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Typical Project Procedure for use of SmartPlant Instrumentation with System 800xA

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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RELATED ABB DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 5 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 6 7 8 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 7

2 3


3.1 SPI ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 SPI Database ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.2 Browser Archiving........................................................................................................................ 8 3.1.3 Hosting, Software Administration and Support ........................................................................ 8 3.2 ABB ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Remote Access............................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.2 Local Printing................................................................................................................................ 9 3.3 SECURITY .............................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3.1 Local Network Access................................................................................................................... 9 3.3.2 Remote Client Access ................................................................................................................... 9 4 INSTRUMENT TAGGING AND DATA STORAGE 11 4.1 TAGGING AND PARAMETERISATION OF ICSS OBJECTS .................................................................. 11 4.1.1 Minimum Object Parameter Requirements............................................................................. 12 4.1.2 Parameter Definition .................................................................................................................. 12 4.1.3 Non-Instrument Object Oriented Primary Tagging Parameter Definition .......................... 12 4.2 OBJECT DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 PROCESS DATA ................................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 INSTRUMENT INDEX BROWSER VIEWS ............................................................................................. 14 5 6 7 CONTROL/FUNCTION BLOCK DATA POINTS ABB CONFIGURATION TOOL 6.1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 ICSS PANELS AND WIRING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 16 17

PROCESS ENGINEERING TOOL INTEGRATION (PETI) ..................................................................... 16 STRUCTURE AND CABLING................................................................................................................. 17 FIELD TERMINALS AND IO MODULES............................................................................................... 17 CROSS WIRING.................................................................................................................................... 18 SIGNAL TYPE AND MODULE ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................................... 18 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION/NUMBERING...................................................................................... 19 REMOTE IO PANELS ........................................................................................................................... 19 SERIAL IO ........................................................................................................................................... 19 FOUNDATION FIELDBUS ..................................................................................................................... 19

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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INSTRUMENT DATA REPORTS ............................................................................................................ 20 PANEL AND WIRING REPORTS ........................................................................................................... 20 LOOP DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................................ 20 SPI PREFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 20 21 23 ICSS PANELS AND WIRING ................................................................................................................ 22



10.1 ARCHIVES AND FREEZES,................................................................................................................... 23 10.2 SPI REPORT REVISION CONTROL ..................................................................................................... 23 10.3 IO ADDITION AND DELETION ............................................................................................................ 23 10.3.1 IO Addition.................................................................................................................................. 23 10.3.2 IO Deletion .................................................................................................................................. 24 10.4 SPI STATUS FIELD .............................................................................................................................. 24

APPENDIX A SPI Fields and 800xA Parameters APPENDIX B Tag Browsers and Reports APPENDIX C Control Type Parameters Listings APPENDIX D Panel and Wiring Reports APPENDIX E IO Hardware Types APPENDIX F Process Flow Diagram

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Revision Rev 0.1 1.0 Para. All All Description Draught for Internal Comment Initial Issue Date 28Feb08 4Mar08 By CRR Check DJD Appv -

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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INTRODUCTION In many projects ABB are required to utilise or interface to Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI) for the definition of requirements for Control, Safety and Monitoring System (ICSS). This may include design and definition of general instrumentation, field wiring, panels, IO allocation and wiring. A project SPI database may be administered/owned by an end user, an EPC, by ABB or a third party. In some projects ABB may use semi-automated configuration tools in order to minimise engineering effort and improve configuration efficiency. These tools provide automatic extraction of data from SPI and auto-configuration of ICSS control objects and IO arrangements. In other projects automated tools may not be used. In both cases however, the location and usage of data storage in SPI needs to be agreed. This procedure is intended to define SPI related working and interface procedures for the SPI engineering authority and ABB during the feed and execution stages of a project. It includes references to ABB tools and methods for the efficient configuration of a typical Control, Safety and Monitoring System. It should be noted that each customer, Owner/Administrator may have different requirements and standards when utilising SPI. A review and confirmation of the interface will be required for each project in order to establish the relationship between SPI definition and ICSS configuration and agree project responsibilities and procedures between parties. The review will lead to the generation of a project specific procedure.


RELATED ABB DOCUMENTATION The following document is a general guide in the utilisation of SPI for ICSS projects. Some aspects may not apply to a particular project. ABB Document Reference 50019-N02 3BUA00184R501 Title ABB Guidelines for SmartPlant Instrumentation for Automation Engineering Process Engineering Tool Integration, Configuration and Operation

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EPC ICSS ICSS-E SPI-E Engineering Procurement Contractor Integrated Control and Safety System The organisation responsible for design and configuration of the ICSS The organisation normally responsible for SPI engineering, instrumentation and process data definition, and field instrumentation and cabling within SPI (e.g. Owner/Operator or EPC or ABB or third party or a mixture, according to the specific contract) Detail Design Specification Functional Design Specification Process Engineering Tool Integration an ABB tool interfacing between SPI and system 800xA Project Management Contractor Refers to the ABB standard Project Query system SmartPlant Instrumentation (INtools) SPI system administrator User Defined Field


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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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PURPOSE AND SCOPE This document is intended as a general guide to the SPI-E/Operator/ABB working procedure in respect of SmartPlant Instrumentation. It sets out the various requirements including a definition of the relationship between SPI database fields and various ICSS device parameters and the procedural order of working. In the area of panels, wiring, cables etc. this procedure defines relationships between IO type and standardised IO hardware format. The document extensively addresses aspects of work flow and the working relationship including data location definitions, sequence of working, responsibilities, change identification and control, implementation in the ICSS etc. The intention is to provide guidance during project start-up to allow the SPI related interfaces to operate efficiently for the duration of the project.


