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[delphi] //From the Server side procedure TForm1.

IdUDPServer1UDPRead(Sender: TObject; AData: TStream; ABinding: TIdSocketHandle); var DataStringStream: TStringStream; s: String; begin DataStringStream := TStringStream.Create(''); try try DataStringStream.CopyFrom(AData, AData.Size); s := DataStringStream.DataString; Memo1.Text := s; except on E: Exception do begin end; end; finally FreeAndNil(DataStringStream); end; end; //From de Client side, create a procedure to send a buffer type TTextToSend = packed record AString: string; end; procedure TForm2.SendData(var DataToSend; IP: string; Port, bts: integer); begin try try UDPClient.Active := False; UDPClient.Host := IP; UDPClient.Port := Port; UDPClient.Active := True; // UDPClient.SendBuffer(DataToSend, bts); except on E: Exception do begin //do something end; end; finally UDPClient.Active := False; end; end; procedure TForm2.btnSendClick(Sender: TObject); var tts: TTextToSend; begin tts.AString := 'This a text to send'; SendData(tts, SizeOf(tts)); end; [/delphi]

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