Introduction To Cloud Computing

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Ivanka Menken

Cloud Computing
Educational resources to get you started for the business of Cloud Computing

An introduction to

This publication or part of it may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, by any form, or by any means (electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Breaches of this copyright will be prosecuted.

DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The information presented herein represents the knowledge available to the author as of the date of publication. However, in a changing world, the author reserves the rights to alter and update this information at any time based on new knowledge. The content of this book is for informational purposes only. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to provide only correct and up to date information in this publication, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or indeed any incorrect use of the content.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

ISBN: 9781742447919 ISBN-10: 1-74244-791-0

The Art of Service
Cloud Computing & Scalability Issues ..............................................................1 Cloud Computing & Security ..............................................................................4 Cloud Computing as the Ultimate Temporary Storage Solution ............7 More Businesses Opting for their Own Private Cloud Computing Networks ............................................9 More City Governments Turning to Cloud Computing ........................... 12 Recent Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing .......................................... 15 The Nuts and Bolts of Cloud Computing ...................................................... 18 Virtualization & the Emerging Cloud-Based Operating Systems ..... 21 What Are Lobots? ................................................................................................. 24 Your Cloud Computing Service and Client Expectations ....................... 26 A Closer Look at Amazons EC2 and S3 Services ........................................ 30 Effective, Manageable, Customizable & Flexible: This Is Cloud Computing................................................................................ 33 How Advertising Based Pricing Models Function (with Regards to Cloud Computing) .............................................................. 37 How Cloud Computing Can Assist in Disaster Recovery Efforts........... 40 How Cloud Computing Positively Affects the Environment.................. 43 The 3 Types of Cloud Computing Services................................................... 47 The Basic Architecture of Cloud Computing ............................................... 51 What Do Cloud BrokersDo? ............................................................................. 55 What Is The Function of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) ................. 58 Will Cloud Computing Really Reduce Your Budget?................................. 61



The Browser Based Client OS ............................................................................ 65 Cloud Application Development Tools ......................................................... 69 Cloud-Driven Business and IT Services.......................................................... 72 Cloud Management Platforms ......................................................................... 77 Cloud Parallel Processing ................................................................................... 81 Cloud Services Brokerage................................................................................... 85 Cloud Testing Tools and Service....................................................................... 89 Cloudbursting ........................................................................................................ 92 Community Cloud................................................................................................. 96 Virtual Private Cloud Computing...................................................................101 Cloud APaaS ..........................................................................................................104 Cloud Computing for the Enterprise ............................................................108 Cloud Computing Security Concerns ..........................................................112 Cloud Email............................................................................................................116 Cloud-enabled BPM Platforms .......................................................................121 Compute Infrastructure Services ...................................................................125 DBMS as a Cloud Service ..................................................................................129 Enterprise Portals as a Service ........................................................................133 Hybrid Cloud Computing .................................................................................137 Private Cloud Computing .................................................................................141 The 4th stage of cloud development: ...........................................................145 Cloud Computing................................................................................................149 Cloud Service Integration.................................................................................153 Looking at Cloud Storage.................................................................................158 Cloud/Web Platforms.........................................................................................162 Elasticity ..................................................................................................................166



Server Virtualization: Whats your ROI ..........................................................170 Platform as a Service (PaaS) .............................................................................174 What can go wrong in Cloud Computing? ................................................178 Why cant we agree on the definition of Cloud Computing? ..............182

Ivankas Blog Articles

Cloud Computing and ITSM - 2 peas in a pot... ........................................188 Service Level Management for cloud computing ...................................190 Top 10 things to consider when migrating to SaaS or Hosted Software solutions -.............................................................193 Cloud Computing, SaaS or virtualization... what changes for the end-user? ....................................................................197 Cloud Computing killed the Capacity star .................................................200 Will ITIL V5 still have Capacity Management as a process? Or is it replaced by Cloud Management? ...................................................203 The benefits of Cloud Computing in relation to Climate change... ...206 Green IT - pie in the sky? No... head for the clouds! ................................208 Cloud computing or rather... computing in the cloud ...........................210 ITIL Information Security Management - the facebook way ...............212 Is this the end of an era? Will Cloud Computing separate the boys from the men?...............................................................216 ITIL framework like tide in the ocean? or is this start of a tsunami?! ............................................................................218 Lessons learnt from running Cloud Computing without ITIL Processes .......................................................................................221


Does ITIL still cover all Service Management aspects when you utilize Cloud Computing?............................................................225 What Software Application do companies want in the cloud?..........................................................................................................229 Stupid Cloud Computing - why dont you work? ... The Art of avoiding disasters in the office through continuity management. .....................231 Three things Project managers needs to know to manage successful SaaS implementations...........................................234 In times of economic crisis... dont stick your head in the sand but HEAD FOR THE CLOUD! .............................................................................237 No need to fear - the private cloud is here.................................................240 What Sao Paulo forgot to do ... (follow on from ITIL Capacity Management) .............................................244 8 Best Cloud Computing Essential Tips for the business traveller .....247 Dont compare Apples to Cloud Computing.............................................249 What do you think of cloud based email? ..................................................251


part i the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing & Scalability Issues

computing in general is the ability of various apps and web objects to effectively scale up or down in order to match the system that theyre running on; the goal being to provide equal (or near equal) access to everyone connected to the cloud. Most individuals seem to be adrift in the belief that all scalability issues are automatically dealt with by the cloud itself; this is

ne of the most pertinent issues facing cloud

certainly not the case at all. Many cloud networks may be set up to grant certain individuals access to greater amounts of system resources than other cloud users. These kinds of setups can cause scalability issues as well. But most of the time scalability issues are just an expression of too many individuals accessing the same data at the same time. This is a signifier that data delivery capabilities might need to be significantly upgraded.

What is Scalability in Cloud Computing?

users. Your clouds scalability is basically its performance report card. There are two methods used to increase scalability potential, they are:

o put it succinctly, scalability is the clouds ability to provide applications, processes and media to ever growing numbers of

VertiCal sCalability
Can be achieved through the addition of extra hardware such as hard drives, servers, CPUs, etc While this is not entirely a solution in and

the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing & sCalability issues

of itself, it is necessary if a cloud network is to be able to accommodate ever growing numbers of virtual machines.

horizontal sCalability
Create more access points within the current system; isnt necessarily as effective as vertical scalability however. Horizontal scalability is really just a quick fix for a growing or expanding cloud But it also serves as a sort of buffer for vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability is intimately associated with the manner with which points of access are distributed acrossanetwork.

Multiple Load Balancers

Integrating multiple load balancers into your system is probably the best solution for dealing with scalability issues. There are many different forms of load balancers to choose from; server farms, software and even hardware that have been designed to handle and distribute increased traffic. Items that interfere with scalability: Too much software clutter (no organization) within the hardware stack(s). Overuse of third-party scaling. Reliance on the use of synchronous calls.

the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing & seCurity

Not enough caching is taking place. Databases not being used properly. The Solution.

Creating a cloud network that offers the maximum level of scalability potential is entirely possible if we apply a more diagonal solution. By incorporating the best solutions present in both vertical and horizontal scaling, you will reap the benefits of both. Once your servers reach the limit of diminishing returns (no growth), you should simply start cloning them. This will allow you to keep a consistent architecture when adding new components, software, apps and users. For most individuals, problems arise from lack of resources not the inherent architecture of their cloud itself. A more diagonal approach should help you deal with the current and growing demands that you arefacing.

Cloud Computing & Security

is usually accompanied by a host of mild to possibly severe risks. As time rolls on and additional developments are integrated, the risks and security concerns eventually fade off into obscurity. Cloud computing is certainly no exception; it carries with it a few security concerns that are being dealt with even as youre reading this. Thats not to say that cloud computing is inherently dangerous, because it





isnt. Given its current scale and usage level by most of the worlds population you might even say that it is statistic 0ally safer than a visit to your local cyber caf. However, once people catch on to this new technology and begin implementing it into their daily lives the security risks could potentially run rampant. Luckily, it may never actually reach this critical stage as there are various organizations working towards reinforcing security. cloud computing

technological development

What are some of the specific security risks associated with cloud computing? Long-term hosting capabilities. Data recovery in the event of a catastrophe. Who has access to data within the hosting company? Location of consumer data.

the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing & seCurity

Long-term Hosting Capabilities

Heres a scenario; youve been happily using a cloud computing service for a number of years and store most of your personal and business files there as well. Then one day, your provider, without warning, announces a series of big changes that are to take place immediately. Will these changes affect access to your data? What if your provider is acquired by a larger conglomerate and they decide to completely restructure everything? The obvious solution for emerging cloud computing companies is to offer their customers assurances and an established plan of action, should the unthinkable occur.

Data Recovery in the Event of a Catastrophe

Mistakes are going to happen; it doesnt matter whether your data is on a local or remote drive. A total cataclysmic failure of multiple servers could lead to the loss of consumer data. A cloud computing service provider needs to have measures in place that are capable of equalizing the fallout from a major crash.

Who Has Access to Data Within the Hosting Company?

The individuals that directly manage customer data might have complete access to unencrypted files. This includes outsourced IT professionals and others as well as those working directly for the provider. Assurances must be put into place by cloud computing

the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing & seCurity

providers that will limit access to personal data for emergency or userdefined purposesonly.

Location of Consumer Data

Different locations have different regulations in place concerning the privacy of user data. Cloud computing providers must provide their customers with an idea on where their data is to be physically stored. For example; if a hacker decides to manipulate or steal data from a customer, but they acquired said data from a host based in a country that does not honor the current laws that are in place, then recovery and prosecution will not be possible. In order to establish a higher level of security it will be necessary for cloud computing providers to disclose the primary locations of their clients data. None of these problems are insurmountable however, and if history has taught us anything its that bigger problems always lead to better solutions. Cloud computing security concerns are paving the way toward even greater computer security developments and measures. The real challenge or burgeoning cloud computing companies is going to be effectively marketing their services amid all of these serious security concerns.

Cloud Computing as the Ultimate Temporary Storage Solution

it comes time to upgrade your PC, Mac or laptop? Is it really necessary to go out and buy an

hat do you do with all of your important files when

external device just to transfer files from one piece of hardware to the other? Maybe a couple of years ago it was, but no longer; today we have cloud computing.

If youve ever sent yourself an email with attachments then you are already familiar with the basics of cloud computing. The systems in play right now are of course, much more sophisticated than email. Some newly developed systems, like the Gladinets cloud desktop even allow you to work offline and synchronize your data instantly when you connect to the net. This is perfect for individuals that are always on the go with their mobile devices and laptops.

How Might Cloud Computing Meet Your Storage Expectations?

You can Transfer files to and from devices easily. Host your sites larger files with cloud computing, thereby

the art of serViCe

Cloud Computing as the ultimate temporary storage solution

extending your bandwidth limitations. Store personal items like music on your cloud drive, keeping it separate from your work. Create backups for business trips or vacations. Backup your entire file system for transplant onto another device.

Like most people, I prefer to use cloud computing as my de-facto back up method. But it is also an incredibly versatile system for a variety of web-based activities. Arguably, the most useful application for cloud computing is offsite hosting. If you own or run a website then you are probably familiar with bandwidth limitations. It is possible (even with a lower tier hosing account) to accept thousands upon thousands of visitors as long as youre dealing with text, compressed images and html; but as soon as video, audio or other large media enter the picture, problems arise. Whats the perfect solution? Host your large files from a separate source; cloud drives are perfect for this type of application. The mark of any new technological development can be measured by its usefulness to both businesses and individuals. That is to say, if something is suitable for entertainment purposes as well as commerce then it is probably of great value. Cloud computing delivers in both these regards; some have even speculated that it might ignite an entirely different type of digital revolution.

More Businesses Opting fortheir Own Private Cloud Computing Networks

explore the benefits of owning a priVate Cloud Computing

on the consumer market (music streaming services, for example) it only follows logic that it would also be valuable in a business capacity. But it would be unwise for a business

iven that fact that cloud computing is so effective

to adopt a cloud computing network that was open over the internet (due to security issues, corporate espionage, and the like). Thats why a lot of tech savvy businesses are installing their own private cloud computing networks.

Expenses Are Down this Quarter

Businesses can enjoy lowered operating costs in exactly the same way that a private cloud user might. The costs incurred for standard software and hardware upgrades for most companies is simply astronomical. Imagine being able to virtually eliminate at least 50% of your upgrading expenses for the year. This is exactly what cloud computing does, it allows all employees to access one central hardware stack with more

the art of serViCe

priVate Cloud Computing networks

than enough computing power and features to keep them satisfied. Since software and hardware upgrades are applied and maintained in this central location there is virtually no loss in productivity for individual employees either (due to technical problems at least).

Cloud Computing Is Synonymouswith Organization

Since everyone accesses the same system it is also very easy to collect and compile reports, send out mass memos, conduct interdepartmental communications, and so on and so forth. A business with their own cloud network knows what their employees are doing at all times. And lets not forget about performance; cloud computing is recognized for itsspeed. The very design of a cloud computing network actually reinforces group participation. If we extend this idea to project development, cloud computing is the perfect interface for keeping things moving forward in an organized manner. In a way a cloud system almost keeps things organized automatically, that way your team(s) can concentrate on more demanding matters.

Smaller IT Department
Because the actual amount of computer hardware is much less in a private cloud network compared with current networks; the need for more IT staff will diminish. Ideally, you only need a talented and


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priVate Cloud Computing networks

dependable group of a few individuals (whose sole responsibility is that of the hardware itself ). Though nothing has been officially set in stone, its really only a matter of time before every business on the planet has implemented their own private cloud network. The lowered operating costs of a private cloud computing network alone are worth the price of admission. The benefits of adopting a cloud system are obvious; and many. Once more commercially developed systems become available theyll most likely begin flying off the shelves and into businesses everywhere.


More City Governments Turning to Cloud Computing

a Closer look at why goVernmental organizations are setting
up their own Cloud networks

and out of control in recent years, especially where technology is concerned. There seem to be two distinct end results for most administrations; an expensive system that requires constant upgrading, or a complete lack of




adequate hardware and software altogether. This of course stems from the fact that conventional hardware/software expensive. Cloud upgrades computing are impractical and extremely is looking to change all that, along with the way government conducts its business.

budgets have been bloated

Cloud Computing is Much Cheaper

Connecting 200 displays to one source is certainly cheaper than creating 200 sources, each with their own display, wouldnt you agree? This is the fundamental concept behind cloud computing and a perfect illustration of why its cheaper than a conventional system of personal


the art of serViCe

more City goVernments turning to Cloud Computing

CPUs with their own hard drives. The resources of the cloud (super computer) are shared by everyone; this means less cost per individual user and an increase in resources available to each user as well.

Upgrades Are Performed in one Central Location

One of the hallmarks of cloud computing is the fact that there is no user-end hardware to upgrade. User machines are usually simple display devices with a minimal operating system and some RAM. All hardware and software upgrades occur at the clouds hub. This is usually a network of servers and other hardware that is looked after and maintained by a knowledgeable and talented group of individuals. This of course saves everyone time in the long run as well as tedious (and expensive) hardware and software upgrade procedures.

Success Is Being Documented

Most governments shy away from integrating new concepts until they have empirical data that shows clear benefits as applied to their unique situation. This is one of the reasons why cloud computing has been so slow to catch on; there havent been enough documented instances of direct remuneration (until now). Now that more and more governments are adopting cloud networks (and with great successes), its starting to gain ground.


the art of serViCe

more City goVernments turning to Cloud Computing

The Figures Dont Lie

In a survey conducted by the Public Technology Institute it was found that at least 45% of local governments in the US were using cloud computing (in some form or another). So in essence, the transition to cloud-based systems is already underway. While most of these institutions may only be using elements of cloud computing, the message is clear, the switch is underway. Governments that were adamantly saying NO to the cloud are now embracing it with open arms. This is largely attributed to the recent strains that have been placed on budgets across the country, allowing them to slash their technology budget, while actually gaining features! Cloud computing offers them a way to (literally) have their cake, and eat it too. Or in this case, have their tech, and use it too.


Recent Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing


obile is


computing to be success.

hardware space. While newer, smaller and faster components are constantly being developed and implemented, the simplest solution is right in front of our noses; Mobile cloud computing. Because cloud computing is not hardware-intensive (from the user end, anyway) it only makes sense that it would eventually be incorporated into mobile computing. This will make it possible for individuals to carry around (even smaller) devices that are just as powerful as their new computers at home.



According to the statistics there were over four billion active mobile phones by the time that 2009 came to a close. And that figure has grown by a billion or more with even more projected growth coming in the years to come. In the last couple of years the demand for browser capable mobile devices has skyrocketed and shows no signs of slowing down. The limitation with these devices has always been

The webs new markup language is a perfect fit for cloud computing. It allows for device-caching, plug-in support for web pages, and advanced data processing capabilities. HTML5 will allow devices to store pertinent information temporarily in order to alleviate mobile


the art of serViCe

reCent adVanCes in mobile Cloud Computing

connection drop-offs. Forget about having to load and install a thousand plug-ins, HTML5 will allow users to distribute and access media in even more convenient ways. And how about loading times that are slowed down by JavaScript? With HTML5 there is a smaller number of data transfer events to deal with, which greatly enhances performance capabilities.

Transfer speeds and cloud computing are largely symbiotic. The evolution of 4G networks with their bandwidth capacities of around 100Mbit/s downlink and 50Mbit/s uplink are going to provide the fuel that makes mobile cloud computing practical. And as data transfer capabilities increase even further, so will the possibilities inherent within cloud computing in general.

Frenzied Software Providers

Every major software development company is currently (or at the very least contemplating) working toward developing new products (specifically designed) for the cloud. And for good reason, once everyone begins transitioning toward cloud-based networks it will be too late to cash in on the uniqueness of the whole situation. This is great news for consumers; as they wont have to wait for exciting newapps.


the art of serViCe

reCent adVanCes in mobile Cloud Computing

Browser Evolution
Currently, there are a whole host of companies working toward developing the ultimate browsing engine for mobile cloud computing. Some are open source projects, others strictly managed. Many of the recent advances in conventional browser technology are being adapted for cloud computing as well (Google Chromes JavaScript features, for example). It is highly unlikely that an all-purpose multiplatform browser will be developed for use in all future devices; it is much more likely that individual manufacturers will release their own. Nevertheless, there is an extremely energetic and knowledgeable community out there working on various mobile computing browsers right now (sans the corporatesupport). This is an exciting time for cloud computing, its literally about to go global, and its biggest campaigner is probably going to be some form of mobile cloud expansion. This is all provisional of course, but all signs seem to point toward mobile cloud computing becoming an extremely big deal.


The Nuts and Bolts of Cloud Computing

its going to Change the way we do things, but just how muCh will Change?

computing is pushing us. While many of us tech junkies are eager

world without the need for hard drives is where cloud

to jump into the Cloud, whats unclear is just how many of us are ready to give up our drives or transition to a drive-less structure.

One Thing Leads to Another

One of the main things that is driving cloud computing is the recent advancements in wireless speed and connectivity. Without these in place, cloud computing wouldnt be practical or even possible. In many ways, cloud computing was/is an eventuality. The influence of megalithic telecommunications organizations (and their incessant push towards simplifying and miniaturizing virtually every electronic device capable of communicating with another human being) is creating a situation where the tail is starting to wag the dog, so to speak. In all honesty, cloud computing isnt so much a step forward as it is a step in a different direction, which is great and extremely healthy as well. The bottom line is; people are getting excited, and for good reason, this is a major breakthrough in not only computing but also communication.


the art of serViCe

the nuts and bolts of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Just another Utility?

Cloud computing has been compared to the standard utility companies, and it does bear a striking resemblance to these institutions. How so? Just like water, electricity or gas, cloud computing is essentially a centralized service that users access. In other words, the goods come from one central location; youre just turning things off and on. This may ultimately give more people access to a larger pool or resources at an extremely reduced cost; power to the people.

The Power of the Cloud

One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is its ability to offer users access to off-site hardware and software. With cloud computing the resources of the cloud itself are at your disposal. This means all the hardware, software, processors and networks will combine to give individuals much more computing power than has ever been possible. This will completely change nearly every facet of information exchange as well as influence everything from social networking to web development.

Minimal Requirements
The best thing about cloud computing however is the minimal operating systems that most companies are going to begin incorporating into their devices. By keeping things light and simple individual access


the art of serViCe

the nuts and bolts of Cloud Computing

devices are going to last a lot longer and become much more durable. And of course, losing or breaking a device is no longer going to be of any particular concern, as they will be easily replaced and theres no danger of losing your files or information either. It is still highly unlikely that most everyone will openly adopt and implement cloud-based systems for all their devices in lieu of traditional hard drives. But there is a strong chance that at least half or more of the worlds connected population might. A more likely scenario might involve most people using the cloud for specific devices or tasks, and holding onto their hard drive based systems for other duties.


Virtualization & the Emerging Cloud-Based Operating Systems

computing are the same entity, this is only partially correct. Cloud computing is only possible through the use of virtualization, but not the other way around. Virtualization software (which may mimic the capabilities of certain hardware) can be employed on a home computer thats not even connected to the net, for example. Cloud computing was actually

t first glance most assume that virtualization and cloud

born from the progress achieved in virtualization technology. The new cloud operating systems are essentially advanced or virtualization interfaces;

interfaces that allow the user end device to access real or simulated hardware / software. The emerging operating systems are being designed to more effectively manage available resources through the implementation of advanced virtualization.

There is some debate among tech groups that virtualization / cloud computing will eventually make operating systems (as we know them today) obsolete. In the outer reaches of the tech sphere there is a push toward implementation of an entirely web-based OS. Obviously, this is being met with strong opposition as most individuals predict that this potential web OS will be much more unreliable than the current standard models. What they arent taking into account however is


the art of serViCe

Virtualization & the emerging Cloud-based operating systems

the fact that a web-based OS isnt going to be designed for any of the current computer systems were currently using. Instead, the web OS will be designated for a new type of computer that is essentially just a portal to the web. But what of the new operating systems that are emerging for standard cloud computing applications? How will they differ from what were currently using? First of all, cloud operating systems will not be reliant on hardware, so higher levels of efficiency are going to become possible. The biggest perk of a cloud operating system is that individual applications will no longer be required to share resources. Cloud computing makes is possible for the OS to provide seemingly unlimited resources to individual applications; in fact, there will also be fewer instances of inter application conflicts/crashes as well. This will also greatly increase an individual systems ability (and speed) to monitor the entire run-time environment for changes and/or potential attacks and viruses. Todays cloud computing think tanks are looking at the internet and whats possible there and then designing their hardware and operating systems around those possibilities (as opposed to the old method of creating hardware and software and then upgrading components around newly emerging capabilities). In other words, the new boss is going to be software, not hardware. Hardware is being relegated to a backseat position, while the advanced computational prowess of software is not only performing its regularly assigned tasks, but also


the art of serViCe

Virtualization & the emerging Cloud-based operating systems

doing all the work that hardware was originally responsible for. Cloud computing is the next logical step in the evolution of the personal computer and will give individual users access to an even larger bank of resources than ever before.


What Are Lobots?

They are the physical entities that communicate between the network and your virtual machine. They are essentially devices that both identify individual users as well as assist them in provisioning data. Security is another area that

n the world of cloud computing, Lobots are your go-to guys.

lobots participate in; lobots pre appraises the blocks of data that are to be transferred amongst the host and client. It ascertains the security requirements present in accordance with the data itself before any other actions are taken. Lobots are part librarian, part bouncer and always on call for action.

Lobots are self-sufficient and autonomous apparatuses; they are your first strike assault team in the cloud. Upon coming into contact with cloud-based data they immediately break open the atmosphere and scan it for tampering. Theyre solely responsible for integrity of security within certain parameters (validation and authentication). Lobots are even being used to clear virtual machine RAM, like after shutdown or disconnection from the cloud (to further ensure the physical integrity of the cloud). And of course theres one of the more critical functions that lobots perform, physically & incessantly monitoring the cloud for any and all issues or developments. This native awareness the lobots possess, gives them an almost 6th sense for dealing with security issues. One of the most commonly repeated apprehensions of favoring cloud computing is the perceived lack of security. As more people become


the art of serViCe

what are lobots?

aware of protocols like the Lobot, hopefully they will understand that cloud security is just as effective as whats currently in use, if no moreso. As time pushes onward we are likely to see lobots becoming increasingly more sophisticated. Eventually, they will perhaps even serve additional functions apart from the ones theyre currently serving. The overall success or failure of cloud computing is in a way resting in the hands of the little lobots. Keep up the good work little guys.


Your Cloud Computing Service and Client Expectations




launching their own services. This year however, experts are predicting unprecedented growth in the cloud computing arena; and with all this new growth there will be growing pains to deal with. The full range of applications for cloud services has not been fully explored yet, by either techies or consumers. As a result, specific client expectations are still up for debate. There are a few things that remain constant however; they are security, availability and flexibility.

considerations to take into

account when establishing your own cloud computing service; the most important is arguably meeting customer expectations. As with any business, your primary concern should be in securing your potential assets; in this case, your assets are your clients. But what exactly are cloud computing customers looking for? 2010 was a booming year in the world of cloud computing, multiple well-known companies were developing and

What Customers Expect

Security Availability Adaptability Customer service


the art of serViCe

your Cloud Computing serViCe and Client expeCtations

There are essentially two different groups that you are marketing your cloud computing services to; individuals and businesses. Both of these groups have their own concerns and desires that you must address individually. Businesses are not going to utilize cloud computing services in the same manner as individuals; they are going to require larger volumes of bandwidth, consistent speeds at all hours and specialized security. Individuals are concerned about these items as well, but theyre most likely using cloud services on a limited scale. Most individual users are more apt to utilize cloud computing for entertainment or personal purposes and not strictly business.

Whether or not youre providing services for individuals or businesses security is a big concern. This must include a system of guidelines, technologies and other control elements that work together to ensure the highest level of safety that is possible. This must include high-level encryption, data segregation, and advanced identity management technologies.

If your service is frequently or completely unavailable, you run the risk of losing business. The momentum behind cloud computing literally falls apart the instant that availability becomes an issue; the success


the art of serViCe

your Cloud Computing serViCe and Client expeCtations

of cloud computing hinges on its ability to provide access that is comparable to that of local hardware.

The technological race isnt slowing down; in fact, its speeding up dramatically. As cloud computing becomes more commonplace companies will need to be flexible enough to offer support for emerging devices and technologies. This also extends into the arena of software; your companys ability to integrate new software developments in a timely manner cannot be underestimated (since most current cloud computing systems are based on some type of software interface).

