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1. Migraine: put one drop of kalonji oil in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Head massage with black kalonji oil and drink 10 drops of kalonji oil once a day.

2. Headache: at the time of the headache, massage kalonji oil on the head. Mix 10 Drops of kalonji oil in one spoon pure honey and drink it.

3. Epilepsy: put one drop of kalonji oil with one spoon pure honey to one glass of water and drink it. In 60gms garlic water add 400 gms mustard (sars0) and cook it until the water evaporates. Preserve it. Mix this with kalonji oil in equal amounts and massage ot over affected area.

4. Paralysis: put one drop o kalonji oil in the right nasal area. Next day put it on the left nasal side. Mix 10 drops of craway oil with one spoon pure honey and one glass water and drink everyday.

5. Shaking palsy: eat s half boiled desi eggs every morning and apply the same procedure as paralysis.

6. Activation of memory: mix one spoon pure honey, 10 drops of kalonji oil and drink with one glass of water. Eat small cinnamon pieces 3-4 times daily chewing it well.

7. Amnesia or weak memory: in 25 gms butter or 50 gms milk fat add some sugar and 12 drops of kalonji oil and drink every morning.

8. Initial cataract: put one drop of kalonji oil every day in case of initial cataract.

9. Deafness or ear pain: apply few drops of mild warm black kalonji oil in ear.

10. Ear infection: mix equal amount of kalonji oil and pure olive oil, mild warm it and put a few drops in ear.

11. Teeth and gum pain: grind half spoon kalonji seeds. To it add 8 drops of kalonji oil and 1/3 cup vinegar. Cook this mixture and gargle when cooled. After doing this press a clove between the affected teeth.

12. Plaque: cook lahori salt. To it add a few drops kalonji oil and mustard oil. Rub teeth with it.

13. Bleeding of nose: burn a clean white paper. To the ashes add 22 drops of kalonji oil and apply inside the nose.

14. Cough and congestion: in 1 tola grounded linseed add 250 gms water and boil until water evaporates to half. Then add to it 14 drops of kalonji oil and 2 teaspoon honey and drink.

15. Asthma attack: mix 10 drops of black kalonji oil with one spoon honey in one glass mild warm water and drink.

16. Breathing problem: mix 10 drops of black kalonji oil with one spoon honey in one glass mild warm water and drink. At night add 1 teasppon kalonji oil to 2 glasses of boiling water and breath in the steam.

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17. Flatulence: mix ajwain (omnum seeds) 60 gmx, kalonji oil 10 drops. Dip lemon juice and dry under the sun. After drying add 10 gms of grounded black salt to it. Eat a pinch each morning and evening.

18. Hiccup: mix 10 drops kalonji oil 2 with little amount of when required.

19. Vommiting and nausea: mix 8 drops of kalonji oil to few drops of vinegar and some sugar. Lick during vomitiing and nausea.

20. Stomach pain: mix one pinch of salt 10 drops of kalonji oil and 1/2 glass mild warm wter and drink.

21. Strengthening of stomach: mix a pinch of black pepper, salt, cumin, 5 drops of kalonji oil in 1 glass apple juice drink.

22. Constipation: mix ten drops of black kalonji oil wit 1 teaspoon castor oil in mild warm milk and drink.

23. Gastro intestinal gases: mix 1 tola ginger juice, 6 drops of kalonji oil, pinch of salt and drink.

24. Loss of appetite: soak overnight 4 tola kalonji seeds in vinegar. Next day dry and powder it. Eat a pinch with 5 drops of kalonji oil daily.

25. For proper digestion: grind 4 tola omnum seeds(ajwain) and add 6 drops of kalonji oil, soak in lemon juice and dry it in the sun. Have a pinch after every meal.

26. Intestinal worms: mix 6 drops of kalonji oil and 11 drops kalonji oil. Take three to four imes daily.

27.diarrhoea and dysentery: mix 1 tola isabgol, 125 gms curd, 3 drops kalonji oil. take three to four times daily.

28. Feeble liver: in an earthen pot soak in water 1 tola omnum seeds(ajwain) in the morning. At noon keep in a shaded area. At night keep in an open place. Next day sieve the water and add to it 6 drops of kalonji oil and drink.

29. Dropsy: juice out the water of 5 tola hairty mordiea (karela). Mix it to 3 tola pure honey and 10 drops of kalonji oil. Drink once daily.

30. Jaundice: soak overnight 2 tola henna leaves in water. Next day filter and add to the water 1 spoon honey. 10 drops of black kalonji oil and drink.

31. Burning in urination: mix 259ml milk, 250 ml water. 10 drops of kalonji oil and 1spoon pure honey and drink in intervals.

32. Less amount of urine: boil 2 tola hair of maize corn, cool and add 10 drops of kalonji oil and drink.

33.Backache & Rheumatism:

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Warm kalonji oil slightly & apply to the area thoroughly. Massaging the bone, not the skin & drink half teaspoon of kalonji oil for 30 days.

