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CRG Network

PO Box 371086 Milwaukee, WI 53237 414-801-0800

When Its Time for Action

April 29, 2011 For Immediate Release

Verified Complaint Seeks GAB Investigation into Allegations of Misuse of Public Resources by La Crosse School District Union Employee

The La Crosse affiliate of CRG Network has forwarded a verified complaint to the Government Accountability Board alleging potential violations of 11.36 Wis. Stats. related to prohibitions on political solicitation involving public officials and employees and 946.12 Wis. Stats. related to misconduct in public office. At issue is an e-mail sent by Jeffrey Greene, an employee of the Emerson Elementary School in the La Crosse School District, using his official government e-mail account, to an undisclosed list of recipients. In the e-mail, Greene uses highly charged political language and attacks on elected representatives to solicit volunteers to campaign on behalf of State Assembly District 94 candidate Steven Doyle. Greene provides dates, times, locations and contact information to potential volunteers. Greene further encourages the recipients to forward this message onto your list of union or union family contacts. A copy of the complaint and exhibits accompanies this press release. CRG Network Executive Administrator Chris Kliesmet added, We commend the work of David Drewes and our La Crosse affiliate. The continued arrogance of union members such as Greene is stunning. Did Mr. Greene learn nothing from the GAB sanctions against CESA District 7 Agency Administrator Jeffrey Dickert for similar illegal activity? This appears to be another instance of how public officials have come to believe they are above the law. The GAB must deliver tougher sanctions to scofflaw union members to send the message that this misconduct and abuse of public resources and will not be tolerated.

For further information contact David Drewes at 608-788-4990 or Chris Kliesmet at 414-4299501. Enc. ###

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