
Hamish palmless Raymond stampest
rammish psalmless trampest
qualmless AM'ond vampest
AM'ish Hammond
calmish AM'let AM'peth
qualmish camlet A'mos
hamlet Amos
samlet Shaemas
AM'ist dampeth
embalmist AM'oth decampeth
palmist mammoth encampeth
psalmist rampeth
AM'ment AM'pan scampeth
AM'It becalmment jampan stampeth
samite embalmment sampan trampeth
tampan vampeth
AM'le AM'nes
gamely gameness AM'part AM'ping
lamely lameness rampart camping
namely sameness clamping
tamely tameness AM'paz cramping
pampas damping
AM'le AM'nes decamping
calmly calmness AM'pe encamping
crampy lamping
AM'les AM'ok ramping
aimless hammock AM'pen scamping
blameless mammock dampen stamping
claimless tamping
fameless AM'on AM'p§r tramping
flameless Ammon ampere vamping
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
335 AM'pIr — AM'wa

AM'pir AMP'nes AM'rod AM'ur

vampire dampness ramrod air hammer
ball peen ham-
AM'pish AM'pre AM'rok mer
dampish lamprey shamrock clamor
scampish claw hammer
AMP'son crammer
AM'p'l Lampson dammer
ample Sampson damner
ensample (See also drop hammer
example Samson.) AM'ond enamor
sample almond gammer
trample AMP'ton bitter almond glamour
Crampton grammar
AM'p'ld Hampton AM'ur hammer
sampled acclaimer jackhammer
untrampled AM'pur aimer jammer
(See also camper blamer lamber
AM'p'l; add champer claimer lammer
-ed where clamper declaimer ninnyhammer
appropriate.) cramper defamer programmer
damper disclaimer rammer
AMP'le hamper disfamer shammer
damply pamper exclaimer slammer
scamper framer sledgehammer
AMP'Iing stamper gamer stammer
ensampling tamper inflamer windjammer
sampling tramper Kramer yammer
trampling vamper lamer yellowhammer
lion tamer
AMP'lur AM'purd maimer AM'ur
ampler hampered misnamer Balmer
examplar pampered namer calmer
sampler tampered nicknamer embalmer
trampler unhampered proclaimer palmer
AMP'ment AM'pus shamer
decampment campus tamer AM'wa
encampment grampus testamur tramway

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AM'us —AN'at 336

AM'us bandanna Ana tramontana

biramous canna acqua tofana Victoriana
famous cassabanana Americana vox humana
hamous Christiana ana zenana
ignoramus damiana anana
mandamus Diana anna Anal
squamous dulciana apadana anal
fistiana bwana
AM'ut Georgiana Curtana AN'al
gamut goanna dhyana annal
Guiana Fata Morgana cannel
AM'ze Guyana Ghana channel
Malmsey Hanna gymkhana empanel
Hannah Hinayana flannel
AM'zel Havana hiragana impanel
amsel hosanna iguana panel
damsel Indiana kana pannel
ipecacuanha katakana scrannel
AM'zon Joanna kerana stannel
damson Juliana lantana unpanel
liana liana
Ana Louisiana Mahayana AN'alz
Americana manna mana annals
ana Montana manana flannels
anana nanna marijuana (See also
arcana nicotiana Messana AN'al; add
campana poinciana nagana -s where
Cartagena Pollyanna Nirvana appropriate.)
Curtana Roxana piranha
fistiana savanna pozzuolana AN'ant
scena Savannah prana complainant
vox humana Stephana purana
sultana Rama AN'at
AN'a Susanna rana impanate
Americana Susquehanna Rosh Hashanah lanate
ana Texarkana sultana
Anna Tia Juana Tana AN'at
anna Urbana thana khanate
banana Victoriana Tijuana pomegranate

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, ill;
337 AN'at —AN'ded

tannate AN'chez Amanda AN'de

avalanches jacaranda Andy
AN'at blanches Miranda bandy
khanate branches memoranda brandy
ranches propaganda candy
AN'bo veranda dandy
rainbow AN'ching handy
launching AN'dal jaborandi
AN'che stanching Randall jackadandy
paunchy (See also Jim Dandy
AN'ching AN'd'l.) Mandy
AN'che blanching pandy
branching AN'dant randy
ranching commandant Rio Grande
AN'chest demandant sandy
AN'chiz mandant sugar candy
affranchise unhandy
disfranchise AN'dat
enfranchise mandate AN'de
AN'chest franchise Rio Grande
scranchest AND'bag
ANCH'les AN'ded
launchless bandied
AN'chet sandbag
paunchless brandied
manchet candid
planchet ANCH'les AND'bal candied
branchless handball uncandid
AN'cheth ranchless sandball
(See also
launcheth stanchless AN'ded.)
stancheth AND'boi
AN'chur bandboy AN'ded or
AN'cheth launcher sandboy AN'ded
blancheth stancher backhanded
scrancheth AND'boks banded
AN'chur bandbox bare-handed
AN'chez brancher sandbox black-handed
launches rancher branded
paunches AND'child candid
stanches AN'da grandchild clean-handed

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'ded — AND'lur 538

close-handed AN'dent Andes grandish

commanded candent Hernandez outlandish
contrabanded scandent
countermanded AND'fast AN'dist
demanded AN'd^r handfast contrabandist
deodanded reindeer propagandist
disbanded AN'du
empty-handed AN'dest or bandage AN'dit
evenhanded AN'dest glandage bandit
expanded bandest standage
first-handed brandest AN'd'l
forehanded commandest AN'ding or candle
four-handed demandest AN'ding dandle
freehanded disbandest ampersanding handle
full-handed expandest banding Randle
handed grandest branding sandal
hard-handed handest commanding scandal
heavy-handed landest countermand- vandal
high-handed remandest ing
landed reprimandest demanding AND'le
left-handed standest disbanding blandly
light-handed withstandest expanding grandly
lily-handed freestanding
neat-handed AN'deth or handing AND'les
open-handed AN'deth landing bandless
overhanded bandeth notwithstand- brandless
red-handed brandeth ing commandless
remanded commandeth outstanding glandless
reprimanded demandeth remanding handless
right-handed disbandeth reprimanding landless
shorthanded expandeth sanding sandless
single-handed handeth standing strandless
stranded landeth stranding
swift-handed remandeth understanding AND'Iing
two-handed reprimandeth withstanding brandling
unbranded standeth handling
underhanded withstandeth AN'dish
unhanded blandish AND'lur
unlanded AN'dez brandish Candler

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
339 AND'lur —AN'durd

chandler AND'out AN'drus bystander

dandier handout meandrous candor
handler polyandrous commander
tallow chandler AN'dra or coriander
AN'dra AND'sir dander
AND'lord Alessandra grandsire demander
landlord Alexandra disbander
Cassandra AND'skap dittander
AND'mftd landscape expander
handmade ANdreor gander
handmaid AN'drt AND'son gerrymander
chandry grandson glander
AND'mark commandry goosey-gander
landmark meandry AND'stand grander
polyandry bandstand bander
AND'ment or shandry grandstand lander
AND'ment Leander
commandment AN'dr* AN'dum meander
disbandment laundry ad captandum Menander
remandment avizandum oleander
AN'drel mandom pander
AND'nes spandrel memorandum philander
blandness random Pomander
grandness AN'dren tandem remander
Alexandrine reprimander
AN'dd or salamandrine AN'dur right-hander
AN'do attainder salamander
commando AN'dres remainder sander
Ferdinando pandress slander
Fernando AN'dur stander
grando AN'dres grandeur understander
Hernando laundress withstander
lentando AN'dur or
Orlando AN'drik AN'dur AN'dur
polyandric Africander launder
AN'don theandric Alexander
abandon backhander AN'durd or
Landon AN'dril blander AN'durd
Shandon mandril brander meandered
old, or, 6dd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'durd —AN'eth 340

pandered maintainest cranny attaineth

philandered obtainest Fannie caneth
slandered ordainest granny chaineth
standard painest mannie complaineth
plainest Nannie constraineth
AN'durz profanest uncanny containeth
Sanders rainest craneth
Saunders refrainest AN'e deigneth
regainest frangipani detaineth
ANDZ'man reignest Galvani disdaineth
bandsman remainest Hindustani draineth
landsman restrainest rani enchaineth
retainest soprani entertaineth
A'nes sanest explaineth
feyness stainest feigneth
gayness crannied
strainest foreordaineth
grayness sustainest AN'est gaineth
trainest bannest maintaineth
AN'est unchainest obtaineth
abstainest urbanest ordaineth
appertainest vainest paineth
arraignest wanest profaneth
ascertainest raineth
attainest AN'e refraineth
canest Allegheny regaineth
chainest brainy AN'et reigneth
complainest Cheyney gannet remaineth
const rainest Delaney granite restraineth
containest Eugenie Janet retaineth
cranest grainy planet staineth
deignest Rainey quannet st raineth
detainest rainy (See also sustaineth
disdainest veiny AN'at.) traineth
enchainest zany unchaineth
entertainest AN'eth
AN'* abstaineth waneth
feignest Annie appertaineth AN'eth
humanest branny arraigneth banneth
inanest canny ascertaineth fanneth

ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
341 AN'eth — ANGK'ling

manneth languid embankest thanking

planneth flankest yanking
scanneth ANG'gwij frankest
spanneth language lankest ANG'kish
tanneth outflankest dankish
ANG'gwin rankest frankish
AN'f&r anguine sankest lankish
fanfare ensanguine spankest prankish
sanguine thankest
AN'feld ANGK'l
Canfield ANG'gwish ANG'ket ankle
anguish banket crankle
AN'ftil languish blanket hankie
baneful rankle
complainful ANG'ing ANG'keth
disdainful ANGK'le
banging clanketh
painful blankly
clanging embanketh
hanging flanketh
AN'gang frankly
haranguing franketh
chain gang overhanging lankly
train gang paperhanging rankly
slanging sanketh ANGK'les
slang-whang- thanketh bankless
clangy ing clankless
fangy twanging ANGK'ful
slangy crankless
prankful flankless
ANG'gar ANG'ke thankful plankless
hangar cranky prank less
hanky ANG'king rankless
ANG'gor hanky-panky banking shankless
languor lanky clanking spankless
planky embanking thankless
ANG'gur pranky flanking
anger Yankee franking ANGK'let
angor outflanking anklet
Bangor ANG'kest outranking
clangor blankest planking ANGK'ling
dankest ranking hankling
ANG'gwid dankest spanking rankling

old, 6r, odd, oil, fot»t, out; use, firn, up; THis, thin
ANGK'ment —ANG'ur 342

ANGK'ment canker interjangle dangling

bankment danker intertangle (See also
embankment danker jangle ANG"1; add
outflankment encanker mangle -ing where
flanker mingle-mangle appropriate.)
ANGK'nes franker pentangle
blankness hanker phalangal ANG'Iur
crankness outflanker quadrangle angler
dankness planker rectangle dangler
frankness pranker sea tangle (See also
lankness rancor spangle ANG'T, add
rankness ranker strangle -er where
sheet anchor tangle appropriate.)
ANG'ko spanker triangle
banco tanker twangle ANG'man
calamanco thanker untangle hangman
unanchor wangle
ANGKshun Wrangel ANG'6
sanction ANG'kurd wrangle contango
anchored fandango
ANGK'shus brancard ANG'ld mango
anxious cankered angled Pago Pago
tankard newfangled tango
ANGK'tum unanchored star-spangled
sanctum (See also (See also ANG'gre
ANG'kur; add ANG"1; add angry
ANGK'wet -ed where -ed where
banquet appropriate.) appropriate.) AN'grov
ANGK'wil ANG'l ANG'le
tranquil angle spangly ANG'stur
bangle tangly gangster
ANGK'wish bemangle
vanquish bespangle ANG'les ANG'ur
brangle fangless banger
ANG'kur dangle pangless clangor
anchor disentangle ganger
banker embrangle ANG'Hng hangar
blanker entangle angling hanger

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
343 ANG'ur — AN'ing

haranguer manic AN'il ordaining

paperhanger mechanic anile paining
slang-whanger Messianic pertaining
straphanger montanic A'nim plaining
Mussulmanic paynim planing
AN'hood oceanic preordaining
manhood organic AN'ing profaning
Ossianic abstaining raining
AN'U pagan ic airplaning refraining
cranage panic appertaining regaining
drainage Puranic arraigning reigning
Puritanic ascertaining reining
AN'u quercitannic attaining remaining
manage rhodanic bestaining restraining
pannage Romanic braining retaining
tannage satanic campaigning spraining
stannic caning staining
AN'ik sultanic chaining straining
Alcoranic talismanic complaining sustaining
aldermanic tannic constraining training
Alemannic tetanic containing unchaining
Aristophanic Theophanic craning uncomplaining
auto mechanic Titanic deigning unfeigning
botanic titanic deraigning uptraining
Brahmanic transoceanic detaining veining
Britannic tympanic disdaining waning
charlatanic tyrannic draining
cyanic Uranic enchaining AN'ing
diaphanic valerianic entertaining banning
ferricyanic volcanic entraining canning
galvanic vulcanic explaining fanning
Germanic feigning flanning
Hispanic AN'iks foreordaining inspanning
hydrocyanic humanics gaining japanning
Indo-Germanic mechanics graining manning
inorganic panics hydroplaning outspanning
interoceanic ingraining panning
lexiphanic AN'fl maintaining planning
Magellanic anil obtaining scanning

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'ing — AN'le 344

spanning AN'jel ranges AN'jur

tanning evangel arranger
trepanning AN'jez bushranger
unmanning AN'jent Ganges changer
frangent phalanges danger
AN'is plangent deranger
anise tangent AN'jing disarranger
arranging endanger
AN'ish changing estranger
Danish counterchanging exchanger
sanish deranging granger
urbanish disarranging interchanger
vainish estranging manger
exchanging money changer
AN'ish interchanging ranger
Alcoranish ranging stranger
banish unchanging
strangest AN'ka or
clannish ANJ'Ie AN'ka
evanish AN'jeth strangely Bianca
fannish arrangeth
mannish changeth ANJ'ling AN'kin
Mussulmanish derangeth changeling Hankin
planish disarrangeth Rankin
Spanish estrangeth ANJ'Ies
vanish exchangeth AN'king
interchangeth Nanking
AN'ist rangeth
Alcoranist AN'kinz
ANJ'ment Hankins
pianist AN'jez arrangement
tanist Rankins
arranges derangement
changes disarrangement AN'kok
AN'j* deranges estrangement Hancock
mangy disarranges exchangement
rangy enranges interchange- AN'land
estranges ment mainland
AN'jel exchanges
angel granges ANJ'nes AN'le
archangel interchanges strangeness gainly

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, end; Ice, 111;
345 AN'le — AN'se

humanely planless jannock ceromancy

inanely spanless chancy
insanely tanless AN'on chiromancy
mainly Balleyshannon cleromancy
plainly AN'ling cannon concomitancy
profanely manling canon consonancy
sanely . tanling fanon constancy
vainly Shannon consultancy
AN'ment conversancy
AN'le arraignment AN'sa coscinomancy
Danley ascertainment gainsay crithomancy
Manley attainment crystallomancy
manly obtainment AN'sal dactyliomancy
spick-and- ordainment mainsail dancy
spanly Delancey
Stanley AN'nes AN'se diathermancy
unmanly humaneness accordancy discordancy
inaneness accountancy discrepancy
AN'les insaneness adjutancy dissonancy
brainless plainness aeromancy elegancy
caneless profaneness aldermancy enoptromancy
chainless saneness alectoromancy errancy
craneless alectryomancy exorbitancy
domainless And aleuromancy expectancy
drainless volcano alphitomancy extravagancy
gainless anthropo- exuberancy
grainless AN'd mancy exultancy
maneless piano antsy fancy
painless Hanno arrogancy gastromancy
rainless soprano astragalomancy geomancy
stainless austromancy gyromancy
swainless A'no axinomancy habitancy
vaneless guano belomancy halomancy
Montesano bibliomancy hesitancy
AN'les piano botanomancy hieromancy
banless soprano buoyancy hydromancy
clanless capnomancy ichthyomancy
fanless AN'ok captaincy incognitancy
manless bannock catoptromancy inconsonancy

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
AN'se —AN'sing 346

inconstancy predominancy chancel trances

incumbency pregnancy handsel
infancy preponderancy ANS'fur
inhabitancy protuberancy AN'sest transfer
insignificancy psephomancy advancest
intemperancy psychomancy chancest AN'shal
intolerancy pyromancy dancest circumstantial
irrelevancy radiancy enhancest financial
irritancy recalcitrancy entrancest substantial
lecanomancy recreancy glancest supersubstan-
lieutenancy redundancy prancest tial
lithomancy relevancy romancest AN'she
luxuriancy rhabdomancy banshee
mendicancy sciomancy AN'set
meteoromancy . sergeancy lancet AN'shent
militancy sibilancy ancient
mischancy sideromancy AN'seth
Miss Nancy significancy advanceth AN'shent
mordancy spodomancy chanceth transient
myomancy stagnancy danceth
Nancy stichomancy enhanceth AN'shun
necromancy supplicancy entmnceth expansion
neuromancy sycophancy glanceth mansion
occupancy tenancy pranceth scansion
oenomancy tephramancy romanceih stanchion
oneiromancy termagancy
onomancy theomancy AN'sez AN'sing
onychomancy truancy advances advancing
oomancy unchancy chances chancing
ophiomancy unfancy dances dancing
ornithomancy vacancy enhances enhancing
oscitancy verdancy entrances entrancing
pedomancy vigilancy expanses financing
petulancy finances glancing
phyllomancy AN'sed glances lancing
piquancy fancied lances Lansing
poignancy mischances necromancing
prancy AN'sel prances prancing
precipitancy cancel romances romancing

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, ill;
347 AN'sis —AN'test

AN'sis entrancer AN'taz'm untainted

Frances geomancer phantasm
Francis glancer AN'ted,
lancer AN'te AN'ted
AN'sist merganser dainty canted
romancist necromancer chanted
prancer decanted
AN'siv romancer . bacchante enchanted
advancive granted
expansive AN'ta panty implanted
infante scanty panted
ANS'ment shanty planted
advancement AN'ta ranted
enhancement anta , recanted
enhancement AN'te slanted
Atlanta ante supplanted
AN'som infanta chianti
handsome Dante AN'test
hansom dilettante acquaintest
ransom pococurante faintest
transom Zante feintest
unhandsome andante paintest
Dante AN'te quaintest
AN'son aunty faintest
Hanson AN'ta AN'ted AN'test,
Vedanta acquainted AN'test
AN'sta attainted contest
mainstay AN'tal bepainted chantest
consonantal besainted decantest
AN'sur gigantal depainted enchantest
advancer quadrantal fainted grantest
Anser feinted implantest
answer AN'tam painted pantest
cancer bantam sainted plantest
chancer phantom tainted rantest
chiromancer unacquainted recantest
dancer AN'tans unattainted scantest
enhancer acquaintance unsainted supplantest

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'teth — AN'tiz'm 348

AN'teth amaranthine AN'tik feinting

acquainteth an thine antic painting
feinteth Rhadaman- Atlantic tainting
painteth thine chiromantic word-painting
tainteth tragacanthin consonantic »
xanthin corybantic AN'ting,
AN'teth, frantic AN'ting
AN'teth AN'thur geomantic Banting
canteth anther gigantic canting
chanteth Black Panther hierophantic chanting
decanteth Gray Panther hydromantic decanting
enchanteth panther mantic descanting
granteth necromantic disenchanting
implanteth AN'thus onomantic enchanting
panteth acanthous pedantic granting
planteth acanthus pyromantic hanting
recanteth Agapanthus romantic implanting
supplanteth ailanthus spodomantic panting
amianthus sycophantic planting
AN'tez anacanthous transatlantic ranting
atlantes ananthous recanting
corybantes canthus AN'tik slanting
(See also Chimonanthus Vedantic supplanting
AN'te; add dianthus transplanting
-s where epanthous AN'tin AN'tist
appropriate.) Galanthus adamantine
Haemanthus Brabantine ignorantist
AN'them hysteranthous Byzantine Kantist
anthem polyanthus chryselephan- AN'tist
synanthous tine Vedantist
ANT'hood Diophantine
sainthood AN'tif elephantine AN'tiv
plaintiff gigantine constraintive
AN'thik Levantine plaintive
oenanthic AN'ty
xanthic advantage AN'ting AN'tiz'm
disadvantage acquainting dilettantism
AN'thin plantage attainting ignorantism
acanthine vantage fainting Kantism

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, 2nd; Ice, ill;
349 AN'tiz'm — AN'ur

obscurantism ANT'ling cantor recanter

pococurantism bantling grantor supplanter
rantism mantling transplanter
scantling AN'tre trochanter
AN't'l pantry
cantle ANT'lur AN'tur
dismantle antler AN'tre chanter
immantle dismantler chantry disenchanter
mantel mantler enchanter
mantle pantler AN'tres
scantle chantress AN'turn
ANT'ment enchantress lantern
AN't'ld disenchant-
dismantled ment AN'tu AN'ur
ivy-mantled enchantment Bantu abstainer
mantled appertainer
ANT'nes AN'tur arraigner
ANT'le faintness acquainter ascertainer
quaintly quaintness fainter attainer
saintly painter bestainer
unsaintly ANT'nes quainter campaigner
scantness tainter complainer
ANT'le word-painter constrainer
aslantly AN'to or container
scantly AN'tfi AN'tur or cordwainer
canto AN'tur detainer
ANT'let coranto banter disdainer
cantlet portmanteau canter drainer
mantelet pro tanto chanter enchainer
plantlet quo warranto decanter entertainer
descanter explainer
ANT'let AN'ton enchanter feigner
gauntlet Canton granter gainer
Clanton implanter grainer
ANT'let Danton instanter inaner
gantlet Scranton Levanter maintainor
Stanton panter nonabstainer
ANT'Bk planter obtainer
saintlike AN'tor ranter ordainer

old, or, odd, oil, fottt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'ur —AP'est 350

plainer heinous AN'za scrapy

profaner incanous bonanza
refrainer Janus extravaganza AP'e
rcgainer Silvanus ganza chappy
restrainer veinous stanza gappy
retainer gapy
saner AN'vas AN'z€ happy
stainer canvas chimpanzee knappy
strainer canvass pansy nappy .
sustainer tansy sappy
trainer AN'vil scrappy
unchainer anvil ANZ'feW snappy
uptrainer Danville Mansfield
vainer Granville AP'en
AN'ur Janesville happen
banner Zanesville
canner chainwork AP'est
A'6 apest
fanner plain work drapest
japanner cacao
lanner tetrao escapest
manner AN'yan gapest
manor banyan Aon rapest
planner canyon crayon scrapest
scanner companion rayon shapest
spanner w
tanner AN'yard Aon AP'est
trepan ner lanyard gaon clappest
vanner Spaniard enwrappest
A'os flappest
AN'urd AN'yel chaos lappest
bannered Daniel mappest
ill-mannered Nathaniel A'oth nappest
mannered spaniel Sabaoth rappest
unmannered staniel sappest
well-mannered water spaniel AP'e slappest
crapy snappest
AN'us AN'yur gapy trappest
anus pannier red-tapy wrappest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, ill;
351 AP'et —AP'let

AP'et jalapic yapping AP"1

lappet Lappic antechapel
tappet AP'is apple
AP'in apis chapel
AP'eth rapine lapis dapple
apeth Serapis grapple
drapeth AP'ing tapis knapple
escapeth aping love apple
gapeth draping AP'is rappel
rapeth escaping lapis scapple
scrapeth gaping tapis scrapple
shapeth raping thrapple
scraping AP'ish
AP'eth shaping apish AP'le
clappeth papish shapely
enwrappeth AP'ing -ti.
flappeth capping ^* AP'ish AP'le
lappeth clapping •&?* knappish haply
mappeth Japping snappish
nappeth entrapping AP'les
rappeth enwrapping AP'ist
sappeth flapping escapist
slappeth gapping landscapist
snappeth handicapping *• Papist crapeless
trappeth lapping rapist escapeless
wrappeth mapping red-tapist grapeless
napping scrapeless
AP'got overlapping AP'iz'm
scapegoat rapping escapism
sapping papism
AP'grfls scrapping red-tapeism
scapegrace slapping AP'les
snapping AP"1 capless
AP'id strapping antipapal hapless
rapid tapping capel napless
sapid trapping maple sapless
vapid understrapping papal
unwrapping staple AP'let
AP'ik wrapping wool staple chaplet

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdT>t. out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AP'lin — AP'us 352

AP'lin AP'shus APT'nes vapor

chaplain captious aptness
Chaplin inaptness AP'ur
AP'sing raptness capper
AP'ling collapsing unaptness clapper
dappling lapsing dapper
grappling relapsing AP'trap entrapper
lapling claptrap enwrapper
sapling AP'stan flapper
capstan AP'tur flyflapper
AP"lz capture gapper
Naples AP'stur enrapture handicapper
Staples tapster rapture lapper
recapture mapper
AP'man AP'ted napper
Capman adapted AP'tur overlapper
adapter rapper
Knapman apter sapper
captor slapper
chapter snapper
AP'nel aptest
rapter snippersnapper
grapnel inaptest recaptor strapper
shrapnel raptest tapper
AP'ur trapper
AP'on AP'tin aper understrapper
capon captain caper unwrapper
misshapen draper whippersnapper
tapen AP'tiv escaper wrapper
unshapen adaptive gapper yapper
captive landscaper
AP'ril paper AP'urz
April AP'tiz'm raper capers
anabaptism sapor walking papers
AP'shun baptism scraper (See also AP'ur;
caption shaper add -s where
collapsion APT'Ie skyscraper appropriate.)
contraption aptly taper
elapsion inaptly tapir AP'us
recaption raptly undraper pappus

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;
353 AP'us —ARCH'ment

trappous forbearance emmarble A R chest

(See also garbel archest
AP'wing AR'ens.) garble enarchest
lapwing marble marchest
A'rant parchest
A'ra declarant AR'bling starchest
cordillera forbearant garbling
dulcamara (See also marbling AR'cheth
Marah AR'ent.) archeth
Sara AR'blur enarcheth
Sarah AR'ant garbler marcheth
arrant marbler parcheth
AR'a starcheth
Sahara AR'ant AR'bord
tiara warrant larboard AR'chez
(See also starboard arches
A'ra OR'ent.) countermarches
Bara AR'boil larches
Clara parboil marches
arras outmarches
A'ra AR'bon overarches
caracara carbon parches
Ferrara charbon starches
Gemara chlorofluoro-
Sahara carbon AR'ching
solfatara fluorocarbon arching
AR'be countermarch-
tiara Darby AR'bur ing
AR'ab Derby arbor marching
Arab barber outmarching
scarab AR'bel Barbor overarching
harebell enharbor overmarching
AR'ak prayer bell harbor parching
arrack unharbor starching
barrack AR'bij
carrack garbage AR'che ARCH'ment
archy archment
A'rans AR'b'l larchy emparchment
abearance barbel starchy parchment

old, or, ddd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ARCH'nes —AR'dur 354

ARCH'nes AR'del AR'deth hardly

archness fardel discardeth
disregardeth ARD'les
AR'chur AR'den guardeth cardless
archer nardine lardeth guardless
clearstarcher sardine regardeth regardless
Larcher retardeth
marcher AR'den, ARD'ment
starcher AR'don ARD'ful bombardment
beer garden disregardful retardment
ARCH'wa bombardon guardful
archway case harden regardful ARD'nes
AR'dant enharden hardness
gardant garden ARD'ik
harden anacardic ARD'ning
(See also pardon bardic gardening
AR'dent.) bezoardic hardening
AR'dend, Lombardic pardoning
ARD'arm AR'dond pericardic
yardarm case-hardened ARD'nur
hardened AR'ding gardener
AR'de pardoned bombarding hardener
foolhardy weather- carding pardner
hardy hardened discarding pardoner
tardy disregarding
AR'dent guarding AR'do
AR'ded ardent Harding bocardo
bombarded (See also larding bombardo
carded AR'dant.) placarding
discarded regarding AR'dom
disregarded AR'dest retarding backstairdom
guarded bombardest unguarding heirdom
larded discardest wool carding
regarded disregardest ARD'ship
retarded guardest AR'd'I guardship
sharded hardest Bardie hardship
unguarded lardest McArdle
unregarded regardest AR'dur
unretarded retardest ARD'le ardor

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
355 AR'dur — AR'i

bombarder Carey evolutionary mercenary

carder cassowary extemporary military
discarder cautionary extraordinary millenary
disregarder centenary faerie missionary
guarder chary fairy momentary
harder circumplane- February monetary
larder tary fiduciary mortuary
regarder clary flary nary
retarder columbary formicary necessary
commentary formulary noctuary
ARDZ'man commissary fragmentary obituary
guardsman confectionary functionary ordinary
confectionery ganglionary ossuary
AR'e constabulary glairy ostiary
ablutionary consuetudinary glary parcenary
abolitionary contemporary Guarneri passionary
accessary contrary hairy patibulary
accidentiary contributary hebdomad ary pecuniary
accustomary coparcenary hereditary pensionary
actuary corollary honorary persicary
additionary coronary hypothecary petitionary
adminculary costmary imaginary planetary
adversary culinary incendiary prairie
aerie customary insurrectionary prebendary
airy dairy intermediary precautionary
airy-fairy depositary itinerary preliminary
ancillary dictionary janissary probationary
antiquary dietary January processionary
apothecary dignitary lairy prolegomenary
arbitrary disciplinary lapidary proletary
ary discretionary legendary proprietary
Ave Mary distributary legionary • prothonotary
axillary divisionary literary provisionary
bacillary doctrinary luminary pulmonary
beneficiary dromedary mammillary quandary
bicentenary eleemosynary marry questionary
calamary elocutionary Mary questuary
canary epistolary maxillary reactionary
capillary estuary medullary reliquary

old, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AR'e — AR'est 356

residuary tumulary carbonari A'rans.)

retiary tumultuary charry
reversionary tutelary scarry AR'ent
revisionary ubiquitary sparry apparent
revolutionary unchary starry celarent
rosemary unnecessary tarry parent
salivary unwary transparent
salutary vagary AR'ed (See also
sanctuary vairy varied A'rant;
sanguinary valetudinary AR'ant.)
sanitary vary AR'el
scapulary veterinary apparel AR'es
scary vicenary barrel heiress
secondary vicissitudinary carol
secretary visionary Carroll AR'est
sedentary vocabulary disapparel airest
seditionary voluntary Farrell barest
seminary voluptuary Harrell bearest
silentiary vulnerary parrel carest
snary wary pork barrel comparest
solitary (See also ER'eV) darest
starey AR'eld declarest
stationary AR'e appareled despairest
stationery Barrie caroled ensnarest
statuary Carrie double- fairest
stipendiary carry barreled farest
sublunary charivari forbearest
subsidiary hari-kari AR'em glarest
sumptuary harry harem impairesi
supernumerary intermarry outdarest
syllabary Larry AR'en pairest
temporary marry Karen parest
tertiary miscarry McLaren preparest
Tipperary parry rarest
titulary tarry AR'ens repairest
topiary apparence sharest
traditionary AR'e Clarence snarest
tributary aracari transparence sparest
tuitionary barry (See also squarest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
357 AR'est —AR'ik

starest impaireth AR'ful AR'id

swearest outdareth careful " arid
tearest paireth prayerful carried
unfairest pareth uncareful harried
wearest prepareth intermarried
repaireth AR'gan married
AR'est shareth Dargan miscarried
barrest snareth parried
debarrest spareth AR'get tarried
jarrest squareth target
marrest stareth AR'if, AR'if
scarrest sweareth AR'gin hairif
sparrest teareth bargain
starrest weareth AR'if
tarrest harif
AR'eth tariff
AR'et barreth AR'g'I
carat debarreth argle-bargle AR'ij
gargle carriage
carrot marreth
claret scarreth disparage
garret sparreth AR'go intermarriage
Garrett starreth Argo marriage
parrot tarreth argot miscarriage
botargo railway car-
AR'eth AR'ez cargo riage
aireth Benares Dargo water carriage
bareth Buenos Aires embargo
beareth Fargo AR'ik
careth AR'fasd largo agaric
compareth barefaced Spargo Amharic
dareth fair-faced supercargo Balearic
declareth barbaric
despaireth AR'fish AR'gon baric
ensnareth garfish argon Bulgaric
fareth starfish jargon cinnabaric
flareth Sargon Garrick
forbeareth AR'for isobaric
forsweareth therefore AR'gu Megaric
glareth wherefore argue pi marie

old, or, odd, oil, foT>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AR'ik — ARJ'ur 358

Pindaric scaring Paris overchargeth

polaric seafaring phalaris
saccharic sharing Polaris AR'jez
stearic snaring A barges
tartaric sparing AR'ish charges
squaring bearish discharges
AR'ik staring debonairish enlarges
Amharic swearing fairish marges
tale-bearing garish targes
AR'ing tearing marish
airing upbearing squarish AR'jik
baring underbearing tarish lethargic
bearing unsparing -
blaring upbearing AR ish AR'jin
caring upstaring marish
chairing uptearing parish margin
charing wayfaring AR'iz'm AR'jing
cheeseparing wearing
proletairism barging
AR'ing Voltairism charging
declaring barring discharging
despairing charring enlarging
ensnaring debarring sergeant overcharging
fairing disbarring
faring jarring AR'jest ARJ'le
flaring marring chargest largely
forbearing scarring dischargest
forswearing sparring enlargest ARJ merit
glaring starring largest enlargement
impairing tarring overchargest
outdaring unbarring ARJ'ur
outstaring AR'jet barger
outswearing AR'ingks garget charger
outwearing larynx parget discharger
overbearing pharynx enlarger
pairing AR'jeth larger
paring AR'is chargeth sparger
preparing Farris dischargeth surcharger
repairing Harris enlargeth undercharger

ale, care, Sdd, arm, &sk; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
359 AR'kal — AR'les

AR'kal marketh AR'k'l darker

anarchal remarketh darkle embarker
hierarchal sparkle harker
monarchal AR'kik larker
oligarchal anarchic ARK'le marcor
patriarchal antianarchic darkly marker
squirearchal climatarchic darkly parker
heptarchic starkly sharker
AR'kaz'm hierarchic sparker
sarcasm monarchic ARK'let starker
oligarchic park let
AR'ke patriarchic sparklet ARK'wis
barky marquis
darky AR'kin ARK'ling
heterarchy Larkin darkling AR'land
hierarchy sparkling engarland
larky AR'king Farland
oligarchy barking ARK'nes garland
patriarchy carking darkness
disembarking AR'Ie
bedarken embarking ARK'nur barely
harking darkener fairly
larking hearkener rarely
marking unfairly
parking AR'kol yarely
AR'kest remarking charcoal
barkest skylarking AR'le
darkest ARK'som Arleigh
embarkest AR'kish darksome barley
markest darkish Charley
remarkest larkish ARK'spur Farley
starkest sparkish larkspur gnarly
AR'ket AR'kist ARK'tik marli
market heptarchist Antarctic McCarley
oligarchist Arctic parley
barketh AR'kivs AR'kur AR'les
embarketh archives barker airless

old, or, 6dd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AR'les — AR'mot 360

careless AR'lind AR'mad unharmful

hairless carelined barmaid
heirless hair-lined AR'me
pairless AR'man army
prayerless AR'ling chairman barmy
snareless darling
Harling AR'men AR'mik
snarling carmen alexipharmic
sparling larmen lexipharmic
AR'les ptarmic
scarless starling
starless AR'ment
(See also AR; AR'lit debarment
disbarment carmine
add -less where starlight harmine
AR'lit sarment AR'ming
far-lit alarming
AR'let starlit AR'mest
carlet arming
alarmest baby farming
scarlet AR'lok armest
starlet charming
charlock charmest disarming
varlet harlock disarmest
(See also farming
warlock farmest forearming
AR'lot.) harmest harming
Charlotte AR'met unalarming
AR'lIk unarming
starlike harlot armet
(See also uncharming
(See also AR; unharming
add -like where AR'let.) AR'meth
appropriate.) alarmeth ARM'les
AR'lum armeth armless
heirloom charmeth charmless
disarmeth harmless
garlic AR'lur farmeth
piigariic gnarler harmeth ARM'let
sarlyk parlor armlet
snarler ARM'ful charmlet
AR'lin armful
airline AR'Ius charmful AR'mot
hairline parlous harmful carmot

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, end; ice, 111;
361 AR'mot — AR'sel

marmot threadbareness Rio de Janeiro harpest

unfairness sharpest
AR'mur whereness ARo
alarmer bolero AR'pet
armor AR'nes caballero carpet
baby farmer farness faro
charmer harness Uanero AR'peth
disarmer sombrero carpeth
farmer ARN'ham vaquero harpeth
harmer Farnham
plate armor ARo AR'pe
serpent AR'nij arrow
carnage carpy
charmer barrow harpy
AR'nal AR'nish
harrow AR'ping
carnal marrow
tarnish carping
carnel narrow
varnish harping
charnel sparrow sharping
darnel AR'nisht yarrow
uncharnel garnished
ARo AR'pist
tarnished harpist
AR'nard carbonaro
Barnard claro
untarnished ARP'nes
AR'nat unvarnished sharpness
varnished AR'old
caroled AR'pur
AR'ne Harold carper
blarney harper
carny AR'nold AR'on sharper
Killarney Arnold Aaron
Charon AR'sal
AR'nes AR'nur metatarsal
bareness darner AR'on tarsal
debonairness garner baron varsal
fairness yarner barren
rareness AR'sel
spareness ARo AR'pest parcel
squareness pharaoh carpest sarcel

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AR'sez—AROTur 362

AR'sez AR'te lion-hearted smarten

farces Astarte marble-hearted
parses charter party open-hearted AR'test
sarses ex parte pale-hearted car test
hearty parted dartest
AR'shal McCarty pigeon-hearted departest
earl marshal party proud-hearted impartest
field marshal public-hearted partest
immartial AR'ted right-hearted smartest
impartial broken-hearted sad-hearted startest
marshal carted shallow- upstartest
Marshall charted hearted
martial chicken- simple-hearted AR'teth
partial hearted single-hearted carteth
unmartial cold-hearted smarted darteth
darted soft-hearted departeth
ARS'le departed started imparteth
scarcely double-hearted stony-hearted parteth
down-hearted stout-hearted smarteth
ARS'ness faint-hearted tender-hearted starteth
scarceness false-hearted traitor-hearted upstarteth
flint-hearted triparted
AR'son frank-hearted truehearted ART'ful
arson free-hearted unhearted artful
Carson full-hearted unimparted
Larsen gentle-hearted upstarted AR'tha
Larson great-hearted warm-hearted Martha
parson half-hearted weak-hearted
hard-hearted wise-hearted AR'the
AR'sur hare-hearted McCarthy
parser hearted AR'ten,
sparser hen-hearted AR'ton AR'THest
high-hearted barton farthest
AR'tan imparted carton
Spartan iron-hearted dishearten ARTHing
tr rtan kind-hearted enhearten farthing
(See also large-hearted hearten
AR'ten, leaden-hearted kindergarten AR'THur
AR'ton.) light-hearted marten farther

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
363 AR'thur —AR'vel

AR'thur ART'let smarter preparer

Arthur heartlet starter rarer
martlet tartar repairer
AR'tin tartlet tarter seafarer
martin unmartyr sharer
ART'ling upstarter snarer
AR'ting startling ^ sparer
carting AR'um squarer
darting ART'ment arum standard-bearer
departing apartment carom starer
hearting compartment harum-scarum swearer
imparting department larum sword-bearer
smarting impartment marum talebearer
starting tankard bearer
sweethearting ART'nes AR'um tearer
alarum trainbearer
uncarting smartness upbearer
upstarting tartness inr
AR ur wayfarer
airer wearer
AR'tist ART'ru armor-bearer
artist cartridge barer AR'ur
Chartist partridge bearer barrer
blarer bizarrer
AR'tn ART'wa comparer debarrer
bipartite cartway darer marrer
partway declarer sparrer
AR't'l despairer tarrer
dartle AR'tur ensnarer
startle barter fairer
bemartyr flarer larval
ART'le carter forbearer
partly charter forswearer
smartly darter glarer AR've
tartly departer impairer Garvey
garter mace-bearer Harvey
ART'les imparter outdarer
artless martyr outstarer AR'vel
chartless parter overbearer carvel
heartless protomartyr parer marvel

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f36t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AR'veld — AS'eth 364

AR'veld AS'a interjacence gracest

marveled Hadasseh obeisance interlacest
Manasseh renascence lacest
AR'ven outpacest
carven A'sal A'sent, pacest
basal A'sant placest
AR'vest casal adjacent racest
harvest circumjacent replacest
starvest AS'at complacent retracest
cassate connascent spacest
AR'ving incrassate "daycent" tracest
carving enascent unlacest
starving AS'e indurascent
Gracie interjacent AS'est
ARV'ling Lacey jacent amassest
marveling lacy naissant classest
starveling precis nascent crassest
racy "raycent" massest
AR'vur renaissant passest
carver AS'e renascent surpassest
marver brassie subjacent
starver brassy superjacent AS'et
classy asset
AR'wavs gassy AS'est basset
airwaves glassy abasest brasset
grassy basest facet
AR'wel lassie begracest fascet
farewell Malagasy belacest placet
massy bracest (See also
AR'whil morassy chasest AS'it.)
erewhile sassy debasest
Tallahassee defacest AS'eth
AR'wdrn disgracest abaseth
careworn A'sens, displacest baseth
prayer worn A'sans effacest begraceth
abaisance embracest belaceth
AS'a adjacence enlacest braceth
Amasa complacence erasest chaseth
Asa connascence facest debaseth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, Til;
365 AS'eth — ASH'ez

defaceth commonplaces asses patience

• disgraceth debases brasses
displaceth defaces classes A'shent
effaceth disgraces gases impatient
embraceth displaces glasses patient
enlaceth effaces grasses
eraseth embraces lasses ASH'est
faceth enlaces masses cashest
graceth faces molasses clashest
interlaceth footpaces morasses crashest
laceth footraces passes dashest
outpaceth graces surpasses flashest
paceth grimaces gashest
placeth hiding places AS'ful gnashest
raceth horse races disgraceful lashest
replaceth interlaces graceful mashest
retraceth interspaces ungraceful slashest
spaceth laces smashest
traceth maces ASH'a splashest
unlaceth misplaces attache thrashest
outfaces cachet
AS'eth outpaces sachet ASH'eth
amasseth paces casheth
classeth places A'shal clasheth
masseth races abbatial crasheth
passeth replaces craniofacial dasheth
surpasseih resting-places facial flasheth
retraces glacial gasheth
AS'ez spaces palatial gnasheth
aces steeplechases prelatial lasheth
bases traces racial masheth
begraces trysting places spatial slasheth
belaces ukases unifacial smasheth
braces uncases splasheth
breathing unlaces ASH'bord thrasheth
spaces vases dashboard
cases splashboard ASH'ez
chariot traces AS'ez abashes
chases amasses A'shens ashes

old, 6r, odd, oil, fciot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ASH'ez — A'shun 366

caches balderdashing ablactation advocation

cashes cashing ablation aeration
clashes clashing abnegation aerostation
crashes crashing abomination affectation
dashes dashing abrogation affiliation
flashes fashing absentation affirmation
gashes flashing acceleration afflation
gnashes gashing acceptation afforestation
hashes gnashing acclamation aggeration
lashes hashing acclimatation agglomeration
mashes lashing acclimation agglutination
mustaches mashing acclimatization aggrandization
rashes plashing accommoda- aggravation
rehashes slashing tion aggregation
sashes smashing accreditation agitation
slashes splashing accrimination agnation
smashes thrashing accubation agnomination
splashes unlashing accumulation alcoholization
unlashes accusation alienation
ASH'le acervation alimentation
ASH'fiil Ashley acidification alkalization
bashful flashly activation allegation
gashful gashly actualization allegorization
rashful actuation alleviation
unbashful ASH'man acumination alligation
ashman acupunctuation alliteration
ASH'e flashman adaptation allocation
ashy adequation alteration
flashy A'sho adhortation altercation
hashy Horatio adjudication alternation
mashie adjuration amalgamation
mashy A'shun administration ambulation
plashy abacination admiration amelioration
slashy abalienation adoration Americaniza-
splashy abbreviation adornation tion
trashy abdication adulation ampliation
aberration adulteration amplification
ASH'ing abjudication adumbration amputation
abashing abjuration adversation analyzation

ale, care, add, arm, §sk; me, h§re, end; Ice, Til;
367 A'shun

anathematiza- assimulation caprification codification

tion association captivation cogitation
anglicization atomization carbonization cognation
Anglification attenuation carbunculation cohabitation
angulation attestation carnation collation
animalization attrectation cassation colligation
animation augmentation castellation collocation
annexation augu ration castigation colonization
annihilation auscultation castrametation coloration
annomination authentication catechization columniation
annotation authorization causation combination
annulation averruncation cauterization commemora-
annumeration aviation celebration tion
annunciation avocation cementation commendation
anticipation backwardation centralization commensura-
antilibration basification cerebration tion
appellation beatification certification commination
application beautification cessation commiseration
appreciation bifurcation cetacean communication
approbation blood relation chain station commutation
appropriation blusteration characteriza- compellation
approximation bombilation tion compensation
aration botheration chrismation compilation
arbitration brutalization Christianiza- complication
arcuation tion compotation
argentation cineration compurgation
argumentation circulation computation
aromatization circumgyration concentration
arrestation circumnaviga- concertation
arrogation tion conciliation
articulation circumnutation condemnation
calumniation condensation
Asian circumvallation
cameration circumvolation condonation
aspiration canalization citation confabulation
assassination cancellation civilization confederation
assentation canonization clarification configuration
asseveration cantillation classification confirmation
assignation capitalization coagulation confiscation
assimilation capitation coaxation conflagration
old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'shun 368

conformation cremation deformation depositation

confrontation crenellation defraudation depravation
confutation crepitation degeneration deprecation
congelation crimination degradation depreciation
conglomeration crustacean degustation depredation
congratulation crustation dehortation deprivation
congregation crystallization deification depuration
conjugation cubation delation deputation
conjuration culmination delectation derivation
connotation cultivation delegation derogation
consecration cupellation deliberation desecration
conservation curvation delimitation desiccation
consideration Dalmatian delineation desideration
consolation damnation deliration designation
consolidation damnification deltafication desolation
constellation debarkation demarcation desperation
consternation debilitation dementation despoliation
consubstantia- decalcification demonetization desquamation
tion decantation demonstration destination
consultation decapitation demoralization deterioration
consummation decentraliza- denationaliza- determination
contamination tion tion deterration
contemplation decimation denization detestation
continuation declamation denomination detonization
contravallation declaration denotation detruncation
conversation declination dentation devastation
convocation decollation denticulation deviation
cooperation deconsecration dentilation devirgination
co-optation decoration denudation dictation
coordination decortication denunciation diffarreation
copulation decrepitation deodorization differentiation
cornification decubation deoppilation digitation
coronation decussation deosculation dilapidation
corporation dedication deoxidation dilatation
correlation defalcation deoxygenation dilation
corroboration defamation depilation dimidiation
corrugation defecation deploration disapprobation
coruscation deflagration depopulation discoloration
creation defloration deportation discontinuation

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
369 A'shun

discrimination effoliation evangelization exploitation

disculpation ejaculation evaporation exploration
disfiguration ejulation eventuation expoliation
disinclination elaboration evisceration exportation
disintegration elation evocation expostulation
dislocation electrification evolation expropriation
dispensation electrization exacerbation expugnation
disputation electrolyzation exaggeration expurgation
disqualification elevation exaltation exsiccation
dissemination elimination examination exsufflation
dissentation elixation exasperation extemporiza-
dissertation elucidation excavation tion
disseveration emaciation excitation extenuation
dissimulation emanation exclamation extermination
dissipation emancipation excogitation external ization
dissociation emasculation excommunica- extirpation
distillation embrocation tion extravasation
divagation emendation excoriation extrication
divarication emigration excruciation exudation
diversification emulation exculpation exultation
divination endenization execration fabrication
divulgation enervation exemplification facilitation
documentation enthronization exercitation falcation
domestication enucleation exfoliation falsification
domiciliation enumeration exhalation familiarization
domination enunciation exhilaration fasciation
donation equalization exhortation fascination
dotation equation exhumation fecundation
dulcification equilibration exoneration federation
duplication equitation expatiation felicitation
duration equivocation expatriation feneration
economization eradication expectation fenestration
edification eructation expectoration fermentation
education estimation experimenta- ferrumination
edulcoration estivation tion fertilization
effectuation eternization . expiation feudalization
effemination etherealization expiration fibrination
effeminization etiolation explanation figuration
efflation evacuation explication filiation

old, or, odd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'shun 370

filtration - gelati nation hibernation inanimation

fissiparation gelatinization Hibernicization inapplication
fixation gemination homologation inappreciation
flagellation gemmation horrification inarticulation
flagitation generalization hortation inauguration
flirtation generation humanization inauration
floccillation generification humectation incameration
florification geniculation humiliation incantation
flossification germination hybridization incapacitation
flotation gestation hydration incarceration
fluctuation gesticulation hypothecation incarnation
flusteration glaciation idealization incarnification
fluxation glandulation ideation inchoation
foliation glomeration identification incineration
fomentation gloriation illaqueation incitation
forcipation glorification illation incivilization
foreordination glutination illustration inclination
formation gradation imagination incommodation
formulization graduation imbrication inconsideration
fortification granitification imitation incorporation
fossil ification granulation immaculation incrassation
fossil ization graticulation immanation incremation
foundation gratification immigration incrustation
fraternation gratulation immoderation incubation
fraternization gravidation immolation inculcation
frequentation gravitation immortaliza- inculpation
friation gunation tion incultivation
frication gustation impanation incurvation
frondation gyration impersonation indemnification
fructification habilitation implication indentation
frumentation habitation imploration indetermination
frustration habituation importation indication
fulguration hallucination imprecation indigitation
fulmination hariolation impregnation indignation
fumigation harmonization improvisation indiscrimina-
furcation hebetation impugnation tion
furfuration Hellenization imputation individualiza-
galvanization hepatization inadequation tion
gasification hesitation inaffectation individuation

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, fll;
371 A'shun

indoctrination integumenta- irritation liquation

induration tion isolation liquidation
inebriation inteneration iteration literalization
inequation intensation jactitation litigation
infatuation intensification jaculation lixiviation
infestation intercalation jobation localization
infeudation intercolumnia- jollification location
infiltration tion jubilation lubrication
inflammation intercommuni- Judaization lucubration
inflation cation justification lunation
information interdigitation laceration lustration
ingemination interlineation lachrymation luxation
ingratiation interlocation lactation luxuriation
ingravidation intermediation lallation macadamiza-
ingurgitation intermigration lamentation tion
inhabitation intermutation lamination maceration
inhalation interpellation lancination machicolation
inhumation interpenetra- laniation machination
initiation tion lapidation maculation
innervation interpolation lapidification magnetization
innovation interpretation Latinization magnification
inoculation interrelation maladministra-
inordination interrogation tion
inosculation interstratifica- maleficiation
insinuation tion malformation
inspiration intimation malleation
inspissation intimidation malversation
installation legation
intoleration manifestation
instauration legislation
intonation manipulation
instigation legitimation
intoxication marmoration
instillation levation
intrication martyrization
instrumenta- levigation
inundation mastication
tion levitation
invalidation materialization
insubordina- libation
investigation materiation
tion invigoration liberation
insufflation invitation libration
insulation invocation. licentiation
insultation irradiation lignification
integration irrigation limitation mediatization
old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'shun 372

medication negation occupation peculation

meditation negotiation oneration penetration
melioration neologization operation perambulation^
mellification nervation oppugnation percolation
mendication neutralization oration peregrination
mensuration nictation orbiculation perfectation
mesmerization nictitation orchestration perfectionation
metallization nidification ordination perforation
methodization nidulation organization perlustration
migration nigrification orientation permeation
ministration nitrification origination permutation
miscegenation nobilitation ornamentation pernoctation
mitigation noctambulation oscillation peroration
mobilization noctivagation oscitation perpetration
moderation nodati0n osculation perpetuation
modernization nomination ossification perscrutation
modification normalization ostentation personation
modulation notation otiation personification
molestation notification ovation perspiration
mollification Novatian oxidation perturbation
monetization novation oxygenation pestillation
monstration nudation ozonation petrification
moralization nudification ozonification philosophation
mortification nugation ozonization phonation
multiplication nullification pacation phorietization
mummification numeration pacification piscation
mundification obfuscation pagination placation
murmuration objurgation palification plantation
mutation oblation palliation plebification
mutilation oblatration palpation plication
mutuation obligation palpitation pluralization
mystification obliteration pandiculation polarization
narration obnubilation panification police station
nasalization obscuration paralyzation pollicitation
natation obsecration participation pollination
nation observation patronization polling station
naturalization obstination pauperization population
navigation obviation pausation porphyrization
necessitation occultation pectination postillation
ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, hijre, Snd; Ice, ill;
373 A'shun

postulation protuberation recuperation resuscitation

potation provocation recurvation retaliation
precipitation publication recusation retardation
predacean pullulation redintegration reticulation
predation pulsation reformation retractation
predestination pulverization refrigeration retrogradation
predication punctuation refutation revelation
predomination purgation regelation reverberation
premeditation purification regeneration revibration
preoccupation quadruplication registration revivification
preparation qualification regulation revocation
preponderation quantification rehabilitation rhetorication
presensation quartation reiteration roboration
presentation quassation rejuvenation rogation
preservation quotation . relation rose carnation
prestidigitation racemation relaxation rotation
prevarication radiation relegation rubification
privation radication relocation ruination
probation ramification remanation rumination
proclamation ratification remonetization rustication
procrastination ratiocination remonstration saburration
procreation ration remuneration sacrification
procuration realization renegation salification
profanation recalcitration renovation salination
profligation recantation renunciation salivation
prognostication recapitulation reparation saltation
prolation recidivation repatriation salutation
prolification reciprocation replication salvation
prolongation recitation representation sanctification
promulgation reclamation reprobation sanguification
pronation recognization reptation sanitation
pronunciation recommenda- repudiation saponification
propagation tion reputation satiation
propitiation reconciliation reservation sation
propitiation recordation , resignation saturation
propugnation recreation resinification scarification
prorogation recrimination respiration scintillation
prostration rectification restoration sciscitation
protestation recubation resupination scorification

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fot»t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'shun 374

scrutation spiflication summation theorization

secularization spiritualization superannuation Thracian
secundation spoliation supererogation thurification
sedimentation sputation supination tintinnabulation
segmentation stagnation supplantation titillation
segregation starvation supplementa- titration
self-centration station tion titteration
self-preserva- stellatiofi supplication titubation
tion sternutation supportation toleration
self-renuncia- stigmatization suppuration trabeation
tion stimulation surrogation tractation
semination stipulation suspensation tractoration
sensation strangulation suspiration tralation
sensualization stratification sustentation tranquillization
separation striation susurration transanimation
sequestration stridulation syllabication transcolation
serration stultification syllogization transfiguration
serrulation stupration symbol ization transformation
sibilation subarrhation synchroniza- translation
siccation subjugation tion transliteration
sideration sublation syncopation translocation
signation sublevation systematization transmigration
signification subligation tabularization transmogrifica-
silicification sublimation tabulation tion
simplification sublimification tantalization transmutation
simulation sublimitation tarnation transpiration
sinuation sublineation tartarization transplantation
situation subordination taxation transportation
solarization subornation temeration transubstantia-
solemnization subrogation temporization tion
solicitation substantiation temptation transudation
solidification subtilization terebration tremulation
somnambula- succussation tergiversation trepidation
tion sudation termination triangulation
sophistication sufflation tessellation tribulation
specialization suffocation testacean triplication
specification suggilation testamentation tripudiation
speculation sulcation testation trituration
speechification sulphuration testification trucidation

ale, cSre, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; ice, 111;
375 A'shun — A'shus

trull ization vexation impassioned feracious

truncation vexillation old-fashioned flirtatious
tubulation vibration passioned fugacious
tumultuation vigesimation unfashioned fumacious
turbination vilification unimpassioned gracious
typification vindemiation unpassioned incapacious
ulceration vindication inefficacious
ultimation violation ASH'ur linguacious
ululation visitation Asher loquacious
undulation vital ization baggage- mendacious
unification vitiation smasher minacious
ustulation vitrification Brasher misgracious
usurpation vitriolation casher mordacious
utilization vitriolization dasher ostentatious
vacation vituperation crasher palacious
vaccination vivification dasher perspicacious
vacillation vocalization flasher pertinacious
vacuolation vocation gasher pervicacious
validation vociferation haberdasher predacious
valuation volatilization lasher procacious
vaporation volcanization masher pugnacious
vaporization vulcanization rasher rampacious
vapulation (See also slasher rapacious
variation ASH'e-an.) smasher sagacious
variegation splasher salacious
vaticination ASH'en, thrasher sequacious
vegetation ASH'un unlasher spacious
vellication ashen tenacious
venation compassion A'shus ungracious
venenation fashion audacious veracious
veneration impassion bibacious vexatious
ventilation master passion capacious vivacious
verbalization passion contumacious voracious
verberation (See also disgracious
verification ASH'e-an.) disputatious acanaceous
vermiculation edacious acanthaceous
vernation ASH'und efficacious alliaceous
versification dispassioned execratious amylaceous
vesication fashioned fallacious arenaceous

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
A'shus —AS'ing 376

bulbaceous ranunculaceous AS'ik casing

cactaceous resinaceous aphasic chasing
camphoraceous rosaceous basic debasing
capillaceous rutaceous bibasic defacing
carbonaceous sabaceous dibasic disgracing
cetaceous salicaceous quadribasic displacing
corallaceous saponaceous tribasic effacing
coriaceous sarmentaceous embracing
cretaceous saxifragaceous AS'ik enlacing
crustaceous schorlaceous boracic erasing
cylindraceous scoriaceous classic facing
erinaceous sebaceous Jurassic foot racing
fabaceous setaceous Liassic gracing
farinaceous stercoraceous potassic horse racing
ferulaceous testaceous sebacic interlacing
filaceous tophaceous thoracic interspacing
foliaceous torfaceous Triassic lacing
frumentaceous truttaceous misplacing
fungaceous turbinaceous AS'H outfacing
furfuraceous vinaceous facile outpacing
gallinaceous violaceous gracile pacing
gemmaceous placing
herbaceous ASH'vil AS'in racing
lappaceous Ashville basin replacing
lardaceous Nashville (See also retracing
liliaceous AS"n.) self-abasing
marlaceous spacing
micaceous bayside AS'in steeplechasing
olivaceous braeside assassin tight-lacing
orchidaceous wayside tracing
palmaceous AS'in uncasing
pectinaceous „ spadassin underbracing
perdaceous AS'id unlacing
perlaceous acid AS'ing
piperaceous placid abasing AS'ing
pomaceous basing amassing
porraceous AS'ij begracing classing
psittaceous brassage belacing gassing
pulveraceous passage bracing massing

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;
377 AS'ing — AS'ment

overpassing AS'kal tasking laceless

passing mascle unmasking maceless
surpassing paschal paceless
underclassing rascal AS'ko placeless
Belasco raceless
AS'is AS'kar fiasco spaceless
basis Lascar tabasco traceless
crasis Madagascar tasco
glacis AS'let
oasis AS'kest AS'kur bracelet
phasis askest asker
baskest basker AS'let
AS'is bemaskest casquer haslet
chassis maskest masker taslet
tn skpst
unmaskest AS'kus AS'man
Damascus baseman
tacit AS'ket first baseman
(See also basket ASK with laceman
AS'et.) breadbasket Asquith paceman
. casket placeman
AS'iv flasket AS"1 raceman
assuasive gasket castle second base-
dissuasive lasket entassel man
evasive envassal third baseman
invasive AS'keth tassel
persuasive asketh vassal AS'man
pervasive basketh wrastle classman
suasive bemasketh gasman
masketh AS'le glassman
AS'iv tasketh basely
impassive unmasketh commonplacely AS'ment
massive abasement
passive AS'king AS'les basement
asking aceless begracement
AS'ka basking baseless belacement
Alaska bemasking caseless casement
Athabaska masking faceless debasement
Nebraska overtasking graceless defacement

old, or, 6dd, oil, fot)t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AS'ment — AST'est 378

displacement AS'6, AS'6 raspeth genioplasty

effacement basso unclaspeth masty
embracement lasso nasty
encasement Sargasso AS'pik vasty
enlacement Tasso aspic
erasement AS'ted
interlacement AS'ok AS'ping basted
misplacement cassock clasping hasted
placement hassock enclasping long-waisted
replacement engrasping pasted
retracement AS'on gasping short-waisted
self-abasement caisson grasping tasted
Grayson rasping untasted
AS'ment Jason unclasping unwasted
amassment mason war-wasted
(See also AS'pur wasted
AS'min or AS'n.) asper
AZ'min Caspar AS'ted
jasmine AS'on Casper blasted
casson clasper contrasted
(See also gasper fasted
chasten AS"n.) grasper flabbergasted
enchasten jasper lasted
AS'pen rasper masted
(See also aspen outlasted
AS'ta unblasted
AS'pest Shasta undermasted
. claspest
AS"n enclaspest A'star AS'tel
fasten gaspest daystar pastel
(See also graspest
AS'on.) raspest AS'te AST'est
unclaspest hasty bastest
AS'nur pasty chastest
chastener AS'peth tasty foretastest
hastener claspeth hastest
enclaspeth AS'te pastest
AS'nes gaspeth blasty tastest
crassness graspeth epinasty wastest

ale, care, add, arm, £sk; me, h^re, end; ice, HI;
379 AST'est — AS'tral

AST'est bioplastic protoplastic Hastings

easiest bombastic sarcastic (See also
contrastest ceroplastic scholastic AST'ing; add
fastest chiliastic scholiastic -s where
lastest clastic spastic appropriate.)
outlastest deutoplastic tetrastich
vastest dichastic AST'le
docimastic AS'tiks ghastly
AST'eth drastic ecclesiastics lastly
basteth dynastic elastics steadfastly
foretasteth ecclesiastic fantastics vastly
hasteth elastic gymnastics
pasteth emplastic phalloplasties AST'les
tasteth encomiastic basteless
wasteth enthusiastic Astim hasteless
esemplastic pastime pasteless
AST'eth fantastic tasteless
casteth galvanoplastic AST'ing waistless
contrasteth gelastic basting wasteless
fasteth gymnastic foretasting
lasteth Hudibrastic hasting AST'ment
outlasteth iconoclastic pasting blastment
inelastic tasting contrastment
AST'fiil mastic unwasting
distasteful metaphrastic wasting AST'nes
tasteful monastic fastness
wasteful neoplastic AST'ing vastness
onomastic blasting
AS'tif orgiastic casting AST'ning
mastiff paraphrastic contrasting fastening
parasceuastic everlasting
AS'tij paronomastic fasting AS'ton
wastage pierastic flabbergasting Aston
* periphrastic forecasting Gaston
AS'tik phelloplastic lasting
amphiblastic plagioclastic recasting AS'tral
anaclastic plastic astral
antiphrastic pleonastic AS'tingz cadastral
antonomastic proplastic bastings subastral

old, or, 6dd, oil, f8ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AS'tre — AS'ur 380

AS'tre burgomaster schoolmaster chaser

pastry bushmaster scoutmaster debaser
cablecaster shinplaster defacer
AS'trik cadastre stationmaster disgracer
cacogastric canaster sticking plaster displacer
digastric caster taskmaster effacer
gastric castor toastmaster embracer
hypogastric China aster vaster encaser
perigastric choirmaster Zoroaster eraser
concertmaster facer
AS'tron contraster AS'tur footracer
apastron court plaster shaster gracer
plastron criticaster grimacer
disaster AS'turd, horse racer
faster AS'turd interlacer
flabbergaster bastard lacer
forecaster beplastered macer
_ ghetto blaster dastard misplacer
AS'tur Goniaster mastered outpacer
baster grammaticaster overmastered pacer
chaster grand master pilastered placer
foretaster headmaster plastered racer
paster housemaster unmastered replacer
taster interpilaster retracer
waster Latinitaster AS'tus spacer
. master Erastus steeplechaser
AS'tur medicaster Rastus tracer
pasture oleaster unlacer
overmaster AS'tyun
AS'tur, past master bastion AS'ur
AS'tur pastor amasser
alabaster paymaster AS'ur antimacassar
aster piaster abaser masser
Astor pilaster ambulance passer
bandmaster plaster chaser placer
barrack master poetaster baser surpasser
beplaster postmaster begracer
blaster quartermaster belacer AS'ur
broadcaster ringmaster bracer kirschwasser

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h«jre, end; Ice, 111;
381 A'ta — AT'ed

A'ta (See also AT'ed antiquated

albata AT'on.) abated appreciated
data abbreviated approbated
dentata AT'ant abdicated appropriated
errata blatant ablocated approximated
Invertebrata latent abnegated arbitrated
postulata natant abominated armillated
pro rata patent abrogated armor-plated
strata statant accelerated arrogated
ultimata accentuated articulated
Vertebrata AT'e accommodated asphyxiated
Ate accumulated aspirated
AT'a eighty acidulated assassinated
matamata ex necessitate actuated asseverated
regatta Haiti addle-pated assimilated
strata Jubilate adjudicated assimulated
maty adulterated associated
A'ta platy advocated asteriated
a ballata slaty aerated attenuated
batata weighty affiliated augurated
cantata agglomerated aurated
data AT'e aggravated authenticated
imbrocata batty aggregated awaited
inamorata catty agitated baited
Mahratta chatty alienated bated
pro rata Cincinnati alleviated belated
reata fatty allocated berated
serenata Hattie alternated bifurcated
sonata Mattie amalgamated calculated
matty ameliorated calumniated
AT'al natty ampliated camphorated
fatal Pattie amputated capacitated
natal patty annihilated capitulated
postnatal ratty annotated captivated
prenatal annulated carbonated
Statal AT'e annumerated castellated
• antenati annunciated castigated
AT'an illuminati antedated celebrated
Satan literati anticipated certificated

old, 6r, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT'ed 382

circulated culminated dominated expectorated

circumstanti- cultivated dunder-pated expiated
ated dated duplicated expostulated
coagulated debated educated extenuated
cogitated debilitated effectuated exterminated
collated decapitated efflated extricated
collocated decimated ejaculated fabricated
commemorated decorated elaborate facilitated
comminated dedicated elated fascinated
commiserated degenerated electroplated fated
communicated delegated elevated federated
compensated deliberated eliminated felicitated
complicated delineated elucidated feted
concentrated demonstrated emaciated flagellated
conciliated denominated emanated fluctuated
confabulated depopulated emancipated foreordinated
confederated deprecated emasculated formulated
confiscated depreciated emigrated freighted
conglomerated derogated emulated frustrated
congratulated desecrated enumerated fulminated
congregated desiderated enunciated fumigated
conjugated designated equivocated gaited
consecrated desolated eradicated gated
consolidated deteriorated estimated generated
consummated detonated evacuated germinated
contaminated devastated evaporated gesticulated
contemplated deviated eventuated graduated
cooperated dictated exaggerated granulated
coordinated differentiated exasperated grated
copper-plated dilapidated excavated gratulated
copulated dilated excommuni- gravitated
coronated discriminated cated habituated
correlated disintegrated excoriated hated
corroborated dislocated execrated heavy-gaited
corrugated disseminated exhilarated heavy-weighted
created dissimulated exonerated hesitated
cremated dissipated exorbitated humiliated
crenellated dissociated expatiated idle-pated
crepitated domesticated expatriated ill-fated