34.Catarrh: Take teaspoon of kalonji oil with 2 pods of long pepper twice a day. If catarrh is in initial stage put drop of kalonji oil in eyes daily.

35.Cough & Bronchial Asthma: (1) Apply kalonji oil to chest & back. (2) Mix teaspoon of kalonji oil in boiling water & inhale the vapour twice a day. (3) Take teaspoon of kalonji oil daily in the morning.

36.Diabetes: Take teaspoon of kalonji oil twice a day in morning with hot water.

37.Cancer: (Intestinal cancer, blood cancer, throat cancer etc.) : take one glass grape juice, Add teaspoon kalonji oil & drink in the morning before breakfast, after lunch & after dinner. Take 1 kg barley & 2 kg wheat flour, mix together make bread (roti) & give to the patient for 40 days. Avoid potatoe, arvee & brinjal.

38.Dandruff: Mix 10 gms of kalonji oil, 30 gms of olive oil, 30 gms of mehindi powder. Heat for a while & apply after paste becomes cool, rinse well with shampoo after 1 hour.

39.Difficulty menstruating: Take one spoon honey teaspoon kalonji oil & drink 1 teaspoon before breakfast & 1 teaspoon after dinner for 2 weeks.

40.Dyspepsia, indigestion, gas, stomach irritation: Take one spoon of ginger juice & half teaspoon kalonji oil & drink twice daily. This treatment is also useful for obesity.

41.Epilepsy: Take one cup of warm water & add 2 spoons of honey teaspoon kalonji oil & use twice a day. Avoid cold food & guava banana & fig during treatment.

42.Memory power : 1 spoon of honey with 10 drops of kalonji oil daily chew 2,3 pieces of dalchini (cardmom) daily.

43.Weakness of brain : take one teaspoon of ghee or 2 teaspoons of milk cream with to drops of kalonji oil with sugar for taste before breakfast daily.

44.Eye infection pain & weak sight & watering: Apply kalonji oil around the eyes & on the eye lid before going to sleep take half a teaspoon kalonji oil with a cup of carrot juice.

45.Hair Loss & Premature Greying: Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes & shampoo & dry with thereafter apply kalonji oil to whole scalp, continue for a 6 weeks.

46.Hearing - All ear problems including earache, infection and poor hearing: Heat kalonji oil & let it cool & drop two drops of cooled kalonji oil in the ear.

47.Headache and Earache: Apply kalonji oil to the forehead, sides of face adjacent to the ears & behind the ears. Take teaspoon of kalonji oil for 3 days.

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48.Heart Problems: Take teaspoon of kalonji oil mixed with any hot drink daily in the morning this will liquefy the fats & widen the veins & arteries. Avoid fatty foods.

49.Hypertension: Take teaspoon of kalonji oil with only hot drink at any time and take 2 lobes of garlic on empty stomach.

50.Indigestion: Take 1 glass apple juices, add 10 drops kalonji oil & black pepper & zeera one pinch.

51.Inflammation of nose and throat: Put 10 drops of kalonji oil in a cup of boiling water & inhale the vapour. Take teaspoon of kalonji oil with lemon juice daily.

52.Joint Pain and Arthritis: Take 1 spoon of vinegar, add half teaspoon of kalonji oil & two spoon of honey before break-fast & after dinner.

53.Piles, blood in stools and constipation: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil mixed with 1 cup black tea twice a day before breakfast & after dinner. Avoid hot & spicy items.

54.Period Pain (leucorrhoea, white discharge, menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain) Take two glass of water & boil with mint (pudina leaves) add teaspoon kalonji oil. Drink before breakfast & after dinner for 40 days. Avoid pickle, brinjal egg & fish.

55.Pimples & Acne: Take one cup sweet lime (mosambi) juice or pineapple juice add half teaspoon of kalonji oil twice daily. before breakfast & after dinner for 4 weeks.

56.Tooth Ache & Swelling Gums: Mix teaspoon of kalonji oil with warm water & gargle the mouth & apply kalonji oil an the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly.

57.Obesity: Mix 2 spoons of honey teaspoon of kalonji oil in Luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid eating rice.

58.Skin Disease: One cup of vinegar add teaspoon kalonji oil & apply on the effected areas before going to sleep & take bath in morning & continue until you get relief.

59.Soriasis: Mix juice of six limes with 50 gms. Kalonji oil together, rub on the affected areas.

60.Stammering: Mix half spoon of kalonji oil in 2 spoons of honey and keep it on the tongue twice a day.

61.Tumours: Rub the kalonji oil on the effected part & drink half teaspoon of kalonji oil once daily for 15 days.

62.Vomiting: Take teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mix with equal amount of kalonji oil, twice a day.

63.Worms of the Stomach: Mix 1 spoon vinegar with half teaspoon kalonji oil twice daily before breakfast afternoon & night for 10 days & avoid sweets

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