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By Alden Paul D.

Balili, MSCE De La Salle University Parsons Brinckerhoff

Review of Flexure Formula Formulate the Flexure Element Stiffness Matrix Example

Given the figures below

Through Formula for Curvature, K

Since K = 1 /

Since there is no net axial force

From the equation it can be inferred that

Since internal moment would be equal to total resultant moment This term represents the moment of inertia

Hence we have Recall, double integration method Stress at any height would be equal to

Basic Assumptions
Element has Length L Has 2 nodes, one on each end Connected at nodes only Loading occurs at nodes only

See the example below

v1 and v2 are identical But, the deflection of element is not More information needed to describe

deflection in element

Hence we add rotation at ends to adequately describe element

Displacement function
X v2 v1 v(x) Boundary Conditions

Displacement function: Use cubic X function

v2 v1 v(x) Applying Boundary Conditions

Solving the equations simultaneously

X v2 v1 v(x) Hence, grouping variables in accordance with end deflections

Which can be reduced to the form

X v2 v1 v(x)

Final Force Diagram for any element

X v2 v1 v(x)

Since the engineer is usually interested in stresses, combining these equations We have Knowing that max stress occurs at ymax

Integrating the N(x) functions

To derive the K matrix we apply the total strain energy equation Combining with these equations We Have


Final Form of Strain Energy Equation Applying Castiglianos theorem (Differentiating strain energy w/ respect to displacement equal to force)

Correspondingly for other force components for an element

Which can be expressed in the form


Before integrating, we will convert x/L to

Also we need to use this relationship

Using these equations

dx = d L

The following equation is derived

Integrating for each value

Hence we have the final Flexure element stiffness matrix

For the force vector

The net force in any node is the applied external


To take into account uniform loads, the following is done

Additional External forces Are applied beside the ones Already applied in the node




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