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<jre, find; Ice, ill;
383 AT'ed

illuminated investigated obliterated punctuated

illustrated invigorated obviated radiated
imitated invocated officiated rated
immigrated irradiated operated rattle-pated
immolated irrigated . opinionated recapitulated
impersonated irritated originated reciprocated
implicated isolated oscillated recreated
imprecated iterated osculated recriminated
impropriated jasperated overrated recuperated
inaugurated legislated overstated refrigerated
incapacitated levigated palliated regenerated
incarcerated liberated palpitated regulated
incastellated liquidated participated rehabilitated
incinerated located penetrated reinstated
incorporated lubricated perambulated reiterated
incriminated luxuriated percolated rejuvenated
incubated macerated peregrinated related
indicated manipulated perforated relegated
indoctrinated marinated^ permeated remunerated
indurated masticated perpetrated renovated
inebriated mated perpetuated Reno-vated
infatuated matriculated personated repatriated
inflated medicated . placated repudiated
infuriated meditated plaited resuscitated
ingratiated methylated plated retaliated
initiated migrated plicated reverberated
innovated militated populated ruminated
inoculated mitigated postulated rusticated
insinuated moderated prated salivated
instated modulated precipitated sated
instigated mutilated predestinated satiated
insulated narrated predicated saturated
interpolated navigated predominated scintillated
interrogated necessitated premeditated segregated
intimated negotiated prevaricated separated
intimidated nickel-plated procrastinated shallow-pated
intoxicated nominated prognosticated sibilated
inundated nucleolated propagated silicated
invalidated obligated propitiated silver-plated

old, or, 6dd, oil, fot»t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT'ed —AT'est ISj

simulated unilluminated ratten decoratest

situated unmitigated deprecatest
skated unpremeditated AT'ent, devastatest
slated unrelated AT'ent dictatest
sophisticated unsophisticated patent dilatest
speculated unstated ejaculatest
spifflicated vacated AT'est elevatest.
stated vaccinated abatest emulatest
stimulated vacillated abdicatest exaggeratest
stipulated validated accommodatest fascinatest
subjugated variated accumulatest frustratest
sublimated variegated adulteratest graduatest
subordinated vegetated advocatest greatest
substantiated venerated aggravatest hatest
suffocated ventilated agitatest hesitatest
superannuated vindicated alleviatest imitatest
supplicated violated animatest indicatest
syncopated vitiated annihilatest irritatest
syndicated vituperated anticipatest latest
tabulated vociferated appreciatest liberatest
tergiversated waited articulatest matest
terminated weighted assimilatest narratest
tessellated associatest necessitatest
titillated AT'ed awaitest overratest
titivated batted baitest plaitest
tolerated chatted beratest protest
translated dratted calculatest radiatest
triangulated fatted captivatest ratest
triturated hatted celebratest regulatest
ululated matted cogitatest relatest
unabated patted commemoratest repudiatest
unappropriated plaited communicatest skatest
unauthenti- platted conjugatest slatest
cated consecratest statest
uncreated AT'en contaminatest toleratest
undecorated batten contemplatest translatest
underrated fatten createst underratest
understated flatten cultivatest vacatest
undulated paten debatest violatest

ale, care, add, arm, isk; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
385 AT'est — Ath'ik

waitest contaminateth meditateth Ath'an

contemplateth narrateth Elnathan
AT'est createth operateth Nathan
battest cremateth overrateth
chattest cultivateth prateth AT'hed
fattest debateth rateth fathead
flattest decorateth fegulateth flathead
pattest dedicateth relateth
depopulated separateth Ath'en
AT'eth devastateth skateth lathpn
abateth dictateth stateth
abdicateth dilateth suffocateth
accelerateth dissipateth underrateth
accommo- dominateth vaccinateth
dateth educateth violateth
accumulateth ejaculateth waiteth Ath'ful,
adulterateth elevateth Ath'ful
advocateth emulateth AT'eth wrathful
agitateth estimateth batteth
alleviateth exaggerateth chatteth Ath'ik
ameliorateth excavateth fatteth allopathic
animateth excommuni- patteth antipathic
annihilateth cateth chrestomathic
anticipateth exhilarateth AT'ez electropathic
appropriateth expiateth penates empathic
arbitrateth extenuateth felspathic
articulateth extricateth heteropathic
associateth fabricateth homeopathic
awaiteth fascinateth AT'form hydropathic
baiteth frustrateth platform idiopathic
calculateth hateth neuropathic
cancellateth hesitateth AT'ful orthognathic
captivateth imitate th fateful osteopathic
celebrateth indicateth grateful philomathic
circulateth irritateth hateful polymathic
conciliateth liberateth ungrateful prognathic
confiscateth locate th psychopathic
congratulateth luxuriateth AT'ha spathic
consecrateth mateth Jagannatha telempathic

old, or, 6dd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
Ath'ik —AT'ik 386

telepathic swather acousmatic catastatic

theopathic acroatic categorematic
ATH'ur acrobatic charismatic
ATH'ing blather acromono- chromatic
bathing forgather grammatic cinematic
swathing gather adiabatic climatic
unswathing lather Adriatic commatic
ungather aerostatic creatic
A thing upgather agnatic cryptogram-
plaything aliphatic matic
ATH'ur, anabatic cuneatic
ATH'ing ATH'ur anagrammatic dalmatic
bathing father anastatic democratic
lathing rather anathematic diagrammatic
(See also antistatic diaphragmatic
Ath'les OTH'ur.) aphorismatic diastatic
faithless aplanatic diastomatic
scatheless ATH'urz apochromatic dichromatic
gathers apophtheg- dilemmatic
Ath'les slathers matic diplomatic
bathless (See also • aposematic dogmatic
pathless ATH'ur; add apostatic dramatic
wrathless -s where aquatic ecbatic
appropriate.) aristocratic ecstatic
ATH'om arithmocratic Eleatic
fathom Arid aromatic electrostatic
bat-eyed Asiatic emblematic
ATH'omd cat-eyed astatic emphatic
unfathomed asthmatic empyreumatic
AT'Id astigmatic enatic
Ath'os caryatid asymptomatic endermatic
bathos (See also Attic enigmatic
pathos AT'ed.) attic epigrammatic
autocratic episematic
Ath'u AT'if automatic erratic
Matthew caitiff axiomatic eustatic
biquadratic fanatic
ATH'ur AT'ik bureaucratic fluviatic
bather achromatic caryatic geostatic

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
387 AT'ik —AT'in

geratic monocratic problematic unsystematic

grammatic monogram- proceleusmatic vatic
gyrostatic matic programmatic venatic
hallelujatic morganatic prostatic viatic
Hanseatic muriatic protatic villatic
heliostatic mydriatic psychosomatic zeugmatic
hematic noematic quadratic zygomatic
hemostatic numismatic rhematic
hepatic ochlocratic rheumatic AT'ik
hieratic operatic sabbatic aquatic
hierogram- opiatic Sarmatic (See also
matic osmatic schematic OT'ik.)
hydrostatic palatic schismatic
hyperbatic pancratic sciatic AT'iks
hypostatic pancreatic sematic aerostatics
iconomatic pantisocratic sinalagmatic attics
idiocratic paradigmatic smegmatic electrostatics
idiomatic parallelogram- Socratic hydrostatics
idiosyncratic matic somatic hygrostatics
isochromatic pathematic spermatic mathematics
isodiabatic phantomatic static pneumatics
judgmatic phatic stigmatic statics
kinematic pherecratic stomatic (See also
komatik phlegmatic stromatic AT'ik; add
lavatic phosphatic subaquatic -s where
lipogrammatic photostatic sulphatic appropriate.)
lymphatic phreatic sylvatic
magistratic physiocratic symptomatic A'tim
majestatic piratic systematic daytime
mathematic plasmatic technocratic playtime
melanocratic platic thematic
melismatic pleochromatic theocratic AT'im
melodramatic plutocratic theorematic literatim
mesocratic pneumatic thermostatic seriatim
metastatic poematic timocratic verbatim
miasmatic polychromatic traumatic
micromatic pragmatic trichromatic AT'in
mobocratic prelatic trigrammatic Latin
monochromatic prismatic truismatic matin

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, iirn, up; THis, thin
AT'in —AT'ing 388

patine associating creating dissipating

platen attenuating cremating dissociating
satin augu rating criminating dominating
authenticating culminating duplicating
AT'ing awaiting cultivating educating
abating baiting dating ejaculating
abbreviating bating debating elaborating
abdicating berating debilitating electroplating
abnegating calculating decapitating elevating
abominating calumniating decimating eliminating
accelerating capitulating decorating elucidating
accentuating castigating dedicating emaciating
accommodat- celebrating degenerating emanating
ing circulating delegating emancipating
accumulating coagulating deliberating emigrating
adulterating cogitating delineating emulating
advocating collocating demonstrating enumerating
aerating commemorat- denominating equivocating
aggravating ing depopulating eradicating
aggregating commiserating deprecating estimating
agitating communicating depreciating evacuating
alienating compensating derivating evaporating
alleviating complicating derogating exaggerating
alternating concentrating desecrating exasperating
amalgamating conciliating designating excavating
ameliorating confabulating deteriorating excommunicat-
amputating confederating determinating ing
animating confiscating detonating excruciating
annihilating congratulating devastating execrating
annumerating congregating deviating exhilarating
anticipating conjugating dictating exonerating
appreciating consecrating differentiating expatiating
appropriating consolidating dilapidating expectorating
approximating consummating dilating expiating
arbitrating contaminating discriminating expostulating
armor-plating contemplating disintegrating extenuating
articulating cooperating dislocating extricating
assassinating corroborating disseminating fabricating
assimilating corrugating dissimulating facilitating

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
389 AT'ing

fascinating inebriating migrating premeditating

federating infanticipating militating prevaricating
felicitating infatuating mitigating prognosticating
feting inflating moderating promulgating
flagellating infuriating modulating propagating
fluctuating ingratiating mutilating propitiating
formulating initiating narrating punctuating
fornicating innovating navigating quadruplicating
freighting inoculating necessitating radiating
frustrating insinuating negotiating rating
fulminating instigating nickel-plating rebating
fumigating insulating nominating recapitulating
generating interpolating obliterating reciprocating
germinating interrogating obviating recreating
gesticulating intimating operating recriminating
graduating intimidating originating recuperating
granulating intoxicating oscillating refrigerating
grating inundating osculating regulating
gratulating invalidating overrating reinstating
gravitating investigating overstating reiterating
hating invigorating palliating rejuvenating
hesitating invocating palpitating relating
humiliating irradiating participating relegating
illuminating irrigating penetrating remunerating
illustrating irritating perambulating renovating
imitating isolating percolating repudiating
immigrating iterating peregrinating resuscitating
immolating legislating perforating retaliating
impersonating liberating permeating reverberating
implicating liquidating perpetrating ruminating
imprecating locating perpetuating rusticating
inaugurating lubricating personating satiating
incapacitating luxuriating plaiting saturating
incarcerating manipulating plating scintillating
incriminating masticating populating separating
incubating mating postulating simulating
indicating matriculating prating skating
^discriminat- mediating precipitating slating
ing meditating predominating sophisticating

old, or, odd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT'ing — AT'iv 390

speculating AT'ing alliterative corroborative

stating batting alterative creative
stimulating chatting ameliorative criminative
stipulating fatting animative cumulative
subjugating matting anticipative dative
suffocating patting annunciative decorative
supplicating platting appreciative ' dedicative
syncopating ratting approbative degenerative
tabulating tatting appropriative deliberative
terminating vatting approximative denominative
titillating assimilative denunciative
titivating AT'Ir associative deprecative
tolerating satire authoritative depreciative
translating calculative desiderative
unabating AT'is carminative designative
unaccommo- gratis circulative desiccative
dating coagulative deteriorative
underrating AT'is cogitative determinative
understating brattice collative dilative
undeviating lattice combinative discriminative
undiscriminat- commemora- disseminative
ing AT'ish tive dissociative
undulating cattish commiserative dominative
vacating fattish communicative duplicative
vaccinating flattish complicative educative
vacillating concentrative edulcorative
validating AT'iv conciliative elaborative
variegating abnegative confederative elative
vegetating abrogative congratulative elucidative
venerating accelerative consecrative emanative
ventilating accommodative consolidative emulative
verberating accumulative consultative enumerative
vindicating adjudicative contaminative enunciative
violating administrative contemplative eradicative
vitiating agglomerative continuative estimative
vituperating agglutinative cooperative evaporative
vociferating aggregative coordinative exaggerative
waiting agitative copulative excommunica-
weighting alleviative corporative tive

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, HI;
391 AT'iv —AT"1

execrative interpenetra- predestinative suffocative

exhilarative tive premeditative supplicative
exonerative interpretative procreative suppurative
explicative investigative prognosticative terminative
expostulative invigorative prolative translative
exsiccative invocative pronunciative ulcerative
facultative irrigative propagative unappreciative
federative irritative punctuative uncommunica-
figurative iterative purificative tive
frustrative jaculative qualificative uncreative
geminative judicative qualitative undulative
generative justificative quantitative unimaginative
germinative lacerative radiative unremunerative
gesticulative legislative variative
glutinative limitative vegetative
gravitative manipulative velicative
hesitative medicative ventilative
recriminative verificative
illative meditative
illuminative recuperative vindicative
illustrative mitigative refrigerative violative
imaginative modificative regenerative vituperative
imbricative modulative regulative vivificative
imitative multiplicative reiterative
impenetrative native remunerative
implicative renunciative
nomenclative Atkins
inappreciative replicative
nominative Batkins
incogitative reprobative
noncooperative (See also
incommunica- resuscitative
nonnative OT'kins.)
tive nonstative retaliative
incorporative operative reverberative AT"1
incriminative opinionative ruminative battel
incubative originative sative battle
indiscrimina- oscillative segregative cattle
tive palliative separative chattel
inhabitative participative significative death rattle
initiative penetrative simulative embattle
innovative perforative speculative prattle
inoperative pignorative stative rattle
insinuative postoperative stimulative Seattle
old, or, ddd, oil, fd"ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT"I — AT'red 392

tattle legitimately rattler AT'6

tittle-tattle moderately Statler chateau
sedately tattler mulatto
AT'las, AT'les stately plateau
atlas straitly AT'ment
cravatless ultimately abatement A'tfl
hatless affreightment annatto
(See also AT; AT'le instatement chateau
add -less where fatly overstatement enamorato
appropriate.) flatly reinstatement legato
patly statement obbligato
AT'le (IT'le) rattly understatement pizzicato
accurately pomato
adequately AT'les AT'nes staccato
affectionately baitless appropriate- tomato
alternately dateless ness
appropriately estateless considerateness AT'om
approximately freightless greatness atom
compassion- gaitless innateness
ately gateless lateness AT'on
consummately grateless ornateness Clayton
delicately hateless sedateness Dayton
desolately mateless straightness Leighton
desperately rateless peyton
disconsolately stateless AT'nes Satan
effeminately weightless fatness
elaborately flatness AT'on
extortionately Ailing patness baton
fortunately battling Hatton
greatly catling AT'5
illiterately fatling Cato AT'ra
immaculately gatling couch potato Cleopatra
immoderately prattling hot potato
inarticulately rattling literato A'tre
inconsiderately tattling NATO bay tree
intemperately Plato May tree
intimately AT'lur pomato
irately battler potato AT'red
lately prattler tomato hatred

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; ice, 111;
393 AT'res —AT'ur

AT'res ATS'man AT'ur barrater

dictatress statesman abator barrator
imitatress abbreviator bater
spectatress ATS'man abdicator berater
traitress batsman ablator buccinator
waitress abnegator calculator
AT'son abrogater calumniator
AT'res Batson accelerator captivator
mattress Matson accumulator carburetor
mulattress activator castigator
AT'u adjudicator cater
AT'rik statue administrator caveator
hippiatric adulator cinerator
iatric AT'um affreighter classificator
kinesiatric datum aggravator cogitator
matric desideratum agitator collaborator
Patrick erratum alienator commemorator
theatric pomatum alleviator commentator
postulatum alligator comminator
_ stratum allocator commiserator
AT riks substratum alma mater commutator
administratrix superstratum alternator compotator
aviatrix ultimatum amalgamator compurgator
cicatrix ameliorator computator
generatrix AT'um annihilator concentrator
imitatrix stratum annotator conciliator
impropriatrix annunciator confiscator
matrix AT'um applicator confrater
mediatrix datum appropriator conjugator
spectatrix pomatum arbitrator consecrator
testatrix arch-traitor conservator
AT'ur articulator consolidator
AT'ris, AT'ris good nature aspirater contaminator
matrice ill nature asseverator contemplator
legislature assimilator cooperator
AT'ron nature authenticator coordinator
matron nomenclature aviator corporator
natron plicature awaiter corroborator
patron unnature baiter corrugator

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AT'ur 394

crater elater fumigator invigorator

creator elevator gaiter invocator
cremator eliminator gater irrigator
criminator elucidator generator irritator
cultivator emanator germinator judicator
curator emancipator gesticulator later
dater emendator gladiator laudator
debater emulator grater legislator
decapitator enumerator greater levator
decorator enunciator hater liberator
dedicator equator hesitater liquidator
delator equivocator humiliater litigator
deliberator eradicator hypothecator locater
delineator escalator illuminator lubricator
demonstrator evaporator illustrator malaxator
denominator exaggerator imitator man-hater
denunciator excavator imperator manipulator
depopulator execrator impersonator masticator
depredator exequatur imprimatur mater
depredator exhilarator incarcerator mediator
desiccator exonerator incinerator meditator
designator expatiator incorporator migrater
detonator expectorator incriminator mitigator
devastator expiator incubator moderator
deviator extenuator indicator modificator
dictater exterminator inflater modulator
dictator extricator inhalator multiplicator
dilator fabricator initiator mutator
discriminator facilitator innovator mutilator
disintegrator fascinator inoculator narrator
disseminator federator insinuator navigator
dissimulator felicitator instigator negator
divaricator first-rater insulator negotiator
dumbwaiter flagellator integrator nomenclator
duplicator formulator interpolator nominator
dura mater fornicator interrogator numerator
educater frater intimidator obliterator
ejaculator freighter investigator officiator
elaborator frustrator invigilator operator

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, ill;
395 AT'ur —AT'us

originator reciprocator straiter bepatter

oscillator recuperator subjugator bescatter
pacificator refrigerator supererogator bespatter
palliator regenerator supinator blatter
palpitator regrater supplicator chatter
pater regulator tabulator clatter
perambulator reinstater "tater" clitter-clatter
percolator reiterator tergiversator fatter
peregrinator relater terminator flatter
perforator remonstrator testator hatter
permeator renovator third-rater latter
perpetrator repudiator titillator matter
personator respirator titivator patter
philiater resuscitator trafficator platter
pia mater retaliator traitor ratter
piscator revelator translator satyr
placater reverberator vacater scatter
plaiter rotator vaccinator shatter
plater ruminator vacillator smatter
pontificator rusticator vaccinator spatter
postulator satyr venerator splatter
prater scarificator ventilator subject matter
precipitator scintillator versificator tatter
predominator scrutator viator
prestidigitator second-rater vibrator AT'ur
prevaricator sedater vindicator alma mater
procrastinator separator violator mater
procurator significator vituperator pater
prognosticator simulator vociferator Stabat Mater
promulgator skater waiter AT'urn
propagator slater woman hater pattern
propitiator sophisticator Saturn
propugnator spectator AT'iir slattern
pulsator speculator stature willow pattern
purificator Stabat Mater
qualificator stater AT'ur AT'us
radiator stimulator attar afflatus
rater stipulator batter apparatus
rebater straighter beflatter hiatus

old, or, odd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
AT'us —AV'eth 396

literatus inlayer A'va raveled

saleratus interlayer brava traveled
senatus inveigher cassava untraveled
status layer guava
Java AV'en
stratous matineer
lava craven
stratus mayor engraven
AT'us AV'al graven
missayer haven
apparatus neigher travail
obeyer Ave shaven
AT'ut outlayer
statute affidavy
outstayer cavy AV'est
outweigher Davie behavest
AT'wa overlayer beslavest
gateway Davy
payer gravy bravest
straitway cravest
player navy
portrayer peccavi depravest
prayer ravy engravest
prepayer slavey enslavest
preyer wavy forgavest
purveyor gavest
relayer AV'e gravest
repayer agave lavest
betrayer ave
slayer pavest
soothsayer ravest
conveyer AVel
sprayer savest
defrayer gavel
stayer shavest
delayer naval
strayer slavest
disarrayer navel
surveyer suavest
swayer waivest
disobeyer AV'el
underpayer wavest
displayer gavel
essayer underplayer gravel AV'eth
flayer viseer ravel behaveth
gainsayer waylayer travel beslaveth
gayer weigher unravel braveth
grayer craveth
greyer A'va AV'eld depraveth
hoorayer ave graveled engraveth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, £nd; Ice, 111;
397 AV'eth — AV'ur

enslaveth AV'in AV'is AV'Iing

forgaveth savin clavis shaveling
gaveth spavin Davis
laveth mavis AV'ment
paveth AV'ing rara avis depravement
raveth behaving engravement
saveth belaving AV'ish enslavement
shaveth beslaving bravish lavement
slaveth braving knavish pavement
waiveth caving slavish
waveth craving AV'nes
depraving AV'ish braveness
AV'ez engraving enravish graveness
Davies enslaving lavish suaveness
graving McTavish
labor saving ravish AV'6
Camp David laving bravo
David misbehaving octavo
engraved outbraving indicavit
paving AV'6
(See also AV; rovinn
add -ed where laving AV'it
appropriate.) saving davit octavo
w slaving AV'le AV'ok
AV'id staving bravely havoc
avid steel engraving gravely
gravid waiving knavely AV'ur
impavid waving suavely braver
pavid wood engrav- cadaver
ing AV'les claver
AV'ij caveless craver
ravage AV'ing graveless demiquaver
savage having slaveless depraver
scavage salving staveless disfavor
waveless engraver
AV'ik AV'ing enslaver
gravic calving AV'Iin favor
Pan-Slavic halving javelin flavor
Slavic salving ravelin graver

old, 6r, 6dc1, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AV'ur — AZ'eth 398

laver AV'us A'yard lazy

marriage favor Gustavus Bayard mazy
Papaver paraphrasey
paver AV'yur A'yo phrasey
quaver behavior K.O.
raver havior kayo AZ'e
saver misbehavior Mayo Benghazi
savor Pavier ghawazi
semiquaver pavior A'yu ghazi
shaver savior gayyou kamikaze
slaver Xavier Vayu
suaver AZ'est
waiver A'ward AZ'a amazest
waver wayward cazazza bepraisest
wood engraver piazza blazest
A'ward plaza braisest
vaward dazest
beslaver AZ'a gazest
cadaver Gaza glazest
haver A'worn AZ'al paraphrasest
spray worn appraisal phrasest
hazel praisest
AV'ur wayworn
nasal raisest
palaver witch hazel razest
suaver A'ya
Aglaia upraisest
ayah AZ'ard
AV'urd calisaya haphazard AZ'eth
favored Isaiah hazard amazeth
flavored naia mazard bepraiseth
ill-favored mazzard blazeth
quavered A'yan braiseth
savored Altaian AZ'e dazeth
wavered Cataian blazy gazeth
well-favored Himalayan crazy glazeth
Malayan daisy hazeth
AV'urn hazy paraphraseth
cavern A'yan jasey phraseth
tavern Himalayan lackadaisy praiseth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; ice, ill;
399 AZ'eth — AZ'ur

raiseth A'zhur phrasing amazement

razeth azure praising appraisement
uprciseth brazier raising praisement
embrasure self-praising w
erasure stargazing AZ'mik
kZ'ci bioplasmic
Frazier upblazing
amazes glazier upraising miasmic
bemazes grazier protoplasmic
blazes razure AZ"1
braises AZ'mus
brazes Basil Erasmus
AZH'ur bedazzle
chaises azure dazzle AZ'on
crazes frazzle blazon
daisies AZ'il razzle-dazzle brazen
dazes Basil diapason
Fazil AZ'les emblazon
(See also praiseless glazen
hazes AZ"1.) scazon
mayonnaises AZ'in dazzling AZ'ur
mazes raisin frazzling appraiser
paraphrases blazer
phases AZ'ing AZ'ma dispraiser
phrases ablazing asthma Eleazer
praises amazing miasma Fraser
raises bemazing phantasma gazer
razes bepraising Phasma geyser
blazing plasma lazar
A'zhun braising protoplasma paraphraser
abrasion brazing phaser
dissuasion dazing AZ'mal phraser
erasion gazing miasmal praiser
evasion glazing phantasmal raiser
invasion grazing protoplasmal razer
occasion hazing razor
persuasion lazing AZ'me self-praiser
suasion outblazing chasmy stargazer
(See also outgazing upgazer
A'ze-an.) paraphrasing AZ'ment upraiser

old, or, 6dd, oil, fflGt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
E'a —E'an 400

For a discussion of words included under the following accented
vowels, see the beginning of E rhymes in Section I

E'a hymeneal Circean Melibean

Althaea ideal colossean Nemean
Astraea laryngeal Crimean Niobean
Ave Maria real cyclopean nymphean
Cassiopea unideal Cytherean Odyssean
cavalleria unreal ditrochean Orphean
Crimea empyrean paean
Cypraea E'an epicurean Palaeogaean
dahabeah Achean epigean pampean
Dorothea Achillean Eritrean Pandean
dyspnea adamantean Etnean Parthenopean
Hosea Adonean European peon
Hygeia Aeaean Galilean perigean
idea Aegean gigantean phalangean
Latakia aeon Hasmonaean Pharisean
Lucia amoebean Hebridean plebeian
Maria amphigean Herculean Ponce de
Medea Andean Hyblaean Le6n
melopoeia Anomoean Hygeian Priapean
obeah Antaean hymenean protean
onomatopoeia Antillean Indo-European Pyrenean
panacea antipodean Jacobean Pythagorean
pathopoeia apogean Judean Sabaean
pharmaco- Archimedean Korean Sadducean
poeia Argean Laodicean Shandean
ratafia Assidean laryngean Sisyphean
Rhea astraean leguleian Sophoclean
spiraea Atlantean lethean spelaean
Zea Augean Linnaean tempean
Behan lyncean Tennesseean
E'al Berean Maccabean terpsichorean
Arctogaeal Cadmean Manichaean theodicean
beau ideal Caribbean mausolean Vendean
empyreal Chaldean Medicean Zoilean

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, find; Ice, 111;
401 E'as — ECH'ing

E'as djebel glebous reachest

Aeneas pebble Phoebus screechest
Zaccheus rebel rebus sea chest
treble tea chest
E'ba ECH'e teachest
amoeba E'bo beachy
Reba gazebo Beatrice ECH'eth
Seba Nebo beechy beseecheth
Sheba placebo bleachy bleacheth
zareba breachy forereacheth
EB'on campeachy impeacheth
E'be ebon peachy overreacheth
BB preachy preacheth
beebee E'bord queachy reacheth
CB freeboard reachy screecheth
Hebe keyboard reechy teacheth
Phoebe seaboard screechy
TB speechy ECH'ez
E'born beaches
EB'en freeborn ECH'e beeches
Eben sea-born fetchy beseeches
sketchy bleaches
E'bez stretchy breaches
heebie-jeebies tetchy breeches
(See also E'be; EB'rok vetchy forereaches
add -s where pibroch impeaches
appropriate.) ECH'ed leeches
EB'ru wretched overreaches
EB'ing Hebrew (See also ECH; peaches
ebbing add -ed where preaches
unebbing EB'ur appropriate.) reaches
webbing Gheber screeches
ECH'est sea reaches
EB"1 EB'ur beseechest speeches
enfeeble ebber bleachest teaches
feeble webber forereachest
Weber impeachest ECH'ing
EB"1 overreachest beaching
arch-rebel E'bus preachest beseeching

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
ECH'ing — ED'ed 402

bleaching ECH'ur ED'ant eddy

breaching Beecher pedant Freddie
breeching beseecher heady
forereaching bleacher ED'bed leady
foreteaching breacher reedbed ready
I Ching breecher seedbed reddy
impeaching forereacher weed bed shreddy
leaching impeacher steady
leeching leacher ED'bet thready
overreaching leecher deadbeat unready
peaching overreacher unsteady
preaching peacher ED'brest
reaching preacher ED'ed
screeching readier acceded
teaching screecher w anteceded
teacher ED'bug beaded
ECH'ing (See also E'tur/j bedbug ceded
etching red bug conceded
fetching ECH'ur deeded
sketching etcher ED'e exceeded
stretching fetcher beady heeded
fletcher creedy impeded
ECH'Ies lecher deedy interceded
beachless retcher encyclopedy kneaded
beechless sketcher greedy needed
breachless stretcher heedy pleaded
peachless treacher indeedy preceded
reachless Leedy proceeded
speechless E'da needy receded
teachless Leda predy reeded
olla podrida reedy retroceded
ECHment Theda seedy seceded
beseechment Veda speedy seeded
impeachment Vida unheedy stampeded
preachment weedy succeeded
ED'a superseded
ECH'up Edda ED'6 unheeded
catchup Hedda already unweeded
ketchup Nedda Eddie weeded

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Tee, III;
403 ED'ed —ED'eth

ED'ed softheaded E'dep sheddest

addle-headed thickheaded knee-deep spreadest
arrowheaded threaded sea-deep threadest
bareheaded trundleheaded three-deep treadest
bedded unbedded weddest
beetleheaded undreaded ED'est
beheaded unthreaded accedest ED'eth
blunderheaded unwedded bleedest accedeth
bullheaded warm-headed breedest bleedeth
chuckleheaded weak-headed cedest breedeth
clearheaded wedded concedest cedeth
dreaded wrongheaded exceedest concedeth
dunderheaded feedest exceedeth
embedded ED'en heedest feedeth
fatheaded Eden impedest heedeth
featherheaded reeden intercedes! impedeth
fiddleheaded Sweden kneadest intercedeth
flatheaded leadest kneadeth
giddy-headed ED'en misleadest leadeth
gross-headed deaden needest misleadeth
headed leaden overfeedest needeth
heavy-headed redden pleadest overfeedeth
hoary-headed threaden precedest pleadeth
hotheaded proceedest precedeth
hydra-headed ED'ens reddest proceedeth
idleheaded antecedence recedest readeth
Janus-headed credence secedest recedeth
leaded intercedence seedest secedeth
light-headed precedence speedest seedeth
longheaded stampedest speedeth
many-headed ED'ent succeedest stampedeth
muddleheaded antecedent supersedest succeedeth
pigheaded credent weedest supersedeth
puddingheaded decedent weedeth
puzzleheaded intercedent ED'est
rattleheaded needn't beheadest ED'eth
shock-headed precedent dreadest beheadeth
shredded retrocedent outspreadest dreadeth
sleek-headed sedent reddest headeth

old, or, odd, oil, f36t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ED'eth — ED"1 404

outspreadeth ED'het outspeeding wedding

overspreadeth dead heat overfeeding
sheddeth red heat pleading ED'ish
shreddeth preceding deadish
spreadeth ED'ik proceeding eddish
threadeth comedic reading reddish
treadeth cyclopedic receding
weddeth encyclopedic reeding ED'it
Vedic retroceding accredit
ED'ez seceding credit
teddies ED'ik seeding discredit
(See also Eddie speeding edit
ED'e; add Samoyedic stampeding miscredit
-s where succeeding subedit
appropriate.) ED'ikt superseding you said it
edict unbleeding
ED'fast underfeeding ED'ith
steadfast ED'ing unheeding Edith
acceding weeding (See also
ED'ful beading ED'eth.)
deedful bleeding ED'ing
heedful breeding bedding ED"1
meedful ceding beheading beadle
needful conceding bespreading bipedal
speedful exceeding dreading centipedal
unheedful feeding embedding daedal
unneedful Godspeeding heading needle
heeding leading pedal
ED'ful impeding outspreading semipedal
dreadful interbreeding overspreading tweedle
interceding redding wheedle
ED'gron interpleading shedding
reed-grown kneading shredding ED"1
seed-grown leading sledding bipedal
weed-grown love-lies- spreading heddle
bleeding steading intermeddle
ED'hed misleading tedding medal
deadhead misreading threading meddle
redhead needing treading pedal

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
405 ED"I —ED'ur

peddle ED'ling ED'na feed time

reddle needling Edna seedtime
treadle reedling
tripedal seedling ED'nes E'dum
wheedling deadness freedom
ED'lam redness
Bedlam ED'ling ED'ur
intermeddling E'do procedure
ED'land meddling credo supersedure
headland peddling ido
Lido ED'ur
ED'le ED'lit stampedo acceder
chance medley deadlight teredo anteceder
deadly red light Toledo bandleader
medley torpedo bleeder
redly ED'lok breeder
deadlock ED'6 cattle breeder
ED'les wedlock meadow cedar
breedless ceder
creedless _ ED'ra cheerleader
deedless ED'lur ex cathedra conceder
heedless needier exedra exceeder
needless wheedler feeder
seedless ED'ral heeder
speedless ED'lur cathedral impeder
steedless intermeddler decahedral impleader
weedless meddler didecahedral interceder
medlar diedral interpleader
ED'les peddler dihedral kneader
bedless treadler procathedral leader
breadless lip-reader
dreadless ED'man ED'rest misleader
headless Friedman bed rest needer
leadless headrest overfeeder
ED'man pleader
ED'lin deadman ED'ston preceder
breadline Edman headstone proceeder
deadline headman proofreader
headline red man ED'tlm reader

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
ED'ur —E'ga 406

receder ED'ward seeth peafowl

retroceder bedward seafowl
ringleader Edward EF'as
scripture Cephas EFT'nes
reader ED'wood deftness
seceder deadwood EF'dom
seeder redwood chiefdom EF're
speeder fiefdom Geoffrey
stampeder EDZ'man Jeffrey
stockbreeder beadsman EF'e
succeeder bedesman beefy EF'stak
superseder seedsman leafy beefsteak
weeder reefy
EDZ'man sheafy EF'tin
ED'ur headsman chieftain
bedder leadsman EF'en
beheader deafen EF'uj
bespreader ED'zo refuge
Cheddar intermezzo EF'ij
deader mezzo leafage E'ful
doubleheader gleeful
dreader E'est EF'ik
edder agreest malefic EF'ur
embedder feest peristrephic beefer
header fleest briefer
homesteader foreseest EF'les chiefer
leader freest briefless liefer
redder overseest chiefless reefer
shedder refereest griefless
shredder seest leafless EF'ur
spreader weest sheafless deafer
tedder feoffor
threader E'eth EF'nes heifer
treader agreeth deafness zephyr
triple-header feeth
unthreader fleeth E'fom E'ga
foreseeth seafoam Amiga
ED'wa freeth Auriga
headway overseeth E'foul omega

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; Ice, ill;
407 E'ga — E'jance

Riga segment EG'ur unseeing

Talladega beggar well-being
Vega EG'nant booklegger
impregnant bootlegger E'ist
EG'e pregnant egger antitheist
dreggy queen regnant legger atheist
eggy regnant pegger deist
leggy seggar hylotheist
Peggy E'go Manicheist
ego E'gurt monotheist
EG'ing Oswego seagirt polytheist
fatiguing Otsego theist
intriguing E'ik
leaguing E'gren caffeic E'it
pea green mythopoeic albeit
EG'ing sea green rheic sobeit
begging xanthoproteic
egging EG'res _
legging egress E'ing E'iz'm
pegging Negress agreeing absenteeism
unpegging regress being antitheism
clear-seeing autotheism
EG"! EG'ro decreeing cosmotheism
bald eagle Negro disagreeing deism
beagle far-seeing henotheism
eagle EG'ur feeing hylotheism
gregal beleaguer fleeing Manicheism
illegal big-leaguer foreseeing monotheism
inveigle bush leaguer freeing Parseeism
kleagle eager guaranteeing Phariseeism
legal eagre inbeing polytheism
regal fatiguer nonbeing Sadduceeism
viceregal intriguer overseeing sciotheism
leaguer refereeing Sutteeism
EG'lur Little Leaguer seeing theism
beagler major leaguer sightseeing weism
inveigler meager spreeing
minor leaguer teeing E'jance
EG'ment overeager unforeseeing allegiance

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
EJ'burd —EK'est 408

EJ'burd edges edger caecal

hedge bird hedges hedger faecal
sedge bird kedges ledger thecal
ledges leger treacle
EJ'e pledges pledger
cledgy sledges sledger EK'ant
edgy wedges cosecant
hedgy EJ'us piquant
ledgy EJ'ing egregious precant
sedgy alleging sacrilegious secant
wedgy dredging
edging EJ'wood EK'ant
EJ'end enhedging Edgewood impeccant
legend fledging Wedgewood peccant
hedging E'ka
EJ'ent kedging EK'e
regent bibliotheca bleaky
impledging chica
interpledging Bolsheviki
EJ'est Costa Rica cheeky
pledging Dominica
allegest sledging cliquey
dredgest eureka cockaleekie
wedging Frederica
fledgest creaky
hedgest EJ'ling Fredrika leaky
impledgest fledgling glyptotheca Mensheviki
pledgest Meeka peeky
wedgest EJ'man Tanganyika reeky
liegeman Topeka sheiky
EJ'eth Ulrica sleeky
allegeth EJ'ment zotheca sneaky
dredgeth besiegement EK'a squeaky
fledgeth Mecca streaky
hedgeth EJ'un Rebecca
impledgeth legion EK'en
pledgeth region weaken
wedgeth under-region EK'ad (See also
decade EK'on.)
EJ'ez EJ'ur
alleges alleger EK'al EK'est
dredges dredger bibliothecal bespeakest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<jre, end; ice, HI;
409 EK'est —EK'nik

bleakest EK'id Greekish EK'les

meekest meek-eyed meekish feckless
leakest oblique-eyed peakish fleckless
reekest weak-eyed sneakish necklace
seekest weakish reckless
shriekest EK'ing speck less
sneakest bespeaking EK'ish
speakest cheeking peckish EK'ling
squeakest creaking weakling
streakest eking EK"I
treacle EK'ling
uniquest forespeaking
(See also freckling
weakest leaking
EK'al.) heckling
wreakest reeking
EK'est EK"1 speckling
bedeckest sheiking befreckle EK'lur
checkest shrieking bespeckle freckler
deckest sneaking deckle heckler
reekest speaking freckle (See also
wreckest squeaking heckle EK"l;add
tweaking Jekyll -er where
EK'eth wreaking keckle appropriate.)
bespeaketh Seckel
leaketh EK'ing shekel EK'mat
reeketh bedecking speckle checkmate
seeketh bewrecking deck mate
shrieketh checking EK'le
sneaketh decking bleakly EK'nes
speaketh flecking meekly antiqueness
squeaketh henpecking obliquely bleakness
streaketh pecking sleekly meekness
wreaketh recking treacly obliqueness
trekking uniquely Preakness
EK'eth wrecking weakly sleekness
bedecketh weekly uniqueness
checketh EK'ish weakness
decketh bleakish EK'le
reeketh cliquish freckly EK'nik
wrecketh freakish speckly philotechnic

old, 6r, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, dp; THis, thin
EK'nik —EK'sfl 410

polytechnic (See also abjection intellection

pyrotechnic EK'on; add adjection interjection
technic -ed where affection intersection
theotechnic appropriate.) bisection introjection
by-election introspection
EK'ning E'krab circumspection irreflection
beckoning pea crab circumvection lection
reckoning sea crab collection midsection
unreckoning tree crab complexion misdirection
confection objection
E'ko EK'ret connection perfection
beccafico secret convection predilection
fico correction preelection
EK'sas defection prelection
EK'6 Texas deflection projection
echo dejection prospection
gecko EK'se detection protection
re-echo apoplexy dilection provection
secco kexy direction recollection
kyriolexy disaffection rection
E'kok prexy disinfection redirection
Leacock pyrexy dissection re-election
meacock sexy effection reflection
peacock ejection rejection
election resurrection
EK'on annexest
erection retrospection
archdeacon flexest
evection section
beacon perplexest
flection selection
deacon unsexest
genuflexion subjection
meeken vexest
imperfection trajection
EK'seth incorrection trisection
EK'on annexeth indirection venesection
beckon flexeth infection vivisection
reckon perplexeth inflection EK'shus
unsexeth injection infectious
EK'ond vexeth insection
second inspection EK'sfl
unreckoned EK'shun insubjection exile
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; ice, 111;
411 EK'sfl —EK'test

flexile texture affected reflected

bisected rejected
EK'sing EK'stur collected respected
annexing ambidexter complected resurrected
flexing dexter confected selected
inflexing connected subjected
perplexing EK'sur corrected suspected
unsexing deflexure defected unaffected
vexing flexure deflected unconnected
inflexure dejected unexpected
EK'sis plexure detected unprotected
Alexis directed unsuspected
EK'sur disaffected
EK'sit annexer disconnected EK'test
exit flexor disinfected abjectest
perplexer dissected affectest
EK'stant unsexer effected bisectest
extant vexer ejected collectest
sextant elected connectest
EK'sus erected detectest
EK'stil nexus expected directest
bissextile plexus fleeted disinfectest
sextile (See also ill-affected dissectest
textile fiK'sas.) infected effectest
inflected ejectest
EK'ston EK'tant injected electest
sexton amplectant inspected erectest
annectent interjected expectest
EK'strin aspectant infectest
dextrin disinfectant injectest
textrine expectant inspectest
humectant neglected interjectest
EK'strus inexpectant neglectest
ambidextrous objected
reflectant obtected objectest
ambisextrous respectant prqjectest
dextrous perfected
suspectant prelected protectest
unexpectant projected recollectest
EK'stur reflectest
intertexture EK'ted protected
recollected rejectest
old, dr, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EK'test —EKT'nes 412

respectest EKT'ful ejecting humective

resurrectest disrespectful electing ineffective
selectest neglectful erecting infective
subjectest respectful expecting inflective
suspectest infecting injective
EK'tik injecting inspective
acatalectic inspecting introspective
EK'teth analectic interjecting invective
affecteth apoplectic misdirecting irreflective
bisecteth brachycatalec- neglecting irrespective
collecteth tic objecting neglective
connecteth cachectic projecting objective
detecteth catalectic protecting perfective
directeth dialectic recollecting perspective
disinfecteth eclectic reflecting prospective
dissecteth hectic rejecting protective
effecteth hypercatalectic respecting recollective
ejecteth pec tic resurrecting refective
electeth selecting reflective
erecteth EK'tiks self-respecting rejective
expecteth dialectics subjecting respective
infecteth suspecting retrospective
injecteth EK'til trisecting sective
inspecteth insectile unsuspecting selective
interjecteth projectile subjective
misdirecteth sectile EK'tiv
neglecteth affective EK'tiz'm
objecteih EK'ting circumspective eclectism
projecteth affecting collective sectism
protecteth bisecting connective
recollecteth collecting corrective EKT'ment
reflecteth connecting cost-effective ejectment
rejecteth deflecting defective projectment
respecteth detecting deflective rejectment
resurrecteth directing detective
selecteth disconnecting directive EKT'nes
subjecteth disinfecting effective abjectness
suspecteth dissecting elective correctness
trisecteth effecting erective directness

ale, care, Sdd, arm, Ssk; me, h§re, find; Ice, III;
413 EKT'nes —EK'urz

erectness EK'trum neglecter cheeker

incorrectness electrum objector creaker
indirectness plectrum prelector meeker
selectness spectrum projector peeker
prospector reeker
EK'tor EK'tur protector seeker
Hector architecture recollecter self-seeker
nectar belecture rector shrieker
rector confecture reflector sleeker
sector conjecture rejecter sneaker
vector lecture respecter speaker
vivisector projecture resurrecter squeaker
(See also sector stump speaker
EK'tur.) EK'tur selector tweaker
bisector specter weaker
EK'tord collector spectre
hectored connector subjecter EK'ur
nectared convector suspecter bedecker
rectored corrector trisecter brekker
defector vector checker
deflector chequer
EK'tral EK'tus
detector decker
spectral conspectus
director exchequer
disrespector pectous flecker
EK'tres prospectus henpecker
directress pecker
electress EK'um three-decker
inspectress caecum trekker
protectress vade mecum woodpecker
rectress wrecker
Hector EK'und
EK'tric fecund EK'urd
anelectric infecund checkered
dielectric off-the-record
electric EK'ur record
idioelectric inspector
interjecter beaker video record
lector bespeaker
EK'tron bleaker EK'urz
electron Bleecker beakers
old, or, 6dd, oil, f<5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EK'urz —EL'cheth 414

sneakers a cappella rosella EL'at

(See also Adela rubella appellate
EK'ur; add Bella salmonella constellate
-s where canella scutella debellate
appropriate.) Capella sella flabellate
cella sequela interpellate
EK'urz chlorella Shigella ocellate
checkers Cinderella stella prelate
henpeckers citronella tabella stellate
(See also clarabella tarantella
EK'ur; add columella tiarella EL'ba
-s where corella umbella Elba
appropriate.) Delia umbrella Melba
doncella varicella
EK'wal Ella villanella EL'born
coequal favella vorticella hell born
equal fellah Yiyella well-born
inequal fenestella
sequel fustanella EL'an EL'bound
gentianella Atellan hell bound
EK'wence glabella Magellan spellbound
frequence Isabella McClellan
infrequence justanella EL'burt
sequence lamella
EL'ant Elbert
EK'went Littorella appellant
frequent Marcella divellent EL'chest
infrequent micella impellent belchest
sequent mozzarella interpellant (See also
navicella propellant ELCH; add
E'la novella repellent -est where
gila paella revellent appropriate.)
philomela panatela
sequela patella EL'arz EL'cheth
stele Pella Sellars belcheth
seguidilla Pimpinella (See also (See also
Venezuela predella EL'ur; add ELCH; add
prunella -s where -eth where
EL'a Rosabella appropriate.) appropriate.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, Snd; Ice, 111;
415 EL'ching —EL'eth

EL'ching ELD'far rakehelly EL'est

belching fieldfare Shelley compellest
squelching shelly dispellest
welching EL'ding Skelly dwellest
enshielding •smelly excellest
EL'chur fielding vermicelli expellest
belcher shielding fellest
squelcher unshielding fiL'ed foretellest
welsher unyielding bellied impellest
wielding gelid knellest
EL'da yielding jellied propellest
Griselda quellest
Nelda EL'ding EL'en rebellest
Zelda gelding Ellen repellest
welding Helen sellest
EL'dans Llewellyn shellest
yieldance EL'dom Mellen smellest
seldom spellest
EL'de swelldom EL'est swellest
unwieldy annealest tellest
El'e appealest undersellest
EL'ded Ealey concealest yellest
fielded freely congealest
shielded Healey dealest EL'eth
unshielded Keeley feelest annealeth
wielded mealy genteelest appealeth
yielded seely healest concealeth
steely kneelest congealeth
EL'dest wheely lealest dealeth
eldest pealest feeleth
heldest El'e peelest healeth
weldest belly reelest kneeleth
cancelli repealest pealeth
EL'dur Donatelli revealest peeleth
elder felly sealest reeleth
Gelder helly squealest repealeth
Melder jelly stealest revealeth
Van Gelder Kelly steelest sealeth
welder O'Delly wheelest squealeth

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EL'eth —EL'ing 416

stealeth EL'flr relic squealing

steeleth hell fire superangelic stealing
wheeleth telic steeling
EL'fish uncongealing
elfish EL'iks underdealing
pelfish Felix unfeeling
selfish helix unsealing
shellfish wheeling
unselfish E'lin
beeline EL'ing
expelleth EL'fre feline belling
felleth belfry sea line cloud com-
foretelleth pelfry pelling
impelleth EL'ing compelling
knelleth EL'ful annealing dispelling
propelleth seelful appealing dwelling
quelleth wealful excelling*
rebelleth zealful expelling
repelleth concealing felling
selleth EL'U foretelling
keelage congealing
shelleth dealing fortune-telling
smelleth wheelage impelling
spelleth feeling knelling
swelleth misspelling
pellage fellow feeling
telleth paralleling
underselleth EL'ik propelling
yelleth quelling
parhelic heeling rebelling
EL'far interdealing repelling
EL'ik keeling
welfare angelic selling
kneeling sentineling
archangelic misdealing
EL'fik Aristotelic shelling
Delphic pealing smelling
bellic peeling
Guelphic spelling
evangelic reeling swelling
melic repealing telling
EL'fin nickelic revealing underselling
delphin parhelic sealing welling
delphine Pentelic self-healing yelling
elfin pimelic shealing
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 2nd; Ice, ill;
417 EL'is — EL'teth

EL'is whelming appropriate.) EL'pur

Ellis helper
trellis EL'mur EL'on self-helper
Elmer enfelon yelper
EL'ish felon
disrelish EL'nes melon EL'sa
embellish genteelness watermelon Elsa
hellish lealness
relish EL'op EL'skin
swell ish EL'nes develop eel skin
fellness envelop sealskin
EL'kom wellness >,
welcome EL'ot EL'son
EL'o helot kelson
EL'ma bellow zealot Nelson
Elma brocatello EL'ta
Selma cobra de EL'oz delta
Thelma capello bellows pelta
Velma cello fellows
duello (See also EL'd; EL'ted
EL'man felloe add -s where belted
bellman fellow appropriate.) felted
Elman good fellow melted
Wellman mellow ELP'ful pelted
morello helpful smelted
EL'ment niello self-helpful unbelted
concealment playfellow unhelpful welted
congealment prunello
repealment Punchinello EL'pe EL'test
revealment saltarello kelpie behest
scrivello (See ELT;
EL'met violoncello EL'ping add -est where
helmet yellow helping appropriate.)
EL'ming EL'od EL'teth
dishelming bellowed ELP'les belteth
helming unmellowed helpless (See ELT; add
overwhelming (See also EL'o; whelpless -eth where
unhelming add -ed where yelpless appropriate.)

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
EL'the —EL'vish 418

EL'the spelter New Dealer rebeller

healthy swelter pealer repeller
stealthy welter peeler salt cellar
wealthy reeler screw propeller
EL'turd repealer Sellar
EL'tik sheltered revealer seller
Celtic unsheltered sealer sheller
Keltic (See also squealer smeller
EL'tur; add stealer speller
EL'ting -ed where steeler stellar
belting appropriate.) two-wheeler storyteller
felting velar sweller
melting EL'ud ward heeler tale-teller
pelting prelude wheeler teller
smelting wheeler-dealer twin propeller
unbelting EL'ug underseller
welting deluge EL'ur Weller
appellor wine cellar
ELT'les EL'um cave dweller yeller
beltless cerebellum cellar
Celtless flabellum cloud com- EL'us
feltless flagellum peller apellous
peltless vellum compeller entellus
weltless dispeller jealous
EL'ur dweller overzealous
EL'tre annealer exceller procellous
peltry appealer expeller vitellus
sweltry concealer feller zealous
congealer foreteller
EL'tur dealer fortune-teller EL'vet
belter double-dealer Geller velvet
felter feeler impeller
helter-skelter four-wheeler interstellar EL'ving
inshelter healer Keller delving
kelter heeler lamellar helving
melter interdealer "meller" shelving
pelter keeler nonstellar
shelter kneeler propeller EL'vish
smelter misdealer queller elvish

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, HI;
419 EL'vur —EM'e

EL'vur erythema EM'b'l EM'blur

delver Fatima assemble assembler
helver Lima dissemble dissembler
shelver myxedema resemble resembler
schema semble trembler
EL'ya seriema tremble
Amelia terza rima EM'bral
Aurelia EM'blans bimembral
Bedelia EM'a assemblance trimembral
camellia analemma dissemblance
Cecelia dilemma resemblance EM'brans
Celia Emma semblance remembrance
Cordelia gemma
Cornelia lemma EM'blant EM'bur
Delia maremma resemblant December
Lelia neurilemma semblant dismember
lobelia stemma _ disremember
trilemma EM'b'ld ember
EL'yal assembled member
Belial E'mal undissembled November
female (See also remember
EL'yon she-male EM'b'l; add September
chameleon -ed where
EM'al appropriate.) EM'burd
EL'yon blastemal dismembered
rebellion hemal assembly unremembered
(See also
EL'yus E'man EM'bur; add
rebellious able seaman EM'blem -ed where
beeman emblem appropriate.)
EL'za freeman
Elsa gleeman EM'biy EM'e
G-man assemblage beamy
EM'a he-man creamy
bema leman EM'bling daydreamy
blastema merchant assembling dreamy
eczema seaman dissembling gleamy
edema seaman resembling screamy
empyema teaman trembling seamy

old, dr, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EM'e —EM'Iess 420

steamy EM'est systemic condemning

streamy begemmest contemning
teemy condemnest EM'ik Fleming
hemmest academic gemming
EM'e stemmest alchemic hemming
demi chemic lemming
gemmy EM'et endemic self-condemn-
jemmy Emmett epidemic ing
semi pandemic stemming
EM'eth polemic
beameth stratagemic EM'ish
EM'ens blemish
Clemens blasphemeth systemic
deemeth theoremic Flemish
dreameth totemic unblemish
agreement EM'ing EM'isht
decreement beaming blemished
disagreement beseeming unblemished
screameth blaspheming
EM'ent creaming EM'ist
seemeth extremist
clement steameth daydreaming
inclement deeming schemist
esteeming EM'ist
EM'est EM'eth
gleaming chemist
beamest begemmeth
blasphemest condemneth overstreaming
EM'tt, EM'It
deemest contemneth redeeming
scheming Semite
dreamest hemmeth
esteemest stemmeth screaming EM'land
extremest seeming dreamland
gleamest EM'ful steaming
misdeemest beamful streaming EM'le
dreamful summer- extremely
schemeful seeming seemly
teemful teeming supremely
screamest unbeseeming unseemly
steamest EM'ik
streamest anemic EM'ing EM'Iess
supremest racemic begemming beamless

ale, care, add, arm, ask me, hfre, ice, ill;

421 EM'less —EM'yer

creamless temple tempteth Empson

schemeless EM'plar EMP'te EM'song
seamless exemplar empty theme song
streamless templar
EMP'ting EM'stur
EM'let EM'plat attempting deemster
streamlet contemplate exempting seamster
template preempting teamster
EM'non tempting
Agamemnon EMP'shun beamer
Memnon ademption EMP'tiv
coemption preemptive
EM'6 diremption redemptive
a tempo primo emption
EMP'tres femur
Cremo exemption
temptress lemur
primo preemption reamer
redemption redeemer
EM'6 EMP'tur
memo EMP'stur attempter schemer
dempster exempter screamer
EM'on sempster preemptor seamer
agathodaemon tempter seemer
cacodemon EMP'ted unkempter steamer
demon attempted streamer
eudaemon exempted EM'pur teemer
preempted attemper EM'ur
EM'on tempted distemper begemmer
lemon unattempted Semper condemner
untempted temper contemner
EM'pest untemper hemmer
tempest EMP'test stemmer
attemptest EM'purd
EM'pir exemptest ill-tempered EM'us
empire temptest tempered Nicodemus
untempered Remus
EM'p'l EMP'teth
Semple attempteth EM son EM'yer
stemple exempteth Clemson premier

old, or, I, oil, fotrt, t; use, urn, Op; THis, thin

EN'a — EN'chur 422

EN'a EN'a EN'at blenching

arena antenna brevipennate clenching
Alexandrina duenna impennate drenching
Argentina Gehenna longipennate flenching
Athena henna pennate intrenching
catena Ravenna tripennate quenching
cavatina senna retrenching
Celestina Sienna EN'chant trenching
Christina Vienna trenchant unclenching
Clementina unquenching
concertina EN'al EN'chest wrenching
czarina machinal bedrenchest
farina penal blenchest ENCHies
Faustina plenal clenchest quenchless
galena renal drenchest (See also
gena venal flenchest ENCH; add
weanel intrenchest -less where
quenchest appropriate.)
hyena EN'al retrenchest
antennal trenchest
Justina ENCH'man
Lena Frenchman
EN'ant wrenchest
Magdalena lieutenant henchman
maizena pennant EN'cheth
Medina sublieutenant bedrencheth ENCH'ment
Messina tenant blencheth intrenchment
Modena clencheth retrenchment
Paulina EN'ard drencheth
philopena Leonard flencheth EN'chur
scarlatina intrencheth bedrencher
scena E'nas quencheth bencher
Selena Enas retrencheth blencher
semolina Zenas trencheth clencher
Serena unclencheth drencher
signorina EN'as wrencheth intrencher
subpoena menace quencher
Tsarina tenace EN'ching retrencher
verbena (See also bedrenching trencher
Wilhelmina EN'is.) benching unclencher

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, €nd; ice, HI;
423 EN'chur — EN'dest

wrencher EN'dant, commended wended

EN'dent comprehended
EN'da appendant condescended EN'dest
agenda ascendant contented amendest
Benda attendant defended appendest
Brenda contendant depended apprehendest
corrigenda defendant descended ascendest
delenda dependant distended attendest
hacienda dependent emended befriendest
Zenda descendant ended bendest
descendent expended blendest
w equipendent extended commendest
EN'dal impendent fended comprehendest
prebendal independent friended condescendest
sendal intendant impended contendest
trendle interdependent inextended defendest
pendant intended dependest
EN'dans pendent interblended descendest
ascendance resplendent mended emendest
attendance splendent misappre- endest
condescen- superintendent hended expendest
dence transcendent offended extendest
dependence transplendent portended fendest
descendance pretended intendest
impendence EN'de reascended interblendest
independence bendy recommended lendest
interdepen- Effendi reprehended mendest
dence trendy subtended offendest
pendence Wendy superintended pretendest
resplendence suspended recommendest
superinten- EN'ded tended rendest
dence amended transcended reprehendest
tendance appended trended sendest
transcendence apprehended unattended spendest
(See also ascended unbefriended subtrendest
EN'dant, attended unblended superintendest
EN'dent; add befriended undefended suspendest
-s where bended unextended tendest
appropriate.) blended unfriended unbendest

old, or, odd, oil, f<56t, t; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EN'dest —EN'dur 424

vendest spendeth interblending END'ment

wendest subtendeth lending amendment
suspendeth mending befriendment
EN'deth tendeth misspending intendment
amendeth offending
appendeth vendeth pending EN'do
apprehendeth wendeth perpending crescendo
ascendeth portending decrescendo
attendeth EN'dik pretending diminuendo
befriendeth Wendic recommending innuendo
bendeth zendik rending
blendeth reprehending EN'dron
commendeth EN'ding sending Hriodendron
comprehendeth amending spending lithodendron
condescendeth appending subtending rhododendron
contendeth apprehending superintending
defendeth ascending suspending END'ship
dependeth attending tending friendship
descendeth befriending transcending
emendeth bending trending EN'dum
endeth blending unattending addendum
expendeth commending unbending agendum
extendeth comprehending unending corrigendum
fendeth condescending unfriending credendum
impendeth contending unoffending referendum
intendeth defending unpretending
interblendeth depending vending EN'dur
lendeth descending wending amender
mendeth distending apprehender
misapprehend- emending EN'dish ascender
eth ending fiendish attender
offendeth expending bartender
portendeth extending END'l* befriender
pretendeth forelending friendly bender
reascendeth forespending unfriendly blender
recommendeth forfending commender
rendeth heartrending END'les comprehender
reprehendeth impending endless contender
sendeth intending friendless defender

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, 111;
425 EN'dur —EN'Id

depender EN'dur; add wenny EN'eth

descender -ed where bescreeneth
emender appropriate.) END'waz cleaneth
ender endways contraveneth
engender EN'dus conveneth
entender stupendous EN'el demeaneth
expender tremendous fennel gleaneth
extender Fennell interveneth
fender EN'e kennel keeneth
fender bender blini unkennel leaneth
gender Cheney meaneth
intender Cheyney screeneth
interblender fantoccini superveneth
lender genie Kenelm weaneth
mender greeny weeneth
mind-bender Hippocrene EN'est
moneylender meany bescreenest EN'eth
offender rollatini cleanest Kenneth
perpender Selene contravenest penneth
pretender sheeny convenest (See also EN;
recommender spleeny demeanest add -eth where
render Sweeney gleanest appropriate.)
reprehender teeny greenest
sender visne intervenest EN'ez
slender weeny keenest bennies
spender leanest pennies
splendor EN'e meanest spinning-
surrender any screenest jennies
suspender Benny serenest
tailender fenny , supervenest ENG'then
tender Jenny weariest lengthen
vendor Kilkenny weenest strengthen
weekender many
wender Penney EN'et EN'horn
penny Bennett greenhorn
EN'durd Rennie jennet
tendered spinning jenny rennet EN'Id
unsurrendered tenney senate green-eyed
(See also truepenney tenet keen-eyed

°W, or, 6dd, oil, f<3ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EN'U — EN'ingz 426

EN'y extragenic photogenic demeaning

careenage fennec phrenic double meaning
greenage galenic phylogenic eaning
teenage genie phytogenic gleaning
geoselenic polygenic greening
EN'ik glycogenic protogenic intervening
phenic hallucinogenic Prutenic keening
scenic Hellenic pyrogen ic leaning
heptagenic pythogenic machining
EN'ik hygienic radiogenic meaning
acrogenic hysterogenic saprogenic overweening
agnogenic iatrogenic Saracenic preening
allergenic immunogenic scenic queening
allogenic intragenic schizophrenic . screening
alphenic irenic selenic shebeening
androgenic lactogenic sirenic subvening
anthropogenic lichenic splenic supervening
asthenic metagenic sthenic unmeaning
audiogenic monogenic telegenic upleaning
calisthenic myogenic teratogenic weaning
carcinogenic neotenic thermogenic weening
cariogenic nephrogenic toxicogenic well-meaning
chromogenic neurasthenic tungstenic yeaning
cryogenic neurogenic typhogenic
cryptogenic nitrogenic videogenic EN'ingz
crystallogenic oncogenic zoogenic cleanings
Demosthenic organogenic screenings
deuterogenic orthogenic EN'im (See also
Diogenic oxygenic denim EN'ing;
diplogenic Panhellenic add -s where
dysgenic paragenic EN'in appropriate.)
ecumenic paraphrenic Lenin
Edenic parthenic EN'ingz
embryogenic parthenogenic EN'ing Jennings
endogenic pathogenic advening pennings
erotogenic phenic bemeaning (See also
estrogenic Philhellenic cleaning EN'ing;
eugenic phosphoro- contravening add -s where
exogenic genic convening appropriate.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, ill;
427 EN'is —EN'.

