NCP Pneumonia

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NCP Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma, associated with alveolar edema and congestion that impair gas exchange.
Primary pneumonia is caused by the patient’s inhaling or aspirating a pathogen. Secondary pneumonia ensues from lung damage
caused by the spread of bacteria from an infection elsewhere in the body. Likely causes include various infectious agents, chemical
irritants (including gastric reflux/aspiration, smoke inhalation), and radiation therapy. This plan of care deals with bacterial and viral
pneumonias, e.g., pneumococcal pneumonia, Pneumocystis carinii, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma, and Gram-negative

CARE SETTING institutionalization, general debilitation

Most patients are treated as outpatients; however, persons at Fever (e.g., 1028F–1048F/398C–408C)
higher risk (e.g., with ongoing/chronic health problems) are May exhibit: Diaphoresis
treated in the hospital, as are those already hospitalized for Shaking
other reasons. Rash may be noted in cases of rubeola or varicella

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma May report: History of recent surgery; chronic alcohol use;
Psychosocial aspects of care intravenous (IV) drug therapy or abuse; immunosuppressive
Sepsis/septicemia therapy
Surgical intervention
Patient Assessment Database Discharge plan
DRG projected mean length of inpatient stay: 4.3–8.3 days
ACTIVITY/REST Assistance with self-care, homemaker tasks.
May report: Fatigue, weakness Oxygen may be needed, especially if recovery is prolonged or
Insomnia other predisposing condition exists.
May exhibit: Lethargy Refer to section at end of plan for postdischarge
Decreased tolerance to activity considerations.


May report: History of recent/chronic heart failure (HF) Chest x-ray: Identifies structural distribution (e.g., lobar,
May exhibit: Tachycardia bronchial); may also reveal multiple abscesses/infiltrates,
Flushed appearance or pallor empyema (staphylococcus); scattered or localized infiltration
(bacterial); or diffuse/extensive nodular infiltrates (more often
EGO INTEGRITY viral). In mycoplasmal pneumonia, chest x-ray may be clear.
May report: Multiple stressors, financial concerns
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy: May be both diagnostic (qualitative
FOOD/FLUID cultures) and therapeutic (re-expansion of lung segment).
May report: Loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting
May exhibit: Distended abdomen ABGs/pulse oximetry: Abnormalities may be present,
Hyperactive bowel sounds depending on extent of lung involvement and underlying lung
Dry skin with poor turgor disease.
Cachectic appearance (malnutrition)
Gram stain/cultures: Sputum collection; needle aspiration of
empyema, pleural, and transtracheal or transthoracic fluids;
lung biopsies and blood cultures may be done to recover
PAIN/DISCOMFORT causative organism. More than one type of organism may be
May report: Headache present; common bacteria include Diplococcus pneumoniae,
Chest pain (pleuritic), aggravated by cough; substernal chest Staphylococcus aureus, ahemolytic streptococcus,
pain (influenza) Haemophilus influenzae; cytomegalovirus (CMV). Note:
Myalgia, arthralgia Sputum cultures may not identify all offending organisms.
May exhibit: Splinting/guarding over affected area (patient Blood cultures may show transient bacteremia.
commonly lies on affected side to restrict movement)
CBC: Leukocytosis usually present, although a low white blood
RESPIRATION cell (WBC) count may be present in viral infection,
May report: History of recurrent/chronic URIs, tuberculosis or immunosuppressed conditions such as AIDS, and
COPD, cigarette smoking overwhelming bacterial pneumonia. Erythrocyte
Progressive dyspnea sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated.
Cough: Dry hacking (initially) progressing to productive cough
May exhibit: Tachypnea; shallow grunting respirations, use of Serologic studies, e.g., viral or Legionella titers, cold
accessory muscles, nasal flaring agglutinins: Assist in differential diagnosis of specific
Sputum: Scanty or copious; pink, rusty, or purulent (green, organism.
yellow, or white)
Percussion: Dull over consolidated areas Pulmonary function studies: Volumes may be decreased
Fremitus: Tactile and vocal, gradually increases with (congestion and alveolar collapse); airway pressure may be
consolidation increased and compliance decreased. Shunting is present
Pleural friction rub (hypoxemia).
Breath sounds: Diminished or absent over involved area, or
bronchial breath sounds over area(s) of consolidation; coarse Electrolytes: Sodium and chloride levels may be low.
inspiratory crackles
Color: Pallor or cyanosis of lips/nailbeds Bilirubin: May be increased.

SAFETY Percutaneous aspiration/open biopsy of lung tissues: May

May report: Recurrent chills reveal typical intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions
History of altered immune system: i.e., systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), AIDS, steroid or chemotherapy use, (CMV), characteristic giant cells (rubeola).
NURSING PRIORITIES 1. Ventilation and oxygenation adequate for individual needs.
1. Maintain/improve respiratory function. 2. Complications prevented/minimized.
2. Prevent complications. 3. Disease process/prognosis and therapeutic regimen
3. Support recuperative process. understood.
4. Provide information about disease process/prognosis and 4. Lifestyle changes identified/initiated to prevent recurrence.
treatment. 5. Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.


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