Customer Service
Because cloud computing is in its infancy, you should anticipate any number of problems arising in the future. Your companys ability to transition to a well established business will rest largely on the shoulders of your customer service department. Developing a strong business reputation is essential within the tech world. Even if your developments are met with a certain level of failure, your potential customer base can still be salvaged with an excellent customer service support staff. As such, you should strongly consider only hiring extremely knowledgeable employees for this department; i.e. people that not only know what theyre talking about, but can also deal with and solve problems on a customer to customer basis. A great way to


the art of serViCe

your Cloud Computing serViCe and Client expeCtations

identify potential problem areas is to establish a board or forum where customers can directly voice their concerns; in this way you can simply go down the list and improve your service one step at a time. If you are able to successfully manage all of the aforementioned elements then you stand an excellent chance of developing your company into a powerhouse business. Try to focus on all known elements first and then, once firmly established, begin to accumulate tactics for dealing with wild card elements. Over time youll gain a much greater understanding of what your clients expectations are, and how to best meet or exceed them.


A Closer Look at Amazons EC2 and S3 Services

mazon has officially made its mark on the world of cloud

to consumer cloud computing; through them Amazon is looking to corner the SaaS (software as a service) market (with EC2) as well as the cloud driven entertainment experience (with S3).

computing with its landmark EC2 and S3 services. These developments are arguably the most significant to occur in recent years with regards

What Exactly Do These Services Offer Consumers or Businesses?

Both EC2 and S3 are opening doors for people; EC2 is a complete virtual computing solution with near unlimited power at its disposal and S3 is arguably the ultimate system for archiving and accessing your musical entertainment. And of course, the full range of possibilities for each of these splendid services has not been fully explored yet by consumers.

EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud

Imagine being able to access an entirely different computer (with its own resources, RAM, storage, software, apps, processor etc) via the net. Since this computer is accessed via the net, you are essentially taking it with you everywhere you go; all you need is an internet connection. Amazons EC2 is essentially a complete solution for


the art of serViCe

a Closer look at amazons eC2 and s3 serViCes

individuals or businesses seeking a SaaS-style service. EC2 is basically an access point to a virtualized computer with an almost unlimited amount of additional resources at its disposal. What does this mean for the businesses that apt to use EC2? For businesses, EC2 is a way to break into the world of cloud computing in a cheap, safe, flexible and extremely powerful way. Through EC2 businesses can leverage the extreme power of multitudes of servers all at a comparatively low cost (just imagine trying to set up, maintain and purchase all the necessary components to build a comparable network; it would be in the millions upon millions of dollars range). EC2 gives nearly any company or individual the ability to access extremely advanced computational resources at an extremely affordable cost. SaaS or Software as a Service For those that are unfamiliar with what SaaS stands for, here is a quick summary. SaaS is a level/type of service offered by a cloud computing provider, which in this case is Amazon. In the SaaS model, the provider gives their client all of the resources needed to make cloud computing possible; this includes interface apps / programs / method, virtualized hardware, storage, security, runtime, and of course network access. Clients are essentially only paying for access to these resources and are not responsible for any kind of setup, maintenance or configuration.


the art of serViCe

a Closer look at amazons eC2 and s3 serViCes

S3 or Simple Storage Service

The idea behind Amazons S3 service is giving people the ability to take their entire music collection with them wherever they go. But instead of simply miniaturizing some storage device or inventing a new type of physical storage medium, S3 utilizes the power of the internet to give consumers the power to create an ongoing database for their entire musical/sound based media collection. S3 is pretty much the music delivery service that weve all been dreaming about; and its one that will most likely replace all other models. Currently it is a freely available service (at 5GB, by purchasing an album of MP3s from Amazon they provide a free account upgrade to 20GB) that also allows users to upload mp3s from their current collection (that were not purchased from The implications of these services (to the world of cloud computing and computer networking in general) is far reaching. If they continue to grow in popularity, it may signal a changing of the guard so to speak, in the way that individuals and businesses do both their networking and computing (not to mention access their entertainment).


Effective, Manageable, Customizable & Flexible: This Is Cloud Computing

henever a new product or idea comes along,

that hasnt been considered by practitioners of cloud computing. This is largely because those that were at the forefront of traditional grid-based computing and networking now have their head in the clouds so to speak and are dedicated to making cloud computing a success of epic proportions. Lets take a look at what makes cloud computing worth your time.

the first and most immediate question that everyone asks is, what can it do? That is usually followed by the question, how does it do that / those things? With regards to cloud computing, a better question to ask might be, is there anything that it cant do? In the world of computing and networking, there is very little

Anything that a traditional grid network can do, cloud computing can do better or just as well. It is also effective in the sense that it does many things that other networking methods simply cannot do; like providing individual network users with their own set of seemingly


the art of serViCe

effeCtiVe, manageable, Customizable & flexible

unlimited resources. Couple that with the fact that cloud networks are more performance oriented and you have a system that is extremely hard to top. And because most cloud computing networks are backed up (security wise) on a daily basis, its more or less a mobile system that offers users the ultimate in security, data loss and data corruption prevention.

Of the many ways that you can organize a computing network, the cloud model offers the greatest level of manageability. Through it you can determine who has access to what, how often information can be accessed, and even what time(s) said information can be accessed. And because cloud computing resources are provisioned in one central location, they are extremely easy to service and mange. And unlike grid systems which require annual hardware upgrades just to stay in business, cloud networks are able to simply incorporate and aggregate additional hardware so that the initial integrity of the system isnt compromised in any way.

Virtually any type of hardware, software or idea can be integrated into the cloud computing model; this is not an exaggeration. It is the most customizable networking / computing solution that has ever been created. Whats even more astounding is the fact that despite


the art of serViCe

effeCtiVe, manageable, Customizable & flexible

its high marks in terms of overall customizability, its still the most affordable way to incorporate the highest possible level of features. A classic example that demonstrates just how customizable cloud computing really is would be how quickly a new cloud network is able to provision and reconfigure capacity, storage and servers (especially when compared with traditional networks).

Unlike grid networks, which force businesses to have to buy and maintain their own system and hardware (at great expense), cloud computing offers its users different levels of choices. For example, the two most common levels of cloud service are IaaS and SaaS. In the IaaS model (infrastructure as a service) a company simply pays to use a cloud providers extensive hardware resources, the remaining items are at their discretion to implement as they see fit. In the SaaS model (software as a service), a cloud provider literally takes care of every aspect of setting up and maintaining a cloud network for their client. This means for a reasonable price a business can have access to a state of the art networking system that is among the best the world has to offer. Another aspect of cloud computing flexibility is its ability to integrate new software, apps, operating systems and hardware. Because cloud computing is localized to one specific area (with user terminals simply behaving like access points to the centralized resources) it is extremely easy to integrate new hardware and software.


the art of serViCe

effeCtiVe, manageable, Customizable & flexible

And this can be done without having to reconfigure the entire system or user machines. Cloud computing is making things possible that have might have been considered virtually impossible just a few years ago. It is in essence the next evolution of the standard computing model and is poised to replace the current grid networking model. Its ability to offer businesses extremely advanced services, unlimited access, simplified maintenance, powerful virtualized hardware and almost boundless resources make cloud computing the obvious choice for both computing and networking.


How Advertising Based Pricing Models Function (with Regards to Cloud Computing)
inCluding a look at how this funds aCtiVities like new software


sing to

advertising cover the

money of

service to customers in the hopes that they will also be lured in by the strategic advertising of the other company. Advertising based models with regards to cloud computing essentially serve a dual function, they are both a service and a vehicle for another company to sell its products.


operation so that services can be offered to potential customers for free is not a new concept. Its essentially a symbiotic financial marketing relationship between two companies; one company gets paid to offer their

There are some people that might decry this type of (advertising based model) arrangement, feeling that it exploits cloud computing users. But in reality it is actually helping them in at least 2 different ways. First off, theyre gaining access to a useful cloud computing service


the art of serViCe

how adVertising based priCing models funCtion

that probably includes software, apps, virtualized hardware and other tools. Secondly, theyre being presented with the most popular (and often times most useful) products for their particular demographic. Companies like Google base their advertising model on a very complex algorithm that (through a series of data collection techniques and calculations) is able to approximate the interests of each individual user and present them with customized ads that feature products that they most likely would have purchased anyway. From a business or logical standpoint this is a match made in heaven, and simply mirrors the kind of symbiotic relationship echoed by other companies that produce goods or services that are compatible with one another. In the world of cloud computing, there are several companies that are embracing the idea of using part of their advertising revenue to jump start their new or ongoing software development projects. Since cloud computing is still largely unexplored/unexploited there is a lot of potential in the arena of software development. Its only a matter of time until the next series of software breakthroughs occur in the field; whoever is responsible for these breakthroughs will be leading the pack (scientifically and financially). The facts are pretty clear, cloud computing is definitely on the rise globally, and new developments are emerging every day. If you take into account the forward momentum of the cloud computing movement, combine that with the realization that it is still an undeveloped field and


the art of serViCe

how adVertising based priCing models funCtion

then take into account all the software and application research thats being done youll quickly discover that there is a huge potentialthere. By using excess funds (which could actually be construed as profit; due to the low cost of running and maintaining a cloud computing network) from advertising to develop the tools that will become integral to the next phase of development in cloud computing, companies are literally investing in their future at virtually no risk. As long as their operating costs are lower than the amounts they receive from advertisers they stand to lose nothing from the venture. This is especially true because the longer a free cloud computing service remains active on the net the more popular it becomes. Sources: forresterfutureview.pdf


How Cloud Computing Can Assist in Disaster Recovery Efforts

(and then

f your business uses and / or relies on a computer network lets you be honest, what must

catastrophic loss of data. In fact, you shouldnt even think about it as a potential issue, more like an eventuality. This is another area where cloud computing is ahead of the curve.

business doesnt these days?) absolutely have a plan for dealing with

Traditional data recovery and backup is extremely time-consuming and prone to errors. Because the integrity of data on these networks is dependant on the conditions of the network itself (operating system, applications, hardware / software settings, etc) you have to make sure that the conditions are exactly the same as they were before catastrophic failure occurred. If theyre not, theres absolutely no guarantee that your efforts willbesuccessful. Here are a few reasons why cloud computing is infinitely superior for disaster recoveryefforts: Entire system backups can be performed daily (preferably at night after all activity has ceased for the day). Total time spent backing up is significantly reduced.


the art of serViCe

how Cloud Computing Can assist in disaster reCoVery efforts

Because servers, operating systems, settings and even hardware is virtualized in a cloud computing network, all information, software, hardware and user settings can be stored off-site.

Time spent restoring a system after a catastrophic failure is but a fraction of the time normally required. There will be few if any errors when the system is being restored and it should only take a few hours to complete vs. the days/weeks that are usually spent with a traditional network.

Data recovery and backups are much cheaper than they would be on a traditional network.

Cloud computing also offers businesses the option of becoming mobile. So if for example, your worksite is damaged in some way that necessitates moving somewhere else (until repairs can be made) you can simply take your entire network with you. This is completely impossible with a traditional non-cloud based system. Being able to backup an entire system on a daily basis is arguably the biggest benefit of switching to a cloud computing network. In a fraction of the amount of time it takes to back up a traditional system you can have a copy of everything on your entire system sent and stored in a secure location. And unlike the process involved in trying to do this with a standard network (which involves a lot of manual labor), backups can be renderedautomatically.


the art of serViCe

how Cloud Computing Can assist in disaster reCoVery efforts

Cloud computing offers businesses the best options for network security; options that are free from the kinds of worries that induce nightmares in IT department personnel. A business computer network is essentially its lifeline, if it fails or is compromised in any way there will most likely be huge profit losses. In some cases catastrophic network failure and/or loss of data could actually cripple a company (like in software development for example). Since cloud computing is logistically superior with regards to data recovery and/or disaster prevention it only follows logic that organizations should implement these types of systems as soon as possible. It is in truth, the most responsible and prudent thing to do (switching over to a cloud based system); because a network failure may be just around the corner.


How Cloud Computing Positively Affects the Environment

how their activities directly and indirectly affect the environment. (This is also referred to as a companys



carbon footprint.) A business carbon footprint is directly linked with the amount of greenhouse gases that they are responsible for releasing into the environment.

companies tend to focus on

How are greenhouse gases created/released/further concentrated? Transportation Clearing land Food production and consumption Fuel production and consumption Manufactured goods Materials Wood Roads Buildings Other various service(s)

Many businesses out there incorporate many of the individual points on this list into their daily operations. The problem of course is that


the art of serViCe

how Cloud Computing positiVely affeCts the enVironment

there are thousands of organizations all pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is thought to contribute greatly to global warming and pollution. This brings us to cloud computing; specifically, how it reduces the overall amount of pollution. Lets say you have 3 companies, all 3 of these companies have and need extensive computer networks in order to function. If you take a look one companys system and network, youll probably notice that it uses only around half of its computer resources potential. The same thing could be said for any of the other companies and their networks; theyre all using a lot of energy but only running at partial capacity. All 3 of these companies could be running off of one remotely located cloud network, thereby decreasing the number of systems needed to do the same work from 3 to 1. Now, lets apply this same type of thinking to a much larger scenario. What if instead of 3 companies there were 100? Wouldnt it be more efficient and better for the environment if those companies were all operating within the same cloud network? Here are a couple of analogies that will help clarify: Whats more efficient, 100 generators running at 10% capacity or a larger generator running at 90% capacity? Lets say there are 100 companies (with offices in the same building) with 100 small loads to transport from destination A to B. Instead of using 100 small trucks to deliver these goods, why not just have 1 larger truck make the entire delivery? How much


the art of serViCe

how Cloud Computing positiVely affeCts the enVironment

fuel do you think is saved this way? In the same way that there is a certain speed you can travel on the highway that increases overall fuel efficiency, there is a certain amount of activity that can be handled by an individual network that guarantees a more efficient use of the electricity used to power said network.

Virtualized Hardware Produces no Pollution

The ability of cloud computing to simulate hardware and/or hardware processes means that there is no physical entity present that will actually emit pollution. Of course a naysayer might claim that the energy required to run virtual hardware on a cloud network will compensate for this; however they are not taking into account the fact that running a piece of physical hardware uses a lot more energy than its software-based counterpart. And unlike physical hardware, most virtual hardware is essentially turned-off when its not inuse.

Older Networking Hardware Can Be Reused in a Cloudbased Architecture

The amount of time and money spent upgrading by most companies is astronomical. And often times, their old hardware just sits somewhere gathering dust or it is simply tossed into the garbage. The amount of pollution produced by the groups manufacturing these servers


the art of serViCe

how Cloud Computing positiVely affeCts the enVironment

and hardware stacks is extremely high. Why continuously produce hardware thats just going to become outdated and need replacing in a few years time? The traditional network model is extremely wasteful in this regard. However, there is an elegant solution for companies that are making the switch to a cloud-based architecture. When you take your old hardware and integrate it into a cloud architecture you are essentially recycling your hardware. This will also save your business a lot of money in the long run in addition to helping out the environment. As more and more companies steadily increase their level of required computer networking the need for a more efficient and elegant solution will become obvious. Cloud computing is currently the best option for environment, and its one that actually offers businesses more abilities and possibilities.


The 3 Types of Cloud Computing Services

what is saas, paas & iaas?

f an individual or organization decides to implement a cloud network or (without their owning

own private cloud) they have essentially 3 different levels of service (or options) to choose from. They are of course:

computing creating

SaaS Software as a Service IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service

These abbreviations can be found scattered across the net and are used liberally within the cloud computing blogosphere, but many people are (still) bewildered by they actually stand for. Whats confusing to most people is exactly what each level (of service) is set up to provide to users. To put it simply; SaaS means that the cloud provider controls everything (you just pay to access their system) and IaaS gives users control over around half of the responsibilities of the cloud (PaaS is somewhere in the middle). Obviously, there are a lot details that will further define the responsibilities of the user for each level of service.


the art of serViCe

the 3 types of Cloud Computing serViCes

In the Software as a service model, your cloud computing provider presents you with a complete package that requires virtually no additional input from the user end in order to remain functional. Not only do they control/maintain the hardware, operating systems, servers, network, storage, applications and data; but they also employ their own platform / integration system as well. For individuals / organizations that are new to cloud computing or simply dont wish to invest any additional funds into developing their own private cloud, this is the perfect choice. The benefit to SaaS is that everything is taken care of for you; you dont have to worry about security, maintenance, upgrading or functionality, thats the job of your provider. It is important that you fully trust the abilities of your provider however, because under SaaS you have absolutely no control over the integrity of the network itself. A perfect example of SaaS is Gmail.

The typical IaaS setup will involve letting users control their own interface, applications, data, operating system as well as any software required to access the cloud itself. The provider in an IaaS setup will be responsible for only what is part of the back end or hardware end of the cloud. This means that the provider is essentially just giving users access to their cloud networks hardware infrastructure. It is the


the art of serViCe

the 3 types of Cloud Computing serViCes

responsibility of the user to deal with everything else and determine what to actually implement in their own cloud space.

PaaS is essentially a combination of SaaS and IaaS in that it allows users to control a limited amount of aspects but most of the software and all of the hardware is managed by the provider. Users in a PaaS setup only manage applications and data; interfacing code/software is provided by the vendor. As with both SaaS and IaaS, the provider has complete control over the physical aspects of the cloud itself; PaaS just gives you a basic framework to build upon. If a business decides to implement their own private cloud network at some point (which seems to be a very popular idea these days) there is also prepackaged software available that will allow them to create their own applications, data and runtime environment. Of course they will still need to setup their own servers, hardware, data storage, security, virtualization system and configure their own operating system. Private clouds are fairly difficult to setup and manage, but with the wealth of material currently available detailing how its done, its certainly not impractical or unimaginable. And of all the options for implementing a cloud network, creating and managing your own private cloud is the one that offers the best long term savings.


the art of serViCe

the 3 types of Cloud Computing serViCes

Finding the right level of cloud computing service for your particular needs may require a little trial and error. And as stated earlier, if youre completely new to the idea of cloud networking or need something thats virtually error-free and can be quickly integrated; your best option is definitely SaaS. Both PaaS and IaaS could be seen as sort of stepping stones toward creating and owning a private cloud network.


The Basic Architecture of Cloud Computing

ne of the most perplexing aspects of cloud computing

essentially a series of levels that function together in various ways to create a system; this system is also referred to as cloud computing architecture.

to most people is how it works; or more specifically, how it is structured. Cloud computing is

There are essentially 3 tiers in a basic cloud computing architecture, they are: Applications Platform/Programming Resources/Infrastructure

These 3 tiers may be combined or implemented in many different ways to form any number of cloud computing architectural designs. If we further break down the standard cloud computing architecture there are really two areas to deal with; the front end and backend.


the art of serViCe

the basiC arChiteCture of Cloud Computing

Front End The front end includes all client (user) devices and hardware in addition to their computer network and the application that they actually use to make a connection with the cloud. Back End The back end is populated with the various servers, data storage devices and hardware that facilitate the functionality of a cloud computing network.









(user) level and then work our way inward toward the actual resources/hardware/Infrastructure of the cloud.

Applications/(User Level)
This area is compromised of the client hardware and the interface used to connect to the cloud. There are many different ways that users can access and use a cloud network. Through a privately built, owned and operated cloud network. Through an outsourced service in which another company provides all the hardware, software and access required. In a model such as this the provider is usually located offsite (this model is comparable to the type of service provide by utility companies). Other companies may simply offer users access to a specific application/software that performs specific tasks.


the art of serViCe

the basiC arChiteCture of Cloud Computing

A cloud computing networks platform is the actual programming, code and implemented systems of interfacing that help user-level devices (and applications) connect with the hardware and software resources of the cloud. A cloud computing platform is generally divided up between the front end and back end of a network. Its job is to provide a communication and access portal for the client, so that they may effectively utilize the resources of the cloud network. The platform may only be a set of directions, but it is in all actuality the most integral part of a cloud computing network; without it cloud computing would not be possible.

The resources / infrastructure of cloud computing architecture is essentially all the hardware, data storage devices (including virtualized hardware), networking equipment, applications and software that operates and drives the cloud. The speed, fluidity and abilities of the cloud are all a part of the design of the infrastructure. Any changes, improvements or additions that are made in the cloud are performedhere. The rules associated with cloud computing architectural design are in flux, nothing is set in stone. This is because cloud computing is still in its infancy. Most groups are content to do their R&D with open-source models, which allow any number of individuals to make modifications


the art of serViCe

the basiC arChiteCture of Cloud Computing

to individual components of any cloud computing architectural development. The benefit here is that its much cheaper, faster and often times more creative. In the coming years as cloud computing asserts its dominance (over traditional grid-based networking) there will likely be many new developments and changes to the basic architecture currently in use. Sources: =rep1&type=pdf


What Do Cloud BrokersDo?





companies and customers, cloud computing has their own brokers that perform nearly the same kinds of tasks.




agencies have brokers to act and intermediaries between insurance

Due to the staggering number of cloud computing service providers that are springing up everywhere it has become fairly commonplace for companies to utilize brokers to round up and solicit potential clients. There are a few reasons why a cloud computing service provider might want to hire a broker to serve as their customer liaison. First off, as with other business models, having a third party present that is motivated by commission payment only ensures that brokers are only paid for results. So if cloud brokers are able to bring in satisfactory numbers, they are compensated well and the cloud provider has their ready to buy customers prepackaged for them. In other words, everybody wins. Well, almost everybody anyway. Theres still the customers themselves, perhaps they will end up paying more over the years for their cloud services because of brokerage fees? There is however specific benefits for customers that retrieve their cloud services through brokers. Since most cloud brokers are knowledgeable individuals (with regards to cloud computing) they should be able to help clients ascertain what specific kinds of features and/or plan they need to suit them. This is assuming of course that the cloud broker is involved in ethical business practices and is not simply


the art of serViCe

what do Cloud brokersdo?

trying to sell customers on tons of features that they simply do not need. (There is a potential for cloud computing companies to offer cloud brokers higher commissions for selling higher priced plans, this could lead to unethical practices where brokers purposefully mislead their customers into purchasing more expensive service packages). Of course the relationship between cloud brokers and cloud providers is not guaranteed to be a fruitful one, or even an amicable one. This is after all, a situation where brokers need cloud computing companies more than they need brokers. Ultimately it is up to the cloud service providers to decide what brokers should be paid and / or how truly valuable they are to their respective organizations. One possible area where brokers might be extremely useful is in selling cloud service packages to larger institutions and businesses. Once again, commission fees are usually based on the overall sale amount; so if a broker lands a contract with lets say a large university, then they could be earning extremely hefty commissions. This creates a situation that cloud computing service providers can really benefit from. It is usually quite difficult for a cloud provider to perform their regular tasks and aggressively market themselves to potential clients, but through the use of brokers that is no longer an issue. In fact most brokers will aggressively seek out clients anyway (to earn those hefty commissions). Look at it this way, its very expensive for a cloud provider to employ their own team(s) of salaried brokers in much the


the art of serViCe

what do Cloud brokersdo?

same way that its expensive for a business to design and implement their own private cloud network; in both cases its much cheaper to simply purchase these services a la carte, so to speak. What about brokerage firms? Cloud brokerage firms could spring up everywhere. In this business model a large cloud brokerage firm could buy or contract smaller cloud provider companies to provide them with services at discounted rates. In this way, the brokerage firm could set the prices for services and then offer customers specifically designed packages of cloud computing services. In other words, the brokerage firm has all the power and control, the service provider is simply their IT department or manufacturing division. Then of course there is the ideal situation; whereupon large cloud providers and large brokerage firms work together in symbiotic fashion to grow each of their respective businesses. However many people see this kind of situation as being nearly impossible to maintain due to the nature of business itself and the predisposition of one or the other company to gain control. It is still pretty much unclear whether or not cloud brokering will become a lucrative or valuable practice. In truth, the power to decide that lies in the hands of consumer. The ultimate success or failure of cloud brokers is determinant on how they conduct theiroperations.


What Is The Function of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

plus a brief look at a CdC or Content deliVery Cloud

ne of the reasons information is so readily accessible on

a series of computers or servers that all contain copies of the same data, much higher volumes of traffic are possible to process. Overall performance is also increased with the assistance of a content delivery network. On the technical side of things, the use of a CDN increases bandwidth significantly and protects data integrity as well.

the net and all over the world has a lot to do with content delivery networks. CDNs provision data in such a way that makes it more readily available depending on where you are located, which also

creates the ability to service more individuals with the same data. How is this accomplished? By setting up

How Do Content Delivery Networks Fit into the Cloud Computing Model?
In many ways, a content delivery network provides the system by which cloud computing can deliver its services to large numbers of users within a cloud network. Without the ability of a CDN to


the art of serViCe

what is the funCtion of a Content deliVery network (Cdn)

make information freely available to those in a cloud, data delivery performance would suffer greatly (thereby undermining another purpose of cloud computing, which is supposed to be superior to grid networking in terms of performance capabilities). This brings us to one of the more recent developments in relation to content delivery networks, the content delivery cloud (CDC) (which is essentially an extended form of a content delivery network thats designed to provide scalable access to individual clients for things like virtualization and application / program access across a cloud network). Whereas a traditional CDN simply accesses data and creates copies of that data for random access, a content delivery cloud performs exactly the same operation but with more complex operations and tasks like virtualized hardware. This ultimately gives individual users more direct access to increased performance since their virtualized hardware for example, will be located in much closer proximity to the geographical location.

Why Do Businesses Need to Utilize Content Delivery Networks?

A better question to ask might actually be; why wouldnt a business want to utilize a content delivery network? Here are some of the benefits of using a CDN (for businesses): Cheaper than establishing and maintaining your own servers/data center. It will never be unable to accommodate your visitors; it essentially makes data available 24/7 365.


the art of serViCe

what is the funCtion of a Content deliVery network (Cdn)

Because data will be stored in multiple locations across the globe, visitors will be able to access the data thats geographically closer to them. This translates directly into increased levels of overall performance.

You are given an almost unlimited amount of bandwidth. No matter how much traffic you receive it will be virtually (or extremely rare) for you to surpass any kind of bandwidth limitation. So a dedicated CDN essentially translates into - no more lost traffic due to bandwidth limitations.

Content delivery network service providers are operating on the same wavelength as cloud computing providers that specialize in IaaS (Information as a service). The IaaS model of service is essentially set up so that a cloud computing vendor only needs to provide the hardware resources needed to populate a cloud computing network. All software and runtime components are at the users discretion. Content delivery network services operate in a similar fashion (to IaaS providers) in that they are essentially just data centers that make information deployment and storage services available to their users. Sources: =rep1&type=pdf


Will Cloud Computing Really Reduce Your Budget?

here is very little in the way of published information (or

framework is financially viable still rages on. With no formal scientific studies to refer to, its very difficult for those that are pro cloud computing to build a rock solid argument (and very easy for skeptics to deface what evidence is present).

studies) available regarding the cost effectiveness of cloud computing over traditional networking for businesses. As a result, the debate over whether a cloud computing

The truth is that cloud computing is most definitely cheaper for most applications or businesses, but perhaps not all of them. There are many different factors to consider when looking at the cost effectiveness of Cloud Computing vs. a grid based network. The most notable include: Hardware costs Licensing fees for software usage Storage concerns/requirements Administrative costs Maintenance Backup costs Power usage considerations Software assimilation


the art of serViCe

will Cloud Computing really reduCe your budget?

