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CHINA FAMILY -The institution of family is the pinnacle of society.

-This is a fact that has long been realized by the Chinese who hold the family bonds as sacred and honor them accordingly. -The roles adopted by the members of the family in Chinese society have been greatly influenced by religion.

-Since 1949, the government of People's Republic of China has actively promoted the social, economic and political roles of women in society. While advancing progress in promoting equality among men and women, the efforts met resistance in a traditionally Neo-Confucian society of male superiority. -Mainland China has a highly masculine sex ratio. The sex ratio at birth (between male and female births).

-Traditional Chinese Marriage is a ceremonial ritual within Chinese societies that involve a marriage established by pre-arrangement between families. Within Chinese culture, romantic love was allowed, and monogamy was the norm for most ordinary citizens. -Endogamy among different classes in China were practiced, the upper class like the Shi class married among themselves, while commonors married among themselves also, avoiding marriage with slaves and other ordinary people. This practice was enforced under the law.

CHILDREN -The one-child literally "policy of birth planning") refers to the onechild limitation in the population control policy of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
-China's One-Child Policy has been in place since the 1970s in an attempt to curb population growth.


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