2 Killed, 16 Injured in Road Accidents End Discrimination With Basohli

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MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 (PAGE 11)

End discrimination with Basohli

Perhaps Basohli is the single have not reached their comple- ing answers for this highlighttehsil of Jammu and Kashmir State tion stage till now. The building of ed issue and be sincere in takwhich has been facing discrimina- sub District hospital Basohli is one ing the responsibility for protion from its own elected Govern- of the example. viding 24 hours electricity ments since independence. * Development of tourist supply to the residents of the Basohli, which was known as one places of Basohli tehsil are not Sainik colony where almost all of the progressive and developed being paid that attention which houses have since been Duggar states and hub of trade they deserved because whole installed with the Government between adjoining states of Pun- tehsil has got immense tourist desired electronic meters and jab and Himachal Pradesh, a cen- potential in the State. the customers of this colony , tre of cultural and artistic activities * There is no other tehsil in who are graded to be the most in the past is still deprived of those Jammu and Kashmir State except honest consumers of the elecessential facilities which their Basohli where the natives of the tricity, are paying their electriccounterparts in other tehsils of the tehsil have to pay toll tax every ity bills very regularly . There state have been enjoying for the time they cross Lakhanpur while is hardly any case in the colony last six decades. The dawn of inde- making journey within the state. where any outstanding elecpendence ushered in an era of * Like other tehsil of the state tricity bill remains un cleared , progress and development in edu- teshil Basohli doesn't have facility unlike many of the Govt cation, technology, health and oth- of any public park or play ground departments / agencies where er important fields in the country where children can play or the eld- outstanding bills for the elecbut Basohli tehsil was pushed to erly people can stroll during morn- tricity consumed , amounting the wall by none other than its own ing and evening hours. in crores of rupees has been elected representatives none of In order to build up confidence shown unpaid in the recent whom belonged to the constituen- among the natives of the tehsil and important headlines of the cy who managed their entry in the redeem them from the complex of newspapers. The public has Legislative Assembly by exploit- discrimination in the hands of lost its patience to hear any ing poverty, illiteracy and inno- Governmental agencies the prob- more, the Govt's argument cence of the natives. On the one lems as discussed need immediate that due to power theft and hand the state is reaping E-mail : action@dailyexcelsior.com the fruit o f progress and development on the attention of the concerned author- because of the less load shown other hand. Basohli tehsil is still ities so that these can be addressed in the sanctioned electricity reeling under the problems of properly and the natives of the connections ,the power cuts are unemployment, poverty, scarcity tehsil reap the fruits of progress done to protect the installed of essential commodities, shortage and development like their coun- transformer . Well, in the of health and medical facilities, terparts in other tehsils. Sainik colony no visible powroad connectivity etc. There are Shiv Kumar Padha, er theft exists and if at all there countless fields where Basohli Basohli is any one in the jughees of the tehsil is suffering from discriminalabourers, it is purely with the tion at bureaucratic and political connivance and blessings of level but there are still certain areas I want to inform the Munic- the concerned electricity staff where discrimination with the ipal Corporation of Jammu that members who can be taken to tehsil is quite apparent which can why the wheel-barrow or rehris tasks if the department is be listed as under:for lifting garbage from houses active and interested but defi* There is pitiable condition of in Ward No. 26 Upper Shiv nitely, for this act