The cost of having to constantly upgrade hardware and software alone is enough to drive businesses away from traditional grids and headlong into Cloud Computing. And more software developers are catching up to the idea of releasing cloud-based software packages (that will allow businesses to greatly cut their overall expenses related to software licensing). However the biggest financial benefit of switching over to a cloud network is still hardware-related. Where traditional grid networks require that not only servers and control hardware be replaced on a semi-annual basis, cloud computing is able to effectively recycle old servers and hardware stacks for other uses within the network itself. This essentially means that fewer overall upgrades are necessary over a 10 year period which is even more incredible when you consider that theres no danger in terms of loss of performancecapabilities. Cloud computing is also more flexible and efficient with its storage capabilities as well. In a traditional system there if often very large segments of data (storage space) that is virtually unused; this unused space must also be maintained and paid for. With cloud computing, an entire network shares storage space, which makes it easier to predict actual storage requirements from year to year and more efficiently manage the storage space thats therealready. Another area where cloud computing excels is in its back-up abilities. A traditional grid network requires a lot of effort and man hours to effectively back-up; not to mention additional hardware costs. This translates into large amounts of capital that must be spent just to ensure


the art of serViCe

will Cloud Computing really reduCe your budget?

that a network and its data is secure in the even of an emergency. This is a non-issue in Cloud Computing. A typical Cloud Computing network will be set up to perform daily back-ups of an entire network of servers compromising every scrap of information (including user information, settings and preferences) contained therein. The data is stored off-site in a secure location. This process is usually automated and requires only a fraction of the personnel required to do the same thing on a traditional network. Then theres the issue of maintenance; in a traditional network (operating within a large corporation, for example) there is a need to employ a significant number of IT specialists just to keep the system up and running. Once again, cloud computing is head and shoulders above in this regard as well; because a large cloud can be effectively managed by a much smaller team of specialists. Cloud-based networks also tend to use less energy than their grid-based counterparts. This is due to the fact that there is less actual hardware present and more virtualization occurring. One of the unforeseen benefits of cloud computing is its ability to provide management and accounting with solid data that they can use to prepare better fiscal budgets. Todays companies spend significant portions of their budgets on tech-related expenses because they are completely reliant on the abilities of these systems to help them run their enterprise. Cloud computing is not only cheaper to run and manage than a traditional network (in a number of different ways), it also gives businesses the power to do more than ever before.


the art of serViCe

will Cloud Computing really reduCe your budget?

Sources =rep1&type=pdf


The Browser Based Client OS

present and future

operating system is central to the future of cloud computing and is one (idea) that many on the forefront (of cloud computing) hold very dear. In order for cloud computing to be deemed truly successful it needs to be able to wane users from reliance on personal hardware, software and storage. In fact, browsers are fast becoming a topic of interest that is almost parallel

he idea of using a browser to replace the traditional

with that of operating systems (just perform a simple Google search to confirm); in many circles, they have surpassed the OS as a central focus. This doesnt mean to imply that operating systems are going the way of the dinosaur, far from it; theyre simply being migrated away form users and into remote hardware stacks. In other words, the browser is moving closer to the consumer and the OS is moving farther away.

What purpose does a cloud computing OS actually serve? They function in ways that are typical or familiar, but a cloud operating system is much more a series of logical processes that hold together and direct traffic for the various software, hardware and virtualized hardware/software processes that compromise a user system. A cloud OS essentially a hardware site interface construct that responds to the commands given by a browser or client OS.


the art of serViCe

the browser based Client os

Referring to a browser as an OS is actually a bit of a misnomer, because the actual operating system is not reflected in the construct or design of the browser itself; it simply provides a gateway that allows users to connect to the on-site OS which actually does the work. The actual cloud OS, which is responsible for the advanced functions of a virtual computer, will likely be inaccessible for most individuals on the userend. Modifications of any OS will likely be left in the hands of the cloud manager, which may even be a third party participant if a cloud provider has outsourced this position. It is still unclear how modifiable cloud components will be in terms of individual component customization. Many of the mobile browser models (that are currently in use in cell phones and tablets, for example) are providing the inspiration that is leading to the development of better and more complex browser client operating systems. Experts in the field of cloud development can essentially use the lessons learned from the overall effectiveness of different mobile device browsers as a form of research and development. There is one area of concern (over the browser OS) among potential cloud users and initiates however; and thats a worry over a lack of central features. Many individuals seem to feel that a lack of personal hardware / software resources is going to translate directly into poor performance and/or memory loss. Developers have devoted a lot of time and money toward creating solutions for a whole host of contingent issues related to performance and reliability. These


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the browser based Client os

solutions include ideas such as the implementation of minimal storage units that are designed to provide buffers between the client browser and the host resources in the event of disconnect from the net. When the client reconnects, information is transferred and synching is performed automatically. In terms of performance, the average connection speed has been steadily increasing year after year since the internet was established. It is estimated that by the time cloud computing takes over, many individuals throughout the world will be utilizing fiber-optic based connections which will provide speeds at or above T1. The actual role of the browser OS will obviously be much more intensive than the kinds of operations that we currently associate with the term browser. The actual cost of connectivity is lowering day by day and the idea of having a remotely located system is beginning to look more and more attractive as well; this essentially translates into the browser OS picking up the slack that used to be handled by traditional operating systems. Individuals in todays world possess computers that are extremely powerful in scale, yet they rarely (if ever) actually use even half of these resources. After starting up, most people go straight to their internet browser of choice; all of the hardware resources from these millions of individuals are basically going to waste. The point is that the clientserver model has essentially morphed into a form of cloud computing (anyway). The average person uses the internet for virtually everything,


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the browser based Client os

and all of the information, resources and processes are usually remotely located and accessed via the net. The only difference between this and cloud computing is that hardware resources are notwasted. Currently on the net there is a big push from individuals and groups to participate in the open-source development of a more comprehensive browser OS for cloud computing. It is a tactic that has been successfully applied by other organizations; most notably the Magento platform, who are one of the leading developers / purveyors of eCommerce software and design. The idea is to cut costs while at the same time opening up access to a much larger pool of ideas from individuals that would otherwise (through traditional development means) never be able to provide input. The development and implementation of a truly great browser OS will mark the beginnings of a brighter future for cloud computing in general. It may very well be that browser-client operating systems (through cloud computing) will only appeal to a select group of individuals at first. But over time, (as with other organizations that were initially apprehensive about cloud computing) their abilities and beneficial traits will be broadcast throughout the world, leading to more widespread use.


Cloud Application Development Tools

even more options and plasticity than has ever been previously possible. Because cloud networks or infrastructures are often extremely complex, there can be serious issues when it comes time to integrate a newly developed application. Cloud application development tools were created

loud computing platforms offer software designers

to provide a standardized and convenient set of methods for crafting applications that are both compatible with current cloud builds/platforms and easy to integrate with them as well. The purpose of cloud AD tools is to streamline the process of creating functional elements that can further facilitate cloud functions and usability.

Developing applications for use in cloud computing is facilitated through the use of specific development tools that interact with the runtime environment (of the cloud). There are essentially two types, sets or classes of application development tools; one uses the standard programming language(s), and the other may utilize a graphical interface (or similar) to allow even a non-experienced programmer to design effective applications for various uses. Obviously more complex or critical applications (which might be responsible for running critical processes) cannot be designed through the use of a graphical interface alone; however, there are certain libraries (like those based on Java) that may allow for a combination of both graphical and proprietarymethods.


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Cloud appliCation deVelopment tools

Depending on how deeply embedded within the structure of the cloud the newly designed application is, (resting on the top or inside the runtime environment, for example) the need for more highly skilled programmers will become necessary. Those applications that are to be integrated with the cloud platform itself are often developed utilizing both graphical interfaces and standard programming languages simultaneously. The real benefit here is that large portions of an application (thats under development) can be created via graphical interface; when the time comes to integrate and refine, proprietary methods will be utilized. Each platform (APaaS or a SEAP, for example) has its own specific set of tools that must be used to create applications for them. Many of the toolsets that exist for each individual platform are often integrated into the system itself, from inception. This takes much of the weight off of individual developers in terms of designing applications that will mesh well with the existing architecture. However, the possibility of encountering potential issues is still extremely high, especially as more intensive and complex operations are involved / concerned. These types of situations can only be resolved by expert programmers with an advanced knowledge of traditional programming languages andmethods. The range and scope of cloud application development tools is always expanding. And with every new breakthrough in terms of function, there are usually additional methodologies for cloud-based


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Cloud appliCation deVelopment tools

application development (that may become part of the cloud AD tools library). In truth, there is no limit to what an individual could potentially accomplish through the use of cloud application development tools. Using them to create better systems for conducting business operations is big plus; and of course, cloud AD tools are also useful for making adjustments/changes to an existing cloud infrastructure aswell.


Cloud-Driven Business and IT Services

n the modern world of business, computing is merging with






organizations business and/or IT operations. It should also come as no surprise that computing is having a significant impact on the way that businesses accumulate data, manage operations and analyze their activities. In fact, analysis provided courtesy of computers often greatly factors into how a business makes future decisions in all areas of its operation.

and directly contributing to both the manner and the method by which any business conducts their operations. Leveraging the power of cloud computing to help businesses achieve specific goals and tasks is certainly an intelligent move. There are essentially two ways that cloud-driven services can be utilized, which correlate (in various combinations) with

These are just some of the reasons why there are specific organizations that provide services in the area of business and IT development. Since cloud computing is designed to aggregate data in ways that make it much easier to analyze, collect as well as make projections upon, it only makes sense that these service companies would utilize it (cloud computing) to service other organizations.


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Cloud-driVen business and it serViCes

The two areas that cloud-driven business and IT service (providers) deal in, they are: Consultancy/maintenance/analysis Specific solutions/actions

As stated earlier, running a business in todays world necessitates the use of sophisticated computational networks (some much more than others); one of the ways that cloud service organizations assist businesses is in a consultant or analysis capacity. It may be difficult or impossible for a business person to make an informed decision regarding their technological assets without the assistance of specialists. How do these specialists assist business owners and/or IT managers? They provide a variety of information that includes (but is not limited to) the following: Analysis of IT infrastructure and architecture Consulting/Advising Creation of a contingency plan (for cloud security and emergency action) Integrating new elements into a pre-established system Regular testing procedures Analysis of business strategy/effectiveness


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Cloud-driVen business and it serViCes

But their range of service may not end there. Often times, a cloud services organization will be asked to extend their operation into other business-intensive areas like: The management of specific programs. Creating brokerages to sell additional services. Ensuring the proper deployment of additional services. Fostering an environment that brings clients together. Ensuring legal and operational compliances/certifications are met. The focus of a cloud services organization with regards to consultancy / maintenance / analysis is basically to make sure that other organizations know how to use their cloud technology and what to use it for. In many cases it may be necessary to give them (the enterprise paying for services) a detailed account of how individual tech elements directly influence their operations and strategy. This is done so that more informed decisions can be made, thereby increasing productivity, efficiency and eliminating future risk(s).

Specific Solutions/Actions
If a cloud services organization isnt communicating directly with (business) management they are probably dealing with that organizations IT department and manager. Nevertheless, the same rules apply; the only difference is that most of the data, analysis and


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Cloud-driVen business and it serViCes

advice will be geared toward helping IT professionals implement, manage, maintain and/or derive a series of solutions that can be used with regards to a cloud network. Many of the concerns in this area will be dealing with cloud architecture(s) and/or specific services that may have been requested by an enterprise. Often times, there is little common ground between those in business and those in information technology (theyre often speaking entirely different languages, so to speak, with entirely different objectives in mind). As a result, there tends to be miscommunication and/or loss of valuable data that could be used to derive more constructive business solutions and objectives. The goal in this regard is to help businesses achieve or discover more ways to integrate their technical capabilities and know how with their business knowledge and objectives. Specifically, how cloud computing might offer those in business and IT management additional ways to communicate with one another, solve problems, integrate various systems that are already in place and develop better strategies for future decision making. . Cloud-driven business and IT service organizations exist to find ways to improve the speed, fluidity and manner with which businesses conduct their operations. They are essential in many cases because most organizations are severely lacking in their knowledge and understanding of cloud-based technology and/or how to provide their own clientele with specific services utilizing these technologies. And given that many organizations might be improperly utilizing their


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Cloud-driVen business and it serViCes

own technological / computing resources (with regards to analysis of business strategy), there is also an additional need for many businesses to be able to determine how to best collect, analyze and craft new strategies. This is best accomplished by hiring a cloud-driven business and IT services organization to create new systems of measurement/ analysis as well as instruct those present on how to best implement these systems.


Cloud Management Platforms




cloud is

actually managing their network, obviously). If an individual or company is simply leasing access to a cloud providers hardware, then they will be able to take advantage of the myriad options available from the various cloud management (cloud platforms out there as well. If however, a CMP management platform) is integrated with other hosted services (as we will look at later) there may be more or fewer options available to enterprises.



to essentially oversee virtually all aspects of a cloud network; ensuring its capabilities, functionalities and development. A cloud management platform is an essential tool for individuals like IT managers or those lucky enough to actually own a private cloud. (Individuals or groups that use bundled services from a cloud provider do not have to concern themselves with

What does a cloud management platform specifically oversee/manage? Design elements, server architecture(s), deployments, application usage, and even websites that are based in a cloud network are just a few of the things that a cloud management platform deals with. Think of it as a dashboard interface that controls the finer/critical elements of a cloud network. On the low end of the spectrum, a cloud management platform might simply continuously monitor the activities going on inside the cloud. Upper level functions of a cloud management platform might involve


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Cloud management platforms

creating adaptable environments / conditions for different types of system integration. Performance and availability are also key factors as to how efficiently a cloud network is behaving; these issues are usually dealt with by the cloud management platform as well. Security is also an area that is touched upon by cloud management platforms; through them, it is possible to isolate users so that any other type of application program interface they connect with will be unable to compromise their individual security. Cloud management platforms are also able to ensure complete security of an entire network by means of creating images of the system architecture and structure; this may be done as often as desired. The job of the CMP is to act in an administrative capacity, not actually running systems or processes that are inherently necessary. They can however manage individual applications and help ensure that the right types of decisions are being made on a continuous basis so that the functionality of a network is not jeopardized (by individual or groups of applications). One of the great benefits of a standardized cloud management platform is its ability to transfer data and processes from one system to another. In effect, entire clouds can be copied and pasted by CMPs, from one hardware stack to another. When you couple this with the ability of cloud management platforms to automatically scale to the network and storage capabilities that are present on-site, you have an extremely powerful set of tools at your disposal.


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Cloud management platforms

Because CMPs are so incredibly customizable, they are unique to every individual cloud network. One of the emerging dissonances between traditional grid based computing and cloud computing is the number of options that are offered to cloud network managers; grid networks are often assembled from off the shelf software and hardware and tweaked according to the conditions where they reside (and the needs of those on the network). In fact, (grid networking is most unlike cloud networking in that) hardware and software are usually intended to be used/bundled together in grid networking and cloud networking (which is driven via software/code) can take advantage of any type of additional hardware. Software is what drives cloud computing, cloud management platforms are essentially a streamlined way of enabling software and hardware to work more efficiently with one another. Some companies are even beginning to offer a type of self-service cloud management platform / solution that essentially gives users and businesses the option to control every aspect of the hosted cloud service. This includes everything from the CMP end to their individual service options. These types of hosting/service providers are essentially trying to integrate the core functionality found in many top end cloud management platforms with various levels of additional cloud services. For users/IT mangers that are familiar with the ins and outs of cloud computing/networking this type of arrangement would be an excellent solution and give them everything they need to jump start their cloud network and keep it operating smoothly.


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Cloud management platforms

It is unclear how organizations that offer cloud management platforms will further partner and/or integrate with the emerging cloud-based software/application models. Cloud computing is a very software intensive field; yet the true depth of what can be accomplished (within a software environment) has yet to be fully explored or implemented into the types of cloud environments that are currently in operation. The truth it seems is that cloud computing offers us a dizzying range of possibilities and weve yet to fully explore them. Cloud management platforms essentially provide the glue that allows several cloud elements (cloud applications / software, networks, hardware, cloud providers, cloud developers) to function properly.


Cloud Parallel Processing

the Current state of Cloud parallel proCessing and how it
might affeCt the indiVidual user


arallel processing is essentially multithreading on a much scale. Multithreading is

accomplished faster, powerfully and more efficiently. In most instances, multithreading is employed as a hardware function; traditionally, software multithreading is not used (at the individual level) to process tasks that place a heavy burden on system resources.

utilized in situations involving both hardware and software; its purpose is to essentially divide and conquer, or evenly distribute workloads so that functions can be

In cloud computing parallel processing might entail using multiple versions of the same operating system, program, virtualized hardware or simultaneous versions of the same machine in order to boost computing power and speed. The problem with parallel processing (as it relates to cloud computing) is that there is currently a lack of language or code to adequately support, integrate or utilize it. The obvious solution (for lack of resources within the context of cloud computing) is to simply give individual users the capability to requisition the additional resources needed to perform a task or series of tasks. The problem with this however is that many (nearly all)


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Cloud parallel proCessing

of the applications / programs that run within the cloud computing framework are not currently fully compatible with parallel processing. Or perhaps a better way of putting it would be; they are not capable of taking advantage of everything that parallel processing has to offer. This of course means that software designers (as well as cloud developers) are going to need to find or create new ways of adapting these applications or programs for use in a multi-core / processing situation. Basically there is a huge potential here for individuals, businesses and cloud computing in general. The power and scope of parallel processing is vast and untapped, once more developers become aware of the inherent potential (of parallel processing) there will be a surge in this area. A comparable illustration of the current scenario; it would be like giving an automobile to a rural town thats only familiar with the horse and cart, it will take them a while to figure out how to drive this new invention as well as how to best use it. The most obvious place to begin employing parallel processing is within the realms of multimedia. Parallel processing could also put an end to many of the online performance issues that consumers are apt to complain about. Despite the prevalence of broadband services worldwide, many individual users are still somewhat hampered by the slow performance of online video, gaming, as well as other types of multimedia viewing. Just imagine being able to run multiple versions of the same program without error or performance lag. For example, programs like


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Cloud parallel proCessing

Photoshop (which is known to over exploit and hog system resources) utilize multiple threads to perform their operations. If a graphic designer wants to work on multiple projects simultaneously they have to open and run them within one application framework. Not only does this bog down their system, but it also can limit them creatively. With parallel processing they could run entirely separate versions of the same program all at the same time without any performance lag or deterioration. This could eventually lead to a re-thinking of the way that software is designed and implemented, paving the way for new programs that are set up to run multiple instances instead of justthreads. There are essentially two schools of thought when it comes to the current state of cloud computing. One sees it as the phasing out of the era of the personal computer; with its own hardware and software. The other sees it as a bridge to a new way computing on a grand scale. Both of these observations are true in a sense, but where one group may see something as being wholly negative, the other sees potential. Obviously there will be growing pains; the current model of computing did not simply spring up overnight either, it took many years of toil, trial and error to reach its current state. The real argument in the for or against cloud computing debate is really about how all these past discoveries are being utilized in a future model. How does this relate to parallel processing? In many ways parallel processing is one of the next evolutionary phases in the development of cloud computing itself. The power that parallel processing offers to the individual is


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Cloud parallel proCessing

unsurpassed and unprecedented in the history of personal computing. For the average person to attain the kind of power offered by PP they would have to invest in a very expensive system, which would be far outside of the means of the majority of individuals. In truth however, the power offered to the individual by a parallel processing system is virtually limitless; accruing that same level of power would essentially entail the individual user building their own private cloud, which is extremely unreasonable. In the end it all comes down to whether or not you would like your computing service(s) to be akin to a utility (water/electricity) or something that you self manage. Once the kinks have been worked out and parallel processing becomes commonplace (assuming that they are able to work out the inherent problems) the individual is going to be able to do more than ever before, and all for a very slim price tag. On a grander scale, parallel processing might very well raise global expectations for the speed and efficiency of delivered data over the net. The prevalence of parallel processing could very well lead to a fundamental shift in consumer expectations as well.


Cloud Services Brokerage

the middlemen between proViders and Consumers

act as the middlemen between cloud providers and consumers) will become increasingly important over the next decade. They are also predicting that these same brokerage firms will also be responsible for driving profits and innovation forward. Why brokers and not developers or consumers? As with other types of businesses, developers/manufacturers often lack the tools or know-how to

any experts are predicting that brokerage firms (which

reach a broad consumer base. In any type of business it is the job of the broker to find ways to package goods and/or services in ways that benefit both producers and consumers. In most cases the actions of a brokerage firm will actually provide the producer (in this case, a cloud computing provider) with additional profits and ideas, which in turn will allow them to narrow their focus toward technical considerations and innovations.

Most people are resigned to think of brokerage firms as unnecessary (or yet another set of players that must be paid) participants which drive up profits to compensate for their salaries. The truth is that by virtue of the participation of brokerage firms a business can often increase profits many times over, find ways to reach an entirely new demographic as well as broaden their overall appeal. In fact, (as is often


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Cloud serViCes brokerage

the case) marketing ideas from brokerage firms often find their way back to the research and development departments of providers which usually results in entirely new perceptions about what a product does or can do. The bottom line is that no matter how brilliant and/or groundbreaking a concept, service or product is it needs additional personnel to bring it to the market so to speak; this is of course what brokerage firms specialize in.

Multiple Types of Brokers for Multiple Cloud Types

As is the case with other web related services, brokers will likely form businesses with the intent of connecting specific types of consumers to cloud services. This means that there will be brokerage firms that will emerge that cater only to businesses within specific fields (like information technology, manufacturers, factories, offices, pharmaceuticals). Likewise, there will be brokerages that will concentrate on and cater to individual consumers only. The group(s) that a cloud brokerage firm caters to will depend largely on what type(s) of service(s) that they are promoting and of course, their consumers needs (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS). For example, IaaS (Infrastructure as a service, which has the widest appeal) will be angled toward both individual users as well as large businesses simply because it offers the user virtually everything they need (software, code, access, hardware, virtualized hardware, storage, security). Large businesses will be able to take advantage of the lower costs of operation with IaaS as well. Less involved types of cloud services like SaaS and PaaS (Software


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Cloud serViCes brokerage

as a Service, Platform as a Service) will be marketed by brokerages to moderate to larger sized businesses that have the capabilities of filling in the technological gaps with either their own developments or that which they contract out to additional groups. These three service models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) give brokerage houses the flexibility to create their own customized service packages to market directly to consumers. After a significant amount of marketing data has been collected, brokerages will then be able to determine what any particular demographics cloud computing needs really are. This data will then serve as the template for their individual service packages which are aimed at specific types of buyers. Brokerage firms will also work with both consumers and developers on the software side of things as well. The ultimate aim of these firms is to provide a buffet of available services and software options that the end user or IT manager can then pick and choose from. The old system of deployment (grid-based software and hardware) is flawed in that large amounts of money are spent on software and hardware that are often never even used (or used in a minimal percentage). A cloud-based setup will not only cut the costs of operation for many groups and individuals but it will also cut the amount of time spent learning or adapting to a new system by a significant amount as well. And for those companies that are not ready to take the plunge into cloud computing just yet, (but would still like to use cloud services as a


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Cloud serViCes brokerage

way to collect and store static data) there will be brokerages that offer data service packages. These brokerages will essentially be selling companies a system that they can use to collect point of sale data, which will be extremely beneficial to retail enterprises, for example. It is through this type of soft selling that many businesses may become turned on to the idea of cloud computing in a big way. With regards to cloud computing, brokers are needed to generate the revenue that is needed in order to lay the groundwork for the next phase in its development. Cloud brokers are essentially propagating the very idea of cloud computing throughout the market itself, which is no easy task. When big developments and changes come along (like cloud computing) there is a learning curve as well as a new set of technological possibilities that the market and consumers alike must adapt to and familiarize themselves with. It is the job of cloud brokerages to find new ways to enhance the outward appeal of this new technology.


Cloud Testing Tools and Service

how Cloud testing works and what it is used for









service(s) are not mutually

companies that may allow an individual or organization to handle the task themselves. Additionally, there are currently more than a few companies that are offering tailored services in the area of cloud testing for extremely low costs as well.

exclusive; in fact, very little has been developed in the way of specific tools and/or services to help test public or private clouds. Most cloud testing today is being performed via automated services, but there are software

What Is Cloud Testing and what Is Its Purpose?

There are essentially three reasons why someone might need to test a cloud in the first place; they are all load balancing and stress related. To ascertain the load balancing abilities of the cloud or a website. Data or resources may be distributed across a cloud in an unpredictable manner; through the use of cloud testing a cloud manager can determine what changes, if any, need to be made to ensure that a proper load-balancing effect is achieved when a higher volume of traffic is present. To simulate large volumes of traffic in order to determine what


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Cloud testing tools and serViCe

the limitations of a cloud or website are. By simulating extremely large volumes of traffic you can determine the maximum number of users that can be present before some critical failure occurs. This allows a cloud manager / owner to not only make better policy decisions about the use of their cloud but also provides them with a real world figure concerning usage of their system. To discover and correct any possible glitches/errors before they are encountered by real users/visitors. Through the application of a rigorous and thorough testing procedure it is possible to effectively identify potential problem areas and remedy them before users have a chance to discover them for themselves (which could result in the loss of ongoing work or other important data). This is particularly valuable for cloud provider organizations, as their operations are dependant on paying customers to whom they provide services. Cloud testing is also necessary whenever additional hardware is added to an existing cloud network. Not only does testing the entire cloud with the additional hardware resources added tell you what new capabilities have been added, but it also can alert those in charge of any potential problem areas as well.


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Cloud testing tools and serViCe

How Is Cloud Testing Performed?

