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Is the Relationship Between Smoking and Psoriasis Cyclical in Nature?

Outline of Introduction

I. First few paragraphs: A. Paragraph #1: Discuss the past research and the prevalence of a one-way connection between smoking and psoriasis I. Define Psoriasis and other key terms as applicable to argument II. Discuss the nature of the relationship that exists in previous literature, i.e. Smoking as the independent variable and worsening psoriasis as the dependent variable III. Briefly discuss the psychosocial aspect of smoking B. Paragraph #2 : Discuss how psoriasis can have a broader impact on the biopsychosocial well being of the individual I. Specifically focus on the psychosocial implications and burdens II. Explain the possible treatments as well as the rate of failure of those treatments III. Discuss how the lack of success in curing the disease affects patients C. Paragraph #3 : Discuss proposal for study I. Discuss the pitfalls of previous research 1. Only discusses the relationship of a one way nature II. Explain intentions to combine smoking research with psoriasis research in order to discern a cyclical, if not reverse, relationship III. Briefly explain the benefits to research in this opposing direction II. Middle Paragraphs A. Paragraph #1 : Why would psoriasis influence people affected with the disease to smoke more so than those unaffected? I. Discuss the similarities between the psychosocial reasons for smoking and the psychosocial burdens experienced by the individual affected by psoriasis II. Discuss the connection between stress and both increased smoking habits and decline in psoriasis management A. Effect of Cortisol B. Stress as a General Health Risk Factor III. Discuss the quality of life for those affected by psoriasis B. Paragraph #2 : Does smoking benefit those affected with psoriasis in any way? I. Negative Biological Impact II. Positive Social Impact III. Last Paragraphs A. Paragraph #1 : How does this study differ from past research? What does it provide future researchers? I. Discuss one-way nature and limitations of previous work II. Explain the proposed goal of the current study

B. Paragraph #2 : Discuss specific aims I. Explain where the hypothesis is headed II. Discuss theories and hypothesis in more detail

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