EN'is avenger Angeleno Enos

Dennis baldachino
tennis EN'le bambino EN're
(See also cleanly casino Denry
EN'as.) greenly festino Henry
keenly Filipino
EN'ish leanly keno EN'sal
cleanish meanly maraschino bimensal
greenish obscenely merino commensal
keenish queenly peacherino forensal
leanish serenely peperino mensal
meanish pianino
queenish EN'le Reno EN sat
spleenish cleanly rondino compensate
Henley San Marino condensate
EN'ish Schenley Sereno insensate
plenish Senley sopranino intensate
replenish uncleanly tondino
Rhenish Valentino EN'se
wennish EN'ling vetturino agency
weanling belligerency
EN'ist yeanling EN'ok competency
machinist Enoch corpulency
magazinist EN'man diligency
plenist fenman EN'old eminency
routinist penman Reynold excellency
EN'jans EN'nes EN'olz expediency
vengeance cleanness Reynolds fluency
greenness immanency
EN'jin keenness EN'om imminency
engine leanness envenom impertinency
meanness venom impotency
EN'jing obsceneness impudency
avenging sereneness EN'on incompetency
revenging uncleanness pennon incontinency
venging tenon indigency
EN'6 indolency
EN'jur andantino EN'os inexpediency

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EN'se — EN'shun 428

innocency intensest exponential EN'ship

insolency recompensest inconsequen- deanship
irreverency tial queenship
negligency EN'seth indulgential
nonresidency commenceth inessential EN'shun
obstinancy condenseth inferential abstention
omnipotency dispenseth influential accension
omnisciency fenceth intelligential apprehension
opulency incenseth irreverential ascension
penitency recompenseth jurisprudential attention
percipiency nonessential circumvention
permanency EN'sez obediential coextension
pertinency Albigenses omnipresential comprehension
potency amanuenses penitential condescension
preeminency menses pestilential consension
presidency potential contention
prevalency ENS'forth precedential contravention
prominency henceforth preferential convention
pruriency thenceforth presidential declension
regency whenceforth Provencial deprehension
residency providential descension
reticency EN'shal prudential detention
saliency agential querulential dimension
somnolency bigential quintessential dissension
subserviency circumferential referential distention
subsidency coessential reminiscential extension
succulency componential residential gentian
truculency conferential reverential hortensian
turbulency confidential rodential hypertension
vehemency consequential sapiential hypotension
virulency credential sciential inapprehension
deferential sentential inattention
EN'sest differential sequential incomprehen-
commencest equipotential subsequential sion
condensest essential superessential indention
densest evidential tangential inextension
dispensest existential torrential intension
fencest expediential transferential intention
incensest experiential unessential intervention

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
429 EN'shun — EN'tal

invention dissentious distensive intenseness

Lawrentian licentious expensive propenseness
mention pestilentious extensive tenseness
misapprehen- pretentious inapprehensive
sion sententious incensive EN'son
noncondescen- silentious incomprehen- Benson
sion sive Henson
nonintervention EN'sil indefensive
obtention extensile inexpensive EN'sur
obvention pencil inextensive censure
ostension pensile influencive
pension prehensile inoffensive EN'sur
portention stencil intensive censer
preapprehen- tensile offensive censor
sion utensil ostensive commencer
prehension pensive condenser
presention EN'sild prehensive denser
pretension penciled protensive dispenser
prevention stenciled recompensive extensor
propension reprehensive fencer
reascension EN'sing self-defensive incensor
recension commencing suspensive intenser
reprehension condensing tensive prehensor
retention dispensing unapprehensive recompenser
subvention fencing spencer
supervention incensing ENS'les Spenser
suspension recompensing defenseless tensor
tension expenseless
thermotension EN'siv fenceless EN'sus
apprehensive offenseless census
EN'shund ascensive senseless
unmentioned coextensive EN'ta
unpensioned comprehensive ENS'ment magenta
well-inten- condensive commencement Pimenta
tioned condescensive incensement polenta
EN'shus sive ENS'nes EN'tal
conscientious defensive denseness accidental
contentious descensive immenseness alimental

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<3ot, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
EN'tal —EN'test 430

antecedental monumental unrepentant dissented

argental nutrimental fermented
argumental occidental EN'tat fomented
atramental oriental bidentate frequented
bidental ornamental commentate ill-contented
cental parental dementate indented
coincidental parliamental dentate invented
compartmental pedimental edentate lamented
complemental pigmental quadridentate misrepresented
complimental placental tridentate ornamented
continental predicamental presented
dental recremental EN'te prevented
dentil regimental dolce far niente relented
dentile rental Henty rented
departmental rudimental plenty repented
detrimental sacramental presidente represented
developmental segmental tormenty resented
documental sentimental twenty scented
elemental supplemental supplemented
environmental temperamental EN'te
experimental sweet-scented
tenemental aguardiente tented
falcon-gentle testamental cognoscente
firmamental tormented
transcendental diapente unlamented
fragmental transcontinen-
fundamental unornamented
tal EN'ted
gentle unprecedented
trental absented unprevented
governmental tridental accented unrepented
impedimental ungentle assented untented
incidental (See also augmented untormented
instrumental EN'til.) battlemented
intercontinen- vented
cemented well-contented
tal EN'tans circumvented
kentle repentance commented EN'test
labiodental sentence complimented absentest
Lental unrepentance consented accentest
ligamental contented assentest
linguadental EN'tant demented augmentest
medicamental repentant dented cementest
mental representant discontented circumventest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
431 EN'test —EN'tiv

commentest fomenteth EN'til repenting

complimentest frequenteth lentil representing
consentest indenteth (See also resenting
contentest invenieth EN'tal.) scenting
dissentest lamenteth self-tormenting
fermentest misrepresenteth EN'tin supplementing
fomentest ornamenteth dentin tenting
frequentest presenteth Quentin tormenting
indentest preventeth San Quentin unconsenting
inventest relenteth torrentine unrelenting
lamentest renteth tridentine unrepenting
misrepresentest repenteth venting
ornamentest representeth EN'ting
presentest resenteth absenting EN'tis
preventest scenteth accenting appentice
relentest supplementeth assenting apprentice
rentest tormenteth augmenting non compos
repentest venteth cementing mentis
representest circumventing pentice
resentest ENT'ful commenting prentice
scentest eventful complimenting
sentest resentful consenting EN'tist
supplementest uneventful contenting apprenticed
tormentest dementing dentist
ventest ENT'hous denting preventist
penthouse dissenting
EN'teth fermenting EN'tiv
absenteth fomenting adventive
accenteth ENty frequenting assentive
assenteth percentage indenting attentive
augmenteth ventage inventing circumventive
cementeth lamenting inattentive
circumventeth EN'tik misrepresent- incentive
commenteth argentic ing inventive
complimenteth authentic ornamenting irretentive
consenteth identic presenting predentive
contenteth preventing presentive
dissenteth EN'til relenting preventive
fermenteth Gentile renting resentive

old, or, ddd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EN'tiv —EN'tfir 432

retentive cento EN'tre assenter

cinquecento entry augmenter
ENT'le divertimento gentry cementer
eminently lento sentry center
evidently memento circumventor
gently pimento ENT'res commenter
impotently polento inventress concenter
innocently portamento tormentress consenter
insolently pronuncia- contenter
intently mento EN'trik dead center
(See also ENT; quattrocento acentric denter
add -ly where rifacimento androcentric dissenter
appropriate.) Sacramento anthropocentric enter
barycentric epicenter
ENT'Ies EN'ton centric experimenter
cementless Benton concentric fermenter
centless Denton eccentric fomenter
dentless Fenton egocentric frequenter
lamentless Trenton ethnocentric indenter
relentless geocentric inventor
rentless EN'tdr gynecocentric lamenter
scentless bucentaur heliocentric lentor
tentless centaur paracentric misrepresenter
(See also ENT; mentor selenocentric ornamenter
add -less where stentor precentor
appropriate.) succentor EN'tum presenter
(See also momentum preventer
ENT'ment EN'tur.) sarmentum reenter
contentment relenter
discontentment EN'tOr renter

presentment adventure repenter

relentment debenture representer -
representment indenture resenter
resentment misadventure supplementer
EN'trans peradventure tenter
ENT'nes entrance tenture tormenter
intentness venture venter
EN'trat (See also
EN'td concentrate EN'tiir fiN'tdr.)
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hire, end; ice, 1U;
433 EN'turd —EP'e

EN'turd seiner lenience tenzon

centered serener (See also venison
entered shebeener EN'e-ens.)
self-centered supervener E'6
(See also weaner EN'yent brio
EN'tflr; add wiener convenient Cleo
-ed where (See also Keogh
appropriate.) EN'ur EN'e-ent.) Leo
Fenner Rio
EN'tus penner EN'yor Theo
immomentous tenner monsignor trio
ligamentous tenor seignior
momentous Venner senior Eon
pedetentous signor aeon
pigmentous EN'us Creon
portentous genus EN'yus eon
sarmentous Silenus genius freon
unguentous venous (See also Leon
Venus E'ne-us.) neon
EN'um odeon
frenum EN've EN'za paeon
plenum envy cadenza pantheon
influenza peon
EN'ur EN'vil pheon
cleaner Bienville ENZ'da pleon
contravener Glenville Wednesday
convener Grenville EP'ard
demeanor EN'zes jeopard
gleaner EN'yal cleanses leopard
greener congenial lenses peppered
intervener (See also shepherd
keener E'ne-al.) EN'ze
leaner frenzy EP'e
machiner EN'yan McKenzie cheepy
magaziner Armenian creepy
meaner (See also EN'zo heapy
misdemeanor EN'e-an.) Lorenzo kepi
obscener seepy
screener EN'yens EN'zon sleepy

old, or, odd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EP'6 — EP'tans 434

steepy outsleepeth sweeping conception

sweepy overleapeth unsleeping contraception
tepee oversleepeth unweeping deception
weepy peepeth weeping direption
reapeth ereption
EP'fi sleepeth EP'ish exception
peppy sweepeth deepish imperception
preppy weepeth sheepish inception
tepee steepish interception
EP'id introsusception
EP'en intrepid EP"1 intussusception
cheapen lepid empeople misconception
deepen tepid people obreption
steepen trepid steeple perception
unpeople preception
EP'est EP'ij preconception
cheapest seepage EP'Ies preperception
cheepest sweepage sleepless reception
creepest weepless self-deception
deepest EP'ik subreption
heapest epic EP'nes surreption
keepest orthoepic cheapness susception
leapest deepness
outsleepest EP'ing sleepness EP'sis
overleapest bookkeeping asepsis
oversleepest cheeping EP'on analepsis
peepest creeping weapon epanalepsis
reapest heaping metalepsis
steepest housekeeping EP'se paralepsis
steepest keeping apepsy prolepsis
sweepest leaping catalepsy scepsis
weepest outsleeping dyspepsy syllepsis
overleaping epilepsy
EP'eth oversleeping eupepsy
cheepeth EP'skin
peeping sheepskin
creepeth reaping EP'shun
heapeth safekeeping abreption
keepeth sleeping apperception EP'tans
leapeth steeping arreption acceptance

ale, care, add, arm, 3sk; me, hgre, Snd; Ice, 111;
435 EP'tant — Ij're, E're

EP'tant EP'ting cheaper Vera

acceptant accepting cheeper -
exceptant excepting creeper ER'af
reptant incepting deeper seraph
intercepting heaper teraph
EP'ted hedge keeper
accepted EP'tiv housekeeper |R'al
excepted acceptive keeper feral
intercepted conceptive leaper spheral
deceptive peeper
EP'test exceptive reaper ER'ald
acceptest imperceptive shopkeeper Gerald
adeptest inceptive sleeper herald
exceptest insusceptive steeper Herrold
interceptest interceptive sweeper
intussusceptive wall creeper ER'ans
EP'teth irreceptive weeper aberrance
accepteth perceptive wicketkeeper
excepteth preceptive ER'ant
intercepteth receptive EP'ur aberrant
susceptive hepper
EP'tik high-stepper ER'as
acataleptic EPT'nes leper terrace
analeptic ineptness overstepper (See also
antiseptic pepper ER'is.)
aseptic EP'tun stepper
bradypeptic Neptune ER'at
cataleptic EP'wak serrate
dyspeptic EP'tur sheepwalk
epileptic accepter sleepwalk ^R'ded
eupeptic adepter bearded
metaleptic excepter E'ra
nympholeptic inceptor £a ira fjRD'Ie
organoleptic intercepter chimera weirdly
peptic preceptor era
proleptic scepter gerah ^ ' r e , E're
sceptic susceptor Hera aerie
septic lira aweary
sylleptic EP'ur Madeira beery

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
$'rt, E're — ^R'ens 436

bleary bayberry Juneberry stationery

bokmakierie beriberi Kerry strawberry
cheery berry knobkerrie tangleberry
deary bilberry knobkerry Terry
domino theory blackberry lamasery terry
dreary blueberry limeberry thumbleberry
eerie brambleberry locustberry Tom and Jerry
Erie burberry loganberry unbury
forweary bury Londonderry very
hara-kiri catberry mere wherry
jeery cemetery merry whortleberry
Kashmiri checkerberry mesentery wineberry
kiri cherry millinery winterberry
kyrie chinaberry miserere youngberry
leary chokeberry Miserere (See also
leery chokecherry monastery AR'e.)
life weary Christmas- mossberry
metatheory berry mulberry jJR'ed
overweary coffeeberry naseberry queried
peri cranberry orangeberry unwearied
quaere crowberry partridgeberry war-wearied
query dangleberry perry wearied
siri dayberry phrontistery world-wearied
smeary deerberry Pondicherry
sneery Derry presbytery ER'ed
speary dewberry quatercente- berried
sphery dogberry nary buried
teary equerry quaternary cherried
theory ferry raspberry ferried
uncheery flos ferri redberry serried
Valkyrie Gerry rowanberry unburied
veery gooseberry sedentary
weary guavaberry serry EJR'ens
whigmaleery hackberry shadberry adherence
world-weary huckleberry sherry appearance
inkberry skerry arrearance
ER'e intercalary snowberry clearance
baneberry Jerry squawberry coherence
barberry jerry stationary disappearance

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
437 EJR'ens —ER'ik

incoherence peerest overheareth uncheerful

inherence perseverest peereth unfearful
interference queerest persevereth
perseverance reappearest reappeareth i^R'Id
reappearance rearest reareth blear-eyed
reverest revereth clear-eyed
EJR'ent searest seareth tear-eyed
adherent serest sheareth
coherent severest smeareth ER'if
inadherent shearest sneereth sans serif
incoherent sheerest speareth serif
inherent sincerest steereth sheriff
perseverant smearest upreareth
querent sneerest veereth ^R'y
vicegerent spearest arrearage
steerest IJR'ez clearage
^R'est unrearest dearies peerage
adherest uprearest overwearies pierage
appearest veerest queries steerage
austerest series
besmearest ER'et wearies ER'ik
careerest ferret alexiteric
cheerest terret ER'ez amphoteric
clearest berries anisomeric
coherest EJTeth buries atmospheric
dearest adhereth cherries chimeric
disappearest appeareth ferries chromospheric
drearest besmeareth sherries cleric
endearest careereth wherries climacteric
fearest cheereth derrick
gearest cleareth ^R'fon enteric
hearest disappeareth earphone Eric
insincerest endeareth esoteric
interferest feareth ^R'ful exoteric
jeerest geareth cheerful ferric
leerest heareth earful generic
merest interfereth fearful helispheric
nearest jeereth sneerful hemispheric
overhearest leereth tearful Herrick

old, or, 6dd, oil, f(56t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
ER'ik —E'robm 438

Homeric Bering sneering E^R'les

hysteric besmearing spearing cheerless
icteric blearing steering earless
isomeric cannoneering ungearing fearless
masseteric careering upcheering gearless
mesmeric cashiering uprearing peerless
neoteric cheering veering spearless
numeric clearing veneering tearless
peripheric cohering volunteering yearless
perispheric Dealing
phylacteric disappearing ER'is Filing
piperic domineering ferris shearling
spheric earing terrace steerling
suberic electioneering Terris yearling
valeric endearing
engineering ER'ish ^R'rnent
ER'iks fearing cherish cerement
clerics gearing perish endearment
esoterics gondoliering
hysterics hearing ER'it EJR'nes
(See also interfering demerit austereness
ER'ik; add -s jeering disherit clearness
where appro- leering disinherit dearness
priate.) mountaineer- immerit nearness
ing inherit queerness
ER'il nearing merit severeness
beryl overhearing sincereness
Cheryl peering Ejrie
chrysoberyl persevering austerely IJR'o, E'ro
peril pioneering cavalierly hero
sterile privateering cheerly lillibullero
queering clearly zero
EJTin reappearing dearly
Erin rearing merely ER'on
rehearing nearly heron
SR'ing revering queerly
adhering searing severely E'robm
appearing shearing sincerely sea room
auctioneering skeering yearly tearoom

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, £nd; Ice, HI;
439 ERor —ES'ens

ER'dr dearer mesa Diesel

error disappearer Theresa
terror electioneerer ES'en
endearer E'saj lessen
EJt'os, ER'os fearer presage
Eros fleerer ES'ens
hearer ES'chun indecence
F^RS'nes interferer congestion
fierceness jeerer digestion ES'ens
leerer indigestion accrescence
EJt'sur nearer ingestion acquiescence
fiercer overhearer question adolescence
piercer peerer suggestion arborescence
perseverer calescence
EjR'sing queerer ES'chund calorescence
ear-piercing rearer questioned candescence
piercing reverer unquestioned coalescence
transpiercing severer concrescence
shearer ES'e contabescence
^R'son sneerer creasy convalescence
Grierson spearer fleecy defervescence
Pearson steerer deliquescence
teerer ES'e delitescence
ER'ub ungearer Bessie effervescence
cherub veerer Cressy efflorescence
dressy emollescence
ER'ul $R'us Jesse erubescence
ferrule sclerous Jessie essence
ferule serous messy evanescence
perule Tessie exacerbescence
spherule ER'us tressy excrescence
ferrous florescence
EJTur ES'ed fluorescence
adherer EJRZ'man blessed fremescence
appearer privateersman (See also ES; frondescence
austerer steersman add -ed where fructescence
besmearer appropriate.) frutescence
cheerer E'sa glaucescence
clearer Felica ES'el hyalescence
old, dr, ddd, oil, f$6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ES'ens —ES'ept 440

incalescence recent fremescent obsolescent

incandescence frondescent opalescent
incoalescence ES'ent fructescent petrecent
ineffervescence accrescent frutescent phosphores-
inflorescence acescent gangrenescent cent
intumescence acquiescent glaucescent postpubescent
iridescence aculescent herbescent prepubescent
juvenescence adolescent ignescent pubescent
lactescence albescent incalescent putrescent
lapidescence alkalescent incandescent quiescent
latescence antidepressant incessant rancescent
obsolescence arborescent increscent recrudescent
opalescence calorescent ineffervescent rejuvenescent
petrescence candescent inflorescent repressant
phosphores- canescent ingravescent requiescent
cence cessant intumescent revalescent
pubescence coalescent iridescent rubescent
putrescence confessant jessant rufescent
quiescence congrescent juvenescent senescent
quintessence contabescent lactescent spinescent
recrudescence convalescent languescent spinulescent
reflorescence crescent lapidescent spumescent
rejuvenescence decalescent latescent suffrutescent
revalescence decrescent liquescent sugescent
revirescence deflorescent luminescent supercrescent
rubescence deliquescent lutescent suppressant
senescence delitescent marcescent tabescent
spumescence depressant maturescent torpescent
supercrescence detumescent nigrescent tumescent
torpescence deturgescent nonacquiescent turgescent
tumescence effervescent noncandescent uneffervescent
turgescence efflorescent nondeliques- violescent
viridescence erubescent cent virescent
virilescence evanescent nonefferves- viridescent
vitrescence excrescent cent virilescent
fervescent nonfluorescent vitrescent
ES'ent flavescent nonluminescent
decent florescent nonputrescent ES'ept
indecent fluorescent obmutescent precept

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, fend; Ice, HI;
441 ES'est — ESH'16

ES'est decreaseth fleeces ESH'e

ceasest fleeceth greases fleshy
creasest greaseth increases meshy
decreaest increaseth leases
fleecest leaseth mantelpieces ESH'est
greasest releaseth masterpieces enmeshest
increasest nieces freshest
leasest ES'eth peaces immeshest
releasest acquiesceth pelisses refreshest
addresseth pieces threshest
ES'est assesseth releases
acquiescest blesseth ESH'eth
addressest caresseth ES'ez enmesheth
assessest compresseth dresses immesheth
blessest confesseth presses mesheth
caressest depresseth (See also ES; refresheth
compressest digresseth add -es where thresheth
confessest distresseth appropriate.)
depressest dresseth ESH'ez
digressest expresseth ES'ful species
distressest guesseth capriceful
dressest impresseth peaceful ESH'ing
expressest oppresseth unpeaceful meshing
guessest possesseth refreshing
impressest presseth threshing
oppressest professeth
successful ESH'ingz
possessest progresseth
(See also ES;
pressest redresseth fleshings
add -fid where
professest represseth meshings
progressest suppresseth appropriate.) (See also ESH;
redressest transgresseth add -ings where
repressest undresseth ESH'al appropriate.)
suppressest especial
tmnsgressest ES'ez special ESH'les
undressest battlepieces fleshless
caprices ESH'an meshless
ES'eth ceases Grecian
ceaseth creases (See also ESH'le
creaseth decreases ESH'un.) fleshly

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ESH'le —ES'ing 442

freshly dispossession (See also ES'ing

unfleshly egression ESH'un; add ceasing
expression -s where creasing
ESH'man freshen appropriate.) decreasing
freshman impression fleecing
„ indiscretion ESH'ur greasing
ESH'ment ingression flesher increasing
refreshment insession fresher leasing
ESH'nes intercession mesher piecing
freshness introgression pressure policing
intropression refresher releasing
E'shor nonaggression thresher surceasing
seashore obsession tressure unceasing
E'shun possession E'shus ES'ing
accretion precession facetious acquiescing
completion prepossession specious addressing
concretion procession assessing
deletion profession ESH'us blessing
depletion progression precious caressing
Grecian recession coalescing
impletion regression E'sid compressing
incompletion reimpression leeside confessing
internection repossession seaside convalescing
repletion repression depressing
secretion retrocession _ digressing
(See also retrogression ES'jj dispossessing
E'shi-an.) secession expressage distressing
self-possession message dressing
ESH'un session pesage excessing
accession succession presage expressing
aggression supersession w guessing
cession suppression ES'ik impressing
compression transgression eugenesic messing
concession geodesic oppressing
confession ESH'unz possessing
. depression accessions E'sil, ES'il, prepossessing
digression quarter ses- or IS'il pressing
discretion sions Cecil professing

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
443 ES'ing —ES'ta

progressing aggressive fresco policeman

redressing compressive tedesco
repressing concessive ES'man
retrogressing concrescive ES'ku pressman
suppressing congressive fescue yes man
undressing crescive rescue
unprepossess- depressive ES'mat
ing digressive E'skwar messmate
water dressing excessive T square
expressive ES'mel
ES'is impressive ES"il piecemeal
anamnesis inexpressive Cecil
anesthesis obsessive chessel ES'ment
anthesis oppressive nestle assessment
aposiopesis possessive pestle impressment
catachresis progressive redressal redressment
deesis recessive trestle
diaphoresis redressive unnestle ES'nes
diesis regressive vessel obeseness
erotesis repressive wrestle
exegesis retrogressive ES'on
hyperesthesis successive ES'les Gleason
mathesis suppressive capriceless Leisen
mimesis transgressive ceaseless
ochlesis unexpressive creaseless ES'on
paracentesis unimpressive fleeceless lessen
perichoresis leaseless lesson
schesis ES'ke peaceless
synteresis de Reszke ES'pit
telekinesis pesky ES'ling respite
thesis nestling
tmesis ESK'nes pestling ES'pur
grotesquesness wrestling Hesper
ES'iv picturesque- vesper
adhesive ness ES'lur
cohesive statuesqueness nestler ES'ta
wrestler Hesta
ES'iv ES'ko podesta
accessive al fresco ES'man siesta

old, or, odd, oil, fiSot, out; use, flrn, Qp; THis, thin
ES'ta —ES'tin 444

Vesta congested arrestest requesteth

Zend-Avesta contested attestest resteth
crested bestest suggesteth
ES'tal detested breastest testeth
festal digested contestest wresteth
vestal disinterested crestest
divested detestest ES'tez
ES'tan double- digestest Estes
Avestan breasted divestest Orestes
sebesten foam-crested infestest ornitholestes .
indigested interestest testes
ES'tant infested investest
contestant ingested jestest
gestant EST'ful
interested manifestest
invested molestest
ES'tat jestful
intestate jested protestest restful
testate manifested requestest unrestful
marble- restest
ES'te breasted suggestest „

beastie molested testest ES'tik

bheesty nested wrestest agrestic
pigeon-breasted alkahestic
predigested ES'teth anamnestic
ES'te protested arresteth anapestic
chesty redigested attesteth asbestic
cresty requested breasteth catachrestic
resty rested contesteth domestic
testy sable-vested cresteth gestic
yesty single-breasted detesteth majestic
suggested digesteth telestic
ES'ted tested divesteth telestich
arrested unbreasted infesteth
attested undigested interesteth ES'tin
bested unmolested investeth asbestine
breasted unrested jesteth clandestine
castle-crested vested manifesteth destine
chested wrested molesteth intestine
chicken- nesteth predestine
breasted ES'test protesteth sestine

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; ice, III;
445 ES'tind —ES'tur

ES'tind unresting mesto EST'ward

destined vesting pesto eastward
predestined westing presto
undestined wresting EST'ward
E'ston westward
ES'ting ES'tiv freestone
easting attestive keystone ES'ter
feasting congestive Dniester
unpriesting digestive ES'ton down-easter
yeasting festive Weston Easter
infestive feaster
ES'ting restive ES'tral northeaster
arresting suggestive ancestral southeaster
attesting tempestive campestral
besting fenestral ES'tur
breasting EST'le kestrel arrester
congesting beastly orchestral attester
contesting priestly trimestral Bester
cresting Bestor
detesting EST'les ES'trat breaster
digesting breastless fenestrate Chester
disinteresting crestless orchestrate contester
divesting guestless sequestrate digester
infesting jestless divester
ingesting questless ES'trik Dnestr
interesting restless orchestric Esther
investing palaestric fester
jesting EST'ling Hester
manifesting nestling ES'tur infester
molesting wrestling divesture investor
nesting gesture jester
protesting EST'men t investure Leicester
questing arrestment purpresture Lester
reinvesting divestment revesture midsemester
requesting investment vesture molester
resting vestment nester
suggesting ES'tus nor'wester
ES'to asbestos pester
manifesto cestus
uninteresting prester
old, or, odd, oil, fcJot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ES'tur —ET'ed 446

protester leaser Bhagavad Gita peaty

requester piecer cheetah sleety
rester releaser Chiquita spermaceti
semester dolce vita sweetie
sequester ES'ur eta sweety
sou'wester acquiescer excreta treaty
suggester addresser granita
Sylvester aggressor Juanita ET'e
tester antecessor keta Alligretti
trimester assessor Lolita Bettie
vester blesser manzanita betty
wrester caresser margarita confetti
yester cesser partita fretty
compressor pita Hettie
ES'turd confessor Rita Hetty
festered depressor senorita Irish confetti
sequestered digresser vita jetty
unsequestered distresser zeta Lettie
(See also dresser Letty
ES'tur; add excesser ET'a libretti
-ed where guesser animetta netty
appropriate.) impresser arietta Nettie
intercessor biretta petit
ES'turn lesser burletta petty
eastern messer codetta Rossetti
oppressor comedietta spaghetti
ES'turn possessor Etta spermaceti
hestern predecessor Henrietta Vanizetti
northwestern presser lametta sweaty
southwestern professor mozetta
western progressor operetta ET'ed
yestern redresser Retta accreted
represser Rosetta bleated
ES'ur successor vendetta cheated
creaser suppressor Yetta competed
decreaser transgressor completed
fleecer ET'e conceited
greaser ET'a entreaty defeated
increaser amrita meaty deleted

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
447 ET'ed — ET'eth

depleted petted depletest pettest

entreated pirouetted discreetest regrettest
escheated regretted eatest settest
evil-treated sweated effetest upsettest
excreted unfretted elitest wettest
greeted unnetted entreatest whettest
heated wetted fleetest
ill-treated whetted greetest ET'eth
incompleted heatest beateth
maltreated ET'en ill-treatest bleateth
meted beaten incompletest cheateth
receipted Cretan maltreatest competeth
reheated eaten meetest completeth
repeated moth-eaten neatest defeateth
retreated overeaten overeatest deleteth
seated storm-beaten pleatest depleteth
secreted sweeten receiptest eateth
self-conceited tempest-beaten repeatest entreateth
sheeted unbeaten repletest greeteth
sleeted weather-beaten retreatest heateth
treated wheaten seatest maltreateth
unmeeted worm-eaten sweetest meeteth
unseated (See also treatest overeateth
wine-heated ET'on.) pleateth
ET'est receipteth
ET'ed ET'en abettest repeateth
abetted fretten backsettest retreateth
benetted threaten bayonettest seateth
betted (See also begettest treateth
brevetted ET'on.) benettest
coquetted besettest ET'eth
coroneted ET'est bettest abetteth
curvetted beatest coquettest begetteth
fretted bleatest forgettest benetteth
gazetted cheatest frettest betteth
indebted competest gettest bewetteth
interfretted completest lettest coquetteth
jetted defeatest nettest forgetteth
netted deletest oversettest fretteth

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ET'eth —ET'ik 448

getteth heathen Eth'les nether

letteth wreathen breathless patent leather
netteth deathless pinfeather
petteth Eth'e tether
regretteth heathy ETH'ment together
setteth Lethe bequeathment weather
whetteth lethy ensheathment wether
enwreathment white feather
ET'ez Eth'e whitleather
entreaties deathy Eth'nik whether
sweeties ethnic
treaties Eth'il holethnic ETH'urd
ethyl feathered
ET'ful methyl Eth'od
deceitful method weathered
ETH'ing (See also
ET'ful bequeathing ETH'ren feTH'ur; add
forgetful breathing brethren -ed where
fretful ensheathing appropriate.)
regretful enwreathing ETH'ur
inbreathing bequeather
ETH'al incense- breather ET'id, ET'id
bequeathal breathing either fetid
interwreathing enwreather (See also
Eth'al inwreathing neither ET'ed, ET'ed.
ethal seething seether
lethal sheathing sheather ET'ij
teething wreather cheatage
Ethan terror-breath-
Ethan ing Eth'ur cieatage
unsheathing ether eatage
Eth'el wreathing escheatage
Bethel ETH'ur metage
ethal Eth'le altogether
Ethel deathly aweather ET'ik
(See also blether acetic
Eth'il.) Eth'les feather cetic
sheathless heather Cretic
ETH'en wreathless leather Rhaetic

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; ice, ill;
449 ET'ik

ET'ik colletic hermetic parenthetic

abietic cometic heterogenetic paretic
abiogenetic copacetic histogenetic parthenogenetic
aesthetic cosmetic homiletic pathetic
agamogenetic cosmothetic homogenetic pathogenetic
alexipyretic cybernetic hydrokinetic peripatetic
algetic diabetic hyperesthetic phenetic
allopathetic diamagnetic hypnogenetic phlogogenetic
aloetic dianoetic hypothetic phonetic
alphabetic diaphoretic idiopathetic photosynthetic
amuletic diathetic inergetic phrenetic
analgetic dietetic isomagnetic phyletic
anchoretic diuretic Japhetic phylogenetic
anesthetic docetic kinetic plethoretic
anoetic eidetic Lettic poetic
anoretic electromag- limnetic polygenetic
anti magnetic netic logarithmetic polyphyletic
antipathetic emetic ludicropathetic polysynthetic
antipyretic emporetic magnetic prophetic
antithetic energetic Masoretic prosthetic
apatetic enthetic mesothetic prothetic
apathetic epenthetic metic psychogenetic
aphetic epexegetic mimetic pyretic
apologetic epigenetic monogenetic pyrogenetic
apyretic epithetic morphogenetic quercetic
arithmetic erotetic mythopoetic quodlibetic
ascetic esthetic noetic seismetic
asynartetic eugenetic nomothetic splenetic
asyndetic exegetic ochletic strategetic
athletic frenetic onomatopoetic sympathetic
auletic galactopoietic ontogenetic synartetic
autokinetic gametic oogenetic syncretic
auxetic Gangetic Ossetic syndetic
balletic genetic paleogenetic synergetic
Baphometic geodetic palingenetic synthetic
bathetic goetic pangenetic syzygetic
biogenetic gyromagnetic parasympa- tabetic
biomagnetic hebetic thetic telekinetic
catechetic Helvetic parathetic theopathetic

old, or, ddd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ET'ik —ET'le 450

theoretic heating retting secretive

thermogenetic ill-treating setting
thermomag- maltreating somersetting ET' 'I
netic meeting sweating beetle
threnetic meting undersetting betel
tonetic overeating upsetting decretal
uletic receipting wetting fetal
uretic repeating whetting
Venetic retreating ET"1
zetetic seating ET'is abettal
zoetic secreting Thetis Babbitt metal
sheeting Chettle
ET'iks sweeting ET'is fettle
aesthetics toad-eating lettuce kettle
apologetics treating metal
dietetics unseating ET'ish mettle
esthetics coquettish Monel metal
exegetics ET'ing fetish nettle
homiletics abetting Lettish petal
poetics backsetting pettish Popocatapetl
(See also begetting wettish resettle
ET'ik; add be netting settle
-s where besetting ET'ist type metal
appropriate.) betting defeatist white metal
brevetting (See also ET;
ET'ing coquetting add -ist where ET'ld
beating curvetting appropriate.) high-mettled
bittersweeting forgetting nettled
bleating fretting ET'it petal led
cheating gazetting beat it unsettled
competing getting mettled
completing internetting ET'iv (See also ET' '1;
concreting jetting accretive add -ed where
defeating letting completive appropriate.)
eating minuetting concretive
entreating netting decretive ET'le
fleeting oversetting depletive completely
flesh-eating petting discretive concretely
greeting regretting repletive discreetly

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, end; Ice, Til;
451 ET'le — ET'rik

discretely fleetness Zyzzogeton craniometric

featly incompleteness (See also cryometric
fleetly meetness ET'en.) cyclometric
indiscreetly neatness densitometric
meetly obsoleteness ET'on diametric
neatly repleteness Bretton dimetric
obsoletely sweetness dynamometric
sweetly ET'ral, econometric
unmeetly ET'nes ET'rel electrometric
setness diametral endosmometric
ET'les wetness petrel ergometric
debtless eudiometric
petless ET'o ET're fluorometric
threatless bonito Petrie galvanometric
mosquito gasometric
ET'ling sanbenito ET'rik geometric
nettling veto actinometric goniometric
settling aerometric gravimetric
unsettling ET'o algometric hexametric
allegretto alkalimetric hydrometric
ET'ment amaretto allometric hygrometric
entreatment amoretto anemometric hypsometric
ill treatment falsetto anisometric interferometric
maltreatment ghetto anthropometric iodometric
treatment lazaretto astrometric isobarometric
libretto asymmetric isometric
ET'ment palmetto audiometric kilometric
abetment stiletto barometric logometric
besetment terzetto bathometric magnetometric
indebtment zucchetto bathymetric manometric
revetment biometric metric
ET'on bisymmetric micrometric
ET'nes Beaton bolometric monometric
completeness Eaton calorimetric nitrometric
concreteness Eton cephalometric obstetric
discreetness Keaton chlorometric odometric
discreteness Keyton chronometric optometric
effeteness Seaton clinometric ozonometric
featness Seyton coulometric pedometric

old, dr, ddd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ET'rik —ET'ius 452

phonometric petrous gas meter dead-letter

photometric saltpetrous goldbeater debtor
piezometric triquetrous greeter enfetter
planometric heater fetter
plastometric ET'so hectoliter forgetter
potentiometric intermezzo ill-treater fretter
psychometric mezzo kilometer getter
pycnometric liter go-getter
pyrometric ET'um lotus-eater jetter
radiometric arboretum meeter letter
refractometric fretum meter netter
rheometric pinetum neater petter
salinometric zibetum overeater red-letter
sclerometric Peter regretter
sensitometric ET'ur praetor resetter
sociometric creature receipter setter
spectrometric feature repeater somersetter
speedometric (See also retreater sweater
spirometric ECH'ur.) saltpeter typesetter
. stereometric seater - wetter
stoichiometric ET'ur secreter whetter
symmetric beater skeeter
tacheometric beefeater smoke-eater ET'urd
tasimetric bleater superheater featured
tellurometric cake-eater sweeter
thermometric cheater teeter
tonometric centimeter toad-eater
trigonometric competer treater unfettered
trimetric completer unseater unlettered
unsymmetric decaliter water meter
(See also
viscometric defeater
volumetric Demeter ET'ur ET'ur; add
zoometric depleter abettor -ed where
eater begetter appropriate.)
ET'rok entreater besetter ET'urz
sheetrock escheater better Peters
fire-eater carburetor
ET'rus, fleeter coquetter ET'us
ET'rus frog-eater curvetter acetous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
453 ET'us —EV'eth

Cetus diva chevy EV'end

fetus Eva clevy leavened
quietus Geneva heart-heavy unleavened
Kamadeva heavy
ET'wurk Kivah levee EV'enth
fretwork Mahadeva levy eleventh
network Shiva nevvy seventh
Siva top-heavy
E'um viva EV'enz
amoebaeum yeshiva EV'el, EV'I Stevens
anthenaeum bedevil
bronteum EV'al bevil EV'est
colosseum coeval devil achievest
lyceum longeval dishevel believest
mausoleum medieval Greville bereavest
museum primeval kevel cleavest
peritoneum retrieval level conceivest
prytaneum shrieval Neville deceivest
Te Deum upheaval revel disbelievest
(See also sea level grievest
E'ur E'vil.) spirit level heavest
agreer water level inweavest
feer EV'an leavest
fleer Evan _ perceivest
freer Devon EV'en receivest
overseer (See also even relievest
seer Ev'en.) good-even reprievest
sightseer Hallow-even retrievest
EV'ans Stephen thievest
E'us achievance Steven upheavest
choreus grievance unbereaven weavest
corypheus perceivance uneven
gluteus retrievance yester-even EV'eth
onomato- achieveth
poeous E've EV'en believeth
plumbeous Levy eleven bereaveth
scarabaeus heaven cleaveth
EV'e leaven conceiveth
E'va bevy seven deceiveth

old, or, odd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EV'eth —EV'ur 454

disbelieveth appropriate.) EV'ing; fever

grieveth add -s where griever
heaveth EV'in appropriate.) Guadalquivir
inweaveth levin hay fever
leaveth replevin EV'ish heaver
perceiveth peevish interleaver
receiveth EV'ing thievish interweaver
relieveth achieving _ jungle fever
reprieveth aggrieving EV'les keever
retrieveth believing leaveless leaver
thieveth bereaving sheaveless lever
upheaveth cleaving sleeveless liever
weaveth conceiving livre
deceiving achievement make-believer
E'vi disbelieving misconceiver
Levi grieving retrievement nai'ver
heaving overachiever
EV'y interweaving EV'ning perceiver
cleavage inweaving evening preconceiver
leavage leaving reaver
misconceiving EV're receiver
EV'il perceiving every reever
evil preconceiving reiver
king's evil receiving EV'ur reliever
weevil relieving achiever repriever
reprieving aggriever retriever
EV'il retrieving ballast heaver scarlet fever
devil sheaving beaver sheaver
Neville steeving believer spring fever
(See also thieving bereaver unbeliever
EV'el.) unbelieving brever undeceiver
undeceiving cantilever underachiever
EV'ilz unweaving cleaver upheaver
blue devils upheaving coal heaver weaver
devils weaving conceiver weever
(See also deceiver yellow fever
EV'el, EV'ingz Deever
EV'il; add leavings disbeliever EV'ur
-5 where (See also enfever assever

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, find; ice, 111;
455 EV'ur — EZH'ur

cantilever longevous presence EZ'el

clever primevous bezel
dissever EZ'ant, (See also EZ"1.)
endeavor E'wa EZ'ent
ever leeway displeasant EZ'els
forever seaway omnipresent easels
however peasant measles
howsoever E'ward pheasant (See also EZ"1;
lever leeward pleasant add -s where
never seaward present appropriate.)
sever unpleasant
unsever E'wit E'zha
whatever peewit EZ'dal magnesia
whatsoever Teasdale
whencever E'ya E'zhan
whencesoever Cassiopeia Milesian
whenever (See also E'a.)
whensoever E'zhun
wheresoever E'yan adhesion
wherever Tarpeian EZ'e cohesion
whichever (See also breezy inadhesion
whichsoever E'an.) cheesy inhesion
whithersoever easy lesion
whoever EZ'a free-and-easy Silesian
whomsoever Liza freezy trapezian
whosesoever Louisa greasy
whosever Pisa queasy E'zhur
whosoever sleazy leisure
EZ'ans sneezy seizure
EV'urd defeasance speakeasy
dissevered easance uneasy EZH'ur
unsevered malfeasance wheezy admeasure
(See also misfeasance Zambezi displeasure
EV'ur; add entreasure
-ed where EZ'ans, EZ'el leisure
appropriate.) EZ'ens easel measure
omnipresence teasel outmeasure
EV'us peasants Teazle pleasure
grievous pleasance weasel treasure

old, or, ddd, oil, foT>t, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
E'zhurd —I'ak 456

E'zhurd breezing EZ'lur friezer

unleisured displeasing embezzler geezer
easing greaser
E'zhurd foreseizing EZ'ment leaser
immeasured freezing appeasement pleaser
measured . greasing easement sneezer
unleisured pleasing squeezer
unmeasured seizing reason teaser
untreasured self-pleasing season tweezer
(See also sneezing treason wheezer
fiZH'ur; add squeezing unreason
-ed where teasing EZ'urt
appropriate.) unpleasing unseason desert
wheezing EZ'ra EZ'urz
EZ'iks Ezra tweezers
skeeziks EZ'it (See also
cheese it EZ'ur EZ'ur; add
EZ'in appeaser -s where
seizin EZ"1 Caesar appropriate.)
embezzle easer
EZ'ing (See also Ebenezer EZ'us
appeasing EZ'el.) freezer Jesus

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-

lowing, see the beginning of I rhymes in Section I.

la Josiah Zachariah triad

Amariah Keziah Zebediah
asthenia latria Zedekiah I'adz
Azariah messiah Zephaniah dryads
Beniah Obadiah Hyads
Beriah Sophia fad (See also I'ad;
Black Maria stria dryad add -s where
gorgoneia Thalia dyad appropriate.)
Hezekiah Tobiah hamadryad
Jedediah Uriah Jeremiad I'ak
Jeremiah via Pleiad elegiac

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, eild; ice, 111;
457 I'ak —IB'eth

guiac thalian Ananias circumscribest

kayak Uruguayan bias describest
phrenesiac Elias gibest
land eyas imbibest
I'al, I'ol viand Jeremias inscribest
basihyal Josias prescribest
bass viol I'andz Lias proscribest
decrial viands Matthias subscribest
denial Messias superscribes!
dial I'ans Tobias transcribest
espial affiance unbias
genial alliance (See also I'us.) IB'est
phial appliance fibbest
retrial compliance I'at glibbest
rial defiance fiat jibbest
self-denial incompliance
supplial misalliance 1'az'm IB'et
trial reliance miasm flibbertigibbet
vial science gibbet
viol self-reliance I'ba Tibbett
suppliance capaiba zibet
i'am (See also I'ant; Ziba
Priam add -s where IB'eth
Siam appropriate.) IB'ald ascribeth
ribald bribeth
Iamb I'ant Theobald circumscribeth
iamb affiant describeth
alliant IB'dis gibeth
Fan calorifient Charybdis imbibeth
Altaian client inscribeth
Brian compliant IB'e prescribeth
Bryan defiant Kibbee proscribeth
Chian giant Libbey subscribeth
genian pliant Libby superscribeth
Orion reliant Tibbie transcribeth
O'Ryan scient
Paraguayan self-reliant IB'est IB'eth
Ryan ascribest fibbeth
styan Fas bribest jibbeth

old, or, ddd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
iB'ing —IB'ur 458

IB'ing nibble add -th where IB on

ascribing quibble appropriate.) gibbon
bribing scribble ribbon
circumscribing sibyl IB'lik
describing thribble niblick IB'onz
gibing Gibbons
imbibing iB"ld fB'ling ribbons
inscribing cribbled cribbling
prescribing dibbled dibbling f'bdrn
proscribing ribald dribbling highborn
subscribing (See also IB"1; fribbling skyborne
transcribing add -d where kibbling
appropriate.) nibbling IB'rant
IB'ing quibbling vibrant
fibbing IB'le scribbling
jibbing dribbly tribbling IB'rat
ribbing glibly equilibrate
squibbing nibbly i'blo librate
quibbly by-blow vibrate
IB'it scribbly flyblow
adhibit thribbly I'brou
cohibit tribbly IB'lur eyebrow
exhibit cribbler highbrow
inhibit IB'lest dibbler
prohibit dribblest dribbler IB'sen
scribblest fribbler Ibsen
I'b'l (See also lB"l; kibbler
Bible add -st where nibbler iB'son
libel appropriate.) quibbler Ibson
tribal scribbler Gibson
IB'lei transcribbler
IB"I driblet IB'un
cribble giblet I'bal tribune
dibble triblet eyeball
dribble highball IB'ur
fribble IB'leth sky-ball ascriber
gribble dribbleth briber
ish ka bibble scribbleth i'bold circumscriber
kibble (See also lB"l; piebald describer

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
459 iB'ur — iD'ans

fiber iCH'e pitcheth hitchless

giber bitchy stitcheth itchless
imbiber fitchy switcheth stitchless
inscriber itchy twitcheth switchless
Leiber pitchy witchless
liber Richie ICH'ez
prescriber stitchy bewitches ICH'ment
proscriber witchy bitches bewitchment
scriber breeches enrichment
subscriber ICH'el ditches
Tiber Kitchell enriches ICH'nes
transcriber Mitchell flitches richness
switchel hitches
IB'ur itches ICH'ur
bibber ICH'en niches bewitcher
cribber kitchen pitches ditcher
dibber lichen riches enricher
fibber scritches hitcher
ICH'est stitches
flibbergibber itcher
bewitchest switches
gibber pitcher
enrichest twitches
glibber richer
hitchest • witches
jibber stitcher
nibber ICH'ing switcher
quibber bewitching twitcher
squibber bitching
wine-bibber ditching ICH'us
enriching righteous
IB'ut ICH'et hitching
attribute fitchet itching I'da
contribute Fitchett miching Ida
distribute Pritchett pitching Lida
redistribute Twichett stitching Oneida
retribute witchet switching
tribute twitching ID'ans
ICH'eth witching abidance
ICH'ard bewitcheth guidance
Pritchard enricheth iCH'les misguidance
Richard hitcheth bitchless subsidence

old, 6r, I, oil, fdot, :; use, urn, up; THis, thin

iD'ans —ID'eth 460

iD'ans guided iD'en overridest

forbiddance lopsided bidden presidest
riddance many-sided chidden pridest
misguided forbidden providest
iD'ant one-sided hag-ridden residest
dividant presided hidden ridest
guidant prided kitchen- sidest
provided midden slidest
resided midden stridest
sided overridden subdividest
bonafide subsidest
slab-sided priest-ridden
subdivided ridden tidest
sidy subsided slidden widest
tidy tided stridden
untidy undecided unbidden ID'est
vide undivided unforbidden biddest
v unguided wife-ridden forbiddest
ID'e unprovided (See also
biddy (See also ID'ent ID; add
chickabiddy ID'ed.) bident -est where
giddy rident appropriate.)
kiddy iD'ed strident
middy tidied trident ID'eth
stiddy (See also abideth
widdy ID'ed.) ID'est betideth
abidest bideth
ID'ed ID'ed backslidest chideth
backslided kidded bidest coincideth
betided lidded chidest collideth
bided (See also ID; coincidest confideth
chided add -ed or collidest decideth
coincided -ded where confidest derideth
collided appropriate.) deadest divideth
confided deridest elideth
decided iD'en dividest glideth
derided Dryden elidest guideth
divided widen glidest hideth
elided (See also guidest overrideth
glided iD'on.) hidest presideth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
461 iD'eth — ID'leth

prideth coinciding tidings bridled

provideth colliding (See also unbridled
resideth confiding ID'ing; add (See also
rideth deciding -s where ID"1; add
sideth deriding appropriate.) -ed where
slideth dividing appropriate.)
strideth eliding ID"1
subdivideth gliding bridal ID'ld
subsideth guiding bridle fiddled
tideth hiding fratricidal (See also ID"1;
law-abiding homicidal add -ed where
ID'eth misguiding idle appropriate.)
biddeth niding idol
forbiddeth outriding infanticidal ID'le
(See also ID; outstriding matricidal bridely
add -eth where overriding parricidal widely
appropriate.) presiding patricidal
priding regicidal iD'lest
iD'ij providing sidle idlest
guidage residing suicidal (See also lD"l;
hidage riding tidal add -est where
siding tyrannicidal appropriate.)
ID'ik sliding
striding ID"1
druidic Biddle ID'lest
fatidic subsiding fiddlest
juridic ID'ing fiddle (See also ID' '1;
pyramidic bidding flumadiddle add -est where
-. forbidding griddle appropriate.)
iD'il or ID'il kidding Liddle
idyll lidding middle fD'leth
outbidding quiddle idleth
ID'ing overbidding riddle (See also ID"1;
abiding ridding rum-tum-tiddle add -eth where
backsliding skidding tiddle appropriate.)
bestriding unforbidding twiddle
betiding unriddle ID'leth
biding ID'ingz fiddleth
chiding backslidings lD"ld (See also ID"1;

old, or, odd, oil, ftJtrt, out; use, flrn, fip; THis, thin
ID'leth —lest 462

add -eth where ID'ne coincider overbidder

appropriate.) kidney collider ridder
Sidney confider skidder
ID'ling Sydney decider
bridling derider ID'urd
idling ID'nes divider considered
sidling piedness eider ill-considered
snideness elider unconsidered
ID'ling wideness glider
diddling guider I'ens
fiddling ID'6 hider science
kidling Dido insider (See also
middling Fido misguider fans.)
riddling night rider
twiddling lD'6 one-sider I'ent
kiddo outrider calorifient
widow outsider client
ID'lings presider inscient
kidiings provider scient
guidon resider (See also I'ant.)
(See also
Poseidon rider
ID'ling; add
Sidon rough rider lest
-s where
(See also Schneider alliest
appropriate.) ID'en.) sider amplifiest
slider appliest
ID'lit iD'or Snider awryest
guide light nidor Snyder beautifiest
sidelight stridor spider bedyest
(See also strider beliest
iD'lur ID'ur.) subdivider bespyest
bridler subsider brutifiest
idler ID'ruIe wider buyest
slide rule certifiest
ID'lur ID'ur clarifiest
fiddler ID'ur bidder classifiest
quiddler backslider consider compliest
riddler bestrider forbidder criest
tiddler chider kidder crucifiest
twiddler cider outbidder decriest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 2nd; ice, 111;
463 I'est —I'eth

defiest pacifiest piet horrifieth

deifiest personifiest quiet identifieth
deniest pliest (See also I'ot.) implieth
descriest prophesiest justifieth
diest pryest I'eth lieth
dignifiest purifiest allieth liquefieth
diversifiest qualifiest amplifieth magnifieth
driest ratifiest applieth modifieth
dyest rectifiest bedyeth mollifieth
edifiest reliest belieth mortifieth
electrifiest repliest bespyeth multiplieth
espiest sanctifiest buyeth mystifieth
eyest satisfiest certifieth notifieth
falsifiest shyest clarifieth nullifieth
fliest sighest classifieth occupieth
fortifiest signifiest complieth outvieth
friest simplifest crieth pacifieth
glorifiest slyest crucifieth personifieth
gratifiest specifiest decrieth plieth
hiest spryest defieth prophesieth
highest spyest deifieth purifieth
horrifiest stupefiest denieth qualifieth
identifiest suppliest descrieth ratifieth
impliest terrifiest dieth rectifieth
justifiest testifiest dignifieth relieth
liest tiest diversifieth replieth
liquefiest tryest drieth sanctifieth
magnifiest typifiest dyeth satisfieth
modifiest untiest edifieth sigheth
mollifiest verifiest electrifieth signifieth
mortifiest versifiest espieth simplifieth
multipliest viest eyeth specifieth
mystifiest vilifiest falsifieth spyeth
nighest vitrifiest flieth stupefieth
notifiest wryest fortifieth supplieth
nullifiest frieth terrifieth
occupiest I'et glorifieth testifieth
ossifiest diet grutifieth tieth
outviest inquiet hieth trieth

old, or, ddd, oil, foot, out; use, ilrn, tip; THis, thin
i'eth — iF'ling 464

typifieth anaglyphic pulsific tiffish

untieth aurific rubific
verifieth beatific sacrific i"n
versifieth calorific salvific Eiffel
vieth classific saporific rifle
vilifieth colorific scientific strifle
vitrifieth cornific sensific trifle
vivifieth damnific siccific
deific somnific IF"!
IF'e diaglyphic sonorific piffle
cliffy dolorific soporific riffle
jiffy finific specific sniffle
sniffy frigorific sudorific whiffle
spiffy glyphic tabific
squiffy grandific tenebrific IF'Ie
hieroglyphic terrific rifely
iF'en, iF'on honorific torporific wifely
hyphen horrific transpacific
siphon triglyphic iF'les
Typhon vaporific fifeless
lactific vivific
iF'en, IF'on lifeless
lapidific vulnific
griffon st lifeless
lithoglyphic iF'in wifeless
lucific biffin
iF'est magnific griffin IF'lik
sniffest mellific tiffin lifelike
stiffest mirific (See also wifelike
whiffest morbific IF'en, IF'on.)
mucific IF'ling
iF'et omnific iF'ing rifling
whiffet ossific sniffing stifling
pacific tiffing trifling
IF'eth Pacific whiffing
sniffeth petrific IF'ling
petroglyphic IF'ish piffling
IF'ik photoglyphic miffish riffling
acidific phytoglyphic sniffish sniffling
algific pontific stiffish whiffling
ale, dire, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, III;
465 IF'lur — IG"1

IF'lur rifteth IFT'ur piggy-wiggy

rifler shifteth drifter spriggy
(See also lF"l; sifteth lifter twiggy
add -r where uplifteth sceneshifter
appropriate.) shifter IG'est
iF'te shoplifter biggest
IF'lur clifty sifter diggest
piffler drifty swifter riggest
riffler fifty uplifter triggest
sniffler fifty-fifty
whiffler nifty iF'ur IG'eth
rifty cipher diggeth
IF'on, IF'en shifty decipher
hyphen thrifty fifer IG'ing
siphon lifer digging
Typhon IF'ting kniver gigging
drifting rifer jigging
iF'ted lifting rigging
drifted rifting IF'ur sprigging
gifted shifting differ swigging
lifted shoplifting sniffer thimblerigging
rifted sifting stiffer trigging
shifted uplifting twigging
sifted I'ga unrigging
ungifted IFT'les saiga wigging
uplifted driftless
riftless IG'and IG'inz
IF'test shiftless brigand Dwiggins
driftest thriftless Higgins
liftest IG'at Wiggins
riftest IFT'nes frigate
shiftest swiftness IG'ish
siftest IG'be piggish
swiftest IF'ton Digby priggish
upliftest Clifton Rigby whiggish

IF'teth IF'thong IG'e IG"I

drifteth diphthong foggy giggle
lifteth triphthong piggy higgle

old, or, odd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
iG"l — iG'ur 466

jiggle diglyph indignant (See also

niggle monotriglyph malignant IG'at.)
sniggle triglyph
squiggle IG'net IG'res
wiggle IG'ling cygnet tigress
wriggle giggling signet
higgling I'gur
i'glas (See also IG"1;; IG'nit tiger
eyeglass change -e to lignite
spyglass -ing where iG'ur
appropriate.) IG'num configure
iG"ld ecce signum disfigure
giggled IG'lur lignum figure
(See also IG'T, giggler ligure
add -d where higgler i'go prefigure
appropriate.) (See also IG' '1; caligo transfigure
add -r where fuligo
IG'lest appropriate.) impetigo IG'ur
gigglest Loligo bigger
(See also IG"1; IG'ma vertigo chigger
add -st where engima digger
appropriate.) sigma I'gon "figger"
stigma bygone gold digger
IG'leth trigone gravedigger
giggleth IG'ment gigger
(See also lG"l; figment iG'on jigger
add -th where pigment big 'un Hgger
appropriate.) Ligon market rigger
IG'me nigger
iG'ie pygmy i'gor outrigger
giggly rigor prigger
Piggly-Wiggly IG'nal vigor rigger
wiggly signal (See also snigger
(See also IG"1; IG'ur.) sprigger
change -e to IG'nans swigger
-y where malignance i'got thimblerigger
appropriate.) bigot trigger
IG'nant gigot twigger
iG'lif benignant spigot (See also I'gor.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, Slid; Ice, III;
467 IG'urd —U'est

fG'urd disqualifying multiplying signifying

"figgered" dissatisfying mystifying simplifying
jiggered diversifying notifying skying
niggard drying nullifying solidifying
sniggered dulcifying occupying specifying
unniggard dyeing ossifying spying
dying outcrying stultifying
ling edifying outflying stupefying
acidifying electrifying outlying supplying
adrying emulsifying outvying terrifying
alibing espying overbuying testifying
allying exemplifying pacifying torpifying
amplifying eyeing personifying torrefying
applying falsifying petrifying trying
beatifying fying piing typifying
beautifying fortifying plying uncomplying
bedying Frenchifying preachifying underbuying
belying fructifying preoccupying underlying
bespying frying prophesying undying
brutifying glorifying prying unifying
butterflying gratifying purifying unsatisfying
buying guying putrefying untying
candifying hieing qualifying verifying
certifying horrifying ramifying versifying
clarifying humanifying rarefying vilifying
classifying hushabying ratifying vitrifying
codifying identifying rectifying vivifying
complying implying relying vying
countrifying indemnifying replying
crucifying intensifying revivifying I'ja
crying justifying sanctifying Abijah
damnifying kite flying satisfying Elijah
dandifying labifying scarifying
decrying liquefying scorifying I'jak
defying lying self-denying highjack
deifying magnifying self-relying skyjack
denying modifying self-satisfying
descrying mollifying shying U'est
dignifying mortifying sighing digest

old, or, odd, oil, foot, out; use, Qrn, Qp; THis, thin
U'est —IK'eth 468

disobligest U'ur mickey dislikest

obligest abridger quickie likest
bridger rickey obliquest
tl'id sticky spikest
frigid U'us tricky strikest
rigid irreligious
litigious IK'ed IK'est
tl'il prodigious wicked clickest
sigil religious (See also IK; flickest
strigil sacrilegious add -ed where kickest
vigil appropriate.) lickest
iK'a pickest
U'ing balalaika IK'en prickest
disobliging lorica lichen slickest
obliging mica liken stickest
Micah unliken thickest
U'ing pica tickest
abridging pika IK'en trickest
bridging chicken
ridging f'kal horror-stricken w
Michael quicken IK'et
Uit sicken clicket
Bridget iK'ard stricken cricket
Brigit Pickard terror-stricken midwicket
digit Rickard thicken picket
fidget wicken Pickett
Gidget iK'at wonder- pricket
"ijjit" exsiccate stricken Prickett
midget siccate Rickett
widget iK'enz thicket
IK e chickens ticket
U'on spiky slickens walking ticket
irreligion the dickens wicket
pigeon IK'e (See also
religion bricky IK'en; add IK'eth
widgeon dickey -s where disliketh
do-hickey appropriate.) liketh
U'ur Ficke spiketh
Niger gin rickey IK'est striketh

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; ice, 111;
469 IK'eth — IK'nik

IK'eth bricking trickle chickling

clicketh clicking pickling
flicketh cricking IK'le prickling
kicketh flicking belikely tickling
licketh kicking likely trickling
pickelh licking unlikely
pricketh nicking iK'Iish
sticketh picking IK'le prick lish
ticketh pocket-picking prickly ticklish
tricketh pricking quickly
snicking sickly
IK'ets IK'list
sticking slickly
crickets cyclist
thicking stickly
rickets ticking thickly
(See also tricking trickly iK'lon
IK'et; add wicking cyclone
-s where IK'Iest
appropriate.) IK'ish ficklest IK'lur
brickish picklest fickler
iK'ik sickish ticklest prickler
psychic slickish trickiest stickler
thickish strickler
iK'iks IK'leth tickler
psychics iK"i pickleth
cycle prickleth IK'nes
IK'ing epicycle tickleth likeness
biking Michael trickleth unlikeness
disliking psychal
dyking IK'lik
liking IK"I bicyclic IK'nes
misl iking fickle cyclic lovesickness
piking mickle encyclic quickness
spiking nickel epicyclic sickness
striking pickle geocyclic slickness
viking prickle thickness
well-liking sickle iK'ling
stickle cycling IK'nik
IK'ing strickle picnic
besticking tickle IK'ling strychnic

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, tip; THis, thin
iK'nin —IK'test 470

iK'nin quickset suffixion IK'sur

strychnine thickset transfixion affixer
valediction elixir
IK'ning IK'seth fixer
quickening affixeth IK'shus intermixer
sickening fixeth contradictious mixer
thickening intermixeth fictious prefixer
mixeth transfixer
IK'on prefixeth IK'sing
icon transfixeth admixing IK'tat
affixing dictate
IK'or IK'shun fixing nictate
ichor abstriction
addiction IK'ted
I'kount affixion mixing addicted
viscount affliction prefixing afflicted
affriction transfixing conflicted
IK'se benediction constricted
Dixey confliction contradicted
Dixie constriction Dickson convicted
nixie contradiction Dixon depicted
pixie conviction Hickson evicted
tricksy crucifixtion Hixon inflicted
Trixie depiction Nixon interdicted
water nixie dereliction predicted
diction IK'ste relicted
iK'sen eviction sixty restricted
mixen fiction self-inflicted
vixen friction IK'stur unrestricted
indiction admixture
IK'sest infliction affixture IK'test
affixest interdiction fixture addictest
fixest jurisdiction immixture afflictest
intermixest malediction incommixture conflictest
mixest obstriction intermixture contradictest
prefixest prediction mixture convictest
transfixest prefixion depictest
reliction IK'stur evictest
IK'set restriction trickster inflictest

ale, care, add, arm, me, h£re, end; Ice, 111;

471 IK'test — I L

predictest IK'tiv IK'tur kicker

restrictest addictive afflicter knicker
strictest afflictive boa constrictor licker
benedictive conflicter liquor
IK'teth conflictive constrictor nicker
addicteth constrictive contradicter picker
afflicteth contradictive depicter pricker
conflicteth convictive fictor quicker
contmdicteth depictive inflicter sicker
convicteth fictive lictor slicker
depicteth indictive Pictor snicker
evicteth inflictive predicter sticker
inflicteth interdictive restricter thicker
predicteth jurisdictive stricter ticker
restricteth predictive victor tricker
restrictive vicar
IK'tik vindictive IK'tus wicker
apodictic acronyctous
deictic IKT'le Bened ictus IK'urz
endeictic derelictly ictus bickers
epideictic strictly knickers
ictic IK'ur (See also
IKT'nes biker IK'ur; add
IK'tim strictness Diker -s where
victim hiker appropriate.)
IK'tor liker
IK'ting victor obliquer iK'us
addicting (See also piker Picus
afflicting IK'tOr.) Riker spicous
conflicting spiker
constricting IK turn striker IK'wid
contradicting dictum liquid
convicting IK'ur
depicting IK'tur bicker ILa
evicting depicture bootlicker Hyla
inflicting impicture bumper sticker Lila
interdicting picture clicker
predicting stricture dicker IL'a
restricting word picture flicker anilla

old, dr, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IL'a — l i e 472

armilla villein fL'dest ILD'le

barilla mildest childly
bismillah I'land wildest mildly
camarilla highland wildly
Camilla island IL'dest
cascarilla Rhode Island begildest ILD'lik
cedilla buildest childlike
chinchilla i'lark gildest
codilla phylarch iLD'nes
Drusilla skylark iL'deth mildness
flotilla begildeth riledness
gorilla I Las buildeth unmildness
granadilla Silas gildeth wildness
granilla Vilas
guerrilla iLD'hood IL'dred
Lilla childhood Mildred
Manila eyelash ILD'ren
manilla IL'ding children
mantilla IL'at childing
maxilla distillate wilding iL'dur
Priscilla penicillate milder
sabadilla IL'ding wilder
sapodilla IL'burt begilding
sarsaparilla filbert building IL'dur
seguidilla Gilbert castle building begilder
Sybilla Wilbert gilding bewilder
vanilla rebuilding builder
villa IL'da unbuilding castle builder
ILak Gilda ungilding gilder
lilac Hilda guilder
Mathilda IL'dish rebuilder
ILaks Matilda childish wilder
lilacs mildish
smilax IL'ded wildish iLD'wood
begilded wildwood
IL'an builded ILD'les
arch-villain gilded childless i'le
villain ungilded mildless ancile

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Tee, Til;
473 I'le —IL'ful

dryly Tilly fulfillest smileth

highly water lily grillest styleth
O'Reilly Willie illest tileth
Reilly Willy instillest up-pileth
Riley willy-nilly killest whileth
shyly millest wileth
slyly IL'ed shrillest
wily lilied spillest IL'eth
wryly stillest chilleth
iL'ens swillest distilleth
iL'e <jilf*nr*f* thrillest drilleth
Billee tillest enthrilleth
Billie trillest filleth
IL'ent wiliest fulfilleth
silent instilleth
Chile I'let, I'lot killeth
chili iL'est eyelet milleth
chilly beguilest islet spilleth
daffy-down- compilest pilot stilleth
dilly defilest sky-pilot thrilleth
filly filest stylet tilleth
frilly pilest trilleth
gillie reconcilest tL'et willeth
grilly revilest billet
hillbilly rilest fillet IL'ez
hilly smilest millet chilies
illy stylest rillet fillies
lily vilest skillet gillies
Millie whitest willet lilies
Milly wilest sillies
Piccadilly iL'eth the Willies
piccalilli IL'est beguileth
rockabilly befrillest compileth IL'ful
silly dullest defileth guileful
shrilly distillest fileth smileful
skilly drillest pileth wileful
stilly enthrillest reconcileth
tiger lily fillest revileth IL'ful
Tillie frillest rileth skillful

old, dr, ddd, oil, ftJ&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
iL'ful — IL'me 474

willful IL'ing trilling IL'iz'm

unskillful beguiling unwilling Carlylism
compiling upfilling hylism
IL'fur defiling willing
pilfer filing IL'joi
piling IL'ingz killjoy
IL'grim reconciling Billings
reviling drillings IL'ke
pilgrim milky
riling (See also
IL'ing; add silky
Mid smiling
eyelid styling -s where
tiling appropriate.
IL'jj time-beguiling silken
grillage up-piling ILip
pillage whiling fillip IL'king
tillage wiling Philip bilking
thrillage filking
village IL'ips milking
billing IL'koks
iL'ik Philips
chilling Philcox
amylic distilling
basilic iL'is Silcox
drilling Wilcox
Cyrillic enthrilling Amaryllis
dactylic filling Myrtillis iL'les
idyllic frilling Phyllis
macrodactyhc fulfilling Willis smileless
methylic grilling Wyllis wileless
odylic instilling
salicylic IL'ish IL'man
zygodactylic stylish billman
shilling Gil man
Min Mit grillman
skyline dry-light hillman
styline highlight millman
stilling skylight Stillman
IL'in sty lite
MacMillin twilight IL'me
McQuillin xylite filmy
ale, care, Sdd, arm, me, h§re. 6nd; ice, HI;
475 IL'ment —IL'tur

IL'ment Brillo (See also I'let, kiltest

beguilement cigarillo I'lot.) liltest
defilement embillow quiltest
exilement grenadillo IL'pin tiltest
irreconcile- killow Gilpin wiltest
ment kilo
reconcilement lapillo IL'room IL'teth
revilement Murillo grillroom jilteth
negrillo stillroom kilteth
IL'ment peccadillo lilteth
distillment pillow IL'sId quilteth
fulfillment pulvillo hillside tilteth
instillment weeping wil- rillside wilteth
IL'mor willow IL'son IL'the
Filmore Gilson filthy
Gilmore IL'od Stillson
billowed Wilson IL'ting
iL'nes unpillowed jilting
juvenileness IL'te kilting
vileness IL'oid guilty lilting
styloid silty quilting
IL'nes xyloid stilty silting
chillness tilting
illness I'lok IL'ted wilting
shrillness Shylock hiked
stillness jilted IL'ton
IL'ok kilted Chilton
IL'nur hillock lilted Hilton
Milner overtilted Milton
IL'om quilted Stilton
IL'6 whilom silted Tilton
high-low stilted
milo IL'on tilted IL'tur
silo Dillon tip-tilted filter
wilted infilter
IL'6 IL'ot jilter
armadillo pilot IL'test kilter
billow sky pilot jiltest philter

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
IL'tur —iM'bal 476

quilter friller Gilliam IL'yunth

tilter fulfiller William billionth
wilter griller millionth
iller IL'yans trillionth
Il/um ill-wilier brilliance
asylum instiller iM'a
phylum Joe Miller IL'yant cyma
Wylam killer brilliant Jemima
lady-killer Lima
iL'ur man-killer IL'yar
beguiler maxillar atrabiliar IM'aks
bifilar miller auxiliar anticlimax
compiler pillar conciliar climax
defiler Schiller domiciliar
filar shriller familiar iM'al
filer siller isocheimal
Huyler spiller IL'yardz isocrymal
piler stiller billiards primal
reconciler swiller milliards
reviler thiller I'man
riler thriller IL'yun hymen
Schuyler tiller billion Hymen
smiler wilier cotillion pieman
stylar decillion Simon
tiler IL'us mandillon Wyman
Tyler aspergillus million
up-piler bacillus modillion IM'at
viler favillous nonillion acclimate
wiler fibrinous octillion climate
Zuyler orgillous pavilion primate
villus pillion
IL'ur postillion IM'bal
befriller IL'van quadrillion cymbal
biller sylvan quintillion fimble
caterpillar sextillion gimbal
chiller IL'vur stillion nimble
distiller silver trillion symbol
driller tourbillion thimble
filler IL'yam vermilion tymbal

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, . HI;
477 IM'bal —IM'it

wimble thymy grimmest lipothymic

primmest metonymic
IM'bo IM'e skimmest metronymic
akimbo gimme slimmest mimic
bimbo jimmy swimmest pantomimic
kimbo shimmy trimmest patronymic
limbo whimmy synonymic
IM'eth zymic
IM'brel IM'el begrimeth
timbrel Friml berhymeth iM'ing
whimbrel gimmal beslimeth begriming
Grimmell chimeth beliming
fM'bur berhyming
Himmel climbeth
imber besliming
limber kiimmel rhymeth
timber climbing
I'men IM'eth
unl imber griming
hymen brimmeth
Hymen dimmeth liming
(See also skimmeth priming
I'man.) swimmeth rhyming
(See also trimmeth sliming
iM'bur; add IM'en timing
-ed where women IM'flam IM'ing
appropriate.) (See also flimflam bedimming
IM'bus IM'id
cumulonimbus IM'est timid
limbus begrimest
IM'ij grimming
nimbus berhymest
image skimming
IM'e scrimmage slimming
beslimy swimming
blimy IM'ik trimming
grimy rhymest alchimic IM'ist
limy sublimest cacochymic rhymist
rimy cherubimic timist
rhymy IM'est eponymic
slimy brimmest etymic IM'it
stymie dimmest homonymic limit