of the public distribution system at the Nagar Jammu is not given by the department , the residents of only one departmental sale shop contractor to the safai-karam- Sainik colony can't be which caters to thousands of con- charis, who has a contract for penalised . sumers. With the connivance of the maintaining cleanliness in Ward It is a clear cut case of injusconcerned authorities the sale shop No. 26. We request the Joint tice with the people living in remains closed for majority of Commissioner of Municipal Sainik colony Jammu that they days in the month without any pri- Corporation Jammu to supply for absolutely no fault of theirs, or information to the consumers as these rehris in wards where there are forced to bear the unlimita result of which it remains crowd- are shortages of rehris. Please ed power cuts both during day ed like the wrestling arena or tick- treat this letter as request and and night and to have some othet window on the days the com- urgent matter er lighting arrangements, they modities are supplied to the conJ.K. Koul go either for purchasing their sumers. Due to the non-availabilUpper Shiv Nagar own generators or lay hands on ity of all the commodities on a sinJammu different types of inventors gle day the consumers have to plus tubular batteries . Well, it waste weeks together for sugar, sounds good to have these wheat/flour and rice resulting in arrangements but in the present the wastage of the precious time of days of sky high pricing of the labourers and farmers. I would like to draw the these alternatives, can a com* Community health attention of concerned authority mon man easily afford items centre Basohli is the only hospital towards filthy conditions of which could certainly be avoidwhere patients from remote cor- streets and drains in village Nar- ed if the PDD shoulders its due ners of the tehsil are brought for wal Bala Jammu. responsibility in providing quality treatment. But in spite of The roads that were broken electricity without any cut. the dozens of sanctioned posts of for the purpose of laying of new J M Behl, MOs, surgeons and assistant sur- water pipelines have not been Sainik Colony, Jammu. geons in the hospital only two or reconstructed yet and about a three dedicated doctors are seen year has passed witnessing the daily in the OPD dealing with a water flowing out of the drains large crowd of patients while rest and spreading in the streets makof the doctors are often found ing it difficult for the people to I would like to bring to your absconding from their duties. pass-by these roads. kind notice that it has been over Observance of three days week by The small children are the the doctors of the hospital with the main victims of this stated prob- three months since the exams for the house job for Dental consent of the higher authorities lem. College, Jammu had been conhas become a common practice, So I request the concerned ducted but the result has not with the result the patients even authority to take this issue under with minor ailments are referred to consideration redress the griev- been declared yet. So, I on behalf of all the aspirants, district hospital Kathua or GMC ance. Jammu. Due to the non-availabilRajan Pagotra would like to know that, what ity of blood bank and blood transR/o Narwal Bala , Jammu is the reason for such a long delay in declaring result. The fusion facility in the CHC Basohli many patients die of excessive delay is causing great discombleeding in the case of accidents fort among the aspirants. Hope and deliveries. the concerned authorities * Many villages are without would take the matter seriousThe PDD (Power Developroad connectivity with the tehsil ly. head quarter due to which many ment Department) may be havVikram Gupta ing hundred and one answers to serious patients breathe their last On e-mail. the question asked under the before they reach the CHC. heading given to this article [ * The ministers and other divisional and district level officers, i. e. why cant PDD make Sainik never pay their visits to the tehsil Colony free from cuts], but the with the result that many projects reality is, that it is high time for started even fifteen years back the Department to stop gather-