Remote or on-site software applications can be loaded up to simulate the type and volume of traffic that might be experienced under normal operating conditions. A series of complex user scenarios are loaded and used to generate traffic from around the globe; the results of these simulations are then observed and tabulated on-site (or even off-site in some cases) wherever the hardware stacks (of the cloud) are located via software. Those performing the test are looking for certain criteria or evidence that will tell them what changes (if any) need tobeeffected. A conventional standards and practices board for cloud testing does not currently exist, nor does a set of established standards for various cloud builds concerning imposed limitations or rule sets. The development of such institutions may take several years of prolonged experimentation, data gathering and evidence presentation. Many of the best solutions concerning cloud testing are still under investigation and those companies that are undertaking the task of actually performing cloud testing are relatively small organizations. However, more and more global tech companies are beginning to slowly develop their own cloud-based tools and services; this will lead to a direct demand for more qualified tests and testing procedures.


a.k.a. oVerdrafting, reVerse Cloudbursting & Cloud balanCing

ne of the most heavily discussed topics in cloud





type of situation is infrequently encountered, many organizations simply opt to temporarily requisition their additional cloud hardware/resources (offsite or from another provider). It simply does not make sense for most organizations to purchase additional resources just to cover these overdraft periods (because they would not be used at any other time), and by renting additional resources they are able to save quite a lot of capital.

computing is that of cloudbursting or cloud balancing as it is often called. Cloudbursting is essentially a load balancing measure or set of measures that seeks to accrue more resources for a cloud (or cloud user) that has exceeded their hardware / bandwidth limitations. By most accounts, cloudbursting only becomes a necessity in times where peak levels of traffic are experienced across an entire

How Does Cloudbursting Work?

Once the limits of a cloud network have been reached (in terms of storage space or computing power) requests are sent out to other requisitioned servers to make up the difference. One of the current limitations of this new model is a lack of proper management software tools that can create tiers for data streams so that newly requisitioned


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resources can be implemented. In other words, cloudbursting is sort of a work in progress. As it currently stands, cloudbursting may be best used as a form of temporary offsite data storage; all integral processes and virtualization might be better handled on-site or via the chief cloud services provider.

Security Concerns of Cloudbursting

One growing area of concern around cloudbursting is that of security; more specifically, can it be guaranteed? The security around cloudbursting is not as solid as what is found in a typical cloud environment. That is not to say that it can not be secured using the same methods employed by large scale cloud service providers; its just that at the current moment its not. This is the reason why many specialists in the field of cloudbursting recommend it for non-critical processes that do not include the use or transfer of sensitive data/information. So basically, applications that dont involve a complex: Infrastructure System/series integration Set of internal structures that are vital to the core data center Application delivery structure Series of components


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For retail and / or eCommerce businesses, using cloudbursting must be approached very carefully. Resigning customer data to a public cloud could lead to an eventual leak of data. And theres no better way to lose face than by letting customer information and data fall into the wrong hands.

How Does Cloudbursting Differ from IaaS or PaaS?

Many individuals may be quick to draw comparisons between established types of cloud services such as Infrastructure as a Service or Platform as a Service (which both essentially offer cloud users access to an array of hardware resources). The difference is that cloudbursting is done to supplement the software structures that have already been established by a service or private cloud. Cloudbursting is not a permanent solution in this sense, just a temporary fix. It is for this very reason (lack of runtime and software resources) that cloudbursting should be regarded as a more affordable solution than a conventional upgrade of service or hardware.

Incompatibility Issues
Another potential problem with cloudbursting is the incompatibility of the various runtime environments or components of the host network and the cloudbursting one. The typical workaround in these types of situations involves the use of hybrid environment management tools. Whether or not this will work properly is dependant on the platform


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that both clouds are operating on (they are usually required to be utilizing the same platform). Cloudbursting is an excellent way to supplement your current cloud network or hosted cloud services in times of need; but as your business / organization continues to expand it may only be a temporary fix. Excessive implementation of cloudbursting is a definite signifier that additional hardware resources need to amassed or a more extensive/encompassing cloud service plan must be adopted. However, in the short term cloudbursting remains an excellent solution for supplementing networks that operate within the realms of retail or eCommerce sales. Many cloud providers are extending their services to include hybrid cloud capabilities so that cloudbursting will no longer be an issue of concern among their customers.


Community Cloud
faCts and Considerations

the resources of an extensive cloud network is not a new one. Cloud vendors routinely utilize community clouds in cases where multiple organizations share the same area of interest or background; for example, one of the mostly commonly referenced areas such as this would be healthcare. But area

he concept of multiple organizations sharing

of interest is not the only reason that a group of organizations might share a community cloud, perhaps they require the same type(s) of security or compliances. There are an endless number of reasons as to why a community cloud might be formed, but the real question is; when is it (community cloud) a good idea and when is it a bad idea?

An interesting feature of community clouds is that they can be managed in several different ways. For instance: Every organization can appoint their own manager to deal with their own resources. A third party may be appointed to oversee management of the entire community cloud. All involved organizations can hold a meeting to appoint a joint cloud manager.


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Community Cloud

A head manager may be appointed who works in conjunction with branch managers from every organization participating in the community cloud.

Community clouds have mostly been resigned to governmental organizations, but are quickly finding their way into the public sector. The biggest roadblock for implementing the community cloud model in the public sector (en masse) is lack of resources. Most public organizations simply do not have the capital, expertise, or access to the equipment needed to effectively pull off a community cloud scenario. This is slowly changing however, the technology behind cloud computing is being disseminated by more and more people every day after all.

Community Cloud Considerations

Establishing a community cloud warrants an investigation into several areas; most notably: How will availability and/or potential security breach issues be handled (from a legal perspective)? How are operational/maintenance costs divided among those participating in the community cloud venture? How will the managing body distribute the cloud resources? (Will they be prorated? For example) Will there be contracts involved? And if so, who will draw up said contracts?


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Community Cloud

Are there any special considerations to be made concerning security? Will the community cloud be open geographically? How will the establishment of services be paid for? Who will be responsible for establishing a management structure?

Setting up, running and operating a community cloud is a bit like running a hospital or classroom; there are inevitably going to be problems and mishaps, so you must have a contingency plan in place to deal with these issues. One of the reasons that businesses have neglected to implement or participate in community cloud networks is due to a lack of established security regulations/procedures. As it is, no organization currently oversees or provides any type of authenticated security verification for the processes, structure or establishment of community cloud services. For businesses, a lack of either availability or security ultimately translates into loss of profits. Any business participating in a community cloud scenario should make sure that all data transmitted (both to and from) should be double encrypted; meaning, data remains encrypted when stable and when being transmitted. And as with any other type of cloud network, community clouds must also be able to offer individual organizations a set of emergency options; basically, all data must be backed-up in another location in order to allow them to speedily recover important files.


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Community Cloud

Since many different organizations may share in the development and operation of a community cloud, they also share in the cost of establishing it. This essentially provides two massive benefits: The greater the number of companies involved, the more capital is available to invest; conversely, the lower the individual investors cost. More investment funds directly translate into more hardware / software / virtualized resources. The more organizations that are involved, the more powerful the system becomes. There are certain inhibitors in a community cloud however, such as software licensing. You would assume that since a group of organizations inhabit the same community cloud that they would be able to share software licenses, this is not the case. Software licenses are generally limited to specific or individual organizations; a community cloud does not constitute an organization (though they share resources, they do not share profits). But this is also true of any other type of cloud or grid networking/computing, so it should not be that much of an inhibiting factor. One of the biggest selling points of the community cloud model is that it does not require individual organizations to provide their own IT departments / infrastructures. This is great news for companies looking to run their operation sans an IT department (thereby freeing up


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Community Cloud

additional budgetary resources), but could be potentially bad for those organizations that are intensively involved in tech-related matters. It is estimated / predicted that many cloud service providers will eventually begin marketing individual community clouds to organizations of similar type or design. And theres no disputing that this makes sense, at least from a logical perspective. If there are 10 healthcare organizations that are looking for cloud services it only makes sense to bundle them together. Doing so might even allow cloud managers to set up specific public areas within the community cloud that would allow everyone to access medical research and/or patient files, thereby more efficiently utilizing their resources. As with any other development in computer networking, community clouds are yet another stepping stone toward a more perfect model for businesses and organizations to create, share and communicate both internally and externally. Whether or not the community cloud model that currently exists will become the standard model for business / organizational computer networking remains to be seen. The community cloud model is however a significant advancement in terms of networking infrastructure; if its inherent design scruples can be dealt with in a comprehensive manner it may offer businesses and organizations a completely streamlined way of running their operations.


Virtual Private Cloud Computing

computing professionals aspire to; but the technology required and the expenses needed to establish such feat are far outside the means of most. However, there is a way of achieving this dream without having to make any significant investments, hire your own IT team or learn to manage/operate/program new hardware/software. The answer of course is virtual private cloud

wning a private cloud is a dream that many dedicated

computing, but just what is it exactly? Think of a VPC (virtual private cloud) as a section of resources (that exist on an already established cloud network) that have been requisitioned or cordoned off for access by a limited number of individuals (in many cases just one person). Virtual private cloud computing is an excellent solution for smaller businesses as well, especially in cases of smaller offices which may only consist of around 2-5 terminals.

There are several reasons why virtual private cloud computing is desirable over the public cloud model; one of the more common reasons is security. VPCs often utilize their own individual intrusion detection and security systems. These security measures are relegated to the VPN and are not responsible for any other portion of the larger community cloud structure; this allows them to be much more efficient in their duties (when compared to security measures that are tasked with scanning much larger volumes of hardware and data). In fact, it would seem that most people opting for VPC computing are lulled into it because of the added security benefits. For most VPCs there are two security elements at play; the security infrastructure of the parent cloud network and the security system of the VPN itself.


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Virtual priVate Cloud Computing

VPCs are also just as flexible as other cloud computing network models. So independent or third party management tools can still be utilized to keep the VPC on track. And of course, most cloud computing providers allow for a wide range of options concerning the features of a virtual private cloud; this would also include scaling considerations and the number of gateways available at any given time. And as stated earlier, virtual private clouds can be used in strictly supplemental capacities; relegating a VPC to a specific application(s) or a service is a fairly common practice. Virtual private clouds can also be completely isolated from internet; this may be desired for a number of reasons not the least of which concerns data security or daily redundancy (back-up) procedures. But these are not the only ways that virtual private clouds can be established or used, they can also be used to solely requisition specific services or strictly in a supplemental capacity (when cloudbursting or overdrafting is necessary, for example). There are even some cloud providers exploring the possibility of using virtual private clouds for disaster recovery purposes only; this would essentially give their clients (who operate on a public network) the ability to safely back-up their data on a separate VPN. Whoever is providing the VPC service still controls all of the elements of the infrastructure (which the virtualized private cloud is a part of ); this means that the VPC user/owner is not really responsible for managing (the infrastructure) or maintaining any hardware resources. This is truly the best part about VPC computing, you get access to the features and power of cloud computing but you dont have to physically deal with


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Virtual priVate Cloud Computing

the technical aspects of running the system (the hardware required for running a cloud network can be quite expensive to maintain, these costs are well outside the range that individuals can afford to pay). It should be noted that the service offered by VPCs will be (in many ways) completely identical to the services offered by the larger cloud infrastructure(s). The main difference is simply the level of access and customization capacity of virtual private cloud computing. Often times, a cloud computing provider may offer their larger clients a series of VPCs as part of their purchased package. In cases such as this, choosing how to best utilize these VPCs may be at the clients sole discretion. Many often opt to offer them to management or set them aside for use in delivering/storing company email. Virtual private cloud computing is simply not an option in cases of large scale deployment or usage by increasing numbers of individuals; there are of course larger cloud models that were designed to carry such loads. But for individuals and smaller businesses, the VPC computing model is certainly more than capable of delivering applicable levels of service, security and strength. Many cloud service providers are moving toward marketing VPC computing toward individual consumers (that may operate outside of the realm of business). Regardless of who may be utilizing them, VPCs offer individuals and small groups the same features (and a comparable level of power) as the larger community cloud structures, but with the added benefit of personalized access and security.


Cloud APaaS
a Closer look at the serViCe model that driVes Change and
growth within the Cloud

cloud computing along with PaaS style offerings. In fact, APaaS are often confused for one another or used interchangeably. PaaS or platform as a service, compro-

PaaS exists somewhere in the middleware section of

mises the applications servers like BPM, DBMS, ESBs, Messaging, Portals, as well as others. APaaS or Application Platform as a Service is more or less a horizontal extension of the types of offerings put forth in PaaS.

What Does APaaS Specifically Handle or Seek to Accomplish?

In addition to data storage (data basing) and development tools, APaaS is a type of service model that gives cloud software developers the power to actually do their jobs, and do them well. Within the APaaS system, the actual software architectures of applications are built and established. It is also within this layer that overall portability (and the ability of an application to function alongside a bevy of other cloud applications as well as operating systems) is established. Since most of the actual developmental breakthroughs (both in terms of software and overall cloud usability) occur within the realms of the middleware (PaaS, APaaS), it makes sense that a great deal of attention is paid to it. While upper and lower end cloud architectures certainly serve their purposes, it is the middleware that individual users will actually see


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Cloud apaas

and interact with, and as a result, they will also retain the highest level of visibility (with respect to cloud computing news as well as financial contributions). APaaS gives software developers a solid chunk of platform that they can stand on, with its own impressive workbench of tools, while they are constructing and envisioning new possibilities. The true selling point of APaaS however is its ability to provide accurate feedback regarding the functionality and compatibility of applications that are still under development. This is extremely important to software developers, who can take serious losses (in terms of both money and time spent) if they produce an application that simply wont function in an environment, behave as expected once deployed, or function in a compatible manner with other elements in a cloud infrastructure. These are the principal reasons why businesses are intently pouring funds into APaaS right now, the platform itself offers them a much higher percentage outcome that the applications that they are developing (either directly or indirectly via financial contribution) will turn out as expected; thereby increasing the potential of future returns on their investment. In other words, APaaS makes sense from a prudent financial standpoint because it gives investors a greater shot at producing whats often referred to as a sure thing. And of course, for those companies that want to run their IT and/or software development projects through an APaaS, they need only pay subscription fees and not licensing fees. What is the benefit here? Subscription is substantially cheaper than licensing and offers its own


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Cloud apaas

benefits when paired with cloud APaaS. Most APaaS packages that are put together for designers are often much easier to use than most standardized design tools. And these packages often allow software development teams to integrate and share their ongoing work more smoothly as well as run an entire project from start to finish much faster than with other types of interfaces/systems. Businesses in particular are extremely excited about the potential of cloud APaaS to provide them with next generation solutions to ongoing as well as future problems. One unforeseen benefit of utilizing APaaS is its ability to greatly cut the amount of time required for software development, from problem identification to deployment of the supposed software solution. The global emergence of APaaS will no doubt lead to the creation of a number of companies that will utilize the tools of APaaS to create their own business model; one that seeks to provide yet another proprietary service aimed at delivering timely solutions to business software issues. One particular area that could use the help is enterprise software, for example. Enterprise software (which is essentially business intensive software) is often hard to manage, difficult to customize and frequently falls short in its functionalities. When you couple these shortcomings with the fact that it is often quite expensive, you have a serious problem. An obvious solution for dealing with enterprise software problems would be the deployment of an APaaS-style service. Not only would this greatly increase the overall functionality of expensive enterprise business software, but it would also allow for a great range of customization, as


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Cloud apaas

well as the option for integrating it with other cloud services and / or networking opportunities. APaaS was created to make the lives of software designers, developers and investors much easier. It is through the use of APaaS that many excellent next generation apps have been developed and many experts in the field of cloud computing agree that it is APaaS that will produce some of the upcoming game changing applications that will actually shape the future of cloud computing in general.


Cloud Computing for the Enterprise

how indiVidual Cloud Computing serViCes are being
independently implemented by Companies in a Variety of ways

t is common (in todays world of cloud computing) to find com-

are doing so outside of the knowledge and influence of their own IT department. This segregation of technological resources in a business is often unintentional and could be viewed as potentially harmful in many respects.

panies utilizing individual cloud services/models like IaaS or PaaS within one particular department. Often times, the department that is utilizing these cloud services

But the segregation between IT and individual departments is often not the only problem. There is also often an extremely wide divide between the resources and knowledge of an IT department and the analytical and decision making elements of a business. For cloud computing, this is a major problem. However, there are two plausible outcomes that might very well lead toward a final reconciliation of sorts between these two elements. One, the blossoming importance of cloud computing coupled with its myriad resources for businesses will push business management(s) toward reintegrating with IT elements in new / better ways. Two, as more and more successes and savings are garnered through the use of cloud services and applications, businesses may see it fit to create a new management element that specifically interfaces with IT and tech, but is a part of the executive


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Cloud Computing for the enterprise

chain of command so to speak. Either way, the high level of resources and possibilities offered by cloud computing provides enterprises with many new ways of conducting their operations as well as analyzing, deploying, organizing and utilizing their data.

Technical Services Segregation and Integration

Arguably the biggest reason to push toward fully integrating, or at least making the IT department aware that individual departments are using a la carte cloud services is security. Let us look at this from the perspective of the IT department. They are working toward creating a computing environment that is efficient, performance-based and secure for users to do their work in. Suddenly, they discover that all of their hard work is going to waste due to the fact that users in one sector have allowed full access to their private network to some outside vendor or organization unbeknownst to them. It is impossible for an IT department to make the proper preparations for daily and emergency protocols if there are rogue elements floating around that are operating outside of their knowledge. Before any new cloud services are established it should be imperative that these plans are first approved by the IT infrastructure thats already in place. In doing so, you are not only avoiding potential security mishaps that might spring up, but you are also be giving the IT department the opportunity to determine if what you need is actually the best possible option. It is extremely likely that the IT professionals


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Cloud Computing for the enterprise

working at your company might have an even better solution based on your original idea/recommendation(s). The ability of a proposed cloud service to keep data safe is very important, but so is its ability to offer a high level of availability as well as provide these things in a cost effective manner. Basically, the cost of the proposed added service(s) must be weighed by both the IT and business leaders to determine if it can truly offer what is being promised in a way that is better and cheaper than the resources of the current / local infrastructure. This is yet another reason why businesses need to establish a new organizational head that is well versed in IT/technological concerns as well as business ones. It would also be necessary to determine how to integrate these new types of services with the present infrastructure; or to determine if such a thing is even possible in the first place. After a cloud service or service package has been decided upon, there is an additional problem to consider. Who is going to be in charge of this integration process, and who will ensure that cloud-based services and on-site networks are working together to meet the demands/ needs of the business itself? This is yet another reason that an official position overseeing the realms of IT / business / cloud integration must be established. As it is, a knowledgeable IT manager should be more than capable of handling the technical tasks, but would need to form a close personal relationship with a liaison that is a member of executive management. Having an IT manager is simply answer to or report to this person is not a good idea and is insufficient for the scope


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Cloud Computing for the enterprise

of the integration process. They must form a partnership where a free exchange of ideas and information can take place. Many of the ideas that will be put forth will come from the IT department; it would then be up to the business management to decide how to best implement these ideas. If an IT manager is simply reporting their findings, the business people wont have a clue as to best utilize the information. Another possible outside threat of cloud computing integration is the possibility that the cloud computing service provider(s) might merge with other elements or terminate their services permanently. If you have established your computing/networking infrastructures on a system thats deployed by a company that goes out of business or drastically alters their operating procedures; well, you can see how that might be a problem. This kind of flub could severely interrupt the flow of business operations, perhaps in extreme cases, destroying a company by means of profit losses. How to avoid this situation? Make sure the service contracts include reparations/actions for these types of scenarios. Better yet, only do business with cloud vendors that are firmly established or are affiliated with larger megalithic institutions. For businesses, cloud computing can open doors to possibilities that will make their everyday operations much easier and more efficient. But it could also propel them forward by means of generating new ideas or through the use of additional applications that will either save or make money in as of yet, unforeseen ways. Once cloud computing process and management has been fully reconciled with those elements that are already in power, new avenues of business expression will open up.


Cloud Computing Security Concerns

a Closer look at the most pressing seCurity ConCerns in the world of Cloud Computing, as well as what serViCe proViders
need to be offering users




(arguably) reason

the most

proportion. The truth is that any computer network whether it be cloud or grid-based could be at risk (in terms of security) given that certain protective measures are not put into place and established guidelines are not followed. However, security for cloud computing is implemented and managed in ways that may be unfamiliar (even to those that have handled network security before), this also causes people to develop apprehensions.

predominant harbor


about cloud computing. The bad publicity that cloud computing has suffered has in some ways, (at worst) set its development back a number of years and (at best) caused a great deal of individuals to think twice about cloud computing. While cloud computing security concerns are certainly not unfounded, they have been blown out of

Unfortunately, there are many ways that an intruder or miscreant can undermine cloud network security. However, with emerging technologies coming online that are designed to essentially monitor all traffic and data exchanges occurring within a cloud, it is soon going to get a lot harder for people to compromise security standards.


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Cloud Computing seCurity ConCerns

This leads us to the obvious question, what are the principal security concerns in the world of cloud computing right now? Investigating purported breaches of security and illegal activity Currently, it is somewhat challenging (or impossible in some cases) to investigate security breaches or other illegal activities. However, that does not mean that companies shouldnt be able to sign a contract stating that they will go above and beyond in assisting any third parties should the need for further investigations be needed. This contract should also extend to include data collection as well as admission of said data as evidence in a court of law. Enduring logistical / business presence What happens to your data and service(s) if your cloud services provider suddenly goes out of business? Will you be able to replicate your current system? Can you obtain copies of your data if they go out of business or merge with another group? These questions are extremely relevant to the health of your business and are worth exploring further. It is also of equal importance that a cloud provider is able to remain on the cutting edge of technology with regards to cloud computing; failure to remain competitive in this way may affect the bottom line of your business. Segregating data It is fairly typical for providers to segregate data all over a cloud, though you data is encrypted it is still mixed in with the data of everyone else on that particular cloud network. There are two concerns that should be addressed regarding segregated data encryption:


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Cloud Computing seCurity ConCerns


Study information regarding how a provider segregates their data; if there is an actual method behind it (as the level of encryption).


Find out who designed the encryption system as well as who was responsible for testing it and what their actual level of expertise is.

User access Unquestionably, the single biggest area of cloud security that gets the most attention is user access. If a business is using the services of a cloud computing provider they have to know who has potential access to their resources. It is also extremely important that a user is able to trust their provider(s); vendors must be able to tell their customers who is in charge of maintenance and administration over their data. If a service provider cannot name names regarding who actually manages their data, you should look elsewhere.

Compliance with regulations and guidelines It should go without saying that those service providers that are unable to meet with compliances and regulations regarding security and operation of a cloud infrastructure should not get your business. This is also important for legal reasons; for example, if your data is stored in a remote location or foreign country and your data security is breached, your provider may be able to circumvent the law based on the location of the hardware/data at the time of the incident. Make sure that your service provider is willing to sign a contract regarding privacy requirements and/or regulatory compliance(s).

Emergency / Recovery / Contingency plans Disasters do


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Cloud Computing seCurity ConCerns

not occur very often, but it is still imperative that you find out what will be done in the event of one, especially if it concerns the livelihood of your business. The only viable solution for disaster recovery and security is a service provider that actively copies data on a daily basis and stores it in another location on a separate system. In fact, many leading cloud providers create copies of data and spread them out across multiple networks, ensuring the absolute highest level of recoverability available (even beyond what is capable with grid computing). While security is still a touchy subject in cloud computing, the truth is that it is being dealt with. In fact, security probably gets the most attention from cloud developers apart from their obsession with operating systems. Every major (and minor) security concern will eventually be addressed and dealt with, in the mean time there are automated bots that crawl over the clouds, monitoring and recording information regarding user access for further analysis. All in all, cloud computing (in its current form) is still a viable and valuable commodity, despite its shortcomings in the security arena.


Cloud Email
why Cloud email proViders (and their serViCes) are superior in
nearly eVery regard

ing via the various popular cloud based email services that are extremely prevalent, like those offered freely by Google for example (Gmail). Whether or not people realize it, the concept of email (in any form) is essentially basic cloud

ost individuals are introduced to cloud comput-

computing, at least from a structural perspective. Conventional email accounts are nothing more that an interface that allows a user to receive, access and deploy messages from a remote server or servers. However, a true cloud email setup is much more versatile than a standard email setup.

Through a cloud based email account, a user often has a myriad of options at their disposal, aside from just email services. Often times, these cloud email addresses are part of a larger cloud-based account structure that offers users access to hundreds of different applications as well as specific features. In many ways, cloud email service is like a miniaturized version of a larger cloud networking structure. The difference being that cloud email only involves the deployment of email (along with other potential applications), whereas a true cloud computing service offers comprehensive hardware simulation, virtualization and operating software along with a specialized interface, which is designed to interact with and provision the resources of cloud hardware.


the art of serViCe

Cloud email

Cloud email acts (or behaves) in much the same manner as other cloud services, but it is much less complex; it is essentially a system for maintaining and operating a multi-purpose account that is designed around remotely accessing an email server. Whereas cloud computing hinges around accessing hardware specific functions, cloud email is more geared toward software specific functions and applications.

Cloud Email Applications

The wealth of free cloud email applications offered by their providers is simply stunning. In fact, cloud email accounts are quickly becoming sophisticated online PDAs of sorts. For example, Gmail (which is arguably the most popular and feature-laden cloud email service currently available) allows you to: Use GPS via Mobile. Organize your medical records. Place calls (domestic and international, with extremely competitive rates). Organize your own calendar. Search a highly developed database of scholarly articles for research and citations. Publish your own blog. Map any location on earth. Get directions. Publish, share and even edit documents remotely.


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Cloud email

Upload, Share and edit photos remotely. Do translations. Search for books related to specific topics. Get instant access to up-to-the-minute financial data. And many others.

And if all of that was not enough, Gmail also provides support for accessing their cloud email accounts via mobile devices. The full list of applications (in Gmail) is extremely extensive and they continue to add new services on a continuous basis. Why so many applications? People like the flexibility of being able to do everything from one point of access; which is perfectly understandable. It is extremely inconvenient to have to log in to several different sites / locations just to access the tools that a person uses on a regular basis, especially if these tools are provided by the same company that provides their cloud email (or if they are partnered with them). And of course, logging into several sites/applications/tools can lead to an inefficient use of system resources and even errors within the OS or browser. The obvious solution to this type of dilemma is full integration. And of course once a cloud email service provider establishes a stable system of integration they can simply copy it and offer it to every user that signs up for their services. And once a user establishes their account, their preferences and activities are logged so that materials, applications and even advertisements that are specific to their interests can be presented to them.


the art of serViCe

Cloud email

Cloud Email and Social Media/Networking

Many cloud email providers have already integrated their services with nearly all of the popular social media outlets. This push toward integrating social networking with user end email features allows a person to keep track of all correspondences, friends, and colleagues. And you can literally monitor their social networking activities via updates or even widget-like devices that are built into the email interface. Most cloud email systems have even integrated chat-style features into their accounts which allow connected users to quickly communicate with one another; an invaluable tool for those that like to do business through their cloud email accounts.

