Vocabulary Activity List 4 Grade 11

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Group members names: ________________________________________

Vocabulary Activity List 4 Grade 11 Sept.

agitate disturb or upset greatly vindicate justify or support, clear from
reiterate repeat wrath very great anger, rage
persecute oppress because of principles or vengeance return and injury for an injury,
beliefs revenge, retaliate, desire for
begrudge reluctant to give or allow corroborate confirm or support
something, resent
predilection preconceived liking, preference, contention struggle, competition, conflict
trepidation nervous dread retaliate return an injury or wrong in kind

Answer the following questions:

1. Sort the vocabulary into categories. Use any criteria you wish. Give the reasons why you
grouped certain words together.
(Put your new sorted list on the back of this sheet)

2. List all the things your group can think of in about 3 minutes which you view with

3. Explain what it means to say a person has a persecution complex.

4. What makes you feel agitated? How do you react in those situations. List about 3 that are
common among your group members.

5. With whom did you have your last fight or argument? What was the point of contention
between you?

6. Explain some situations in which you would have a strong desire for vengeance or
retaliation. What would you do to retaliate?

7. Whose wrath do you fear, and why?

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