Chib reviews functioning of G.B. Pant Hospital

Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, Apr 8: Minister for Medical Education and Sports, R.S. Chib chaired a joint meeting of officers of Cantonment Board and Children Hospital Management. The meeting took stock of medicare facilities being provided to the children admitted in the hospital and the steps taken by for strengthening the available facilities. The Minister was informed by the Management of Cantonment Board that Rs. 2 lakh have been utilized for the upgradation of hospital infrastructure. The meeting also discussed ways and means for construction of foot bridge to facilitate the people near hospital during peak hours of traffic movement. The Minister also stressed upon the hospital and Cantonment Board to take necessary steps for sanitation in and around the hospital. He said that hospital would be strengthened as model hospital. Mr. Chib was informed that at present 350 indoor patients are being provided necessary medical facilities, besides 800 to 1000 outdoor patients are examined by the hospital during the day. The meeting was attended by the Members of Cantonment Board which CEO, Ajay Sehgal, Principal, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Dr. Qazi Manzoor, Superintendent, G.B. Pant Hospital, Dr. Choudhary Javid, Head of Department Surgery, Dr. Showkat Ahmad and other faculty members.

2 killed, 16 injured in road accidents

Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, Apr 8: Two persons died while as 16 others were injured in different road accidents across the valley today. Report said that a Tipper bearing registration number JK01K/9815 hit and injured Jalal-ud-din Mir son of Kamal-ud-din resident of Chand Colony, Rawalpora near Rawalpora bridge. The injured was shifted to SHMS hospital Srinagar where he succumbed to his injuries. The dead body was handed over to the next of kin for last rites after completion of all medico-legal formalities. Police has registered a case and investigations have been taken up. A tipper bearing registration JK04A/4381 hit Mohammad Ramzan son of Habibullah resident of Checkpora near KuzwaraChadoora, resulting in his on spot death. Police have registered a case and investigations have been initiated. A passenger bus on way from Srinagar to Takia Farooq Shah, Budgam met with an accident near Pandit Colony Budgam, resulting in minor injuries to 14 passengers. All the injured were hospitalized. Police seized the vehicle and registered a case in this regard. A tipper bearing registration number JK01R/6744 traveling from Srinagar to Sumbal hit a girl namely Kanwal Kour aged six years daughter of Rahul Kumar Singh resident of Batala-Punjab, near Sumbal market, resulting in injuries to the girl. Police seized the vehicle and registered a case in this regard. However, driver of the Tipper fled away from the spot. An I-10 car bearing registration number JK05B/2740 driven by, Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie son of Ghulam Ahmad Ganie resident of Aaragam while on way to from Sumbal to Bandipora hit and injured a girl Muntazira aged nine years daughter of Nazir Ahmad Parray resident of DudhwanAjas near Dudhwan. The injured girl has been shifted to hospital for treatment. Police Ajas has registered a case and investigation is on.



NMC highlights demands

Hari Kirtan Mandli performs Mahamartiyunjaya Yagya

Plea to JMC

Repair roads in Narwal Bala

Delay in Dental College result

Power cuts in Sainik Colony

Gujjar, Bakerwal youth highlight demands

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 8: Gujjar, Bakerwal Youth (J&K), have highlighted the problems and suffering of Gujjars and Bakerwal community (nomads) from the past many years. Ch Nazakat Khattana, youth leader, while addressing a press conference, told that their community is suffering in every sphere of life. Giving details he said that they are ignored at everywhere in Jammu. He said that during summer season they migrate from plains of Jammu to upper reaches and on the way during migration, they are harassed by various agencies in one way or the other. The Gujjar youth leader raised the issue of mobile schools, which were not functioning properly and the students of the community are the worst sufferers especially in hilly areas. He added that community students are being neglected and ignored from all such facilities which other students of the State pupils were enjoying. Ch Nazakat demanded that the land occupied by Gujjar and Bakerwals may by regularized by JDA and other departments who were creating problems for them. He added that in budget session of State Assembly the nomads were totally ignored, as no question was raised by any elected representative. They Gujjay youth leader has pinned all hopes on the Chief Minister and appealed him to consider their grievances and order measures for mitigation of the same.

NRHM employees highlight long pending grievances

Excelsior Correspondent DODA, Apr 8: National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) employees of the District including doctors and paramedics held a meeting here today to highlight the problems faced by them. The meeting chaired by District president, Dr Hamid Parray, highlighted various problems being faced by the NRHM employees and appealed the Health Ministry and concerned authorities to enhance the salaries of doctors, paramedics and other NRHM staff. Speaking on the occasion, Parray pointed out that in other states, doctors are getting Rs 35,000 while in J&K doctors are getting only Rs 19,000 and in the same department, a permanent nurse and sweeper are getting above Rs 20,000 per month. General Secretary, NRHM employees, Dr Saba Khanam alleged that in some rural areas, employees of NRHM, doctors and paramedics are not getting rural incentives and appealed the Government to release the same along with salaries. The meeting also noted that ISM doctors are facing severe problems to handle the emergencies in different Allopathic hospitals i.e PHC's , AD's because they are bound to prescribe the Allopathic medicines. The meeting requested the Health Ministry to trained ISM doctors working in the Allopathic institutions and fulfill the 2500 vacant posts in Health Sector including Ayush Department.