SCOPE This procedure defines a SPI-E / ABB working arrangement. It does not include instructions in the basic functions of SPI. It does include use, setup and operational definitions for project specific key functions and requirements.

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: C R Rogers : D J Dobson Procedure 25Feb08 25Feb08



- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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PREREQUISITES It is assumed that personnel working in the area of SPI have the appropriate training and exposure to SPI. The SPI base version and patch version need to be known at the earliest stage of the project in order to allow the appropriate ABB tools (if to be used) to be selected.

3.1 3.1.1

SPI ADMINISTRATION SPI Database The SPI Administrator (SPI-A) will provide and maintain the project SPI database. This may be on a local or a remote server platform. The SPI-A shall provide the SPI-E personnel and ABB users with necessary SPI access capability. Access may be via a local network, terminal server, Citrix or some other mechanism. To allow access to the SPI server, each ABB user will be registered with SPI-A support and will be provided with a unique user name and password. Additionally each user may be required to use a Secure ID or some other method to ensure restricted and authorised access to SPI data and panel/cable/wiring design functions.


Browser Archiving All browsers used in the extraction of data from the SPI database are required to have archiving functionality. This archiving capability will be set up by the SPI-A. Archiving is used for establishing records of database content as required, and can be the basis for difference reporting when needed.


Hosting, Software Administration and Support Responsibility for SPI administration normally lies with the SPI host. The identity of the host will vary according to individual project arrangements. The host could the Operator/Owner, an EPC, a PMC/third party central sourcing facility in a large multiple EPC project (MAC project), or ABB. Normally all SPI licensing, maintenance and administration is provided by the host. Many SPI based projects are likely to have remote clients. Access may be via Citrix, Terminal Server or other mechanisms. For these clients the host will provide all remote access functionality.

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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The hosts SPI-A SPI support contact shall be nominated at the commencement of the project. In the event of problems with access or SPI service, users will have free access to the SPI-A support contact directly in order to raise or discuss issues. 3.2 ABB Normally each ABB SPI user will be equipped with a PC having Windows XP 2003 SP2 as the operating system with a minimum of 1 GB of RAM. These may be direct SPI clients to a networked SPI server, in which case they are loaded with the appropriate SPI client; otherwise, if a remote Citrix based client, there is no requirement for any specific application package to be loaded to the SPI users equipment, all functionality being available via the link.


Remote Access ABB users shall log on to the project SPI database via the designated route as required using the SPI user names and passwords issued by SPI-A. Refer to preceding paragraphs.


Local Printing Where Citrix is the chosen method of access each ABB user will nominate a default local printer for SPI outputs and reports, accessible from the PC. The SPI-A will set up the remote server with the ability to output to these default printers as requested by use of the appropriate printer driver.


SECURITY Various levels of access security may exist, depending on the user client access method. SPI standard login will always be required.


Local Network Access Where a local Intranet or an isolated network is used, simple SPI client access will be required.


Remote Client Access Terminal Server (Remote Desktop) access may be provided, normally requiring user name and password for access. Citrix is a commonly used method of providing remote, secure, multiple, individually authorised SPI access. This access may be with or without Secure ID (or equivalent).

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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After achieving access to the SPI server, SPI access is controlled by the standard Intergraph method of user name and password. This is administered by SPI-A.

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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INSTRUMENT TAGGING AND DATA STORAGE The typical SPI project comprises a list of tag numbers and associated data. SPI entries are based on the instrument tag and this forms the primary database field. This information is stored in the Instrument Index Standard Browser Definition of each entry may vary according to the users requirements or view of how to utilise SPI. Many users include all instrumentation tags as entries in SPI. These may include field instrument tags associated IO points and soft (e.g. alarm) tags all included under a loop definition tag. Other users may only include a list of IO tags and utilise UDF fields to define control system tagging. Each project must agree this tagging arrangement at the outset. Control system range data (e.g. engineering units and range) is commonly stored by tag in SPI Process Data and accessed via the Process Data Browser. This may include alarm set and trip points. Control system data may also be stored under and available via the Instrument Index Standard Browser in user defined fields. The Control System Tag field is available via the Control System / Control System Tag Browser. This tag is commonly used when allocating IO channels. This browser relates Tag Number with Control System Tag. All storage locations of ICSS data must be agreed at the commencement of any project involving SPI. Refer to Appendix B for examples of browser content and views.


TAGGING AND PARAMETERISATION OF ICSS OBJECTS ICSS objects are the entities configured in the control system that represent either external instrumentation (i.e. transmitters, valves, detectors etc.) or IO between the ICSS and other systems. The configuration in the ICSS is defined by the Control Type designation related to the tag number. The Instrument Tag needs to be applied in the ICSS as the configured object tag. It is these tags that will appear on the faceplates of the instantiated objects within the ICSS. Single input or single output objects (pushbuttons, indicators) may have the same IO and object Tag Number; they are generally the same in SPI. The Control Type defines the object type used in ICSS configuration. Multiple IO ICSS objects (valves, transmitters with tagged alarms etc.) have the same base numeric tag reference with different leading and trailing alpha characters for each element. The ICSS object representing the field instrument or device could be a separate SPI entry

