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Causes of Earthquakes Earthquakes result from a slow built up of pressure within crustal rocks.

. Within the crust, the point at which the release in pressure occurs is known as the focus.

An earthquake is a phenomenon that results from a sudden release of stored energy that radiates seismic waves.

Effects of Earthquakes Earthquakes can have the following effects: Destruction of life and property and this is accompanied by disruption of communication lines, in addition is the outbreaks of controllable fires from broken gas lines.

The earthquake triggers landslides and rock falls.

Gigantic waves called tsunamis result in destruction of coastal areas For exam in 1692 great damage was done to Annotto Bay, Buff Bay and Port Antonio in Jamaica In addition, 35 of 115 French buccaneers who were raiding the town St. Ann's Bay were killed by both the Earthquake and tsunami waves. Towns built on solid rocks suffer less damage than those built on consolidated materials.

Shaking and ground rupture are the main effects created by earthquakes, principally resulting in more or less severe damage to buildings and other rigid structures. The severity of the local effects depends on the complex combination of the earthquake magnitude, the distance from the epicenter, and the local geological and geomorphological conditions, which may amplify or reduce propagation. The ground-shaking is measured by ground acceleration.

Walls may make cracking sound, dishes and windows may be broken and parked cars may rock slightly.

Characteristics of an Earthquake

Negative and Positive impacts Negatives Earthquakes destroy buildings and result in loss of life. Tidal waves or tsunamis. Interrupts communication.

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