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
IM'jams — IM'pur 478

IM'jams trimless IM'pe dimply

jimjams vimless crimpy limply
whimless impi pimply
IM'krak impy simply
gimcrack IM'nal, skimpy
IM'nel wimpy IM'plest
IM'le hymnal crimplest
primely simnel IM'pet dimplest
sublimely limpet pimplest
timely IM'ne rimplest
untimely chimney IM'ping simplest
blimping mmplest
IM'le IM'nes crimping
dimly primeness imping IM'pieth
grimly sublimeness limping crimpleth
primly primping (See also
slimly IM'nes scrimping IM'p'l; add
trimly dimness shrimping -eth where
grimness skimping appropriate.)
IM'les primness
chimeless slimness IM'pish IM'pling
crimeless trimness impish crimpling
grimeless pimpish dimpling
timeless I'mon impling
overtimeless Kimon iM'pit pimpling
rhymeless Simon lime pit rimpling
rimeless Timon slime pit shrimpling
slimeless (See also wimpling
thymeless I'man.) IM'p'l
timeless bewimple IM'plur
IM'on crimple crimpler
IM'les persimmon dimple dimpler
brimless Rimmon pimple rimpler
gymless (See also rimple simpler
hymnless IM'en.) simple wimpler
limbless wimple
rimless IM'onz IM'pur
scrimless persimmons iMpie crimper
swimless Simmons crimply limper

ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;

479 IM'pur —IN'da

scrimper skimmer Regina iN'at

shrimper slimmer Sabina binate
simper swimmer Sabrina quinate
skimper trimmer salina
whimper Zimmer semolina IN chest
Shekinah clinchest
IM'roz iM'us trichina flinchest
primrose primus lynchest
rimous In'a pinchest
iM'she simous Corinna
imshi timeous Erinna IN'cheth
untimeous Minna clincheth
IM'son flincheth
jimson IM'ze IN'al lyncheth
flimsy acclinal pincheth
iM'stur mimsy anticlinal
rhymester slimsy binal IN'ching
whimsy caninal clinching
IM'ur cerebrospinal flinching
begrimer iM'zon crinal lynching
chimer crimson declinal pinching
climber encrimson doctrinal unflinching
Hergesheimer endocrinal
old-timer I'na equinal IN'chur
primer Adelina final clincher
rhymer Angelina isoclinal flincher
timer Carolina matutinal lyncher
sublimer Catalina officinal pincher
China periclinal
IM'ur Dinah piscinal IN'churz
brimmer Evelina rhinal pinchers
dimmer farina spinal (See also
gimmer Indochina synclinal IN'chur; add
glimmer Jaina trinal -s where
grimmer Lucina Vinal appropriate.)
primer Meleagrina vinyl
primmer Messalina IN'da
shimmer mynah IN'as Belinda
simmer Platyrhina pinnace Chlorinda

'• 6r, 6dd, oil, fot>t, out; use, Qrn, up; THis, thin
IN'da — IND'lur 480

Dorinda small-minded mindeth IN'd'ld

Ethelinda snow-blinded remindeth brindled
Linda soberminded windeth (See also
Lucinda strong-minded IN'd'l; add-d
weak-minded iND'ful where appro-
IN'de winded mindful priate.)
Cindy worldly remindful
Indy minded unmindful iND'ie
Lindy blindly
Lucindy IN'ded IN'dig kindly
shindy abscinded shindig unkindly
windy brinded
broken-winded w IND'le
iN'ded exscinded IN'dik Hindley
alike-minded interscinded indie spindly
blinded long-winded syndic
bloody-minded rescinded
carnal-minded iN'ding brindlest
double-minded winded binding (See also
even-minded blinding IN'd'l; add
earthly minded IN'den finding -st where
evil-minded linden grinding appropriate.)
fair-minded Lindon inbinding IN'dleth
feebleminded Minden minding brindleth
fleshly minded reminding
(See also
free-minded iN'dest unbinding fN'dT add -th
high-minded bindest unwinding where appro-
light-minded blindest upbinding priate.)
like-minded findest upwinding
low-minded grindest winding IND'ling
minded kindest brindling
narrow-minded remindest IN'd'l dwindling
open-minded windest brindle enkindling
public-minded dwindle kindling
reminded. IN'deth enkindle rekindling
rinded bindeth kindle swindling
self-blinded blindeth rekindle
simpleminded findeth spindle IND'lur
single-minded grindeth swindle dwindler

ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; ice, HI;
481 IND'lur — IN

kindler cinder tinny intertwinest

swindler flinder vinny malignest
(See also hinder whinny minest
IN'd'l; add pinder outlinest
-r where rescinder IN'en outshinest
appropriate.) tinder linen overtwinest
iND'nes IN'e I'nes reassignest
blindness briny dryness reclinest
color-blindness Heine highness refinest
kindness liney nighness resignest
loving kindness miny shyness shinest
moonshiny slyness signest
IN'dd outliney spryness superfinest
window piney wryness supinest
shiny twinest
IN'drans spiny IN'es underlinest
hindrance sunshiny Inness underminest
tiny Guinness undersignest
IN'dred twiney (See also untwinest
kindred viny IN'as.) whinest
whiney winest
iN'dur winy IN'est
binder assignest fWoc*

blinder iN'e benignest

faultfinder finny combinest
finder guinea condignest
grinder hinny confinest
hinder ignominy consignest
kinder jinny countersignest
minder Minnie declinest
pathfinder ninny definest spinnest
reminder pickaninny designest th inflect
spellbinder pinny dinest
stem-winder Pliny divinest
water finder shinney enshrinest IN'et
winder skinny entwinest linnet
spinney finest minute
iN'dur squinny inclinest spinet
> 6r, add, oil, ftJot, out; use, firn, up; THis, thin
IN'eth — ING'gleth 482

IN'eth grinneth ING'est cringle

assigneth pinneth bringest dingle
combineth sinneth clingest immingle
confineth skinneth flingest intermingle
consigneth spinneth outwingest jingal
countersigneth winneth ringest jingle
declineth singest Kris Kringle
defineth IN'fant slingest mingle
designeth infant springest shingle
dineth stingest single
IN'ful springal
divineth stringest
sinful surcingle
enshrineth swingest
entwineth ING'am wingest swingle
inclineth Bingham wringest tingle
intertwineth tringle
maligneth ING'eth
mineth bringeth ING'g'ld
outlineth dingeth commingled
outshineth flingeth unmingled
overtwineth outwingeth (See also
pineth ING'dom ringeth ING'g'l; add
kingdom singeth -d where
slingeth appropriate.)
refineth ING'duv springeth
ring-dove stingeth ING'gle
stringeth jingly
ING'e swingeth mingly
clingy unslingeth shingly
springy wingeth singly
stingy wringeth tingly
undersigneth stringy
swingy ING'ga ING'glest
untwineth anhinga jinglest
whineth wingy
wineth ING'ed ING'ge tinglest
IN'eth winged dinghy
beginneth (See also ING; ING'gleth
dinneth add -ed where ING'g'l jingleth
ginneth appropriate.) commingle mingleth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; ice, HI;
483 ING'gleth — INGK'ing

tingleth light-fingered upstringing hoodwinketh

rosy-fingered winging inketh
iNG'gling web-fingered wringing linketh
intermingling (See also pinketh
jingling ING'gur; add INGK'e shrinketh
kingling -ed where blinky sinketh
mingling appropriate.) inky slinketh
singling kinky stinketh
tingling ING'gus pinky thinketh
wingling dingus zincky winketh

ING'glish ING'gwal INGK'go

English bilingual INGK'est ginkgo
tinglish lingual bethinkest
blinkest INGKfd
ING'glur INC gwish chinkest blink-eyed
intermingler contradistin- clinkest pink-eyed
jingler guish drinkest
mingler distinguish hoodwinkest INGK'ing
shingler extinguish inkest bethinking
tingler linkest blinking
ING'ing pinkest chinking
ING'go bringing shrinkest clinking
dingo clinging sinkest drinking
flamingo dinging slinkest enl inking
gringo enringing stinkest free-thinking
jingo flinging thinkest hoodwinking
lingo outwinging winkest inking
stingo plainsinging interlinking
ringing INGK'et linking
ING'gur singing trinket pinking
finger slinging rinking
forefinger springing shrinking
index-finger stinging INGK'eth sinking
linger stringing bethinketh slinking
malinger swinging blinketh stinking
unslinging chinketh thinking
fNG'gurd unstringing clinketh unblinking
fingered upbringing drinketh unlinking

old, or, 6dd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
INGK'ing —ING'Um 484

unshrinking crinkleth contradistinc- tiddledewinker

unthinking sprinkleth tive tinker
unwinking tinkleth distinctive winker
winking twinkleth instinctive
wrinkleth INGK'us
INGK"! INGKT'nes ornithorhynchus
besprinkle INGK'Ung distinctness oxyrhynchus
crinkle besprinkling indistinctness rhampho-
inkle crinkling succinctness rhynchus
periwinkle inkling scincus
sprinkle sprinkling INGK'tur zincous
tinkle tinkling cincture
twinkle twinkling encincture ING'les
winkle wrinkling tincture kingless
wrinkle ringless
INGK'lur INGK'turd springless
INGK'Md sprinkler cinctured stingless
besprinkled tinkler encinctured wingless
unwrinkled twinkler uncinctured
(See also wrinkler untinctured ING'let
INGK'T, add kinglet
-d where INGK'o INGK'ur ringlet
appropriate.) gingko bethinker springlet
pinko blinker winglet
INGK'16 stinko clinker
crinkly drinker ING'lik
pinkly INGK'on enlinker kinglike
tinkly Lincoln free-thinker springlike
twinkly pink 'un hoodwinker winglike
wrinkly inker
INGK'shun linker IN'gram
INGK lest contradistinc- pinker Ingram
crinklest tion prinker
sprinklest distinction rinker ING'song
tinklest extinction shrinker singsong
twinklest indistinction sinker spring song
wrinklest intinction slinker
stinker ING'tim
INGK'leth iNGK'tiv thinker ring-time

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
485 ING'tim — IN'jent

spring time finic intertwining underpinning

Franklinic lining unpinning
fNG'ur fulminic maligning unsinning
ballad singer isoclinic mining winning
bringer Jacobinic moonshining
dinger mandarinic opining IN'ingz
dinger monoclinic outlining beginnings
flinger narcotinic outshining innings
humdinger Odinic overtwining winnings
mastersinger pinic pining
Meistersinger platinic reclining IN'ish
minnesinger polygynic refining diminish
ringer quinic repining finish
singer rabbinic resigning Finnish
slinger vinic shining thinnish
springer signing tinnish
stinger IN'im subsigning
stringer minim IN'ist
swinger violinist
unslinger IN'ing underlining IN'it
unstringer aligning
undermining crinite
whinger assigning untwining finite
winger beshining
wringer combining
confining wining IN'je
IN'ik consigning cringy
IN'ing dingy
kinic countermining
pinic countersigning beginning fringy
vinic declining chinning stingy
defining dinning swingy
IN'ik designing grinning twingy
aclinic dining inning
actinic divining pinning IN'jens
adiactinic enshrining shinning contingence
Brahminic entwining sinning
clinic fining skinning IN'jent
cynic inclining spinning astringent
delphinic interlining thinning constringent
diactinic intermining tinning contingent

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IN'jent — IN'nes 486

fingent hinges infringer malignly

impingent impinges injure saturninely
refringent infringes singer superfinely
restringent perstringes swinger supinely
ringent scringes twinger
stringent singes IN'le
tingent springes IN'ka Finley
swinges Inca inly
IN'jest tinges Katinka McGinley
befringest twinges McKinley
cringest unhinges IN'klad thinly
fringest pine-clad
hingest IN'jing vine-clad IN'les
imfringest cringing dinless
infringest fringing IN'kom finless
singest hinging income ginless
swingest infringing kinless
tingest singeing IN'kres pinless
twingest swingeing increase sinless
unhingest tingeing skinless
twinging iN'kround tinless
IN'jeth pine-crowned winless
befringeth INJ'les vine-crowned
cringeth fringeless IN'ment
fringeth hingeless IN'kwent alignment
hingeth swingeless delinquent assignment
impingeth tingeless relinquent confinement
infringeth twingeless consignment
singeth IN'kwish designment
swingeth iNJ'ment relinquish entwinement
tingeth impingement vinquish inclinement
twingeth infringement interlinement
unhingeth unhingement iN'le refinement
aquilinely resignment
IN'jez INJ'ur benignly
befringes cringer caninely IN'nes
constringes fringer condignly condignness
cringes ginger divinely divineness
fringes hinger finely fineness

ale, care, add, arm, fisk; me, Mjre, dnd; ice, 111;
487 IN'nes —IN'ttf

salineness IN'sest minstrel printed

superfineness convincest rainbow-tinted
supineness evincest IN'stur rosy-tinted
mincest minster sprinted
IN'nes rinsest spinster squinted
thinness wincest stinted
(See also IN'sur tinted
IN'es.) IN'seth convincer vinted
convinceth mincer
IN'6 evinceth pincer IN'test
Aino minceth rinser glintest
albino rinseth wincer hintest
jure divino winceth imprintest
rhino IN'surz mintest
wino IN'shal convincers printest
provincial pincers sprintest
IN'6 (See also squintest
minnow IN'sing IN' sur; add
winnow convincing -s where
evincing appropriate.)
IN'of mincing IN'teth
sign-off rinsing IN'te
unconvincing ninety
IN'se wincing imprinteth
Quincy IN'te
rinsey IN'siv Dinty
evincive flinty
IN'sel glinty
INS'le squinteth
tinsel linty
princely stinteth
IN'sens tinteth
incense INS'ment
convincement IN'ted INT'Id
IN'sent evincement dinted flint-eyed
St. Vincent glinted squint-eyed
vincent IN'som hinted
winsome imprinted IN'tij
IN'ses minted mintage
princess IN'strel misprinted vintage

old, or, odd, oil, fdTrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IN'thik —iN'us 488

IN'thik self-interest combiner Steiner

absinthic winterest confiner streamliner
labyrinthic consignor supiner
IN'tur cosigner twiner
IN'thin aquatinter
hyacinthine countersigner underliner
dinter decliner underminer
labyrinthine hinter
terebinthine decliner undersigner
imprinter definer viner
IN'ting minter designer whiner
aquatinting nuclear winter diner winer
dinting printer diviner IN'ur
glinting splinter enshriner after-dinner
hinting sprinter entwiner antiforeigner
imprinting squinter eyeliner beginner
minting stinter finer breadwinner
misprinting tinter forty-niner Bynner
printing winter freightliner dinner
sprinting IN'u headliner finner
squinting continue incliner foreigner
stinting discontinue intertwiner ginner
tinting retinue jetliner grinner
iN't'l sinew liner inner
lintel unsinew maligner mariner
pintle iN'ud miner milliner
quintal continued
discontinued minor muleskinner
iN'tft sinewed moonshiner pinner
mezzotinto unsinewed one-liner predinner
opiner shinner
iN'tre outliner sinner
splintry penny-a-liner skinner
vintry piner spinner
wintry pulvinar thinner
recliner tinner
IN'trest assigner
refiner twinner
interest benigner
repiner winner
resigner iN'us
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; ice, HI;
shiner binous
489 iN'us —IP'eth

echinus IN'zman disciple appropriate.)

linous kinsman ectypal
Linus IP'est
Lupinus IN'zor IP'ant chippest
minus Windsor flippant clippest
Pinus trippant dippest
salinous I'd drippest
sinus bio iP'e equippest
spinous Io pipy flippest
vinous swipey grippest
i'oi gyppest
IN'ward bass-viol IP'e horsewhippest
inward (See also I'al.) chippy nippest
dippy outstrippest
IN'yon I'on grippy rippest
dominion dandelion hippy shippest
minion ion Lippo Lippi sippest
opinion Ixion lippy skippest
pinion lion Mississippi slippest
(See also Orion nippy snippest
IN'e-an.) scion shippy strippest
sea-lion snippy tippest

IN'yond Zion trippest

dominioned whippest
opinioned IP'et
self-opinioned (See also I'ur.) ripen sippet
w i'ot iP'end snippet
IN'ze eyot ripened tippet
Lindsay piot stipend
Lindsey riot iP'eth
linsey Sciot iP'est gripeth
quinsey (See also I'et.) pipest pipeth
thinsey ripest typeth
IP'a typest wipeth
IN'zik Philippa wipest
extrinsic (See also Ip; IP'eth
intrinsic I'pal, i'p'l add -est where chippeth

old, 6r, odd, oil, fSot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
iP'eth —IP'shun 490

clippeth prototypic tipping stippling

dippeth stereotypic transhipping stripling
drippeth typic tripping tippling
equippeth whipping
flippeth IP'in IP'lur
grippeth pippin IP'ish crippler
gyppeth grippish tippler
horsewhippeth IP'ing hippish »
nippeth griping hyppish IP'ment
outstripped hyping snippish equipment
rippeth Peiping shipment
shippeth piping ip"i transhipment
sippeth sniping becripple IP'nes
skippeth stereotyping cripple
slippeth striping grippal
snippeth swiping nipple overnpeness
strippeth typing ripple ripeness
tippeth wiping sipple ip'o
trippeth stipple hippo
whippeth iP'ing swiple gippo
atripping tipple
IP'id chipping triple IP'res
insipid clipping cypress
dipping ip'ie
ip'u dripping cripply iP'se
kippage equipping ripply gypsy
scrippage flipping stipply Poughkeepsie
strippage gripping triply Skipsey
nipping tipsy
fP'ik outstripping IP'let
archetypic overtripping liplet IP'shun
daguerreotypic quipping ripplet ascription
electrotypic ripping siplet circumscription
hippie shipping triplet conniption
homotypic sipping conscription
idiotypic skipping IP'ling description
monotypic slipping crippling Egyptian
philippic snipping Kipling inscription
phonotypic stripping rippling prescription

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
491 IP'shun —IR'el

proscription bagpiper slipper aspirant

rescription daguerreotyper snipper conspirant
subscription electrotyper stripper expirant
superscription griper swipper gyrant
transcription linotyper tipper spirant
monotyper tripper tyrant
IP'sis piper whipper (See also
ellipsis riper Yom Kippur iR'ent.)
tripsis stereotyper zipper
sniper iR'at
IP'tik striper IP'urd circumgyrate
anaglyptic swiper kippered dextrogyrate
apocalyptic typer skippered gyrate
cryptic viper slippered irate
diptych wiper lyrate
ecliptic I'ra
IP'ur IR'at
elliptic Almira
glyptic Big Dipper Elmira pirate
holocryptic chipper Elvira IR'e
iatraliptic clipper Ira acquiry
styptic day-tripper IRA dairi
triptych dipper Lyra enquiry
dripper Myra i n n i 11 t*vf
IP'tiv flipper Palmyra 11HJUII j

adscriptive fripper Thyra miry

ascriptive gallinipper spiry
circumscriptive gipper IR'ah squiry
descriptive gripper sirrah wiry
indescriptive Jack the Rip- . (See also IR'e.)
inscriptive per IR'al IR'e
prescriptive kipper gyral eyrie
prescriptive lady's slipper retiral
rescriptive nipper spiral IR'e
transcriptive outstripper Dies Irae
quipper IR'am praemunire
IP'tur ripper Hiram (See also IR'e.)
scripture shipper
sipper IR'ant IR'el
IP'ur skipper arch tyrant squirrel

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
I'rtm — fR'ment 492

I'rem retirest IR'id unaspiring

bireme suspirest irid undesiring
trireme tirest untiring
transpirest IR'ik wiring
I'ren umpirest butyric
Irene wirest empiric IR'is
pyrene lyric iris
squireen IR'eih panegyric Osiris
acquireth Pyrrhic
I'ren admireth satiric IR'ish
lepidosiren aspireth satyric Irish
siren attireth
bemireth IR'il [R'ist
iR'ent conspireth Cyril irised
inquirent desireth virile lyrist
sempervirent enquireth
virent expireth IR'ing IR'ist
(See also fireth acquiring careerist
IR'ant.) hireth admiring lyrist
_ inquireth aspiring panegyrist
IR'est inspireth attiring
acquirest mireth bemiring IR'it
admirest perspireth conspiring dispirit
aspirest requireth desiring inspirit
attirest respireth enquiring master spirit
bemirest retireth expiring party-spirit
conspirest suspireth firing spirit
desirest tireth hiring
direst transpireth inquiring IR'ling
enquirest umpireth inspiring hireling
expirest wireth miring squireling
firest perspiring
hirest requiring IR'man
inquirest iR'fli respiring fireman
inspirest firefly retiring
mirest squiring iR'ment
perspirest IR'ful suspiring acquirement
requirest direful tiring aspirement
respirest ireful transpiring bemirement

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
493 iR'ment — i S ' e z

requirement attirer I'sal IS'est

retirement bemirer skysail bespicest
conspirer trysail concisest
iR'nes desirer enticest
direness direr IS'al nicest
entireness enquirer paradisal precisest
IR'6 expirer IS'chif pricest
Cairo firer mischief sacrificest
hirer slicest
tyro inquirer IS'chan spicest
I'rod inspirer anti-Christian splicest
byroad mirer Christian sufficest
highroad perspirer
IS'e IS'est
IR'on respirer Datisi dismissest
Byron retirer icy hissest
Chiron suspirer nisi kissest
environ tirer spicy missest
gyron wirer fS'eth
IR'os iRus missy bespiceth
gyrose apyrous prissy enticeth
virose computer virus sissy priceth
Cyrus sacrificeth
IR'sid desirous IS'ens sliceth
fireside license spiceth
Epirus spliceth
IR'som gyrus IS'ens sufficeth
iresome papyrus dehiscence
tiresome virus fatiscence IS'eth
indehiscence dismisseth
IR'up IR'wurks reminiscence hisseth
chirrup fireworks resipiscence kisseth
stirrup wireworks reviviscence misseth
IS'a fS'ent IS'ez
IR'ur Clarissa dehiscent Ulysses
acquirer Lissa indehiscent
admirer Melissa reminiscent IS'ez
aspirer Nerissa reviviscent abysses

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IS'ez —ISH'un 494

artifices natalitial deficient bishop

benefices official efficient
blisses policial indeficient ISH'un
cockatrices prejudicial inefficient abannition
dismisses recrementitial insufficient abligurition
edifices rusticial maleficient abolition
hisses sacrificial objicient abscission
kisses solstitial omniscient academician
misses superficial perficient accrementition
precipices tribunitial proficient acoustician
prejudices veneficial self-sufficient acquisition
Swisses sufficient addition
ISH'an volitient adhibition
is'fui academician admission
blissful logician ISH'est admonition
remissful magician dishest aesthetician
unblissful optician fishest affinition
(See also swishest agglutition
ISH'a ISH'un.) wishest ambition
Elisha ammunition
iSH'e ISH'eth Apician
ISH'a fishy disheth apparition
Delicia swishy fisheth apposition
Letitia swisheth arithmetician
militia ISH'ens wisheth atomician
deficience attrition
ISH'al efficience ISH'ful audition
accrementitial insufficience dishful beautician
artificial maleficience wishful binary fission
beneficial omniscience bipartition
comitial perspicience ISH'ing circuition
edificial proficience dishing . clinician
exitial prospicience fishing coalition
extrajudicial self-sufficience ill-wishing cognition
gentilitial swishing coition
inartificial ISH'ent well-wishing commission
initial beneficient wishing competition
interstitial calorificient composition
judicial coefficient fSH'op condition

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
495 ISH'un

contraposition geometrician musician readmission

contrition geriatrician Neoplatonician recognition
cosmetician glutition nolition recomposition
deacquisition Hebrician nuclear fission recondition
decomposition hydrostatician nutrition reddition
dedition ignition obdormition redhibition
definition illinition obstetrician redition
deglutition imbibition omission remission
demission immission opposition rendition
demolition imposition optician repartition
dentition inanition partition repetition
departition indisposition parturition reposition
deperdition inhibition patrician requisition
deposition inition Paulician resilition
detrition inquisition pediatrician . reunition
diagnostician insition perdition rhetorician
dialectician insubmission permission rubrician
dietitian intermission perquisition scission
dismission interposition petition sedition
disposition intromission Phenician simplician
disquisition intuition Phoenician sortition
ebullition irremission physician statistician
edition juxtaposition politician subaudition
electrician logician position submission
emission logistician practician submonition
epinician magician precognition superaddition
epinicion magnetician precondition superposition
equipartition malnutrition predisposition superstition
erudition malposition premonition supposition
exhibition manumission premunition suspicion
exinanition mathematician preposition tactician
expedition mechanician presupposition technician
exposition metaphysician pretention theoretician
expromission metrician Priscian Titian
extradition micturition prohibition tradition
fission mission proposition tralatition
fruition monition punition transition
futurition mortician pyrotechnician transmission
Galician munition ratihabition transposition

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fo"6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
iSH'un — IS'iv 496

tribunitian arreptitious seditious IS'ing

tripartition ascititious sericeous bespicing
tuition ascriptitious silicious dicing
vendition auspicious stillatitious enticing
volition avaricious superstitious icing
vomition capricious supposititious pricing
vomiturition cilicious surreptitious sacrificing
deglutitious suspicious self-sacrificing
ISH'und delicious tralatitious self-sufficing
commissioned exitious veneficious slicing
conditioned expeditious vermicious spicing
ill-conditioned factitious vicious splicing
noncommis- fictitious sufficing
sioned flagitious isik
uncommis- gentilitious masticic IS'ing
sioned inauspicious silicic dehiscing
(See also injudicious dismissing
ISH'un; add inofficious iS'il hissing
-ed where judicious fissile kissing
appropriate.) lateritious missile missing
lubricious scissile
tSH'ur malicious IS'is
disher Mauritius „ crisis
Fischer meretricious IS id Isis
fisher multiplicious viscid phthisis
fissure natalitious
ill-wisher nutritious IS'in IS'ish
kingfisher obreptitious Aureomycin missish
swisher obstetricious carbomycin
well-wisher officious erythromycin is'it
wisher pernicious lysin elicit
piceous neomycin explicit
ISH'us profectitious streptolycin illicit
addititious propitious streptomycin implicit
adjectitious pumiceous Terramycin licit
adscititious puniceous solicit
adventitious repetitious IS'in
adventitious satellitious datiscin IS'iv
ambitious secretitious viscin cicatrisive

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, n§re, 6nd; ice, 111;
497 IS'iv —IS"n

collisive whiskey Francisco nicely

decisive Frisco precisely
derisive IS'kest Nabisco
divisive briskest San Francisco IS'le
incisive friskest bristly
indecisive riskest IS'kur gristly
precisive whiskest bewhisker thistly
IS'iv IS'ket frisker IS'les
admissive brisket risker adviceless
commissive frisket whisker diceless
demissive iceless
emissive IS'keth IS'kus miceless
intermissive frisketh abaciscus priceless
irremissive risketh discous spiceless
missive whisketh discus spliceless
nonsubmissive hibiscus viceless
omissive ISK'ful lemniscus (See also IS;
permissive friskful lentiscus add -less where
promissive riskful meniscus appropriate.)
remissive trochiscus
submissive [Skin viscous IS'ling
transmissive griskin bristling
siskin IS"1 whistling
IS'ka abyssal
Mariska IS'king bristle IS'ment
brisking dismissal enticement
IS'kal frisking epistle sufficement
discal risking gristle
fiscal whisking missal IS'mus
obeliscal scissel isthmus
IS'kit thistle (See also
IS'kat biscuit whistle IST'mus.)
confiscate Triscuit (See also
inviscate IS'il.) IS"n
is'ko christen
IS'ke Cisco IS'le glisten
frisky Crisco Cicely listen
risky disco concisely relisten

old, dr, odd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IS'nes —IS'test 498

IS'nes IS'ping pre-existence fisted

conciseness crisping resistance hard-fisted
niceness lisping subsistence insisted
overniceness (See also intertwisted
preciseness IS'pur IS'tant, iron-fisted
crisper IS'tent.) limp-wristed
IS'nes lisper listed
remissness stage whisper IS'tant, misted
thisness whisper IS'tent persisted
„ assistant preexisted
IS'ning IS'ta coexistant reenlisted
Christening ballista consistent relisted
glistening genista distant resisted
listening vista equidistant subsisted
„ existent tightfisted
IS'om IS'tal,iSTl inconsistent trysted
lissome crystal inexistent twisted
listel insistent two-fisted
IS'on nonexistent unassisted
bison pocket-pistol nonresistant unlisted
Dyson persistent unresisted
grison IS'tan preexistent untwisted
hyson Tristan resistant white-listed
Tyson subsistent
vison fS'tans IS'tent
assistance IST'dom system
coexistence Christdom
Kriihpy consistence IS'test
desistance IS'ted assistest

distance assisted consistest

equidistance black-listed desistest
existence close-fisted enlistest
IS'peth inconsistence consisted existest
crispeth inexistence cysted insistest
lispeth insistence desisted listest
nonexistence encysted persistest
iS'pin nonresistance enlisted resistest
Crispin outdistance entwisted subsistest
St. Crispin persistence existed twistest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
499 IS'teth —IS'tik

JS'teth atavistic eristic journalistic

assisteth atheistic Eucharistic Judaistic
consisteth autistic eudemonistic juristic
desisteth ballistic euhemeristic Lamaistic
enlisteth baptistic eulogistic Latinistic
existeth behavioristic euphemistic liberalistic
insisteth belletristic euphuistic linguistic
listeth bibliopegistic evangelistic logistic
misteth bibliopolistic expressionistic masochistic
persisteth Buddhistic familistic materialistic
relisteth cabalistic fatalistic mechanistic
resisteth Calvinistic fetischistic melioristic
subsisteth cameralistic feudalistic mercantilistic
twisteth cannibalistic feuilletonistic meristic
canonistic filiopietistic methodistic
capitalistic fistic Mithraistic
mistful casuistic floristic modernistic
catechistic formalistic monistic
characteristic formularistic monopolistic
chauvinistic futuristic monotheistic
IS'tik chrematistic Hebraistic moralistic
absolutistic commercialis- hedonistic mystic
adiaphoristic tic Hellenistic nationalistic
agonistic communalistic heuristic naturalistic
alchemistic communistic holistic neologistic
allegoristic curialistic hubristic neorealistic
altruistic cystic humanistic nihilistic
anabaptistic Dadaistic humoristic nominalistic
anachronistic deistic hypnotistic novelistic
anarchistic dialogistic idealistic optimistic
animistic distich illuministic paleocrystic
annalistic dualistic imperialistic pantheistic
anomalistic dyslogistic Impressionistic papistic
antagonistic egoistic impressionistic parallelistic
antiphlogistic egotistic inartistic patristic
aoristic ekistic individualistic pessimistic
aphlogistic electroballistic interimistic phenomenalis-
aphoristic Elohistic Jehovistic tic
artistic epilogistic jingoistic philanthropistic

old, 6r, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
iS'tik —IS'ur 500

philosophistic Sufistic entwisting IS'tur

phlogistic surrealistic existing agistor
pietistic syllogistic insisting assister
pistic symbolistic intertwisting bister
polaristic synchronistic listing blister
polytheistic synergistic misting enlister
Populistic talmudistic preexisting exister
postimpres- Taoistic persisting foster sister
sionistic terroristic resisting glister
postmod- theistic subsisting insister
ernistic touristic twisting intertwister
pugilistic tristich unresisting lister
puristic tritheistic untwisting magister
quietistic unionistic mister
rationalistic universalistic IS'tiv passive resister
realistic vitalistic persistive persister
relativistic voluntaristic resistive resister
ritualistic voyeuristic sister
Romanistic IST'les subsister
romanticistic IS'tiks listless twister
royalistic agonistics resistless
sadistic mystics twistless IS'turn
sadomasochis- sphragistics cistern
tic statistics iST'mus
schistic IS'tus
sciolistic is'tu acathistus
sensationalistic pistil schistous
sensualistic IST'ment
Shintoistic IS'tin agistment is'a
simplistic amethystine enlistment issue
socialistic Philistine tissue
solecistic pristine IS'tral
somnambulis- Sistine mistral IS'ur
tic conciser
sophistic IS'ting iS'ram dicer
sphragistic assisting Tristram enticer
spiritualistic consisting geyser
statistic desisting IS'tres nicer
stylistic enlisting mistress preciser

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, find; Ice, 111;
501 IS'ur — IT'ed

sacrificer IT'an IT'e quick-sighted

slicer Britain Amphitrite recited
spicer Britten Aphrodite requited
splicer (See also arborvitae reunited
IT'en.) lignum vitae righted
IS'ur (See also IT'e.) second-sighted
dehiscer IT'ans sharp-sighted
dismisser acquittance IT'ed shortsighted
hisser admittance affrighted sighted
kisser omittance alighted sited
misser permittance attrited slighted
remisser pittance bedighted spited
quittance beknighted trothplighted
IS'us remittance benighted unaffrighted
byssus transmittance blighted unbenighted
Issus cited undighted
IT'e clear-sighted unfrighted
narcissus almighty delighted united
blighty despited unplighted
flighty detrited unrequited
IT'al dighted unrighted
cital eagle-flighted unsighted
detrital eagle-sighted
entitle excited IT'ed
parasital farsighted acquitted
(See also IT'e.
recital foresighted admitted
requital IT'e frighted afterwitted
title banditti ignited befitted
vital incited benefited
committee indicted bitted
IT'alz ditty indited blunt-witted
recitals flitty invited committed
vitals Giovanitti knighted counterfeited
(See also IT'al; gritty lighted emitted
add -s where kitty longsighted fat-witted
appropriate.) pity nearsighted fitted
pretty nighted flitted
IT'an self-pity oversighted gritted
Titan witty plighted half-witted

old, 6r, odd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
iT'ed —iT'eth 502

interknitted iT'en alightest fittest

intermitted brighten beknightest flittest
knitted enlighten bitest hittest
lean-witted frighten blightest knittest
manumitted heighten brightest omittest
nimble-witted lighten citest outwittest
omitted tighten delightest permittest
outwitted Titan excitest pittest
permitted whiten Tightest quittest
pitted (See also impolitest refittest
quick-witted I'ton.) incitest remittest
quitted inditest sittest
ready-witted IT'en invitest slittest
recommitted bitten knightest spittest
refitted Briton lightest splittest
remitted conscience- mightest submittest
sharp-witted smitten plightest twittest
short-witted flea-bitten politest
slitted fly-bitten recitest IT'eth
spitted hunger-bitten requitest affrighteth
submitted kitten reunitest alighteth
subtle-witted mitten rightest bekmghteth
transmitted smitten sightest biteth
twitted sun-smitten sleightest blighteth
unbenefited terror-smitten slightest citeth
unbitted underwritten smitest delighteth
underwitted unsmitten spitest exciteth
unfitted unwritten tightest fighteth
unremitted weather-bitten tritest igniteth
witted written unitest inciteth
writted uprightest inditeth
IT'ent whitest inviteth
IT'ed eminent writest plighteth
citied intermittent reciteth
pitied intromittent IT'est requiteth
unpitied remittent acquittest righteth
admittest sighteth
iT'em iT'est benefitest sleighteth
item affrightest committest smiteth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
503 IT'eth —IT'ik

spiteth sprightful microlithic writher

uniteth monolithic
writeth IT'ful mythic ITH'ur
fitful neolithic anywhither
IT'eth witful ornithic behither
acquitteth paleolithic blither
admitteth iTH'e trilithic dither
befitteth blithy hither
benefiteth lithy fTH'ing nowhither
committeth nithing slither
fitteth ITH'e scything somewhither
flitteth prithee tithing swither
hitteth trithing thither
knitteth Ith'e writhing whither
omitteth pithy wither
out-witteth smithy ITH"m
permitteth stithy rhythm ITH'urd
pitteth withy withered
quitteth ITH'mik unwithered
refitteth ITH'en logarithmic
remitteth battle-writhen polyrhythmic ITH'urz
sitteth writhen rhythmic withers
spitteth ITH est ITHnes IT'ik
splitteth blithest blitheness aconitic
submitteth lithest litheness actinolitic
twitteth whthest Adamitic
I'thon aerolitic
IT'ez ITHeth python anaclitic
pyrites writheth analytic
sorites tTH'som anthracitic
iTH'ful blithesome anthropomor-
IT'ful blitheful lithesome phitic
delightful litheful anti-Semitic
despiteful ITH'ur arthritic
frightful Ith'ik blither bacteriolytic
mightful eolithic either biolytic
rightful lithic neither bronchitic
spiteful megalithic tither Cabiritic

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f86t, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
IT'ik — iT'ing 504

catalytic lymphocytic Sinaitic IT'ing

cenobitic lytic Sinitic affrighting
clitic margaritic spherulitic alighting
conchitic meningitic stalactitic back-biting
critic mephitic stalagmitic beknighting
Cushitic meteoritic steatitic biting
dendritic Nazaritic strontitic blighting
diacritic Negritic sybaritic citing
dialytic neophytic syenitic copyright-
diphtheritic nephritic sympatholytic ing
dolomitic neritic syphilitic delighting
dynamitic non-Semitic theodolitic disuniting
electrolytic nonanalytic thermolytic dynamiting
enclitic nonparasitic Titanitic exciting
eophytic nummulitic tonsilitic expediting
epiphytic oneirocritic toxophilitic fighting
eremitic oolitic trilobitic frighting
erythrocitic osteoarthritic trochitic handwriting
gingitic palmitic trogodytic igniting
granitic paralytic tympanitic inciting
granulitic parasitic unanalytic indicting
graphitic phlebitic unparasitic inditing
Hamitic phosphoritic uranitic inviting
hematitic pleuritic variolitic kiting
hermaphroditic porphyritic xerophytic knighting
heteroclitic preadamitic zeolitic lighting
holophytic proclitic zoophytic plighting
hydrolytic protosemitic reciting
hypercritic psychoanalytic IT'iks requiting
hypocritic pyritic analytics reuniting
Islamitic rachitic critics righting
Israeli tic sagenitic (See also IT'ik; sighting
Jacobitic Sanskritic add -s where slighting
Jesuitic scialytic appropriate.) smiting
laryngitic selenitic spiting
lenitic semiparasitic iT'in underwriting
leukocytic Semitic chitin uniting
Levitic Shemitic (See also IT'en, whiting
lignitic Shiitic IT'on.) writing

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; Ice, ill;
505 iT'ing — IT"1

iT'ing unwitting keratitis thyroiditis

acquitting witting laryngitis tonsillitis
admitting mastitis trachitis
befitting IT'is mastoiditis typhlitis
benefiting accidentitis meningitis urethritis
bitting adenitis mephitis utriculitis
committing adjectivitis metritis uveitis
counterfeiting appendicitis mitis uvulitis
emitting arteritis moneyitis vacationitis
fitting arthritis myelitis vaginitis
flitting baseball itis nephritis vulvitis
gritting big-businessitis neuritis vulvulitis
hair-splitting blepharitis ophthalmitis
hitting bronchitis orchitis Irish
knitting bursitis osteitis anchoritish
manumitting carditis osteoarthritis Canaanitish
misfitting cellulitis osteomyelitis eremitish
omitting colitis otitis Ishmaelitish
outsitting colonitis ovaritus Israelitish
outwitting conjunctivitis parotitis lightish
permitting cystitis pericarditis tightish
pitting dermatitis peritonitis whitish
pretermitting diverticulitis pharyngitis IT'ish
quitting duodenitis phlebitis British
recommitting educationitis pneumonitis skittish
refitting encephalitis poliomyelitis
remitting endocarditis prostatitis IT'iv
sitting enteritis pyelitis appetitive
skitting fibrositis rachitis expeditive
slitting gastritis retinitis
spitting gastroenteritis rhinitis iT"i
splitting gingivitis salpingitis entitle
submitting glossitis scleritis title
transmitting golfitis sinusitis (See also
twitting hepatitis splenitis IT'al.)
unbefitting hyalitis spondylitis
unfitting ileitis synovitis IT"1
unremitting iritis telephones acquittal
unsubmitting jazzitis televisionitis
°M, or, ddd, oil, f<B6t, out; use, urn, dp; THis, thin
IT"1 — iT'on 506

belittle iT'les kit ling iT'nes

brittle delight less titling brightness
committal fightless witling impoliteness
knittle flightless whittling lightness
lickspittle heightless politeness
little knight less IT'lur tightness
noncommittal lightless brittler slightness
remittal nightless littler tightness
skittle riteless victualler triteness
spital sightless whittler uprightness
spittle spiteless whiteness
tittle sprightless iT°i2
transmittal IT'nes
belittles eyewitness
victual iT'less skittles
whittle witless fitness
victuals unfitness
(See also IT;
(See also IT'T, witness
irie add -less where
add -s where
brightly appropriate.) appropriate.) IT'ning
impolitely brightening
Kneightly IT'lest
IT'ment frightening
knightly belittlest heightening
lightly brittlest
nightly littlest excitement lightening
politely (See also IT"1; frightment lightning
rightly add -est where incitement sheet lightning
sightly appropriate.) indictment tightening
slightly invitement whitening
sprightly IT'leth w IT'nur
tightly belitteth IT'ment brightener
tritely (See also acquitment frightener
unknightly IT"l;add commitment heightener
unsightly -eth where fitment lightener
uprightly appropriate.) refitment whitener
whiteley remitment
whitely IT'ling IT'on
entitling iT'ne chiton
IT'le titling jitney triton
fitly Mt. Whitney (See also
unfitly IT'ling Whitney IT'en.)

ale, care, add, arm, 3sk; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
507 iT'rat — i'ur

IT'rit lamplighter fritter add -ed where

nitrate lighter glitter appropriate.)
titrate miter gritter
moonlighter hitter IT'urn
IT're niter house sitter bittern
mitry plighter intermitter flittern
nitry politer intromitter gittern
prizefighter knitter
iT'rik reciter litter IT'urz
nitric requiter manumitter bitters
righter misfitter glitters
IT'rik scriptwriter omitter (See also IT'ur;
citric sighter outsitter add -s where
vitric slighter outwitter appropriate.)
smiter permitter
IT'ur songwriter pinch hitter IT'us
alighter tighter pitter St. Vitus
arbeiter triter pretermitter Titus
back-biter typewriter quitter Vitus
bemitre underwriter rail-splitter
biter uniter recommitter IT'wat
blighter unmiter refitter lightweight
brighter whiter remitter
bullfighter writer sitter IT'wit
citer slitter nitwit
delighter IT'ur spitter
dynamiter acquitter splitter IT'ze
exciter admitter submitter Fritzy
fighter baby-sitter titter itsy-bitsy
flighter befitter transmitter Ritzy
Gauleiter benefitter twitter
ghostwriter bitter unfitter i'umf
gunfighter committer Witter triumph
igniter counterfeiter
impoliter critter IT'urd I'un
inciter embitter frittered triune
indicter emitter unembittered
inditer fitter (See also I'ur
inviter flitter IT'ur; amplifier

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, ffl&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
I'ur — iV'al 508

applier higher relier I'urn

Bayer horrifier replier grappling iron
beautifier identifier revivifier iron
Biedermeier implier sanctifier lofting iron
briar indemnifier satisfier
brier intensifier scarifier f'urz
buyer justifier scorifier briers
certifier kite-flier shyer Meyers
clarifier lammergeier sigher Myers
classifier liar signifier pliers
codifer Her simplifier (See also I'ur;
complier liquefier skyer add -5 where
crier magnifier slyer appropriate.)
crucifier Mayer specifier
cryer Meier speechifier ius
decryer Meyer spryer bacchius
defier modifier spyer Darius
defyer mollifier stultifier nisi prius
deifier mortifier stupefier pious
denier multiplier supplier Pius
descrier Myer sweetbrier (See also I'as.)
dignifier mystifier terrifier
disqualifier nigher testifier IV'a
diversifier notifier tier Saiva
drier nullifier town crier saliva
dyer occupier trier Siva
edifier pacifier trior
electrifier personifier tyer IV'al
exemplifier petrifier typifier adjectival
eyer plyer Untermyer archival
falsifier prior untier arrival
flier prophesier verifier conjunctival
fortifier pryer versifier estival
friar purifier vier imperatival
frier putrifier vilifier nominatival
fructifier qualifier vivifier outrival
glorifier ramifier white friar revival
gratifier ratifier wryer rival
hier rectifier (See also IR.) salival

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hcjre, end; Ice, 111;
509 iV'al — I V i e

survival forgiven IV'et shrivel

given civet snivel
IV'an overdriven grivet swivel
Ivan riven privet uncivil
(See also scriven rivet
IV'en.) shriven trivet IV'ing
stormdriven unrivet arriving
IV'ans thriven conniving
arrivance undriven IV'eth contriving
connivance unforgiven arriveth depriving
contrivance unshriven conniveth deriving
survivance weather-driven contriveth diving
depriveth driving
IV'ant deriveth hiving
trivant diveth reviving
driveth shriving
IV'at reviveth striving
private IV'est shriveth surviving
arrivest striveth thriving
IV'e connivest surviveth uncontriving
ivy contrivest thriveth wiving
IV'e derivest IV'eth IV'ing
chivvy divest forgiveth ever-living
divi-divi drivest giveth forgiving
divvy livest liveth giving
Livy revivest misgiveth lawgiving
privy rivest outliveth life-giving
tantivy shrivest living
tivy strivest misgiving
survivest vivid outliving
lV'ed thrivest reliving
ivied IV'ik sieving
IV'est civic thanksgiving
IV'en forgivest unforgiving
enliven givest IV'il, IV'el unliving
livest civil
IV'en misgivest drivel iV'le
driven outlivest rivel lively

old, 6r, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IV'le —IZ'en 510

IV'le river shivered lounge-lizard

appositively screwdriver slivered scissored
positively scuba diver unshivered visored
suppositively shriver white-livered vizard
skiver wizard
IV'ling slave-driver IV'us
shrivelling sliver acclivous IZ'dal
snivelling stiver declivous Grisdale
striver proclivous
IVment surviver salivous IZ'dom
deprivement thriver wisdom
revivement IV'yal
IV'ur trivial IZ'e
IV'nes cantalever (See also sizy
forgiveness deliver IV'e-al.)
flivver IZ'e
iv'ot forgiver Iwa busy
divot freeliver byway dizzy
pivot giver highway frizzy
Indian givern skyway jizzy
IV'ring lawgiver Lizzy
delivering life-giver I'za tin-lizzie
quivering liver Eliza tizzy
shivering misgiver Isa
slivering outliver JZ'ed
quiver IZ'ak busied
IV'ur river Isaac dizzied
arriver shiver unbusied
conniver skiver IZ'al
contriver sliver comprisal IZ'en
depriver Spoon River revisal bedizen
diver stiver surprisal dizen
deriver tiver
driver IZ'ard IZ'en, IZ'on
fiver IV'urd blizzard arisen
hiver delivered gizzard bedizen
liver lily-livered izard dizen
pearl-diver pigeon-livered izzard imprison
reviver quivered lizard mizzen

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
511 IZ'en — IZ'iks

prison sizest organizeth indecision

risen solemnizest patronizeth irrision
ptisan supervisest premiseth misprision
wizen surmisest prizeth precision
surprisest realizeth prevision
IZ'est sympathizest recognizeth provision
advertisest theorizest reviseth recision
advisest tyrannizest riseth rescission
agonizest uprisest sizeth revision
apologizest wisest solemnizeth scission
arisest superviseth stereovision
baptizest iZ'est surmiseth subdivision
catechizest fizzest surpriseth supervision
chastisest sympathizeth television
civilizest IZ'eth theonzeth transition
comprisest advertiseth tyrannizeth tunnel vision
compromisest adviseth upriseth vision
criticizest agonizeth (See also
despisest apologizeth IZ'eth IZ'e-an.)
devisest ariseth fizzeth
disguisest baptizeth (See IZ; add IZH'und
dramatizest catechizeth -eth where provisioned
emphasizest chastiseth appropriate.) visioned
eulogizest civilizeth
excisest compriseth IZH'un IZH'ur
exercisest compromiseth abscission scissure
exorcisest criticizeth allision
improvisest despiseth circumcision iz'g
merchandisest deviseth collision visage
mobilizest disguiseth concision
monopolizest dramatizeth decision IZ'ik
organizest emphasizeth derision metaphysic
patronizest eulogizeth division paradisic
premisest exerciseth elision phthisic
prizest exorciseth envision physic
realizest improviseth excision
recognizest merchandiseth illision IZ'iks
revisest mobilizeth imprecision metaphysics
risest monopolizeth incision physics

°W, 6r, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
IZ'ing~IZ"l 512

IZ'ing economizing paralyzing tranquilizing

advertising emphasizing patronizing tyrannizing
advising enterprising pauperizing uncompromis-
aggrandizing equalizing plagiarizing ing
agonizing eternalizing premising underprizing
analyzing eulogizing prizing uprising
anglicizing evangelizing pulverizing utilizing
antagonizing exercising rationalizing vaporizing
apologizing exorcising realizing visualizing
apostatizing familiarizing recognizing vitalizing
appetizing fertilizing revising vocalizing
apprising galvanizing revolutionizing volatilizing
arising generalizing rising vulgarizing
authorizing gourmandizing ruralizing
baptizing harmonizing scandalizing IZ'ing
brutalizing Hebraizing scrutinizing befrizzing
canonizing humanizing secularizing fizzing
capitalizing hybridizing sermonizing frizzing
capsizing hypnotizing signalizing phizzing
catechizing idealizing sizing quizzing
Catholicizing idolizing solemnizing whizzing
cauterizing immortalizing soliloquizing
centralizing improvising specializing IZ'it
characterizing italicizing standardizing visit
chastising jeopardizing sterilizing what-is-it
civilizing journalizing stigmatizing
colonizing localizing subsidizing IZ'krak
comprising macadamizing summarizing wisecrack
compromising magnetizing supervising
criticizing materializing surmising iz M i
crystallizing mesmerizing surprising chisel
demising methodizing symbolizing crizzle
demoralizing minimizing sympathizing drizzle
deodorizing mobilizing systematizing enchisel
despising modernizing tantalizing fizzle
devising monopolizing temporizing frizzle
disguising moralizing terrorizing grizzle
disorganizing neutralizing theorizing mizzle
dramatizing organizing totalizing sizzle

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, Til;
513 iz"i—izii

swizzle strabismal chrisom demoralizer

twizzle deodorizer
iZ'man IZ'on despiser
iZ'ld exciseman horizon deviser
drizzled prizeman Kyrie eleison devisor
grizzled dialyzer
IZ'me disguiser
fz'ie prismy disorganizer
visored divisor
drizzly iZ'ment dogmatizer
frizzly aggrandize- IZ'ur dramatizer
grisly ment advertiser economizer
grizzly apprizement adviser electrolyzer
assizement aggrandizer elisor
IZ'ling baptizement agonizer energizer
chiseling alphabetizer enterpriser
drizzling IZ'met analyzer epitomizer
fizzling kismet apologizer equalizer
frizzling appetizer eulogizer
grizzling IZ'mik appriser euphemizer
mizzling aphorismic apprizer exerciser
sizzling cataclysmic assizer exorciser
swizzling clysmic atomizer extemporizer
embolismic attitudinizer familiarizer
iZ"m paroxysmic authorizer fertilizer
izzum-wizzum baptizer fraternizer
iZ'mus Breathalyzer galvanizer
IZ'mal accismus canonizer general izer
abysmal strabismus capital izer geyser
aneurismal tarantismus capsizer gourmandizer
baptismal trismus catechizer guiser
cataclysmal cauterizer harmonizer
catechismal IZ'nes characterizer high-riser
chrismal wiseness chastiser humanizer
dismal civil izer hybridizer
embolismal IZ'nes colonizer ideal izer
paroxysmal business compromiser idolizer
Prismal criticizer immortal izer
Aeumatismal IZ'om demagnetizer improviser

**• 6r, 6dd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
IZ'ur —O'a 514

incisor organizer sizar vaporizer

itemizer ostracizer sizer verbalizer
Kaiser oxidizer social izer victimizer
Keyser oxygenizer solemnizer visor
Kyser paralyzer stabilizer visualizer
lionizer pasteurizer sterilizer vitalizer
liquidizer patronizer stigmatizer vocalizer
magnetizer pauperizer subsidizer vulcanizer
mechanizer philosophizer supervisor vulgarizer
memorial izer platitudinizer surmiser wiser
memorizer poetizer surpriser womanizer
merchandiser polarizer symbolizer
mesmerizer popularizer sympathizer IZ'ur
methodizer prizer synchronizer befrizzer
minimizer proselytizer synthesizer frizzer
miser pulverizer systematizer quizzer
mobilizer rationalizer tantalizer scissor
modern izer realizer temporizer visor
moisturizer reviser tenderizer
monopolizer revolutionizer terrorizer IZ'urz
moral izer riser theorizer scissors
nationalizer satirizer totalizer (See also IZ'ur;
naturalizer scandalizer tranquilizer add -5 where
neutralizer scrutinizer tyrannizer appropriate.)
nonsympa- secularizer upriser
thizer sermonizer utilizer

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-
lowing, see the beginning of O rhymes in Section I.

O'a epizoa Krakatoa moa

aloha Genoa leipoa Noah
anoa Gilboa loa Parazoa
Balboa Goa Mauna Loa proa
balboa goa Mesozoa Protozoa
boa jerboa metazoa quinoa
entozoa koa Metazoa Samoa

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
515 O'a — OB"l

Shenandoah Nairobi dB'et blobbing

spermatozoa obi Cobbett bobbing
stoa cobbing
toatoa OB'e OB'eth hobnobbing
bobby daubeth jobbing
O'ab cobby (See also 6 B ; knobbing
Joab hobby add -eth where lobbing
Moab knobby appropriate.) mobbing
lobby robbing
O'al mobby OB'eth snobbing
bestowal nobby robbeth sobbing
scobby sobbeth swabbing
O'al snobby throbbeth throbbing
withdrawal squabby
O'bi OB'inz
O'ba OB'est goby bobbins
arroba disrobest Jobbins
bona-roba enrobest OB'il, OB'el Robbins
dagoba probest automobile (See also OB'in;
robest immobile add -s where
O'ba unrobest mobile appropriate.)
Catawba OB'est OB'in OB'ish
daubest bobbin bobbish
O'ball (See also OB; dobbin mobbish
no-ball add -est where ragged-robin nobbish
snowball appropriate.) robbin snobbish
robin squabbish
O'bat OB'est round robin
globate robbest OB'jekt
lobate sobbest OB'ing object
probate throbbest disrobing
enrobing OB"I
OB'e OB'eth globing ennoble
adobe disrobeth probing global
globy enrobeth robing Grenoble
Gobi probeth unrobing ignoble
hydrophoby robeth mobile
Kobe unrobeth OB'ing noble

old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OB"l —OCH'ez 516

unnoble nobbier lobule OCH'e

upwardly sherry-cobbler blotchy
mobile squabbler OB'ur botchy
wabbler disrober . notchy
6B"i enrober splotchy .
bauble OB'6 October
hobo prober OCH'est
6B"I lobo rober approachest
cobble oboe sober broachest
coble zobo encroachest
gobble OB'ur poachest
hobble O'boi bedauber reproachest
nobble doughboy dauber
squabble 6CH'est
wabble 6'bonz OB'ur blotchest
jawbones beslobber (See also OCH;
OB'le sawbones blobber add -est where
cobbly clobber appropriate.)
squabbly OB'ra cobber
wabbly cobra jobber OCH'et
Wobbly knobber crotchet
O'brou lobber rotchet
OB'lin lowbrow robber
goblin slobber OCH'eth
OB'son snobber approacheth
OB'ling Jobson sobber broacheth
cobbling Robeson swabber encroacheth
gobbling Robson throbber poacheth
hobbling reproacheth
nobbling OB'son OB'urn
snobling dobson auburn OCH'eth
squabbling Jobson blotcheth
wabbling Robson OB'us (See also OCH;
globus add -eth where
6B'lur OB'stur jacobus appropriate.)
cobbler lobster obus
gobbler OCH'ez
hobbler OB'uI OB'web approaches
knobbler globule cobweb broaches

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, end; Ice, 111;
517 OCH'ez —OD'ent

brooches encroacher OD'e exploded

coaches poacher toady foreboded
encroaches reproacher goaded
loaches self-reproacher OD'e loaded
poaches bawdy outmoded
reproaches 6CH'ur dawdy overloaded
roaches blotcher gaudy unloaded
self-reproaches botcher woaded
notcher OD'e
OCH'ful splotcher antibody OD'ed
reproachful watcher anybody nodded
body plodded
OCH'ing OCH'wurd busy-body podded
approaching watchword cloddy prodded
broaching disembody sodded
coaching embody wadded
encroaching everybody
coda OD'el
poaching hoddy
pagoda yodel
reproaching hot toddy
Rhoda (See also
soda OD'al.)
6CH'ing nobody
blotching 11 UlUvIu noddy OD'en
botching out-of-body foreboden
notching OD'al roddy
internodal Woden
scotching shoddy
splotching modal soddy OD'en
watching nodal somebody broaden
trinodal squaddy
OCH'man yodel toddy OD'en
Scotchman waddy hodden
watchman OD'al wadi sodden
bicaudal (See also trodden
OCH'ment caudal AD'e.) untrodden
approachment caudle water-sodden
encroachment dawdle OD'ed (See also
boded AD'en.)
OCH'ur OD'ard coded
approacher Goddard corroded OD'ent
broacher Stoddard eroded corrodent

°ld, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OD'ent —6D'le 518

erodent goadeth odic bodice

explodent loadeth parodic (See also
rodent unloadeth periodic OD'es.)
OD'es 6D'eth sarcodic OD'ish
goddess applaudeth spasmodic cloddish
(See also belaudeth synodic goddish
OD'is.) defruudeth oddish
laudeth OD'in
OD'est maraudeth Odin OD'ist
bodest Wodin codist
corrodest 6D'eth modist
explodest noddeth OD'ing palinodist
forebodest (See also OD; boding
goadest add -eth where corroding OD'it
loadest appropriate.) exploding ctudit
unloadest foreboding plaudit
OD'ed goading
OD'est ablebodied loading A
applaudest bodied outmoding OD'kast
belaudest disembodied overloading broadcast
broadest embodied unloading
defraudest unbodied 6D"J
loudest unembodied OD'ing coddle
maraudest applauding model
OD'ik belauding mollycoddle
OD'est odic defrauding noddle
immodest lauding remodel
modest dD'ik marauding role model
noddest anodic swaddle
oddest antispasmodic OD'ing toddle
ploddest episodic codding twaddle
proddest exodic nodding waddle
hellanodic plodding
OD'eth hydriodic podding 6D'Ie
bodeth iodic prodding godly
corrodeth kinesodic wadding twaddly
explodeth melodic ungodly
forebodeth methodic OD'is waddly

ale, dire, 5dd, arm, Ssk; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
519 OD'lin —O'est

OD'lin OD'ron defrauder jawy

maudlin squadron lauder strawy
marauder thawy
OD'ling OD'son sawder
coddling Dodson soft-sawder O'ed
codling Hodson coed
godling OD'ur
modeling OD'ston codder O'el
remodeling loadstone dodder Crowell
swaddling lodestone fodder Joel
toddling toadstone nodder Lowell
twaddling odder Noel
waddling OD'stur plodder
goadster podder O'em
OD'lur roadster prodder poem
coddler solder proem
modeller OD'ukt
moUycoddler product OD'urn O'en
swaddler modern Bowen
toddler OD'uI Cohen
module OD'us Owen
waddler nodule modus
nodous O'est
OD'ur bestowest
OD'nes corroder O'e blowest
oddness exploder blowy crowest
foreboder Bowie /lowest
O'do goader Chloe foregoest
dodo loader doughy foreknowest
Frodo malodor Floey foreshowest
quasimodo muzzle-loader glowy glowest
Oder Joey goest
OD'om odor showy growest
Sodom unloader snowy hoest
towy knowest
OD're OD'ur Zoe lowest
Audrey applauder mowest
bawdry belauder O'e outgoest
tawdry broader flawy over/lowest
d, 6r, 6dd, oil, fflot, <)ut; use, urn, up; THis, thin
O'est —O'ful 520

overgrowest loweth offer OF'is

overthrowest moweth proffer office
owest outgoeth scoffer
rowest overfloweth OF'ish
sewest overgroweth O'fet crawfish
showest overthroweth Tophet standoffish
slowest oweth
snowest roweth OF'et, OF'it OF'ish
sowest seweth archprophet offish
stowest showeth profit spoffish
throwest snoweth prophet
towest soweth soffit OF"l
undergoest stoweth weather offal
undertowest throweth prophet waffle
upthrowest toweth
undergoeth . OF"n
O'est often
awest O'eth antistrophic soften
drawest aweth apostrophic
overawest catastrophic OF'ted
rawest O'fa hypertrophic lofted
withdrawest sofa philosophic
theosophic OF'test
O'et OF'g theophilo- softest
poet Sophie sophic
strophe Orte
O'eth trophy OF'fl lofty
bestoweth profile softy
bloweth OF'6
croweth coffee OF'in dFT'ie
floweth spoffy coffin softly
foregoeth toffy encoffin
foreknoweth 6F'tur
foreshoweth OF'er OF'ing crofter
gloweth coffer coughing lofter
goeth cougher doffing softer
groweth doffer golfing
hoeth goffer offing O'ful
knoweth golfer scoffing woeful

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; ice, 111;
521 6'ful — OG'wood

6'ful dogie OG"l 6G'res

awful fogey bogle progress
lawful stogie fogle
unlawful yogi ogle OG'trot
OF'ur OG'e 6G"I jog-trot
chauffeur boggy boondoggle
gopher cloggy boggle OG'ur
loafer doggy coggle ogre
Ophir foggy goggle
froggy joggle OG'ur
OG'a groggy toggle auger
Saratoga augur
snoga OG'ling inaugur
Ticonderoga boondoggling mauger
toga boggling
yoga goggling OG'ur
joggling befogger
6G'a cataloger
Chicamauga OG'ing OG'lur dogger
Sylacauga befogging ogler cogger
bogging dogger
OG'al clogging OG'lur flogger
dogal cogging boondoggler hogger
dogging boggier jogger
OG'al flogging goggler logger
synagogal fogging joggler pettifogger
jogging slogger
OG'an nogging OG'mir togger
brogan slogging quagmire wholehogger
Hogan togging
slogan unclogging OG'ram OG'us
deprogram bogus
OG'an OG'ish fogram
toboggan doggish program 6G'ust
hoggish August
OG'e OG'res
bogey OG'ish ogress OG'wood
bogie roguish progress bog-wood

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6G'wood — O'ik 522

dogwood coralloidal embroider voyage

logwood crinoidal moider
cycloidal voider Ol'ing
O'hen dendroidal annoying
Cohen discoidal Ol'e buoying
elephantoidal employee cloying
Chunk ellipsoidal convoying
Bohunk ethnoidal Ol'est decoying
ganoidal annoyest deploying
OFal hemispheroidal buoyest destroying
chapel-royal lithoidal cloyest employing
disloyal metalloidal convoyest enjoying
loyal negroidal coyest joying
pennyroyal ooidal decoyest toying
royal ovoidal deployest
sur-royal paraboloidal destroyest Ol'ish
planetoidal employest boyish
Ol'ans prismatoidal enjoyest coyish
annoyance prismoidal joyest toyish
buoyance rhomboidal toyest
clairvoyance saccharoidal O'U
joyance sigmoidal Ol'eth flowage
spheroidal annoyeth stowage
Ol'ant trochoidal buoyeth towage
annoyant typhoidal cloyeth
buoyant convoyeth Oik
chatoyant OID'ans decoyeth azoic
clairvoyant avoidance destroyeth benzoic
flamboyant employeth Cenozoic
prevoyant OID'ed enjoyeth dichroic
avoided joyeth dyspnoic
OIV1 voided toyeth Eozoic
foible heroic
OID'en Ol'ful hylozoic
OID'al hoyden joyful hypozoic
asteroidal melanochroic
colloidal OID'ur ory Mesozoic
conchoidal avoider alloyage mock-heroic
conoidal broider buoyage Neozoic

ale, care, &dd, arm, ask; me, hcjjre, 6nd; Ice, 111;
523 O'ik —O'ing

palaeozoic despoileth recoiler helloing

pleochroic embroileth soiler hoeing
protozoic foileth spoiler inflowing
Stoic recoileth toiler ingoing
Troic roileth uncoiler ingrowing
xanthochroic soileth knowing
spoileth OI'man lowing
OlK'a toileth decoy man moviegoing
perestroika uncoileth hoyman mowing
troika toyman oboeing
OIL'ing ongoing
OIL'e assoiling Ol'ment outflowing
coyly boiling deployment outgoing
doily broiling employment . outgrowing
oily coiling enjoyment overcrowing
roily despoiling overflowing
embroiling OIN'dur overgrowing
OIL'est foiling rejoinder overthrowing
boilest moiling •
broilest oiling Ol'nes rowing
coxiest recoiling coyness seagoing
despoilest soiling self-knowing
embroilest spoiling O'ing sewing
foilest toiling bestowing showing
recoilest uncoiling blowing slowing
roilest bowing snowing
soilest OIL'ment churchgoing sowing
spoilest despoilment cock crowing stowing
toilest embroilment concertgoing strowing
uncoilest recoilment crowing theatergoing
easygoing thoroughgoing
OIL'et OIL'ur flowing throwing
oillet boiler foregoing toeing
toilet broiler foreknowing towing
coiler foreshowing undergoing
OIL'eth despoiler glass blowing undertowing
boileth embroiler glowing unknowing
broileth foiler going unflowing
coileth oiler growing upgrowing

°W, 6r> add, oil, f86t, out; use, flrn, up; THis, thin
6'ing — OIT'ur 524

6'ing anointed coiner hoisting

awing appointed conjoiner joisting
begnawing conjointed enjoiner
cawing disappointed joiner OlS'tral
chawing disjointed purloiner cloistral
clawing jointed rejoiner coystrel
drawing pointed
gnawing unanointed Ol'ride OIS tur
guffawing unjointed joyride cloister
heehawing unpointed encloister
jawing O'is foister
lawing OIN'ting Lois hoister
outlawing anointing moister
overawing appointing 6'ish oyster
overdrawing disappointing showish pearl oyster
pawing disjointing snowish royster
pshawing jointing uncloister
sawing pointing OlS'ing OIT'e
thawing rejoicing dacoity
wiredrawing OINT'Ies voicing
withdrawing jointless unrejoicing
yawing pointless OIT'ed
OlS'les doited
OIN'u OINT'ment choiceless exploited
coinage anointment voiceless
appointment OITring
OIN'ing disappointment Ol'som loitering
adjoining disjointment noisome reconnoitring
coining ointment toysome
conjoining OIT'ur
disjoining OINT'tur OlS'te exploiture
enjoining anointer foisty voiture
groining appointer moisty
joining disappointer OIT'ur
purloining disjointer Ol'stick ' adroiter
rejoining jointer joystick exploiter
subjoining pointer gloiter
OlS'ting loiter
OIN'ted OIN'ur foisting reconnoiter

ale, care, 5dd, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, HI;
525 Ol'ur — OJ'ur