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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with the same numeric core, the object then takes the SPI tag (e.g. XV for a valve). One control object is configured in the ICSS for these grouped tag instances. Control loop groupings (e.g. conventional control loops of say transmitter, PID function and control valve) are defined by the Loop Tag field entries. 4.1.1 Minimum Object Parameter Requirements The minimum data required in order to commence engineering a project i.e. to allow configuration in 800xA, is the tag name and instrument type. This allows the project to establish tagged objects and proceed with engineering the application, with graphics generation and to download to soft controllers for early proof and testing. At this early project stage objects are instantiated into 800xA with all other customer based parameters at default values. Later in the project, as specific data becomes available, parameters such as engineering range and alarm limits can be updated, for example by using the PETI tool. Panel, cabling, wiring etc. can follow. 4.1.2 Parameter Definition In the ICSS, the parameters associated with tagged objects (descriptor, range, alarm levels etc.) need to be applied to the tagged, instantiated objects. Parameters are held in SPI as other field entries against Tag Number records. Parameter data will be extracted via SPI browsers or directly from the underlying Oracle tables by ABB special tools (typically PETI). For a single IO point objects Tag Number, the associated parameters are entered in the appropriate fields for each entry. For multiple IO objects (defined by multiple entries of the same numeric tag core and by Control Type) it is critical that the associated parameter data is entered consistently in pre-defined locations. For these types of objects parameter data will need to be processed to extract the data ready for configuration within the ICSS. If data is not entered consistently in pre-defined locations within SPI then it may not be collected efficiently ready for ICSS configuration. 4.1.3 Non-Instrument Object Oriented Primary Tagging Parameter Definition In a case where the SPI database is simply a list of IO points tagged in the CMPNT_NAME field, the ICSS object tag may not be a primary SPI entry. A user defined (UDF) Soft Tag field needs to be used for ICSS object tag definition, see table below. In this case it is necessary to define explicitly the location for storage of associated ICSS parameter definition data. This is a non-preferred usage of SPI.

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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The following table defines possible IO showing example (Tag Number) entries against which Soft Tag object parameters are to be entered. Object Description On/Off Valve Motorised Valve Process Controller Flow Alarm LL Flow Indication Package Alarm ICSS/ESD Intertrip ESD/ICSS Intertrip ICSS Object Soft Tag (UDF) ESDV, HSD, SDV XV FFIC, FIC, PDIC, TIC FAL FLL UA XS XS Database Entry for Object Parameter Definition Description Entry Tag (CMPNT_NAME) SOV output XSOV, ESOV, SSOV, etc. Valve Open Command XHSO Analogue Input FT, PDT, TT etc. Switch Input Analogue Input First Input ICSS Input ICSS Output FSL FT UAnnnnn-1 XS XS

This table is not comprehensive and must be confirmed specifically for each project. 4.2 OBJECT DEFINITIONS Each SPI tag entry should have a Control Type defined. Control objects (transmitters, valves etc.) are configured in the ICSS as various Control or Function Blocks based on a Control Type. Generally the control requirements for each Control Type will be defined in a project specific document. At the commencement of each project these control requirements must be defined and agreed for each Control Type. For each control object, the Control Type (i.e. which Control/Function Block is to be used) is defined in a field in SPI. Each Control Type is preconfigured as a standard library object and copied in the ICSS for each tagged instance required. The specific parameter values (Name, Description etc.) are then applied for each tag instance. Control Types may be simple instruments (e.g. transmitter, valve) or may be a complex control loop requirement. Complex definitions may be detailed in a Control Narrative. Control Narratives are normally produced by ABB in response to a customers control specification and provide a detailed, approved solution for use in 800xA. A project that has control requirements based on Control Types may specify as shown in Appendices A (field named Control Type) and with specific parameterisation as shown in Appendix C.

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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PROCESS DATA The SPI process data area may be the location where the SPI-E defines instrument ranges and sometimes analogue alarm levels. Data is available via the SPI Process Data Browser. Alternatively this data may be provided in other tables and browsers, as determined by the SPI-E


INSTRUMENT INDEX BROWSER VIEWS Generally ABB will define a set of Instrument Index Standard Browser and Process Data views in order to view the appropriate data. These browsers will include all of the SPI based data required for ICSS configuration. Refer to Appendix B for examples of browser outputs. Content of all browsers can be checked by examination of the browser configuration in SPI. The ABB preferred method of ICSS configuration is to use automated tools e.g. ABBs PETI application. In these cases browsers still provide a method of viewing and manually configuring SPI data but are not the primary mechanism for extraction and ICSS configuration. Refer to Section 6 on ABB tools. For non-ABB automated data extraction these browsers will be used to provide tabular output that will form the basis for ICSS object configuration.

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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THE SPI / SYSTEM 800XA RELATIONSHIP The System 800xA format comprises two area of configuration: engineering control application and hardware definition. This relates to SPI areas of tagged objects definition (available via browsers) and equipment, panel, cabling design (the wiring module). System 800xA control application engineering and hardware definition can be separately configured as required by a project schedule, in line with the customer expectations of data availability. This means that tagged objects and applications can proceed based on minimum information quite separately from hardware definition. The two areas become linked at the time of IO allocation. Thus two separate streams of project scheduling can be followed. Refer to the process flow diagram provided in Appendix F. This approach provides that tagged objects and applications can commence immediately based on minimum information at project commencement, separately from hardware definition. Refer also to paragraph 4.1.1.


