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A Dissertation proposal outline for a M.

Phil Degree in Geography, University of Peradeniya

Role of organizations in the development of southeast part of Ampara district case study - Akkarapittu
M.I. Riswan
(Registration Number: HD/M.PHIL/09/10/896)

It is an outline of a dissertation proposal for a M.Phill Degree in Geography. The subject dealt in this outline is Role of organizations in the development of southeast part of Ampara district case study - Akkarapittu.

Important of Research:

Objective of the study

Identify major land use changes coming out of each of those two impacts Prioritize the challenges of land use changes according to community concerns and development needs Address the question as to how to mitigate land use challenges

Distinct land use patterns (shortage of land for living and productive activities) of south east cost led to social and environmental conflict

Research Area:

Research Problem

Methodology Data collection

Structure of the thesis Time Frame

The study is planned to start in early June after getting the approval from Department and plan to complete within one year from the time of starting the field work. Detail time frame of the study will be submitted along the research proposal.

Selected Reference
1. Department of Statistics, (2008) Statistical Hand Book, Amparai District, Kachchari, Amparai, 2. Gamage H., (2000) Land and water sector development in Sri Lanka, Ministry of Agriculture, Sri Lanka,. 3. IPS (2006), Post Tsunami Reconstruction and Rehabilitation: Household Views on Progress and Process. A Report prepared by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, December. 4. ADB, JBIC and World Bank, (2005); Sri Lanka 2005 Post-Tsunami Recovery Program: Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment, a report prepared ADB, JBIC and World Bank ,Colombo, Sri Lanka . 5. Department of census and statistics, May 2006, Census of Population and Housing 2001, Srilanka: Department of census and statistics. 6. Planning Secretariat, 1997, Statistical information of the North East province 1996, Trincomalee: Planning secretariat.

Annexure 1: A Google Map of Ampara Costal area.

Research areas

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