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Lindsay, thanks for being so patient while I did computer nerd stuff in the middle of the night.
Rachael, maybe now I'll have time to put that wheel cap on your car. Michelle, thanks for leaving
your plasma TV with me when you move to Hawaii?

I'd like to thank Bill Pollock, Elizabeth Campbell, Ellen Har, Patricia Witkin, Leigh Poehler, and
Tyler Ortman of No Starch Press for all of their hard work and dedication. They did an amazing job
of transforming what was once a pile of notes into a truly useful book. Special thanks to Riley
Hoffman of No Starch Press for wearing so many hats. She did a phenomenal job; I am forever
grateful. Thanks again, Bill, for all of your input and guidance.

Thanks to Dru Lavigne for providing her technical expertise and guidance. Your commitment to
FreeBSD and open source software is a source of inspiration for me. Thanks to Michael Lucas for
the words of wisdom and for writing one of the best FreeBSD books around.

I'd also like to thank Richard Bejtlich for reviewing the first incarnation of this book; his suggestions
led to improvements to this edition. Thanks to Derek Yee of Octopod Studios for the clever cover
graphics. Thanks to Joseph Koshy and the other members of the FreeBSD community who donate
their time selflessly. Lastly, thanks to all of the open source developers who created the excellent
software mentioned in this book. I hope this book brings more people to appreciate the work you do.

Bryan J. Hong

San Francisco, CA

February 29, 2008

file://C:\Documents and Settings\一般用途帳號\Local Settings\Temp\~hh269C.htm 2008/12/13

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