CONTROL/FUNCTION BLOCK DATA POINTS Each Control or Function Block type is populated with data extracted from SPI according to its parameter requirements. Any parameters not included in the definition tables are left at default setting. Function block parameters listed are those detailed in the associated definition document. Refer to Appendix C for Control Type parameters listings.

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- SPI Demonstration

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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ABB CONFIGURATION TOOL ABB have a semi-automated tool for use when configuring System 800xA in relation to SPI.


PROCESS ENGINEERING TOOL INTEGRATION (PETI) PETI is a standalone application tool that provides seamless data exchange between Intergraph Corporations INtools 6.0 or SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI) 7.0 (and later) and ABB's 800xA system. INtools/SPI manages and stores the history of the object definition and hardware design of the control system and provides a single source of plant information that can be easily accessed and updated. It ensures consistency across different instrument tasks and deliverables. PETI provides data exchange between basic, process and instrumentation engineering function and the control engineering function. The product keeps the process and control engineering data consistent over the entire life cycle of a plant (bidirectional data exchange, single point of data exchange). PETI relates tag and field data in SPI with tagged objects and parameters in 800xA seamlessly by means of mapping techniques. PETI configures System 800xA objects and populates parameters with SPI data automatically, without manual intervention. PETI is used for the whole life of the plant and can reverse update SPI data, based on value changes of 800xA parameters in order to keep SPI data aligned with the control system. Refer to section 1.1 for reference documentation on PETI.

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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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ICSS PANELS AND WIRING The following procedures are a basic definition to be reviewed and confirmed for each project. Refer to Section 1 - Introductiion ICSS_E will design ICSS panels and panel wiring in SPI, initially producing a set of reference equipment. Specific instances are then produced for each ICSS panel required on the project. All panel and equipment design will be in accordance with the established/agreed project standards.


STRUCTURE AND CABLING The ICSS panels may be subdivided into various groups as required, for example Process Control System (ICSS), Fire & Gas System (FGS), Process Shut Down (PSD), and Emergency Shut Down (ESD). The general procedure for developing and defining this area of the project is as follows: SPI-E will develop the Instrument Index for the project in the SPI database ICSS-E will develop the ICSS structure based on information held in the SPI database ICSS-E will review this database to identify the quantity of IO and their signal types, to determine the required system size and structure for each of these areas. Depending on specific project responsibilities, SPI-E may develop the field cabling for the project in the SPI database ICSS-E will review this database to identify the field cabling and the signals assigned to them, to determine the marshalling and termination requirements for each ICSS area This structure will then be built in the SPI database by ABB

This will be an ongoing task through the Detailed Design phase of the project. Specific panel and rack design requirements will be defined within the relevant project documents e.g. FDS, DDS, panel drawings etc. 7.2 FIELD TERMINALS AND IO MODULES The procedure for developing and defining this area of the project is as follows: Development of the ICSS marshalling and IO structure will be completed in the SPI database by the ICSS-E.

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The marshalling field terminals will be matched to the cable type that will land on them. ICSS-E will position these terminals in the relevant ICSS panel and will connect the relevant multicore cables to them. The IO modules will be added and positioned in the ICSS panels to accommodate the signals presented on the marshalling field cables. Assignment of the IO signals to these modules is to be completed by the ICSS-E, subject to agreement with ABB with respect to any grouping preferences. Only IO channels and terminals that are fully functional will be displayed and available for tag allocation. Appendix E provides details of the IO signal definition type that can be assigned to specific IO module/marshalling combinations where there may be non-standard requirements e.g. in an upgrade utilising old style IO hardware. Where standard ABB IO is utilised; no conflict of IO Signal definition type to IO modules exists e.g. on S800 or S900 hardware structures. 7.3 CROSS WIRING Once the marshalling field cables are connected and the IO assignment has been completed for each ICSS area, ABB will proceed with the cross wiring operation in the SPI database, for the area. This approach allows parallel working to occur between these tasks and will contribute to meeting project schedules. When the detailed design freeze point (refer to section 8) is reached for each ICSS area, e.g. Process, Utilities Packages, FGS etc., wiring schedules are produced from and archived in the SPI database, by ABB. These wiring schedules are one of the deliverables from the SPI database for the building of the ICSS panels. An electronic copy of these is required for operations during panel build. This will be generated by extraction from SPI. After the design freeze point, any design changes made will be identified by comparing the archived schedules with the new revisions by ABB. Note: Cross wiring is to be installed and removed by ICSS-E, some changes to the SPI database result in a prompt by SPI to remove, disconnect or remove wiring; this prompt must not be accepted until appropriately agreed. 7.4 SIGNAL TYPE AND MODULE ASSIGNMENT A set of loop typical drawings will be required for use during any project. These drawings are required to show the interconnection from the field, through marshalling, to the IO modules and to show the particular signal interface hardware required. Each loop typical shall have a unique identification number, this identity is to be entered in an agreed SPI
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Typical Project Procedure for use of SPI with System 800xA