Ol'ur OlZ'on; add cosmologic mythologic

annoyer -s where curiologic necrologic
Boyar appropriate,) cytologic neologic
Boyer demagogic ontologic
coyer O'jan demonologic ophiologic
decoyer Trojan dialogic paragogic
deployer entomologic pathologic
destroyer OJ'ez epagogic pedagogic
employer dodges epilogic philologic
enjoyer Hodges ethnologic phonologic
self-destroyer (See also OJ; ethologic photologic
toyer add -s where etymologic phraseologic
appropriate.) eulogic physiologic
OI'us geologic phytologic
joyous OJ'e gnomologic psychagogic
anagoge hierologic psychologic
OlZ'e apagoge histologic sarcologic
Boise epagoge hogiologic sialagogic
noisy paragoge homologic sociologic
horologic tautologic
OlZ'ez OJ'e hydrologic theologic
boyses pedagogy hypnagogic toxicologic
noises podgy hypnogogic tropologic
poises stodgy hypnologic zoologic
ichthyologic zymologic
OlZ'ing OJ'ik idealogic
noising acrologic isagogic OJ'iks
poising aerologic lexicologic pedagogics
agogic lithologic (See also OJ'ik;
OlZ'on agrologic logic add -s where
empoison anagogic martyrologic appropriate.)
foison anthropologic metalogic
poison apagogic meteorologic OJ'ing
toison archaeologic micrologic dislodging
astrologic mineralogic dodging
OlZ'onz biologic morphologic lodging
foisons catalogic mycologic
poisons choplogic myologic OJ'ur
(See also chronologic mystagogic codger

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f<36t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OJ'ur — OK'eth 526

dislodger soaky fair-spoken OK'est

dodger yoky fine-spoken bemockest
lodger (See also forespoken blockest
Roger OK'e.) foretoken dockest
freespoken flockest
OJ'urn 6K'e heartbroken knockest
sojourn balky Hoboken lockest
chalky oaken mockest
6'ka gawky outspoken rockest
croquet Milwaukee soft-spoken sockest
roquet pawky spoken shockest
squawky token smockest
OK'a stalky unbroken stockest
coca talkie unspoken unfrockest
tapioca talky unlockest
walkie 6K'en
OK'al Brocken OK'et
bocal OK'e air pocket
focal cocky OK'est brocket
local crocky chokest cocket
phocal disc jockey cloakest crocket
socle flocky convokest Crockett
vocal hockey croakest docket
yokel jockey evokest impocket
locky invokest locket
OK'e rocky jokest Lockett
choky stocky provokest pickpocket
cokey video jockey revokest pocket
croaky smokest rocket
hokey OK'e soakest skyrocket
joky troche spokest socket
Loki trochee unyokest sprocket
moky (See also yokest
oaky OK'e.) OK'eth
okeydokey OK'est choketh
poky OK'en balkest cloaketh
roky bespoken stalkest convoketh
slowpoky betoken talkest croaketh
smoky broken walkest evoketh

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, Snd; ice, 111;
527 OK'eth — 6 K ' 6

invoketh brokage OK'ing cloakless

joketh cloakage bemocking jokeless
poketh soakage blocking smokeless
provoketh clocking yokeless
revoketh OK'U cocking yolkless
smoketh dockage docking
soaketh flocking OK'ling
lockage cockling
spoketh soccage hocking
unyoketh interlocking flockling
yoketh knocking rockling
OK'eth besmoking OK'lor
balketh choking folklore
stalketh cloaking
shocking OK'man
talketh convoking
smocking Brockman
walketh croaking
stocking lockman
unlocking socman
OK'eth invoking
bemocketh joking GK'inz OK'ment
blocketh poking Dawkins invokement
docketh provoking Hawkins provokement
flocketh revoking
knocketh smoking OK'ish
locketh soaking hawkish OK'ne
mocketh stoking mawkish cockney
rocketh stroking
shocketh troching OK'ish O'Ko
smocketh uncloaking blockish baroco
stocketh yoking cockish coco
unlocketh mockish cocoa
OK'ing stockish koko
OK'taed balking loco
blockhead calking 6K"I locofoco
shock-head hawking cockle rococo
jaywalking hockle troco
OK'id squawking socle Yoko
cockeyed stalking strockle
talking OK'o
OK'ij walking OK'les Morocco

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<36t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OK'O —OK'ur 528

sirocco obnoxious oxer evoker

OK'pdrt OK'sid dK'tn joker
Brockport dioxide coctile mediocre
Lockport fox-eyed trioctile ocher
Stockport monoxide poker
ox-eyed OK'tiv provoker
OK'ra oxide concoctive revoker
okra peroxide decoctive smoker
trioxide soaker
OK'se OK'ton stoker
cacodoxy OK'sin Blockton stroker
Coxey aflatoxin Brockton uncloaker
doxy antitoxin Stockton yoker
foxy coxswain
heterodoxy toxin OK'trin OK'ur
orthodoxy tocsin doctrine balker
paradoxy calker
proxy OK'sing 6K'tur deerstalker
coaxing concocter gawker
OK'sen, hoaxing doctor hawker
OK'sn proctor jaywalker
cockswain OK'sing shop-walker
oxen boxing OK'turn sleepwalker
foxing nocturne squawker
6K'shal stalker
equinoctial OKS'man O'kum streetwalker
trinoctial spokesman hokum talker
strokesman oakum tomahawker
6K'shun walker
auction OK'smith O'kund
jokesmith jocund OK'ur
OK'shun blocker
concoction OK'sur OK'ur cocker
decoction coaxer broker crocker
hoaxer choker docker
OK'shus cloaker Fokker
innoxious OK'sur convoker hougher
noxious boxer croaker Knickerbocker
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, dnd; ice, III;
529 OK'ur — OL'deth

knocker Angola Noland holden

locker Appalachicola Roland misbeholden
mocker ayatollah Rowland olden
rocker carambola withholden
shocker Coca-Cola OL'ard
soccer gola bollard OL'den
socker gondola collard Alden
stocker Gorgonzola collared
kola dollared OL'dest
dK'urz Leola Lollard beholdest
dockers Maizola pollard boldest
knickerbockers Pensacola scollard coldest
(See also Ramola enfoldest
OK'ur; add OL'as /oldest
-s where solace holdest
appropriate.) viola infoldest
Zola inter/oldest
O'kus falchion
crocus 6L'a OL'da oldest
focus Eufaula Alda refoldest
hocus Guatemala scoldest
hocus-pocus Paula OL'de unfoldest
Hohokus foldy upholdest
locus OL'a moldy withholdest
OK'us holla OL'ded OL'dest
caucus mollah blindfolded baldest
Daucus enfolded scaldest
glaucous OL'ak infolded
raucous Polack manifolded OL'deth
molded beholdeth
O'kust OL'an refolded enfoldeth
focussed Dolan scolded foldeth
locust Nolan unfolded holdeth
OK'ward O'land OL'den interfoldeth
awkward Boland beholden moldeth
Bowland embolden refoldeth
Ola lowland golden scoldeth

old, or, I, oil, fdot, t; use, urn, up; THis, thin

OL'deth —6L'e 530

unfoldeth coldly folder smoldered

upholdeth manifoldly freeholder
withholdeth gasholder OLD'win
OLD'man holder Baldwin
OL'deth Goldman householder
scaldeth Oldman infolder OL'e
interfolder coaly
OLD'ham OLD'ment landholder holy
Oldham enfoldment leaseholder lowly
withholdment manifolder moly
OL'ding molder roly-poly
beholding OLD'nes older shoaly
enfolding boldness pattern-molder slowly
folding coldness polder unholy
holding oldness refolder (See also
infolding scolder OL'le.)
interfolding OLD'ron shareholder
molding caldron shoulder 6L'e
refolding pauldron slaveholder Macaulay
scolding smallholder Macauley
slaveholding OL'drumz smolder sprawly
unfolding doldrums stadtholder squally
upholding stockholder whally
weather- OLD'smith unfolder
molding Goldsmith upholder OL'e
withholding withholder Bali
OL'dur collie
OL'ding beholder OL'dur dolly
Balding billholder alder folly
Paulding bolder balder golly
scalding bondholder Baldur Holley
Spaulding bottleholder scalder holly
boulder jolly
OL'dish candeholder OL'durd Kali
coldish cold shoulder bouldered loblolly
oldish cold-shoulder broad- melancholy
colder shouldered Molly
OLD'le copyholder moldered Ollie
boldly enfolder shouldered Polly

ale, care, add, arm, Ssk; me, h^re, gnd; Ice, 111;
531 6L'e —OL'ik

rolley clawless tallest dolphin

Trolley flawless
trolley jawless 6L'et OL'fing
volley lawless collet golfing
mawless La Follette
OL'eg sawless walleth OL'ful
colleague bowlful
OL'est OL'eth doleful
OL'ej bowlest bowleth soulful
acknowledge cajolest cajoleth
college condolest condoleth 6L'fur
foreknowledge consolest consoleth golfer
knowledge controllest controlleth
self-knowledge dolest doleth OL'fiis
drollest enrolleth Adolphus
OL'ejd enrollest patrolleth Rodolphus
acknowledged patrollest polleth Rudolphus
unacknowl- pollest rolleth
edged rollest strolleth OL'hous
strollest tolleth poll house
OL'em, tollest trolleth tollhouse
OL'um trollest unrolleth
column unrollest uprolleth 6L'id
solemn uprollest olid
OL'eth solid
OL'en 6L'est bawleth squalid
stolen bowlest bemawleth stolid
swollen bemawlest brawleth
brawlest calleth O'lif
OL'en callest crawleth lowlife
chopfallen cruwlest drawleth
fallen drawlest enthralleth 6L'y
windfalien enthrallest forestalleth hallage
forestallest mauleth haulage
OL'ent maulest scrawleth stallage
equipollent scrawlest sprawleth
prepollent smallest squalleth OL'ik
sprawlest aulic
6'les squattest OL'fin Gallic

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
dL'ik — OL'man 532

hydraulic consoling mauling tallish

interaulic controlling miscalling
doling overhauling 6L'ish
6L'ik drolling palling abolish
Aeolic enrolling Pawling demolish
alcoholic extolling recalling polish
apostolic foaling scrawling
bibliopolic holing snowballing OL'isht
bucolic inscrolling sprawling abolished
carbolic parolling squalling demolished
colic patrolling thralling polished
diabolic poling trawling unpolished
diastolic rolling walling OL'iv
embolic shoaling olive
epipolic strolling OL'ing
epistolic tolling caracolling
frolic trolling extolling
hyperbolic unrolling lolling
melancholic uprolling OL'ka
metabolic OL'inz
parabolic 6L'ing Collins
petrolic appalling Hollins OL'kon
rollick balling Rollins falcon
symbolic bawling gerfalcon
systolic befalling OL'is soar falcon
variolic bemawling Collis sorefalcon
vicar-apostolic blackballing Cornwallis
vitriolic brawling Hollis OLK'nur
calling Wallace falconer
6L'in caterwauling Wallis
tarpaulin crawling OL'le
drawling OL'ish drolly
OL'ing enthralling drollish solely
boiling falling Polish wholly
bowling footballing (See also
cajoling forestalling OL'ish OL'e.)
caracoling galling Gaulish
coaling hauling smallish OL'man
condoling installing squailish coal man

ale, care, 5dd, arm, ;; me, h§re, 2nd; Ice, 111;

533 OL'man — OL'teth

Coleman Apollo OLS'ness bolted

Colman follow falseness jolted
Holman hollo molted
tollman hollow OL'sd revolted
swallow also unbolted
OL'ment wallow
cajolement OL'som OL'ted
condolement O'lok dolesome assaulted
controlment Moloch wholesome defaulted
enrollment rowlock exalted
OL'son faulted
OL'ment Jolson halted
OL'on Olsen
appall ment malted
colon Olson
disenthrall- salted
eidolon Tolson
ment vaulted
semicolon Toulson
enthrallment Solon
epaulement OL'ten
stolon OL'star molten
instalment (See also
installment polestar
OL'an, OL'test
A OL'en.) OL'ston boltest
01'most gallstone (See also OLT;
almost OL'op add -est where
collop OL'ston appropriate.)
dollop Alston
drollness Balston OL'test
soleness lollop Ralston assaultest
wholeness scallop defaultest
« trollop OL'stur exaltest
OL'nes wallop bolster haltest
allness holster vaultest
smallness upholster
tallness OL'or
dolor OL'te bolteth
O'ld A faulty (See also OLT;
kolo OL'sfid malty add -eth where
polo palsied salty appropriate.)
solo vaulty
OLS'hdod OL'teth
OL'6 falsehood OL'ted assaulteth

old, or, odd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6L'teth —OL'ur 534

defaulteth OLT'les vaulter stroller

exalteth faultless Walter toller
halteth maltless trailer
vaulteth saltless OL'turn unipolar
saltern unroller
OL'ty OL'ton subaltern uproller
voltage Bolton
Colton OLT'sur OL'ur
6i/ty Moulton waltzer bawler
maltage bemawler
vaultage OL'ton OL'um brawler
Dalton colyum caller
6L'tik Walton volume crawler
asphaltic drawler
Baltic OL'tre OL'um enthraller
basaltic poultry column faller
cobaltic solemn footballer
peristaltic OL'tur forestaller
bolter OL'ur hauler
OL'ting colter bowler mauler
bolting jolter cajoler scrawler
jolting revolter circumpolar smaller
molting unbolter coaler sprawler
revolting condoler squaller
unbolting OL'tur consoler taller
altar controller trawler
OL'ting alter doler
assaulting assaulter dolor 6L'ur
defaulting defaulter droller blue-collar
exalting exalter enroller choler
faulting falter molar collar
halting Gibraltar patroller dollar
malting halter polar Eurodollar
salting malter poler extoller
vaulting McWalter poller loiter
palter roller pink-collar
OL'tish psalter scroller scholar
coltish Salter shoaler sollar
doltish unalter solar squalor

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hgre, end; ice, 111;
535 dL'ur — OM'ik

white-collar devolving theobroma OM'e

dissolving zygoma foamy
OL'us evolving homy
bolus involving OM'a loamy
holus-bolus resolving comma
solus revolving momma 6M'e
solving mommy
OL'usk O'mad Tommie
mollusk OLV'ment nomad
devolvement ohmad OM'en,
OL'vent evolvement O'men
dissolvent involvement O'man abdomen
evolvent bowman agnomen
insolvent OL'vur foeman bowmen
resolvent absolver Roman cognomen
solvent dissolver showman foemen
evolver snowman omen
OL'vest involver yeoman praenomen
absolvest resolver yeomen
devolvest revolver 6M'as
dissolvest solver Thomas OM'end
evolvest ill-omened
involvest OL'wart OM'bat omened
resolvest stalwart combat
revolvest wombat O'ment
solvest OL'waz bestowment
always OM'be moment
dL'veth hallways Abercrombie
absolveth Dombey OM'et
devolveth O'ma zombie comet
dissolveth aboma domett
evolveth aroma OM'brus grommet
involveth coma sombrous
resolveth diploma OM'g
revolveth Natoma OM'bur homage
solveth sarcoma hombre
Roma omber OM'ik
OL'ving Sonoma Scomber bromic
absolving Tacoma somber chromic

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, flrn, Qp; THis, thin
OM'ik —ON' a 536

gnomic OM'In OM'on roamer

hydrobromic bromine common vomer
polychromic theobromine wool comber
OM'ing Pompey OM'ur
befoaming bomber
agronomic coaming OMP'ish
anatomic combing rompish OM'urs
astronomic foaming swampish commerce
atomic gloaming
homing OM'plish OM'ward
cinnamomic roaming accomplish homeward
diatomic OM'is OMP'ted O'na
dystomic promise prompted annona
unprompted Arizona
OM'ish Barcelona
gastronomic Romish OMP'ton Bellona
heliochromic Brompton Bologna
isonomic OM'le Compton cinchona
metronomic homely Lecompton corona
microtomic Cremona
monatomic OM'les OMP'us Desdemona
nomic combless pompous Iona
orthodromic foamless Jonah
palindromic homeless OM'spun mona
phantomic homespun Nona
physiognomic OM'let Pomona
seriocomic homelet OM'sted Ramona
stereochromic tomelet homestead Rosh Hashanah
stereotomic Zona
taxonomic OM'let OM'ur
tragicomic omelet beachcomber ON'a
triatomic comber Mauna
vomic W f

O mo gomer
chromo homer ON'a
OM'iks Como Homer belladonna
economics Ecce Homo misnomer donna
phoronomics major domo omer Madonna

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
537 ON'a —0'n€

prima donna 6N'de abscondeth ON'dur

dispondee bondeth absconder
ON'al spondee corresponded bonder
coronal respondeth corresponder
hormonal ON'ded desponder
subumbonal absconded dN'dy fonder
tonal bonded bondage hypochonder
zonal corresponded frondage ponder
desponded vagabondage responder
ON'ald responded squander
Donald ON'ding wander
McDonald ON'def absconding yonder
Ronald stone-deaf corresponding
tone-deaf desponding ON'durz
ON'ant responding Saunders
intersonant ON'del
sonant rondel ON'd'l O'ne
(See also fondlp alimony
ON'ent.) ON'dens rondle aloney
correspon- antimony
dN'ark dence 6ND'I* baloney
monarch despondence bologney
respondence iondly bony
ON'as cicerone
Jonas ON'dent dND'ling Coney
co-respondent bondling cony
ON'at correspondent fondling crony
donate despondent drony
zonate frondent OND'nes lazzaroni
respondent blondness macaroni
ON'cho fondness Mahoney
honcho dN'dest Maloney
poncho abscondest 6N'd6 matrimony
bondest condo parsimony
GN'da correspondest Hondo patrimony
anaconda fondest mondo phony
respondest rondeau pony
6N'de rondo sanctimony
arrondi ON'deth tondo stony
old, dr, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, ap; THis, thin
O'ne —ON'ik 538

testimony ON'est disowneth longish

tony atonest droneth prongish
bemoanest enthroneth songish
ON'e condonest groaneth strongish
brawny dethronest honeth
lawny disownest intoneth ONG'ke
mulligatawny dronest loaneth donkey
orange-tawny enthronest moaneth
groanest owneth dNG'kur
intonest postponeth conker
Punxatawnee conquer
sawney honest stoneth
scrawny loanest throneth
Sewanee lonest toneth
Shawnee moanest
ONG'est Yonkers
Swanee ownest
postponest longest
tawny ONG'le
stonest strongest
yawny longly
thronest strongly
tonest ONG'ful
6N'e wrongly
ON'est throngful
Bonnie ONG'nes
connest wrongful
bonny longness
dishonest wrongness
Connie 6NG'go
Lonnie Bongo
honest ONG'stur
Renee Congo
non-est songster
dNG'gur ONG'ur
ON'ent ON'et conger prolonger
component bonnet longer wronger
deponent sonnet
exponent unbonnet ONG'ing ONG'wav
interponent belonging long-wave
opponent ON'eth longing
proponent atoneth prolonging ON'hed
begroaneth thronging bonehead
Ones bemoaneth wronging
lowness condoneth ON'ik
slowness dethroneth ONG'ish phonic

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
539 ON'ik — dN'ik

zonic conic Ionic Plutonic

cosmogonic ironic pneumonic
crotonic isogonic polyconic
ON'ik cyclonic isotonic polygonic
Aaronic daemonic Japonic polyphonic
aconic demonic jargonic polytonic
acronyc diachronic laconic protonic
Adonic diaphonic macaronic pulmonic
adonic diatonic masonic Pyrrhonic
agonic dodecaphonic megaphonic pythonic
algedonic draconic Metonic quadraphonic
amnionic electronic microelectronic radiophonic
Amphictyonic electrotonic microphonic sardonic
anachronic embryonic Miltonic saxophonic
anharmonic enharmonic mnemonic semitonic
anilonic epitomic monochronic sermonic
anticyclonic eudaemonic monophonic siphonic
antiphonic euphonic monotonic Slavonic
aphonic freemasonic moronic Solomonic
architectonic gallionic Napoleonic sonic
atonic ganglionic neoplatonic stentoronic
avilonic geogonic nonharmonic stentorophonic
Babylonic geoponic nucleonic stratonic
benthonic geotectonic obconic subsonic
bionic glottoglonic Olympionic subtonic
Brythonic gnathonic ozonic supersonic
bubonic gnominic paeonic supertonic
Byronic harmonic pantheonic symphonic
cacophonic hedonic paratonic synchronic
canonic hegemonic parsonic syntonic
carbonic histrionic pathognomonic tectonic
cataphonic homophonic pentatonic telephonic
Chalcedonic Housatonic Pharaonic Teutonic
chameleonic hydroponic philharmonic theogonic
chelidonic hypertonic phonic thermionic
chronic hypotonic photophonic thionic
chthonic iconic phototonic tonic
clonic infrasonic planktonic transonic
colophonic interganglionic Platonic Tychonic

old, 6r, odd, oil, foot, out; use, flrn, ttp; THis, thin
ON'ik —6N'ted 540

typhonic undawning enthronement tonsor

ultrasonic yawning postponement
unharmonic ON'stant
xylophonic ON'ing ON'nes constant
yonic conning knownness inconstant
zoonic donning loneness
proneness 6N'ston
ON'iks ON'is unknownness Johnston
geoponics Adonis
hedonics Coronis ON'dr 6N'strans
histrionics donor monstrance
Megalonyx ON'ish (See also remonstrance
mnemonics Babylonish ON'ur.)
dronish ON'strat
onyx „ demonstrate
sonics ON'ish remonstrate
ON'ing astonish ON'strous
atoning ON'shens
tonnish monstrous
bemoaning wannish conscience
boning ON'stur
dethroning 6N'je ON'shus monster
disowning congee conscious
droning pongee self-conscious 6N'tal
enthroning sub-conscious fontal
groaning ON'le frontal
intoning lonely ON'siv horizontal
moaning only corresponsive peridontal
owning irresponsive
postponing ON'les responsive ON'tan
stoning boneless cismontane
throning throneless ON'som tramontane
toning toneless lonesome ultramontane
ON'ing ON'son ON'te
awning ON'ment Johnson flaunty
dawning atonement Jonson jaunty
fawning condonement
pawning dethronement ON'sor ON'ted
spawning disownment sponsor daunted

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, hfre, 6nd; Ice, ill;
541 dN'ted — 6'on

flaunted mastodon tic ON'tur conner

haunted pontic daunter Connor
taunted quantic flaunter dishonor
undaunted gaunter goner
vaunted ON'tin haunter honor
wanted dracontine saunter O'Conner
Hellespontine taunter O'Connor
ON'ted pontine vaunter wanner
ON'ting ON'ur ON'urd
6N'test daunting atoner dishonored
dauntest flaunting bemoaner honored
flauntest haunting boner time-honored
hauntest jaunting condoner unhonored
tauntest taunting dethroner
vauntest vaunting droner 6N'urz
wantest wanting groaner Conners
honer Connors
ON'teth ON'ting intoner honors
daunteth wanting moaner O'Connors
flaunteth owner
haunteth ONT'les phoner Onus
taunteth dauntless postponer bonus
vaunteth tauntless telephoner onus
wanteth vauntless stoner tonous
(See also
6N'tif ONT'let ON'or.) dN'yard
pontiff gantlet poniard
gauntlet ON'ur
ON'ty awner 6N'z6
wantage ON'ton barley-awner Alonzo
wanton brawner Alphonso
ON'ty fawner Alphonzo
pontage ON'trit pawner
wantage contrite spawner O'on
uncontrite yawner entozoon
ON'tik epizoon
Anacreontic *c ON'tum ON'ur phytozoon
archontic quantum Bonner zoon

old, or, 6dd, oil, foT)t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
dOD'ed — OOT'ur 542

OOD'ed rooky bully chairwoman

hooded fully charwoman
wooded OOK'ed pulley forewoman
crooked woolly spokeswoman
OOD'en (See OOK; woman
wooden add -ed where OOL'ed
appropriate.) bullied OO'se
OOD'e pussy
goody OOK'ing C)bL'en
goody-goody booking woollen OOT'ed
woody brooking barefooted
cooking OOL'et black-footed
OOD'ing crooking bullet catfooted
gooding hooking pullet claw-footed
hooding ill-looking cloven-footed
pudding looking OOL'ing clubfooted
overlooking bulling duckfooted
OOD'ish rooking pulling flat-footed
goodish unhooking fleet-footed
well-looking OOL'ish footed
OOD'Ie bullish four-footed
goodly OOK'let fullish hotfooted
booklet left-footed
OOD'man brooklet OOL'man light-footed
goodman Pullman nimble-footed
hoodman OOK'up Wool man pussyfooted
woodman hookup right-footed
CM)L'nes splayfooted
OOD'nes OOK'ur fullness surefooted
goodness cooker web-footed
hooker OOL'ur wing-footed
0~OG'ur looker buller
sugar overlooker fuller OOT'ing
stooker puller footing
OOK'e wire-puller putting
bookie OOL'bul
cookie bulbul OOM'an OOT'ur
hookey anchorwoman footer
hooky ObL'e bagwoman putter

ale, care, Sdd, arm, 3sk; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, HI;
543 O'pa — 6P'ik

O'pa elopest loppeth electroscopic

Europa gropest moppeth endotropic
hopest poppeth entopic
O'pal, O'p'I interlopest proppeth Ethiopic
Adrianople mopest .shoppeth eurytopic
Bhopal ropest stoppeth fluoroscopic
Constantinople soapest toppeth galvanoscopic
nopal geoscopic
opal OP'est OP'ful geotropic
choppest hopeful gyroscopic
O'paz droppest unhopeful hagioscopic
topaz hoppest helioscopic
loppest OP'hed helio tropic
OP'e moppest hophead heterotopic
dopey overtoppest horoscopic
mopy poppest 6P'I hydropic
ropy proppest Popeye hydroscopic
slopy shoppest hydrotropic
soapy stoppest OP'ij hygroscopic
toppest proppage idiotropic
OP'e stoppage inotropic
choppy 6P'et isentropic
copy moppet OP'ik isotopic
croppy poppet acopic isotropic
droppy aerotropic kaleidoscopic
floppy OP'eth Aesopic laryngoscopy
hoppy copeth allotropic lycanthropic
loppy elopeth anthropic lychnoscopic
moppy gropeth arthroscopic macroscopic
poppy hopeth atopic metopic
shoppy interlopeth autoscopic metoscopic
sloppy mopeth canopic microscopic
soppy ropeth Cyclopic misanthropic
soapeth dexiotropic mono trophic
Open diatropic myopic
open OP'eth dichroscopic necroscopic
choppeth dolicho- neoanthropic
OP'est droppeth prosopic neurotropic
copest hoppeth ectopic nooscopic

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OP'ik —OP'ur 544

nyctalopic OP'iks stropping OP'se

nyctitropic topics swapping copsy
orthoscopic tropics topping dropsy
orthotopic Wapping Mopsy
paleanthropic OP'ing whopping Topsy
pantascopic coping
periscopic doping OP'ish OP'shun
philanthropic eloping mopish adoption
phototropic groping popish option
polyscopic hoping
polytopic interloping OP'ish OP'sis
polytropic loping foppish ampelopsis
poroscopic moping shoppish lycopsis
presbyopic roping synopsis
prosopic sloping 6P"1 thanatopsis
psilanthropic soaping estoppel
radioscopic stoping hopple OP'stur
scopic toping popple dopester
sinopic stopple
spectrosco- 6P'ing topple OP'ted
pic bedropping adopted
stenotopic chopping OP'les co-opted
stenotropic clip-clopping hopeless
stereoscopic copping popeless OP'tik
stethoscopic cropping soapless autoptic
stroboscopic dropping Coptic
subtropic eavesdropping optic

syncopic flopping synoptic

syntropic hopping
telescopic lopping 6P'trik
theanthropic mopping _ catadioptric
theophilan- overtopping QP'ment catoptric
thropic plopping elopement dioptric
therianthropic popping
thermoscopic propping O'pd OP'ur
thixotropic shopping pawpaw coper
topic slopping doper
tropic sopping O'pok eloper
vagotropic stopping slowpoke groper

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
545 OP'ur —6R'dan

interloper opus corax O'rat

moper storax chlorate
roper O'ra thorax deflorate
sloper Angora perchlorate
soaper aurora O'ral
toper Bora-Bora auroral OR'at
Cora chloral inaurate
dP'ur Dora choral instaurate
pauper dumb Dora floral
scauper Eldora horal OR'be
Endora oral corbie
dP'ur flora sororal orby
chopper Floradora thoral
clodhopper Leonora trifloral OR'bid
copper Marmora morbid
cropper Masora OR'al
dropper Mora OR'bing
eavesdropper Nora binaural absorbing
finale-hopper Pandora coral orbing
grasshopper passiflora immoral resorbing
hopper signora laurel
improper Theodora OR'b'l
lopper Torah corbel
mopper warbel
overtopper OR'a
(See also OR'blur
plopper aura
6'Ral.) warbler
popper Chamaesaura
shopper Laura
Maura 6R'al OR'chard,
sopper coral
stopper OR'churd
OR'a (See also orchard
swapper OR'al.)
tiptopper foray tortured
topper OR'anj
OR'a OR'chur
whopper orange
Andorra scorcher
Opus Gomorrah torcher
Canopus OR'ant
lagopous O'raks soarant OR'dan
Lagopus borax vorant Jordan

did, or, ddd, oil, f<56t, out; use, am, flp; THis, thin
OR'dan —OR'durd 546

(See also warded rewardful OR'don

OR'don.) (See also cordon
OR'did.) OR'did Gordon
OR'dans sordid
accordance OR'den (See also ORD'ship
concordance warden OR'ded.) lordship
discordance way-warden wardship
OR'dant OR'dest boardage OR'dur
accordant boardest bordage boarder
concordant fordest forder
disaccordant hoardest OR'dij hoarder
discordant cordage parlor-boarder
inaccordant OR'dest
mordant accordest OR'ding OR'dur
awardest affording accorder
OR'ded belordest boarding awarder
afforded lordest fording border
boarded recordest hoarding corder
forded rewardest unhoarding disorder
hoarded wardest uphoarding emborder
sworded weather- money order
unforded OR'deth boarding order
unhoarded boardeth reorder
uphoarded fordeth OR'ding rewarder
boardeth according unorder
OR'ded awarding videocassette
accorded OR'deth belording recorder
awarded accordeth cording video recorder
belorded awardeth lording videotape
chorded belordeth recording recorder
corded cordeth rewarding warder
lorded lordeth unrecording
recorded recordeth unrewarding OR'durd
rewarded rewardeth warding bordered
swarded wardeth disordered
unlorded ORD'le ordered
unrecorded ORD'ful lordly reordered
unrewarded discordful unlordly well-ordered

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
547 ORDZ'man —O'rt

ORDZ'man aspiratory condolatory dilatory

swordsman asseveratory confabulatory dimissory
assimilatory confirmatory disapprobatory
Ore auditory confiscatory discriminatory
abbreviatory auscultatory congratulatory dispensatory
abjuratory auxiliatory consecratory distillatory
absolutory basement story conservatory divinatory
acceleratory bibitory consolatory donatory
acclamatory blindstory constellatory dormitory
accusatory cacciatore consultatory dory
additory cachinnatory contributory edificatory
adhortatory calculatory corroboratory educatory
adjuratory calumniatory cosignatory ejaculatory
admonitory castigatory counterflory elucidatory
adulatory category crematory emanatory
advocatory certificatory criminatory emancipatory
affirmatory chrismatory culpatory emasculatory
a fortiori circulatory curatory emendatory
aleatory circumambula- damnatory emigratory
allegory tory deambulatory emulatory
alleviatory circumgyratory declamatory enunciatory
Alpha Centauri circumlocutory declaratory exaggeratory
amatory circumrotatory decretory excitatory
ambagitory citatory dedicatory exclamatory
ambulatory clerestory defamatory excretory
amendatory commandatory dehortatory exculpatory
amphigory commemora- delineatory excusatory
annotatory tory demonstratory execratory
annunciatory commendatory denunciatory executory
anticipatory comminatory depilatory exhibitory
apospory communica- depository exhortatory
a posteriori tory deprecatory expiatory
appellatory compellatory depreciatory expiratory
applicatory compensatory depredatory explanatory
appreciatory competitory derogatory expletory
approbatory compulsatory designatory explicatory
a priori con amore desquamatory exploratory
aratory conciliatory desultory expository
articulatory condemnatory dictatory expostulatory

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
6're 548

expurgatory inhibitory negatory procrastinatory

extenuatory initiatory negotiatory procuratory
exterminatory inspiratory nugatory profahatory
extirpatory interlocutory oary prohibitory
feretory interrogatory objurgatory promissory
feudatory inventory obligatory promontory
flagellatory investigatory observatory pronunciatory
flory invitatory offertory propitiatory
frigeratory invocatory Old Glory pulsatory
fulminatory jaculatory olitory punitory
fumigatory John Dory oratory purgatory
fumitory judicatory ory purificatory
funambulatory juratory oscillatory quarry
furore laboratory osculatory radiatory
gesticulatory lachrymatory pacificatory raspatory
gladiatory lacrimatory palliatory reciprocatory
glory laudatory parlatory recognitory
gory lavatory pellitory recommenda-
gradatory libatory perambulatory tory
grallatory liberator y peremptory reconciliatory
gratulatory libratory perfumatory recriminatory
gustatory lory perspiratory reformatory
gyratory lucubratory phantasmagory refrigeratory
habilatory Maggiore phonatory refutatory
hallucinatory mandatory piscatory regeneratory
hoary manducatory placatory regulatory
hortatory manipulatory plauditory remuneratory
hunky-dory masticatory pory repertory
immigratory mbori postulatory repository
imperatory mediatory potatory reprobatory
imprecatory memento mori preambulatory reptatory
improvisatory migratory predatory requisitory
incantatory minatory predicatory respiratory
incriminatory monitory prefatory restoratory
incubatory Montessori premonitory retaliatory
inculpatory multistory preparatory retardatory
indicatory mundatory preservatory retributory
inflammatory narratory probatory revelatory
informatory natatory prociamatory reverberatory

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, ill;
549 6'rt — dR'fik

revocatory usurpatory St. Lawrence OR'est

rogatory vacillatory afforest
rotatory vainglory OR'ens disafforest
sacrificatory vehiculartory Dorrance enforest
saltatory vesicatory Florence forest
salutatory vibratory
salvatory vindicatory OR'ent, OR'eth
sanatory viola d'amore OR'ant adoreth
sanitory vomitory abhorrent boreth
shory whory death warrant deploreth
sibilatory zori horrent encoreth
signatory torrent exploreth
significatory OR'e warrent flooreth
signori Corrie goreth
simulatory Florrie OR'est ignoreth
snory lorry adorest imploreth
sob story quarry borest outsoareth
speculatory sorry deplorest poreth
statutory encorest poureth
sternutatory OR'ed explorest restoreth
stillatory gloried floorest roareth
story storied gorest scoreth
stridulatory hoarest snoreth
sublimatory OR'ed ignorest soareth
sudatory forehead implorest storeth
superergatory outsoarest
suppletory OR'el, OR'el porest OR'eth
supplicatory laurel pourest abhorreth
suppository (See also restorest warreth
sussultatory OR'al, OR'al.) roarest
terminatory scorest OR'fan
territory OR'en, snorest orphan
Tory OR'an soarest
tory sporran sorest OR'fik
transitory warren storest allomorphic
transmigratory anthropomor-
transpiratory OR'ens OR'est phic
transudatory abhorrence abhorrest automorphic
undulatory Lawrence warrest dimorphic

old, 6r, odd, oil, f(5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OR'fik — OR'ing 550

endomorphic isodimorphism aforehand lithophosphoric

heteromorphic isomeromor- beforehand metaphoric
ichthyomorphic phism forehand meteoric
idiomorphic isomorphism paregoric
isomorphic isotrimorphism OR'hous peloric
mesomorphic mesomorphism storehouse phantasmagoric
metamorphic metamorphism whorehouse phosphoric
morphic monomor- pictoric
ophiomorphic phism OR'id plethoric
Orphic pleomorphism florid prehistoric
pantamorphic polymorphism horrid prophoric
polymorphic trimorphism torrid pyloric
protomorphic zoomorphism Pythagoric
pseudomorphic OR'jj semaphoric
theomorphic OR'fus shorage sophomoric
trimorphic Morpheus storage theoric
zoomorphic Orpheus zoophoric
OR'y zoosporic
OR'fing OR'fus borage
dwarfing amorphous forage 6'rin
wharfing anthropo- florin
morphous 6'rik
OR'ttst dimorphous chloric OR'ing
anthropomor- isodimorphous choric adoring
phist isomorphous euchloric boring
metamorphist isotrimorphous hydrochloric choring
wharfist ophiomorphous perchloric deploring
paramorphous roric encoring
OR'fit polymorphous exploring
forfeit trimorphous OR'ik flooring
allegoric goring
GR'fiz'm OR'gan amphigoric ignoring
allomorphism barrel organ amphoric imploring
amorphism Dorgan armoric Loring
anamorphism Morgan caloric outsoaring
anthropomor- morgen camphoric poring
phism organ Doric pouring
automorphism elydoric restoring
dimorphism OR'hand historic roaring

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; Ice, 111;
551 OR'ing — OR'meth

scoring OR'jez OR'le dormance

shoring orgies schorly performance
snoring porgies warty
soaring OR'mant
storing OR'jing OR'ling conformant
upsoaring forging shoreling dormant
OR'ing OR'jiz OR'lok
abhorring Georges forelock OR'me
warring George's oarlock dormy
OR'is OR'jur OR'lok swarmy
Doris forger warlock
loris OR'ment
OR'mal adorement
OR'jus deplorement
OR'is abnormal
Doris gorgeous anormal explorement
« cormal ignorement
dR'is OR'kas formal implorement
doch-an-dorris Dorcas informal restorement
Doris normal
Horace OR'ke uniformal OR'ment
loris corky torment
morris forky OR'man
orris doorman OR'mest
OR'kid floorman conformest
OR'ja orchid foreman deformest
Borgia longshoreman formest
Georgia OR'king shoreman informest
corking performest
OR'jal, Dorking OR'man, reformest
ORD'yal forking OR'mon stormest
cordial uncorking Gorman swarmest
Mormon transformest
OR'je OR'les Norman warmest
Georgie coreless O'Gorman
orgy oarless OR'meth
porgy oreless OR'mans conformeth
storge shoreless conformance deformeth

old, or, odd, oil, f<5Bt, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
dR'meth — OR'nur 552

formeth OR'mur OR'nest suborning

informeth barnstormer adornest yester-morning
performeth conformer bescornest warning
reformeth deformer forewarnest A
stormeth dormer scornest OR'nis
swarmeth foot-warmer subornest Aepyornis
transformeth former warnest cornice
warmeth informer Dinornis
performer OR'net Gastornis
OR'ming reformer cornet Heliornis
bestorming stormer hornet Ichthyornis
conforming swarmer *
deforming transformer 6R'neth OR'nish
forming warmer adorneth Cornish
informing bescorneth homish
nonconforming OR'mus forewarneth
performing abnormous scorneth hornless
reforming cormous suborneth scornless
storming cormus warneth thornless
swarming enormous
transforming multiformous ORN'ful ORN'ment
warming mournful adornment
OR'mist ORN'ful OR'nun
conformist Lorna scornful forenoon
nonconformist Noma
reformist OR'ning OR'nur
OR'nat mourning mourner
warmly ornate 6R'ning OR'nur
uniformly adorning adorner
dR'n* bescorning bescorner
ORM'les corny dehorning chimney corner
formless Hornie dishorning corner
stormless horny forewarning forewarner
thorny good morning horner
OR'mftst horning scorner
foremost OR'nes morning suborner
head-foremost soreness scorning warner

ale, c&re, acid, arm, fck; me, h^re, end; ice, III;
553 O'ro — OR'sur

O'ro OR'sen proportion ORS'les

Moro coarsen horseless
toro hoarsen OR'shun remorseless
OR'6 OR'sest consortion ORS'man
amorrow coarsest contortion horseman
borrow coursest detortion lighthorseman
good morrow discoursest distortion Norseman
morrow divorcest extorsion
sorrow enforcest intorsion ORS'ment
tomorrow forcest retortion deforcement
hoarsest torsion divorcement
6R'6d reinforcest enforcement
borrowed OR'shund forcement
sorrowed OR'sest apportioned reinforcement
unsorrowed endorsest dispropor-
tioned ORS'ment
OR'old OR'seth portioned endorsement
Thorold courseth proportioned
discourseth ORS'nes
OR'pid divorceth coarseness
torpid enforceth hoarseness
OR sing
OR'por reinforceth coursing OR'som
torpor discoursing foursome
OR'seth divorcing
OR'ror endorseth enforcing OR'son
horror forcing Orson
ORS'ful reinforcing
OR'sal forceful OR song
dextrorsal resourceful OR'siv warsong
dorsal discoursive
dorsel ORS'ful > divorcive OR'sur
morsel remorseful enforcive coarser
torsel courser
OR'shun ORS'les discourser
OR'se apportion forceless divorcer
gorsy disproportion resourceless enforcer
horsy portion sourceless forcer

old, or, odd, oil, f<5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OR'sur — 6R'ting 554

hoarser assorted assortest thwarteth

reinforcer consorted consortest
contorted contortest ORT'gid
OR'sur detorted detortest court-guide
endorser distorted distortest port-guide
escorted escortest
OR'tal exhorted exhortest OR'the
portal extorted extortest swarthy
transportal resorted resortest
retorted retortest OR'te
OR'tal snorted shortest forty
aortal sorted snortest pianoforte
immortal sported softest snorty
mortal thwarted swartest sortie
(See also unsorted thwartest swarty
6RT"1.) warty
OR'teks OR'teth
OR'tans cortex courteth OR'tij
supportance vortex disporteth shortage
transportance exporteth
OR'tem importeth OR'tim
OR'tans postmortem reporteth aforetime
importance sporteth before time
shorten supporteth
OR'tant transporteth OR'ting
important OR'tent courting
portent OR'teth deporting
OR'ted assorteth disporting
courted OR'test consorteth exporting
disported courtest contorteth importing
exported disportest detorteth reporting
imported exportest distorteth sporting
reported importest escorteth supporting
sported reportest exhorteth transporting
supported sportest extorteth
transported supportest resorteth OR'ting
transportest retorteth aborting
OR'ted snorteth assorting
aborted OR'test sorteth consorting

ale, care, idd, arm, me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, 111;

555 OR'ting —OR'ur

contorting ORT'le fortune OR'turd,

detorting shortly importune OR'chard
distorting misfortune orchard
escorting ORT'ment tortured
exhorting comportment OR'tur
extorting deportment courter 6R'turz
resorting disportment disporter assorters
retorting transportment exporter winter quarters
snorting importer (See also
sorting ORT'ment porter OR'tur; add
thwarting assortment reporter -s where
OR'tiv ORT'nes
sportive swartness ORT'wav
transportive thwartoess shortwave

ORT'nit OR'tur Oram

OR'tiv torture
abortive fortnight decorum
contortive forum
OR'ton OR'tur indecorum
Horton assorter jorum
Morton consorter quorum
Norton contorter variorum
OR'trat distorter OR'ur
6RT"I portrait escorter adorer
chortle exhorter borer
whortle OR'tres extorter corer
(See also fortress mortar decorer
OR'tal.) quarter deplorer
ORT'ship resorter encorer
ORT'land courtship retorter explorer
Courtland shorter floorer
Portland ORTS'man snorter gorer
sportsman sorter ignorer
ORT'le thwarter implorer
courtly OR'tun weather quar- outpourer
portly befortune ter outsoarer
uncourtly enfortune woolsorter porer
old, 6r, I, oil, f«3ot, t; use, flrn, »; THis, thin
OR'ur — O'shun 556

pourer stegosaurus glossy squashy

restorer Taurus mossy swashy
roarer teleosaurus posse toshy
scorer thesaurus tossy washy
snorer tyrannosaurus wishy-washy
soarer - OS'est
sorer OR'ward closest OSH'ing
storer foreward dosest sloshing
shoreward grossest squashing
O'rus swashing
canorous OR'ward OS'est washing
chorus forward crossest
decorous henceforward embossest OSH'ur
Horus norward glossest gaucher
imporous straightforward tossest kosher
indecorous thenceforward
porous OS'et - OSH'ur
pylorus OR'worn faucet cosher
sonorous war-worn josher
torous dS'et squasher
torus ORZ'man bosset swasher
oarsman cosset washer
OR'us posset
allosaurus O'sa sack-posset O'shun
ankylosaurus amorosa Boeotian
apatosaurus Formosa OS'eth commotion
brachiosaurus mimosa crosseth devotion
brontosaurus embosseth emotion
dolichosaurus OS'chun glosseth groschen
hadrosaurus exhaustion tosseth indevotion
ichthyosaurus locomotion
kronosaurus 6S'e O'shal lotion
megalosaurus saucy antisocial motion
mosasaurus intersocial nicotian
nanosaurus OS'e social notion
pleiosaurus bossy ocean
plesiosaurus drossy OSH'e potion
protosaurus Flossie boshy prenotion
regnosaurus flossy sloshy promotion

ale, care, 5dd, arm, &sk; me, hejre, 5nd; Ice, 111;
557 O'shun — OS'om

remotion engrossing metemptosis dosel

self-devotion metensomato- dossil
OS'ing sis fossil
OSH'un bossing morosis hypoglossal
caution crossing morphosis jostle
incaution dossing narcosis throstle
precaution embossing necrosis tossel
glossing neurosis wassail
OSH'us railway cross- osmosis
atrocious ing proemptosis OS'le
ferocious tossing prognosis crossly
nepotious psychosis
precocious OS'ip ptosis OS'lur
gossip pyrosis hostler
dSH'us sarcosis jostler
cautious O'sis scirrhosis Rossler
incautious anadiplosis sorosis
precautious anamorphosis tuberculosis
ankylosis zygosis
OS'ij closeness
apotheosis zymosis
sausage carcinosis grossness
chlorosis 6S'is jocoseness
OS'ik cirrhosis proboscis moroseness
fossick diagnosis verboseness
glossic enantiosis OS'iv
endosmosis corrosive O'so
OS'il epanadiplosis erosive amoroso
docile epanorthosis explosive arioso
indocile exosmosis inexplosive doloroso
geognosis gracioso
OS'il heliosis OS'kar so-so
docile heterosis Oscar virtuoso
dossil hypnosis
fossil hypotyposis OS'ke OS'om
(See also ichthyosis bosky blossom
OS"l.) meiosis odontoglossum
metasomatosis 6s"i opossum
OS'ing metempsycho- apostle orange blossom
dosing sis colossal possum

°ld, 6r, odd, oil, f(J6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
dS'on — dS'trat 558

OS'on OS'ted OS'tik exhaustive

Dawson exhausted catacaustic inexhaustive
Lawson caustic
Rawson OS'ted diacaustic OS'tiv
accosted encaustic costive
6S'pel frosted
gospel OS'tik OST'le
OS'tel, OS"l acrostic ghostly
OS'pish hostel agnostic mostly
waspish diagnostic
dS'ten eteostic OST'le
OS'pur Austen geognostic costly
prosper gnostic
OS'tes paracrostic OST'man
OS'tal hostess postman
postal OS'test OST'mark
boastest OS'til postmark
coastest hostile
postest OS'ton
roastest OS'tin Boston
toastest Austin
OS'teth OS'ting snowstorm
OS'tat boasteth boasting
apostate coasteth coasting OS'tral
laticostate posteth posting austral
quadricostate roasteth roasting claustral
toasteth toasting
OS'te dS'tral,
frosty OST'hous OS'ting OS'trel
oasthouse exhausting costrel
OS'ted post-house lamellirostral
boasted OS'ting longirostral
coasted OS't« accosting rostral
posted postage costing
roasted frosting OS'trat
toasted ds'tu prostrate
unposted hostage OS'tiv rostrate

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, find; Ice, 111;
559 OS'trich —OT'ed

OS'trich OS'tus anecdotal OT'e

ostrich Faustus antidotal clotty
dotal dotty
OS'trum OS'ur extradotal knotty
nostrum closer notal spotty
rostrum doser rotal totty
engrosser sacerdotal
OS'tum grocer sclerotal OT'ed
costume grosser teetotal bloated
jocoser total boated
OS'tur moroser coated
boaster OT'ant, demoted
coaster OS'ur OT'ent denoted
four-poster Chaucer flotant devoted
poster Naw sir potent doted
roaster saucer prepotent floated
throwster gloated
toaster OS'ur OT'at misquoted
bosser denotate moated
OS'tur crosser notate noted
auster dosser particoated
exhauster embosser petticoated
glosser promoted
OS'tur OT'ash
josser quoted
imposture potash
tosser refloated
posture self-devoted
OS'us OT'e
OS'tur colossus bloaty
accoster molossus coyote
coster dhoty
foster O'ta Doty OT'ed
Gloucester Dakota Doughty allotted
imposter flota floaty besotted
Paternoster iota goaty bespotted
pentecoster Minnesota throaty blood-bespot-
roster quota ted
rota OT'e blotted
OS'turn haughty cheviotted
postern OT'al naughty clotted

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OT'ed — OT'id 560

dotted ungotten add -eth where Oth'ik

garotted (See also appropriate.) Gothic
jotted OT'on.) Mesogothic
knotted OT'fuI Ostrogothic
lotted OT'est thoughtful Visigothic
plotted demotest
potted denotest Oth'a OTH'ing
rotted devotest quotha clothing
shotted dotest loathing
slotted floatest Oth'al
sotted gloatest betrothal Otb'ment
spotted misquotest betrothment
squatted notest Oth'am
totted promotest Gotham
trotted quotest Jotham
unblotted votest coathook
underplotted Oth'am O'thnrn
unknotted OT'est Gotham
unspotted clottest
wainscotted (See also OT; Oth'e
(See also add -est where frothy OTH'som
OT'id.) appropriate.) mothy loathsome
OT'en OT'eth OTH'est Oth'ur
oaten demoteth clothest author
denoteth loathest
OT'en devoteth OTH'ur
begotten doteth OTH'eth bother
cotton floateth clotheth fother
first-begotten gloateth loatheth pother
forgotten noteth (See also
gotten misquoteth OTH'ftil ATH'ur,
hard-gotten promoteth loathful ATH'ur.)
ill-gotten quoteth
misbegotten voteth Oth'ful OT'id
misgotten slothful carotid
rotten OT'eth parotid
unbegotten clotteth Oth'ful (See also
unforgotten (See also 6T; wrathful OT'ed.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, n|re, find; Ice, HI;
561 OT'ij —OT'ing

OT'ij binotic kyphoscoliotic sarcotic

anecdotage biotic kyphotic sclerotic
dotage carotic lordotic seismotic
floatage catabiotic macrobiotic semeiotic
flotage catacrotic meiotic semiotic
cerotic melanotic stenotic
OT'ij chaotic microbiotic symbiotic
cottage chlorotic monocrotic thalpotic
pottage cirrhotic morphotic thrombotic
wattage creosotic mycotic tricrotic
culottic narcotic zoosemiotic
OT'ik cyanotic necrotic zootic
otic demotic nepotic zygotic
despotic neurohypnotic zymotic
OT'ik dichotic neurotic
aeronautic dicrotic Nilotic 6T'iks
argonautic diglottic osmotic aeronautics
nautic dizygotic otic robotics
endosmotic parotic (See also
6T'ik entotic patriotic OT'ik; add
acrotic enzygotic periotic -s where
agrypnotic epiglottic photic appropriate.)
akiotic epizootic polycrotic
amniotic erotic polyglottic OT'ing
amphierotic escharotic porotic bloating
amphibiotic euphotic posthypnotic boating
anaptotic exosmotic postpsychotic coating
anecdotic exotic prepsychotic demoting
ankylotic ezootic psilotic denoting
antibiotic glottic psychoneurotic devoting
antipatriotic henotic psychotic doting
aphotic hidrotic pycnotic floating
aptotic homoerotic pyrotic gloating
aquatic hypnotic quixotic misquoting
argotic ichthyotic rhinocerotic noting
astronautic idiotic rhizotic promoting
asymptotic indigotic rhotic quoting
autohypnotic iscariotic robotic throating
azotic kenotic sans-culottic voting

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
OT'ing—OT's* 562

6T'ing OT'ist lotless ex voto

allotting sans-culottist potless fagotto
besotting rotless in toto
blotting OT'iv sotless Kioto
clotting emotive spotless photo
dotting locomotive totless
garotting motive t rotless OT'6
jotting promotive blotto
knotting votive OT'Iing grotto
plotting bottling lotto
potting OT'kins (See also motto
rotting Otkins 0T"1; drop otto
sotting Watkins -e and add ridotto
spotting -ing where risotto
squatting 0T"1 appropriate.)
totting bottle OT'om
trotting dottle OT'man bottom
underplotting glottal boatman
unknotting mottle O'ton
yachting pottle OT'man Croton
throttle Cotman proton
Oris tottle Ottman
epiglottis twattle O'ton
glottis wattle OT'ment Lawton
One denotement OT'on
hotly devotement cotton
motley Groton
OT'ment (See also
OT'Ies allotment OT'en.)
OT'ish thoughtless besotment
Scottish OT'rel
sottish OT'Ies OT'nes Cottrell
blotless hotness dottrel
OT'ist clotless whatness
anecdotist cotless OT'se
noticed dotless O'to hotsy-totsy
Scotist jotless De Soto Nazi
unnoticed knotless divoto paparazzi

ale, care, add, arm, me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;

563 OTS'man —OUD'ed

OTS'man daughter OU'al crouching

Scotsman firewater avowal grouching
yachtsman fizzwater disavowal pouching
giggle water (See also slouching
OT'son milk-and-water OU'el.) vouching
Watson slaughter
soda water OU'an OUCH'ur
O'tum water gowan avoucher
quotum McGowan coucher
teetotum 6T'ur rowan croucher
blotter rowen Goucher
OT'um bogtrotter groucher
autumn clotter OU'ans poucher
complotter allowance sloucher
OT'ur cotter avowance voucher
bloater dotter disallowance
boater garotter disavowance OU'da
demoter globetrotter howdah
denoter hotter OU'ard
devoter jotter coward OUD'e
doter knotter Howard cloudy
fagot voter ottar crowdy
floater otter OUCH'est dowdy
gloater plotter avouchest Gowdy
locomotor (See also howdie
potter OUCH; add howdy
magnetomotor rotter
motor spotter -est where pandowdy
noter squatter appropriate.) proudy
promoter totter rowdy
quoter trotter OUCH'eth shroudy
rotomotor underplotter avoucheth uncloudy
rotor (See also
scoter yachter OUCH; add OUD'ed
toter -eth where beclouded
vasomotor appropriate.) clouded
voter O'tus crowded
Gymnotus OUCH'ing enshrouded
OT'ur lotus avouching overclouded
backwater macrotous couching overcrowded

old, 6r, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, iip; THis, thin
OUD'ed — OUL'ur 564

shrouded loudish OU'al.) vowing

unbeclouded proudish
unclouded OU'es OU'Ie
unshrouded OUD'le prowess Cowley
loudly Crowley
OUD'est proudly OU'est . Powley
becloudest allowest Rowley
beshroudest OUD'nes avowest
cloudest loudness bowest OUL'est
crowdest proudness cowest foulest
enshroudest disallowest growlest
loudest OUD'ur endowest howlest
overcloudest baking powder ploughest prowlest
overcrowdest clam chowder vowest scowlest
proudest bepowder
shroudest chowder OU'et OUL'et
crowder Howett owlet
OUD'eth louder Jowett
becloudeth powder OUL'eth
beshroudeth prouder OU'eth growleth
cloudeth Seidlitz pow- alloweth howleth
crowdeth der avoweth prowleth
enshroudeth boweth scowleth
overcloudeth OU'e coweth
overcrowdeth Dowie disalloweth OUL'ing
shroudeth zowie endoweth fouling
plougheth fowling ,
OUD'ing OU'el voweth growling
beclouding bowel howling
beshrouding dowel OU'ing prowling
clouding embowel allowing scowling
crowding Howell avowing
enshrouding Powell bowing OUL'ish
overclouding Prowell cowing foulish
overcrowding rowel disallowing owlish
shrouding towel endowing
unshrouding trowel ploughing OUL'ur
vowel plowing fouler
OUD'ish (See also rowing fowler

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, 111;
565 OUL'ur —OUN'dur

growler OUN'del poundeth wounding

howler roundel propoundeth
prowler reboundeth OUND'Ie
scowler OUN'den redoundeth profoundly
yowler bounden resoundeth roundly
roundeth soundly
OU'ment OUN'dest soundeth unsoundly
avowment aboundest surroundeth
endowment astoundest OUND'les
boundest OUN'dg boundless
compoundest groundage groundless
OUN'ded confoundest poundage soundless
abounded expoundest soundage
astounded foundest OUND'Iing
bounded groundest OUN'ding foundling
compounded houndest abounding groundling
confounded impoundest astounding
dumfounded poundest big-sounding OUND'nes
expounded profoundest bounding profoundness
founded propoundest compounding roundness
grounded reboundest confounding soundness
hounded resoundest dumfounding unsoundness
impounded roundest expounding
mounded soundest founding OUN'dre
pounded superaboundest grounding foundry
propounded surroundest high-sounding
rebounded hounding OUN'drel
redounded OUN'deth impounding scoundrel
resounded aboundeth pounding
rounded astoundeth propounding OUN'dur
sounded boundeth rebounding bounder
superabounded compoundeth redounding compounder
surrounded confoundeth resounding confounder
unbounded dumfoundeth rounding dumfounder
unfounded expoundeth sounding expounder
ungrounded foundeth superabound- flounder
unsounded groundeth ing founder
well-founded houndeth surrounding four-pounder
wounded impoundeth unbounding impounder

old, or, 6dd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OUN'dur —OUN'tin 566

iron-founder intowning trounces dismounted

pounder uncrowning miscounted
profounder OUN'sing mounted
propounder OUN'ish announcing recounted
rebounder brownish bouncing remounted
resounder clownish denouncing surmounted
rounder frownish flouncing uncounted
sounder pouncing unmounted
surrounder OUN'jing pronouncing unrecounted
type-founder lounging renouncing
trouncing OUN'tes
OUN'e OUN'les countess
brownie crownless OUNS'ment
browny frownless announcement OUN'test
downy gownless denouncement accountest
frowny pronouncement amountest
towny OUN'sest renouncement countest
announcest discountest
OUN'est (See also OUN'sur dismountest
brownest OUNS; announcer miscountest
crownest add -est where bouncer mountest
drownest appropriate.) denouncer recountest
frownest flouncer remountest
OUN'seth pouncer surmountest
OUN'eth announceth pronouncer
browneth (See also renouncer OUN'teth
crowneth OUNS; add trouncer accounteth
drowneth -eth where amounteth
frowneth appropriate.) OUN'te counteth
bounty discounteth
OUN'ing OUN'sez county dismounteth
browning announces mounty miscounteth
clowning bounces viscounty mounteth
crowning denounces recounteth
discrowning flounces OUN'ted remounteth
downing ounces accounted surmounteth
drowning pounces amounted
frowning pronounces counted OUN'tin
gowning renounces discounted catamountain

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, ill;
567 OUN'tin —OUT'6

fountain O'ur clawer soureth

mountain bestower drawer
blower gnawer OUR'ing
OUN'ting churchgoer guffawer bescouring
accounting concertgoer "jawer" deflowering
amounting flower overawer devouring
counting foregoer pawer flouring
discounting foreknower rawer off-scouring
dismounting foreshower sawer scouring
miscounting glassblower tawer souring
mounting glower wiredrawer (See also
recounting goer withdrawer OU'ur-ing.)
remounting grower
surmounting hoer O'urd, O'ard OUR'le
knower lowered hourly
OUN'tur lawn mower toward sourly
accounter lower untoward
counter moviegoer OUR'nes
discounter mower OUR'e sourness
encounter outgoer avowry
mounter overthrower cowrie OUR'ur
recounter ower dowry deflowerer
reencounter playgoer floury devourer
remounter rower houri scourer
surmounter sewer (See also sourer
shower OU'ur-e.)
OUN'ur slower OU'son
browner snowblower OUR'est Dowson
crowner sower bescourest
drowner stower deflowerest OUT'e
frowner theatergoer devourest doughty
thrower scourest droughty.
OUN'ward tower sourest gouty
downward undergoer grouty
townward whistle-blower OUR'eth louty
winegrower bescoureth moughty
OUN'zman deflowereth pouty
gownsman O'ur devoureth snouty
townsman cawer scoureth touty

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<3ot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
OUT'ed —OUZ'e 568

OUT'ed beshouting router vower

clouted bespouting scouter waterpower
doubted besprouting shouter (See also
flouted clouting spouter OUR.)
gouted doubting sprouter
grouted flouting stouter OU'urd
misdoubted grouting touter bowered
pouted touting unshowered
redoubted outing OU'ur untowered
routed pouting allower (See also
scouted routing avower OU'ard.)
shouted scouting beacon tower
spouted shouting beflower OU'urz
sprouted spouting bower avowers
undoubted sprouting Brower Powers
touting candle power (See also
OUT'est undoubting cauliflower OU'ur; add
cloutest cower -s where
devoutest OUT'le deflower appropriate.)
doubtest devoutly dower
floutest stoutly embower OU'wou
poutest empower bowwow
scoutest OUT'let endower powwow
shoutest outlet enflower wow-wow
spoutest troutlet flower
sproudest glower OU'zal
stoutest OUT'nes horsepower arousal
devoutness imbower carousal
OUT'eth stoutness lower espousal
clouteth overpower housel
doubteth OUT'ur overtower ousel
flouteth devouter passionflower spousal
pouteth doubter plougher tousle
scouteth down-and- plower
shouteth outer OU'zand
spouteth flouter thousand
sprouteth jowter
out-and-outer OUZ'e
OUT'ing pouter thundershower
ale, dire, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, • end; Ice, ill;
569 OUZ'6 —OZ'div

drowzy OUZ'ur woven O'ward

frowzy arouser froward
lousy browser OV'In
mousy carouser bovine O'whar
espouser ovine nowhere
OUZ'est mouser
arousest rouser OV'ing 6'yez
(See also OUZ; Towser roving oyez
add -est where trouser shroving
appropriate.) O'yur
OUZ'urz OV'o bowyer
OUZ'eth carousers abovo oyer
arouseth trousers de novo
(See also OUZ; 6'yur
add -eth where O'va lawyer
appropriate.) OV'ur sawyer
bossa nova
Casanova topsawyer
OUZ'ez Jehovah
arouses nova drover OZ'a
blouses flopover Rosa
browses O'val half-seas-over Spinoza
carouses oval moreover
espouses over OZ'al
houses OV'g plover desposal
rouses anchovy pushover disposal
spouses covy rollover interposal
grovy rover opposal
OUZ'jj searover presupposal
espousage OV'el stover proposal
housage grovel takeover reposal
spousage hovel trover rosal
novel walkover supposal
OUZ'ing transposal
arousing OV'en OV'urb
blowzing cloven proverb OZ'bud
browzing hoven rosebud
carousing interwoven OV'urz
housing inwoven drovers OZ'dtv
rousing uncloven estovers nosedive

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
OZ'e —OZ'it 570

OZ'e opposest Moses OZ'id

cozy posest roses posied
dozy presupposest (See also OZ; rosied
nosy proposest add -es where
posy recomposest appropriate.) OZ'ing
prosy reimposest closing
rosy reposest OZ'ez composing
superimposest causes decomposing
dz'e supposest clauses deposing
causey transposest gauzes disclosing
gauzy pauses discomposing
OZ'eth vases disposing
OZ'en closeth dozing
chosen composeth OZ'ga enclosing
forechosen decomposeth nosegay exposing
frozen deposeth imposing
hosen disclosesth O'zhan inclosing
Posen discomposeth ambrosian interposing
rosen disposeth juxtaposing
squozen dozeth 6'zhun nosing
encloseth corrosion opposing
OZ'enj exposeth erosion posing
lozenge imposeth explosion predisposing
incloseth implosion presupposing
OZ'est intercloseth proposing
closest interposeth OZH'iir prosing
composest juxtaposeth closure recomposing
decomposest opposeth composure reposing
deposest poseth crosier supposing
disclosest presupposeth disclosure transposing
discomposest proposeth discomposure unclosing
disposest recomposeth disposure unimposing
dozest reimposeth Dozier
enclosest reposeth exposure OZ'ing
exposest superimposeth foreclosure causing
imposest supposeth hosier pausing
inclosest transposeth inclosure
interposest osier OZ'it
juxtaposest OZ'ez reposure closet

ale, dire, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, dnd; Ice, HI;
571 dZ'it — UB'ing

deposit OZ'mik composer predisposer

interposit cosmic deposer presupposer
juxtaposit endosmic discloser proposer
posit macrocosmic disposer roser
reposit microcosmic dozer reimposer
encloser re poser
OZ'iv OZ'o exposer superimposer
applausive bozo forecloser supposer
plausive glozer transposer
unapplausive OZon imposer uncloser
ozone incloser
OZ"l interposer OZ'ur
nozzle OZ'ur juxtaposer causer
schnozzle bulldozer opposer hawser
sozzle closer poser pauser

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels follow-
ing, see the beginning of U rhymes in Section I.