Carpenter falls to death

Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, Apr 8: A carpenter died after he slipped from the rooftop of a house in the Charar-i-Sharief area of the Central Kashmir district of Budgam district today. A police spokesman said that a carpenter identified as Bashir Ahmad Najar son of Abdul Ahad Najar resident of Trajbal was working in a newly constructed house at Nowhar Charar-iSharief. While working he fell down from the rooftop of the house and got seriously injured. He was shifted to SKIMS Soura, where he succumbed to his injuries. The dead body was later handed over to the legal heirs for last rites.

Excelsior Correspondent Excelsior Correspondent pensioners in one go. JAMMU, Apr 8: The two Shastri appealed the Chief JAMMU, Apr 8: Subash Shastri, president, National Minister to regularize the servic- day long Mahamartiyunjaya Mazdoor Conference (NMC) es of all daily wagers, casual Yagya on the auspicious occaof Avtran Diwas today stressed the Government labourers and contractual sion employees of the State (Incarnation Day) of Sant Shri for formulating a National Pay Policy throughout the Country. Government, adding that the Asa Ram Bapu Ji was organAddressing a largely attend- high power committee constitut- ised by Hari Kirtan Satsang ed NMC workers' rally at Rani ed by the State Government for Mandli, Durga Nagar near Park, Shastri said any Pay the Purpose should be asked to here. The Yagya was performed Commission set up by the submit its final report to the yesterday which was followed Government of India in future State Government. Besides, he also demanded by Kirtan and Satsang today. should cover both Central and A large number of devotees State Government employees the enhancement in the wages of and pensioners to avoid any agi- daily wagers from Rs 125 to Rs drawn from different parts of 300 per day, relaease of 7% DA the Jammu thronged the Samaj tation in the Country. Shastri said that he would due from January last year in Sudhar community Hall which also take up the issue with cen- favour of State Government was the venue of the Panch tral leaderships during his visit employees and pensioners, pen- Kundies MahaYagya in the sionary benefits for public sec- two day long religious functo New Delhi next month. tion. They chanted the Maha Pleading the cause of State tor workers and declaration of NSUI activists receiving Rohit Choudhary, National Mrityunjaya Mantra and Government employees and Jammu and Srinagar as B-1 President NSUI at Jammu on Sunday. offered Ahuti to the Yagya. pensioners, Shastri urged the cities. The Yagya was also solemProminent among those Prime Minister and other nized to spread Bapu Jis mesCentral leaders for providing a spoke on the occasion included sage of universal brotherhood, special package of Rs 5,000 Rajan Babu Khajuria, Sunil love, peace, fraternity and crore to the State Government Kochhar, Sham Lal Sharma, prosperity of entire mankind towards payment of 6th Pay Rakesh Padha, Anil Singh Excelsior Correspondent received Choudhary at the irrespective of caste, creed, Commission arrears and allied Slathia, Barkat Ramand many JAMMU, Apr 8: National Jammu Airport. color, religion and language. Fairoz Khan, NSUI National benefits to the employees and others. President, National Student's On the occasion president Union of India (NSUI), Rohit Delegate while receiving him of Satsangh Mandli, Bushan Choudhary visited J&K for the presented J&K traditional Cap Lal Bhat said that if any real first time after becoming the (topi), which was followed by Excelsior Correspondent rarium up to basic salary, fixa- relation exists in world it is president. He visited here for rally. POONCH, Apr 8: Pir Panjal tion of transfer policy and ben- that of Guru with disciple. NSUI State level training two day State level training of While the relationship of the ReT Teachers Forum held one efit of SRO 43. will commence tomorrow on the the elected office bearers. Jhangir Khan, president, Guru with disciple emanciday convention at Government NSUI State leaders Udhay NSUI foundation day where pates the disciple form all, the Chib, State president NSUI, Rohit Choudhary will raise the Higher Secondary School Peer Panjal ReT Teachers bindings of ignorance, other Mendhar in which Minister of Forum submitted a memoranIftkar Ahmed Election flag. all relationships increase Among others