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field against loop or tag identities. These loop typical drawings are used as the basis for standardised loop hardware arrangements when assigning each instrument IO point. The SPI database Instrument Index module has a field named System IO Type (available from various modules); this field is used in the instrument properties and on the ICSS IO module. The instrument engineering function will assign this field for the instruments and assign this field to the IO modules, according to IO types and functions. These fields determine which ICSS area the signal belongs to as well as connectivity to the ICSS IO module. Note: There is a relationship between the ICSS module, termination and marshalling components - IO assignment must take these factors into account. Appendix A details typical ICSS module parameter definitions related to SPI Field Names. 7.5 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION/NUMBERING During detailed design, the Instrument Engineering Function and ABB will agree the identification numbers required on the items built in the SPI database. This will apply to panels, controllers, modules, terminal strips, system cables etc. and will be inline with project numbering philosophy document. ABB and SPI-E will check that the identification numbers applied show as intended on SPI generated reports and drawings, i.e. Loop drawings utilise many SPI fields and require checking to ensure identification numbers appear fully and in the correct location. 7.6 REMOTE IO PANELS Where used, these panels are a standardised build with pre-fitted terminals that accept individual field cables. The procedure for remote IO panels is slightly different from other panels. Panels will be utilised and connected as required by SPI-E and ABB will add necessary IO hardware, SPI-E will then allocate IO and ABB will complete the cross wiring. 7.7 SERIAL IO Tagged objects should be included in SPI and will be configured as described above. Serial interface cabling should be included in SPI cable details. 7.8 FOUNDATION FIELDBUS Tagged objects should be included in SPI and will be configured as described above. Cabling and fieldbus items should be included in SPI installation design.

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SPI BROWSERS AND REPORTS Browsers and reports for ABB system design should be controlled and maintained by ABB. All ABB developed browsers will be prefixed ABB and must not be modified by non-ABB users.


INSTRUMENT DATA REPORTS These are generated using the Instrument Index browsers. Examples are provided in Appendix B.


PANEL AND WIRING REPORTS Examples of Panel and wiring reports are provided in Appendix D.


LOOP DIAGRAMS Loop diagrams are generated in SPI in accordance with project standard templates. The Enhanced Smart Loop style is to be used. Loops are based on a set of project loop definitions.


SPI PREFERENCES SPI preferences are to be agreed at an early stage and pre-defined by SPI-A and either set as SPI global definitions by SPI-A or set locally by users in accordance with standard settings advised by SPI-A.

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WORKFLOW PHILOSOPHY AND PROCEDURES The workflow described here is one possible approach and may be typical for many projects. Final procedures for specific projects will be agreed, documented and established at project commencement. The nature of most project setups is that parallel SPI working (SPI Owner/ABB) will be the norm, particularly in the area of panels and wiring. This requires careful control of working areas between the various parties. ABB would expect that SPI browsers are ready for the start of a project. At this point a full set of browser reports are to be taken and archived at revision P0 as a base reference. During the initial detail design stage, as each area or item of the plant is authorised for ABB design, ICSS configuration will proceed based on the as-of-the-moment SPI data status. In due course objects will be configured in ICSS systems and panels and wiring will be designed and configured by ABB in SPI. A good interface must exist between the various parties. The intention is that all parties will interact constantly, generally via informal discussion, to ensure that project benefits from a good exchange of information. Ad-hoc changes in SPI by SPI-E or others should only impact ABB design if the affected area has already been authorised for ABB design and actual ABB work in the SPI database has started. If configuration has already taken place the following may apply: Instrument Index Content The differences may only be apparent when the next browser revision compares are undertaken. Results of the compare will be analysed and differences identified and appropriate actions agreed. Panels and Wiring Some detail changes (e.g. moving a tag to another multi-core cable pair, changing the size of a multi-core cable) may be obvious when analysing panel and wiring views.

SPI data freeze points will be agreed as part of the detail design phase. These will be the major reference points for change identification. Freezes will be both hardware and software and will not necessarily occur at the same time. Appendix F provides a process flow chart for the procedures. The following is a breakdown of the process:

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ICSS PANELS AND WIRING ABB will design the ICSS panels and wiring based on the SPI database information created by SPI-E. This will be in accordance with the established/agreed project standards. This information will be accessed and used on an ongoing basis through detailed design up to a SPI-E design freeze point. At this point SPI-E must cease work in this area (approximately one day) until a set of Instrument, Wiring and Control System browsers has been archived by ABB, thus capturing the design freeze data. The archived documents are then available for identifying changes made after the design freeze point. A series of freezes and archives may be required, depending on individual project requirements. These may be by Plant, Area, P&ID etc. The Flow Diagram in Appendix F shows details of this design process.

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10.1 ARCHIVES AND FREEZES, A hardware and a software freeze will be agreed at order placement. At these freeze points SPI-E will halt work for an agreed period (approximately one day) in the affected areas such that ABB can take archive and panel production reports. Hardware and panel production reports may be issued to the shop floor for panel build at this stage. The project will progress and, if required, other freezes may be agreed in which case the browsers are again run and archived. Archived reports will be compared and differences identified. For ICSS object definition the resulting archive comparison reports will indicate the differences between the freeze points. For panels and wiring the differences report will provide a definition of the physical changes required to the built and wired panels where build has started. Browser reports may be archived at any stage by ABB for interim check purposes. 10.2 SPI REPORT REVISION CONTROL For each report, each archived version will have a unique revision and the archive date included. The format of this revision will be P0, P1, P2 etc. These are applied automatically by SPI each time an archive is made. Using these revision identifications it will be possible to select the required comparison reference versions. 10.3 IO ADDITION AND DELETION IO points are defined as database records. Additions and deletions of IO requirements can occur at any stage of the project and may have an impact on ICSS design, configuration and build. After a freeze has been instituted the archive will be used to identify changes.


IO Addition IO additions can be identified by regular comparison of archived SPI browser reports.