U'al renewance UB'e tubby

dual booby
eschewal U'ant looby
pursual pursuant ruby
renewal truant U'ben
reviewal UB'e Reuben
subdual bubby Steuben
(See also U'ard chubby
U'el.) leeward cubby UB'ik
steward fubby cherubic
Can (See also grubby cubic
Chouan U'urd.) hubby pubic
duan nubby UB'ing
Peguan U'ba rabi cubing
Aruba rubby tubing
Cans Cuba scrubby
eschewance juba shrubby UB'ing
pursuance tuba stubby blubbing

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
UB'ing —UCH'est 572

clubbing UB"ld doubling india rubber

drubbing bubbled troubling landlubber
dubbing doubled lubber
grubbing redoubled UB'lish money-grubber
nubbing stubbled publish rubber
rubbing troubled scrubber
scrubbing untroubled UB'lur slubber
snubbing bubbler stubber
stubbing UB'Ie doubler tubber
subbing bubbly troubler tub-drubber
tubbing doubly
knubbly UB'lus UB'urd
UB'ish nubbly troublous blubbered
clubbish rubbly cupboard
cubbish stubbly UB'drn Hubbard
grubbish stubborn mother hubbard
rubbish UB'lest rubbered
tubbish bubblest UB'rik
(See also lubric UB'urt
UB'it UB"1; rubric Hubert
cubit add -est where
appropriate.) UB'stak UCH'e
UB'jekt grubstake coochy
subject UB'let hoochy-coochy
doublet UB'stans
U'b'I substance UCH'e
ruble UB'leth archduchy
bubbleth UB'ur clutchy
UB"I (See also Buber duchy
bubble UB"1; goober smutchy
double add -ly where Huber touchy
grubble appropriate.) tuber
Hubbell UCH'es
hubble-bubble UB'lik UB'ur archduchess
nubble public blubber duchess
redouble republic clubber Dutchess
rubble drubber
stubble UB'Iing dubber UCH'est
trouble bubbling grubber clutchesl

ale, care, 5dd, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, ill;
573 UCH'est — UD'est

(See also barracuda denuded thudded

UCH; add Bermuda detruded
-est where Buddha duded UD'en
appropriate.) Ishkooda eluded sudden
Judah excluded
UCH'eth extruded IJD'ens
clutcheth U'dad exuded jurisprudence
(See also doodad illuded prudence
UCH; add included
-eth where UD'al interluded UD'ent
appropriate.) feudal intruded concludent
paludal obtruded imprudent
UCH'ez udal occluded jurisprudent
clutches precluded occludent
crutches UD'e preluded prudent
hutches broody protruded student
retouches moody recluded
scutches nudie retruded UD'est
smutches Rudy secluded alludest
touches scudi snooded broodest
Trudy subtruded concludest
UCH'ing Yehudi transuded crudest
clutching undeluded deludest
retouching UD'e denudest
scutching bloody UD'ed detrudest
smutching buddy bloodied eludest
touching cuddy muddied excludest
muddy ruddied extrudest
UCH'on puddy studied exudest
escutcheon ruddy unstudied illudest
studdy includest
UCH'ur study UD'ed intrudest
retoucher bestudded nudest
scutcher UD'ed blooded obtrudest
smutcher alluded budded precludest
toucher brooded flooded preludest
colluded scudded protrudest
U'da concluded spudded recludest
Barbuda deluded studded retrudest
old, 6r, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UD'est —UD'son 574

rudest excluding kiyoodle appropriate.)

secludest extruding noodle
shrewdest exuding poodle UD'ling
subtrudest illuding Yankee-doodle bemuddling
including cuddling
UD'eth intruding UD"1 fuddling
alludeth obtruding bemuddle huddling
broodeth occluding buddle muddling
colludeth precluding cuddle puddling
concludeth preluding fuddle scuddling
deludeth protruding huddle
denudeth recluding muddle UD'lum
detrudeth retruding nuddle hoodlum
eludeth secluding puddle
excludeth snooding ruddle UD'Iur
extrudeth subtruding scuddle cuddler
exudeth transuding fuddler
illudeth UD'ie huddler
includeth UD'ing crudely muddler
intrudeth bestudding lewdly puddler
obtrudeth budding nudely
occludeth flooding rudely UD'nes
prehtdeth scudding shrewdly lewdness
protrudeth spudding nudeness
retrudeth studding UD'le crudeness
recludeth Dudley rudeness
secludeth UD'ish shrewdness
subtrudeth prudish UD'lest
transudeth radish bemuddlest UD'ok
shrewdish (See also puddock
UD'ing UD"l;add ruddock
abrooding UD'ith -est where
alluding Judith appropriate.) _
brooding UD'os
concluding UD"1 UD'leth kudos
deluding boodle bemuddleth
denuding caboodle (See also UD'son
detruding canoodle UD"l;add Hudson
eluding flapdoodle -eth where Judson

ale, care, 8dd, arm, ask; me, h$re, 6nd; Ice, HI;
575 UD'ur — U'eth

UD'ur sudsy bedewest undoest

alluder beshrewest unscrewest
brooder U'e bluest untruest
concluder bedewy brewest ungluest
cruder bluey chewest viewest
deluder Bowie cooest withdrewest
denuder buoy doest wooest
detruder chop suey drewest
eluder cooee enduest U'et
excluder coue ensuest cruet
extruder dewy eschewest suet
exuder fluey fewest
illuder gluey flewest U'eth
includer Louis gluest accrueth
intruder screwy grewest bedeweth
obtruder thewy hallooest beshreweth
occluder viewy hewest breweth
precluder imbrewest cheweth
preluder U'el imbuest cooeth
protruder bejewel interviewest doeth
recluder crewel knewest dreweth
retruder cruel mexvest endueth
ruder duel newest ensueth
secluder fuel pursuest escheweth
shrewder gruel renewest glueth
subtruder Hewell reviewest greweth
transuder jewel ruest hallooeth
Tudor newel screwest heweth
Reuel shampooest imbreweth
dudder Sewell shoest imbueth
tewel shooest intervieweth
(See also spuest kneweth
pudder U'al.) stewest meweth
rudder strewest pursueth
* UUUvl
U'es subduest reneweth
scudder Jewess suest revieweth
udder tattooest rueth
U'est threwest screweth
UD'ze accruest truest shampooeth

old, or, odd, oil, fiflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
U'eth — UF'ling

shoeth snuffy muffin UF"ld

shooeth stuffy puffin bemuffled
speweth ragamuffin (See also
steweth U'feld UF' '1; add
subdueth Bluefield UF'ing -d where
sueth Newfield roofing appropriate.)
streweth waterproofing
tabooeth UF'en woofing UF'le
tattooeth roughen bluffly
threweth toughen UF'ing gruffly
undoeth bluffing muffly
unglueth UF'est cuffing roughly
unscreweth bepuffest fluffing ruffly
vieweth bluffest huffing scuffly
withdreweth cuffest luffing sluffly
wooeth gruffest puffing snuffly
luffest roughing toughly
U'fa muffest sloughing truffIy
chufa puffest stuffing
stufa rebuffest UF'Iest
tufa roughest UF'ish bemufflest
Ufa slojughest gruffish (See also
snuffest huffish UF"l;add
UF'e stuffest roughish -st where
goofy toughest toughish appropriate.)
spoofy UF'et UF"I UF'leth
Sufi buffet bemuffle bemuffleth
woofy buffle (See also
UF'eth double-shuffle UF"l;add
UF'e bluffeth duffel -th where
bluffy (See also UF; muffle appropriate.)
buffy add -eth where ruffle
chuffy appropriate.) scuffle UF'ling
fluffy shuffle bemuffling
huffy UF'hous snuffle muffling
pluffy roughhouse truffle ruffling
puffy unmuffle scuffling
sloughy UF'in unruffle shuffling

ale, care, add, arm, 2sk; tne, b£re, end; Ice, HI;
577 tlF'ling —UG'Iest

snuffling rougher pluggest UG'ish

unmuffling snuffer shruggest muggish
unruffling stuffer sluggest sluggish
suffer smuggest smuggish
UF'Iur tougher snuggest snuggish
muffler tuggest
ruffler U'fus (See also UG'ist
scuffler goofus UG'ist.) druggist
shuffler rufous
snuffler Rufus UG'et
drugget UG'M
unmuffler bugle
tJG'a nugget
tJF'nes meshuggah febrifugal
bluffness UG'eth frugal
gruffness U'gar druggeth fugal
roughness cougar huggeth infrugaf
toughness juggeth jugal
UG'ard luggeth McDougall
UF'tt sluggard muggeth vermifugal
mufti pluggeth
tufty UG'e shruggeth CG"I
buggy sluggeth death struggle
UF'ted muggy tuggeth guggle
tufted P«ggi juggle
puggy UG'hous smuggle
UF'ur sluggy bughouse snuggle
hoofer UG'ed UG'M
roofer rugged luggage
spoofer (See also UG; UG'16
add -ed or UG'ing guggiy
UF'ur -ged where drugging juggiy
bluffer appropriate.) hugging plug-ugly
buffer jugging smugly
cuffer UG'est lugging snuggly
duffer druggest mugging struggly
gruffer huggest plugging ugly
huffer juggest shrugging
luffer luggest slugging UG'Iest
puffer muggest tugging jugglest

old, dr, odd, oil, fOOt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UG'Iest — UJ'est 578

(See also lugger brewing viewing

UG"1; add mugger canoeing well-doing
-st where plugger chewing wooing
appropriate.) rugger clewing wrong-doing
shrugger cooing
UG'leth snugger cueing U'ingz
juggleth tugger doing doings
(See also enduing misdoings
UG"1; add UG'wump ensuing (See also
-th where mugwump eschewing U'ing; add
appropriate.) eweing -s where
u'id gluing appropriate.)
UG'ling blue-eyed hallooing
guggling true-eyed hewing U'is
juggling imbruing Lewis
smuggling U'id imbuing Louis
struggling druid interviewing (See also U'es.)
fluid mewing
UG'Jur mildewing U'ish
bugler U'tf misconstruing blueish
fugler brewage misdoing glueish
sewage mooing Jewish
UG'lur outdoing newish
juggler U'ik overdoing shrewish
smuggler catechuic poohpoohing truish
snuggler toluic pursuing
struggler renewing UJ'e
U'in reviewing pudgy
UG'nes blue-ruin screwing sludgy
smugness bruin shampooing smudgy
snugness ruin shoeing
sewen spewing UJ'el
U'gfi stewing cudgel
Hugo U'ing strewing
accruing subduing UJ'est
UG'ur barbecuing suing begrudgest
drugger bedewing tattooing (See also UJ;
hugger bestrewing undoing add -st where
hugger-mugger blueing unscrewing appropriate.)

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 91;
579 UJ'et — UK'ing

UJ'et sludging U'kal UK'est

budget trudging archducal pluckest
ungrudging ducal (See also UK;
UJ'eth noctilucal add -est where
begrudgeth UJ'ment nuchal appropriate.)
(See also UJ; judgment Pentateuchal
add -th where UK'et
appropriate.) UJ'on U'kan bucket
bludgeon arltelucan Luckett
UJ'ez curmudgeon Lukan Nantucket
adjudges dudgeon Nloluccan Pawtucket
begrudges gudgeon toucan Puckett
budges iuuwau sucket
drudges UJ'ur U'kas tucket
forejudges adjudger ukase
fudges begrudger UK'eth
grudges budger rebuketh
judges drudger (See also UK;
misjudges forejudger add -eth where
nudges fudger appropriate.)
prejudges grudger
rejudges judger UK'eth
sludges misjudger fluky plucketh
smudges nudger snooky (See also UK;
trudges prejudger spooky add -eth where
rejudger , appropriate.)
UJ'ing sludger UK'e
adjudging smudger ducky UK'ing
regrudging trudger Kentucky puking
budging lucky rebuking
drudging U'ka mucky
forejudging bucca plucky UK'ing
fudging felucca unlucky bucking
grudging festuca chucking
judging fistuca UK'est clucking
misjudging garookuh rebukest ducking
nudging palooka (See also UK; mucking
prejudging sambouka add -est where plucking
rejudging yucca appropriate.) shucking

old, 6r, odd, oil, fiJot, out; use, flrn, Op; THis, thin
UK'ing —UK'teth 580

sucking UK'leth UK'som substruction

trucking buckleth buxom suction
tucking (See also lucksome superinduction
UK"1; add superstruction
UK'ish -eth where UK'stur traduction
buckish appropriate.) huckster
muckish UK'tans
puckish UK'ling UK'shun reluctance
buckling abduction
UK"1 chuckling adduction UK'tant
bruckle duckling affluxion reluctant
buckle knuckling conduction
chuckle suckling construction UK'ted
honeysuckle truckling deconstruction abducted
huckle unbuckling deduction conducted
knuckle defluxion constructed
muckle UK'lur destruction deducted
parbuckle buckler diduction fructed
suckle chuckler duction inducted
truckle knuckler eduction instructed
unbuckle swashbuckler effluxion misconstructed
truckler fluxion obstructed
UK"ld induction superstructed
buckled U'ko influxion unobstructed
chuckled Duco instruction
knuckled Pernambuco introduction UK'test
suckled manuduction abductest
truckled UK'old misconstruction conductest
unbuckled cuckold nonconduction constructest
obduction deductest
UK'les UK'rak obstruction inductest
luckless muckrake overproduction instructest
production misconstructest
UK'lest UK'shot reduction obstructest
bucklest buckshot reproduction
(See also duck-shot ruction UK'teth
UK"1; add seduction abducteth
-est where UK'siv self-destruction conducteth
appropriate.) influxive subduction constructed

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
581 UK'teth —UL'ed

deducteth self-destructive rebuker medulla

inducteth superinductive mullah
instructeth superstructive UK'ur nullah
misconstructeth traductive bucker
obstructeth chucker UL'da
CfK'tres chukker Hulda
UK'til conductress clucker
ductile instructress ducker U'le
inductile introductress mucker bluely
productile seductress pucker Cooley
- sap-sucker coolie
UK'ting UK'tur seer-sucker coolly
abducting structure shucker Dooley
conducting substructure succor duly
constructing superstructure sucker Gilhooley
deducting trucker Gillooley
inducting UK'tur tucker Gilluley
instructing abductor guly
misconducting adductor U'kus newly
nonconducting conductor caducous patchouli
nonobstructing constructor fucus Thule
obstructing destructor leucous truly
ductor mucous tule
UK'fiv eductor noctilucous Ultima Thule
adductive inductor rukus unduly
conductive instructor
constructive introductor tJ'la unruly
deductive manuductor Ashtabula
non-conductor Beulah UL'e
inductive obstructor Boola Boola cully
instructive Eula dully
introductive UK'u, OO'ku hula-hula gully
obstructive cuckoo Loula hully
productive Missoula sully
reconductive U'kur pula
reconstructive euchre Wallula UL'ed
reductive fluker gullied
reproductive lucre UL'a sullied
seductive puker ampulla unsullied

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UL'en — UL'jez 582

UL'en UL'eth fooling dullish

Cullen befooleth mewling gullish
sullen (See also UL; misruling
(See also add -eth where overruling U'liks
UL'in.) appropriate.) puling spondulix
ruling „

U'lep UL'eth schooling UL'jens

julep annulleth spooling effulgence
(See also gulleth tooling indulgence
U'lip.) lulleth refulgence
sculleth UL'ing self-indulgence
U'les annulling -
clueless UL'fur culling UL jent
cueless sulfur dulling circumfulgent
dewless gulling effulgent
Jewless UL'gar hulling emulgent
mewless vulgar lulling fulgent
pewless mulling indulgent
screwless UL'gat sculling interfulgent
viewless promulgate profulgent
vulgate UL'inz refulgent
UL'est Mullins self-indulgent
befoolest UL'ij UL'jest
coolest Coolidge Clip indulgest
foolest tulip (See also ULJ;
pulest UL'ij (See also add -st where
rulest gullage U'lep.) appropriate.)
UL'est ullage UL'is UL'jeth
annullest portcullis indulgeth
cullest UL'in (See also ULJ;
dullest McMull in UL'ish add -th where
lullest medullin coolish appropriate.)
scullest mullein foolish
mulish UL'jez
UL'et UL'ing pound-foolish bulges
cullet befooling tom-foolish divulges
gullet cooling effulges
mullet drooling UL'ish indulges

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
583 UL'jing —UL'teth

UL'jing UL'nes UL'set pulsive

bulging coolness dulcet repulsive
divulging revulsive
effulging UL'nes UL'seth
indulging dullness repulseth UL'sur
promulging (See also ULS; repulser
UL'ok add -th where ulcer
ULJ'ment hullock appropriate.)
divulgement rowlock UL'tan
inducement UL'shun sultan
UL'pat appulsion
UL'jur disculpate avulsion
divulger exculpate compulsion
indulger inculpate convulsion exultance
promulger demulsion resultance
UL'pe divulsion
UL'kat gulpy emulsion UL'tant
inculcate pulpy evulsion exultant
sulcate expulsion resultant
trisulcate UL'pest impulsion
gulpest propulsion tJL'ted
ULK'e pulsion consulted
bulky UL'peth repulsion exulted
hulky gulpeth revulsion insulted
sulky occulted
UL'pm UL'sing resulted
ULK'ing vulpine convulsing
bulking pulsing UL'test
hulking UL'prit repulsing consultest
skulking culprit (See also ULT;
sulking UL'siv
ULP'tdr appulsive add -est where
ULK'ur sculptor compulsive appropriate.)
bulker convulsive
skulker ULP'tur divulsive UL'teth
sulker sculpture emulsive consulteth
expulsive (See also ULT;
UL'man UL'sest impulsive add -eth where
Ullman repulsest propulsive appropriate.)

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
Cri/ting — UM'b'l 584

UL'ting resulter discolored UM'at

consulting dullard consummate
exulting U'lu high-colored
insulting Honolulu over-colored UM'ba,
occulting Lulu party-colored UM'ba
resulting Zulu peach-colored rumba
UL'tiv U'lur sky-colored UM'bat
consultive cooler wine-colored combat
resultive drooler (See also
mewler U'lus OM'bat.)
ULT'nes puler screw-loose
adultness ridiculer UM'bel
occultness ruler UL'yar dumbbell
spooler peculiar
UL'tre wine cooler LJM'bent
sultry UL'yiin accumbent
UL'ur cullion decumbent
UL'tur annuller mullion incumbent
agriculture color scullion procumbent
apiculture cruller recumbent
arboriculture culler U'ma superincumbent
aviculture discolor duma
culture duller mazuma UM'bik
floriculture guller Montezuma columbic
horticulture huller puma plumbic
inculture luller "Vuma
multure meduller OM'b'l
pisciculture miscolor U'man bejumble
self-culture Muller human bumble
sylviculture multicolor inhuman crumble
terra-culture rose-color Newman fumble
viticulture sculler superhuman grumble
vulture technicolor Truman humble
tricolor jumble
tJL'tur watercolor (JM'at mumble
consulter despumate rumble
exulter IJL'urd exhumate scumble
insulter colored inhumate stumble

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
585 UM'b'l — U'ment

tumble UM'bling UM'brus gloomy

umbel crumbling cumbrous plumy
fumbling penumbrous rheumy
UM'b'ld grumbling slumbrous roomy
crumbled humbling unslumbrous spumy
unhumbled jumbling
(See also mumbling UM'bug UM'e
UM'b'l; add rumbling humbug crumby
-ed where stumbling crummie
UM'bul dummy
appropriate.) tumbling
Trumbull gummy
UM'ble UM'blur lummy
crumbly crumbier mummy
humbly drumbler plummy
stumbly tumbler rummy
tumbly grumbler scrummy
humbler scummy
UM'blest jumbler thrummy
crumbiest mumbler tummy
fumblest rumbler yummy
grumblest stumbler
slumber UM'el
humblest tumbler
number bepummel
jumblest UM'bo hummel
mumblest UM'burd
Dumbo cumbered pommel.
rumblest gumbo
stumblest unnumbered
Jumbo (See also U'men
tumblest mumbo jumbo acumen
UM'bur; add
-ed where albumen
UM'bleth UM'brat bitumen
crumbleth adumbrate catechumen
fumbleth inumbrate UM'drum legumen
grumbleth obumbrate humdrum rumen
humbleth (See also
jumbleth UMbry UM'e UM'in.)
mumbleth umbrage bloomy
rumbleth broomy U'ment
stumbleth UM'bril Fiume accrument
tumbleth tumbril fumy eschewment

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
CJ'ment —UM'is 586

imbruement UM'it.) UM'fre glooming

imbuement Humphrey grooming
induement UM'eth illuming
subduement assumeth UM'frez looming
bloometh Humphreys perfuming
UM'est boometh pluming
assumest consumeth UM'ful predooming
bloomest costumeth bloomful presuming
boomest doometh doomful resuming
consumest entombeth unassuming
costumest exhumeth UM'id unpresuming
doomest fumeth humid
entombest groometh tumid
exhumest illumeth UM'ing
fumest perfumeth UM'U becoming
groomest plumeth fumage benumbing
illumest presumeth plumage chumming
perfumest resumeth coming
plumest UM'U drumming
presumest UM'eth chummage forthcoming
resumest becometh rummage gumming
cometh scrummage humming
UM'est drummeth mumming
becomest gummeth UM'in numbing
contest hummeth illumine overcoming
drummest strummeth relumine plumbing
dumbest succumbeth (See also plumming
glummest U'-men.) scrumming
gummest UM'fal shortcoming
hummest triumphal UM'ing slumming
numbest assuming strumming
rummest UM'fant blooming succumbing
strummest triumphant booming summing
succumbest consuming thumbing
UM'fit disentombing unbecoming
UM'et comfit dooming
grummet entombing
plummet UM'fort exhuming UM'is
(See also comfort fuming pumice

ale, care, add, arm, me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;

587 tJM'it — UM'plest

UM'it UM'nes plumpy jumping

summit dumbness slumpy lumping
(See also glumness stumpy mumping
UM'et.) numbness thumpy plumping
UM'les UM'nur UM'pest slumping
bloomless Sumner bethumpest stumping
broomless bumpest thumping
doomless UM'ok dumpest trumping
fumeless hummock humpest
groomless stomach jumpest UMP'Ir
loomless lumpest umpire
plumeless UM'oks plumpest
roomless lummox pumpest UMP'ish
tombless stumpest bumpish
UM'on thumpest dumpish
UM'let come-on trumpest frumpish
boomlet summon grumpish
groomlet UM'pet humpish
plumelet UM'ond crumpet jumpish
Drummond strumpet lumpish
UM'le trumpet mumpish
Chumley UM'pas plumpish
comely compass UM'peth" slumpish
cumbersomely encompass bethumpeth UMP'kin
dumbly rumpus bumpeth bumpkin
frolicsomely dumpeth pumpkin
glumly tJM'pe humpeth
humorsomely bumpy jumpeth tJM'p'l
numbly chumpy lumpeth crumple
rumly clumpy pumpeth rumple
troublesomely crumpy stumpeth unrumple
(See also UM; dumpy thumpeth
add -ty where frumpy trumpeth UM'plest
appropriate.) grumpy crumplest •
humpy UMP'ing (See also
UM'nal jumpy be thumping UM'p'l; add
autumnal lumpy bumping -est where
columnal mumpy dumping appropriate.)

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<36t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UM'pleth — U'na

UM'pleth bumper presumer appropriate.)

crumpleth counterjumper resumer
(See also dumper roomer UM'urz
UM'p'l; add jumper rumor Somers
-eth where lumper tumor
appropriate.) mumper UM'us
plumper UM'ur brumous
UM'pIing pumper comer dumous
crumpling stumper Cummer fumous
dumpling thumper drummer
rumpling trumper dumber grumous
tub-trumper glummer humous
UMP'nes grummer humus
plumpness UM'pus gummer implumous
rumpus hummer plumous
UM'po (See also incomer spumous
Bumpo UM'pas.) midsummer
mummer UMZ'da
UMP'shun UM'ston newcomer doomsday
assumption tombstone number
consumption plumber UM'ze
gumption UM'tur rummer clumsy
presumption Sumter scrummer mumsie
resumption scummer
subsumption UM'ur strummer UMZ'man
assumer summer doomsman
UMP'shus baby boomer
bumptious bloomer UM'urd groomsman
scrumptious boomer good-humored Una
consumer humored
UMP'tiv doomer ill-humored Acuna
assumptive entomber rumored fortuna
consumptive fumer lacuna
presumptive humor UM'urz luna
resumptive ill-humor bloomers Peruna
subsumptive illumer rumors tuna
late bloomer (See also Una
UM'pur perfumer UM'ur; add Varuna
be thumper plumer -s where vicuna
ale, care, 4dd, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, fll;
589 U'nal — UN'dleth

U'nal munching redundance UN'dest

lacunal number- sun dance fundest
tribunal crunching superabun- (See also UND;
punching dance add -est where
UN'che scrunching appropriate.)
bunchy UN'dant
crunchy UN'chun abundant UN'deth
hunchy bruncheon redundant woundeth
punchy luncheon superabundant (See also UND;
nuncheon add -eth where
UN'chest puncheon UN'dat appropriate.)
bunchest scuncheon fecundate
(See also truncheon secundate UN'deth
UNCH; add fundeth
-est where UN'chur UN'de (See also UND;
appropriate.) bruncher Bundy add -eth where
buncher fundi appropriate.)
UN'cheth cruncher Fundy
buncheth huncher Grundy UN'din
(See also luncher Lundy hirundine
UNCH; add muncher Monday
-eth where number- salmagundi UN'ding
appropriate.) cruncher Sunday funding
puncher refunding
UN'chez scruncher UN'ded
brunches unwounded tJN'd'l
bunches UN'dan wounded bundle
crunches antemundane trundle
hunches extramundane UN'ded unbundle
lunches infra-mundane funded
munches intermundane refunded UN'dlest
punches intramundane retunded bundlest
scrunches mundane (See also
supermundane UN'dest UN'd'l; add
UN'ching supramundane woundest -est where
bunching ultramundane (See also appropriate.)
crunching UND; add
hunching UN'dans -est where UN'dleth
lunching abundance appropriate.) bundleth

old, or, 6dd, oil, f<J6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UN'dleth — UNG'gur 590

(See also thereunder UN'el UN'eth

UN'd'l; add thunder funnel attuneth
-th where under gunwale communeth
appropriate.) wonder runnel crooneth
trunnel entuneth
UND'Iing UN'e tunnel harpooneth
bundling Cluny impugneth
trundling Dooney UN'et mooneth
(See also loony punnet oppugneth
UN'd'l; drop Mooney runnet pruneth
-e and add Moonie spooneth
-ing where moony U'nes swooneth
appropriate.) Mulrooney blueness tuneth
Muni fewness
UN'don puisne newness UN'eth
London puny trueness runneth
spoony (See also UN;
UN'dre uni UN'est add -eth where
sundry attunest appropriate.)
thund'ry UN'e communest
acrimony croonest UN'ful
UN'dred agrimony entunest tuneful
hundred alimony harpoonest runeful
_. antimony importunest spoonful
UN'drus bunny impugnest
wondrous funny moonest UNG'gU
gunny oppugnest bungle
UN'dur honey prunest jungle
asunder matrimony soonest
blunder money spoonest UNG'gUng
dissunder parsimony swoonest bungling
dunder patrimony tunest
down-under sanctimony UNG'gur
enthunder sonny UN'est balladmonger
Gunder Sunni runnest boroughmonger
plunder sunny (See also UN; costermonger
refunder Tunney add -nest or enhunger
rotunder tunny -est where fishmonger
sunder unsunny appropriate.) hunger

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, ill;
591 UNG'gur — UN'ing

ironmonger UNGK'et unctious juncous

monger junket
Munger Plunkett UNGK'tiv UNG'ling
warmonger abjunctive youngling
younger UNG'kin adjunctive
punkin compunctive UN'gre
UNG'gus (See also conjunctive hungry
fungus UN'kan.) disjunctive
humongous subjunctive UNG'stur
mundungus UNGK'ish tonguester
smellfungus funkish UNGK'tur youngster
monkish acupuncture
UNGK'al skunkish conjuncture UNG'ur
carbuncle juncture lunger
caruncle UNGK'6 puncture
peduncle bunco UN'ij
truncal junco UNGK'um dunnage
uncle Buncombe gunnage
UNGK'shun bunkum tonnage
UNGK'at adjunction
averruncate compunction UNGK'ur UN'ik
detruncate conjunction bunker Munich
truncate defunction drunker Punic
disjunction dunker runic
UNGK'e expunction flunker tunic
chunky function funker
flunkey injunction hunker tJN'in
funky interjunction junker run-in
hunky interpunction punker
monkey inunction tunker UN'ing
powder mon- junction ballooning
key punction UNGK'urd communing
punkie sejunction bunkered crooning
spunky subjunction drunkard expugning
unction Dunkard harpooning
UNGK'en impugning
drunken UNGK'shus UNGK'us mooning
shrunken compunctious aduncous nooning
sunken rambunctious dohunkus oppugning

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UN'mg — lfN'ted 592

pruning U'nit UN'jun U'n6

spooning unit dungeon Bruno
swooning plungeon Juno
tuning UN'iz'm
buffoonism UN'jur UN'riz
UN'ing opportunism blunger moonrise
cunning poltroonism expunger
dunning lunger UN'se
funning UN'j6 plunger Munsey
gunning plungy sponger
outrunning spongy UN'stan,
overrunning UN'kan UN'ston
punning UN'jent Duncan Dunstan
running pungent (See also Funston
shunning UNG'kin.)
stunning UN'jest UN'stur
UN'Ies gunster
sunning expungest
moonless munster
(See also UNJ; runeless punster
U'nis add -st where tuneless
Eunice appropriate.) UN'tal
Tunis UN'Ies contrapuntal
UN'jeth punless frontal
UN'-ish expungeth runless gruntle
buffoonish (See also UNJ; sonless
poltroonish add -eth where sunless UN'te
appropriate.) punty
UN'ish UN'Iit runty
Hunnish UN'jez moonlight stunty
punish expunges noonlight
punnish lunges UN'ted
plunges UN'man affronted
UN'ist sponges gunman blunted
balloonist bunted
bassoonist UN'jing tJN'nes confronted
contrabassoon- expunging inopportune- fronted
ist lunging ness grunted
harpoonist plunging jejuneness hunted
opportunist sponging opportuneness punted
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, HI;
593 UN'ted —UP'e

shunted stunting U'nuk UN'yon

stunted yellow-bunting eunuch communion
unblunted disunion
unwonted UNT'les UN'ur excommunion
wonted frontless attuner intercommu-
wontless ballooner nion
UN'test communer reunion
affrontest UNT'nes crooner trades union
bluntest bluntness dragooner union
buntest stuntness harpooner
confrontest importuner UN'yon
gruntest UN'to impugner bunion
huntest interlunar
junto munnion
puntest lacunar onion
shuntest UN'tre lampooner ronyon
stuntest country lunar trunnion
UN'teth „ novilunar
affronteth UN'tu oppugner UN'yor
blunteth unto piano tuner junior


pruner U'pa
schooner pupa
semilunar supa
shunteth confronter spooner „

stunteth fortune hunter sublunar UP'ans

grunter swooner comeuppance
UN'ting Gunter translunar thruppence
affronting headhunter tuner
bunting hunter UP'e
confronting legacy hunter UN'ur croupy
fronting punter dunner droopy
grunting shunter forerunner groupie
headhunting stunter gunner loopy
hunting overrunner rupee
punting UNTS'vil punner snoopy
reed-bunting Blountsville runner soupy
shunting Huntsville stunner whoopee

old, or, odd, oil, fdOt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UP'S — UP'ting 594

UP'6 suppeth subduple UP'shal

cuppy antenuptial
guppy U'pid UP"1 nuptial
puppy Cupid couple postnuptial
yuppie stupid supple prenuptial

UP'est U'pil fJP'lest UP'shun

coopest pupil scruplest abruption
droopest corruption
dupest UP'ing UP'lest disruption
groupest cooping couplest eruption
loopest drooping incorruption
recoupest duping tlP'let interruption
scoopest grouping octuplet irruption
stoopest hooping quintuplet ruption
swoopest looping
troopest recouping UP'Ieth UP'ted
whoopest scooping scrupleth abrupted
stooping corrupted
UP'est swooping disrupted
suppest trooping interrupted
puppet UP'ing UP'lur
coupler UP'test
CP'eth supping suppler abruptest
coopeth tupping corruptest
droopeth UP'ment interruptest
dupeth UP'ish aggroupment
groupeth puppish recoupment UP'teth
loopeth uppish corrupteth
recoupeth U'pon (See also UPT;
scoopeth UP"I coupon add -eth where
stoopeth octuple jupon appropriate.)
swoopeth quadruple
troopeth quintuple UP'dr UP'ting
whoopeth septuple stupor corrupting
sextuple (See also erupting
UP'eth scruple UP'ur.) interrupting

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
S9S UP'tiv —UR'bing

UP'tiv supper pleural UR'bat

corruptive upper plural acerbate
disruptive rural masturbate
eruptive UP'urt sinecural perturbate
incorruptive Rupert sural
interruptive tellural UR'best
irruptive UP'ward Ural blurbest
upward curbest
UPT'le UR'ans disturbest
abruptly U'ra allurance perturbest
corruptly Angostura assurance
appoggiatura durance UR'bet
UPT'nes bravura endurance sherbet
abruptness caesura insurance
corruptness coloratura perdurance UR'beth
incorruptness Cuticura reassurance blurbeth
datura curbeth
UP'ur fissura UR'at disturbeth
cooper flexura curate perturbeth
drooper Keturah
duper pietra-dura UR'at
grouper pleura jurat derby
hooper purpura obdurate
looper sura
recouper velatura UR'bal
scooper vettura herbal kirby
snooper verbal Roller Derby
stooper U'ral „
stupor antemural UR'ban UR'bid
super caesural interurban herbid
super-duper commissural suburban turbid
swooper crural turban
trooper extramural urban UR'bin
whooper intermural turbine
interneural UR'bans
UP'ur intramural disturbance UR'bing
crupper jural curbing
cupper mural UR'bar disturbing
scupper neural durbur perturbing

old, or, ddd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UR'bot —UR'diir 596

UR'bot UR'cheth searcher heardest

burbot bircheth smircher
turbot lurcheth (See also UR'deth
percheth UR'tur.) begirdeth
UR'bur searcheth (See also URD;
Berber smircheth URD'book add -eth as
blurber herdbook appropriate.)
curber UR'chez wordbook
disturber besmirches UR'dikt
Ferber birches UR'de verdict
Gerber churches birdie
perturber lurches birdy UR'ding
superber perches curdy begirding
researches hurdy-gurdy engirding
UR'burt searches sturdy girding
Herbert smirches wordy herding
UR'chif UR'ded wording
kerchief begirded
perchant curded UR'd'l
UR'ching engirded begirdle
besmirching girded curdle
UR'chas birching herded engirdle
purchase churching sherded girdle
lurching worded hurdle
UR'chast perching
purchased searching UR'den UR'don
smirching burden Burdon
UR'chen disburden guerdon
birchen URCH'les overburden (See also
churchless unburden UR'den.)
UR'chest smirchless (See also
birchest UR'don.) UR'diir
lurchest UR'chur verdure
perchest besmircher UR'dest (See also
searchest bircher absurdest UR'jur.)
smirchest lurcher begirdest
(See also percher engirdest UR'diir
UR'-chast.) researcher girdest absurder

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, find; Ice, 111;
597 UR'dur —UR'eth

Burder curried demurest UR'eth

engirder flurried endurest abjureth
girder hurried ensurest adjureth
herder scurried immurest allureth
murder worried impurest conjureth
self-murder insurest cureth
thirder UR'el lurest endureth
Burrell maturest immureth
URDZ'man squirrel moorest lureth
herdsman obscurest matureth
wordsman UR'ens poorest obscureth
concurrence procures! procureth
UR'e deterrence purest secureth
dejure incurrence reassurest assureth
Drury intercurrence securest ensureth
ewry occurrence surest insureth
fury recurrence tourest mooreth
houri reoccurrence unmoorest reassureth
Jewry transference toureth
jury UR'est unmooreth
Missouri UR'ent, bestirrest
UR'ant blurrest UR'eth
UR'e concurrent concurrest bestirreth
burry currant conferrest blurreth
curry current deferrest concurreth
firry decurrent demurrest conferreth
flurry deterrent errest deferreth
furry intercurrent incurrest erreth
hurry recurrent inferrest demurreth
hurry-scurry susurrant interrest incurreth
lurry undercurrent preferrest inferreth
Murray purrest interreth
scurry tJR'est referrest occurreth
Surrey abjurest spurrest preferreth
slurry adjurest stirrest purreth
whirry allurest transferrest recurreth
worry assurest referreth
conjurest UR'et spurreth
UR'ed curest turret stirreth

old, or, odd, oil, f<3ot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
UR'eth — UR'iz'm 598

transferreth a tergo UR'in deferring

ergo burin demurring
UR'ez Virgo daturin erring
curries neurin incurring
flurries UR'gur neurine inferring
hurries burgher interring
scurries jerguer UR'ing nonconcurring
worries abjuring occurring
UR'gus adjuring preferring
UR'fe demiurgus alluring purring
Durfey Mergus assuring recurring
Murphy thaumaturgus conjuring referring
scurfy curing shirring
surfy UR'id during slurring
turfy lurid enduring spurring
ensuring stirring
UR'fekt UR'ij everduring transferring
perfect moorage immuring unerring
murage insuring whirring
UR'fit inuring
surfeit tJR'ij juring UR'ish
courage luring amateurish
UR'fum demurrage manuring boorish
perfume discourage maturing Moorish
encourage mooring poorish
UR'gat nonjuring
expurgate UR'ik obscuring UR'ish
objurgate hydrosulfuric procuring burrish
virgate hydrotelluric reassuring currish
purpuric securing flourish
UR'g'l sulfuric touring nourish
burgle telluric unmooring
gurgle UR'ist
UR'ik UR'ing caricaturist
UR'glar myrrhic astirring jurist
burglar bestirring purist
gurgler UR'im blurring tourist
purim concurring
UR'go urim conferring UR'iz'm

ale, dire, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, Snd; Ice, 111;
599 UR'izm —UR'ke

purism emergest turgid surgeon

tourism mergest
purgest UR'jik UR'jur
UR'je scourgest chirurgic perjure
aciurgy splurgest demiurgic (See also
clergy submergest dramaturgic UR'dOr.)
dirgie surgest energic
dramaturgy urgest liturgic UR'jur
metallurgy metallurgic converger
periergy UR'jeth thaumaturgic dirger
surgy convergeth theurgic diverger
thaumaturgy dirgeth emerger
divergeth IJR'jin merger
UR'jens emergeth virgin purger
convergence mergeth scourger
deturgence purgeth UR'jing submerger
divergence scourgeth converging urger
emergence splurgeth dirging verger
resurgence submergeth diverging
submergence surgeth emerging UR'jus
urgeth immerging verjuice
UR'jent merging
abstergent UR'jez purging UR'kal
assurgent asperges scourging Lupercal
convergent Boanerges splurging novercal
detergent converges submerging (See also
divergent dirges surging UR'k'l.)
emergent diverges urging
insurgent emerges verging UR'ke
resurgent merges jerky
splurgent purges UR'jist lurky
turgent scourges dramaturgist mirky
urgent serges metallurgist murky
vergent submerges thaumaturgist perky
surges quirky
UR'jest urges UR'jun shirky
convergest • verges burgeon smirky
dirgest Spurgeon talk turkey
divergest UR'jid sturgeon turkey

old, dr, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UR'kest —I'R'ling 600

UR'kest (See also smirker girlhood

clerkest UR'kin; add tearjerker
(See also -s where wonder-worker UR'le
URK; add appropriate.) worker demurely
-est where maturely
appropriate.) UR'kit UR'kus obscurely
circuit bifurcous poorly
IJR'keth circus purely
clerketh UR'k'l Quercus securely
(See also circle
URK; add encircle UR'kwoiz UR'le
-eth where Merkle turquoise burly
appropriate.) semicircle churly
turkle URLD'le curly
UR'kin worldly early
firkin UR'klet girlie
gherkin circlet URLD'ling girly
jerkin worldling hurly-burly
merkin UR'kle knurly
circly UR'Iest pearly
UR'king clerkly curlest Shirley
aworking furlest surly
clerking UR'kling hurlest swirly
hard-working circling swirlest whirly
jerking twirlest
lurking URK'man unfurlest UR'lin
perking Turkman whirlest merlin
shirking workman pearlin
smirking UR'leth
working URK'som curleth UR'ling
irksome furleth curling
UR'kish mirksome hurleth furling
quirkish purleth herling
Turkish UR'kur swirleth hurling
burker twirleth pearling
UR'kins jerker unfurleth purling
Firkins jerquer whirleth Sperling
Perkins lurker sterling
gherkins shirker URL'hood Stirling

ale, cSre, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, HI;
601 UR'ling —UR'mit

swirling UR'mal UR'ment, isogeothermic

twirling dermal UR'mant mesodermic
uncurling diathermal affirmant pachydermic
unfurling epidermal averment sclerodermic
upcurling geothermal deferment taxidermic
upwhirling hydrothermal determent thermic
hypodermal disinterment
UR'lish isogeothermal ferment UR'min
churlish isothermal interment determine
girlish pachydermal preferment ermine
pearlish syn thermal referment vermin
UR'loin thermal UR'mest UR'mind
purloin confirmest determined
sirloin UR'man firmest ermined
cousin-german infirmest undetermined
UR'lu firman squirmest
curlew German termest UR'ming
purlieu merman wormest affirming
(See also confirming
UR'lur ER'mon.) UR'meth
burler confirmeth squirming
curler UR'mans worming
furler affirmance UR'mez A
hurler confirmance Hermes UR'mis
pearler disaffirmance kermes dermis
purler endodermis
skirler UR'me UR'mik epidermis
twirler germy adiathermic exodermis
whirler taxidermy dermic
wormy diathermic UR'mish
UR'ma endermic skirmish
Burma UR'ment endodermic
derma abjurement epidermic UR'mit
Irma allurement esodermic termite
syrma conjurement exodermic
immurement geothermic UR'mit
UR'mid obscurement hydrodermic hermit
mermaid procurement hypodermic permit
old, dr, ddd, oil, fd&t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
URM'le —UR'ning 602

URM'le lucernal tourney spurnest

firmly maternal sternest
termly nocturnal UR'ned turnest
paraphernal learned yearnest
UR'moil paternal (See also
turmoil semidiurnal URN; add UR'neth
sempiternal -ed where adjourneth
UR'mur sternal appropriate.) burneth
affirmer supernal churneth
bemurmur urnal UR'nes concerneth
confirmer vernal demureness discerneth
firmer immatureness learneth
infirmer UR'nant, impureness overturneth
murmur UR'nent insecureness returneth
squirmer alternant matureness sojourneth
termer secernent obscureness spurneth
termor vernant poorness turneth
wormer pureness yearneth
UR'nard secureness
UR'na Bernard sureness UR'ning
Myrna adjourning
Verna UR'nas UR'nes booklearning
furnace Furness burning
UR'nal (See also churning
cavernal UR'nat UR'nas.) concerning
coeternal alternate discerning
colonel cothurnate UR'nest earning
diurnal subalternate adjournest heartburning
diuternal ternate burnest learning
eternal churnest overturning
external UR'ne concernest overturning
fraternal attorney discernest returning
hesternal Berney earnest sojourning
hibernal Birney Ernest spurning
hodiernal burny-burny learnest table-turning
infernal ferny overearnest turning
internal Gurney overturnest undiscerning
journal journey returnest unlearning
kernel Turney sojournest upturning

ale, care, acid, arm, £sk; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, ill;
603 UR'ning — UR'seth

urning sojourner UR'peth versant

yearning spurner chirpeth
sterner turpeth UR'se
UR'nish turner usurpeth Circe
burnish yearner controversy
furnish UR'ping gramercy
UR'nus burping mercy
UR'nisht cothurnus chirping Mersey
burnished usurping Percy
furnished UR'6 pursy
unburnished bureau UR'p'l Searcy
unfurnished chiaroscuro empurple
maduro purple UR'sed
URN'ment accursed
adjournment UR'6 UR'pos (See also URS;
attornment borough purpose add -ed where
concernment burrow appropriate.)
discernment furrow UR'pur
secernment thorough burper UR'sest
sojournment chirper accurest
UR'od usurper becursest
URN'nes burrowed coercest
sternness furrowed UR'sa conversest
unfurrowed ursa cursest
UR'no vice versa disbursest
inferno UR'or dispersest
Sterno furor UR'sal immersest
juror controversal interspersest
UR'num (See also rehearsal nursest
laburnum UR'ur.) reversal rehearsest
tercel reimbursest
UR'nur UR'pent transversal reversest
adjourner serpent universal traversest
burner ursal
discerner UR'pest versed UR'set
earner chirpest tercet
learner (See also URP; UR'sant
overturner add -est where aversant UR'seth
returner appropriate.) recursant accurseth

old, dr, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UR'seth — UR'ste 604

becurseth uncommercial introversion conversive

coerceth inversion cursive
converseth UR'ship lacertian decursive
curseth worship mersion detersive
disburseth nasturtion discursive
disperseth UR'shum obversion dispersive
immerseth nasturtium perversion eversive
intersperseth recursion excursive
nurseth UR'shun retroversion incursive
rehearseth abstersion reversion perversive
reimburseth animadversion self-assertion procursive
reverseth apertion submersion subversive
traverseth aspersion subversion
assertion tertian URS'ment
UR'sez aversion version amercement
accurses circumversion disbursement
amerces Cistercian UR'sing imbursement
becurses coercion accursing reimbursement
coerces concertion becursing
converses controversion coercing URS'nes
curses controversion conversing adverseness
disburses conversion cursing averseness
disperses demersion disbursing perverseness
hearses desertion dispersing terseness
immerses disconcertion immersing
intersperses discursion nursing UR'son
nurses dispersion rehearsing anchorperson
purses diversion reimbursing chairperson
rehearses emersion reversing Gerson
reimburses eversion transversing McPherson
reverses excursion traversing newsperson
submerses exertion versing nonperson
traverses extersion person
verses immersion UR'siv salesperson
incursion abstersive spokesperson
UR'shal insertion animadversive unperson
commercial inspersion aspersive waitperson
controversial intersertion aversive
tertial interspersion coercive UR'ste

ale, care, Sdd, arm, 2sk; me, h§re, dnd; Ice, HI;
605 UR'ste —UR'THen

thirsty cursor concerted hurtest

disburser converted insertest
(JR'sted disperser deserted invertest
bursted hearser disconcerted pertest
thirsted immerser diverted pervertest
worsted mercer exerted revertest
nurser flirted skirtest
UR'stest perverser inserted spurtest
burstest precursor interserted subvertest
(See also purser inverted
URST; add rehearser perverted UR'teth
-est where reimburser preconcerted adverteth
appropriate.) reverser reverted asserteth
traverser spurted averteth
UR'steth squirted
verser blurteth
bursteth subverted
worser concerteth
(See also undiverted controverteth
URST; add UR'sus unperverted converteth
-eth where excursus
UR'ten disconcerteth
appropriate.) thyrsus
ursus thirteen diverteth
UR'sting versus exerteth
bursting UR'tens hurteth
thirsting UR'ta advertence inserteth
worsting Alberta inadvertence inverteth
Elberta misadvertence perverteth
UR'stur reverteth
burster UR'tan UR'test skirketh
thirster certain advertest spurteth
curtain assertest subverteth
UR'sur encurtain avertest
accurser incertain blurtest UR'tha
amercer uncertain concertest Bertha
ante-cursor controvertest Hertha
bursar UR'ted covertest
coercer adverted curtest UR'THen
commercer asserted disconcertest burthen
converser averted divertest disburthen
curser blurted exertest unburthen

old, 6r, I, oil, fdot, :; use, urn, »; THis, thin

UR'then — UR'ur 606

UR'then blurting kirtle UR'tur

earthen concerting myrtle nurture
controverting spurtle (See also
UR'THur converting turtle UR'chur.)
further deserting whortle
disconcerting UR'tur
UR'THest diverting URT'le adverter
furthest exerting alertly animadverter
flirting curtly asserter
URth'ful hurting expertly averter
mirthful inserting inertly converter
worthful interserting inexpertly curter
interverting pertly disconcefter
URth'les inverting diverter
birthless perverting URT'les exerter
mirthless preconcerting shirtless hurter
worthless retroverting skinless inserter
reverting inverter
UR'THe self-asserting URT'nes perter
noteworthy shirting alertness perverter
seaworthy skirting curtness preconcerter
trustworthy spurting expertness spurter
worthy squirting inertness squirter
unworthy subverting inexpertness subverter
UR'the UR'tiv UR'up
earthy assertive UR'ton stirrup
divertive Berton (See also
UR'te exertive (See also IR'up.)
cherty furtive UR'tan.)
dirty revertive UR'ur
flirty self-assertive UR'trud abjurer
Gertie Gertrude adjurer
thirty UR'tis allurer
Curtis URT'se assurer
UR'ting curtsey conjurer
adverting UR't'l curer
asserting fertile URtu demurer
averting hurtle virtue endurer

ale, care, add, arm, &sk; me, h|re, gnd; ice, ill;
607 UR'ur —UR'vis

ensurer UR'us observant serveth

immurer anurous recurvant swerveth
impurer Arcturus servant unnerveth
insurer dolichurus unobservant
inurer Eurus UR'vid
juror urus UR'vat fervid
lurer acervate perfervid
manurer UR'us curvate
maturer susurrous enervate UR'vfl
mooter wurrus incurvate servile
nonjuror recurvate UR'vfl
obscurer UR'uz trinervate chervil
poorer Burroughs servile
procurer Burrows UR've
purer (See also nervy UR'vim
reassurer UR'6;add scurvy cervine
securer -s where topsy-turvy nervine
surer appropriate.)
tourer UR'ven UR'ving
unmoorer UR'va nervine conserving
(See also Minerva curving
UR'or.) UR'vest deserving
UR'val conservest Irving
acerval curvest nerving
UR'ur curved deservest observing
averrer observest preserving
bestirrer UR'vans, preservest reserving
blurrer UR'vens reservest serving
concurrer fervence servest swerving
conferrer inobservance swervest time-serving
deferrer observance unnervest undeserving
demurrer unobservance unnerving
incurrer UR'veth unobserving
inferrer UR'vant, conserveth unswerving
interrer UR'vent curveth
preferrer conservant deserveth UR'vis
spurrer curvant observeth lip service
stirrer fervent preserveth merchant
transferrer inobservant reserveth service

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, Qrn, up; THis, thin
UR'vis —US'eth 608

Purvis UR'zha Tuscaloosa lucent

sea service Persia producent
service US'al reducent
unservice URzhun hypotenusal relucent
animadversion traducent
URV'les aspersion US'chun tralucent
nerveless aversion adustion translucent
bioconversion combustion unlucent
UR'vur coercion fustian
conserver conversion US'est
deserver demersion US'e abstrusest
fervor discursion goosy adducest
game-preserver dispersion juicy conducest
life-preserver diversion Lucy deducest
nerver emersion sluicy inducest
observer eversion introducest
preserver excursion US'e loosest
reserver extroversion fussy producest
server incursion hussy profusest
swerver interspersion mussy reducest
time-server introversion reproducest
unnerver inversion US'ed seducest
obversion deuced sprucest
UR'vus Persian (See also US; traducest
nervous perversion add -ed where unloosest
recurvous recursion appropriate.)
retroversion US'est
UR'win reversion US'en fussest
Erwin submersion loosen (See also US;
Irwin subversion unloosen add -est where
Merwin version appropriate.)
URZ'da U'sa translucence US'et
Thursday Are thus a gusset
Coosa US'ent russet
UR'ze Medusa abducent
furzy Sousa adducent US'eth
jersey Susa conducent adduceth
kersey Tallapoosa interlucent conduceth

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, Mjre, 5nd; Ice, ill;
609 US'eth — U'shun

deduceth traduces rushy niching

educeth truces slushy
induceth unlooses USH'ing
introduceth uses USH'est blushing
looseth Mustiest brushing
produceth US'ez brushest crushing
reduceth buses crustiest flushing
reproduceth busses flushest gushing
seduceth cusses gustiest hushing
spruceth discusses hushest lushing
traduceth fusses rustiest rushing
unlooseth Gus's unblushing
musses USH'eth
US'eth trusses blusheth U'shun
fusseth brusheth ablution
(See also US; US'ful crusheth absolution
add -eth where juicefui flusheth Aleutian
appropriate.) useful gusheth allocution
husheth attribution
US'ez USH'a rusheth caducean
abuses Jerusha circumlocution
adduces USH'ez circumvolution
burnooses USH'a blushes collocution
cabooses Prussia brushes comminution
conduces Russia crushes Confucian
deduces flushes consecution
Druses USH'al gushes constitution
excuses crucial hushes contribution
induces fiducial lushes convolution
introduces mushes counter-
juices USH'an onrushes revolution
looses Prussian plushes crucian
nooses Russian rushes destitution
produces thrushes devolution
reduces usH'e tushes dilution
reproduces blushy uprushes diminution
seduces brushy dissolution
sluices gushy USH'ing distribution
spruces lushy douching electrocution

old, dr, ddd, oil, foTK, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
U'shun — US'ke 610

elocution USH'un tJS'il elusive

evolution concussion protrusile exclusive
execution discussion illusive
illocution incussion US'ing inclusive
imminution percussion adducing inconclusive
insecution Prussian conducing infusive
institution recussion deducing inobtrusive
interlocution repercussion educing intrusive
involution Russian inducing obtrusive
irresolution succussion introducing perfusive
Lilliputian loosing reclusive
locution USH'ur producing seclusive
obvolution blusher reducing seducive
overcontribu- brusher reproducing transfusive
tion crusher seducing
overdilution flusher sprucing US'iv
periocution gusher traducing concussive
persecution husher unloosing discussive
pollution plusher percussive
postrevolution rusher US'ing repercussive
prerevolution usher bussing succussive
prosecution cussing
prostitution CSH'us discussing US'kan
reattribution Confucius fussing Della-Cruscan
reconstitution Lucius mussing dusken
redargution trussing Etruscan
redissolution moliuscan
USH'us US'iv
redistribution Tuscan
luscious abusive
reinstitution US'kat
resolution US'id collusive coruscate
restitution lucid infuscate
retribution mucid obfuscate
revolution pellucid confusive
Rosicrucian translucid contusive US'ke
solution deducive dusky
ventrilocution usy delusive husky
abusage diffusive musky
volution effusive tusky
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; ice, ill;
611 US'kest —US'test

US'kest justle Brussels Eustace

duskest muscle bustles
(See also USK; mussel (See also US'tat
add -est where opuscle US"1; add incrustate
appropriate.) rustle -s where
tussle appropriate.) us'te
US'ket crusty
busket US'Ies US'ment dusty
musket juiceless conducement fustie
useless deducement fusty
US'keth inducement gusty
dusketh US'lest reducement lusty
(See also USK; bustlest seducement musty
add -eth where (See also superinduce- rusty
appropriate.) US"l;add ment trusty
-st where traducement
US'kin appropriate.) US'ted
buskin US'nes adjusted
Ruskin US'leth abstruseness bedusted
bustleth diffuseness betrusted
US'king (See also looseness busted
dusking US"l;add obtuseness combusted
husking -th where profuseness crusted
tusking appropriate.) recluseness disgusted
spruceness distrusted
US'kuI US'ling dusted
crepuscule bustling tJ'sfi encrusted
majuscule hustling Crusoe entrusted
minuscule muscling trousseau fusted
opuscule rustling whoso lusted
tussling mistrusted
US'kur U'som rusted
husker US'lur gruesome trusted
tusker bustler twosome
hustler US'test
US"1 rustler US'ta adjustest
bustle tussler Augusta disgustest
corpuscle distrustest
hustle US"lz US'tas dustest

old, 6r, odd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
US'test —US'tus 612

encrustest adjusting adjustment Fewster

entrustest bedusting encrustment jouster
justest betrusting maladjustment rooster
lustest busting Worcester
mistrustest coadjusting UST'nes
robustest crusting augustness US'tur
rustest disgusting justness adjuster
ihrustest distrusting robustness bluster
trustest dusting buster
encrusting US'to coadjuster
US'teth entrusting gusto cluster
adjusteth lusting Custer
disgusteth mistrusting US'tom distruster
distrusteth overtrusting custom duster
dusteth rusting filibuster
encrusteth self-adjusting US'tral fluster
entrusteth thrusting lacustral juster
lusteth trusting lustral knuckle-duster
mistrusteth unmistrusting palustral lackluster
thrusteth luster
trusteth US'tingz US'trat muster
dustings frustrate readjuster
UST'ful hustings illustrate robuster
distrustful thrustings thruster
lustful US'trin trustbuster
mistrustful US'tis lacustrine truster
overtrustful Custis palustrine
trustful justice US'turd
untrustful US'trum blustered
US'tiv flustrum bustard
US'tik adjustive lustrum clustered
fustic combustive custard
rustic (JS'trus flustered
UST'Ie blustrous lustered
US'tin augustly lustrous mustard
Dustin justly mustered
Justin robustly US'tur
booster US'tus
US'ting UST'ment brewster Augustus

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
613 US'tus — UT'est

Justus beauty disputed voluted

cootie elocuted
US'ur cutie electrocuted UT'ed
abstruser Djibouti executed butted
adducer duty fluted rutted
conducer fluty fruited (See also UT;
deducer freebooty hooted add -ed or
inducer fruity immuted -ted where
introducer Jibuti imputed appropriate.)
looser looty instituted
producer rooty involuted UT'est
reducer snooty looted acutest
reproducer sooty mooted astutest
seducer tutti-frutti muted commutest
sprucer permuted confutest
traducer UT'e persecuted constitutest
butty polluted cutest
US'ur gutty prosecuted deputest
cusser jutty prostituted dilutest
discusser nutty putid disputest
fusser putty recruited executest
musser rutty refuted imputest
trusser smutty reputed institutest
tutty revoluted lootest
UT'al rooted minutest
brutal UT'ed saluted mutest
footle allocuted self-constituted persecutest
tootle bebooted substituted recruitest
(See also booted suited refutest
UT'il.) bruited tooted resolutest
comminuted transmuted salutest
UT'at commuted unbooted shootest
circumnutate computed unconfuted substitutest
immutate confuted undisputed suitest
scutate constituted unpersecuted transmutest
convoluted unpolluted uprootest
UT'e cornuted unrooted
agouti deputed unsuited UT'est
booty diluted uprooted buttest

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
UT'est —UT'ing 614

ruttest smoothest Uth'ur futile

soothest Luther inutile
UT'eth uncouther rutile
commuteth Uth'ful sutile
confuteth ruthful Uth'ur (See also
constituteth toothful another UT'al.)
deputeth truthful brother
diluteth untruthful Charter UT'ing
disputeth youthful brother booting
executeth foremother comminuting
hooteth UTH'ing foster brother commuting
imputeth smoothing foster mother computing
instituteth soothing half-brother confuting
looteth mother constituting
overshooteth Uth'ing other darned tooting
persecuteth toothing smother deputing
polluteth t'other diluting
prosecuteth Uthing disputing
recruiteth doth -ing UTH'urn executing
refuteth nothing Sothern fluting
rooteth southern fruiting
saluteth Uth'les high-faluting
shooteth ruthless UT'ij hooting
suiteth toothless fruitage imputing
transmuteth truthless mutage instituting
unbooteth scutage looting
uprooteth UTH'nes mooting
smoothness UT'ik offshooting
UT'eth diazeutic outshooting
butteth Uth'nes emphyteutic overshooting
rutteth uncouthness hermeneutic permuting
(See also UT; maieutic persecuting
add -eth where Uth'som pharmaceutic polluting
appropriate.) toothsome propaedeutic prosecuting
youthsome scorbutic prostituting
UT'ful therapeutic reconstituting
fruitful UTH'ur toreutic recruiting
smoother refuting
UTH'est soother UT'il rooting

ale, care, add, arm, 3sk; me, h§re, Snd; ice, ill;
615 UT'ing —UT'res

saluting pharmaceutist scuttlest acuteness

scooting therapeutist (See also astuteness
shooting UT"l;add cuteness
substituting UT'iv -st where hirsuteness
suiting coadjutive appropriate.) minuteness
tooting constitutive muteness
transmuting indutive UT'let
unbooting persecutive cutlet U'to
unrooting resolutive Bluto
uprooting UT'leth Pluto
UT'iz'm scuttleth
UT'ing brutism (See also
abutting mutism UT"l;add U'ton
butting -th where Brewton
crosscutting UT"1 Newton
cutting abuttal
glass-cutting cuttle UT'ling
glutting guttle footling UT'on
gutting rebuttal tootling bachelor's
jutting ruttle button
nutting scuttle UT'ling button
putting shuttle gutling Dutton
rebutting space shuttle scuttling glutton
rutting subtle sutling Hutton
shutting suttle mutton
strutting Tuttle UT'lur Sutton
UT'ish UT'Ias cutler UT'or
brutish cutlass scuttler suitor
sootish subtler tutor
UT'le sutler (See also
UT'ish absolutely UT'ur.)
ruttish posilutely UT'ment
sluttish confutement
UT'les imbrutement UT'ral
UT'ist bootless recruitment neutral
flutist fruitless
hermeneutist UT'nes UT'res
lutist UT'lest absoluteness buttress

old, or, 6dd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
UT'rid —U'ur 616

UT'rid digital scooter stonecutter

putrid computer sharpshooter strutter
diluter shooter stutter
UT'riks disputer souter surrebutter
persecutrix executor substitutor swartrutter
tutrix fluter suitor utter
fouter tooter woodcutter
UT'ron freebooter transmuter
troubleshooter UT'urd
neutron fluttered
hooter tutor unuttered
UT'se imputer uprooter
institutor U'ur
tootsie-wootsie looter UT'ur barbecuer
tootsy luter abutter bedewer
microcomputer apple butter bestrewer
UT'ur minicomputer bread-and- bluer
future minuter butter brewer
puture mooter butter canoer
suture muter clutter chewer
neuter cutter construer
UT'ur parachuter daisy-cutter cooer
accouter peashooter flutter derring-doer
acuter permuter glass cutter doer
astuter persecutor glutter enduer
beanshooter personal grasscutter eschewer
booter computer gutter evildoer
bruiter pewter leaf cutter ewer
chuter polluter meatcutter fewer
coadjutor prosecutor mutter gluer
collocuter prostitutor nutter hallooer
comminutor protutor peanut butter hewer
commuter recruiter pilot-cutter imbuer
computer refuter putter interviewer
confuter restitutor rebutter * mewer
constitutor ringtailed rutter misconstruer
cooter tooter scutter misdoer
crapshooter rooter shutter newer
cuter router splutter dutdoer
deputer saluter sputter overdoer
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h$re, end; ice, HI;
617 U'ur —U'yant

pooh-pooher groovy improveth groover

pursuer movie moveth Hoover
queuer stag movie proveth improver
renewer removeth louver
revenuer UV'e reproveth maneuver
reviewer covey mover
ruer dovey UV'ing outmaneuver
screwer lovey approving prover
sewer disapproving remover
shampooer UV'ed disproving reprover
shoer beloved grooving Vancouver
skewer improving
spewer UL'el moving UV'ur
stewer scovel proving cover
strewer shovel removing discover
subduer reproving glover
suer tJV'en unmoving hover
tattooer hooven lover
truer proven UV'ing plover
undoer gloving recover
unscrewer UV'en loving rediscover
viewer coven self-loving shover
well-doer oven shoving table cover
wooer sloven ungloving uncover
wrongdoer unloving undercover
UV'est windhover
Curd approvest UV'les
sewered disapprovest gloveless UV'urn
skewered disprovest loveless govern
steward improvest
movest UV'ment _
UV'al provest approvement U'ya
approval removest improvement alleluia
disapproval reprovest movement _
disproval U'yans
removal UV'eth UV'ur buoyance
reproval approveth approver
disapproveth disapprover U'yant
UV'e disproveth disprover buoyant

old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
UZ'a —U'zhun 618

UZ'a diffuses! suffuseth uses

lallapalooza excusest transfuseth
fusest useth UZ'ez
UZ'al infusest buzzes
musal losest UZ'eth fuzzes
refusal musest buzzeth
oozest (See also UZ; U'zhun
UZ'an perusest add -eth where abstrusion
Susan refusest appropriate.) abusion
snoozest affusion
UZ'ard suffusest UZ'ez allusion
buzzard transfusest abuses circumfusion
usest accuses collusion
UZ'band amuses conclusion
househusband UZ'est bemuses confusion
husband buzzest bruises contusion
(See also UZ; chooses delusion
UZ'de, UZ'da add -est where circumfuses detrusion
Tuesday appropriate.) confuses diffusion
contuses disillusion
UZ'e UZ'eth cruises effusion
boozy abuseth diffuses elusion
fluzie accuseth disabuses exclusion
oozy amuseth disuses extrusion
woozy boozeth druses fusion
bruiseth excuses illusion
UZ'e chooseth fuses inclusion
fuzzy confuseth infuses infusion
hussy cruiseth interfuses interclusion
diffuseth loses interfusion
UZ'est excuseth misuses intrusion
abusest fuseth muses malocclusion
accusest infuseth nooses Malthusian
amusest loseth oozes obtrusion
boozest museth peruses occlusion
bruisest oozeth refuses perfusion
choosest peruseth snoozes perfusion
confusest refuseth suffuses preclusion
cruisest snoozeth transfuses profusion

ale, care, Sdd, arm, Ssk; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
619 U'zhun —UZ'ur

prolusion oozing UZ'lest UZ'ment

protrusion perusing bemuzzlest amusement
reclusion refusing (See also bemusement
refusion self-accusing UZ"l;add
retrusion snoozing -est where
seclusion suffusing appropriate.)
self-delusion transfusing
suffusion using UZ'leth
transfusion bemuzzleth
trusion UZ'ing (See also
(See also buzzing UZ"1; add
UZ'e-an.) fuzzing -eth where UZ'ur
appropriate.) abuser
UZ'ik UZ'inz accuser
music cousins UZ'lin amuser
cozens muslin boozer
UZ'in couzens bruiser
cousin dozens UZ'ling chooser
cozen bemuzzling confuser
dozen guzzling cruiser
UZ'iv muzzling diffuser
UZ'ing amusive nuzzling excuser
abusing unamusive
puzzling fuser
accusing infuser
amusing UZ"1, UZ'al UZ'lur interfuser
boozing bamboozle bamboozler lallapaloozer
bruising foozle foozler loser
choosing gumfoozle misuser
confusing perusal UZ'lur muser
contusing refusal guzzler nonuser
cruising muzzier oozer
diffusing UZ"1 puzzler palouser
disusing bemuzzle peruser
excusing fuzzle UZ'm reabuser
fusing guzzle izzum-wuzzu refuser
infusing muzzle snoozer
interfusing nuzzle UZ'man suffuser
losing puzzle newsman transfuser
musing unmuzzle trewsman
old, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin

• Section III •

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-

lowing, see the beginning of A rhymes in Section I.