A Personal and Business Capable Interface that Can Be Remotely Accessed from any Location
The best feature or aspect of cloud email has to be its ability to act as a storage center, organizer and remotely accessible personal/business data platform. Using cloud email means that you no longer have to worry about where your files are, where your presentation is, what that contacts name was; the list goes on and on Cloud email completely streamlines the way we interface with people on both personal and professional levels. The best evidence concerning the benefits of using cloud email service(s) is apparent in the number of governmental bodies that (in recent years) have transitioned to cloud-based email systems. Here is a


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Cloud email

partial list of (US) governmental bodies that are currently using cloud email: NOAA 1. 2. 3. General Services Administration The Department of Agriculture Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Department of Labor Many Metropolitan Governments including: 1. San Francisco As well as countless others that have already moved to the cloud or are considering it in the near future.

The features, availability, flexibility, scalability, security and remote access features of cloud email make it an obvious choice for individuals and governments, for personal or business purposes. Since the use of cloud email systems are extremely inexpensive (especially when compared to the costs that an institution or governmental body must front to set up their own email servers), the choice of moving to the cloud is an obvious one.


Cloud-enabled BPM Platforms

ne of the most exciting features of cloud computing

cloud networking package (which is usually a third party provider). In stark contrast, a BPM platform as a service (BPM PaaS) is a set of BPM management tools/ services that come with, or can be added via a package offered by a cloud provider. (These two BPM examples are often confused for one another.) In addition to the possibilities for managing, organizing, analyzing and deploying business-related data / processes, cloud enabled BPMs are also fully compatible with both private and public cloud models/networks.

for businesses is the ability of some cloud services to execute business process management functions. These may include tools to manage / monitor business activity, other analyze things. information enabled and set up workflows among Cloud BPM platforms essentially exist to compliment an existing cloud networking service; that is to say, the BPM platform itself is not intrinsically linked to any specific cloud platform/service, it simply serves to compliment another

The main purpose of employing cloud enabled BPM platform services seems to be saving money. How is it possible to save money simply by utilizing a cloud enabled BPM platform? The costs of upgrading or deploying additional software and hardware can be astronomical, if a business is considering taking on these costs for an upcoming or in-development project they are taking a risk. By using a cloud enabled BPM platform to analyze/assess risks and potential benefits, certain functions or processes can often be handled utilizing present


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Cloud-enabled bpm platforms

system resources; or at least a determination can be made regarding the validity/need for an upgrade and whether or not it will be cost effective in the long run. In other words, a cloud enabled BPM can give business owners a clear indication of their potential growth and/or loss in profits regarding their current development methods and use of technology/tools. Another interesting way that businesses have been using cloud enabled BPM platforms involves sharing certain processes across a series of private clouds. This might be commonly found among businesses that inhabit the same industry; perhaps they decide to set up a customer service center that caters to both businesses? The entire setup can then be managed by a third party, with input from all/both organizations or solely by one entity alone. By consolidating in this manner, individual businesses can save a lot of money while keeping their standards high (in terms of the service itself); in fact, many organizations that participate in a shared BPM platform will often gain access to much improved standards and resources than they would if they were covering the costs all by themselves. The concept of a cloud enabled business process management platform literally blurs the line between what is considered to be IT and what is considered to be Business Management / Operation. This is clearly evidenced by 2010 Gartner surveys that indicate more businesses using their line of business budgets to fund the use of BPM platforms. Business owners and managers are obviously seeking to position these new tools toward use by upper management while


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Cloud-enabled bpm platforms

limiting access (to the processes and collected data via BPM platforms) to IT personnel. This is somewhat understandable considering that IT personnel are only responsible for functionality and are not to be actively involved in business-related decision making. However, in certain cases IT managers may be able to recommend certain changes or additional deployments that can greatly benefit a companys bottom line. One of the most difficult aspects of utilizing a cloud enabled BPM platform is simply getting others within an organization to actively support it. The easiest way to help others overcome their uneasiness concerning a BPM platform is to recommend integrating it via the organizations current line of cloud services (directly from the provider). In doing so you will be able to more clearly create an indication of the potential benefits offered and perhaps garner more support from management regarding use of a BPM platform. Before signing a contract or agreement with a BPM platform provider, explore your options in terms of flexibility; you should be able to transfer nearly all elements of an established service from one provider to another in the event that you want to switch. This includes all models, artifacts, rules, definitions and even dashboards/interfaces. The rules and potential applications for cloud enabled BPM platform technology is here, but there arent that many companies that are providing these types of services. And of the companies that are providing BPM platforms (as either part of another established cloud networking service or as an add-on service that can be appended to a


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Cloud-enabled bpm platforms

third party providers cloud networking services) the overall level of expertise concerning their operation is moderate to low. This is clearly the case, since most of these same companies offer little to no options for customization. If companies are able to begin offering individual businesses options for customizing their service packages the usability (not to mention, popularity) of cloud enabled BPM platforms will dramatically rise.


Compute Infrastructure Services




similar compute

infrastructure service essentially utilizes a larger organizations IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) offerings in order to sublet them out to their own clients or users. So think of it this way; one company has all the resources (hardware, servers, storage and networking) and they offer them to another company that establishes their own infrastructure, portal, access settings, package definitions and service options which they in turn, hope to sell and market to individuals and other businesses.

fashion as that of most brokerages;

infrastructure service companies seek to provide/connect users with cloud computing services while acting as middleman between the users and service providers. However, unlike cloud brokerages, compute infrastructure services is not simply connecting users to cloud service providers, they are actually with providing complete their cloud clients

computing packages. A compute

Conducting operations in this manner allows a dedicated compute infrastructure service company to run their operation without having to set up or maintain any actual cloud computing resources. So in effect, you have this company that is able to offer advanced cloud computing services and options that simply pays another group for both access to resources as well as maintenance of said resources. In this way, a compute infrastructure service model is a great one for companies that are just starting off in the world of cloud computing but lack a


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Compute infrastruCture serViCes

complete set of financial that would be necessary for establishing their own hardware and networking systems. So the idea and deployment method of compute infrastructure perfectly compliments a scenario where funds are set aside for an eventual upgrade or the establishment of a private/public cloud network with its own large bank of resources. However, just as it is in any other scenario where multiple groups all have access to a specific set of cloud resources, there are security issues that must be considered and price driving issues that must be dealt with as well. Security issues will (of course) be dealt with as soon as a risk assessments and compliance guidelines have been thoroughly researched and established. Being able to limit and monitor access, while at the same time assuring that privacy guidelines are being met will solve many of the issues related to security in this field. Arguably, the most prohibitive thing about widespread use of compute infrastructure services is the costs associated with it. Currently, prices are rather high due to the fact that there simply are not enough companies / individuals involved to absorb the costs associated with the set up and maintenance of such systems. Most compute infrastructure service companies are currently based in the US also, but this is expected to change soon when CIS takes on a more global personality. When this happens, the costs for compute infrastructure services should fall by a significant amount (due to the competition between service providers that will likely ensue).


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Compute infrastruCture serViCes

Utilizing Compute Infrastructure Services

There are 4 major ways to utilize a compute infrastructure service: Web Hosting Utilizing a cloud providers resources to perform familiar web hosting activities is arguably the most prevalent use of compute infrastructure services. This practice is bringing the usual activities of the web hosting market face to face with cloud computing (as well as new potentials and possibilities in the process). High performance computing For users and/or businesses that desire access to a range of resources that afford them increased computing power and potential, a compute infrastructure service may be the answer. In this type of model, a compute infrastructure service sets up a private access network or portal that might allow a user to provision increasing amounts of hardware resources. The video gaming industry as well as those engaging in various types of scientific research could benefit greatly here. Test & development infrastructure Some companies might simply need an environment with which they can perform their software testing; what better solution than to go with a compute infrastructure service? Since most compute infrastructure services are deployed on a pay-per-use basis, this is an elegant and affordable solution for software developers with regards to project development.


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Compute infrastruCture serViCes

Production infrastructure Using a compute infrastructure service as a system / network for carrying out daily business operations is not outside of the realm of possibility. Since a company utilizing these services isnt responsible for maintaining their own network or designing a system for utilizing it, this type of setup would be a win win situation for them.

By and large, IT organizations will likely be the big purveyors of compute infrastructure services. These organizations will seek out these services at the behest of their parent organizations (or if theyre an outsourced IT company, their clients). The ability of these services to automate tasks as well as offer powerful resources that can be leveraged in lieu of exorbitant expenditure continues to be a major selling point. However, as things progress and more competition enters into the equation, the beneficial possibilities (for individuals and average businesses perhaps not technological intensive or angled) will increase dramatically.


DBMS as a Cloud Service

ply software packages that users can acquire to create, maintain or use a database. However, since the introduction of cloud computing, DBMS has morphed into an entirely new type of (cloud) service with its own unique benefits and task specific advantages. For one thing, any type of cloud service model will have to employ a dedicated cloud DBMS in order to truly

ost DBMS or database management systems are sim-

provide customers with excellent access to data and databases. Traditional DBMSs are simply not set up or equipped to deal with the demands of cloud computing. And of course, if DBMS was deployed as a service as part of a larger package provided, it would likely be much more efficient in its duties and therefore cheaper in the long run (or providing more actual service for the cost of deployment).

Just what is a DBMS? The concept of the DBMS has been around since the beginning of commercial computing; such as the navigational DBMS of the1960s. Database management systems are one of the oldest integral components of computing, essentially making it possible to scan, retrieve and organize data on hard drives and networks. All DBMS, despite whether traditional or cloud-based, are essentially communicators that function as middlemen between the operating system (OS) and the database (hardware/storage resources). How is a cloud DBMS different a traditional one? For one thing, cloudbased DBMS are extremely scalable. They are able to handle volumes of data and processes that would exhaust a typical DBMS. Despite


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dbms as a Cloud serViCe

their scalability however (as of the time of this writing), cloud DBMS are still somewhat lacking in their ability to scale up to extremely large processes; this is expected to be remedied in the coming months and years however. Currently, the use of cloud DBMSs are principally used in the testing and development of new cloud applications and processes. But while a stand-alone (non-cloud) DBMS can be used on a cloud infrastructure; most are not designed to take full advantage of cloud resources. DBMS as a cloud service-type models seek to capitalize on the disparity between antiquated DBMS models and their lack of full cloud functionality. All DBMS (database management systems) utilize four key elements as part of their operation, they are: Modeling language Provides definitions for implements used on each and every type of database that operates on a system. Data structures Data structures are essentially the configurations of specific data that have been set up by administrators and/or users. When a DBMS interacts with data, it is data structures that allow it to do so without compromising the integrity of said data. Data query language Specifically involved in the security of the DBMS; monitors login activity, access privileges, and works hand in hand with the data structure elements to maintain the integrity of information on a database. Communication apparatus Aside from existing to ensure


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that duplication of records doesnt occur, a communication apparatus also exists to prevent the exploitation of records and/ or the data itself, for security purposes. Cloud DBMS may utilize all of these components or may have devised new strategies that combine one or more elements (like combining data structures and the data query language, for example). Many organizations are exploring the option of utilizing pre-existing modeling languages as a basis for expansion in a cloud model. This strategy ultimately saves on the time spent developing cloud DBMSs as well as enhances their overall effectiveness, since traditional modeling languages are more than adequate for handling data. Despite the benefits offered by cloud-based DBMS, many people still have apprehensions about them. This is most likely due to the various security issues that have yet to be dealt with. These security issues stem from the fact that cloud DBMS are hard to monitor since they often span across multiple hardware stacks and/or servers. Security becomes a serious issue with cloud DBMS when theres multiple Virtual Machines (which might be accessing databases via any number of applications) that might be able to access a database without being noticed or setting off any alerts. In this type of situation a malicious person could potentially access pertinent data or cause serious harm to the integral structure of a database, putting the entire systeminjeopardy.


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dbms as a Cloud serViCe

There is however a proposed method for dealing with these types of incongruence. An obvious solution is the deployment of an autonomous network agent, which rigorously monitor and defends all activities related to database access. The limitation of this method however, is that a network agent may be unable to handle extremely large and dense volumes of activity/traffic. Arguably, the best solution for dealing with security issues is to employ continuous database auditing. This involves setting up a system that meticulously records, analyze and report on all activities regarding database access, especially suspicious database access. All information regarding these activities is logged and stored in an extremely remote and secure location with alerts being sent out to cloud management (or including any other individual(s) they might have designated to receive this information) in the event of a breach. This will provide those in charge of security with the information necessary to determine who is responsible, where they are located as well as the specifics of their machine/hardware. While deployment of a dedicated and thorough cloud DBMS has not occurred yet, it is certainly under development. The emergence of a comprehensive solution for all cloud service models regarding database management will open the door to a new era of cloud computing.


Enterprise Portals as a Service

scope of services that it is capable of deploying), one intriguing offering that many cloud service providers are beginning to explore is that of enterprise portals. But just what are enterprise portals as

s cloud computing continues to grow (in terms of the

they relate to cloud computing? Enterprise portals are often offered as a type of cloud-based service that can be added to existing cloud service packages (which would include various hardware and software packages as well as architectures).

Individuals seem to benefit the most from the use of enterprise portals as they are essentially gaining a single point of access to cloud-based applications, other users, as well as specific data. The enterprise portal is actually employing cloud services, but it is not actually a part of the cloud itself, just a solitary access point. It makes no sense for groups to employ the use of enterprise portals as a service simply because most organizations (that utilize cloud computing) have their own networks which are located locally (as opposed to remotely). Enterprise portals can be used to host certain cloud based applications however. But given that utilizing them in this fashion often leads to troublesome upgrading, and decreased flexibility/overall control its probably best that organizations avoid widespread use of enterprise portals as a service as they exist in their current configurations. Employing the use of remote enterprise portals would not make sense in these types of cases, since the provisioning of assets can be performed in-house. Why host something externally if it is right next


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enterprise portals as a serViCe

door? And for groups that may be utilizing cloud services from a provider, an enterprise portal system would only further complicate the already present structures in place that govern user access, management and data flow within the cloud. There is simply too much customizing needed for organizations to make effective use of current enterprise portal service models. However, for individual users, an enterprise portal is an excellent all encompassing solution that is more than capable of serving a variety of different roles. The ability of an enterprise portal to requisition cloud resources is a particularly interesting subject. Up until this point however, their ability to make full use of cloud assets have been fairly dismal at best. In their current configuration, they simply lack the advanced structures necessary to give users a totally secure access point at this time. This is largely because of problems related to privacy as well as management of an established cloud infrastructure. The emergence of new technologies (which promise to not only make better use of cloud resources, but to also provide users with a more fully developed experience) like advanced browsers, intelligent widgets, Html5, as well as sophisticated internet-based applications are pushing enterprise portals toward even greater heights. The idea that many are pushing for involves combining enterprise portal services with a host of useful applications included that are relevant to specific users interests. This might include adopting measures and applications packages that are suitable for business users (who might be interfacing


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enterprise portals as a serViCe

with customers) as well as recreational users (who might be using an enterprise portal for a variety of purposes). Emerging cloud computing companies are beginning to craft enterprise portal solutions that allow for much easier integration with third party applications, databases, web content in addition to the various cloud computing tools that are out there. The goal of these organizations seems to be to provide a multipurpose platform that can easily integrate with the various existing technologies, as well as provide an outline for future technology integration. Support for all Java and .net technologies is paving the way toward greatly enhancing the capabilities of the basic enterprise portal model/service. As stated earlier, most businesses and organizations are not using enterprise portals for cloud access; they are however, using them for creation of, integration of, deployment of and management of cloud apps. The goal of utilizing enterprise portals in this fashion is to provide a system that can effectively assist the developer in creating a standard approach, if you will to basic application architectural design. This will not only cut the time required to produce new applications down by a significant amount, but it will also eliminate incompatibility and integration errors to a certain extent as well. And of course, the creation of a standardized architectural modus operandi will no doubt translate into reduced budgetary expenditures to some extent. These emerging enterprise development models are also able to accept and communicate in/with an extremely large (and ever-growing) series of


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enterprise portals as a serViCe

programming languages and models. The ultimate goal is to create an enterprise portal development platform that is virtually all-encompassing. Widespread usage of enterprise portals as a service is currently relegated to individual users and development teams (that are producing applications and tools for cloud computing networks). The use of emerging enterprise portal services is leading to a more comprehensive integration of available web applications and protocols for use in cloud computing environments. In time, enterprise portals will be readily available for use by users, IT professionals as well as service providers; each having access to their own unique set of applications and tools that can be deployed for their own uniquepurposes.


Hybrid Cloud Computing

what defines the Various types of hybrid Clouds

ne of the newest concepts in cloud computing (and

based) to fashion an entirely new entity. However some individuals do not consider any type of networking which involves or utilizes a traditional grid network to be a true example of a hybrid cloud; it depends on who you talk to. Perhaps it would be best to simply define things more clearly for the purposes of this article:

one that is sure to provide many individuals / companies with a way of transitioning into fullbore cloud computing) is the hybrid cloud. A hybrid cloud is essentially a network that uses some combination of private and public networks (cloud or grid

Pure Hybrid Cloud utilizes some combination of public and private clouds together simultaneously in any number of ways. Divergent Hybrid Cloud utilizes a combination of public and private clouds combined with one or more traditional gridbased networks.

Within these two forms of hybrid clouds, the resources of each component network can be utilized in any number of ways. Since the idea of a divergent hybrid cloud is synonymous with the typical user that


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hybrid Cloud Computing

is just beginning to explore and integrate cloud computing, well shift our focus toward Pure Hybrid Clouds.

The Pure Hybrid Cloud

There are essentially two types of pure hybrid cloud networks: Hybrid Cloud Type 1 Any type of owned or provided private cloud network adds the resources of one or more public cloud networks. For example, a company or individual owns or pays for access to a private cloud network and they want to expand their capabilities; so they decide to utilize the services of public cloud provider(s) in addition to their current resources. Hybrid Cloud Type 2 A public cloud provider forms an alliance with another party that provides one or more private cloud networks. An example: An individual or business pays for access to a public cloud and at some point decide to integrate private cloud networks; they can simply extend their current line of service or seek out one or more third parties to provide their private clouds. There are many different reasons as to why an individual or organization might want or need to set up a hybrid cloud; they can range from simply needing to extend the power/resources of their current cloud to more complex solutions designed to securely store consumer data. In fact, many organizations that own and run their own private cloud networks frequently employ public clouds to increase their scalability whilst keeping costs low. This also allow them to keep critical data


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hybrid Cloud Computing

secure on their own system while at the same time adding additional resources to their existing network. In other words, hybrid clouds can be utilized to perform cloudbursting as well as joint security and management duties between more than one set of resources. Hybrid clouds are quickly becoming the norm for many businesses; not so much an option, as an eventuality. Most institutions that become involved in cloud computing will initially seek the services of a dedicated and well respected cloud provider. Through this provider, an account will be established with its own perks and limitations. Over time, the business in question will arrive at a juncture where they will have to either, decide to build their own private cloud network or up their current level of service and resources. If they elect to not build a private cloud, a business may elect to integrate additional private cloud services from a third party. If however a business does decide to build and maintain their own private cloud they will still most likely reach an impasse at some point which will force them to either add additional hardware resources or seek out another public cloud provider for additional resources. This is the best course of action for businesses; it allows them to determine what they need in terms of additional resources without having to spend a lot of money in the process. And if they decide to eventually upgrade their own private cloud to compensate, the flexibility of cloud computing itself will allow them to easily copy and transfer all data, settings, applications and tools to their own hardware.


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hybrid Cloud Computing

The layers of security and management of a hybrid cloud are also extremely flexible. Portions of a hybrid cloud network are capable of being managed from one or more locations and internal and external data/resources can be arranged in any number of ways to provide or limit access to certain users based on a wide range of varying criteria. Online retailing is one of the first areas of commerce to really take advantage of the inherent potential of a hybrid cloud; this is evidenced in their use of advanced payment processing technology (which online consumers access via a public cloud, while payment authenticity is verified by the private cloud, for example). The real purpose of hybrid cloud computing is to provide the cloud computing industry at large with a method for consolidating the myriad types of networks and resources that are constantly emerging. In the future, it is estimated that businesses will want to integrate specific services and features from many different cloud computing providers. Maybe they like the features of this private network provider, but want the power found in the resources of this other public provider. And what if they also decide that they need specialized data storage and security apart from their current service providers? What about other types of cloud services like payment processing? What is needed is a comprehensive method for integrating and managing any and all current and future cloud services, hybrid cloud computing is a step toward realizing this possibility.


Private Cloud Computing

what is a priVate Cloud and what elements might be needed to suCCessfully implement one?




Private different

cloud cloud

as well as others that might be on the same public cloud could potentially gain access to a virtual private cloud network because its resources are on the same hardware stacks as theirs). There is also much debate concerning whether or not a private cloud network is truly a form of cloud computing as many attribute cloud computing to services offered by other organizations outside of their own data centers. A good analogy would be a company that installs its own closed telephone network/system.

computing is often used describe

computing scenarios; but in its truest meaning it should only refer to a cloud computing network that is built and maintained solely by the organization that will be using it. Yes, it is true that some service providers offer virtual private cloud networks that function in a similar fashion as dedicated private cloud networks. But virtual private cloud computing is still lacking in one important way, it isnt really private (the vendor


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Private Cloud Computing Structure and Concerns

Establishing a private cloud computing network is no easy undertaking, there are a great number of concerns that must be addressed before it should even be attempted. There are so many disparate types of technology that must converge in order to produce a private cloud computing network, for example: Virtualization management There will be virtualized hardware in addition to processes that require a mechanism be in place to oversee or manage them. This is to ensure that conflicts (software and access) are avoided or quickly remedied. Standardization With any computer network or system involving the use of software and hardware, there will need to be technical standards in place to assure proper operation(s). Basically, without standardization there would be inept chaos. Automation All of the processes that occur within framework or infrastructure of a cloud computing network (which are needed for performance as well as functionality) cannot be performed in any other manner expect via automation. Automation is also very important in terms of security, with its ability to scrawl the infrastructure on a continuous basis looking for errors and inappropriate access. Cloud APIs Aside from allowing programmers to build applications to be used in a cloud environment, APIs are also crucial in allowing networks to request data and services


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from outside sources. So for example, if your business wants to integrate a new a la carte cloud service from another organization to use on your private cloud computing network, you would need a Cloud API (application programming interface) to actually do this. Chargeback systems A chargeback system is able to measure and assign a $ amount to all services used by all departments of an organization. It allows management to gain an accurate insight into what resources a company might be paying for that either no one is using or is simply redundant. For private cloud computing, a charge back system will identify how to best use the resources of the IT department, thereby saving a lot of money in the process and limiting unnecessary expenditures and upgrades. Self-service portals Why assign every task to an IT professional when you can implement self service portals which allow individual users on a private cloud network to do some of the work themselves? Aside from their ability to trim IT costs, self service portals may also provide an organization with invaluable marketing info / angles, new methods for closing sales as well as function as one in all portal for customer support representatives.

Instead of getting excited over the wealth of technologies available for private cloud networks, try to build your private cloud based on your


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the 4th stage of Cloud deVelopment:

actual requirements (from a business perspective). It is all too easy to become swayed by the myriad options out there concerning various apps, so instead try to envision what your long term goals for your network might be. This often necessitates the creation of a long term business plan which will also serve as the blueprint for your future private cloud computing network. The actual creation of a private cloud computing system should be done slowly. The first steps toward integration should involve only non-critical business processes, with more critical apps and processes being added to it after the integrity of the system has been firmly tested and established. The very term cloud computing implies remote access, according to a lot of industry experts. And they do have a point, the principles behind cloud computing do seem to strongly suggest that the more centralized hardware resources are, the cloud-like a situation is. If every business deploys its own private cloud network, is it still cloud computing? If a business is running virtualization from hardware sources central to one location with a series of portals attached then it is indeed cloud computing. It matters not whether an organization is attached to a public cloud or is offering (or planning on offering) services to other groups or individuals. A lot of cloud computing purists and extremists probably want cloud computing to fulfill some far-reaching desire or purpose, but the truth is that it must first do the work thats already being done via grid computing, and then once it has proven itself, it can move on to bigger and better things. You have to learn to walk before you can take off running.



what it Consists of and how to reaCh it






continuous use of any and all available resources a majority of the time, at this critical juncture it becomes possible to start creating ones own customers. Whats so incredible about the 4th stage is that it represents a position whereupon a set of cloud computing resources actually begins to pay for itself, eventually producing a steady stream of profits if managed correctly. Its basically about outsourcing your growing resources to third party clients and using this as leverage for further expansion, if possible.



development represents a key turning point for organizations that own their own private/public cloud. It is during this stage that many typically begin to start creating their own services and marketing them to others. Perhaps a cloud computing system starts off as an on premises business solution and over time, grows into a vast set of hardware resources. Keeping in line with the overall philosophy of cloud computing, which seeks to make


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the 4th stage of Cloud deVelopment:

Classic examples of Stage 4 Clouds: Public Cloud Platforms Service Provider Clouds

Both of these examples demonstrate the level of sophistication and volume of resources that must be present to be considered stage 4. To even reach the 4th stage in the first place requires quite a lot of ingenuity, goal setting, and technical expertise. The need for qualified, technical experts at this stage cannot be overstated; the level, degree and number of ongoing processes present at stage 4 greatly surpass those of the previous 3 stages.

Use of Chargebacks
Chargebacks are absolutely necessary at the 4th stage of development and serve their purpose by allowing an organization to specifically determine how their resources are being used. What is a chargeback? It is a pricing system for resources that have been/are currently used by those entities utilizing a cloud computing network. In other words it is yet another pay for use system; designed to allow cloud users to only pay for what they actually use (also can eliminate the need for bulky monthly fees). However, at the 4th stage of development, organizations will often use chargebacks to determine exactly how much of their potential resources are being used, as well as by whom. This allows them


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the 4th stage of Cloud deVelopment:

to make more accurate predictions concerning future decision making as well as potential hardware/software purchases/expansions.

The 4th stage is also crucial in that it marks the appearance of more useful automation processes; particularly those associated with cloud environment management. Your ability to incorporate and rely on increasing levels of automation within your cloud infrastructure will mark the difference between complete and moderate success. Automated processes not only ensure proper function of specific elements in the cloud, they also absorb the management workload that simply could not be met by human hands. Just imagine trying to manage 10,000 virtual machines! In fact, without the aid of automated processes, running and maintaining a large cloud computing network would be virtually impossible. The amount of time, money, energy required to maintain a staff large enough to do the jobs of these automated machines would absorb all the profits brought in via services offered.

