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Hi. My cellular organelles are Smooth ER and Golgi complex.

Rough ER was also running with them but he had different views and they sent him to a Prokaryotic cell where he was homeless and died. Together, they were the Endomembrane system. Anyways, back to the important organelles. Im gonna try and give you a background on them. Try to stay awake. Lets start with the Smooth ER. ER stands for Endoplasmic Reticulum. There are two types of Endoplasmic Reticulums: Rough ER and Smooth ER. The difference between the two is Rough ER has a bunch of ribosomes on it that makes it rough. Ribosomes are the acne of the cell. To sum up Rough ER, it makes proteins for the cell to use. Now lets forget about the Rough ER. Smooth ER, the acne-free organelle, is where fatty acids and phospholipids are synthesized and digested. The smooth ER is responsible for getting rid of dangerous chemicals in the liver. Without it, the cell wouldnt survive. All the other organelles would be dead if the Smooth ER didnt protect them. Now lets move on to the Golgi complex. The Golgi complex can also be called the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus is closely related to the Endoplasmic Reticulum, which is why they are running together. Both the Golgi and the ER are only found in Eukaryotic cells. This is all plant and animal cells. Prokaryotic cells cannot have the endomembrane system in them. This is because they do not have an inner membrane. It would have nowhere to live and would not survive. The Golgi apparatus is one of the most important organelles in the cell. It helps run all the other organelles by sending the proteins made from the ER around the cell. It also moves proteins out of the cell. The Golgi is the UPS of the cell. OK, now lets talk about how the Endomembrane system is the best. The best way to do that is to explain why all the others are not the best, right? So lets start with the nucleus. The nucleus holds the entire cells DNA. Mutations in key genes make the cells cancerous. The nucleus is responsible for cancer.

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