(Note on Archaic Verb Forms Among Triple Rhymes — The archaic

verb forms ending in -est and -eth have not as a rule been listed
among the triple rhymes, to avoid needlessly expanding the book.
When desired, they can be found by locating the present participles
of triple-rhymed verbs, the -ing form: such forms as laboring, brack-
eting, fracturing, dallying, hampering, clamoring, meandering, and
the rest. These can be turned without difficulty into the desired
archaic forms: as, laborest, laboreth; bracketest, bracketeth; and so
with all of them.)
A'a-b'I unpayable catabasis Bessarabian
conveyable unplayable metabasis Fabian
defrayable unprayable gabion
impayable unsayable AB'e-a Sabian
playable unsurveyable Arabia Sorabian
portrayable unswayable Bessarabia Swabian
prepayable unweighable labia
repayable weighable Swabia
sayable AB'e-est
slayable AB'a-sis AB'e-an flabbiest
surveyable anabasis Arabian shabbiest

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, 111;
621 AB'el-ur — AD'ed-nes

AB'el-ur AB'i-tud AB'u-lat scratchable

gabeler habitude confabulate unmatchable
labeler tabitude tabulate
AB'e-nes AB'Ia-tiv AB'u-list AD'i-b'l
flabbiness ablative fabulist biodegradable
shabbiness bablative incunabulist blockadable
scabbiness vocabulist braidable
slabbiness AB'M-ment degradable
babblement AB'u-lum dissuadable
AB'e-ur acetabulum evadable
flabbier brabblement
dabblement incunabulum gradable
gabbier pabulum invadable
shabbier gabblement
rabblement tintinnabulum nondegradable
AB'id-nes persuadable
AB'u-lus raidable
rabidness AB"l-ness
fabulous retradable
tabidness ableness
fantabulous shadable
AB'i-fi pabulous tradable
dissyllabify sabulous upbraidable
labefy tintinnabulous wadable
syllabify AB'o-Ia AB'ur-ing AD'e-an
tabefy Metabola belaboring Acadian
parabola laboring Arcadian
sporabola neighboring Barbadian
monosyllabical taboring Canadian
AB're-el unlaboring nomadian
Gabriel Orcadian
AB'ur-ur Palladian
AB'i-le AB'u-lar laborer
crabbily acetabular taborer AD'e-ant
flabbily confabular irradiant
scabbily cunabular ACH'a-b'l radiant
shabbily fabular attachable
incunabular catchable AD'ed-nes
AB'i-net pabular detachable bejadedness
cabinet tabular immatchable degradedness
tabinet tintinnabular matchable fadedness

old, or, odd, oil, f<56t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AD'ed-nes — A J'us-nes 622

jadedness ethnographical AG'on-ist Pharisaical

persuadedness geographical agonist
shadedness glossographical antagonist A'it-e
graphical protagonist gaiety
AD'e-ent lexicographical laity
gradient lexigraphical AG'on-iz
orthographical agonize AJ'a-b'l
AD'e-um paleontograph- antagonize assuageable
palladium ical gaugeable
radium photographical AG'on-iz'm
stadium physiographi- agonism AJ'e-an
vanadium cal antagonism Brobdingnagian
phytographical magian
AD'e-us pterylographi- AG'ran-sfe pelagian
Thaddeus cal flagrancy
seraphical fragrancy AJ'i-kal
AD'i-tiv topographical vagrancy magical
additive typographical tragical
traditive AG'ur-e
AF'ti-Ie faggery AJ'il-nes
AD'6-ing craftily jaggery agileness
foreshadowing draughtily raggery fragileness
overshadowing waggery
shadowing AG'ed-le zigzaggery AJ'in-al
jaggedly imaginal
AF'a-nus AG'ur-ing paginal
diaphanous staggering vaginal
w swaggering
AF'i-kal AG'ed-nes AJ'in-us
autobiographi- craggedness AG'ur-ur cartilaginous
cal jaggedness staggerer farraginous
autographical raggedness swaggerer lumbaginous
bibliographical mucilaginous
biographical AG'e-nes A'ik-al oleaginous
calligraphical bagginess algebraical voraginous
cartographical cragginess archaical
cosmographi- knagginess Hebraical A J'us-nes
cal scragginess laical advantageous-
diagraphical shagginess paradisaical ness

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
623 A J'us-nes — AK'ur-e

courageousness brackishness refractable olfactory

disadvanta- knackishness retractable phylactery
geousness slackishness tactable refractory
outrageousness tractable satisfactory
rampageousness AK'ri-te tractory
umbrageousness acrity AK'ted-nes
alacrity abstractedness AK'tu-al
AK'a-b'l contractedness actual
breakable AK'ron-iz'm distractedness factual
impacable anachronism protractedness tactual
implacable metachronism
mistakable AK'ti-kal AK'tur-ing
pacable AK'sa-b'l didactical fracturing
placable faxable practical manufacturing
undertakable relaxable
unshakeable taxable AK'ti-lus AK'u-lar
untaxable didactylous oracular
AK'e-an hexadactylous piacular
batrachian AK'shun-al leptodactylous spectacular
eustachian factional pachydactylous supernacular
Noachian fractional pterodactylous tabernacular
pactional tentacular
AK'e-nes redactional AK'tiv-nes vernacular
flakiness abstractiveness
quakiness AK'shus-nes activeness AK'u-lat
shakiness factiousness attractiveness bimaculate
snakiness fractiousness contractiveness ejaculate
detractiveness immaculate
AK'et-ed AK'ta-b'l, distractiveness jaculate
bracketed AK'ti-b'l protractiveness maculate
jacketed attractable putrefactiveness
racketed compactible refractiveness AK'u-lus
contractible abaculus
AK'et-ing detractible AK'to-re miraculous
bracketing distractible detractory oraculous
jacketing extractible dissatisfactory piaculous
racketing infractible factory vernaculous
intactable lactary
AK'ish-nes intractable manufactory AK'ur-e

Old, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
AK'ur-* — AL'i-te 624
bakery Australia AL'i-bur biblicality
fakery azalea caliber bipedality
fakiry Central ia Excalibur bisexuality
rakery echolalia bitonality
Eulalia AL'id-nes brutality
AK'ur-e Fidelia impallidness carnality
hackery* regalia invalidness causality
hijackery Rosalia pallidness centrality
knick-knackery Sedalia validness circumstantial-
quackery Thalia ity
Thackeray AL'i-fi classical ity
Zachary AL'6-it, alkalify clericality
AL'i-at calefy coevality
AK'ur-iz'm malleate sal ify collaterality
fakirism palliate collegiality
Quakerism AL'i-sis colloquiality
Shakerism AL'e-ing analysis comicality
dallying catalysis commensal ity
AK'we-us rallying dialysis commercial ity
aqueous sallying paralysis commonality
subaqueous tallying psychoanalysis conditionality
terraqueous urinalysis confidentiality
AL'€-nes congeniality
AL'a-b'l dailiness AL'i-son conjecturality
assailable scaliness Alison conjugality
available Allison connubiality
bailable AL'en-tin Callison conseptuality
exhalable Ballantine consequential ity
mailable Valentine AL'i-te constitutionality
retailable abnormality consubstantial-
sailable AL'e-um accidental ity ity
saleable pallium actuality conventionality
unassailable thallium alamodality conviviality
unavailable amorality cordiality
unsailable AL'e-ur animality corporality
dallier artificiality corporeality
A'le-a rallier atonality cosmicality
Adalia sallier banality criminality
Attalia tallier bestiality curiality

ate, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, III;
625 AL'i-te

devotionality illogicality molality quadrupedality

dextrality immateriality morality radicality
duality immorality mortality rascality
effectuality immortality municipality rationality
egality impartiality mutuality reality
elementally imperiality nasality reciprocality
ephemerality impersonality natality regality
essentiality mpracticality nationality rivality
ethereality nconsequen- naturality rurality
eventuality tiality neutrality sectionality
exceptionality ndividuality nonsensicality sensuality
externality neffectuality normality sentimentality
exterritoriality nformality notionality septentrional-
extraterritorial- nhospitality occidentality ity
ity nimicality officiality sequentiality
fantasticality nstrumental- orientality seriality
farciality ity originality sesquipedality
fatality i ntegrality orthodoxality severality
feminality ntellectuality parochiality sexuality
feudality ntentionality partiality signality
filiality nternality pastorality sociality
finality ] ntrinsicality pedality sodality
finicality i nationality penality speciality
formality oviality perenniality spectrality
frugality aicality personality spiality
fundamentally aterality plurality spirality
generality egality polytonality spirituality
geniality ethality potentiality subnormality
graduality iberality practicality substantiality
gutturality ineality pragmaticality superficiality
heterosexuality iterality preternatural- supernaturality
homosexuality ocality ity technicality
horizontality ogicality primordiality temporality
horozontality imagistracy principality territoriality
hospitality imateriality prodigality theatricality
hypersexuality imentality proportionality tonality
hyposexuality imeridionality provinciality topicality
ideality imesnality prudentiality totality
illegality imodality punctuality traditionality

old, 6r, odd, oil, fot>t, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
AL'i-te — A'me-a 626

transcendental- crustalogy sallower AM'a-tist

ity genealogy shallower dramatist
triality genethlialogy tallower epigrammatist
triviality mammalogy grammatist
unconvention- mineralogy AL'ur-e hierogrammatist
ality paralogy nailery lipogrammatist
universality petralogy raillery melodramatist
unreality pyroballogy
unusuality tetralogy AL'ur-e AM'a-tiv
vegetality gallery amative
venality AL'o-jist raillery exclamative
veniality analogist salary
verbality decalogist AM'a-tiz
vertically dialogist anagrammatize
virtual ity genealogist AL'yen-iz'm, diagrammatize
visuality mammalogist AL'yan-iz'm dramatize
mineralogist alienism
vitality epigrammatize
penalogist bacchanalian-
vocal ity
whimsicality ism AM'bu-lat
zonality AL'o-jiz episcopalianism ambulate
analogize saturnalianism deambulate
AL'je-a dialogize sesquipedalian- funambulate
neuralgia genealogize ism perambulate
nostalgia paralogize universalianism somnambulate

AL'6-est AL'6-jiz'm AM'a-b'l AM'bu-list

callowest analogism blamable funambulist
fallowest dialogism claimable noctambulist
hallowest paralogism framable somnambulist
sallowest irreclaimable
shallowest AL'o-nes namable AM'bu-Iiz'nt
callowness reclaimable funambulism
AL'o-ish fallowness tamable noctambulism
sallowish sallowness unblamable nectambulism
shallowish shallowness untamable somnambulism
AL'o-ur AM'a-re A'me-a
AL'o-je callower gramarye lamia
analogy hallower mammary Mesopotamia

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
627 AM'et-er — AN'de-nes

AM'et-er aimlessness famulus trainable

diameter blameless ness hamulus unattainable
dynameter damelessness ramulous
hexameter famelessness AN'a-b'l .
octameter namelessness AM'ur-ing insatiable
parameter shamelessness clamoring sanable
pentameter tamelessness hammering tannable
peirameter stammering (See also
pluviameter AM'on-it yammering AN'i-bal.)
tetrameter Ammonite
viameter Mammonite AM'ur-on AN'ar-e
voltameter Decameron chicanery
AM'on-iz'm Heptameron lanary
AM'ful-nes . Mammonism planary
blamefulness Shamanism AM'ur-ur
shamefulness clamorer _
AM'or-us hammerer AN'a-re
AM'i-kal amorous stammerer granary
amical clamorous panary
balsamical glamorous AN'a-b'l (See also
dynamical ascertainable AN'ur-e.)
AM'pe-on attainable
AM'in-a campion chainable AN'ches-tur
lamina champion constrainable Granchester
stamina tampion containable Manchester
AM'i-nat AM'pur-ing distrainable AND'a-b'l
contaminate hampering drainable commandable
laminate pampering explainable countermand-
scampering gainable able
AM'is-tre tampering maintainable demandable
palmistry obtainable reprimandable
psalmistry AM'pur-ur ordainable sandable
hamperer overstrainable understandable
AM'i-te pamperer restrainable
amity scamperer retainable AN'de-nes
calamity tamperer sprainable dandiness
strainable handiness
AM'les-nes AM'ul-us sustainable sandiness

old, or, ddd, oil, fot)t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
AN'di-fi — AN'e-us 628

AN'di-fi A'-ne-a Ruritania Mediterranean

candify Albania succedanea Pennsylvanian
dandify Anglomania Tasmania Rumanian
Aquitania thanatomania Sandemanian
AN'dre-an bibliomania theomania subterranean
Alexandrian bruxomania Titania Tasmanian
meandrian castanea Transylvania Transylvanian
Menandrian choreomania trichotillomania Tripolitanian
collectanea Tripolitania Turanian
AN'dur-ing decalcomania Ukrainia Ukrainian
meandering demonomania Urania Uranian
pandering dipsomania xenomania volcanian
philandering dromania
slandering egomania A'ne-ak AN'el-ing
eleutheromania bibliomaniac channelling
AN'dur-ing empleomania dipsomaniac panelling
wandering erotomania eleutheroma-
(See also 6N- Francomania niac A'ne-um
dur-ing.) Gallomania kleptomaniac cranium
kleptomania maniac geranium
AN'dur-son Lithuania megalomaniac pericranium
Anderson logomania monomaniac succedaneum
Sanderson Lusitania nymphomaniac titanium
mania uranium
AN'dur-ur Mauretania A'ne-al
meanderer megalomania cranial AN'e-us
panderer melomania domanial antecedaneous
philanderer metromania subterraneal araneous
slanderer miscellanea circumforaneous
monomania A'-ne-an coetaneous
AN'dur-ur mythomania Albanian contemporane-
launderer nymphomania Alcmanian ous
wanderer onomatomania Aquitanian cutaneous
(See also Pennsylvania circumforanean dissentaneous
ON'dur-ur.) phaneromania cyanean extemporaneous
potickomania extemporanean exterraneous
AN'dur-us potomania Iranian extraneous
panderous pyromania Lithuanian instantaneous
slanderous Rumania Mauretanian mediterraneous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
629 AN'6-us — AN'som-est

membraneous angular AN'i-mus vanity

miscellaneous octangular animus volcanity
momentaneous pentangular magnanimous
porcelaneous quadrangular multanimous AN'jen-se
simultaneous rectangular pusillanimous plangency
spontaneous slangular unanimous tangency
subcutaneous trianglar
subterraneous AN'i-shing AN'ji-b'l
succedaneous AN'e-el banishing frangible
temporaneous Daniel planishing infrangible
terraneous Nathaniel vanishing intangible
AN'fuI'e AN'i-bal AN'ish-ment tangible
banefully cannibal banishment
disdainfully Hannibal evanishment AN'6-graf
painfully vanishment galvanograph
AN'fuI-nes AN'i-fi AN'is-tur
disdainfulness humanify banister AN'6-skop
gainfulness insanify canister diaphanoscope
painful ness sanify ganister galvanoscope

ANGK'ur-ing, AN'i-gan AN'i-te AN'she-an

ANGK'6r-ing Brannigan aldermanity Byzantian
anchoring Flamiigan Christianity (See also
cankering Mullanigan gigmanity AN'shun.)
encankering humanity
hankering AN'i-kal immanity AN'she-at
botanical inanity circumstantiate
ANGK'-UMIS Brahmanical inhumanity substantiate
cankerous charlatanical inorganity transubstantiate
cantankerous galvanical insanity
mechanical inurbanity AN'siv-nes
ANG"I-som panicle mundanity advanciveness
anglesome tyrannical paganity expansiveness
tanglesome profanity
wranglesome AN'i-kin sanity AN'som-est
manikin subterranity handsomest
ANG'u-lar pannikin urbanity ransomest

old, 6r, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, Urn, Op; THis, thin
AN'som-ur — AR'a-b'l 630

AN'som-ur theanthropism AN'ur-et happily

handsomer theophilan- banneret snappily
ransomer thropism lanneret
ANT'a-b'I AN'ti-sid AP'a-b'l Annapolis
grantable giganticide capable Indianapolis
plan table infanticide drapable Minneapolis
AN'tur-ing AN'tik-nes incapable AP'ur-e
bantering franticness inescapable apery
cantering giganticness papable drapery
romanticness shapeable grapery
ANT'ur-ur napery
banterer AN'u-al AP'e-cst papery
canterer annual happiest vapory
manual sappiest
AN'thro-pe snappiest AP'ur-ing
apanthropy capering
AN'u-Ia AP'e-nes
aphilanthropy papering
lycanthropy happiness tapering
misanthropy sappiness vaporing
philanthropy „ snappiness
physianthropy AN'u-lar AP'ur-ur
psilanthropy annular AP'e-ur caperer
theanthropy cannular happier paperer
theophilan- penannular sappier vaporer
thropy snappier
zoanthropy AN'u-lat AR'a-b'l
annulate AP'id-le airable
AN'thrd-pist campanulate rapidly bearable
misanthropist granulate sapidly dareable
philanthropist vapidly declarable
psilanthropist AN'ur-e pairable
theophilan- cannery AP'id-nes repairable
thropist charlatanery rapidness swearable
granary sapidness tearable
AN'thro- panary vapidness unbearable
piz'm stannary unwearable
psilanthropism tannery AP'i-le wearable

ale, care, &dd, arm, Ssk; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
631 AR a-b'l — AR'e-an

AR'a-b'l Bulgaria aquarian millenarian

arable caballeria Arian miscellanarian
parable Calceolaria Aryan necessarian
Cineraria atrabilarian necessitarian
AR'a-dls dataria attitudinarian nectarian
imparadise digitaria aularian nonagenarian
paradise Hilaria authoritarian nonsectarian
malaria barbarian octagenarian
AR'as-ing wistaria Bavarian ovarian
embarrassing Briarean Parian
harrassing AR'e-al Bulgarian parliamentarian
actuarial Caesarian planarion
AR'as-ment areal centenarian platitudinarian
embarrassment calendarial cnidarian plenitudinarian
harassment commissarial communitarian predestinarian
diarial Darien proletarian
AR'a-tiv glossarial diarian quadragenarian
comparative malarial dietarian quinquagenarian
declarative nectarial disciplinarian Rastafarian
narrative notarial doctrinarian riparian
preparative ovarial egalitarian rosarian
reparative puparial equal itarian Rotarian
secretarial estuarian Sabbatarian
AR'bur-ing vicarial experimentariaiii sacramentarian
barbering fruitarian sanitarian
harboring AR'e-an futilitarian sectarian
abecedarian grammarian seminarian
AR'de-an Adessenarian humanitarian sententi arian
guardian agrarian Hungarian septimanarian
pericardian alphabetarian Icarian septuagenarian
altitudinarian infralapsarian sertulanan
AR'de-nes anecdotarian Janizarian sexagenarian
fool-hardiness antidisestablish- lapidarian societarian
hardiness mentarian latitudinarian stipendarian
tardiness antiquarian libertarian sublapsarian
antisabbatarian librarian suburbicarian
A'rt-a antitrinitarian limitarian supralapsarian
adversaria apiarian lunarian Tartarean
area Apollinarian Megarian totalitarian
old, dr, ddd, oil, ftot, out; use, urn, tip; THis, thin
AR'e-an —AR'ing-le 632

tractarian AR'e-ing barium precarious

trinitarian carrying columbarium quadragenarious
ubiquarian harrying glaciarium Sagittarius
ubiquitarian marrying honorarium tartareous
unitarian tarrying sacrarium temerarious
utilitarian sanitarium testudinarious
valetudinarian AR'e-nes tepidarium vagarious
vegetarian airiness termitarium valetudinarious
veterinarian arbitrariness vivarium various
vulgarian chariness vicarious
contrariness AR'e-ur viparious
A Re-ant glariness charier
contrariant hairiness warier AR'ful-e
omniparient salutariness carefully
variant sanguinariness AR'e-ur prayerfully
sedentariness barrier uncarefully
AR'e-at solitariness carrier
variate temporariness farrier AR'ful-nes
vicariate tumultuariness harrier carefulness
ubiquitariness marrier prayerful ness
voluntariness tarrier sparefulness
AR'e-at uncarefulness
commissariat wariness
AR'e-us warefulness
lariat AR'e-nes arbitrarious
proletariat starriness arenarious AR'i-fi
prothonotariat tarriness Aquarius clarify
secretariat atrabilarious saccharify
AR'e-6 calcareous scarify
AR'e-est impresario contrarious
chariest denarius AR'i-form
variest AR'e-on frumentarious peariform
wariest clarion gregarious scalariform
Marion hilarious
AR'e-et, (See also horarious AR'i-gan
AR'e-ot AR'e-an.) malarious Garrigan
Harriet multifarious Harrigan
Iscariot AR'e-um nectareous
Marryatt aquarium nefarious AR'ing-le
Marriott aqua-vivarium omnifarious blaringly

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, ill;
633 AR'ing-le — AR'ted-nes

daringly irregularity claritude AR'6-ing

flaringly jocularity harrowing
glaringly modularity AR'ki-kal narrowing
sparingly molarity archical
tearingly molecularity hierarchical A'ron-It
multiparity hylarchical Aaronite
AR'ing-ton muscularity monarchical Maronite
Barrington omniparity tetrarchical
Carrington orbicularity AR'o-ur
Farrington oviparity AR'la-tan harrower
Harrington parity charlatan narrower
particularity tarlatan
AR'i-son peculiarity AR'sen-e
garrison perpendicular- AR'ming-Ie coparceny
Harrison ity alarmingly larceny
piacularity charmingly
AR'i-te polarity farmingly AR'sen-ur
debonairity popularity harmingly coparcener
rarity pupilarity larcener
rectangularity parcener
AR'i-te AR'nish-ing
angularity regularity garnishing AR'shal-iz'm
barbarity secularity tarnishing martialism
capillarity similarity varnishing partialism
charity singularity
circularity solidarity AR'nish-ur AR'ted-nes
clarity Solidarity garnisher departedness
curvilinearity titularity tarnisher falseheartedness
disparity triangularity varnisher frankhearted-
dissimilarity uncharity ness
exemplarity unfamiliarity AR'd-e freeheartedness
familiarity unpopularity arrowy hardheartedness
fissiparity vascularity marrowy kindheartedness
gemmiparity vernacularity sparrowy lightheadedness
globularity viviparity yarrowy openheartedness
granularity vulgarity softheartedness
hilarity AR'o-est tenderhearted-
imparity AR'i-tud harrowest ness
insularity amaritude narrowest trueheartedness

old, dr, ddd, oil, fc5t>t. out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
AR'ted-nes — A'shun-al 634

warmhearted- AS'en-se Australasian ASH'e-nes

ness adjacency Galatian ashiness
complacency Haytian flashiness
AR'ti-k'l interjacency Hieracian trashiness
article Horatian
particle A'se-ul Latian A'shun-al
basial Pancratian associational
AR'ti-zan Thracian coeducational
artisan AS'e-nes (See also combinational
bartizan laciness A'shun, commemora-
bipartisan raciness A'zhun.) tional
partisan compensational
AS'e-nes ASH'e-an condensational
brassiness Circassian congregational
artlessly classiness Parnassian conjugational
heartlessly glassiness (See also conservational
grassiness ASH'un.) conversational
massiness convocational
ART'les-nes sassiness A'she-at creational
artlessness emaciate denominational
heartlessness AS'ful-nes expatiate deputational
disgraceful ness glaciate derivational
ART'ur-ing gracefulness ingratiate dissertational
bartering ungracefulness insatiate educational
chartering satiate emigrational
martyring A'she-a equational
acacia A'she-ent gestational
ART'ur-ur Asia calefacient gradational
barterer Aspasia delirefacient gravitational
charterer facient gyrational
ASH'e-a liquefacient ideational
AS'a-b'l cassia parturifacient imitational
chasable Parnassia rubefacient immigrational
effaceable quassia sensifacient inclinational
erasible sorbefacient incubational
evasible A'she-an stupefacient informational
ineffaceable Alsatian tumefacient inspirational
retraceable Asian (See also interrogational
traceable Athanasian A'shent.) irrigational

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 5nd; Ice, ill;
635 A'shun-al — AS'i-te

motivational ASH'un-ing A'shun-les ostentatiousness

navigational compassioning conversationless perspicacious-
observational fashioning educationless ness
occupational passioning emigrationless pertinaciousness
operational foundationless pugnaciousness
presentational immigrationless rapacious ness
probational A'shun-ist imitationless sagaciousness
progestational annexationist inspirationless salaciousness
quotational annihilationist temptationless sequaciousness
radiational annotationist spaciousness
recreational causationist A'shun-ur tenaciousness
relational colonizationist foundationer ungraciousness
representational conversationist oblationer veraciousness
respirational convocationist probationer vexatiousness
revelational creationist reprobationer vivaciousness
rotational cremationist restorationer voraciousness
salutational deflationist stationer
sensational degenerationist AS'i-b'l
stational educationist ASH'ur-e impassible
terminational emancipationist fashery irascible
translational emigrationist haberdashery passable
variational imitationist sashery passible
vibrational inflationist renascible
vocational innovationist A'shus-nes surpassable
inspirationist audaciousness
isolationist capaciousness ' AS'i-nat
international moderationist contumacious- abbacinate
irrational neo-isolationist ness assassinate
neocoloniza- disputatious- deracinate
rational tionist ness exacinate
populationist edaciousness fascinate
recreationist efficaciousness
ASH'un-at repudiationist fallaciousness AS'i-te
compassionate restorationist fugaciousness audacity
dispassionate Salvationist graciousness bellacity
impassionate tolerationist incapaciousness bibacity
incompassion- transmutation- ineffaciousness capacity
ate ist loquaciousness contumacity
passionate vacationist mendaciousness dicacity

old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
AS'i-te — Ath'i-kal 636

edacity passiveness AS'tro-fe matable

feracity catastrophe ratable
fugacity ASP'ing-le epanastrophe regulatable
incapacity gaspingly statable
loquacity raspingly AS'tur-ship translatable
mendacity mastership untranslatable
minacity AS'tar-de pastorship
mordacity bastardy AT'a-b'l
opacity dastardy AS'tur-e combatable
perspicacity dicastery (See also
pertinacity AST'ful-e mastery AT'i-b'l.)
pervicacity tastefully plastery
procacity wastefully self-mastery AT'e-lit
pugnacity distastefully patellite
rapacity AS'tur-ing satellite
sagacity beplastering
AS'ti-kal A'ten-se
salacity mastering
ecclesiastical latency
saponacity overmastering
sequacity elastical plastering patency
tenacity encomiastical
veracity enthusiastical AS'ur-at AT'ful-e
vivacity fantastical emacerate fatefully
voracity gymnastical lacerate gratefully
macerate hatefully
AS'iv-16 AS'ti-le
impassively hastily AS'ur-e AT'ful-nes
massively pastily bracery fatefulness
passively tastily embracery gratefulness
tracery hateful ness
A'siv'nes AS'ti-siz'm
dissuasiveness ecclesiasticism AT'a-b'l A'the-an
evasiveness fantasticism abatable Carpathian
persuasiveness monasticism beratable Sabbathian
pervasiveness scholasticism collatable
suasiveness creatable Ath'e-sis
AS'tre-an debatable diathesis
AS'iv-nes alabastrian dilatable parathesis
impassiveness Lancastrian gratable
massiveness Zoroastrian hatable Ath'i-kal

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, 111;
637 Ath'i-kal — AT'om-ist

anthropopathi- AT'ik-al operatical gelatinous

cal abbatical phantasmatical platinous
chrestomathical acroamatical piratical
acrobatical pragmatical AT'i-sIz
ATH'ur-ing aerostatical primatical emblematicize
blathering anagrammatical prismatical fanaticize
foregathering anathematical problematical grammaticize
gathering anidiomatical sabbatical
lathering apophthegmati- schismatical AT'i-siz'm
upgathering cal sciatical Asiaticism
wool-gathering apostatical separatical fanaticism
aquatical Socratical grammaticism
ATH'ur-ur aristocratical spasmatical
foregatherer asthmatical statical AT'i-tud
gatherer autocratical symptomatica! attitude
latherer automatical systematical beatitude
tax-gatherer axiomatical ungrammatical gratitude
toll-gatherer bureaucratical unsystematical ingratitude
upgatherer climatical vatical latitude
democratical platitude
AT'i-b'l diplomatical AT'in-at
combatable dogmatical gelatinate A'tiv-nes
come-atable dramatical Palatinate alliterativeness
compatible ecstatical imitativeness
impatible emblematical AT'e-nes nativeness
incompatible emphatical slatiness penetrativeness
patible enigmatical weightiness
epigrammatical AT"l-ment
AT'i-fi erratical AT'e-nes battlement
beatify fanatical chattiness embattlement
gratify grammatical fattiness prattlement
ratify hebdomatical nattiness tattlement
stratify hieratical
hydrostatical AT'in-Iz AT'6m-e
AT'ik-a hypostatical gelatinize anatomy
Attica idiomatical Latinize atomy
dalmatica leviratical platinize
hepatica mathematical AT'om-ist
sciatica numismatical AT'i-nus anatomist

old, 6r, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, flp; THis, thin
AT'om-ist — AV'ish-ment 638

atomist AT'u-lat bespattering A've-an

congratulate blattering avian
AT'om-iz gratulate chattering Batavian
anatomize spatulate clattering Belgravian
atomize flattering Moravian
AT'ur-al pattering Scandinavian
AT'om-iz'm natural scattering Shavian
anatomism preternatural shattering
atomism supernatural smattering AV'el-ing
spattering graveling
AT'om-us AT'ur-al splattering raveling
diatomous bilateral traveling
paratomous collateral AT'ur-ur unraveling
equilateral batterer
AT'or^ lateral blatterer AV'el-ur
obsecratory quadrilateral chatterer raveler
ratiocinatory unilateral clatterer traveler
recapitulatory flatterer unraveler
AT'ur-an patterer
AT'ri-kal cateran scatterer AVen-dur
idolatrical Lateran shatterer chavender
theatrical smatterer lavender
AT'uMt splatterer
AT'ri-sid maturate AV'jj-ing
fratricide saturate A'ur-e ravaging
matricide supersaturate aery scavaging
patricide faerie
AT'ur-e AV'U-ur
A'tron-al battery AV'an-ez ravager
matronal flattery Havanese savager
patronal shattery Javanese scavager
A'tron-y tattery A've-a AV'ish-ing
matronage Batavia enravishing
patronage AT'ur-ing Belgravia lavishing
battering Moravia ravishing
A'tron-iz beflattering Octavia
matronize bepattering Pavia AV'ish-ment
patronize bescattering Scandinavia enravishment

ale, care, acid, arm, ask; me, h§re, 5nd; ice, 111;
639 AV'ish-ment — ECH'ur-e

lavishment AV'ur^ waverer Athanasian

ravishment bravery Australasian
gravery AV'ur-us Caucasian
AV'ish-nes savory flavorous Eurasian
knavishness slavery savorous Rabelaisian
slavishness unsavory (See also
AV'ur-us A'zhun.)
AV'ur-ing cadaverous
AV'ish-ur favoring papaverous AZ'e-nes
lavisher flavoring craziness
ravisher quavering A'ze-a haziness
savoring Aspasia laziness
AV'i-te unwavering athanasia maziness
cavity wavering aphasia
concavity euthanasia AZ'i-b'l
depravity AV'ur-ur paronomasia persuasible
gravity favorer praisable
pravity flavorer A'ze-an raisable
suavity quaverer Asian suasible

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-
lowing, see the beginning of E rhymes in Section I.

E'a-b'l E'al-iz E'an-iz'm ECH'a-b'l

agreeable idealize epicureanism bleachable
creable realize Laodiceanism impeachable
decreeable peanism reachable
disagreeable E'al-iz'm plebeianism teachable
feeable idealism Pythagoreanism unimpeachable
irremeable neo realism Sabaeanism unteachable
E'aPist surrealism EB're-us ECH'e-nes
idealist ebrious sketchiness
neorealist E'al-te funebrious tetchiness
realist fealty inebrious
surrealist realty tenebrious ECH'ur-e

old, dr, ddd, oil, f<36t, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
ECH'ur-e —ED'i-ted 640

lechery E'de-ens threadiness ED'i-kal

treachery disobedience unreadiness medical
expedience unsteadiness pedicle
ECH'ur-us inexpedience
lecherous obedience E'de-um ED'i-kant
treacherous medium medicant
E'de-ent tedium predicant
ED'a-b'l disobedient
exceedable expedient ED'e-ur ED'i-kat
impedible inexpedient beadier dedicate
obedible ingredient greedier medicate
obedient needier predicate
readable reedier
ED'e-est seedier ED'i-le
beadiest speedier greedily
greediest weedier needily
neediest speedily
reediest ED'e-ur
threadable ED'i-le
(See also seediest headier
speediest headily
fiD'i-b'l.) readier
weediest readily
E'de-al unsteadier
ED'e-est unsteadily
bimedial headiest
intermedial readiest E'de-us ED'i-ment
medial steadiest intermedious impediment
pedial unsteadiest tedious pediment
remedial sediment
ED'e-nes ED'ful-nes
E'de-an greediness heedfulness ED'i-nus
comedian neediness needfulness mucedinous
encyclopedian seediness unheedfulness putredinous
median speediness unneedfulness rubedinous
tragedian weediness
ED'i-b'l ED'i-ted
E'de-at ED'e-nes credible accredited
immediate headiness dreadable credited
intermediate readiness edible discredited
mediate steadiness incredible edited

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;
641 ED'i-ted — EK'i-le

miscredited EF'e-nes EG'nan-se personeity

unaccredited beefiness pregnancy plebeity
leafiness regnancy seity
ED'i-ting simultaneity
accrediting EF'i-sens EG'ur-e spontaneity
crediting beneficence beggary terreity
discrediting maleficence eggery velleity
miscrediting EF'i-sent E'gur-le E'je-an
beneficent eagerly collegian
ED'i-tiv maleficent meagrely Fuegian
redditive overeagerly Norwegian
sedative EF'ur-ens (See also
cross-reference E'gur-nes EJ'un.)
ED'i-tor deference eagerness
creditor preference meagreness EJ'i-b'l
editor reference overeagerness allegeable
ED'les-ie E'i-te illegible
heedlessly deferent aseity legible
contemporane- pledgeable
needlessly efferent
ity wedgeable
ED'les-nes EG'a-bl
deity E'jus-nes
heedlessness beggable diathermaneity egregiousness
needlessness legable erogeneity sacrilegiousness
ED'u-lus E'gal-iz'm femineity EK'a-b'l
credulous legalism gaseity speakable
incredulous regalism haecceity unspeakable
sedulous hermaphrodeity
E'gal-nes heterogeneity EK'a-b'l
ED'ur-al illegalness homogeneity impeccable
federal legalness incorporeity insecable
hederal regalness instantaneity peccable
ED'ur-ship EG'e-nes multeity EK'i-lt
leadership dregginess omneity cheekily
readership legginess perseity creakily

did, dr, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
EK'i-le — EK'tiv-nes 642

leakily interjectional affectable dissectible

sleekily inters ectional correctable effectible
sneakily objectional deflectable indefectible
squeakily projectional delectable ineffectible
treacly protectional detectable unconnectible
reflectional erectable unperfectible
EK'e-nes resectional expectable
cheekiness resurrectional rejectable EK'ti-fi
creakiness sectional respectable objectify
leakiness vivisectional subjectable rectify
sneakiness suspectable
squeakiness EK'shun-ist unaffectable EK'ti-kal
insurrectionist uncorrectable apoplectical
EK'ish-nes perfectionist undelectable dialectical
cliquishness protectionist undetectable
freakishness resurrectionist unerectable EK'ti-tud
sneakishness unrejectable
EK'shun-iz unrespectable rectitude
EK'on-ing resurrectionize unsuspectable senectitude
beckoning sectionize
dead-reckoning EK'tar* EK'tiv-le
reckoning EK'si-b'l nectary collectively
flexible (See also defectively
EK're-ment inflexible EK'to-re.) effectively
decrement nexible (See also
recrement reflexible EK'ted-nes EK'tiv; add
abjectedness -fy where
EK'shun-al EK'si-te affectedness appropriate.)
affectional complexity dejectedness
bisectional convexity disaffectedness EK'tiv-nes
complexional intercomplexity infectedness collectiveness
connectional perplexity suspectedness defectiveness
convectional reflexity unsuspected- effectiveness
correctional ness ineffectiveness
directional EK'siv-nes objectiveness
flectional perplexiveness EK'ti-b'l prospectiveness
flexional reflexiveness collectible protectiveness
inflectional connectible reflectiveness
insurrectional EK'ta-b'l defectible subjectiveness

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, gnd; Ice, ill;
643 EK'to-me —EL'i-kal

EK'to-me architectural EL'a-tiv anthelion

appendectomy conjectural compellative aphelion
hysterectomy correlative chameleon
lipectomy EK'tur-ur relative
lumpectomy conjecturer E'le-us,
mastectomy lecturer E'le-a, EL'ya EL'yus
orchidectomy Amelia Aurelius
tonsillectomy EK'u-lar Aurelia Cornelius
vasectomy molecular Bedelia
secular Cecelia EL'fish-nes
EK'to-ral specular Celia elfishness
electoral Cordelia selfishness
pectoral EK'u-lat Cornelia
protectoral peculate Fidelia EL'i-b'l,
rectoral speculate Lelia EL'a-b'I
sectoral Ophelia compellable
EK'u-tiv delible
EK'to-rat consecutive E'le-an expellable
directorate executive Aristotelian fellable
electorate subsecutive carnelian foretellable
expectorate Delian gelable
protectorate EL'a-b'I Hegelian indelible
rectorate annealable Ismaelian ingelable
appealable Machiavellian jellable
EK'to-re concealable Mephistophe- quellable
correctory congealable lian sellable
directory dealable Mingrelian smellable
nectary healable spellable
rectory inconcealable EL'e-an tellable
refectory peelable Boswellian unforetellable
sectary repealable Cromwell ian unjellable
revealable evangelian unquellable
EK'tu-al sealable selion unsellable
effectual uncongealable unsmellable
ineffectual undealable EL'e-gat unspellable
intellectual unhealable delegate untellable
lectual unpeelable relegate
unrepeatable EL'i-kal
EK'tur-al unseaiable E'le-on angelical

old, dr, ddd, oil, foTrt, out; use, Qrn, to; THis, thin
EL'i-kal —EM'on-e 644

bellical stealthier E'ma-tist EM'e-ur

evangelical wealthier schematist beamier
helical thematist creamier
pellicle EL'thi-le dreamier
healthily EM'a-tist premier
EL'ish-ing stealthily emblematist
embellishing wealthily theorematist EM'i-kal
relishing academical
EL'tur-e EM'bur-ing alchemical
EL'ish-ment sheltery Decembering chemical
embellishment smeltery dismembering electro-chemical
relishment membering endemical
„, EL'tur-ing Novembering epidemical
EL'6-est sheltering remembering polemical
bellowest weltering unremembering
mellowest EM'i-le
yellowest EL'tur-ur E'me-a beamily
_ shelterer Bohemia creamily
EL'6-ing welterer Euphemia dreamily
bellowing steamily
mellowing EL'u-lar E'me-al
yellowing cellular academial EM'i-nal
intercellular endemial feminal
stellular gremial geminal
melony unicellular vindemial seminal

EL'o-ur EL'ur-e E'me-an EM'i-nat

bellower celery academian effeminate
mellower stellary Bohemian geminate
yellower ingeminate
EL'us-le EM'e-nes
EL'the-est jealously creaminess EM'ni-te
healthiest overzealously dreaminess indemnity
stealthiest zealously steaminess solemnity
EM'a-b'l E'me-on EM'on-e
EL'the-ur esteemable anthemion Agapemone
healthier redeemable procemion anemone

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; ice, ill;
645 EM'or-al — E'ne-a

EM'or-al E'na-b'l uncommend- EN'dur-est

femoral amenable able engenderest
nemoral convenable undefendable renderest
unemendable slenderest
EM'o-re unlendable surrenderest
Emery EN'a-re unmendable tenderest
centenary unvendible
denary vendible EN'dur-ing
decennary engendering
hennery EN'den-se gendering
ambitendency rendering
appendancy surrendering
emperor EN'a-tdr
temperer ascendancy tendering
dependency EN'dur-le
temulent equipendency slenderly
tremulent END'i-b'l impendency tenderly
accendible independency
amendable intendancy EN'dur-nes
appendable interdepen- slenderness
ascendable dency tenderness
bendable pendancy
commendable resplendency EN'dur-ur
comprehendible superinten- engenderer
emerald dency renderer
ephemeralled tendency slenderer
descendable transcendency surrenderer
EM'ur-e transplendency tenderer
endable EN'de-us
dreamery EN'dus-le
extendible compendious
lendable stupendously
EM'ur-e incendious
mendable tremendously
gemmery recommendable END'les-le
(See also endlessly E'ne-a
EM'o-re.) friendlessly Armenia
suspendable asthenia
EM'ur-ist unamendable END'les-nes catamenia
ephemerist unascendable endlessness Eugenia
euhemerist friendlessness gardenia
old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
E'ne-a — EN'i-te 646

hebephrenia millennial introvenient regenesis

hypoadrenia novennial lenient spermatogenesis
leukopenia octennial supervenient sporogenesis
myasthenia perennial (See also thermogenesis
neomenia quadrennial EN'yent.) xenogenesis
neurasthenia quadricenten-
oligophrenia nial EN'e-sis EN'et-ing
Parthenia quincentennial abiogenesis jenneting
phonasthenia quinquennial agenesis renneting
presbyophrenia septennial anthropogenesis
psychasthenia septicentennial biogenesis E'ne-um
Ruthenia sexennial catagenesis proscenium
sarracenia tercentennial ectogenesis selenium
schizophrenia tricentennial epigenesis xenium
taenia triennial eugenesis
Xenia vicennial genesis E'ne-us
xenia hematogenesis arsenious
E'ne-an heterogenesis extrageneous
E'ne-al Armenian histogenesis genius
congenial Athenian homogenesis heterogeneous
demesnial Cyrenian metagenesis homogeneous
genial Estremenian monogenesis ingenious
homogeneal Fenian morphogenesis nitrogeneous
menial Hellenian neogenesis pergameneous
primigenial Madrilenian ontogenesis primigenious
primogenial Ruthenian oogenesis selenious
splenial organogenesis
uncongenial E'ne-ens osteogenesis EN'i-fdrm
venial convenience palingenesis antenniform
xenial inconvenience pangenesis penniform
(See also lenience paragenesis
EN'yal.) (See also parenesis EN'i-kal
EN'yens.) parthenogenesis arsenical
EN'e-al pathogenesis cathechumenical
bicentennial EN'e-ent phylogenesis ecumenical
biennial advenient phytogenesis scenical
centennial convenient polygenesis sirenical
decennial inconvenient psychogenesis
duodecennial intervenient pyrogenesis feN'i-te
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, 5nd; ice, 111;
647 EN'i-te —EN'ta-b'l

amenity intensitive EN'shus-nes intensity

lenity pensative conscientious- propensity
obscenity sensitive ness tensity
serenity contentious-
terrenity EN'sha-re ness EN'siv-nes
penitentiary licentiousness comprehensive-
EN'i-tiv residentiary pretentiousness ness
genitive expensiveness
lenitive EN'she-at EN'si-b'l extensiveness
primogenitive essentiate apprehensible inoffensiveness
splenitive licentiate comprehensible intensiveness
condensable offensiveness
EN'i-tud potentiate defensible pensiveness
lenitude deprehensible
plenitude dispensable ENS'les-le
serenitude assentient distensible defenselessly
consentient extensible senselessly
EN'i-zoo dissentient incomprehensi-
benison insentient ble ENS'les-nes
denizen presentient incondensable defenselessness
endenizen sentient indefensible senselessness
venison indispensable
EN'shun-al insensible EN'so-re
EN'sa-b'l ascensional irreprensible defensory
condensable attentional ostensible dispensary
(See also contentional reprehensible extrasensory
EN'si-b'l.) conventional sensible incensory
descensional subsensible ostensory
EN'sa-re dimensional suspensible prehensory
dispensary extensional tensible reprehensory
(See also intentional sensory
EN'so-re.) preventional EN'si-kal suspensory
unintentional forensical
EN'sa-tiv unconventional nonsensical EN'ta-b'l
compensative contentable
condensative EN'shun-ist EN'si-te fermentable
defensative ascentionist condensity frequentable
dispensative extension ist density inventible
insensitive recensionist immensity lamentable

old, dr, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
EN'ta-b'l — EN'ti-te 648

presentable temperamen- instrumentalism unparliamen-

preventable tally Orientalism tary
rentable transcenden- sacramental-
tally ism EN'ta-tiv
representable alimentative
unpresentable EN'tal-ist transcendental-argumentative
unpreventable continentalist ism augmentative
unrepresentable environmental- commentative
EN'ta-k'! ist complimentative
pentacle experimentalist EN'tal-nes
fundamentalist accidentalness experimentative
tentacle fundamental-
instrumentalist fermentative
EN'tal-e mentalist ness frequentative
Occidental ist gentleness misrepresenta-
accidentally incidentalness
complimentally Orientalist tive
sacramentalist instrumental- presentative
continentally ness
sentimentalist pretentative
departmentally transcendental- sentimental ness preventative
detrimentally ist ungentleness representative
developmen- tentative
tally EN'tal-iz EN'ta-re EN'ti-kal
elementally compartmen- accidentary authentical
environmentally talize
experimentally continentalize alimentary conventical
fragmentally complementary conventicle
fundamentally experimentalize complimentary denticle
governmentally Orientalize dentary identical
incidentally sentimentalize elementary EN'ti-kul
instrumentally filamentary denticule
mentally EN'tal-iz'm instrumentary lenticule
monumentally accidentalism
occidentally integumentary EN'ti-ment
continental ism parliamentary presentiment
orientally departmental- pigmentary
ornamentally sentiment
parentally elementalism placentary
pigmentally EN'ti-nal
regimentally environmental- rudimentary dentinal
ism sacramentary sentinel
segmentally sedimentary
sentimentally experimentalism
supplementally fundamentalism tegumentary EN'ti-t*
ale, cite, add, arm, ask; testamentary
m&, h$re, ettd; ice, IH;
649 EN'ti-te —?R'e-al

entity EN'ur-at EP'e-nes hydrotherapy

identity degenerate creepiness kinesitherapy
nonentity generate sleepiness phototherapy
ingenerate steepiness radiotherapy
EN'tiv-nes intenerate weepiness
alimentiveness progenerate ER'e-a, E're-a
attentiveness regenerate EP'ta-b'l Algeria
inattentiveness venerate acceptable diphtheria
inventiveness deceptible Egeria
retentiveness EN'ur-e imperceptible eleutheria
deanery insusceptible Etheria
EN'tu-al greenery perceptible hesperia
accentual machinery receptible hysteria
adventual plenary susceptible icteria
conventual scenery Liberia
eventual EP'ti-kal Nigeria
EN'u-re antiseptical Valkyria
EN'tu-at penury protreptical
accentuate EN'ur-e receptacle fR'e-al,
eventuate denary sceptical E're-al
decennary aerial
EP'tiv-nes arterial
EN'tus-le hennery deceptiveness cereal
momentously senary receptiveness ethereal
portentously venery susceptiveness ferial
EN'u-us funereal
EN'tus-nes EP'ur-us immaterial
momentous- disingenuous
ingenuous leperous imperial
ness obstreperous magisterial
portentousness tenuous perstreperous managerial
streperous manerial
EN'u-ant EN'yen-se material
attenuant conveniency ER'an-se ministerial
genuant inconveniency aberrancy monasterial
leniency errancy presbyterial
EN'u-at inerrancy rhinocerial
attenuate EP'i-le serial
extenuate creepily ER'a-pe siderial
tenuate sleepily balneotherapy vizierial

old, or, ddd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
gR'e-an — gR'i-le 650

ER'e-an congeries posterior siderous

Abderian series superior
aerian ulterior gR'ful-3
Algerian ER'e-ing (See also cheerfully
Celtiberian berrying £R'e-ur.) fearfully
Cimmerian burying tearfully
Hanoverian ferrying E're-um
Hesperian wherrying acroterium £R'ful-nes
Iberian apodyterium cheerfulness
Keplerian ER'e-man dinotherium fearfulness
Luciferian ferryman megatherium tearfulness
phalansterian Merriman palaeotherium
Pierian wherryman titanotherium ER'i-dez
Presbyterian Anterides
Shakespearean ER'e-ment £R'e-ur Hesperides
Shakesperian merriment beerier Pierides
Siberian (See also blearier
Spenserian UR'e-ment.) bleerier ER'i-kal
Valerian cheerier alexiterical
Valkyrian pt'e-nes drearier atmospherical
Wertherian beeriness eerier chimerical
(See also bleariness wearier clerical
gR'e-on and cheeriness (See also climacterical
IR'e-an.) dreariness gR'e-or.) esoterical
eeriness exoterical
ER'e-est weariness ER'e-ur heliospherical
beeriest burier helispherical
bleariest £R'e-on merrier hysterical
cheeriest allerion terrier numerical
dreariest criterion phylacterical
eeriest Hyperion E're-us, rhinocerical
weariest (See also ER'e-us spherical
£R'e-an.) cereous sphericle
ER'e-est cereus
buriest ?R'6-or deleterious £R'i-le
ferriest anterior ethereous cheerily
merriest exterior imperious drearily
inferior mysterious eerily
I£R'e-ez interior serious wearily
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, ill;
651 ER'i le —ESH'un-ist

gR'i-le ]£R'les-nes adolescency nescience

merrily cheerlessness alkalescency prescience
verity fearlessness convalescency
peerlessness defervescency ESH'e-nes
ER'ish-ing delitescency fleshiness
cherishing ERo-gat effervescency meshiness
perishing interrogate efflorescency
unperishing (See also erubescency ESH'le-nes
UR'o-gat.) excrescency fleshliness
ER'i-ted incalescency freshliness
$R'yal-ist incandescency unfleshliness
immaterialist liquescency
disinherited ESH'un-al
imperialist pubescency
materialist quiescency accessional
recrudescency confessional
?R'yal-izm rejuvenescency congressional
immaterialism turgescency digressional
imperialism discretional
ER'i-te materialism E'sent-le expressional
ambidexterity decently intercessional
asperity ES'a-b'l indecently possessional
austerity creasable recently processional
celerity releasable professional
dexterity E'she-an progressional
indexterity ES'a-re Capetian recessional
insincerity confessary Epictetian retrocessional
legerity intercessory geodesian sessional
posterity pessary Grecian successional
procerity professory gynaecian transgressional
prosperity successary Megalesian
severity Melanesian ESH'un-ist
sincerity E'sen-se Peloponnesian expressionist
temerity decency Silesian impressionist
verity indecency Venetian neo-expression-
recency (See also ist
ER'it-ing ESH'an, neo-impression-
ferreting ES'en-se ESH'un.) ist
inheriting acescency postimpression-
meriting acquiescency ESH'e-ens ist

old, or, odd, oil, fcJot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
ESH'un-ist —ET'al-en 652

progressionist centesimal ES'ti-b'l equestrian

secessionist decimal comestible palestrian
successionist infinitesimal congestible pedestrian
millesimal contestable sylvestrian
ESH'un-ur nonagesimal detestable
possessioner quadragesimal digestible ES'tre-us
processioner septuagesimal divestible pedestrious
secessioner sexagesimal incontestable terestrious
E'shus-nes ES'i-te intestable ES'tu-ral
facetiousness obesity testable gestural
speciousness vestural
ES'i-te ES'tin-al
ES'i-b'l necessity destinal ES'tur-ing
accessible obesity intestinal festering
compressible pestering
concessible ES'iv-nes ES'tin-at westering
concrescible aggressiveness destinate
effervescible depressiveness festinate
expressible excessiveness predestinate
fermentescible expressiveness
impressible impressiveness ES'tiv-nes tempestuous
imputrescible inexpressiveness festiveness WT'T'f-. 1.91
inaccessible oppressiveness restiveness ET a-b 1
incessable progressiveness suggestiveness cheatable
imcompressible eatable
ineffervescible ES'te-al EST'le-nes entreatable
inexpressible agrestial beastliness escheatable
insuppressible bestial priestliness uneatable
irrepressible celestial
marcescible supercelestial ES'tre-al ET'a-b'l
putrescible extraterrestrial forgettable
redressible ES'te-nes pedestrial gettable
repressible reastiness superterrestrial regrettable
suppressible yeastiness terrestrial settable.
transgressible trimestrial unforgettable
vitrescible ES'te-nes
restiness ES'tre-an ET'al-en
ES'i-mal testiness campestrian acetylene

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, gnd; Ice, 111;
653 ET'a-lIn — EV'el-est

ET'a-IIn leathery detinue stichometrical

metalline weathery retinue symmetrical
petaline trigonometrical
ETH'ur-ing ET'ish-le
ET'al-iz'm feathering coquettishly ET'ri-ment
bimetallism leathering pettishly detriment
monometallism tethering retriment
petalism weathering ET'ish'nes
coquettishness ET'ur-ing
ET'e-nes ET'i-kal
pettishness bettering
meatiness aesthetical
peatiness aloetical
ET'i-siz'm lettering
sleetiness alphabetical
asceticism EV'a-b'l
ET'e-nes antipathetical athleticism achievable
jettiness antithetical peripateticism believable
pettiness apathetical cleavable
sweatiness apologetical ET'o-re conceivable
arithmetical completory deceivable
ET'ful-e catechetical depletory grievable
forgetfully cosmetical repletory imperceivable
fretfully dietetical secretory inconceivable
regretfully emporetical irretrievable
energetical ET'ri-kal
ET'ful-nes perceivable
epithetical alkalimetrical
forgetfulness receivable
exegetical asymmetrical
fretfulness relievable
heretical barometrical
regretfulness retrievable
hermetical craniometrical unbelievable
homiletical diametrical
Eth'les-le undeceivable
hypothetical geometrical
deathlessly noetical gnomiometrical E've-at
planetical graphometrical abbreviate
Eth'les-nes poetical horometrical alleviate
breathlessness theoretical isoperimetrical deviate
deathlessness ET'i-kul metrical
poeticule obstetrical EV'el-est
ETH'ur-e reticule perimetrical bevellest
feathery planimetrical dishevellest
heathery ET'in-u pluviometrical levelest

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
EV'el-est — EZ'ur-ur 654

revellest EV'i-te feasible esthesia

brevity freezable magnesia
EV'el-ing levity inappeasable parrhesia
bedeviling longevity indefeasible Rhodesia
beveling infeasible Silesia
disheveling EVol-ens seizable Zambesia
leveling benevolence squeezable
reveling malevolence unappeasable EZ'i-dent
EV'el-iz'm EV'61-ent EZ'an-tre resident
devilism benevolent peasantry vice president
levelism malevolent pheasantry
pleasantry EZ'i-Ie
EV'el-ur EV'61-us breezily
beveler benevolous E'ze-an easily
bedeviler malevolous artesian greasily
disheveler cartesian uneasily
leveler EV'dl-ut wheezily
reveler evolute Ephesian EZ'ing-le
E'v€-us etesian appeasingly
devious EV'ur-est magnesian freezingly
previous cleverest Milesian pleasingly
endeavorest Polynesian teasingly
EV'il-ment Everest trapezian wheezingly
bedevilment severest
devilment EZ'e-nes E'zon-ing
revelment EV'ur-mor breeziness reasoning
evermore cheesiness seasoning
EV'il-re nevermore easiness unreasoning
devilry greasiness
revelry EV'ur-ur queasiness EZ'ur-ing
cleverer sleaziness measuring
E'vish-le endeavorer uneasiness pleasuring
peevishly severer wheeziness treasuring
E'za-b'l E'zhe-a, E'ze-a EZ'ur-ur
E'vish-nes appeasable amnesia measurer
peevishness cohesible anaesthesia pleasurer
thievishness defeasible ecclesia treasurer

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; ice, 111;
655 i'a-b'l — IB'i-tiv

for a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-
lowing, see the beginning of I rhymes in Section I.

i'a-b'l I'a-ble compliancy I'a-tur

acidifiable deniably pliancy psychiater
appliable justifiably riancy
classifiable reliably IB'a-b'l
compliable undeniably Iant-le bribable
deniable (See also compliantly describable
diversifiable I'a-b'l; change defiantly indescribable
electrifiable -e to -v where pliantly inscribable
exemplifiable appropriate.) reliantly scribable
falsifiable subscribable
I'a-dez I'ar-e undescribable
hamadryades diary
Hyades friary IB'e-a
Pleiades (See also amphibia
I'ur-e.) Libya
liable I'a-kal tibia
liquefiable bibliomaniacal
magnifiable I'ar-ist
cardiacal IB'e-al
modifiable diarist
demoniacal amphibial
pacifiable Piarist
elegiacal stibial
petrifiable encyclopediacal tibial
pliable heliacal I'ar-ke
qualifiable hypochondria- diarchy IB'e-an
rarefiable cal triarchy amphibian
rectifiable maniacal Libyan
reliable monomaniacal l'a-sis
saponifiable paradisiacal elephantiasis IB'e-us
satisfiable prosodiacal hypochondriasis amphibious
solidifiable simoniacal psoriasis bathybius
triable zodiacal stibious
undeniable I'a-siz'm
verifiable I'an-se, demoniacism IB'i-tiv
viable I'en-se hypochon- exhibitive
verifiable cliency driacism prohibitive

old, or, odd, oil, iHbl, out; use, urn, - up; THis, thin
IB'u-lar —ID'u-us 656

IB'u-lar obsidian ID'i-kal rapidity

fibular ophidian druidical rigidity
infundibular Ovidian juridical sapidity
mandibular postmeridian pyramidical solidity
vestibular quotidian veridical squalidity
rachidian stolidity
ICH'e-nes ID'i-nus stupidity
bitchiness ID'e-at libidinous timidity
itchiness dimidiate torpidity
pitchiness insidiate iD'Me torridity
acidity trepidity
ICH'ur-e iD'en-nes acridity tumidity
bewitchery forbiddenness aridity turbidity
michery hiddenness avidity turgidity
stitchery cupidity validity
witchery ID'e-om, frigidity vapidity
ID'e-um insipidity viridity
ID'a-b'l idiom insolidity viscidity
bestridable iridium intrepidity vividity
decidable peridium invalidity
dividable gelidity ID'u-al
ridable ID'e-us gravidity individual
(See also ID; avidious hispidity residual
add -able fastidious humidity
where hideous hybridity iD'u-at
appropriate.) insidious limpidity assiduate
invidious liquidity individuate
fD'e-al lapideous lividity
noctidial ophidious lucidity fD'u-lat
presidial parricidious marcidity acidulate
perfidious morbidity stridulate
iD'e-an Phidias pallidity
antemeridian splendidious ID'u-lus
Gideon stillicidious acidulous
Lydian stridulous
meridian IDi-fl
putridity ID'u-us
Midian acidify
quiddity assiduous
nullifidian lapidify
rabidity deciduous
Numidian solidify
ale, care, add, arm, isk; mS, h$re, Snd; ice, 111;
657 ID'u-us — IF'ur-us

prociduous I'et-ed lanifical IF'ra-gus

residuous dieted pontifical fedrifragous
succiduous disquieted specifical ossifragous
viduous quieted saxifragous
rioted IF'i-kant
I'en-se insignificant IF'ta-b'l
cliency I'et-est mundificant liftable
(See also dietest sacrificant shiftable
I'an-se.) quietest significant
riotest IF'te-ness
i'et-al IF'i-kat shiftiness
dietal I'et-ing certificate thriftiness
hyetal dieting pontificate
parietal disquieting significate IF'ti-le
varietal quieting shiftily
rioting IF'i-sens
f'et-e magnificence
anxiety i'et-ist munificence
contrariety anxietist shiftlessness
dubiety dietist IF'i-sent
magnificent thriftlessness
ebriety pietist
filiety proprietist mirificent IF'u-gal
impiety quietist munificent
impropriety varietiest centrifugal
inebriety iF'I-sur febrifugal
insobriety I'et-iz'm artificer vermifugal
luxuriety pietism opificer „
mediety quietism IF'ur-us
nimiety varietism IF'lu-us acidiferous
notoriety dulcifluous aliferous
nullibiety I'et-ur, I'et-dr fellifluous aluminiferous
omniety dieter ignifluous ammonitiferous
piety proprietor mellifluous antenniferous
propriety quieter sanguifluous aquiferous
satiety rioter argentiferous
sobriety IF'on-e armiferous
society IF'i-kal antiphony astriferous
ubiety beatifical oxyphony auriferous
variety dolorifical polyphony bacciferous

old, or, 6dd, oil, ffl6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IF'ur-us — iG'am-us 658

balaniferous guttiferous odoriferous somniferous

balsamiferous gypsiferous oleiferous soniferous
branchiferous hederiferous omniferous soporiferous
bulbiferous herbiferous oolitiferous spiciferous
calcariferous igniferous ossiferous spiniferous
calciferous lactiferous ostriferous splendiferous
carboniferous lamelliferous ozoniferous spumiferous
celliferous laminiferous palmiferous stameniferous
cheliferous lanciferous papuliferous stanniferous
cirriferous laniferous papuliferous stelliferous
conchiferous laticiferous pestiferous stoloniferous
coniferous lauriferous petroliferous succiferous
coralliferous lethiferous piliferous sudoriferous
cruciferous ligniferous pistilliferous tentaculiferous
cupriferous lignitiferous platiniferous tergiferous
diamantiferous limbiferous plumbiferous thuriferous
diamondiferous luciferous polypiferous tuberiferous
doloriferous lucriferous poriferous umbelliferous
ensiferous luctiferous proliferous umbraculiferous
fatiferous luminiferous pruniferous umbriferous
ferriferous magnetiferous pulmoniferous valviferous
filiferous maliferous quartiziferous vaporiferous
flammiferous mammaliferous racemiferous vasculiferous
floriferous mammiferous ramuliferous veneniferous
fluctiferous margaritiferous resiniferous vociferous
foliferous melliferous roriferous zinciferous
foraminiferous membraniferous sacchariferous
fossiliferous metalliferous sacciferous IG'am-e
frondiferous monstriferous saliferous bigamy
fructiferous mortiferous saliniferous digamy
frugiferous muciferous salutiferous polygamy
fumiferous multiferous sanguiferous trigamy
furciferous nectariferous scopiferous
gemmiferous nickeliferous scutiferous IG'am-ist
geodiferous nimbiferous sebiferous bigamist
glandiferous nitriferous sensiferous polygamist
glanduliferous noctiferous setiferous trigamist
graniferous nubiferous siliciferous
granuliferous nuciferous soboliferous IG'am-us

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; ice, ill;
659 IG'am-us — IK'e-nes

bigamous IG'ra-fe melligenous cirrigerous

digamous calligraphy montigenous coralligerous
polygamous epigraphy nubigenous cornigerous
trigamous lexigraphy omnigenous crucigerous
pasigraphy oxygenous dentigerous
IG'ma-tist poligraphy polygenous immorigerous
enigmatist pseudepigrahy pruriginous lanigerous
stigmatist stratigraphy sanguigenous linigerous
tachygraphy terrigenous morigerous
IG'ma-tiz uliginous navigerous
enigmatize IC'u-lat unigenous ovigerous
paradigmatize figulate vertiginous palpigerous
stigmatize ligulate vortiginous pedigerous
IG'nan-se IG'ur-e U'id-le piligerous
indignancy piggery frigidly plumigerous
malignancy Whiggery rigidly proligerous
wiggery setigerous
IG'ne-us tf'id-nes spinigerous
igneous IG'u-us frigidness
ligneous ambiguous rigidness U'us-nes
contiguous litigiousness
IG'ni-fi exiguous U'i-te prodigiousness
dignify irriguous digity religiousness
ignify fidgety
lignify U'e-an IK'a-ment
mal ignify Cantabrigian tl'ur-at medicament
signify Phrygian belligerate predicament
undignify Stygian frigerate
refrigerate IK'a-tiv
IG'ni-te tj'en-us abdicative
benignity alkaligenous U'ur-ent desiccative
dignity coralligenous belligerent exsiccative
indignity epigenous refrigerant fricative
malignity fuliginous indicative
gelatigenous U'ur-us predicative
IG'or-us ignigenous aligerous siccative
rigorous indigenous armigerous
vigorous marigenous belligerous IK'e-nes

old, or, odd, oil, ftfot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IK'e-nes —IK'wi-tus 660

stickiness terricolous reticula funiculate

trickiness zeticula geniculate
IK'd-mus gesticulate
IK'en-ing auricomous IK'u-lar matriculate
quickening flavicomous acicular monticulate
sickening adminicular paniculate
thickening IK'sa-b'l articular particulate
fixable auricular reticulate
IK'et-e mixable calycular spiculate
pernicketty canicular vehiculate
rickety IK'shun-al clavicular vermiculate
thicketty contradictional cubicular vesiculate
fictional cuticular
IK'et-ing frictional fascicular iK'u-lum
cricketing jurisdictional follicular curriculum
picketing funicular geniculum
ticketing IK'si-te lenticular
fixity navicular
iK'et-ur IK'u-lus
prolixity orbicular
cricketer siccity ovicular
picketer particular Ffi*if*ir*iilii<;
IK'tiv-le pellicular foUiculous
IK'i-le restrictively perpendicular meticulous
stickily vindictively quinquarticular ridiculous
trickily radicular urbiculous
IK'tiv-nes reticular
IK'Ie-nes restrictiveness spicular ventriculous
prickliness vindictiveness subcuticular vermiculous
sickliness vehicular vesiculous
IK'to-re ventricular
IK'6-list benedictory vermicular IK'wi-te
agricolist contradictory versicular antiquity
ignicolist interdictory vesicular iniquity
plebicolist valedictory obliquity
victory IK'u-lat ubiquity
IK'5-lus articulate
agricolous IK'u-la canaliculate IK'wi-tus
Nicholas Canicula denticulate iniquitous
sepicolous fidicula fasciculate ubiquitous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
661 IL'a-bM — IL'i-tat

IL'a-b'l iL'yun.) chilliness skilfulness

distillable hilliness wilfulness
fillable IL'e-ar silliness unskilfulness
refillable atrabiliar
syllable auxiliar IL'e-6 iL'i-fi
tillable conciliar pulvillio fossil ify
unrefillable domiciliar punctilio nobilify
(See also stabilify
I'lan-dur IL'yar.) IL'et-ed vilify
highlander billeted
islander IL'e-at filleted IL'i-fdrm
affiliate unfilleted filiform
IL'a-re conciliate plumiliform
Hilary domiciliate IL'et-ing
(See also filiate billeting IL'i-gan
IL'ur-e.) humiliate filleting Gilligan
iL'e-a IL'e-ens IL'e-us
memorabilia consilience atrabilious IL'ij-ur
notabilia dissilience bilious pillager
sedilia resilience punctilious villager
transilience supercilious
IL'e-ad (See also (See also IL'i-ka
chiliad IL'yans.) IL'yus.) basilica
Iliad silica
IL'e-ent iL'fuI-e
IL'e-an dissilient guilefully IL'i-kal
Brazilian resilient wilefully basilical
Castilian transilient filical
Cecil ian (See also IL'ful-e silicle
crocodilian IL'yant.) skilfully umbilical
Kurilian wilfully
lacertilian IL'e-est unskilfully IL'ing-le
Lilian chilliest killingly
Maximilian hilliest IL'ful-nes thrill ingly
perfectibilian silliest guileful ness trillingly
reptilian stilliest wilfulness willingly
(See also IL'e-nes IL'ful-nes IL'i-tat

old, or, 6dd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
iL'i-tat —IL'i-te 662

abilitate answerability confusability disputability

debilitate appetibility contemptibility dissolubility -
facilitate applicability contractibility dissolvability
habilitate approachability contractility distensibility
impossibilitate assimilability convincibility divisibility
militate associability convertibility docibility
nobilitate attainability corrigibility docility
rehabilitate attemptability corrodibility ductility
stabilitate attractability corrosibility durability
audibility corruptibility edibility
„ availability credibility educability
IL'i-te bribability creditability eligibility
ability calculability crocodility enunciability
absorbability capability culpability equability
accendibility censurability curability errability
acceptability changeability damnabUity exchangeability
accessibility chargeability debility excitability
accountability civility deceptibility exhaustibility
acquirability coagulability deducibility exility
adaptability cognoscibility defectibility expansibility
addibility cohesibility defensibility extensibility
adjustability collapsibility delegability facility
admirability combustibility demisability fallibility
admissibility commen- demonstrabil- feasibility
adoptability surability ity febrility
adorability communicabil- deplorability fermentability
advisability ity descendibility fertility
affability commutability describability fictility
affectibility comparability desirability flammability
agility compatibility despicability flexibility
agreeability comprehensi- destructibility fluctuability
alienability bility determinability fluxibility
alterability compressibility detestability formidability
amability computability diffusibility fossil ity
amenability conceivability digestibility fragility
amiability condensability dilatability frangibility
amicability conducibility dirigibility friability
amissibility conductability disability fusibility
anility conformability dispensability futility

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, gnd; ice, 111;
663 iL'i-te

generability impregnability incorrigibility inflexibility

gentility imprescriptibil- incorruptibility influenceability
governability ity incredibility infrangibiiity
gracility impressibility incurability infusibility
gullibility impressionabil- indefatigability inhability
habitability ity indefeasibility inhabitability
hereditability improbability indefectibility inheritability
hostility improvability indefensibility inimitability
humility imputability indelibility innumerability
ignobility inability indemonstra- inoperability
inability inaccessibility bility insanability
illegibility inadmissibility indescribability insatiability
illimitability inaudibility indestructibility inscrutability
imbecility incalculability indigestibility insensibility
instability incapability indiscernibility inseparability
immeability incivility indiscerptibility insociability
immeasurabil- incogitability indispensability insolubility
ity incognoscibility indisputability instability
immiscibility incombustibil- indissolubility insuperability
immobility ity indivisibility insurability
immovability incommen- indocibility insurmount-
immutability surability indocility ability
impalpability incommuni- inductility insusceptibility
impartibility cability ineffability intangibility
impassibility incommutabil- ineffervescibil- intelligibility
impeccability ity ity interchange-
impenetrability incomparability ineligibility ability
imperceptibility incompatibility inerrability intractability
imperdibility incomprehensi- inevitability inutility
imperfectibility bility inexcusability invariability
imperishability incompressibil- inexhaustibility invendibility
impermeability ity inexorability invincibility
imperturbabil- inconceivability inexplicability inviolability
ity incondensabil- inexpressibility invisibility
imperviability ity infallibility invulnerability
implacability incontestability infantility irascibility
imponderability incontroverti- infeasibility irreconcilability
impossibility bility infertility irredeemability
impracticability inconvertibility inflammability irreductibility

old, or, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IL'i-te 664

irrefragability navigability probability risibility

irrefutability negotiability producibility saleability
irremissibility neurility provability salvability
irremovability nihility puerility sanability
irreparability nobility punishability satiability
irrepressibility notability questionability scurrility
irreproachabil- nubility quotability senility
ity opposability ratability sensibility
irresistibility organizability readability separability
irresistibility ostensibility receivability servility
irresolvability palpability receptibility sociability
irresponsibility partibility recognizability solubility
irretrievability passibility reconcilability solvability
irreversibility peccability redeemability sportability
irrevocability penetrability reducibility squeezability
irritability pensility reductibility stability
justifiability perceptibility reflectibility sterility
juvenility perceptibility reflexibility suability
knowability perdurability reformability subtil ity
lability perfectibility refragability suggestibility
laminability perishability refrangibility suitability
laudability permeability refutability susceptibility
legibility permissibility relatability suspensibility
liability persuasibility reliability tactility
malleability perturbability remissibility tamability
manageability placability removability tangibility
manipulability plausibility remunerability taxability
marketability pliability renewability temptability
measurability ponderability reparability tenability
memorability portablity repeatability tensibility
mensurability possibility resistibility tensility
miscibility potability resolvability tolerability
mobility practicability respectability torsibility
modifiability precipitability responsibility tortility
modificability predictability retractability traceability
motility preferability retractility tractability
movability prehensility retrievability tractility
mutability prescriptibility reversibility tranquillity
nameability preventability revocability transferability