Starting Points
As with any other type of cloud tool or resource that you plan on integrating, all stage 4 elements should be first tested on what you consider to be non-critical processes. In fact, any new elements added might be best tested by sticking them into an isolated section of the cloud and monitoring their activities over a significant amount of time,


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the 4th stage of Cloud deVelopment:

just to be sure. Once the compliance and adaptability of these new components have been justified, they can be slowly integrated into the rest of the cloud. The reason for the careful treading is due to the fact that more often than not, newly integrated components may incur much larger expenditures. The power and flexibility of your network with regards to creating and running a higher number of virtual machines is actually linked to the amount of RAM available at any given time. This is increased by adding a great number of DIMMs and/or NICs; what you should be trying to avoid is any kind of bottleneck scenario whereupon resources are strained and/or limited. Think of it this way, you can cover more ground if you use a spray nozzle as opposed to a jet stream. Cloud computing is not about providing concentrated services to a select few, but distributing all resources across the cloud as evenly as possible with regards to pricing and usage. The 4th stage represents a critical turning point for most organizations; it is a level of achievement that allows them to continuously finance their entire operation (if set up and managed properly, that is). Successfully navigating the potential pitfalls of the 4th stage will be difficult, but if an organization can pull it off, the rewards will be spectacular.


whats all the hype really about?

ne of the hottest topics on the net is cloud comput-

eration of terms (of which, many are used interchangeably) to be somewhat confusing. The terminology of cloud computing has been explored and put forth, but there are still grey areas concerning the exact meanings, titles and uses for certain concepts.

ing, without question. The hype surrounding CC can however, be somewhat confusing for those that are just discovering this breakthrough form of computing. Initiates often find the conglom-

But this is all beside the point; the real attraction here is what cloud computing is capable of, how it works and how it will impact our future.

What cloud computing is capable of

Just imagine a world where your information, media, files, links, applications, activities, social lists and perhaps even work related tasks are instantly accessible from nearly any terminal or device you encounter. We are talking about unchaining you from any and all physical/geographical restrictions and/or reliance on specific hardware. Cloud computing is capable of this and much, much more. The essence of cloud computing is reflected in the concept of virtualization. When we talk about using software to simulate hardware,


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Cloud Computing

we are really talking about virtualization. This allows a central cloud computing stack to accomplish (and provide) much more to individual users, as well as groups. For example; in a typical cloud computing setup, it may be that virtualization is used to facilitate advanced processing by means of emulating hardware. Since a large number of components in a cloud computing network are often virtualized, it is possible to accommodate a larger number of users on an even smaller amount of energy/hardware resources than what is possible with grid networking/computing.

How it works
In a grid computing model, you have processing, storage, software, applications, an OS, and other hardware that is positioned in two locations; with the user and with the server stack. Not only is this extremely wasteful (combined users on a single network are often only utilizing around 15 percent of their individual resources), the fact of the matter is that most peoples individual computing systems are extremely overpowered for what they use them for. In the cloud computing model, all software, storage, processing, applications and all other resources are located at the source of the network. There is no need for personal processing or significant drive space in cloud computing, everything is remotely accessed. This also makes a CC network much easier to maintain than a conventional network, which are extremely finicky and expensive.


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Cloud Computing

Because there is no user hardware limitation (as there is in grid computing), an individual user pretty much has the ability to requisition near infinite resources. That is right, you never run out of processing power. All of the wasted space of grid computing gets redistributed among all users in the cloud computing model.

How will cloud computing impact our future

Once over 50 percent of mainstream businesses and organizations catch wind of the money that they can save by switching over to a cloud computing system or provider, everyone else will switch over as well. With the staggering number of governmental organizations that have switched over to cloud computing networks in the last few years, it is only a matter of time before grid computing is a thing of the past. For businesses, cloud computing offers opportunities to increase efficiency, analysis and effective decision making by a significant amount. Most of the packages that cloud computing providers have put together for businesses include lots of automated applications that allow them to gather, analyze and share pertinent data more quickly. Then theres the fact that cloud computing providers only to expect you to pay for what you actually use, unlike the current standard which is based on fixed rates. A great example of a networking/computing solution that literally molds to each individual client, instead of the other way around.


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Cloud Computing

Many experts see cloud computing infiltrating every area of modern technology, from phones and mobile devices to computers and other entertainment devices. One particular area of interest with regards to cloud computing is video games (which is a multi billion dollar industry). Were already starting to see companies springing up offering cloud services for PC gaming. These services offer access to the games themselves in addition to sophisticated sets of virtualized hardware to run them on. Even if cloud computing never reaches the global takeover phase, it would still be a type of technology worth exploring in its own right. It is certainly better suited to certain tasks than grid computing will ever be; and these perks are not resigned to one group either, businesses as well as individuals can both greatly benefit.



Cloud serViCe integration is unique in that it is both a problem,
and a solution

reality that they must integrate newly established cloud services with other existing services.

he problem scenario: An IT department is faced with the

to perform new processes and accomplish things that simply were not previously possible.

he solution scenario: Cloud service integration allows you

The Problem
The main stumbling block for clean and efficient cloud service integration for businesses, IT departments and individuals is a complete lack of standardization. In other words, there are no established rules, guidelines or boundaries that can dictate how actual cloud service integration should be performed. In order to formulate a standardized system for these purposes large amounts of variable data must be collected and compiled; this situation will of course, remedy itself over a longer period of time. Currently, any type of cloud service integration procedure is more or less a trial and error process of adjustment; however, professionals or experts in this area should be more than capable of dealing with any potential hindrances or roadblocks. One of the main reasons why it is


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Cloud serViCe integration

currently impossible to establish a method for standardizing cloud service integration is the simple fact that the full range of cloud services, applications and potential uses for these are still being developed and explored. Even in scenarios where one type of cloud service is being integrated with another type of cloud service, there are unexplored limitations and incompatibility issues that must be overcome if a true system of cloud service integration is to be established.

The Solution
On the other hand, cloud service integration is a shining example of how certain cloud services can benefit businesses and/or IT departments at the ground level. When certain cloud services are seamlessly integrated, they offer opportunities for greater understanding, analysis, storage, security, productivity or communication. Right out of the gate so to speak, IT departments and cloud brokerages that employ some type of cloud service integration will see immediate benefits. Once fully integrated, the benefits / possibilities will become more evident. Some of these advantages or possible uses include: Possible use of some type of remote access protocols, which would allow one application to oversee another group of applications or the entire system. This could also be set up


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Cloud serViCe integration

as a form of failsafe system, which could come in handy for protecting data in the event of security breach, component failure or even system errors. However, use of cloud services integration in this area would most likely be resigned to setting up a chain of command among applications and programs connected to an entire system (eg. only cloud services/cloud to cloud services/cloud to pre-existing infrastructure). Establishing a new type of safe and effective communication network; which will speed up business process and help to clarify any ongoing work or misunderstandings. This is one of the most obvious ways that cloud service integration can directly impact an organizations bottom line; disorganized communication streams in the workplace often requires even more time (and by extension money, since time is money) to sort through. Ability to instantly analyze and adapt any and all incoming business data into a format that allows management to make better decisions at a much faster pace. Just imagine being able to feed all business process/customer data into one application that outputs it into a format that allows said information to be instantly reintegrated into daily business proceedings. This is the very definition of efficient. Design/creation of a new type adapter technology which can be used to integrate with present systems and data, as well as navigate potential usability problems between existing cloud services or applications. Despite the supposed compatibility amongst various types of cloud services or applications there is


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Cloud serViCe integration

still a disturbing lack of adaptation present in most instances. Creation of a new IT and data flow management system that is much more efficient, in terms of both work flow and energy usage. A classic example here would be in online retail, where customer order details are both automatically updated / sent out and one or more connected applications are able to share data so that there are no disputes or cross communications.

How cloud service integration is carried out

Cloud service integration isnt limited to one type of format; it can be offered as a service or via software. Some institutions are even employing new types of cloud service integration that are essentially a combination of service and software (arguably, the most thorough approach). As to be expected, there are companies beginning to offer third party solutions for cloud service integration; they can be affiliated with a larger cloud provider or not.

The Future of Cloud Service Integration

In the very near future, the parameters of cloud computing and the territories that specific applications within a cloud network inhabit will be fully laid out. This will either build upon the current model of cloud service integration or make it obsolete. More than likely all cloud service providers (at some point) will begin to standardize their applications into established levels which may allow for a much the


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Cloud serViCe integration

ability to simply plug and play/mix and match applications within any particular framework at a moments notice.



detailing its speCifiC elements and funCtion(s)


hen we refer to cloud storage, we are really about storing and

to other possibilities for average consumers. Larger organizations in particular, have a desperate need for large scale cloud storage solutions. More often than not, it is the promise of extensive storage capabilities that draws these larger companies into the cloud computing arena.

retrieving data for businesses. While cloud storage for consumers is certainly important, it is the business side of cloud computing that is driving development forward, which in turn, gives way

Specifics of cloud storage, what characterizes it?

Gartner states that cloud storage consists of or comprises the following characteristics: From the Gartner hype cycle: .pay-per-use model, software-agnostic, reservation-less provisioning and provider-owned; it is also frequently geographically separated from the servers that are using it.


the art of serViCe

looking at Cloud storage

..But what does this all mean exactly? Lets break it down. Pay-per-use model As its name implies, cloud storage models are often built upon similar premises as other types of service models offered by cloud providers. One of the most recognizable and prominent among these models is the pay per use model. In this model, clients actually pay for the amount(s) of data stored and/or transferred. This allows for a sliding scale to be placed into effect; companies can basically save a lot of money because theyre only paying for what they use. Software agnostic This term implies that the storage database will accept, integrate and function with any type of operating system, application or runtime software that the client seeks to use with it. To put it simply, most cloud storage scenarios offer extreme versatility to its users. Were talking about top of the line cross platform capabilities here. Reservation-less provisioning By now most are aware of the seemingly endless void of storage and resources that can be requisitioned via cloud computing; it certainly gives off the impression that theres nothing that cant be done. Reservationless provisioning simply implies that there is no finite limit defined to prevent a client from requisitioning new resources or provisioning new storage space. Obviously, whenever a client signs up with a cloud storage provider, their particular needs and contingencies will be calculated. This allows the provider to offer the client a more than adequate range of storage space in


the art of serViCe

looking at Cloud storage

terms of both the low and high end of the data use spectrum. Provider owned This is a fairly straight forward term here; it implies that those companies that are providing cloud computing services are the ones that actually own and lease the cloud storage space. Most cloud storage is simply another set of resources that have been added to an existing SaaS or PaaS model. In addition to these characteristics, it is also worth mentioning that most cloud storage scenarios involve keeping the hardware used for storage completely separated (geographically) from the other cloud resources that interact with it. So its entirely plausible that the central hardware stack for a cloud computing network could be located in the US, with the data storage hardware being located in lets say, Canada for example. Not only is this a great concept in terms of safety and security, but the technology itself also allows cloud computing providers to leverage potential resources from virtually anywhere onEarth!

How cloud storage functions; now and in the future

Currently, cloud storage is frequently implemented as a security redundancy, or perhaps used to handle non critical processes and assets. The simple fact that cloud computing is still more or less in its infancy is preventing components like cloud storage from being adapted and used more widely, in a variety of ways. Right now, most


the art of serViCe

looking at Cloud storage

businesses are attracted to cloud storage because it offers them virtually limitless and cheap storage that is also secure and encrypted. In the future, there may very well be a more comprehensive set of standards that will define the parameters of cloud storage. Using the current or existing models as a reference point; it is unclear how well suited most cloud storage is to adaptation to increasingly complex and varied cloud applications, operating systems and/or runtime components. Current vendors in the cloud storage market are seeking or employing ways of allowing clients to accurately calculate their proposed data usages so that even more competitive and affordable cloud storage can be experienced. Once (or perhaps if ) cloud computing makes the transition from fringe to mainstream, the clearly outlined benefits of cloud storage will become extremely obvious to everyone. The current limitation(s) regarding widespread usage of cloud storage is more a reflection of everyones viewpoint of cloud computing itself. Most people have yet to grasp a true understanding of whats even possible in the world of cloud computing, and the same can definitely be said about cloud storage as well.



perfeCt for the indiVidual user as well as businesses

that allows users to access a broad range of web-based tools, technologies and applications. Cloud / web platforms also offer users more power along with more accessible and manageable storage space. The interface for a

cloud or web platform is a type of infrastructure

cloud / web platform is more often than not, based off of typical, commonplace browser designs; or perhaps even those browsers that have been adapted for use in cloud computing. It should also be noted that the terms cloud platforms and web platforms are used synonymously.

As with virtually every other facet of cloud computing, businesses have the most to gain through use of cloud / web platforms. From online retailing to establishing a host of computing tools to help facilitate daily business operations, a platform gives businesses the ability to reach peripheral customers (sans any added investment in supplementary hosting infrastructure(s)).

Cloud/Web platforms as a magnet for web tech

What is interesting, is how most cloud/web platforms have routinely incorporated all interesting web technologies / developments (past, present and perhaps future as well). This all-inclusive style of


the art of serViCe

Cloud / web platforms

development makes these types of user platforms extremely versatile and a powerful magnet for web technology of all varieties. The emergence of cloud/web platforms is altogether a necessary one as well, it is through them that the greater part of the current usable infrastructure will be absorbed; if / when cloud computing finally takes over the globe. In a sense, cloud platforms are a form of first-tier integration and transition for the next generation of developments. Given that this is the current state of affairs, it should also follow logic that the importance or prevalence of web platforms will only increase over time.

The ongoing merger

Many of the independent resources offered via cloud / web platforms can be merged into, or with other forms of cloud services. One area where this is obvious and apparent is with the services offered by cloud computing providers. Lets say that there is this cloud service provider company, they are well respected and deliver a quality cloud computing networked service. Perhaps they also include user customized lists of additional services that can be added to an existing package, and/or maybe they offer a la carte services as well? If this fabulous company is not able to integrate the popular and important web platforms into their proposed service packages they are certainly not meeting with customer expectations.


the art of serViCe

Cloud / web platforms

To say that cloud/web platforms are powerful is an understatement. If theyre not enabling use of extensive cloud networking capabilities theyre being utilized to facilitate wide social networking operations (Twitter is a great example of this). So in many ways, these platforms exert power over individuals, social groups, and the technology of the web itself. The bottom line is that individual organizations often sink a lot of capital investment and energy into the development of these cloud / web platforms, and because of this they often perform their task(s) extremely well.

Ability to solve complex business problems

One of the more surprising developments in the early stages of cloud computing was the great number of businesses interested, as opposed to individual consumers. It was originally thought that businesses would be the most apprehensive about adopting new/untested/unexplored technology than the user end consumer might be; wrong. Todays businesses are more apt to take certain calculated risks than they were even 15 years ago, and this speaks volumes about the potential of cloud computing when governmental agencies and businesses are rushing in droves to integrate. What does this have to do with cloud/web platforms you ask? Well, cloud platforms are often the very first thing to be added to any businesses ongoing list of resources. It is through a cloud platform


the art of serViCe

Cloud / web platforms

that most businesses gain the insight and motivation to explore other cloud avenues. In other words, once an organization begins to see the effectiveness of using certain web-based applications / websites to both, promote their goods/services via social media as well as help further analyze important data (for decision making events), they often decide to jump into cloud computing head first. It should be noted that in the businesses world, those who get there first stand to make the largest profit, and for many serious businesses, getting into cloud computing may help turn their fairly successful mid-level organization(s) into the powerful empires of the future.


its what makes Cloud Computing unique (as well as powerful)

f all the attributes possessed by cloud computing in

processing and the scalability of applications are all elastic in the cloud. The really remarkable thing about cloud computing is the realtime infrastructure that actively responds to user requests for resources. Without the real-time monitoring and support behind this elasticity, the effectiveness, adaptability and muscle of cloud computing undermined. would be greatly

general, the most important is certainly its elasticity. But, just what is elasticity as it pertains to cloud computing? Most people define the elasticity of a cloud as; its ability to amplify and instantly upgrade resources and/or capacities at a moments notice. This includes every facet of cloud computing as well; storage,

It is this elastic ability that the service providers possess which allows them to offer their users access to cloud computing services at such reduced costs. Since users only pay for what they use (there are no fixed prices) they can save quite a bit of money. However, providers are able to save too. Unlike a traditional grid network/setup, which demands that each client has a preallocated set of resources available at all times, cloud computing is able to balance and distribute its resources across the entire network in real time. How often is everyone assigned to one network online at the same time? Why should all that potential


the art of serViCe


power go to waste? The elastic abilities and functions of cloud computing addresses these questions, and solves them by way of its ingenious design.

What can elasticity accomplish?

Just imagine that there are 100 people in a room and theyre all on the same traditional grid computing network (the current standard). Every one of these individuals has their own intensive hardware setup, of which only around 15 percent of them actually ever use 50 percent of their processing capacity. By comparison; in another room, you have a group of 100 people using a cloud computing network. Their combined resource usage might add up to around 20 - 25 percent of the total processing and storage power of their central cloud computing hardware stack. What cloud computing is really offering is the ability for average users to retain their current standards and expectations, while leaving the door open for instant expansion opportunities should they desire it. The more resource intensive users get full access to the resources that were being wasted by the 85 percent in the grid computingmodel. In this way, cloud computing is hands-down, a much more efficient way to use energy. Many in the scientific and economic world predict that the cost of energy will soon (or in the near future) begin to steadily rise, perhaps beyond the means of the average individual (this has been attributed to peak oil, economic recession, rising populations, demand for cheap energy etc). Elasticity offers you the same computing


the art of serViCe


experience to which you are accustomed, with the added benefit of near limitless resources; what more could you ask for? Of course the best part is, the elasticity offered by cloud computing is much more than just a neat way to distribute network resources; it is the best way to manage our energy consumption and keep it in check. To put it simply, we get to have our cake and eat it too. Right now, a majority of businesses are adding cloud services to simply supplement their existing infrastructures. The elastic capabilities offered by cloud computing makes it perfectly suited toward handling certain activities or processes. Establishing an in office communication and online networking infrastructure (for employees). Setting up a system that allows those in your organization a cleaner and more efficient system for communicating and working often leads to greatly increased profits (it is certainly not going to hurt your business). Using cloud computing to handle overdrafting / high volume data transfer periods and events. Some businesses only use cloud computing when they run out of their own resources, or perhaps anticipate that they might lack needed functionalities. This can be something that is scheduled for an annual or bi-annual basis; designed to meet a seasonal demand for a particular product forexample. Assigning all customer data and transaction information to a cloud computing element. This allows an organization to keep their customers data safe from even their own employees.


the art of serViCe


Utilizing a third party to handle all customer data can also pay off in the event of a catastrophic type event. Cloud computing providers tend to keep your information more securely backedup than most are even aware of. In the end, elasticity is a word that is intimately associated with cloud computing and also more of less defines what it is capable of. Elasticity essentially allows both user and provider to do more with less. In many ways, elasticity is an entirely new concept; and one that will no doubt come to influence every area of software and hardware development in the near future.



getting the most from a serVer Virtualization inVestment

f you are fairly experienced in the world of cloud computing should (by now) no

networks / servers which can be run on one centralized hardware stack / server amalgamation. Server virtualization is what makes it possible to establish VPNs or virtual private networks; these networks in turn, may handle numerous copies of individual portals or the software, OS, and hardware components that individual users interact with.


doubt be aware of why server virtualization is a long term cost effective implementation. For those that arent aware of what server virtualization is it can be best explained as system of creating multiple copies of virtualized systems, or even entire

What makes server virtualization so cost effective in the long run is its ability to simply add additional resources to the existing mainframes in a most painless manner. This flies in the face of current server/hardware augmentation, which often requires a radical (and costly) restructuring procedure. The cloud computing / server virtualization scenario allows you to append additional resources and easily copy and paste logistical and operational parameters onto the new hardware; so


the art of serViCe

serVer Virtualization: whats your roi

downtime is kept to a minimum or entirely absent. In a traditional grid computing/networking scenario, entire hardware stacks have to be purged or cast out once they become obsolete; in other words the old method is extremely inflexible. So, to put things simply; cloud computing allows you to keep on adding hardware (including normally unusable hardware), assigning various hardware components to new tasks, and creating an extremely powerful system that is capable of using all resources in the most efficient manner possible. Grid networking / computing basically requires you to upgrade on an annual basis, is quite wasteful, uses an extraordinary amount of energy, is inefficient in its distribution of power/resources, and requires a much larger staff to maintain its operational capacity. All of these factors add up to one conclusion: cloud computing and server virtualization is much cheaper in the long run. As with any significant business investment, before you jump on the bandwagon, there are a few things to consider; or rather, you should (definitely) calculate your long range ROI (return on investment) first.

How to do it
On its face the essence of calculating ROI is simple; you take the total amount you need/would like to invest in your new hardware/setup and compare it with the ongoing/current costs of your setup. Next, you want to figure out how much capital investment is required for


the art of serViCe

serVer Virtualization: whats your roi

a 5 year plan including both proposed setups. These calculated costs should include: Virtual server software costs. Additional application software costs. Costs associated with the salaries of the maintenance teams needed for both instances. All required software costs. IT infrastructure management software costs. Server hardware costs (current and proposed). Hardware maintenance and upgrading costs.

It may be somewhat difficult to calculate the exact potential costs of certain elements, as the prices of software and hardware often fluctuate given the state of the economy. Additionally, any number of breakthroughs are likely to occur in the space of your proposed upgrade period which may make the software / hardware upgrades you thought necessary either rise or drop in overall price. Whats the best course of action? Just use average figures. Once you have compiled a spreadsheet for both models it should be easy to see which one offers the clear financial advantage over the other. Also keep in mind that it is entirely feasible to assume that a technological leap in cloud computing can occur at any time, most likely with regards to software development. So it is probably best to slowly upgrade or build your system so that you can both, get the best prices and implement the best components as they are released. It should be noted that software costs for cloud computing environments and applications tend to be


the art of serViCe

serVer Virtualization: whats your roi

more affordable, and require less constant upgrading than the grid model. This means that a current build utilizing certain virtual server software might last quite a number of years longer than what could ever be expected of grid computing. If your business is realistic and sticks to making calculated decisions concerning its implementation of server virtualization and cloud computing, both the efficiency and costs associated with its computing / IT department certainly wont disappoint. A cloud computing consultancy or expert should be able to identify and calculate specific ROI questions and concerns for you, should you require the additional assistance.



the middle layer of Cloud Computing

n the typically accepted model used by cloud computing serv-

ground hardware processes. One could argue that some of the most crucial elements of cloud computing reside within the areas of the technology stack knows as PaaS.

ice providers, PaaS inhabits the middle area between user end software structures and back-

In addition to being recognized as another form or layer of technology existing within the big picture infrastructure of cloud computing, PaaS is also a particular type of service that a provider can offer. So, Platform as a Service can be seen as both a set of technical components as well as a cloud computing offering in and of itself; this makes it very unique (along with SaaS and IaaS).

What are some of the specific components of PaaS?

Here is a short list of examples of the types of components that fall under the heading of PaaS: Database Management Systems A database is only as good as the system that is used to manage it. In cloud computing, a database management system will often act as a courier between the upper/middle tiers of a technology stack and the hardware


the art of serViCe

platform as a serViCe (paas)

elements. Often times DBMSs will include comprehensive security protocols or deploy (their own) bots for maintenance and organization roles. Application Servers In most cloud networking setups entire servers or hardware elements might be reserved for sole use of applications. The theory here is that if all activities on a particular system are the same, then it can be better optimized and create less errors as well. Business Process Management Suites What are business process management suites? They are complex sets of tasks / applications that are compiled together in one format, analyzed and then used to formulate or provide fuel for additional application intensive processes. Businesses often use these to automate many of their internal processes as it is cheaper than using a human being and is less prone to errors as well. Applications/Data integration As is the case with any other computer networking or processing solution, applications provide the activity and momentum needed to perform tasks and draw interest from users. Applications can be designed to do virtually anything; and in cloud computing, they exist in the middle layer. By the same token, any and all collected data that goes into a cloud computing system must be integrated into it in an economical, organized and efficient manner. The elements that are responsible for this are also located in the middle layer of the tech stack.


the art of serViCe

platform as a serViCe (paas)

Portals Simply put, a portal is an access point between a user and cloud resources. Users will actually connect to cloud resources through a channel located in the middleware of the technology stack. The upper/software layer more or less floats on top of this middle layer as well.

Applications that assist in standard cloud operations Any other type of application that currently exists or is yet to be created occupies (or will occupy) the middle layer of the cloud computing technology stack.

PaaS as another type of cloud provider offering

Many cloud provider organizations are intent on giving users and/or business oriented clients that option of simply picking up or adding some form of PaaS offering to their current cloud network or traditional setup. Businesses in particular seem to enjoy the benefits of PaaS and often choose to implement it to assist in decision making processes as well as daily operations. Communication through a PaaS offering is a popular choice, it might even allow an organization to subvert their customer service department or establish a more efficient form of inter-office communication. Additionally, there are tons of individual applications that might be pertinent to specific business industries and used / deployed on an individual basis (or perhaps as part of a larger package of service options).


the art of serViCe

platform as a serViCe (paas)

Looking at the future of PaaS

It could be said that the most successful companies that are or will be offering dedicated PaaS products, components and systems will be the ones that ultimately determine its future and direction. If past trends are any indication, PaaS will likely continue to grow, incorporating every new application oriented concept that emerges. A potential problem to overcome is the cost or affordability of PaaS offerings. The ongoing high cost of researching and developing PaaS components often leads a company to unexpectedly change the prices of their offerings. Consumers do not particularly like unstable pricing markets, so this is a problem. It is foreseeable that the prices will stabilize however, especially once more standardized sets of cloud computing components have been officially explored and appointed. Many individuals today are solely focused on the sub components of PaaS and are apt to unintentionally avoid looking at the whole of PaaS as a single entity. This makes sense because it is impossible to truly define what comprises or completes a larger system without, both exploring all options for an intended system, and establishing the most proper/efficient way(s) to utilize them.



a Closer look at some potential unexpeCted (though unCommon) problems




the same realities as any other technology. Even with its ability to essentially do more with less energy, and provide nearly limitless resources to users, it still has its shortcomings. Most of these cloud computing issues are either warnings for potential risks, or something to do with integration and management.

enjoyed what some might

even call a meteoric rise to popularity in recent years; to make a long story short, people are extremely interested and intrigued by it. Despite all the wondrous things that cloud computing is capable of, the fact remains that it is still subject to

Too often people try to politicize issues rather than looking at the problem(s) objectively, the world of cloud computing currently suffers in this regard. For many, cloud computing represents a continuation and evolvement of computing and networking. These individuals only want to promote the mind blowing potentials that cloud computing clearly offers. Still, others (some that might even hold cloud computing in high regard) see the security holes, potential legal scruples, lack of support, and steep learning curve attached to cloud computing and are not as satisfied. In reality, both groups are right (and wrong);


the art of serViCe

what Can go wrong in Cloud Computing?

Pro Group
Cloud computing is an incredible achievement and one that might, or might not change the world. But does it really have to change the world to be great?

