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Liberalism : an offshoot of the ideals of liberty and equality of the French revolution ,set as its political goals legal

equality,freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and of speech , and above all, representative government. Demands of socialism : to have governments intervene in the economy, government control of property, economic equality for all , and government economic planning. 3 predstavitelia Utopian socialism : Charles Fourier [ 1772 1837] a Frenchman ,described a scheme for a a utopian community based on a socialist idea. Louis Blanc pushed a program for the democratic takeover of the state by workers to guarantee full employment. Karl Marx modern socialism was largely founded by his theories.

Camillo Di Cavour [ 1810 1861] became a prime minister of the parliament instituted during the revolutions of 1848. He rejected the romantic nationalism of Giuseppe Mazzini. He decided that Italy could be unified only through force and that Sardinia would have to lead the battle. He reformed the government of his state by weakening the influence of the papacy,by investing in public works such as railroads and harbour improvements , by abolishing internal tariffs , by encouraging the growth of industry,and by making the Sardinian government a model of progressive constitutionalism. Unification Of Italy : The separate states The kingdom of Naples, The papal states, LombardyVenetia, The kingdom of Sardinia Sardinia was constitutional monarchy ruled by Victor Emanuel II. Cavour became prime minister (1854). He rejected romantic nationalism and led italy to a war. In 1859 Austria declared war on Sardinia and the French came to Cavours aid. The Austrians were left with Venetia and only Lombardy went to Sardinias. Giuseppe Garibaldy invaded Sicily in 1860 with encouragement of Cavour. Red shirts and popular support defeated Bourbons force. Kingdom of Naples joined Sardinia and in march 1861 the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed with Victor Emanuel II on the throne. By 1870 , Venetia and the Papal states had been incorporated into the union. Italia Irredenta remained unliberated.

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