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, £nd; Ice, 111;
665 iL'i-te —IM'a-nus

translatability milkiest (See also IL'6-kwiz

transmissibility silkiest IL'ur-e.) soliloquize
transmutability ventriloquize
transportability iL'ke-ur IL'o-kwens
unaccountabil- milkier blandiloquence lL'6-kwiz'm
ity silkier breviloquence gastriloquism
unbelievability grandiloquence pectoriloquism
undesirability Mo-bat magniloquence somniloquism
unreliability stylobate somniloquence ventriloquism
unsuitability trilobate stultiloquence
untranslatabil- IL'6-kwus
ity IL'd-e IL'6-kwent grandiloquous
unutterability billowy magniloquous
utility pillowy pectoriloquous
willowy somniloquous
vaporability magniloquent
variability ventriloquous
IL'6-ing melliloquent
vegetability pauciloquent
billowing fL'ur-e
vendibility sanctiloquent
pillowing artillery
venerability stultiloquent
verisimility IL'6-je sauviloquent
vernility antilogy veriloquent
versability brachylogy distillery
versatility dilogy IL'6-kwe Hilary
viability fossilogy dentiloquy phyllary
vibratility palilogy gastriloquy pillory
vincibility trilogy pauciloquy Sillery
vindicability pectoriloquy
violability IL'o-jIz soliloquy lL'yan-s£
virility epilogize somniloquy brilliancy
visibility syllogize stultiloquy resiliency
volatility suaviloquy transiliency
volubility IL'o-jiz'm ventriloquy
vulnerability epilogism IL'yar-e
wearability episyllogism IL'6-kwist atrabiliary
workability syllogism dentiloquist auxiliary
writability gastriloquist
iL'd-re somniloquist iM'a-nus
iL'ke-est pillory ventriloquist longimanous

did, dr, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IM'a-nus — IN'dur-e 666

pedimanous calorimeter incriminate IM'u-lus

dasymeter indiscriminate limulus
IM'a-tur dimeter recriminate stimulus
climature focimeter
limature gravimeter IM'i-ne IM'ur-us
limiter Bimini dimerous
IM'bri-kat lucimeter jiminy polymerous
fimbricate pelvimeter nimini-pimini
imbricate perimeter postliminy IN'a-b'l
planimeter assignable
IM'e-an, polarimeter IM'i-nus combinable
IM'e-on pulsimeter criminous declinable
Endymion rhysimeter moliminous definable
simian saccharimeter designable
Simeon salimeter IM'i-te finable
scimiter anonymity inclinable
IM'e-nes tasimeter dimity indeclinable
griminess trimeter equanimity indefinable
sliminess velocimeter magnanimity signable
zymosimeter parvanimity
proximity IN'ar-e
I'mer-e pseudonymity binary
primary IM'i-kal
pusillanimity (See also
rhymery alchymical
sanctanimity IN'ur-e.)
IM'et-re inimical,
alkalimetry metonymical unanimity IN'a-tiv
asymmetry mimical IM'pur-ing finative
bathymetry simpering
calorimetry iM'i-nal whimpering IN'di-kat
isoperimetry criminal indicate
longimetry regiminal IM'pur-ur syndicate
planimetry subliminal simperer vindicate
polarimetry viminal whimperer
saccharimetry iN'dur-e
symmetry iM'i-nat IM'u-lat bindery
accriminate assimulate grindery
IM'et-ur criminate dissimulate
alkalimeter discriminate simulate IN'dur*
altimeter eliminate stimulate cindery

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, 6nd; Ice, 111;
667 IN'dur-e —IN'i-te

tindery (See also ING'gur-ing IN'i-kin

IN'yon.) fingering finikin
IN'e-a lingering minikin
Abyssinia IN'e-at malingering
Lavinia delineate IN'i-k'l
Sardinia laciniate ING'gur-ur adminicle
Virginia lineate fingerer binnacle
Zinnia miniate lingerer binocle
malingerer Brahminical
IN'e-al IN'e-est clinical
consanguineal briniest ING'e-nes cynical
finial shiniest ringiness dominical
gramineal spiniest . finical
springiness flaminical
interlineal tiniest stringiness
lineal pinnacle
pectineal Sinical
IN'e-ma INGK'a-b'l
pineal synclinical
cinema drinkable
kinema shrinkable
IN'e-an thinkable liniment
Abyssinian IN'e-ur undrinkable
unshrinkable miniment
anthro- brinier
shinier unsinkable
pophaginian IN'ish-ing
Arminian spinier diminishing
Augustinian tinier w finishing
Carolinian INGK'e-nes
Carthaginian IN'e-us inkiness IN'is-tral
czarinian cartilagineous kinkiness ministral
Darwinian consan- pinkiness sinistral
Delphinian guineous slinkiness
Eleusinian flamineous IN'is-tur
Hercynian fulmineous iNGK'wi-te administer
Justinian gramineous longinquity minister
Palestinean ignominious propinquity sinister
Sardinian sanguineous
serpentinian stamineous IN'i-fdrm IN'i-te
Socinian stramineous actiniform affinity
viraginian testudineous aluminiform alkalinity
Virginian vimineous laciniform asininity

old, or, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
IN'i-te — IP'ed-al 668

consanguinity stinginess insinuate IP'ar-us

divinity sinuate biparous
felinity IN'lan-dur criniparous
femininity Finlander IN'u-us deiparous
infinity inlander continuous fissiparous
Latinity sinuous floriparous
masculinity IN'o-lin foliiparous
patavinity crinoline I'61-a frondiparous
peregrinity quinoline variola fructiparous
salinity viola gemelliparous
sanguinity IN'the-an gemmiparous
satinity absinthian I'6-Iet larviparous
trinity Corinthian triolet multiparous
vicinity hyacinthian violet omniparous
viraginity labyrinthian opiparous
virginity I'o-list oviparous
IN'tur-est scinlict ovoviviparous
IN'i-tiv interest violist polyparous
combinative splinterest polypiparous
finitive winterest . sebiparous
infinitive I 6-lus sudoriparous
IN'tur-e gladiolus tomiparous
IN'jen-se printery sciolous uniparous
astringency splintery variolous vermiparous
contingency wintery _ viviparous
refringency I'6-pe
stringency iN'ur-e Calliope IP'a-the
alpinery myopy antipathy
IN'je-an binary presbyopy kinesipathy
Carlovingian finary somnipathy
Merovingian finery I'6-tur
Thuringian pinery rioter IP'a-thist
quinary (See also antipathist
IN'ji-le refinery l'et-ur.) somnipathist
dingily swinery
stingily vinery I'6-sen IP'ed-al
Miocene equipedal
IN'je-nes IN'u-at Pliocene solipedal
dinginess continuate post-Pliocene (See also

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, gnd; Ice, ill;
669 IP'ed-al — ISH'en-se

ED'al.) IP'ur* satirical Dionysius

IP'li-kat slippery IR'i-siz'm iSH'al-e
sesquiplicate empiricism judicially
triplicate fR'a-b'I lyricism officially
acquirable prejudicially
IP'd-le desirable IR'e-us superficially
Gallipoli expirable delirious
Tripoli perspirable Sirius iSH'al-izm
requirable (See also judicialism
respirable 5R'i-us.) officialism
armipotence transpirable
untirable IR'on-e ISH'e-a
gyronny Alicia
iR'as-e irony Delicia
piracy Felicia
retiracy IS'e-est Luticia
IP'6-tent iciest
armipotent IR'as-e spiciest ISH'e-at
bellipotent conspiracy initiate
ignipotent deliracy IS'e-nes maleficiate
multipotent iciness novitiate
omnipotent IR'ful-nes spiciness officiate
plenipotent direful ness patriciate
ireful ness IS'en-ing propitiate
IP'ti-kal christening vitiate
apocalyptical IR'e-an glistening
cryptical Assyrian listening ISH'e-ens
elliptical Styrian unlistening omniscience
Syrian (See also
IP'tur-us Tyrian IS'en-se ISH'ens.)
dipterous (See also reminiscency
peripterous gR'i-an.) reviviscency ISH'e-ent
tripterous omniscient
IR'i-kal IS'en-ur (See also
IP'u-lat empirical christener ISH'ent.)
astipulate lyrical listener
manipulate miracle ISH'en-se
stipulate panegyrical I'se-us alliciency

old, or, I, oil, f<36t, i; use, urn, up; THis, thin

ISH'en-se —IS'i-te 670

beneficiency ISH'on-ur incommiscible canonicity

deficiency admonitioner irremissable catholicity
efficiency coalitioner miscible causticity
inefficiency commissioner omissible centricity
insitiency exhibitioner permiscible clericity
insufficiency missioner permissible complicity
proficiency practitioner remissible conicity
self-sufficiency traditioner scissible domesticity
sufficiency transmissible duplicity
ISH'us-nes eccentricity
ISH'on-al adventitiousness I'si-k'l elasticity
additional auspiciousness bicycle electricity
com mission a I avariciousness icicle electrotonicity
p n n H i tirni 5* 1 capriciousness tricycle ellipticity
vviiiuiLiv/uai deliciousness endemicity
definitional expeditiousness IS'i-le evangelicity
dispositional fictitiousness icily felicity
disquisitional flagitiousness spicily historicity
inquisitional inauspicious- hygroscopicity
intuitional ness lS'i-mo immundicity
prepositional judiciousness bravissimo impudicity
maliciousness fortissimo inelasticity
meretricious- generalissimo infelicity
ness pianissimo lubricity
perniciousness prestissimo mendicity
transitional propitiousness multiplicity
transpositional seditiousness iS'i-nal pepticity
volitional superstitious- fidicinal periodicity
ness medicinal plasticity
supposititious- officinal publicity
ISH'on-ist ness vaticinal pudicity
abolitionist suspiciousness vicinal rubricity
coalitionist viciousness rusticity
exhibitionist is'i-te simplicity
expeditionist IS'i-b'l accomplicity spasticity
oppositionist admissible achromaticity sphericity
prohibitionist amissible authenticity spheroidicity
requisitionist dismissible benedicite stoicity
traditionist immiscible caloricity stypticity

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<jre, find; Ice, 111;
671 IS'i-tC — iT'ful-e

tonicity decisory deistical requitable

triplicity derisory dialogistical unitable
unicity incisory egostical writable
verticity spicery egotistical
volcanicity • eucharistical iT'a-b'I
vulcanicity ISor-e eulogistical admittable
admissory euphemistical finable
fS'it-nes dismissory hemistichal irremittable
explicitness emissory linguistical knittable
illicitness remisory methodistical quittable
implicitness rescissory mystical transmittible
licitness paragraphistical
IS'ien-se pietistical iT'an-e

isi-tod consistency puristical
solicitude distancy sophistical
spissitude existency statistical
vicissitude inconsistency theistical
persistency theosophistical IT'a-tiv
IS'iv-le pre-existency excitative
decisively subsistency IS'ti-kat incitative
derisively dephlogisticate writative
incisively IS'ti-kal sophisticate
indecisively agonistical .
alchemistical IST'les-nes IT e-nes
fS'iv-nes anarchistical listlessness almightiness
decisiveness anomalistical resistlessness flightiness
derisiveness antagonistical mightiness
incisiveness antarchistical IS'to-re
indecisivenes aoristical consistory lT'6-nes
apathistical history flittiness
IS'ke-est aphoristical mystery grittiness
friskiest artistical prettiness
riskiest atheistical IT'a-b'l wittiness
cabalistical citable
IS'on-us Calvanistical excitable iT'fui-e
fluctisonous casuistical ignitible delightfully
unisonous cathechistical incitable frightfully
characteristical indictable rightfully
IS'dr-e, IS'ur-e chemistical light able spitefully

old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
Ith'e-sis — IV'el-ur 672

ith'e-sis political reiterate IV'a-lent

antithesis pulpitical transliterate equivalent
epithesis soritical multivalent
thersitical IT'ur-at omnivalent
ITH'som-le illiterate quinquivalent
blithesomely IT'i-le literate trivalent
lithesomely grittily univalent
prettily IT'ur-est
ITH'som-nes wittily bitterest tV'an-se
blithesomeness embitterest connivancy
lithesomeness IT'i-siz'm fritterest survivancy
Britticism glitterest
ITH'ur-ward witticism IV'a-tiv
hitherward derivative
thitherward IT'le-nes
bittering privative
whitherward knightliness
spritel iness
frittering IV'e-a
IT'i-gant unsightliness
glittering Bolivia
tittering Livia
mitigant IT"l-nes
brittleness twittering Olivia
IT'i-gat littleness trivia
litigate I'ur-e
mitigate briery ive-ai
habitual diary convivial
IT'i-kal obitual fiery lixivial
Abrahamitical ritual friary oblivial
acritical quadrivial
analytical IT'u-at iV'a-b'l trivial
anchoritical habituate contrivable
cosmopolitical situate deprivable IV'e-an
critical derivable Bolivian
diacritical IT'u-lar revivable Vivian
electrolytical capitular .
hermitical titular IV'a-b'I IV'el-ur,
hypercritical forgivable IV'il-ur
hypocritical IT'ur-at givable civiller
Jesuitical iterate livable driveller
Levitical obliterate unforgivable sniveller

ale, care, add, arm, 2sk; me, h|re, end; ice, ill;
673 iV'e-us — IZ'i-tor

IV'e-us IV'6-kal delivering Paradisean

bivious equivocal quivering Parisian
lascivious univocal shivering precisian
lixivious (See also
multivious IV'o-le fVur-ur IZH'un.)
oblivious Rivoli deliverer
Tivoli quiverer IZ'e-est
IV'id-nes shiverer busiest
lividness IV'o-re, dizziest
vividness IV'ar-S IZ'a-b'l
ivory advisable IZ'e-ur
iv'i-te vivary analyzable busier
absorptivity crystallizable dizzier
acclivity IV'OMIS demisable frizzier
activity carnivorous despisable
captivity equivorous devisable IZH'on-al
causativity frugivorous electrolyzable divisional
cogitativity fucivorous excisable provisional
collectivity graminivorous exercisable revisional
conductivity granivorous magnetizable transitional
declivity herbivorous organizable visional
festivity insectivorous oxidizable
impassivity omnivorous prizable
incogitativity ossivorous realizable
instinctivity panivorous recognizable
motivity phytivorous sizable
nativity piscivorous vaporizable
negativity sanguinivorous
IZ'a-b'l psychophysical
objectivity vermivorous
passivity acquisible
perceptivity IV'ur^ devisible fZ'i-le
positivity delivery indivisible busily
privity gaol-delivery invisible dizzily
proclivity jail-delivery risible
productivity livery visible fZ'i-tor
receptivity rivery acquisitor
relativity shivery IZ'e-an inquisitor
sensitivity Elysian requisitor
subjectivity iV'ur-ing Frisian visitor

old, or, ddd, oil, fSbt, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
IZ'dr-e — O'be-a 674

IZ'dr-e lrnsory revisory

advisory provisory supervisory

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels
following, see the beginning of O rhymes in Section 1.

O'be-a bibliophobia eosophobia hyalophobia

acarophobia bromidosiphobia eremophobia hydrophobia
acrophobia brontophobia ereuthophobia hygrophobia
acousticophobia cancerophobia ergasiophobia hylephobia
acrophobia carcinophobia ergophobia hypengyophobia
aerophobia cardiophobia erotophobia hypnophobia
agoraphobia cenophobia erythrophobia ichthyophobia
agyiophobia chromatophobia Francophobia ideophobia
aichmophobia chromophobia gamophobia iophobia
ailurophobia chronophobia gephyrophobia Japanophobia
alcoholophobia cibophobia Germanophobia kenophobia
algophobia claustrophobia graphophobia keraunophobia
amathophobia climacophobia gymnophobia kleptophobia
amaxophobia clithrophobia gynephobia kopophobia
androphobia cobia hadephobia lal iophobia
anemophobia coitophobia hamartophobia levophobia
Anglophobia coprophobia hamaxophobia lyssophobia
anthropophobia cremnophobia haphephobia maieusiophobia
apiphobia crystallophobia harmatophobia maniaphobia
aquaphobia cynophobia harpaxophobia mechanophobia
arachnephobia cypridophobia hedonophobia melissophobia
astrapophobia dermatophobia heliophobia merinthophobia
ataxiophobia dextrophobia helminthopho- metallophobia
automysophobia doraphobia bia meteorophobia
autophobia dysmorpho- hematophobia microphobia
ballistophobia phobia hemophobia molysmophobia
basiphobia ecophobia hierophobia monophobia
bathophobia electrophobia hodophobia mysophobia
batrachophobia emetophobia homilophobia necrophobia
belonephobia entomophobia homophobia Negrophobia
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, 6nd; Ice, ill;
675 O'be-a — OD'rfe-nes

neophobia rhabdophobia bobbinet OD'lur.)

nomatophobia rhypophobia robinet
nosophobia Russophobia OD'e-nes
nostophobia scopophobia OB'u-lar bawdiness
nyctophobia scotophobia globular gaudiness
obeah selaphobia lobular
phobia siderodromo- OD'e-um
ochlophobia phobia OB'ur-e odium
odontophobia Sinophobia daubery rhodium
ombrophobia sitophobia sodium
onomatophobia spectrophobia OB'ur-e
ophidiophobia stasibasiphobia bobbery OD'e-us
osmophobia stasiphobia jobbery commodious
osphresio- stygiophobia robbery incommodious
phobia taphophobia slobbery melodious
panphobia teratophobia snobbery odious
paraliphobia thalassophobia stockjobbery
parasitophobia thanatophobia OD'i-fl
pathophobia theophobia . OB'ur-ing codify
pecattiphobia thermophobia clobbering modify
pediculophobia tocophobia slobbering
pediophobia tonitrophobia OD'i-kal
phagophobia topophobia OD'e-al codical
pharmacophobia toxicophobia allodial episcodial
phasmophobia traumatophobia custodial methodical
phengophobia tremophobia episodial monodical
phobia trichopatho- palinodial nodical
phobophobia phobia prosodial periodical
phonophobia trichophobia threnodial prosodical
photophobia triskaidekapho- rhapsodical
pnigophobia bia OD'e-an spasmodical
polyphobia vaccinophobia custodian synodical
ponophobia venereophobia Herodian
potamophobia xenophobia prosodian OD'i-te
proctophobia zelophobia Rhodian commodity
psychophobia Zenobia incommodity
pyrexiophobia zoophobia OD'el-ur oddity
pyrophobia modeler
rectophobia OB'i-net (See also OD're-nes

old, or, ddd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OD're-nes — OG'am-us 676

bawdriness hylophagous OF'i-liz'm pyrophorous

tawdriness lithophagous bibliophilism zoophorous
necrophagous necrophilism
OD'u-lar ophiophagous Russophilism 6'ful-e
modular pantophagous awfully
nodular phytophagous OF'il-us lawfully
saprophagous acidophilus unlawfully
6D'ur-ik sarcophagus anemophilous
Roderick theophagous Theophilus 6'ful-nes
Theoderic xylophagous xylophilous awfulness
zoophagous lawfulness
OD'ur-ing OF'o-ne unlawfulness
doddering OF'a-je cacophony
foddering anthropophagy homophony OF'ur-ing
chthonophagy laryngophony coffering
OF'a-gan hippiphagy microphony offering
saprophagan ichthyophagy orthophony peace-offering
sarcophagan pantophagy photophony proffering
theophagan phytophagy Satanophany
zoophagan theophagy tautophony OG'am-e
xerophagy theophany coenogamy
OF'a-ge deuterogamy
androphagi OF'a-jist OF'on-us endogamy
anthropophagi galactophagist cacophonous exogamy
cardophagi homophonous misogamy
heterophagi hydrophanous monogamy
hippophagi hygrophanous
lithophagi ichthyophagist
megalophonous OG'am-ist
Lotophagi monophanous deuterogamist
sarcophagi „ pyrophanous misogamist
OF'i-kal monogamist
OF'a-gus philosophical OF'or-us neogamist
androphagous theosophical actinophorous
batracho- trophical adenophorous OG'am-us
phagous electrophorous endogamus
esophagus OF'i-list galactophorous exogamous
galactophagous bibliophilist isophorus heterogamous
geophagous Russophilist mastigophorous monogamous
hippophagous zoophilist phyllophorous phaenogamous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, ill;
677 6G'am-us —OG'ra-fe

phanerogamous chromatography' heliotypography neurography

chromolithog- hematography nomography
OG'a-tiv raphy heresiography nosography
derogative chromophotog- heterography numismatogra-
interrogative raphy hierography phy
prerogative chromotypog- histography oceanography
raphy historiography odontography
O'ge-is'm chromoxylog- holography ophiography
bogeyism . raphy homography oreography
fogeyism chronography horography organography
cinematography horologiography orography
OG'no-me climatography hyalography orthography
craniognomy cosmography hydrography osteography
pathognomy cryptography hyetography otemography
physiognomy crystalography hymnography paleography
dactyliography hypsography paleontography
6G'ra-fe dactylography ichnography paneiconogra-
anthography demography ichthyography phy
anthropography dendrography iconography pantography
areography discography ideography perspectography
astrophotogra- dittography isography petrography
phy doxography lexicography phantasmatog-
autobiography electrocardio- lichenography raphy
autography graphy lipography pharmacogra-
balneography encephalogra- lithography phy
bibliography phy logography phonography
biogeography epistolography macrography photography
biography ethnography mammography photolithography
cacography filmography mechanography phototypography
calcography galvanography metallography phycography
cardiography geography microcosmog- physiography
cartography glossography raphy phythogeography
cerography glyphography micrography phytography
chalcography glyptography mimography planography
chartography gypsography monography plastography
chirography hagiography morphography pneumatography
choreography haliography myography pneumography
Christianogra- haplography mythography pornography
phy heliography neography potamography

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OG'ra-te —Ol'al-te 678

prosopography xerography chirographer petrographer

psalmography xylography choreographer phonographer
pseudography xylopyrography chorographer photographer
psychography zincography chronographer photolithogra-
pterography zoogeography cinematographer pher
pterylography zoography cosmographer phythogeogra-
pyelography cryptographer pher
pyrography OG'ra-fist crystallographer• pornographer
radiography chirographist dactylographer psalmographer
reprography. lichenographist demographer pterographer
rhyparography mechano- discographer pyrographer
scenography graphist doxographer selenographer
sciography metallographist ethnographer sphenographer
seismography monographist geographer stenographer
selenography museographist glossographer telephotographer
semeiography organographist glyphographer thalassographer
siderography orthographist glyptographer topographer
sigillography paleographist haliographer typographer
splenography phonographist heresiographer xylographer
steganography photographist hierographer zincographer
stelography psalmographist historiographer zoogeographer
stenography selenographist holographer zoographer
stereography siderographist horologiogra-
stereotypogra- sphenographist pher Ol'a-b'l
phy steganographist hydrographer employable
stratography stenographist hymnographer enjoyable
stylography topographist iambographer
symboleography uranographist lexicographer
tacheography zoographist lichenographer
technography lithographer
telephotography dG'ra-fur logographer Ol'al-ist
thalassography autobiog raphe r minographer loyalist
thermography bibliographer monographer royalist
tomography biographer mythographer
topography calcographer nomographer Ol'al-iz'm
toreumatogra- cardiographer oceanographer loyalism
phy cartographer orthographer royalism
typography chalcographer osteographer
uranography chartographer paleographer Ol'al-te

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, end; Ice, HI;
679 Ol'al-te — OJ'on-e

loyalty monogeny bibliological osteological

royalty odontogeny biological paleontological
viceroyalty ontogeny bryological pantological
osteogeny chronological paralogical
O'i-kal pathogeny climatological penological
egoical philogyny conchological perissological
heroical photogeny cosmological petrological
stoical phylogeny craniological philological
progeny demagogical , phraseological
OIN'ted-le protogyny demonological phrenological
disjointedly zoogeny deontological physiological
pointedly dialogical phytological
OJ'en-ist doxological pneumatological
OlS'tur-ing abiogenist Egyptological pomological
cloistering biogenist etiological psychological
roistering heterogenist etymological selenological
misogynist genealogical semeiological
O'je-an monogenist geological Sinological
archaeologian philogynist glossological sociological
astrologian glottological spectrological
gambogian OJ'en-us homological symbological
geologian endogenous hydrological synagogical
mythologian exogenous ichnological tautological
neologian hydrogenous ideological technicological
philologian hyopgynous illogical technological
theologian lithogenous lithological teleological
nitrogenous logical teratological
OJ'en-e pyrogenous mazological terminological
abiogeny thermogenous metalogical theological
anthropogeny meteorological toxicological
biogeny OJ'i-kal mythological tropological
embryogeny aerological necrological universological
ethnogeny amphibiological neological zoological
geogeny amphibological neurological zoophytological
heterogeny analogical nosological zymological
histogeny anthological odontological
homogeny anthropological organological OJ'on-e
hymenogeny archaeological ornithological autogony
misogyny astrological orological cosmogony

old, or, odd, oil, f<5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6j'on-e — OL'a-tre 680

geogony talkiness OK'ra-tiz'm rollable

pathogony democratism tollable
physiogony OK'e-nes Socratism
theogony cockiness OL'a-bM
zoogony rockiness OK'ro-me enthrallable
stockiness heliochromy recallable
6j'o-nist metallochromy
cosmogonist OK'ra-se monochromy OL'a-re
theogonist aristocracy stereochromy bolary
arithmocracy cajolery
OK'a-liz autocracy OK'ron-us polary
focalize cottonocracy isochronous solary
localize democracy tautochronous volary
vocalize demonocracy
despotocracy OK'si-kal OL'ar-iz
OK'al-iz'm gerontocracy orthodoxical polarize
localism gynecocracy paradoxical solarize
vocal ism hagiocracy toxical
hierocracy 6L'a-tre
dK'a-tiv hypocrisy OK'tor-ship anthropolatry
locative idiocrasy doctorship astrolatry
invocative logocracy proctorship bibliolatry
provocative mobocracy cosmolatry
vocative monocracy dK'fl-lar demonolatry
neocracy binocular geolatry
OK'en-le nomocracy jocular gyneolatry
brokenly ochlocracy locular heliolatry
outspokenly pantisocracy monocular hierolatry
pedantocracy ocular ichthyolatry
dK'i-ie plantocracy vocular idiolatry
chalkily plousiocracy idolatry
gawkily plutocracy OK'ur-e litholatry
pawkily shopocracy crockery lordolatry
slavocracy mockery Mariolatry
OK'e-nes snobocracy rockery necrolatry
chalkiness stratocracy ophiolatry
gawkiness theocracy OL'a-b'l physiolatry
pawkiness theocrasy consolable pyrolatry
squawkiness timocracy controllable symbolatry
ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; ice, 111:
681 6 L 'a-tre — OL'o-je

thauxnatolatry lowliest stolidness interpolity

topolatry isopolity
zoolatry O'le-nes OL'i-fl jollity
holiness idolify polity
dL'a-trus lowliness mollify quality
idolatrous shoal iness qualify
symbolatrous unholiness OL'i-vur
OL'i-fid Oliver
OL'a-tur O'le-o mollified Tolliver
bibliolater folio qualified
heliolater olio unqualified OL'o-gus
iconolater portfolio heterologous
idolater Sapolio OL'i-kal homologous
Mariolater apostolical isologous
pyrolater OL'e-um bibliopolical tautologous
linoleum catholical
O'le-a petroleum diabolical OL'6-ing
Aetolia scholium hyperbolical following
magnolia trifolium parabolical holloing
melancholia symbolical hollowing
Mongolia O'le-ur swallowing
Grolier OL'ik-som wallowing
O'le-an holier frolicsome
Aeolian lowlier rollicksome OL'6-je
capitolian olier acarology
Creolean unholier OL'ish-ing acology
melancholian abolishing actinology
metabolian OL'ful-nes demolishing adenochirapsol-
Mongolian dolefulness polishing ogy
Napoleon soulfulness aerology
Pactolian OL'ish-ur aesthiology
OL'id-le abolisher agathology
OL'e-at solidly demolisher agmatology
foliate squalidly polisher agriology
infoliate stolidly agrobiology
spoliate OL'i-te agrology
OL'id-nes equality agrostology
O'le-est solidness frivolity alethiology
holiest squalidness inequality algology

old, or, 6dd, oil, f(5ot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6L'd-j* 682

amphibiology cacology dittology exocrinology

amphibology campanology dosology filicology
anemology carcinology doxology fossilology
anesthesiology cardiology dysteleology fungology
angelology carpology ecclesiology galvanology
anthology cephalology eccrinology gastroenterology
anthropology cetology ecology gastrology
aphnology chartology edaphology gemology
apology chorology Egyptology genesiology
arachnology Christology electrobiology genology
archaeology chromatology electrology geochronology
archology chronology electrophysiol- geology
areology chrysology ogy geomorphology
aretology climatology embryology geratology
aristology conchology emetology gerontology
arteriology conchyliology emmonology gigantology
asthenology coprology endemiology glaciology
astrogeology cosmology endocrinology glossology
astrology craniology enigmatology glottology
astrometeorol- criminology enteradenology gnomology
ogy cryobiology enterology gnomonology
astrotheology cryptology entomology graphology
atheology ctetology entozoology gynecology
atomology cynology environmentol- gypsology
audiology cytology ogy hagiology
autecology dactyliology enzymology hamartiology
axiology dactylology epidemiology haplology
bacteriology deltiology epistemology helminthology
balneology demonology eschatology hematology
barology dendrochronol- esthematology heresiology
battology ogy esthesiology herpetology
bibliology dendrology esthesiophysi- heterology
biocenology deontology ology hierology
biology dermatology ethnology hippology
botanology desmology ethology histology
bromatology diabology etiology historiology
brontology diabolology etymology homology
bryology dialectology euchology horology
bugology dicaeology exobiology hydrology

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, find; Ice, ill;
683 OL'o-je

hyetology meteorology oenology paradoxology

hygiology methodology olfactology parapsychology
hygrology metrology ology parasitology
hylology miasmology ombrology parisology
hymenology microbiology oncology paroemiology
hymnology microclimatol- oneirology paromology
hypnology ogy onology parthenology
hysterology microgeology onomatology pathology
iatrology micrology ontology patrology
ichnolithnology micropaleon- oology patronomatology
ichnology tology ophiology pedology
ichorology misology ophthalmology pelology
ichthyology monadology orchidology penology
iconology monology organology periodology
ideology morphology orismology perissology
immunology muscology ornithichnology pestology
insectology museology ornithology petrology
kinology musicology orology pharmacology
koniology mycology orthology pharology
laryngology myology oryctology pharyngology
leptology myrmecology osmonosology phenology
lexicology mythology osteology phenomenology
lichenology naology otology philology
limnology necrology otolaryngology phlebology
lithology neology ovology phonology
liturgiology neontology paleanthropol- photology
macrology neos-sology ogy phraseology
malacology nephology paleoethnology phrenology
mantology nephrology paleogeology phycology
Mariology neurology paleology physiology
martyrology neuropathology paleontology phytolithology
mastology neurypnology paleophytology phytology
mazology nomology paleopsychology phytopathology
melittology noology paleozoology phytopathology
membranology nosology paletiology phytophysiology
menology numerology palynology phytosociology
metamorphol- numismatology pantheology pistology
ogy oceanology pantology planktology
metapsychology odontology papyrology plutology

old, 6r, ddd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6L'6-je — 6L'o-jist 684

pneumatology seismology taxology zymology

pneumology selenology technology
podology semasiology teleology 6L'6-jist
pogonology sematology teratology acarologist
pomology semeiology terminology aerologist
ponerology semiology termonology agriologist
posology serology testaceology agrobiologist
potamology sexology thanatology agrologist
praxiology sinology thaumatology agrostologist
primatology sitology theology anesthesiologist
proctology skeletology thereology anthropologist
protophytology sociobiology thermology apologist
protozoology sociology therology archaeologist
psephology somatology thremmatology Assyriologist
pseudology sophiology threpsology astrogeologist
psilology soteriology tidology audiologist
psychobiology Sovietology tocology autecologist
psychology spasmology tonology axiologist
psychonosology speciology topology bacteriologist
psychopathol- spectrology toreumatology battologist
ogy speleology toxicology biologist
psychotechnol- spermatology trichology campanologist
ogy spermology trophology carcinologist
pteridology splanchnology tropology cardiologist
punnology splenology typhlology chronologist
pyretology spongology typology conchologist
pyritology statistology typtology cosmologrst
pyrology stoichiology universology craniologist
quinology stomatology uranology criminologist
radiobiology stromatology urinology crustaceologist
radiology symbology • urology cryobiologist
rheology symptomatol- uronology cynologist
rheumatology ogy venereology cytologist
rhinology synchronology virology deltiologist
roentgenology syndesmology volcanology demonologist
runology synecology vulcanology dendrochronol-
sarcolory syphilology xylology ogist
scatology systematology zoology dendrologist
Scientology tautology zoophytology deontologist

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h<|re, end; Tee, HI;
685 OL'o-jist

dermatologist hymnologist oncologist physiologist

diabologist hypnologist oneirologist phytolithologist
ecclesiologist ichthyologist onomatologist phytologist
ecologist ideologist ontologist phytopathologist
Egyptologist immunologist oologist pneumatologist
electrobiologist lexicologist ophiologist pomologist
embryologist limnologist ophthalmolo- primatologist
entomologist lithologist gist proctologist
environmentol- mantologist orchidologist protozoologist
ogist Mariologist ornithologist pseudologist
enzymologist martyrologist orologist psychobiologist
ethnologist mazologist oryctologist psychologist
ethologist melittologist osteologist psychopatholo-
etymologist metapsycholo- otolaryngologist gist
exobiologist gist paleanthropol- pteridologist
galvanologist meteorologist ogist pyrologist
gastroenterolo- microbiologist paleoethnolo- quinologist
gist microclimatol- gist radiobiologist
gemmologist ogist paleologist radiologist
geochronologist micropaleon- paleontologist rheologist
geologist tologist paletiologist rheumatologist
geomorpholo- monologist pantheologist rhinologist
gist morphologist pantologist roentgenologist
gerontologist museologist papyrologist runologist
glaciologist musicologist parapsycholo- saintologist
glossologist mycologist gist sarcologist
glottologist myologist paroemiologist scientologist
graphologist myrmecologist pathologist seismologist
gynecologist mythologist patrologist semasiologist
gypsologist necrologist pedologist serologist
hagiologist neologist penologist sexologist
helminthologist neontologist petrologist Sinologist
hematologist neurologist pharmacologist sociobiologist
heresiologist noologist phenologist sociologist
herpetologist nosologist philologist Sovietologist
hierologist numerologist phonologist speleologist
histologist numismatolo- photologist stomatologist
horologist gist phraseologist symbologist
hydrologist oenologist phrenologist synecologist

old, or, 6dd, oil, fo"6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OL'6-jist — OM'e-tre 686

syphilologist OL'o-jur alterer O'ma-tiz'm

tautologist acknowledger falterer achromatism
technologist astrologer palterer chromatism
teleologist botanologer diplomatism
teratologist etymologer OL'u-b'l
theologist geologer insoluble OM'en-a
thereologist horologer soluble antilegomena
therologist mythologer voluble paralipomena
toxicologist osteologer phenomena
trichologist philologer OL'u-tiv prolegomena
typologist phonologer solutive
universologist phrenologer supervolutive OM'en-on
urinologist physiologer phenomenon
venereologist sockdolager OL'va-b'l prolegomenon
virologist theologer absolvable
vulcanclogist dissolvable OM'e-tre
zoologist OL'6-ur indissolvable allometry
zymologist follower insolvable anemometry
(See also hollower resolvable anthropomome-
OL'6-je; swallower solvable try
change -y to wallower barometry
-ist where OL'ven-se biometry
appropriate.) 6L'te-est insolvency chronometry
faultiest revolvency colometry
OL'd-jiz saltiest solvency craniometry
apologize dynamometry
astrologize OL'te-nes OM'ak-e eudiometry
battologize faultiness alectryomachy galvanometry
doxologize maltiness gigantomachy gasometry
entomologize saltiness iconomachy geometry
etymologize logomachy goniometry
geologize OL'tur-ing monomachy helicometry
mythologize altering psychomachy horometry
neologize faltering sciomachy hydrometry
philologize paltering theomachy hygrometry
unaltering hypsometry
unfaltering OM'ath-e iodometry
chrestomathy Mahometry
6L'tur-ur philomathy micrometry
ale, care, add, arm, ask me, h|re, ice, ill;
687 OM'e tre — OM'e-tur

morphometry bathometer hygrometer psychrometer

odometry biometer hypsometer pulmometer
optometry bolometer inclinometer pulsometer
orthometry cardiometer interferometer pycrometer
osteometry cephalometer kilometer pyrometer
ozonometry chartometer lactometer radiometer
pathometry chromatometer logometer refractometer
photometry chromometer macrometer respirometer
planometry chronometer magnetometer rheometer
pneumometry climatometer manometer saccharometer
polygonometry clinometer micrometer salinometer
psychometry coulometer micronometer sclerometer
pyrometry craniometer monometer seismometer
rheometry cryometer nauropometer sensitometer
saccharometry cyclometer nitrometer sonometer
seismometry cyrtometer odometer spectrometer
sociometry declinometer oleometer speedometer
stereometry dendrometer olfactometer spherometer
stichometry diaphanometer ombrometer sphygmo-
stoichiometry drosometer oncometer manometer
tachometry dynamometer oometer sphygmometer
trigonometry echometer opisometer spirometer
uranometry electrometer optometer stactometer
endosmometer orometer stalagmometer
OM'e-tur ergometer oscillometer stereometer
absorptiometer eudiometer osmometer stethometer
accelerometer fluorometer ozonometer strabismometer
actinometer fluviometer pantometer stratometer
aerometer galvanometer passometer tachometer
alcoholometer gasometer pedometer tannometer
algometer geometer phonometer tellurometer
altometer geothermometei• photometer tensiometer
anemometer goniometer piezometer thalassometer
areometer graphometer planometer thermometer
arithmometer haptometer platometer tonometer
astrometer hectometer pluviometer tribometer
atmometer heliometer pneumatometer trigonometer
audiometer horometer potentiometer trochometer
barometer hydrometer psychometer tromometer

old, or, odd, oil, fdt>t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
OM'e-tur — O'ne-an 688

tropometer prominent ON'dur-ur patrimonial

udometer subdominant ponderer sanctimonial
variometer superdominant squanderer testimonial
vibrometer wanderer
vinometer 6M'i-nat O'ne-an
viscometer abominate O'ne-a Aberdonian
volumenometer agnominate Adonia Amazonian
volumeter comminate ammonia Ammonian
zymometer denominate Ansonia Aonian
dominate Antonia Ausonion
OM'ik-al nominate aphonia Babylonian
anatomical ominate begonia Baconian
agronomical predominate bryonia bezonian
astronomical prenominate Donia Caledonian
atomical Fredonia Cameronian
comical OM'in-e Ionia Catonian
coxcombical Chickahominy Laconia Chelonian
domical dominie Latonia Chthonian
economical hominy Patagonia Ciceronian
iconomachal OM'in-us pneumonia colophonian
tragicomical abdominous Slavonia Cottonian
zootomical dominous Sonia Daltonian
Sophronia demonian
OM'in-al ominous Usonia Devonian
abdominal prolegomenous valonia Draconian
cognominal OM'ur-us Etonian
nominal glomerous O'ne-ak Favonian
prenominal isomerous demoniac Gorgonean
surnominal simoniac Grandisonian
ON'a-b'l halcyonian
loanable O'ne-al Heliconian
OM'in-ans Ionian
dominance tonable baronial
unatonable ceremonial Johnsonian
predominance Laconian
prominence ON'dur-ing colonial
demonial Lapponian
pondering intercolonial Livonian
ftlvf'in-ant squandering matrimonial Macedonian
dominant unwandering monial Miltonian
predominant wandering oxygonial Myrmidonian
ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, 111;
689 O'ne-an —OOK'ur-e

Neronian parsimonious ON ikon monograph

Newtonian querimonious chronicon
Oxonian sanctimonious harmonicon ON'o-me
Patagonian simonious agronomy
Plutonian symphonious ON'i-me astronomy
Pyrrhonian Trebonius homonymy autonomy
Sardonian ultroneous metonymy dactylonomy
Serbonian paronymy Deuteronomy
Simonian ON'i-fi polyonymy economy
Slavonian personify synonymy gastronomy
Thessalonian saponify heteronomy
Usonian ON'i-mus isonomy
„ anonymous morphonomy
ON'e-est ON'i-ka autonomous taxonomy
brawniest harmonica eponymous
tawniest Monica heteronymous ON'o-mist
veronica homonymous agronomist
ON'el-e paronymous autonomist
Connolly ON'i-kal polyonymous economist
Donnelly acronycal pseudonymous eponymist
antichronical synonymous gastronomist
O'ne-um antiphonical synonymist
harmonium architectonical ON'ish-ing
pandemonium Babylonical admonishing ON'o-miz
pelargonium canonical astonishing astronomize
stramonium chronicle monishing economize
zirconium conical gastronomize
diaphonical ON'ish-ment
O'ne-us euphonical admonishment ON'6-mur
acrimonious geophonical astonishment astronomer
alimonious harmonical premonishment gastronomer
Antonius iconical
ceremonious ironical ON'i-siz'm OOD'e-nes
erroneous Sorbonical histrionicism woodiness
euphonious synchronical Taconicism
felonious tautophonical Teutonicism OOK'ur-e
harmonious thrasonical bookery
inharmonious tonical ON'6-graf cookery
matrimonious uncanonical chronograph rookery

old, 6r, odd, oil, fS6t, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
O'6-lit —O'rt-a 690

O'6-IIt Fallopian monopolist OR'a-tiv

oolite Utopian pharmacopolist explorative
zoolite restorative
OP'e-nes 6P'6-lit
OOM'an-le dopiness cosmopolite OR'de-al
womanly ropiness metropolite cordial
slopiness exordial
6P'ath-€ soapiness OP'si-kal primordial
allopathy dropsical
enantiopathy 6P'6-nes mopsical
heteropathy choppiness Popsicle accordion
homoeopathy sloppiness
hydropathy soppiness OP'ti-kal
ideopathy autoptical OR'di-nat
isopathy OP'i-kal optical coordinate
neuropathy allotropical foreordinate
psychopathy metoposcopi- 6P'tur-us insubordinate
somnopathy cal lepidopterous ordinate
theopathy microscopical macropterous subordinate
misanthropical orthopterous
OP'ath-ist subtropical OR'dur-ing
allopathist topical dP'u-Iat bordering
homeopathist tropical copulate ordering
hydropathist populate
hylopathist OP'ish-nes O're-a
osteopathist dopishness OP'ur-e aporia
somnopathist mopishness dopery Astoria
popishness popery Castoria
O'pe-a ropery dysphoria
Ethiopia 6P'o-lis euphoria
myopia acropolis OP'ur-e Gloria
presbyopia cosmopolis coppery Honoria
Utopia Heliopolis foppery infusoria
megalopolis littoria
O'pe-an, metropolis OR'a-b'l Peoria
O'pe-an necropolis adorable phantasmagoria
Aesopian deplorable Pretoria
Esopian dP'6-list explorable scoria
Ethiopian bibliopolist restorable victoria

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, end; Ice, ill;
691 6're-al —OR'e-at

O're-al escritorial praetorial victorial

accessorial executorial preceptorial visitatorial
accusatorial expurgatorial prefatorial (See also O're
adaptorial exterritorial prefectorial ol, OR'e-ol.)
admonitorial extraterritorial proctorial
amatorial factorial procuratorial O're-an
ambassadorial fossorial professorial amatorian
ancestorial gladiatorial proprietorial Bosphorian
arboreal grallatorial protectorial censorian
armorial gressorial purgatorial con sis tori an
assertorial gubernatorial raptorial dictatorian
auctorial historial rasorial Dorian
auditorial immemorial rectorial gladiatorian
authorial imperatorial repertorial Gregorian
boreal improvisatorial reportorial Hectorean
cantonal incorporeal reptatorial historian
censorial infusorial responsorial hyperborean
clamatorial inquisitorial risorial marmorean
commentatorial insessorial rosorial mid-Victorian
compromisso- intercessorial sartorial Nestorian
rial inventorial scansorial oratorian
compurgatorial legislatorial scriptorial praetorian
consistorial manorial sectorial purgatorian
conspiratorial marmoreal seigniorial salutatorian
corporeal mediatorial seignorial senatorian
correal memorial senatorial stentorian
curatorial mentorial sensorial valed ictori an
cursorial monitorial spectatorial Victorian
dedicatorial motorial speculatorial
dictatorial multifactorial sponsorial _
directorial noctatorial subboreal O're-at
disquisitorial observatorial suctorial excoriate
doctorial oratorial territorial professoriate
editorial oriel textorial
electorial phantasmago- tinctorial OR'e-at
emporial rial tonsorial aureat
enchorial phosphoreal tutorial baccalaureate
equatoreal pictorial uxorial laureate
Escorial piscatorial vectorial poet laureate

old, or, odd, oil, fotrt, out; use, urn, Op; THis, thin
OR'e-nes — ORT'i-kal 692

OR'e-nes amatorious O'ri-fi afformative

desultoriness arboreous glorify dormitive
dilatoriness censorious scorify formative
goriness circulatorious informative
hoariness desultorious OR'i-fi reformative
peremptoriness expiatorious historify transformative
expurgatorious horrify
O're-ol glorious torrefy OR'mi-te
gloriole hippicanorious abnormity
gloryhole inglorious OR'i-kal conformity
oriole inquisitorious allegorical deformity
laborious categorical enormity
OR'e-ol lusorious coracle inconformity
aureole meritorious historical multiformity
laureole notorious metaphorical noncomformity
oratorious oracle uniformity
O're-um purgatorious oratorical
aspersorium raptorious pictorical OR'o-ing
auditorium saltatorious rhetorical borrowing
ciborium scorious tautegorical sorrowing
corium senatorious
crematorium stentorious OR'i-te OR'6-ur
digitorium stertorious anteriority borrower
emporium suctorious authority tnrtYiw^i*
fumatorium uproarious deteriority aXji I U W C I

haustorium ustorious exteriority _

inclinatorium uxorious inferiority ORS'a-b'l,
moratorium vainglorious interiority ORS'i-b'l
praetorium victorious juniority divorceable
prospectorium majority enforceable
sanitorium OR'gon-Iz, meliority forcible
scriptorium OR'gan-iz minority A
sensorium gorgonize posteriority OR'ti-fl
sudatorium organize priority fortify
suspensorium seniority mortify
thorium OR'id-le sorority
triforium floridly superiority ORT'i-kal
horridly cortical
O're-us torridly OR'ma-tiv vortical

ale, care, add, arm, Ssk; me\ h^re, 6nd; fee, III;
693 ORT'e-nes — OS'kd-pe

dRT'e-nes O'she-an foliosity precocity

swartiness Boeotian fuliginosity pretiosity
wartiness Nicotian fumosity reciprocity
fungosity religiosity
ORT'le-nes O'shun-al furiosity ridiculosity
courtliness devotional gemmosity rimosity
portliness emotional generosity rugosity
uncourtliness notional gibbosity sabulosity
glandulosity saporosity
OR'tu-nat O'shus-nus glebosity scirrhosity
fortunate atrociousness globosity scrupulosity
importunate ferociousness glutinosity sensuosity
precociousness grandiosity serosity
gulosity sinuosity
OS'i-nat gummosity speciosity
patrocinate hideosity spicosity
ratiocinate impecuniosity spinosity
impetuosity tenebrosity
6S'i-te ingeniosity torosity
OR'yus-le paucity inunctuosity tortuosity
gloriously raucity libidinosity tuberosity
ingloriously litigiosity tumulosity
laboriously 6s'i-te lugubriosity unctuosity
meritoriously actuosity luminosity varicosity
notoriously anfractuosity monstrosity velocity
stentoriously angulosity muscosity verbosity
uproariously animosity musculosity viciosity
uxoriously anonymosity nebulosity villosity
vaingloriously aquosity negotiosity vinosity
victoriously atrocity nervosity virtuosity
caliginosity nodosity viscosity
OS'e-nes callosity oleosity vitiosity
drossiness carnosity otiosity vociferosity
glossiness curiosity pilosity
mossiness docity plumosity O'siv-nes
dubiosity pomposity corrosiveness
OS'fdr-us ebriosity ponderosity explosiveness
Bosphorus fabulosity porosity
phosphorus ferocity preciosity 6S'ko-pe

old, or, odd, oil, fflot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
6S'k6-pe —OT'om-e 694

autoscopy microscopist 6'tal-iz'm haughtier

bioscopy oneiroscopist sacerdotalism naughtier
colonoscopy opthalmos- teetotalism
cranioscopy copist OT'i-kal
cryoscopy ornithoscopist OT'an-e anecdotical
dactyloscopy proctoscopist botany bigotical
deuteroscopy sigmoidoscopislt botonee despotical
endoscopy spectroscopist cottony erotical
fluoroscopy stereoscopist monotony exotical
gastroscopy stethoscopist zealotical
geloscopy uroscopist O'ta-re
geoscopy notary «
hieroscopy OS'of-e rotary OT'i-le
horoscopy gymnosophy votary haughtily
meteoroscopy philosophy naughtily
metoposcopy psilosophy O'ta-tiv
microscopy theosophy connotative OT'om-e
necroscopy denotative apotome
omoplatoscopy OS'o-fist rotative autotomy
oneiroscopy chirosophist bottomy
ophthal- deipnosophist OT'ed-le bronchotomy
moscopy gymnosophist bloatedly cardiotomy
organoscopy philosophist devotedly colotomy
ornithoscopy theosophist notedly craniotomy
proctoscopy 6S'o-fiz crystotomy
retinoscopy philosophize OT'e-est cyclotomy
rhinoscopy theosophize haughtiest dermotomy
sigmoidoscopy naughtiest dichotomy
spectroscopy OS'o-fur encephalotomy
stereoscopy philosopher OT'e-ness episiotomy
stethoscopy psilosopher haughtiness gastrotomy
uranoscopy theosopher naughtiness herniotomy
uroscopy hysterotomy
6'ta-b'l OT'e-nes ichthyotomy
OS'ko-pist floatable dottiness laparotomy
endoscopist notable knottiness laryngotomy
fluoroscopist potable spottiness leucotomy
gastroscopist quotable lithotomy
metoposcopist votable OT'e-ur lobotomy

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; Ice, HI;
695 6T'om-€ —O'ze-nes

microtomy dT'uiMir ungroundedness flowering

necrotomy slaughterer glowering
nephrotomy waterer OUND'les-le lowering
neurotomy boundlessly overpowering
osteotomy OU'a-b'l groundlessly overtowering
ovariotomy allowable soundlessly showering
phlebotomy avowable towering
phytotomy endowable OUND'les-nes (See also
pogonotomy boundlessness OUR'ing.)
sclerotomy OUD'ed-nes groundlessness
scotomy cloudedness soundlessness OUZ'e-nes
stereotomy crowdedness drowsiness
tenotomy overcrowded- OUNT'a-b'l frowziness
thoracotomy ness accountable
tonsillotomy uncloudedness countable O've-al
tracheotomy discountable jovial
trichotomy OUD'S-iz'm insurmountable synovial
varicotomy dowdyism mountable
zootomy rowdyism surmountable O'vC'Sn
unaccountable Cracovian
OT'o-mist OUD'e-nes Jovian
ichthyotomist cloudiness OUT'6-nes
phlebotomist dowdiness doughtiness
phytotomist rowdiness droughtiness OV'el-ing
zootomist goutiness grovelling
OUL'ur-e hovelling
6T'ur-e owlery OU'ur-e
cautery prowlery bowery O'ze-est
watery dowery coziest
OUND'a-b'I flowery nosiest
6T'ur-€ compoundable glowery prosiest
lottery soundable lowery rosiest
pottery unsoundable showery
tottery towery O'ze-nes
trottery OUND'ed-nes coziness
astoundedness OU'ur-ing doziness
6T'ur-ing confoundedness cowering nosiness
slaughtering dumfoundedness dowering prosiness
watering unboundedness empowering rosiness

old, dr, odd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
O'ze-ur — U'di-nus 696

O'ze-ur O'zhe-a, O'zhe-an, prosily _

cozier O'ze-a O'ze-an rosily
crosier ambrosia ambrosian
Dozier symposia (See also O'zur-e
hosier O'zhun.) composery
nosier O'zhe-al, dozery
osier O'ze-al O'zi-le rosary
prosier ambrosial cozily
rosier roseal nosily

For a discussion of words included under the accented vowels fol-
lowing, see the beginning of U rhymes in Section I.

U'a-b'l U'bre-us tuberous UD'i-b'l

doable insalubrious eludible
pursuable lugubrious UD'a-b'l includible
renewable salubrious alludable
reviewable deludable UD'i-le
suable U'bi-kal includable bloodily
subduable cubical protrudable muddily
cherubical ruddily
U'be-an UD'e-nes
Danubian O'bi-lat moodiness U'di-nal
Nubian enubilate aptitudinal
rubian jubilate UD'e-nes attitudinal
bloodiness consuetudinal
muddiness longitudinal
UB'e-nes obnubilate ruddiness testudinal
chubbiness volubilate
grubbiness UD'en-se U'di-niz
scrubbiness U'bri-kat concludency attitudinize
shrubbiness lubricate pudency platitudinize
stubbiness rubricate recrudency
tJ'be-us LF'bur-us UD'de-us fortitudinous
dubious protuberous preludious latitudinous
rubious suberous studious multitudinous

ale, care, Sdd, arm, ask; me, h|re, £nd; Ice, 111;
697 U'di-nus —LIL'ke-nes

paludinous snuggery gratuitous UK'tiv-nes

platitudinous thuggery pituitous constructive-
solicitudinous ness
vicissitudinous U'in-us UJ'i-nus destructiveness
pruinous aeruginous instructiveness
U'di-te ruinous ferruginous productiveness
crudity lanuginous
nudity U'ish-nes salsuginous UK'to-re
rudity Jewishness conductory
shrewishness UK'i-le introductory
UD'ur* luckily reproductory
duddery U'i-te pluckily
shuddery acuity U'ku-lent
studdery ambiguity UK'shun-al luculent
annuity constructional muculent
U'el-ing assiduity fluxional
bejeweling circuity inductional UK'ur-ing
duelling conspicuity instructional
fueling contiguity succoring
grueling continuity UK'shun-ist
discontinuity constructionist U'le-an
U'el-ur exiguity deconstruction-
cruder fatuity ist cerulean
dueler gratuity destructionist herculean
fueler ingenuity fluxionist Julian
jeweler innocuity reconstruction-
perpetuity ist UL'ish-nes
U'e-nes perspicuity foolishness
dewiness promiscuity UK'ti-b'l mulishness
glueyness strenuity conductible
suety destructible U'li-t€
UF'e-nes superfluity indestructible credulity
fluffiness tenuity instructible garrulity
huffiness vacuity incredulity
pufftness UK'tiv-le sedulity
stuffiness U'i-tus constructively
circuitous destructively UL'ke-nes
UG'ur-e fatuitous instructively bulkiness
pugaree fortuitous productively sulkiness
old, or, odd, oil, foot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
UL'mi-nant — UN'a-b'l 698

UL'mi-nant culverin catechumenate U'mu-lat

culminant pulverin ferruminate accumulate
fulminant illuminate tumulate
UM'a-b'l luminate
UL mi-nat assumable ruminate U'mu-lus
culminate consumable altocumulus
fulminate presumable UM'e-nes cirrocumulus
resumable gloominess cumulus
UL'siv-le roominess mammato-
convulsively U'man-le spuminess cumulus
impulsively humanly „ stratocumulus
repulsively UM'ing-le tumulous
UM'bur-e becomingly
UL'siv-nes slumbery benumbingly U'mur-al
compulsiveness umbery hummingly humeral
convulsiveness numbingly numeral
impulsiveness UM'bur-ing unbecomingly
repulsiveness cumbering UM'ur-e
revulsiveness encumbering perfumery
lumbering plumery
UL'tur-e numbering flnminniK rumory
*. l l l l l l l U U U d
adultery outnumbering
consultary leguminous UM'ur-e
slumbering liitniiioiic
unslumbering flummery
UL'tur-is'm voluminous mummery
agriculturism UM'bur-ur UM'pish-nes nummary
vulturism cumberer dumpishness plumbery
(See also encumberer frumpishness summary
UL'tur; drop lumberer grumpishness summery
-e and add numberer lumpishness
-ism where slumberer mumpishness U'mur-us
appropriate.) humerus
U'mi-nant UMP'shus-le humorous
UL'ur-e illuminant bumptiously numerous
gullery luminant scrumptiously Tumorous
medullary ruminant
scullery UMP'tu-us UN'a-b'l
U'mi-nat presumptuous expugnable
UL'vur-in acuminate sumptuous tunable

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h^re, end; Ice, ill;
699 U'na-re—UR'di-le

U'na-re wonder world opportunity conferrable

lunary triunity demurrable
(See also UNG'gur-ing unity inferable
U'nur-e.) hungering referable
mongering U'ni-tiv transferable
UN'di-te punitive
fecundity UNGK'shun-al unitive U'ral-ist
jocundity conjunctional pluralist
jucundity functional UNT'ed-le rural ist
moribundity affrontedly
UNGK'u-lar stuntedly U'ral-is'm
avuncular unwontedly pluralism
carbuncular wontedly ruralism
UN'dur-ing peduncular UN'ur-e U'ra-tiv
blundering uncular buffoonery curative
plundering cocoonery depurative
U'ni-kat indurative
sundering pantaloonery
communicate maturative
thundering poltroonery
wondering tunicate UR'bal-ist
UN'dur-song U'ni-form gunnery verbalist
undersong cuniform nunnery
wonder song luniform UR'bal-iz'm
uniform U'pur-at herbalism
UN'dur-ur recuperate verbalism
blunderer UN'i-le vituperate
plunderer funnily URB'e-al
sunderer sunnily U'ra-b'I adverbial
thunderer assurable proverbial
wonderer U'ni-te curable suburbial
community durable
UN'dur-us immunity endurable UR'bu-lent
blunderous importunity incurable herbulent
thunderous impunity insurable turbulent
wonderous inopportunity procurable
intercommu- securable UR'di-le
UN'dur-vvurld nity sturdily
underworld jejunity UR'a-b'I wordily

old, dr, ddd, oil, fddt, out; use, urn, up; THis, thin
URD'ur-ur — UR'ku-lus 700

URD'ur-ur esurient U're-us counterinsur-

murderer parturient curious gency
verderer prurient furious detergency
scripturient incurious divergency
U're-a injurious emergency
Lemuria UR'e-ist luxurious insurgency
Manchuria furriest penurious urgency
hurriest perjurious vergency
U're-al worriest spurious
auguriai strangurious UR'ji-kal
figural UR'e-ing sulphureous chirurgical
mercurial currying usurious clergical
purpureal flurrying demiurgical
seigneurial hurrying UR'flu-us energical
scurrying subterfluous liturgical
UR'e-an, worrying superfluous surgical
U're-an thaumaturgical
centurian UR'e-ment U'ri-fi theurgical
Etrurian worriment purify
Missourian (See also thurify UR'jur-e
scripturian ER'e-ment.) chirurgery
Silurian UR'ish-ing perjury
UR'en-se flourishing purgery
U're-ans concurrency nourishing surgery
luxuriance currency
recurrency U'ri-te UR'ku-lar
U're-ant demurity circular
luxuriant UR'et-ed immaturity furcular
turreted impurity tubercular
U're-at (See also insecurity
infuriate ER'i-ted.) maturity UR'ku-lat
luxuriate obscurity circulate
muriate UR'e-ur prematurity recirculate
parturiate currier purity tuberculate
flurrier security
U' re-ens furrier UR'ku-lus
prurience hurrier UR'jen-se surculus
scurrier assurgency siirculous
U're-ent worrier convergency tuberculous

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h|re, find; Ice, 111;
701 UR'le-est — UR'van-se

UR'le-est terminate UR'nish-ur UR'she-an

burliest burnisher Cistercian
churliest UR'mi-nus furnisher lacertian
curliest coterminous Persian
earliest terminus UR'ni-te
pearliest verminous alternity UR'si-b'l,
surliest diuternity UR'sa-b'l
unburliest UR'na-b'l eternity amerceable
burnable fraternity conversable
UR'le-nes discernible maternity conversible
burliness indiscernible modernity coercible
curliness learnable paternity immersible
earliness overturnable sempiternity incoercible
pearliness returnable taciturnity irreversible
surliness reimbursable
UR'nal-ist UR'nur-e reversible
UR'lish-Ie fernery
churlishly turnery UR'si-form
girlishly diversiform
URo-gat ursiform
UR'lish-nes UR'nal-iz surrogate versiform
churlishness eternalize (See also
girlishness externalize ER'6-gat.) UR'siv-nes
journalize coerciveness
UR'mi-nal UR'pen-tin detersiveness
germinal UR'nal-iz'm serpentine discursiveness
terminal externalism turpentine excursiveness
UR'mi-nant journalism UR'sa-re URth'les-nes
determinant anniversary mirthlessness
germinant UR'ne-an aspersory worthlessness
terminant Avernian bursary
Falernian controversary UR'ti-tud
UR'mi-nat Hibernian cursory certitude
determinate Saturnian nursery incertitude
exterminate precursory inertitude
germinate UR'nish-ing
indeterminate burnishing UR'se-al UR'van-se
interminate furnishing controversial conservancy

old, or, 6dd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
UR'van-se — US'ti-le 702

fervency constitutional delusiveness UST'fiil-e

elocutional diffusiveness distrustfully
UR'va-tiv evolutional effusiveness lustfully
conservative institutional exclusiveness mistrustfully
curvative substitutional illusiveness trustfully
enervative inconclusive-
observative U'shun-ist ness OST'i-b'I
preservative circumlocution- inobtrusiveness adjustible
reservative ist intrusiveness combustible
constitutionist obtrusiveness dustible
UR'zhun-ist elocutionist incombustible
excursionist evolutionist US'ki-le
immersionist resolutionist duskily US'te-est
versionist revolutionist huskily crustiest
muskily dustiest
U'se-an, U'shun-ur fustiest
U'si-an ablutioner gustiest
caducean executioner bimuscular lustiest
Confucian resolutioner corpuscular mustiest
Rosicrucian revolutioner crepuscular rustiest
U'sed'le U'si-b'l muscular
deucedly adducible IJS'te-nes
lucidly conducible US'ku-Ius crustiness
mucidly crucible corpusculous dustiness
pellucidly deducible crepusculous fustiness
educible musculous gustiness
U'sen-se inducible lustiness
lucency irreducible U'so-re mustiness
tralucency producible collusory rustiness
translucency reducible conclusory trustiness
seducible delusory
U'she-al traducible elusory US'tre-us
crucial exclusory illustrious
fiducial U'siv-nes extrusory industrious
abusiveness illusory
U'shun-al allusiveness lusory US'ti-le
circumlocu- conclusiveness prelusory crustily
tional conduciveness reclusory dustily

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, €nd; Ice, ill;
703 US'ti-l* — UV'a-b'l

fustily U'te-us UTH'ur-lik buttony

gustily beauteous brotherlike gluttony
lustily duteous motherlike muttony
mustily luteous
C'ti-ff U'tur*
rustily Uth'ful-e beautify
thrustily freebootery
ruthfully brutify fruitery
US'tur-ing truthfully pewtery
blustering youthfully U'ti-ful rootery
clustering beautiful
flustering Oth'ful-nes dutiful UT'ur-ing
mustering truthfulness
youthful ness tJ'ti-k'I, buttering
U'ta-b'l U'ti-kal fluttering
commutable Uth'les-le cuticle guttering
computable ruthlessly latreutical muttering
confutable truthlessly pharmaceutical spluttering
disputable youthlessly scorbutical sputtering
executable therapeutical stuttering
UTH'ur-hood uttering
immutable brotherhood U'ti-nfr
imputable motherhood mutineer UT'ur-ur
incommutable scrutineer butterer
inscrutable UTH'ur-e flutterer
mootable brothery tJ'ti-ne mutterer
mutable mothery mutiny splutterer
smothery scrutiny sputterer
refutable U'ti-nus stutterer
scrutable brothering glutinous utterer
suitable mothering mutinous UV'a-b'l
transmutable smothering velutinous approvable
U'ta-tiv scrutinous immovable
commutative UTH'ur-ie improvable
confutative brotherly UT'lur-e irremovable
motherly cutlery
disputative sutlery movable
imputative southerly provable
putative unbrotherly tJT'on-e removable
sputative unmotherly reproittble
old, or, ddd, oil, fdot, out; use, urn, Qp; THis, thin
U've-al — UZ'e-nes 704

U've-al diluvian diffusible U'zhun.)

alluvial Peruvian excusable
antediluvial postdiluvian fusible UZ'e-nes
diluvial Vesuvian inexcusable fuzziness
effluvial infusible muzziness
exuvial U've-us losable wuzziness
fluvial Jupiter Pluvius transfusible
postdiluvial Vesuvius usable
U'za-b'l U'ze-an
U've-an amusable Carthusian
antediluvian confusable (See also

ale, care, add, arm, ask; me, h§re, find; ice, HI;


Unabridged Dictionaries
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, G & C Merriam,
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd ed.,
Random House, 1987.

College-Level Dictionaries
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 1984.
The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd college ed., Houghton-
Mifflin, 1982.
Webster's New World Dictionary, 3rd college ed., Simon & Schuster,

Rhyming Dictionaries
Capricorn Rhyming Dictionary, Bessie G. Redfield, Perigee
Books/Putnam 1938, 1986.
The Penguin Rhyming Dictionary, Rosalind Fergusson, Penguin
Books, 1985.
Words to Rhyme With, Willard R. Espy, Facts-on-File Publications,

"New-Word" Books
The Barnhart Dictionary of New English Since 1963, Clarence L.
Barnhart, Sol Steinetz, Robert K. Barnhart, Barnhart/Harper &
Row, 1973.
12,000 Words, A Supplement to Webster's Third New International
Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., 1986.

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