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4-Way Therapy

A Complete TCM System

Acupuncture, Tuina massage, Herbal medicine, Qigong healing
7 Harley Street London W1G 9QD
Specialised in following diseases:
Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Panic attack, Migraine, Insomnia, Hypertension,
Diabetes, Cancer, IBS, M.E., M.S., Menopause, Hair loss, Infertility, Asthma,
Eczema, Back pain, Neck stiff, Arthritis …

Money back guarantee for initial course*

Instantly relieve back pain/stress/depression

About us
We came from Beijing (Peking) University. Dr James
Shen was born into a six-generation TCM family. He
studied and worked in seven universities in China and
the UK. He was a director of Qigong Research
Association in Beijing Medical University. Now we help
people by our own medical system called 4-Way.
James (PhD & MD)
TCM Dr, Qualified with both Chinese and western
medicine, registered in ATCM (UK).

The Truth of TCM

• Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the most mysterious part in
Chinese culture. The most valuable knowledge is normally
• Doctors can only get general knowledge & skill from medical
school. Top quality ones come from a special way called “Tao”.
• There are not so many incurable diseases in TCM,but really able
TCM doctors are less than 1%.

医学错误知多少, 明医能得何处寻,
古今中西法和理, 天地阴阳神与灵;
且问内经千年后, 打破樊篱有几人?
登峰造极上天意, 继往开来中华魂!
Tuina is Chinese medical massage mainly for
musculo-skeletal problems. Qigong Tuina is
more advanced skills and has energy transfer
from high energy Qigong practitioner to
patient, so it is much more effective and
patients feel more relaxation and comfort.

Feel the difference!

About 4-Way

4-Way Therapy, funded by Dr James Shen, is a new medical system

based on Chinese medicine, modern medical sciences and Dr Shen’s own
experience. It includes a set of unique theory and treatment for a large
group of health problems. It also encompasses more than twenty
protected herbal formulae and a series of independent healing/self
healing techniques called Tai Chi Yi Gong.

TCM believe there is a “Qi”(vital energy) circulation in the body besides

the blood circulation. All pains and many diseases are caused by the
blockage of the “Qi” circulation. 4-Way uses acupuncture to open the
blockage in the Qi meridians; Tuina medical massage to relieve the
muscular tension; herbal medicine to correct the balance between Yin &
Yang (negative and positive energy); Tai Chi Yi Gong to rebuild and
upgrade the body, so as to achieve permanent cure and long term benefit.

TCM shares some characteristics with ancient western Greek medicine, in order to
achieve the best benefit from our service which need patient understanding and
cooperation, our ongoing clients are recommended to read “The Oath of
Hippocrates”, which can be found in the Internet easily.

Fee: £100 per hour for Consultation/Treatment/Training

£88 per week for herbal medicine

*70% fee can be refund if you do not feel obvious improvement after
initial course & do not continue the treatment

A full initial course (£288) includes 1. Consultation & health check up;
2. Discussion of the recover plan; 3. Half hour acupuncture; 4. Half
hour Tuina massage; 5. Tai Chi Yi Gong training; 6. One week herbal

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