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UGED1800A: Art & Methodology of Thinking (2011-2012 2nd Semester) Instructor: Kei-chun Kou, Ph.D. E-mail:

hk CUForum: UGED1800A (11sem2) Art and Methodology of Thinking

Teaching Language: Chinese and English

COURSE OBJECTIVES The course aims to provide a basic training in critical reasoning as a methodological foundation of independent thinking. Students will learn how to extract, construct, and evaluate arguments; how to identify common fallacies and to reflect on the use of language to influence thought; and how to think critically about issues in both real life situation and theoretical arguments which they commonly encounter in the course of their studies. TEXT 1. Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker, Critical Thinking, 10th ed., McGraw Hill, 2012. REFERENCES 1. Patrick Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, 9th ed., Wadsworth, 2006. 2. Irving Copi and Carl Cohen, Introduction to Logic, 11th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998 3. 1994 4. 1999 GRADING There will be two exams. Each exam is worth 35% of the final grade. Class participation is worth 10% of your final grade. Tutorial is worth the rest 20%. COURSE SCHEDULE Chapter 1: Thinking Critically: It Matters Chapter 2: Basic Concepts (Reading: 1-26) Chapter 3: Informal Fallacies (Reading: 188-189, 194-196, 200-201, 210-214, 216-221, 222223, 227-229) Chapter 4: Categorical Syllogisms (Reading: 253-263, 271-279) EXAM Chapter 5: Assessing Truth of Premises Chapter 6: Propositional Logic: Natural Deduction (Reading: 325-334) Chapter 7: Causal Arguments Chapter 8: Moral, Legal, and Aesthetic Reasoning (Reading: 439-445, 446-453, 455456, 460-462, 463-467) EXAM

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