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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 640 demonstrations were staged in a more than 700 areas all over Syria.(1)(8) the Friday protests called "Revolution for all Syrians". Peaceful protesters in different areas were shot to be dispersed.(9) - Al-Assad's forces shell the Homs neighborhoods of Al-Qosour, Al-Khalidiya and Al-Qarabis and the Idlib city of Kafr Nabl.(1)(9) - Security forces and Shabiha (militia affiliated to Syrian regime) stormed the mosques of Daray cities before the Friday prayers and detained worshipers.(1) - Al-Assad's security forces launch detention campaign in the Damascus city of Qadsia and open fire on protesters in Daraa.(1)(5)(9)(11) - Security forces and Shabiha besiege all mosques - The protests, which were staged yesterday, included 184 demonstrations in Idlib, 124 in Hama, 88 in Aleppo, 55 in Deir Al-Zour, 32 in Homs, 50 in Daraa, 15 in Al-Hasaka and 10 in Al-Raqqa. Various protests were also organized in Latakia, Banias and Al-Quneitra.


13th/April death toll: 13

in the neighborhood of Nahr Aisha.(5)(9) - Al-Assad's forces shell the Homs neighborhoods of Al-Qosour, Al-Khalidiya and Al-Qarabis and the Idlib city of Kafr Nabl.(1)(9) - Security forces and Shabiha (militia affiliated to Syrian regime) stormed the mosques of Daray cities before the Friday prayers and detained worshipers.(1) - Al-Assad's security forces launch detention campaign in the Damascus city of Qadsia and open fire on protesters in Daraa.(1)(5)(9)(11) - Security forces and Shabiha besiege all mosques in the neighborhood of Nahr Aisha.(5)(9)

- More than 55 demonstrations took place in the Damascus districts of Douma, Arbeen, Babila, Aqraba, Yalda, Al-Maliha, Harasta, Hamoryah, Zamalka, Darya, Yabrud, Qara, Al-Madamiya, AlZabadani, Al-Kiswah, Deir Al-Asafir, Al-Hama, Damr, Al-Tall and Qadsia.(1)(2)

The Political Mobility

- About 30 protests were also staged in the Damascus suburbs of Al-Maidan, Al-Qadam, Al-Hagar Al -Aswad, Al-Asalai, Barzeh, Al-Qaboun and Qabratkeh.(1)(2)(5)(9) - A delegation of the Syrian internal opposition under Hassan Abdel Azeem, coordinator of the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, will arrive in Moscow on April 16th.(16)

The Military Situation

- More than 80 violations of the ceasefire by the government forces were reported during the Friday protests called "Revolution for all Syrians". Peaceful protesters in different areas were shot to be dispersed. - More than 80 violations of the ceasefire by the government forces were reported during

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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

Political Stances
- The Islamic Awakening Council in Lebanon organized a massive popular demonstration in Tripoli in solidarity with the Syrian people. Thousands of the Lebanese and Syrians living there participated in the demonstration.(1)

consider ways and means of providing support to the Syrian refugees there.(9)

- Jordan's foreign minister said, "Jordan is also now housing almost 100,000 Syrian refugees, far higher than the UN refugee agency UNHCR has registered.(7) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says, "The Syrian regime should not be allowed at any cost to manipulate the UN-Arab envoy Kofi Annan's plan to gain time."(7) - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey begun receiving international aid for Syrians staying in Turkey.(1)(3)(8) - The UN Security Council discusses a draft resolution put forward by Britain, France and the US authorizing the deployment of international observers to Syria to monitor the country's fragile ceasefire. The draft resolution provides for pulling Al-Assad's forces withdrawing from residential areas, and in case Al-Assad did not comply with the resolution, the UN Security Council would consider taking the necessary measures.(1)(2)(4)(7)(8) - During a TV interview, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he did not "believe in Bashar alAssad's sincerity, nor unfortunately in the ceasefire."(1)(4)(7)(8) - Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security advisor, said the Syrian regime should withdraw its forces from the cities and respect the right of peaceful demonstration.(9) - French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe announced that he and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov are agreed on the need to give the international observers more freedom inside Syria to avoid the problems, which have previously faced the Arab observers.(1)(4) - Eric Chevalier, France's ambassador to Syria, visited the Jordanian northern city of Al-Ramtha to - The UN-Arab envoy Kofi Annan said Syria must allow the opening of humanitarian corridors to aid those in need, adding that the aid should be provided by international forces, without the prior consent of the Syrian regime, and protected by the countries via which the relief convoys will pass.(1)(2)(5)(8) - Russia objects to the tone of the warnings in the draft resolution on Syria, which is currently considered by the UN Security Council. The resolution includes sanctions to be imposed on Syria in case the regime did not fully complied with Kofi Annan's plan.(1)(7)(8) - Sources with the Russian Defense Ministry said, "Warships will be continuously deployed for patrol duty off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean. A group of warships affiliated to the Russian Navy is likely to be deployed in the region."(1)(5)(8)(9)(16)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Asharq Al-Awsat The London-based Al-Hayat The Kuwaiti Al-Watan Al-Quds Al-Arabi The Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal The Syrian Al-Baath Reuters AFP The Qatari Al-Jazeera The Israeli Haaretz Washington Post wall Street Journal The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth The Guardian The Telegraph Russia Today


Edited by Abdulrahman Al sarraj. This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion. Page 2

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