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IO Deletion Tags must not be removed from the database. Where a tag is not required for implementation it is to be highlighted by SPI-E by annotating the Status field with DELETED

10.4 SPI STATUS FIELD This SPI field is used to indicate the status of each tag entry as follows: Entry DELETED FUTURE IMPL ABB Interpretation Deleted tag to be action'ed No action, subject to release Tag to be implemented

Other definitions may be required depending on project specific agreed procedures.

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APPENDIX A SPI Fields and 800xA Parameters Tagging and Parameterisation of ICSS Objects
ICSS object tagging and parameter data is based on definitions given in the following table. This basic set of Instrument Index browsers is used for general extract of data by ABB. The generated data file is then related to each specific Function Block / Type Circuit. Usage of SPI fields tends to vary so all SPI field locations are to be individually confirmed at the commencement of each project.
Instrument Tag Type SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status P&ID Maximum DCS Range Maximum DCS Range DCS Range Units Soft Tag * (Object) Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID SPI Table Name 800xA Property 800xA Entry Data Type Entry Responsible

Analogue Input

N/A Description N/A N/A N/A HiRange LoRange UOM Name

String String String String String Real Real String String

N/A Max 48 chars*** N/A N/A N/A UOM UOM Max 5 chars Max 20 chars



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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Low Event (Gap Control) High Event (Gap Control) Low Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint High High Setpoint Control Setpoint Control Narrative ** Control Type ** InteractionPar IOPar

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C18 UDF_C19 PD_x_ALARM_LOW_LOW or UDF_C20 **** PD_x_ALARM_LOW or UDF_C21 **** PD_x_ALARM_HIGH or UDF_C22 **** PD_x_ALARM_HIGH_HIGH or UDF_C23 **** UDF_C24 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



Internal Variable Internal Variable AELevelLL

Real Real Real











AELevelHH Internal Variable N/A N/A InteractionPar IO

Real Real String String TransmitterPar IOPar

UOM UOM N/A N/A Max 20 chars Max 20 chars


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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) OutPar AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE AEConfLL AEConfL AEConfH AEConfHH AEFilterTime AEHysterisis AESevLL AESevlL AESevH

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C105 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C112 UDF_C113 UDF_C114 UDF_C115 UDF_C117 UDF_C118 UDF_C120 UDF_C121 UDF_C122

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



OutPar AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE AEConfLL AEConfL AEConfH AEConfHH AEFilterTime AEHysterisis AESevLL AESevlL AESevH

OutPar Integer Integer Integer Real Real Real Real Real Real Integer Integer Integer

Max 20 chars 1-9999 0-4 1-1000 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 secs UOM 1-1000 1-1000 1-1000


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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) AESevHH P of PID Value I of PID Value D of PID Value

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C123 UDF_C141 UDF_C142 UDF_C143

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



AESevHH tba tba tba

Integer Real Real Real

1-1000 N/A N/A N/A



Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status P&ID Control Narrative ** Control Type ** InteractionPar


N/A Description N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A InteractionPar

String String String String String String String TransmitterPar

N/A Max 48 chars*** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Max 20 chars



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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) IOPar AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE InNormal AEConfDiff AESevDiff

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C102 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C130 UDF_C132 UDF_C133

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



IO AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE InNormal AEConfDiff AESevDiff

IOPar Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer

Max 20 chars 1-9999 0-4 1-1000 0/1 0-4 1-1000



Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status P&ID


N/A Description N/A N/A N/A

String String String String String

N/A Max 48 chars*** N/A N/A N/A



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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Control Narrative ** Control Type ** InteractionPar IOPar AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE OutNormal

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C131

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



N/A N/A InteractionPar IO AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE OutNormal

String String TransmitterPar IOPar Integer Integer Integer Integer

N/A N/A Max 20 chars Max 20 chars 1-9999 0-4 1-1000 0/1



Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status


N/A Description N/A N/A

String String String String

N/A Max 48 chars* N/A N/A



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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) P&ID Control Narrative ** Control Type ** ABB Service Description InteractionPar IOPar SP AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE DeviceType FBConf

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) DWG_ID UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C36 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C104 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C135 UDF_C136

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



N/A N/A N/A Description InteractionPar IO Out AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE DeviceType FBConf

String String String String ValvePar IOPar Control Connection Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer

N/A N/A N/A Max 20 chars Max 20 chars Max 20 chars Max 20 chars 1-9999 0-4 1-1000 1-4 0,1,2,3 or special


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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status P&ID InteractionPar Control Narrative ** Control Type ** IOPar SP AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) CMPNT_NAME UDF_C103 CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



Motor On/Off

N/A Description N/A N/A N/A InteractionPar N/A N/A IO Out AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE

String String String String String ValvePar String String IOPar Control Connection Integer Integer Integer

N/A Max 48 chars*** N/A N/A N/A Max 20 chars N/A N/A Max 20 chars Max 20 chars 1-9999 0-4 1-1000


DWG_ID UDF_C101 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C102 UDF_C104 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110

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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) DeviceType FBConf

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C135 UDF_C136

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



DeviceType FBConf

Integer Integer

1-4 0,1,2,3 or special


Motor Var Speed

Tag Number Service Instrument Type Status P&ID InteractionPar Control Narrative ** Control Type ** IOPar SP


N/A Description N/A N/A N/A InteractionPar N/A N/A IO Out

String String String String String ValvePar String String IOPar Control Connection

