2-Introduction To Computers

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Introduction to computers

Lecture 2

Usman Naeem

What is a computer?
Electronic device that processes information based upon instructions provided and generates desired output

Data Calculations Program Result

Speed Accuracy Consistency Storage capacity Flexibility

5000 BC

History (contd.)
17th century inventions
Logarithms Mechanical calculating machine

19th century
Charles Babbage invented Difference Engine Mark 1 ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and calculator) EDVAC (electronic discrete variable automatic computer)

Comparison between generations

1st generation
Use of vacuum tubes Limited storage Huge size Problems of over heating

2nd generation
Increased storage Faster speed

3rd generation

4th generation
Use of large scale integrated circuits Increased storage Considerably faster and smaller Sophisticated programming Increased personal usage

Use of transistors use of integrated circuits Flexibility with input/output

Reduced size
Reduction in size High level programming High level programming

Remote processing

Computer Components
Input devices
Mouse, keyboard, scanners, CCTV etc

Output devices
Monitor, printer, speakers etc

System unit (CPU)

Processor Memory Circuits

Storage devices
CDs, DVDs, Bluray DVDs, Hard disks, flash disks etc

Communication Speed Storage Information Accessibility*


Violation of privacy Public safety Impact on labor force Health risks Impact on environment

Networks and Internet

A collection of computers and devices connected together through
Wires Modems, routers etc

Significance History Components Advantages Disadvantages Networks

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