present were State for PDD, CAPD, Forest dum to chief guest in presence bondage, he added. Commissioner, Fairoz Khan, Siddharth Pathania, State general and Transport Shabir Ahmed of over 200 ReTs of the State National Delegate, Neeraj He said it is the only highmostly from Peer Panjal Kundan National Delegate, Ajay secretary, Vishal Kotwal, district Khan was the chief guest. est grace of the Guru, which The chairman State ReT region. He assured the gatherKumar, State general secretary president Doda, Sahil Raina, disTeachers Forum, Ghazi Abdul ing that Government will take brings about the real welfare of along with hundreds of activists trict president Rajouri, etc. Aziz, was the guest of honour all steps in redressing the gen- the disciple and frees him from on the occasion. The speakers uine demands of the ReT teach- the bondages of the world. The Bhajan Sandya was highlighted their long pending ers. Others who spoke on the held yesterday and it continued demands of regularization of included Aftab upto late in the evening. The EVs converted ReT teachers occasion after seven years of service, Tantry, Ghazi Aziz Farooq Kirtan was held today and it Excelsior Correspondent Irrigation and urged him that the continued upto afternoon JAMMU, Apr 8: BJP Kissan water be immediately released inclusion of period served by Tantray, Neenu Lata, Bopinder which was followed by serving them as ReTs into the service Singh, Ahmed Khan and Khalil Morcha leaders held a protest into the canal failing which the of prashad to devotees. today against the closure of farmers will take to streets. The record, enhancement of hono- Khan. Till day such type of five Ranbir canal again after releas- Executive Engineer earlier said Yagyas have been performed ing the water into it two days that water upto two feet level since 2005. will be released but this was not back. agreed to by the Morcha delegaThe protest was led by Morcha, president, Karan Singh. tion and they insisted that at The protestors criticized the least water upto six feet level be authorities for again closing the released in the canal which the Excelsior Correspondent canal and said this has led to the authorities later agreed. JAMMU, Apr 8: A water The Morcha accused the problems of farmers. The cooler was installed by Samajik Morcha leaders said that the authorities of closing canal for Vikas Sansthan at a function held Government had given assur- over three months in winter at Muthi Ghat today. The funcance to restore the canal and which has led to farmers' probtion was attended by prominent tributaries in the first week of lems and demanded that canal people and social activists. March so that farmers will not should be closed only for one The Water cooler was donatbe put to more trouble but they month. ed by IRP III and it was inauguThe other leaders of the were shocked to see that after Swami Balak Yogeshwar Dass Ji along with devotees during rated by S L Koul, its releasing the water for two days Morcha who participated in the the performance of Surya Koti Maha Yagya at Pouni on Sunday. Commandant. in the canal it was again closed. protest included Capt (retd) Speaking on the occasion Later a delegation of Morcha Kasturi Lal its general secretary, president of the Sansthan leaders led by Mr Singh called Yash Paul, Rajinder Kumar, Kuldeep Raina said that the martyrs who sacrificed their Sansthan had taken the onus of Excelsior Correspondent on Executive Engineer Jagdish Pandey and Mulkh Raj. REASI, Apr 8 : The people in lives in the different parts of the developing the Muthi Ghat for record numbers today participat- country. social functions and it besides ed on the fifth day of the 12-day constructing the shed, bathing long Surya Koti Maha Yagya ghat and bathrooms at the Muthi being organized by Sant Shri Ghat has also installed a water cooler there so that the people Excelsior Correspondent all the teaching community to Balak Yogeshwar Dass Ji Excelsior Correspondent visiting there for performing varJAMMU, Apr 8: United participate in the strike called Maharaj at Pouni in Reasi district. JAMMU, Apr 8: A meeting ious religious rituals are not put to The people from the differSchool Teachers Association by JCC on April 17, 2012. Those who spoke in the ent parts of the state participated of ReT Teachers Forum, held hardships. (USTA), State Unit today He said a Hawan Kund will included