N/A Max 48 chars*** N/A N/A N/A Max 20 chars N/A N/A Max 20 chars Max 20 chars



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Instrument Tag Type

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE DeviceType FBConf

Intools/SPI DatabaseFieldName (Fixed) UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C135 UDF_C136

SPI Table Name

800xA Property

800xA Entry Data Type



AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE DeviceType FBConf

Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer

1-9999 0-4 1-1000 1-4 0,1,2,3 or special


IOPar and InteractionPar are multi-element variables used in System 800xA achieve connections of the instrument object to IO and to control applications. These are to be defined and entered into SPI by ABB. Refer to System 800xA manuals for more information. * SoftTag, is an optional methods of defining the instatiated 800xA object name if it is not to take Tag Number definition ** Control Narrative and Control Type are optional methods of defining specific control requirements. *** Maximum 20 characters displayable in minimised faceplate although all 48 characters will be displayed on extended faceplate **** Typical optional locations.

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APPENDIX B Tag Browsers and Reports Instrument Data Reports

Instrument data reports are generated using Instrument Index browsers that have been configured in SPI for ABB use. A set of Instrument Index Standard Browser views is included below, based on a simple sample database. These show typical data only.

ABB Reserved Data (All)

Browser fields list:
SPI Field (Given) Name Tag Number Service Status P&ID Maximum DCS Range Minimum DCS Range DCS Range Unit Soft Tag Low Event High Event Low Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint High High Setpoint Setpoint Control Narrative Control Type ABB Service Desc InteractionPar IOPar Service (Faceplate) SP OutPar AEClass AEConfOE AESevOE AEConfLL AEConfL AEConfH AEConfHH AEFilterTime Column Width 50 52 20 30 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 SPI Database Field Name CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_HANDLE_ID DWG_ID DCS_RANGE_MAX DCS_RANGE_MIN DCS_RANGE_UOM UDF_C11 UDF_C18 UDF_C19 SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant UDF_C24 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C36 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C103 UDF_C104 UDF_C105 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C112 UDF_C113 UDF_C114 UDF_C115 UDF_C117

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SPI Field (Given) Name AEHysterisis AESevLL AESevIL AESevH AESevHH InNormal OutNormal AEConfDiff AESevDiff DeviceType FBConf P of PID Value I of PID Value D of PID Value

Column Width 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 5

SPI Database Field Name UDF_C118 UDF_C120 UDF_C121 UDF_C122 UDF_C123 UDF_C130 UDF_C131 UDF_C132 UDF_C133 UDF_C135 UDF_C136 UDF_C141 UDF_C142 UDF_C143

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Example browser view taken from SPI display:

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ABB Extract AI
Browser fields list:
SPI Field (Given) Name Tag Number Service Status P&ID Instrument Type Maximum DCS Range Minimum DCS Range DCS Range Unit Soft Tag Low Event High Event Low Low Setpoint Low Setpoint High Setpoint High High Setpoint Setpoint Control Narrative Control Type InteractionPar / Controller Action IOPar OutPar / UDF_C105 AEClass / UDF_C108 AEConfOE / UDF_C109 AESevOE / UDF_C110 AEConfLL / Max ICSS Range AEConfL / Alarm Description AEConfH / Low Low Alm Grp AEConfHH / Low Alm Grp AEFilterTime / High High Alm Grp AEHysterisis / Tel Equip List Rev AESevLL / Max Temporary UDF AESevIL / dBA @1W, 1m AESevH / dBA @rating, 1m AESevHH / Transmit Power P of PID Value I of PID Value D of PID Value Column Width 50 52 20 30 10 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 5 SPI Database Field Name CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_HANDLE_ID DWG_ID CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID DCS_RANGE_MAX DCS_RANGE_MIN DCS_RANGE_UOM UDF_C11 UDF_C18 UDF_C19 SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant SPI Owner Dependant UDF_C24 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C105 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C112 UDF_C113 UDF_C114 UDF_C115 UDF_C117 UDF_C118 UDF_C120 UDF_C121 UDF_C122 UDF_C123 UDF_N01 UDF_N02 UDF_N03

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Browser filter settings: None

Example browser view taken from SPI display: Part 1

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Part 2

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ABB Extract - DI
Browser fields list:
SPI Field (Given) Name Tag Number Service Status Instrument Type P&ID Soft Tag Control Narrative Control Type InteractionPar / Controller Action IOPar / UDF_C102 AEClass / UDF_C108 AEConfOE / UDF_C109 AESevOE / UDF_C110 InNormal / Housing Manufact AEConfDiff / Camera Manufact AESevDiff / Camera Model No Column Width 50 52 20 10 30 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 SPI Database Field Name CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_HANDLE_ID CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID DWG_ID UDF_C11 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C130 UDF_C132 UDF_C133

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Example browser view taken from SPI display:

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ABB Extract - DO
Browser fields list:
SPI Field (Given) Name Tag Number Service Status Instrument Type P&ID Soft Tag Control Narrative Control Type InteractionPar / Controller Action IOPar / UDF_C102 AEClass / UDF_C108 AEConfOE / UDF_C109 AESevOE / UDF_C110 OutNormal / Housing Part No Column Width 50 52 20 10 30 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 40 SPI Database Field Name CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_HANDLE_ID CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID DWG_ID UDF_C11 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C131

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Example browser view taken from SPI display:

