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Seek first to understand, then to be understoodDr.

Stephen Covey

Entry Plan
Emily Moncion
Leadership Goals To ensure a productive and orderly transition while becoming a member of the school and community, I will: 1. Enact a structure to build relational capacity with all stakeholdersinternally and externally. 2. Review district and building policies and documents. 3. Build instructional capacity. 4. Share my personal vision.

The Process The process will take place before the school year begins. This is a two-part process. Plan (summer/ prior to the start of the school year) Summary evaluation (beginning of the school year to be completed by staff and principal mentor)

Leadership Goal #1: Enact a structure to build relational capacity with all stakeholdersinternally and externally. Objective: Meet with the former school leader (if possible) Activities: 1. Schedule a day to shadow the former leader (if possible) 2. Set up an interview meeting to learn more about strengths and areas of opportunity for the school. Objective: Become familiar with the school staff Activities: 1. Send out a letter to the staff and faculty of the school inviting them to meet with me. 2. Meet with staff members during the month of July on an appointment basis asking questions about school strengths, areas of growth, and their expectations of me as school principal.

Seek first to understand, then to be understoodDr. Stephen Covey Objective: Become familiar with the P.T.O. Activities: 1. Meet with the P.T.O. board asking them the same questions asked of the staff.

Objective: Inform all stakeholders of goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. Activities: 1. Share results with parents at a parent committee meeting and by letter. 2. Share results with staff at the first staff meeting.

Objective: Meet with building and district personnel Activities: 1. Meet with the school secretary/ administrative assistant to schedule a calendar and communication routine. 2. Meet with on-site maintenance coordinator and complete a walk-through of the building. Create a list of regular and non-regular maintenance items as well as other planned schooling events for the school year. 3. Meet with others as applicable, including, but not limited to: a. Students b. Special Education director c. Curriculum director d. Assessment director e. Data processor f. Transportation director g. District facilities coordinator h. Financial director i. Community leaders j. Business leaders in the area k. Faith based leaders in the area

Seek first to understand, then to be understoodDr. Stephen Covey Leadership Goal #2: Review district and building policies and documents. Objective: Examine student data Activities: 1. Analyze and evaluate recent MEAP scores by sub-group to determine the achievement gap that exists within the school as well as the strengths 2. Analyze and evaluate other testing data such as ICAS, NWEA MAP testing, IOWA basic skills test, ACT explore, etc. conducting the same observational search as MEAP 3. Meet with other school leaders (as allowable) and teacher leaders to give their opinions about the testing process and review. Objective: Review School Improvement Data Activities: 1. Review the School Improvement plan analyzing strengths and weaknesses. 2. Meet with the school improvement team

Objective: Review building goals and plans Activities: 1. Review current goals and past goals a. Meet with the team responsible for determining goals. 2. Review the student and parent handbook 3. Review previous years staff meeting minutes. a. Set-up sign-in procedures for future staff meetings b. Set-up initial dates for staff meetings 4. Review supervision and evaluation timelines a. Review previous staff evaluations

Objective: Review hiring process Activities: 1. Review process for hiring staff 2. Review current staffing needs

Seek first to understand, then to be understoodDr. Stephen Covey Leadership Goal #3: Build instructional capacity. Objective: Increase opportunity for instructional capacity Activities: 1. Complete walk-throughs of as many classrooms as possible (before year-end) 2. Meet with students to discuss instructional day

Leadership Goal #4: Share my personal vision Objective: Allow stakeholders to understand my personal vision and expectations Activities: 1. Share vision through parent, staff, and community letter 2. Share vision at first parent meeting and staff meeting

Summary Evaluation During and upon completion of this plan, I will place all ideas and commentary in a letter to the parents, community, and staff as appropriate. This will include my findings from the interviews and data evaluations. Further summations will be given throughout the school year as progress is made.

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