Rajiv in the yagya to seek the bless- today at Vijaypur under the extended support to the strike meeting called by JCC on April 17, Kumar, Darshan Lal, Pardeep ings. The enthusiasm was seen leadership of its District presi- also be constructed near the ghat 2012 in view of long pending Singh, Chenail Singh, Sewa in the devotees as they per- dent, Rinku Sharma, highlight- in near future. M K Pandita general secredemands of the State Ram, Madan Singh and Raj formed parikarma of yagya ed demands. The meeting demanded tary of the Sansthan highlighted shala despite a hotter sunny day. Kumar. Government employees. Some of the devotees were seen Regularisation of EVs as ReT, the objectives of the organization, It was decided in a meeting performing parikarma bare foot- transfer policy for ReT teach- which he said is working in the of the Association, held here, ers and implementation of SRO social sector. He said the Santhan ed. under the chairmanship of its Yesterday the families of 43. has decided to set up an old age Provincial president, Hari The Forum warned the home at Jammu and in this regard Kargil martyrs on reaching Singh. Pouni received a warm recep- Government that if their the Government has been The meeting also highlighttion in which the people of the demands were not considered, approached to allot the land. Excelsior Correspondent ed demands and appealed the Others present included Hira UDHAMPUR, Apr 8: A area organized a welcome rally they would come on roads for State Government to concede the same which included DPC tehsil level meeting of Bhagat for them. The martyrs families getting their genuine demands Lal Pandita general secretary PCC Migrant Cell, Ashok of masters, headmasters, lec- Mahasabha was held at performed hawan in the Surya fulfilled. Sunil Sharma, Rakesh, Kangan, ex president JKVM, in district Koti Maha Yagya. turers and IV class employees, Ramnagar A bhandara was also organ- Sukesh, Raj Kumar, Rashpaul, Ashok Raina president Pukribal transparent transfer policy, Udhampur today to hold elecized on the occasion in which Bodh Raj, Chanchal and many Sanstha, B L Pandita president, release of 7% DA installment tions. In the meeting Mastram prasad was distributed among others were present in the SDS Handwara, Dr Sushail Watal due from Jan 2012 in favour of and Sanjay Dhar. State Government employees, Bhagat was elected chairman, the devotees. Bhajan kirtan meeting. masters working out of home Jiwan Bhagat as tehsil coordi- mandlis from Vrindavan mesdistricts be brought back to nator, Subash Chander Bhagat merizing the devotees throughtheir respective districts, as president, Rattan Lal out the yagya. The puranahuti of the yagya A BIG THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF JAMMU AND SPECIALLY adjustment of newly appointed Bhagat as senior vice presiteachers of SSB and timely dent, Girdhari Lal Bhagat as will be performed on April 14. JAMMU AND KASHMIR POLICE, DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION AND disbursement of books and vice president, Hans Raj The organizers appealed to all BLACK BEAST SECURITY & BOUNCERS FOR MAKING YO YO Bhagat as general secretary, the people to participate in the HONEY SINGH & MAFIA MUNDEER SHOW A GRAND SUCCESS. uniforms to students. THE FIRST EVER SUCCESSFUL SHOW IN JAMMU The meeting also demand- Vijay Bhagat as organizing yagya in large numbers to make FROM : ed regularisation of EV and secretary, Karnail Chand it a grand success. THE KANGRA FORT Pertinent to mention here Bhagat as joint secretary, ReT teachers, enhancement of honorarium of ReT teachers Mulkh Raj Bhagat as publici- that Pouni is the birth place of ANURADHA ESTATE & RESORTS and removal of Pay Anomalies ty secretary and Tilak Raj Sant Shri Balak Yogeshwar Dass BARNAI-BANTALAB ROAD BARNAI, JAMMU (J&K) of masters and undergraduate Bhagat as treasurer. Besides Ji Maharaj. has organized many 11 executive members were yagyas in the different parts of teachers. the country in the memory of The Association appealed also elected.

Rohit Choudhary on 2-day visit to State

ReT Teachers hold convention

Kissan Morcha protests against Irrigation Deptt

IRP III installs water cooler

Surya Koti Maha Yagya Performed

USTA extends support to strike call of JCC

ReT teachers highlight demands

Bhagat Mahasabha for Ramnagar constituted



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