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ABB Extract Valve

Browser fields list:
SPI Field (Given) Name Tag Number Service Status Instrument Type P&ID Soft Tag Setpoint Control Narrative Control Type InteractionPar / Controller Action IOPar / UDF_C102 SP / UDF_C104 AEClass / UDF_C108 AEConfOE / UDF_C109 AESevOE / UDF_C110 DeviceType / Pan/Tilt Model No FBConf / Telem Unit Manufac Column Width 50 52 20 10 30 20 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 SPI Database Field Name CMPNT_NAME CMPNT_SERV CMPNT_HANDLE_ID CMPNT_FUNC_TYPE_ID DWG_ID UDF_C11 UDF_C24 UDF_C30 UDF_C31 UDF_C101 UDF_C102 UDF_C104 UDF_C108 UDF_C109 UDF_C110 UDF_C135 UDF_C136

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Example browser view taken from SPI display:

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APPENDIX C Control Type Parameters Listings Some projects may have specific functionality defined for each Control Type I a project specific document. This Appendix provides some typical examples of the type of data that may exist. Control Type CTL_01
Description Duty/Standby Valve Control Block Definition Document

Based on SPI Browser for IO Type Analogue Input

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number or Soft Tag Service Control Narrative Control Type Control Setpoint AESevOE AEClass HOLD 4 HOLD 4

Function Block Parameter

Name Description N/A FB_PC_CTL_03 Function Block pSP pAESevOE pAEClass pDirect (DIR/REV control) pController_Type (PID/PI/P control)

Control Type CTL_02

Description ESD Valve Definition Document
SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number or Soft Tag Service Control Narrative Control Type Function Block Parameter

Based on SPI Browser for IO Type Valve

Name Description N/A N/A

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Control Type CTL_03

Description ON/OFF Valve Pneumatic Definition Document

Based on SPI Browser for IO Type Valve

SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number or Soft Tag Service Control Narrative Control Type AEClass AESevOE FBConf

Function Block Parameter

Name Desciption N/A N/A pAEClass pAESevOE pFBConf

Control Type CTL_04

Description Shut Down Valve Definition Document
SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number or Soft Tag Service Control Narrative Control Type Function Block Parameter

Based on SPI Browser for IO Type Valve


Control Type CTL_05

Description ESD Isolation Valve Document Ref.
SPI FieldName (Configurable name) Tag Number or Soft Tag Service Control Narrative Control Type Function Block Parameter

Based on SPI Browser for IO Type Valve

Name Desciption N/A N/A

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APPENDIX D Panel and Wiring Reports ABB IO Count by ICSS Area

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Cable Connection Report by Panel

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Wiring Schedules by Panel and Signal Type

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Control System Report by ICSS Area

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APPENDIX E IO Hardware Types

ABB S800 IO module terminal strips are available from the Intergraph web site on subscription basis. Any other forms of IO will be defined as required.

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APPENDIX F Simple Process Flow Diagram This procedure and the responsibilities will be agreed for each project. The procedure includes all aspects of control and safety systems, as required.
Extract Object Tag and Data Including A&E Objects Definition Non-SPI Function Hardware Freeze and Reference Point plus Formal Archive Initial Data Archive Point Other archives as required Reference Explorer Equipment Build Create Specific System Panels Attach Field Cables to Terminals Add IO Modules & IO Termns Add Panel Interface Items Configure Cross Wiring Extract Panel Layout Info Isolators, terminals etc. Identification of PCS Change Impacts Subsequent SPI Changes under PQ control Extract Wiring Data Panel Build Create Tagged Objects in 800xA

ICSS Objects

Confign Freeze Point

SPI Based Definition data

Reference Data IO Modules, Cable Schedule, IO count etc.

Feedback to appropriate design Functions

Create Field Cables

Allocate Tags to IO

Loop Diagrams

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Workflow Process Details

ICSS Objects SPI-E develop SPI database ABB take initial extract of SPI object data using appropriate browsers ABB archive browser reports ABB relate object data with Definition Document requirements (Point A) ABB configure objects on 800xA At agreed time, establish software freeze o SPI-E hold on SPI changes o ABB take extract of SPI object data and archive browser reports o SPI-E released to continue SPI update Procedure continues from Point A above

PSD/F&G/ESD Objects SPI-E develop SPI database ABB take initial extract of SPI object data using appropriate browsers o ABB archive browser reports ABB relate object data with Definition Document requirements (Point A) ABB relate object data with A&E data ABB configure PSD/F&G/ESD objects

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At agreed time, establish software freeze o SPI-E hold on SPI changes o ABB take extract of SPI object data and archive browser reports o SPI-E released to continue SPI update Procedure continues from Point A above

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ICSS Panels, Cables and Panel Wiring SPI-E develop SPI IO database and cable schedule ABB build standardised equipment in SPI Reference Explorer ABB create specific ICSS panels in SPI based on SPI reference data SPI-E create field single and multicore cables ABB add equipment terminal strips for field cables ABB connect field cables to equipment terminals ABB add IO module and IO terminations SPI-E allocate tags to IO channels ABB add panel signal interface components ABB configure cross wiring Loop diagrams available for production Establish hardware design freeze ABB extract wiring data and panel layout information for panel build ABB continue from the appropriate earlier point in this list Remote IO Panels, Cables and Panel Wiring These panels are a standardised build with pre-fitted terminals that accept single pair field cables. SPI-E connect single pair field cables to terminals ABB add panel signal interface components SPI-E allocate tags to IO channels ABB configure the cross wiring

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