Con Group
Cloud computing has its faults and widespread adoption of it without conducting the necessary preventative research could create a smorgasbord of loopholes for criminals to wreak havoc with. However, there are numerous clear benefits to cloud computing, and no one can argue that on paper, it is a clear advancement over the current model, as well as a nod to the future. Focusing solely on either the positive or negative aspects of cloud computing is more than a little bit nave, its akin to a horse that has blinders on either side of its head. Most individuals probably fall somewhere in between these two groups; which is in truth, the most sensible place with which to reside. Take into consideration the speed with which cloud computing is developing, and its entirely logical to assume that it will continue on its path of current growth and development.


the art of serViCe

what Can go wrong in Cloud Computing?

Whats the Damage?

Specifically speaking, there are some usability issues that make cloud computing less than accommodating. A perfect illustration concerning this lack of cooperation is evident in the fact that applications cant be simply moved from service to service and/or provider to provider, for example. This is a problem because often times, a business can become partly or entirely dependent on the activities or analysis of a specific application. Hinging the entire success of your business on a few critical elements which, may or may not be transferable, is not exactly an intelligent move is it? Additionally, some people have reported that it is quite difficult to control, integrate or manage certain types of cloud applications. One thing about cloud computing that is different from the grid model is the fact that ongoing maintenance and support may be needed to ensure that components (both hardware and software) continue doing what they are supposed to be doing. An underlying trend in cloud computing seems to push toward leaving most or all of the technical modifications and management to expertly skilled individuals. For those that are used to engaging in a hands-on approach themselves, this is almost like a step backwards. However, all is not lost; once the rules and guidelines have been established, the overall level of user modification, interaction and manageability will undoubtedly sharplyincrease.


the art of serViCe

what Can go wrong in Cloud Computing?

What cloud computing discussion covering potential pitfalls would be complete without covering any regulatory and/or legal aspects? The simple fact of the matter is that service license agreements for either apps or the packages offered by cloud computing providers are not comprehensive, and are not sanctioned or authorized by any oversight committee(s). In fact, there is no definite regulatory structure in place for cloud computing at all. This means that in the event of catastrophic loss of data or breach of security, there may be no one there to catch you. Currently, it is at the discretion of the providing company to consider these potentialities. The good news is that there are a number of companies that are facing these issues head on and offer comprehensive plans / structures for dealing with unknown or outside threats. By the same token, certain companies may need to be forced to reveal the location(s) of their hardware to their clientele. This is important because there may be different laws in place in foreign countries concerning digital or internet based data and exchanges that could affect your business.

Hey, nobodys perfect

Like it or not, cloud computing is not going away any time soon. The best course of action is to love the things about it that work and fix those that dont. Simple enough right? Accomplishing this task is going to require the participation from all involved groups and parties. Those that see potentials in cloud computing will push it toward greater ends, and those that see serious problems will either help fix them or keep on highlighting them until someone else does.



will the Cloud Computing disCussion deVolVe into tireless rhetoriC? Cant we all just get along?

of what

ne of the biggest hindrances that could very well be cloud computing and public

have put forth solid, compelling definitions for cloud computing and its related terms, but that seems to have done little to stem the tide of discord. The fact remains, many of the most important and visible cloud computing terms are sometimes used interchangeably; which is disparaging, because often times these terms have entirely different meanings. perfectly illustrates the typical


from moving forward (in terms development dissemination) is the lack of public accord with regards to actually defines there cloud are computing. esteemed Sure,



documents and reports (like those from Gartner for example) that A great example (which

misunderstanding(s)), is the dual functioning term, virtualization as it applies to cloud computing. A large number of individuals have taken to applying a loose interpretation of this term; even using it as a substitute for cloud computing. The loose description of virtualization would be something to the effect of, running a virtual


the art of serViCe

why Cant we agree on the definition of Cloud Computing?

system from a remote location. On its face, this sounds exactly like what cloud computing does; and in some ways it is. However, virtualization actually refers to creating virtualized, server-based copies of hardware, application or other software which are then fed to the user via the net. In other words, virtualization is a number of individual processes, not just an end result. There is also a great amount of confusion concerning the application of SaaS (software as a service), IaaS (infrastructure as a service), and PaaS (Platform as a Service). This disorientation is linked to the use of these terms via both provider services as well as technology stack description. SaaS, IaaS, PaaS As a provider service 3 SaaS A complete cloud computing solution encompassing every possible layer, from the hardware running the network, to the software / applications running in the foreground. 3 IaaS This service level would provide the applications, virtualization(s), runtime environment, operating system, as well as other critical function elements. It may even be paired up with certain hardware elements that might be offered via a sole provider or a thirdparty vendor. 3 PaaS Encompasses everything thats considered to be hardware or network related. Access to local hardware stack(s) and servers is what a company is usually


the art of serViCe

why Cant we agree on the definition of Cloud Computing?

offering when they put together a PaaS package. SaaS, IaaS, PaaS As a technology stack description 3 SaaS The foreground The literal elements that the user interacts with and sometimes manually manipulates comprises whats in the foreground of a cloud computing environment. 3 IaaS - The middle ground - Everything in the middle ground is there to ensure that communication between the foreground and background is seamless, efficient and self-correcting. 3 PaaS - The background Without dedicated and expertly maintained hardware, cloud computing would be an afterthought. The hardware that runs a cloud network is what PaaS is all about. These are just a few examples of the divisiveness amongst the cloud computing crowd. It could be said that around every corner there is currently some kind of misunderstanding about a cloud computing term or terms. An official panel or congress needs to be held at some point in the near future to solidly define the terms and parameters of cloud computing once and for all. Once this is done, developers (as well as users) will be able to ensure cross compatibility/usability for everything that is produced hereafter. When working in a highly scientific environment like computing, programming and networking, you must have all of


the art of serViCe

why Cant we agree on the definition of Cloud Computing?

your terminology clearly defined in order to progress. As with any other scientific endeavor, future advancement is usually built upon the triumphs of the past. So if cloud computing is to take the next step, it will need to put a few triumphs under its belt first.


part ii iVankas blog artiCles


when it dawned on me: you cant do one properly without the other! The reason for this is that as IT professional you will need to understand the services you deliver to your customers and end-users and have the ability to manage and control those services before you can even think about utilizing cloud computing services as part of your deliverymodel. Because thats ultimately what Cloud Computing is (in my mind at least): just a different way of delivering the services to your customers en end-users. Currently you might store the information (data) on servers and disk arrays that you bought and manage yourself in the corporate data centre. Due to rapid increase in storage demand (for instance due to image storage - example: a lot of insurance companies are facing this issue at the moment because all policies and claims are scanned and stored electronically as images) you will have a choice: A) purchase an extra server or extra storage device? OR B) sign up for an external storage solution provider? The answer to the question will depend on

his morning I was thinking about my next article and whether it would be on IT Service Management (ITSM) or on Cloud Computing


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing and itsm - 2 peas in a pod...

your clients, the SLAs you have with them, the policies and corporate boundaries you have to work with, Financial implications etc. What shouldnt change after youve made the choice, is the service to the customer and end-user. They still need to be able to access their data in line with their business needs and business requirements. So ITSM is important for every IT organisation, no matter how you organise the delivery of your services to your customers and endusers! Food for thought for a lot of organizations because it begs the question: how ready are we... really?!



o continue on the subject of Cloud Computing and ITSM, I started thinking about Service Level Management.

What effect does Cloud computing (potentially) have on the process of Service Level Management? Do you still need SLM when you utilize services from the cloud? How important is SLM when you have external storage or processing services? Assume you have Service Level Management implemented in your organisation - you probably have the following: You have a Service Requirement Document (created by the customer) as input into your Service Pipeline. You have a Service Catalogue which covers ALL current services in life operational use (including some services in transition). You have Service Level Agreements for each Service in the Service Catalogue. You have a Service Level Manager who manages and organises the Service Level management Process. You have a Service Catalogue Manager who is accountable for


iVankas blog artiCles

serViCe leVel management for Cloud Computing

the creation and maintenance of the Service Catalogue (can be the same person who does the SLM manager role...). You have a system to monitor and measure the achievements of the IT organisation in relation to the guarantees that were given in the SLAs. You have a regular review meeting with the clients to update them on the Service Level achievements and to listen to what is happening at the business side (input into demand management and Continual Service Improvement processes). (Yes, I know there is a lot more to Service Level Management, but these are the main components. ) So the question is: will this change when you utilize Cloud Computing as part of your IT Service Offerings? And to be honest, I dont think so... The IT Group really should be managed as a business within a business, and as such needs to come up with solutions that are right for the customer (they add value - at least enough value that the customers want to exchange this service for money). Deep down inside the customer probably does not care - or is not concerned with - the way you get to the solution as long as it is within the corporate core values and business boundaries. When this is the paradigm you work in, I really dont think Service Level Management changes that much when cloud computing services areused.


iVankas blog artiCles

top 10 things to Consider when migrating to saas or hosted software solutions -

What changes are probably the following: Service Catalogue (especially the technical catalogue). The Security Chapter in the Service Level Agreement (as security issues become a lot more visible as part of the delivery is outside of the organisation). I know I am focusing on the IT to business alignment and I do this on purpose to stay out of the technical discussion. At a technical level there will be many changes (e.g. how to do proper performance measurement -capacity management - as input into Service Level Reporting) but that is an internal thing and should not impact the business at all! When you think of it.... Service Level Management is probably MORE important in a scenario where cloud computing is utilized! there are so many new maturity levels and service improvement opportunities with cloud computing! Back to my thinking corner. ... how can The Art of Service help you to leverage of this knowledge?!



Solution. So here are my initial 10 thoughts:

oday somebody asked me what small to medium business owners need to consider when they wish to migrate to a hosted Software

Migration issues in general:

Choosing software or any type of IT solution has a reason: you want your business processes to run more effectively and/or efficiently: you want to be able to analyse information to do a gap analysis or to predict the future so you can strategically respond to what is happening in the market. Make sure you understand you reasoning for the solution, and you need to have a solid understanding of how your processes run internally (currently, without the help of the software solution. Based on this assessment you can create a wish list what does the software need to do? What are the features that will create this benefit for you? Based on this analysis you can make a choice of the product. The next step is to consider to purchase the licenses and host the


iVankas blog artiCles

things to Consider when migrating to saas

software internally on the server (if you have one!) or to opt for external hosting solutions. When you already use the solution as a purchased license software solution and you want to move to a hosted version you need to think about the reasons why: Do you lack the internal IT support? Do you lack the internal storage / processing power to run more concurrent users on the system? Do you want to spread the payment from an upfront lump-sum payment to a pay as you go system? (Basically transferring the budget from capital purchases to operational expenses.)

Small to medium enterprise specifically:

Before you sign any contract: Ask for the hosting agreement and SLA. Small business owners usually dont have experience with these type of agreements and not viewing them might open up pandoras box without you knowing it. Make sure you understand the agreements and what it means to your business processes. IT support - what are the expectations of the hosting provider? Do they expect you to be a technical genius? Or at least have an IT professional on staff to help with the day-to-day operational activities, or are they able to communicate with you in plain


iVankas blog artiCles

things to Consider when migrating to saas

business English and explain what is needed without you having to up skill in IT qualifications. When going through the SLA, look for business impact. A hosted Software solution that has an availability guarantee of 95% of the time we should be able to ping the server is of absolute NO value to your business. Search for availability guarantees and penalty clauses: does the availability fit in with your business model? Example: when you are based in the US, but the hosting provider is based in Europe what does the term business hours mean? Yours or theirs? And... are your business hours the same as what the provider has in mind? (you may run an internet based business that needs 24x7 support...) What do you need to do to receive the credits when the hosting provider failed to achieve the guaranteed service levels. Are they automatically processes, or do you need to ask for them in writing? Migrating to a SaaS or hosted Software solution is usually fairly easy: the hosting provider is keen to sell so they will help you with setting everything up and transferring the information to the hosted environment. Make sure you have TRAINING included in the initial setup. Your staff will need to go through different steps to access the software (example: MS Dynamic CRM as a hosted solution has the outlook client and the web-client staff members need to understand how this works and how the 2 views fit together.)


iVankas blog artiCles

things to Consider when migrating to saas

What is the exit strategy? How do you get the information back when you finish the hosting contract?



point of view. But what about the end-user?? Today I try to answer the question: Cloud Computing, SaaS or Virtualization - what changes for the end-user?: What is different about the user experience? This all depends on how the hosted Software is organised. You can still have an icon on your desktop that connects to the application. It just doesnt link to the server in the office, but to the server somewhere up in the cloud. The biggest difference is probably that it is browser driven. It can go as far as completely virtual PCs (have a look at and youll see what I mean). But surely there will be tighter security? If all is well, there should not be any different security requirements. This is a little bit tongue in cheek as I have had discussions with Chief Architects who were quick to support this argument. Many articles about hosted environments and

esterday, I talked about the 10 things to consider when you migrate to a hosted solution, and this was mostly from a business owner


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing, saas or Virtualization... what Changes for the end-user?

cloud computing will focus on the security issues and how you need to have your data more secure because it is now hosted on somebody elses infrastructure. But what does that say about your internal IT organisation?! The fact that you store the application and associated data internally, doesnt mean that you can leave it at a lesser security level! There will be however certain legislative rules and regulations around international data storage etc. And of course you need to make sure that the data traffic is encrypted and secure. But the same goes for using Blackberries and iPhones in your organisation. I dont know anything about technology, where do I go to get support? This is an interesting question. Usually you will have a support agreement with your hosted supplier (probably at an additional cost) and this is the reason why you need to look very closely at the service desk / support operating hours. Are you able to access support when you need it? Most large hosting organisations will have local or timezone specific service desk services (follow the sun principle). Most of the support can be done remotely and this is one of the reasons why I talked about the fact that you need to question the hosting provider what type of expertise they expect on the business side. Some hosting providers only provide super technical support and expect you to organise the generic IT support locally. Organizations like and are offering localized support to their global client base.


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing, saas or Virtualization... what Changes for the end-user?

But what happens when I dont have an internet connection? Another question that many people might struggle with, and what might keep them from starting to use cloud computing services. It is almost fear of the unknown. We all know what it is like to have all our applications on our desktop or laptop where you have access to it, no matter where you are. (as long as you have power, I suppose). Many SaaS providers give you the option to have offline access as well to make sure that you can continue to work even when you dont have access to the internet. For example: MS Dynamic CRM has the offline option, which basically means that you can access your data on your laptop when you are offline and you synchronize with the database the moment you connect again. This is possible in a hosted situation where there is the need for a local client application. When you deal with Software as a Service / fully online offerings, this will NOT be possible. For example you wont be able to access Microsofts live spaces or Salesforce. com or Google docs when youre offline. (sorry - Google docs DOES have a setting that allows you offline access, you need to enable this in your settings). Make sure you check this option BEFORE you sign on to anything! (Especially when you travel a lot and offline access is important to you.) Hopefully this has given you more food for thought about Cloud computing and what it means to end-users in the business.



he last couple of months I have been thinking about a subject for a presentation and it is about the fact that Capacity Management

is going to be the obsolete process for many IT organizations... in the future. When businesses really embrace new concepts like Cloud Computing and Software as a Service do they still have a need for Capacity Management? These are some of the thoughts I have so far: Businesses need to change faster and more often - traditional ways of doing demand management as input into a capacity plan that is to be used for Capital expenditure budgeting (wow - long sentence!!) is no longer sufficient. The business needs the benefits of the systems and they need it NOW... Yes, I agree that there is still the need for a strategic approach to the delivery of IT Services but with the opportunity to rent capacity on a pay as you go basis makes all this a lot easier. In times of economic instability you need low fixed cost - well, currently we purchase servers and expensive infrastructure like we buy clothes for our kids: they are too big but theyll grow into it. So we end up with expensive boxes that are only used for approx. 15 - 20% of their capacity. Not quite a low fixed cost option. How about we use virtualization opportunities for the infrastructure we currently own and utilize services


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing killed the CapaCity star

in the cloud on a pay as you go basis to minimize the fixed capital expenditure. This way we can manipulate the variable components of our budgets as needed and respond quicker to changes in the market. IT Service as a utility - Many of our business clients talk about IT Service in the same way as they would about electricity and light. Why would you create a capacity plan for electricity? You simply flick a switch and it is there... that is exactly what they expect from IT I simply turn on the PC and all the applications I need are there and they work. Its quite simple really... no capacity management needed, and it is going to be quite difficult (I think) to be able to justify the expenditure on capacity management when this is the perception as the customer side. Business Capacity Management is more important than ever From a strategic point of view we need to stay in touch with the business, their pain points and business opportunities. This way we can help and support the business now and in the future. Based on our discussions with the business we can add ideas for new or changed services to our service pipeline to keep in mind for future service updates. Changes in business focus, vision and strategy need to be aligned with what we are doing in our IT department.


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing killed the CapaCity star

I know - my thoughts are not completely finished yet, so I am not ready to put it in a presentation to attack the conference / speaking circuit but I am sure I am on to something!!!! Just like that song in the 1980s Video killed the radio Star, we will be thinking about Capacity Management quite differently a few years from now... there may still be a need for it but in a completely different way, and for different audiences.. After all, we still listen to the radio and not everybody watches MTV-music videos!



the networking cocktail party on Monday. That morning Eric had explained how Nortel transitioned their IT strategy. This was needed partially due to the way the world is changing and turning towards hyperconnectivity. Examples of hyperconnectivity he gave are the 4-fold increase of Internet commerce transactions, the amount of new Facebook registrations each day and NIKE wifi shoes. Eric also discussed how Nortel implemented a unified communications strategy where the desktop is completely integrated with telephony (voip) and other cool things. In the afternoon there was a panel to

his was the discussion I had with Rob England (http://www. and Eric Lauzon (CIO - Asia for Nortel) during

1 ITIL is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.


iVankas blog artiCles

are we really going to need CapaCity management in the future?

discuss the balance between capacity, resource and cost. Anyway those were the triggers for the discussion. So with our rapidly changing industry and the fact that this change is not just the change in technology, but also the change in customer demands and expectations - are we really going to need Capacity Management in the future? Clients want access to an IT service and they want it NOW - this is what they are used to in the consumer technology market... and with the options of Cloud Computing, SaaS, virtualization and other web-based services we can pretty much deliver everything our clients want.... within their expectations for timeframe... so why bother with capacity management? Well - because you still need to have an idea of where the company is going; what are the corporate objectives, what is important to the bottom line of the company, what type of service are they going to need in the future? So you will probably always need to do Business Capacity Management (the future looking part of the process). The nitty gritty part of the process - the routine activities of monitoring, measuring and analysing utilization and performance of individual components will probably not be as important anymore in the future. All that stuff is dealt with at the supplier side. The cloud ... you dont control those components so you dont need to perfomance manage them. The internal IT shop will need to manage the performance of the web-based services -- the outcomes of that service, that is! So a much closer link to Service Level Management than we currently have. And probably closely linked to supplier and vendor management as we


iVankas blog artiCles

are we really going to need CapaCity management in the future?

currently know it in outsourcing situations. So I dont think the process will be eliminated or deleted from the framework, but the activities to be performed will change. You cant stop the control activities but you can eliminate a lot of the operational activities. Interesting times coming our way!



he title is a little tongue in cheek but the message is still true: Yesterday we got hit by a massive storm and due to this we have

not had any power in our house since 5pm yesterday afternoon (it is now 12pm). So almost 20 hours and counting... When I just spoke to our security lady she mentioned that the blackout could take up to 48hours! After my initial shock - and some quick calculations of the value of the content in our freezers that is now slowly defrosting, I started thinking about the effects this has on our service delivery: My husbands laptop and Internet connection runs of the main power and cant be used at the moment. My laptop has internal mobile internet access so in theory should be able to work for at least 4 hours or so on the battery. Our exchange server and file server in the office shut down during the storm as well so nobody in the office could get to their emails and server directories.


iVankas blog artiCles

the benefits of Cloud Computing in relation to Climate Change...

Not a good scenario really - and with the current climate change the experts are forecasting more of these storms to hit in the coming summer season... they are even speculating of a possible hurricane / cyclone to hit South East Queensland! What can we do to improve our Service delivery capability: Purchase backup generators to ensure ongoing power during these blackouts. Purchase backup batteries to go into the laptops as a fail over system. Purchase another mobile Internet connection for the other laptop. And then it hit me: OR... we can use cloud computing as our solution! With cloud computing you dont need to worry about your laptop or desktop... you can go to any Internet cafe that still has power and access all your data from there! All your emails are stored offsite so your exchange server is not affected by this power outage at all because it is in a different area! OK, OK - you still need power to run a computer or laptop but you are not restricted by location. When the power is out in one location, you simply move to another one where this is power. Its very simple really... If only there was an easy solution to my defrosting meat issue... Barbecue anyone?! PS: when we follow ITIL Service Continuity Management processes we should have thought of all of this beforehand, I know that... but lets say we decided NOT to put any countermeasures in place for a once in 2 decade chance.



important tool in the aim for Green IT. Reason for this is that cloud computing makes a lot of things easier to manage - sometimes even easier than when you have your IT internal.. and because most people follow the path of least resistance, the opportunities for Cloud Computing are almost without bound. So what will happen? Organizations will consolidate their own internal datacentres and use virtualization techniques to achieve this. Many Software applications will be purchased (or rented) on a pay per use basis through SaaS solutions. And additional storage space and temporary capacity will be added through Amazon S3 and similar offerings. What does this mean for the internal IT organisation? Consolidation of internal datacentres means that there is less floor space needed for the servers etc. Or that we can offer more services with the same floorspace. It means that rather than purchasing new servers who use electricity and need cooling, we utilize what we already have.

he more I discuss the possibilities of Cloud Computing with people the more I am getting convinced that this will become an


iVankas blog artiCles

green it - pie in the sky? no... head for the Clouds!

Software as a Service means that there are less requirements for servers to host the software and that leads to point 1. Also - think about the fact that software vendors no longer need to package software or send software across the world. Imagine the savings in airplane fuel and environmental impact this will have!

On demand storage means that rather than purchasing additional servers or mainframes that may only be used for a short period of time, or for a Small component of its possibilities, you now use Amazons storage buckets - but only for as long as you need it.

Overall there will be less demand on internal IT organizations and the external organizations that offer Cloud based Services will have the economy of scale to be able to focus their efforts on cost efficient, energy efficient and environment friendlier delivery mechanisms. So to me Green IT is not a pie in the sky... as long as you seriously consider Cloud Computing.



n my flight back from Los Angeles to Sydney a few weeks ago I sat next to a lovely person named Martin. As he is also working

in the IT industry (surprise, surprise...) we started talking about mobile applications and cloud computing in general. Martin mentioned that he had a fantastic experience on his flight from New York to Los Angeles early December ... he flew with Virgin and they offered wireless Internet connection for $9.99. Sounds almost too good to be true, but it got me thinking...: Are we being played by the airline industry? What happened to the old please switch off all mobile phones and electronic devices with wireless connectivity.. at no point during the flights are they allowed to be turned on again. We are led to believe that the wireless capability in your mobile phone (or furby) will interfere with the planes navigation system. So, what does that mean for the Virgin flights? Is it more of an adventure when you fly Virgin? Yes, I know you booked a New York - Los Angeles flight but we ended up in Seattle... isnt it cool?!... ber Cloud Computing? Having wireless connectivity in a plane is Cloud Computing to the max! It really takes Cloud Computing to a new level; you can now send your emails and upload your photos at 30,000 feet. Is this what will give us the ultimate technological edge?! And will the charges be part of your


iVankas blog artiCles

Cloud Computing or rather... Computing in the Cloud

global roaming plan?? This will probably only be on domestic flights as I cant imagine the legal battles you will have to fight in relation to sales taxes when you start offering this to international flights... or would this be part of the on board duty free shopping?!

Is switching off a bad thing?

What will happen to our emotional state? I must admit that I enjoy the fact that in a plane I cant log onto the Internet, I cant check my emails and I can read a girly novel without feeling guilty.. I dont have to do any business related activities and I can switch off my brain because I have an excuse! It is my ultimate relaxation... but when there is the option of wireless Internet I know I will take it and I continue to answer emails, write blogs, articles etc... So even though with my company we educate our clients on the benefits of hyperconnectivity, cloud computing and IT Service Management in general, I must admit that sometimes I feel that it is better that there are times where you cannot work on your laptop, you cannot get connected to the Internet, and not be in touch with other people. (and usually I dont talk to the people who sit next to me on the plane... hence the girly novel!) As business people we all need time to reflect, time to completely distance ourselves from our business, our clients and partners... we need time to recharge our business battery and to take a helicopter view on everything that is happening. And reading a trashy girly novel can give you some amazing business ideas... trust me! It is a great strategy to build your business. (but that is a different blog entry altogether!!)



acronym CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability of data and associated systems, service assets etc. What we discuss is that information has to be dealt with in a very cautious manner as there are a lot of potential legal implications when you dont manage this correctly. Think about breaching of privacy laws and regulations for instance. This goes to the extent of sample data for test scripts: are you allowed to take a sample from the production database, or do you need to create a fictional sample due to the sensitivity of the information? In order to manage this properly, you need to discuss with the Customers what their service level needs and requirements are and based on this, come up with a security baseline. A minimum level of security that will guarantee the levels of CIA required to deliver the IT Services to our clients as per the agreed service levels. With this in the back of my mind I am just amazed with the stunt that Facebook pulled last week: As per the 4th of February 2009 they

hen I teach my students about the ITIL process of Information security Management the biggest concept to teach is the


iVankas blog artiCles

itil information seCurity management - the faCebook way

changed their Terms of Service (read SLA) without notifying the users in advance... (strike 1) The new TOS stipulates that ALL content placed on Facebook, including - but not limited to- photos are owned by Facebook. This includes information that are contained in (backups of ) closed accounts (strike 2) AND Facebook retains the right to do whatever they want with this material. Including - but not limited to using your image AND name as part of advertising campaigns (strike 3). So basically, Facebook is doing everything wrong when you compare it to the formal ITIL Framework of good IT Service practices. Availability of content is not just about having it available; it is just as much about keeping certain information UNavailable. You should only be able to get to the information on a need to know basis. Also, what Facebook is doing is playing straight into the cards of everybody who is opposed to Cloud Computing practices. You can just wait for the blogs to appear with titles like: I told you so, cloud computing is NOT secure.. A great opportunity for better value for money in the form of Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, Hosted Services and other cloud computing related service offerings has now been compromised. Companies who are ethical and have a high level of integrity and who WANT to offer cloud computing services to its clients will have a more difficult sales job to do because of the stunt that Facebook pulled this month. Because: When Facebook can do something like this, what to say that you are not?! So what can we do about this? well.. nothing really: its a case of too little too late as information on Facebooks databases and


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itil information seCurity management - the faCebook way

backups can still be used at random. Even when you close your account and delete your information, it may still be available on backups. Why do I care? That was a question I asked myself this morning when I read a waterfall of twitter entries about the updated Facebook Terms of Services. Initially, I didnt think much of it as I work on the principle that everything I put on the internet will end up somewhere and nothing is really private anyway. But I drew the line when I read the sentence that I made bold in the license paragraph taken from the Terms of Service: Licenses - You are solely responsible for the User Content that you Post on or through the Facebook Service. You hereby grant Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to (a) use, copy, publish, stream, store, retain, publicly perform or display, transmit, scan, reformat, modify, edit, frame, translate, excerpt, adapt, create derivative works and distribute (through multiple tiers), any User Content you (i) Post on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof subject only to your ( or (ii) enable a user to Post, including by offering a Share Link on your website and<strong> (b) to use your name, likeness and image for any purpose, including commercial or advertising, each of (a) and (b) on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof. You represent and warrant that you have all rights and permissions to grant the foregoing licenses.


iVankas blog artiCles

itil information seCurity management - the faCebook way

I do not wish for my face, name and other personal information to be used for a marketing campaign or commercial or advertising without my explicit approval. I mean: the chance of this actually happening is minuscule but still..... this is where I draw the line. I just dont know what to do, apart from removing all photos and lay low for a few years to let this blow over... maybe they use annual incremental backups so with a bit of luck I will be safe in about 18 months or so.



owner of a niche specialist IT provider for the retail industry (http:// about the effect Cloud Computing has and will have on this part of the IT industry. The discussion really started when somebody asked about our experience with migrating from Exchange based email services to Google apps based services. And Scott made a valid point: the small IT support shop around the corner that services the Small Business segment will really feel the change in the market. Ask yourself the question... seriously... if you had to start all over again, and set up IT systems for your business, would you purchase proprietary software or would you start off with Google Apps for your email, word processing, basic spreadsheets, intranet pages, etc?

ad an interesting discussion today at lunch with the owner of an IT support company in Brisbane ( and the


iVankas blog artiCles

is this the end of an era?

I know what I would do..

We did it a few months ago: we no longer use Microsoft Exchange Server. We no longer need the IT support that goes with managing email IDs etc. That could amount up to a massive cost saving for the small business owner, but what will it mean for the small IT shop?!?! The only way to succeed in this industry (imho) is to be amazing with your services. Your clients will want to stay with you - not for the money, but for the unparalleled service which they can NOT get anywhere else! Technology is replaceable for something with the exact same features and benefits - service is not.



And Ill tell you why: in the 80s and 90s ITIL came up from a mainframe / Datacenter centric IT delivery model and it worked really well. This type of IT infrastructure really thrived on the structure and disciplines offered by the ITIL framework. As such, the ITIL framework became very popular and offered lots of value to many IT organisations worldwide. It created improvements in service stability, customer satisfaction, efficiencies and as a result better value for money. But then came the Client/Server delivery model and ITIL moved out of the datacenter into the generic IT realm; broadening its reach into network support and application management and maintenance. IT became more visible to the average business employee through the desktop interface. The desktop was a separate organism and so much more than the terminals we had before. There where so many more things that could go wrong; connections could break, mechanical things could stop working and software was added that made the entire system quite vulnerable to issues, problems and downright failure. To this date I feel that many

here am I going with this? Well...I am starting to see the first lead indicators of a changing trend in the use of the ITIL framework.


iVankas blog artiCles

itil framework like tide in the oCean? or is this start of a tsunami?!

IT Professionals are still unclear on how exactly ITIL can help them in their daily tasks of maintaining a piece of equipment, infrastructure or software application. We all know that ITIL is good for us - that we can only benefit from structures and discipline - but when you ask the average technical IT professional they cant tell you exactly how ITIL will help them with their part of the job. And thats where theory and real life differ: the books say that ITIL touches all areas of the IT organisation, and I personally believe that this is true, but in real life there are many areas where technical expertise and ad-hoc problem solving is needed on a day-to-day basis. And then came cloud computing. More and more organisations are using cloud based solutions for their IT Service delivery. Storage is in the cloud, Processing capability in the cloud and through server and desktop virtualization we have basically come full circle to a scenario where IT Service delivery is handled by specialist groups and companies that manage a large Datacenter. All IT Services are consumed via thin client or Zero client appliances which look remarkably like a mobile version of the old mainframe terminals... Am I saying that ITIL is no longer needed? NO ITIL is needed - probably more so than ever, and that is what I mean by the Tsunami in the title of this article. But ITIL will retract into the dungeons of IT Service Delivery where the structure and disciplines are needed to consistently manage multi tenanted servers where the customer dependency is 1 to many. ITIL is needed more than ever because one simple mistake or oversight will


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itil framework like tide in the oCean? or is this start of a tsunami?!

have massive implications for multiple services delivered to multiple clients and their end users. The interdependence between services becomes more important and as a result of this the need for ITIL processes. Maybe Cloud Computing will be the saving grace for the ITIL framework because it is clear again what the value add is of the framework and the guidance; it becomes a logical part of managing the services and because clients expect always on IT Services the business case for ITIL Service Management is simple. Let the experts deal with the technology while the business enjoys the experience. The tsunami happens in the datacenter and the IT groups, while the consumers of IT Services enjoy a relaxing day at the beach... an experience that matches exactly the description in the brochure based on which they purchased the service in the first place.



enable more streamlined customer interaction and more efficiency in account management. The CRM software we used didnt work the way we wanted it and after some research (mainly because we used Microsoft Exchange with Outlook as an email client) we looked to start using MS Dynamic CRM as our contact and account management software. Because of the nature of our business I didnt want software on the server in the office so we opted to sign up for a SaaS / hosted solution. This seemed to be the best of both worlds: No upfront large capital expenditure. Pay as you Go, no long term contracts. Internet based, so we have access to customer data no matter where we are in the world. Well - not such a good story, Im afraid ... the company we signed up with didnt realise or understand that when you provide hosted solutions,

nce upon a time, really not that long ago... approximately 3 years to be exact.... I wanted to improve our business processes to


iVankas blog artiCles

lessons learnt

Software as a Service or ANY cloud based services.... you really need to be very mature in your IT Service Management Processes. Or at the very least your communication with the clients has to be exceptional. This company didnt seem to have any of these disciplines in place.. there was no upfront communication with clients on planned maintenance and on a regular basis we didnt have access to our customer data on the weekend or came into the office on Monday morning to find out that the server upgrades or patches hadnt worked on the weekend.... leaving us stranded as the offline version wasnt configured properly with MS Vista (for whatever reason this seemed to be extremely difficult to do.). And with the type of business that we are (and we discussed this with this provider prior to signing up with them) we really needed 24x6 availability because our workweek runs until Saturday afternoon around 3pm due to the US timezones... So a planned unavailability on Friday evening or Saturday morning was quite disruptive to our business... Yes, I agree that I was probably a highly demanding client (those of you who know me personally are not surprised by this statement!) ; due to the business that I run I dont accept mediocre service levels from anybody.. I know things can be better and I expect to see clear improvement processes. After the second issue, I told them that my company specialises in IT Service Management education and that Id be more than happy to come over to their office to give their IT staff an overview of ITIL and ITSM and how it could help them in their service levels and customer satisfaction. They declined.


iVankas blog artiCles

lessons learnt

As the client their service delivery came across as being very ad hoc and not well managed at all... didnt give me the confidence that my client data and contacts where in safe hands. As the ultimate control freak that I am, this didnt sit very well with me. (and that is even without discussing the fact that we PAID for this service.. in the understanding and expectation that we would have access to our customer data when we needed it. ) I mean - isnt that IT on demand? It culminated in a disastrous Server upgrade (which we were NOT notified about) that went horribly wrong, with servers crumbling, dying... Raid arrays packing it in and corrupted data files. To top it all off, this company only did a full backup every 4 weeks and had to revert back to this backup to restore from... Needless to say I terminated the contract and looked for another solution.. whereas before a local presence and specialisation in hosted service was important, NOW we realised that reputation and proven ability to provide availability of service was on the top of my selection list! (PS - while I typed this I checked the companys website... and it only seems to be a placeholder with no content anymore.. maybe they no longer exist?) This is only one example of a small company terminating its contract with a cloud computing service provider.... Just imagine the implications and political fallout when this would have happened to a government department moving towards Cloud Based Services (and you know... this sort of stuff ALWAYS happens in an election year).


iVankas blog artiCles

lessons learnt

Lessons learnt:
An IT Service mis-managed is an IT Service mis managed.. whether the IT Service is delivered locally in house or via Cloud based technology. ITSM will be the saving grace for many Cloud Based Service Delivery companies. NOT having ITIL or ITSM Processes will have a much bigger impact on business continuity because of the larger scale and exposure. As client you are very concerned about privacy and security of your data and content... as the IT provider it is double important to manage expectations and placate nerves at the client site. When you have a hosted or cloud based solution, try to have the offline version available to you (to mitigate the risk of not having access at all when the internet connection is unavailable). Be demanding as a client. ( I didnt manage the project well enough... I did NOT ask to see the SLA before signing up to the contract and it turned out that the service availability was defined as 95% ping to the server .). How does the company manage their continuity of services? What is their methodology, what is their proven track record? Ask about the values and policies of the company; what is important to them? Even when you are a small client to this supplier - what service approach do they use?



his week I have been engaged in an email discussion on the subject of the limits of ITIL when it is used in a cloud computing

environment. Should there be an extension to ITIL specific for Cloud Computing environments? (hey - idea, just thought of this.. we could call this ITIL V3.1 or ITIL V4... just kidding!). Following is the summary of some of the emails we exchanged as I thought that it might give some food for thought for other people who work in this space.

The question: where does ITIL fall short in a Cloud Computing environment?
My initial response is: no-where... but let me think about this a bit more..


iVankas blog artiCles

does itil still CoVer all serViCe management aspeCts

This is an interesting question as it links in to two (and probably more) factors: Do you see ITIL as an operational framework, or as a component of IT Service Management as a whole. Do you see cloud computing as a collection of various internet / virtual based IT services? Cloud computing is more than only desktop or server virtualization although most organisations are working with Cloud Computing concepts in this context. Cloud computing is also Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Storage as a Service, as well as Web based (hosted) database and application services. When you continue on this train of thought, you can also think about WHERE the ITIL framework is being utilized: at the delivery side of cloud computing services, or at the receiving side of cloud computing services? OK first scenario: Lets assume that we are part of an IT organisation that DELIVERS Cloud Computing Services (and SaaS in particular). Which areas of ITIL are not coherent with this delivery model? Myanswer is easy: NONE. All components of ITIL are of interest and importance as the SaaS is a service delivery to external customers so you need to consider all phases in the lifecycle from Strategy to Operation and CSI. You will need to have controls and management structures in place to build a sustainable IT infrastructure that has the ability to deliver the


iVankas blog artiCles

does itil still CoVer all serViCe management aspeCts

Software Services as per the agreed Service Levels. You probably need MORE controls because you always have the unknown factor of the ISP or internet connection to deal with. Second scenario: Virtual server environment as part of a data centre that utilizes ITIL processes for Service Management controls. The boxes still have to fit in with the overall service offering, you still need to manage their entire lifecycle. Capacity management and Configuration Management are extremely important as automated sniffing tools might have some issues with an accurate overview of the Configuration Items. I fully agree with the fact that is only the process component of IT Service Management, and there is a whole lot more to managing your IT Services in a consistent and quality way than to simply look at the ITIL books. In fact most ITIL implementations fail to deliver any value and measurable benefits because of the isolated focus on ITIL and not ITIL in the context of IT Service Management. So we absolutely agree on that point. I have attached the first few pages of one of our Cloud Computing publications it might inspire you. ITIL is by no means the holy grail to fix all problems within the IT industry, but the point that I was trying to make is that it shouldnt make a difference how and where you get your service components the delivery management controls should stay the same! Mind you I am not looking


iVankas blog artiCles

does itil still CoVer all serViCe management aspeCts

at this from a technical point of view.. I agree that at a technical level a lot of the activities will be (slightly) different, but when you approach this question from a Service Management point of view it stays very much the same. Even the RACI diagrams for most roles will be unaffected by the introduction of cloud computing services. One of the reasons why I feel so strongly about the need for ITIL Service Management processes with appropriate levels of control and coordination is because I have been at the receiving end of a SaaS service provider who clearly didnt have those controls. And I can tell you from personal experience that this is highly frustrating. I am sure I will be writing about this more often...



he following question was posted in a Linkedin forum: By 2012, according to Gartner, 20% of your industry will be going

to the cloud, OK then what software applications and in what market segment? My answer: Hi Peter, for the last 2 years I have been following this cloud computing phenomena with a lot of interest. The interest is not so much from a technology point of view, but purely from a Service Management and business point of view. I feel that were at a point in the maturity of the IT industry that businesses can truly leverage the promise of efficiency and effectiveness through IT Services. The thing that came to mind as an answer to your question is: Small to medium businesses will be the winners of the cloud computing solutions. Through the use of Saas, Paas and various hosted services, small businesses can reap the benefits of economy of scale that they never had before. Mobile computing, storage and processing capabilities are flexible and


iVankas blog artiCles

what software appliCation do Companies want in the Cloud?

elastic and on demand for the business when they need it. it goes beyond software applications - I think of it more from a business impact point of view. Software is not important (to make a point - do you remember Pegasus as an email application?) it is what you as a business person want to achieve. Software should be an extension of this need and desire. Personally, in my business we use a lot of Cloud Computing services: Google Apps for email and calendar is one example of it. Everything that needs to be shared via mobile computing, or with multiple people in a number of geographical locations, I will push towards the Cloud. Major cost and frustration saving and increased user experience for our business. Ivanka What do you think?



happening. And you know why? Because the internet didnt work! Well actually - the internet is doing fine, its just the server that has decided it is time to meet its maker... so we cant connect to the internet. And because we run most of our services in the cloud it required some adjustments in our processes and activities. Email. Cant get to it because we use gmail as our email application. But lucky us - its very easy to get to your google apps email on your smart

ant to know the first response we received in the office this morning? Well... there was a lot of grumbling and muttering


iVankas blog artiCles

the art of aVoiding disasters

phone! So the most critical client requirements can still be serviced via the phone. Its not pretty, but it works. Dropbox. Lucky us... this application actually downloads your files onto your harddrive so you have offline access to all the files you need! No problemo, we can still work on the files and will upload the latest version when the server is up and running again. The only downside is the lack of collaboration opportunities while we cant connect to the internet. Well, yes, this one is a bit tricky as we dont have an offline version of the database and really rely on connectivity to access all our data. But no problem.. people can work from home, or on their iPad and smart phone. Is our productivity down because we dont have internet connection? Absolutely NOT! And that is the biggest lesson learnt from previous non connectivity experiences... ALWAYS make sure your staff have tasks that do not require internet connection. Have a plan around the continuity of your business processes. For us this means for example: The Sales admin person still needed to update our pricelists and some sales collateral. Usually this type of job is pushed to the bottom of the pile because direct client interaction seems more pressing. Perfect time to do this now.. The people who work with dropbox have offline access so they can continue their jobs. It does illuminate the need to stop and think about the services you use and whether an offline option is required / needed / possible.


iVankas blog artiCles

the art of aVoiding disasters

The graphic designer was planning on doing web design and PHP programming today... but changed the task list and works on the design of marketing and sales collateral instead. All staff who must have access to email at all times have a smartphone as part of their employment package. This helps with being independent of a particular internet connection and we can still communicate with our clients and students. So I guess what I am trying to say is, dont get caught out; have a plan and think about the options you have if and when the internet connectivity is unavailable. What does this mean for your job, your department or business??



subscription basis, which allows you to get access to product features that would have been out of reach with the on site software applications. Purely because it would have been too expensive to purchase and too difficult to implement and maintain. The subscription based service model also helps with the expenditure balance in your organisation; you shift money from the CAPEX budget to the OPEX budget on the initial engagement. Further down the track it will most likely show that your ongoing maintenance requirements are less and your OPEX budget can come down as well... All good news so far... And as managers we like what we see and like what we hear about SaaS. So the next step is that a decision is made to start a project for SaaS implementation because how hard can it be?

oftware as a Service has enormous benefits both to the IT organisation and the business community. The service is on a


iVankas blog artiCles

three things projeCt managers needs to know

Its only a service that we need so on day XXX well flick the switch and start using the new product... right? This is where the project manager and IT Service Manager need to make sure he or she covers at least the following 3 things as part of the project: Communication to set expectations. You need to communicate to your IT Managers and Business Managers that it is important to still go through a plan and design phase for this project. You cant just flick a switch and expect things to happen magically. Every SaaS application has configurable items and youll need to make decisions around customization or out of the box adoption of the software. Communication to engage with the business. You must have business people at all planning and requirements gathering workshops. After all - it is these business people who will be using this Service once its implemented. Insist on their attendance and dont take NO for an answer. Follow a Software Development Lifecycle. Yes, I know.. you want to subscribe to a Software as a Service Product because you dont want to do the development inhouse and you dont want the ongoing responsibility of managing and maintaining the software. but think about it... this is NOT the only piece of software you use in your company. You still need to design, build and test the integration and handover points between this new SaaS application and your remaining software. Oh and dont


iVankas blog artiCles

three things projeCt managers needs to know

forget to have all your architecture documentation in place at the end of the Design Lifecycle Phase or youll be chasing your tail for ever and ever once you get into build, test and go-live... When you keep these 3 things in the forefront of your project focus you will be able to successfully implement SaaS services and gain the respect from both your IT Boss and Business Client. Good luck!



t has become apparent to me that Australia is still very much the lucky country. Yes we like to complain about the economic situation

and the fact that the interest rates are around the 8% at the moment but overall I think were still going strong! Why am I saying this? Well, I have spent the last 4 days in Hawaii and have experienced firsthand that the situation in the US is much worse than what is happening in Australia. And it is not getting better either... it will get much worse! The resorts on the Big Island are at approx. 15% capacity, where 60% is needed to break even; many restaurants, bars and resorts have already shut their doors and the big story on the news this week is that most of the commercial rents will double if not triple- in the next few months. This will have a major impact on the overall economy of the state, after all: its main source of income is tourism.


iVankas blog artiCles

head for the Cloud!

Australia is fairly sheltered, we have a lot of resources in the ground and there is always somebody who finds it... last week in the BRW young rich list the number 1 person is 32 years of age, came from nowhere and has now accumulated approx. 440 million dollars in personal wealth in the last 12-18 months. How? By finding coal (I think it was coal, but really it could have been anything) and selling it to China... nice little backyard operation which will result in a nice income tax bill no doubt... which means more money in the government account to support the country etc. So, what does this have to do with Cloud Computing? Well, not a lot at first glance and everything when you think about it. I run my business with my husband and this morning over breakfast (CEO council :-) ) we were discussing how to prepare the company for things to come; the importance of cash in the bank at the moment and the ability to change gears and directions very quickly. It also brought to light the importance of a lean business model: outsourcing your noncore activities and avoid purchasing assets that dont actively create revenue (example: IT systems and solutions). When we focus on the IT solutions: we still want it to be scalable and have the ability to support the companys business processes no matter where the business will take us! This led us to discuss cloud computing and Software as a Service solutions. When offered professionally, SaaS solutions are probably the way to go in the near future. They offer IT products on a pay per


iVankas blog artiCles

head for the Cloud!

use basis without the upfront expenditure (and depreciation) of purchasing expensive software and IT assets. However, before doing this you will need understand WHY you need the IT solution in the first place and you need answers to the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is it supposed to do? Which business process is it supposed to support? How many people use this system and is the subscription per user or per concurrent user? What is the maximum number of users they support? What IT infrastructure is expected to be present in your offices to make the SaaS solution work best? What IT knowledge is expected to be available in your office. What type of support does the provider offer? What happens if the software doesnt work, or doesnt do what you expect it to do? All in all, I dont think these are difficult questions to answer and it sure beats having a lot of your cash tied up in purchasing the software licenses upfront! Youre much better off spending that type of money at the things that youre really good at: development of your products and services and making money with them!



when the conversation topic moves to Cloud Computing? Is it the fear of the unknown? Or are most IT Professionals one trick ponies so they cant see beyond their current job tasks? These questions have been going through my mind in the past couple of months, and I have spent quite a bit of time talking to people about this phenomenon. Based on the discussions Ive had, I formed the following ideas: Fear of the unknown. Although many people TALK about Cloud Computing, there doesnt seem to be a consensus on what it is and what the effect will be on the delivery of IT Services. When you speak with non-IT Professionals most cloud computing ideas are formed around the concept of a public cloud. This is the most visible side of cloud computing and impacts businesses and consumers alike. Online Applications, Software as a Service, Online picture storage, Gmail and are examples of this (semi-) public cloud experience. The main thing is that the

hat is it about Cloud Computing that makes many IT professionals run for the hills? Why do people get so negative and dismissive


iVankas blog artiCles

no need to fear - the priVate Cloud is here

entire infrastructure is maintained and managed by a 3rd party. From an internal management point of view this seems to be the preferred option for business managers and Finance Managers for most IT Services. However, this is also the type of Cloud Computing that is feared most by IT Professionals. Questions remain unanswered around security and data ownership. And the job continuity for internal IT staff is under scrutiny. However, the public cloud is not the only form of cloud computing that is used. Most enterprises use a hybrid cloud where the critical processes and data run on an internal private network while the less critical data may be stored on a public cloud storage. This way you can use the public cloud sort of like a bank overdraft which you only use when you need it - and only for a short period of time. It really makes use of the on demand elasticity benefits of Cloud Computing. In this scenario the internal IT staff are responsible for maintaining and managing the private infrastructure and the compatibility with the private cloud storage, while the external 3rd party is responsible for the upkeep and management of the external cloud service. Before you make up your mind about the positive and negative effects of cloud computing on your professional career and current job, you will need to understand the type of cloud computing youre talking about! Once you understand the concepts and implications you will understand where your skills, knowledge and experience can be utilized. Unless.... IT Professionals are a one trick pony. With companies


iVankas blog artiCles

no need to fear - the priVate Cloud is here

choosing cloud based suppliers for their IT Services there will be less requirements internally for certain IT skills. Especially when the services are purchased from a Software as a Service provider. For these services there is no application support and maintenance team required. No Database administrators or Server/mainframe support teams. These type of jobs will move to the SaaS provider. What type of support is still required internally? Desktop and infrastructure support to ensure the SaaS applications can run on the machines on the business desks. Youll probably also need some document storage / file servers for business documentation. Also - what about compatibility with existing and remaining other IT services and applications? And who is negotiating the SLAs with the SaaS supplier? You will need people on staff who understand the business model and service requirements. You also need specialist on Availability Management and IT Service Continuity Management. These are the plan B people. You need these people to ensure your business can continue to function, even when the Cloud Service is unavailable. (and yes, it smells and sounds like IT Service Management.... are you surprised?!) Think about your own skills - are you an uber specialist in one specific technology? Will the company still need this technology skill in a few years? Should you re-assess your career path? Maybe you need to change your speciality to include other technology skills. Or perhaps you need to research companies who will need your specific skill set in a few years. No matter what is required today - it will be very


iVankas blog artiCles

no need to fear - the priVate Cloud is here

different in 5 years from now! Dont become a Dodo - grow your wings and learn to fly! Hooray for the private Cloud: Now - before you get all depressed... there is also something called the private cloud and many IT Professionals grab on to this compromise with both hands! The private cloud is ideal for larger organisations. It can offer the benefits of subscription based IT services and on demand delivery of IT Services without having to go externally to an external Cloud Computing provider. This means that the IT organisation still needs all support, maintenance and management skills. The benefits are great for IT staff because they have a better chance of keeping their job in the current organisation. It also means that the business probably wont achieve the full economic benefits and potential of Cloud Computing Services. It is a compromise and mostly sold by IT specialists as a more secure offering to the business. (makes you wonder.. is it more secure for the business, or the IT professional?) For now this private cloud offering seems to be the happy medium for business and IT Support teams but Im not sure how long this will last - is it only delaying the inevitable??



like a good idea. However, what So Paulo forgot to do are the demand forecasting, sizing and modeling activities... The city grew way bigger than expected and so did the use of cars. So even WITH the restriction traffic is an absolute nightmare. I spoke with one of the federal police people and he mentioned that So Paulo needs at least 450km of public transport lines (mainly metro, tram, train) and they currently have 125km!! This is part of the problem - walking is not an option as it is too dangerous. Public transport is not an option as there is not enough supply. So people use their car and the taxi system... So what can we learn from this as IT professionals? Well, I think we can improve the way we do our capacity planning in a number of ways:

few days ago I wrote about the license plate based restriction on car use in So Paulo. And you must agree that in theory this sounds


iVankas blog artiCles

what sao paulo forgot to do

Business focus
Whatever we do in the IT department should be in line with business strategy, business growth and business expectations. At the absolute minimum, review your capacity plan every year. Once we have a solid understanding of the business processes and their patterns of business activity, we can adjust our capacity delivery to support this!

Continual Service Improvement

Things change - and sometimes they change rapidly. So we need to be able to move with the change and to quickly change direction so that we can continue to support the business. This can only happen when we have a structured approach to Service Improvement. The volatile our industry is, the quicker we need to be able to adjust. Reviewing your capacity plan every year may not be enough - you may want to do this every quarter!

Out of the box

Just like So Paulo really needs more public transport, so do we need to look at other ways of supporting our business. Is our conventional way not working, not able to respond quickly to changes in demand? Look for different options. There might be outsourcing options, or look into cloud computing options for capacity related flexibility. There are many ways we can deliver our services... we have to be creative to make these delivery options sustainable!


iVankas blog artiCles

what sao paulo forgot to do

Again, I probably make it sound easier than it is... but its certainly food for thought! After all, a happy client pays the bills on time, and that is what we want to aim for as IT providers! (right?!)



fter 4 weeks on the road, I wanted to share a few hints and tips for business travel: Pick your hotels carefully. You need a mini bar, a desk for working and a good housekeeping & laundry service. Socks etc. can be washed in the bathtub with hair shampoo!

Sign up for a Frequent flyer account and/or a Lounge/VIP/Club membership. It beats lounging around the departure hall and you safe a lot of money by NOT shopping tax free!

Have a light and practical laptop. You dont want to have this big, heavy thing with you all the time. A smaller, lighter option is available and is much easier to work with.

Invest in a universal adaptor. Even though most hotels have multi power plugs in the rooms, the boardroom where you are going to present may not. So invest in one good adapter to help you out of some sticky situations.

Not everybody speaks English! Especially in South America you would be surprised how limited the knowledge is of the


iVankas blog artiCles

8 best Cloud Computing essential tips for the business traVeller

English language so invest some effort prior to your trip and learn some basic Spanish or Portuguese. If you cant do that hire a good translator! While traveling -backup your laptop! This is where cloud computing comes in handy. You can upload all your presentations, photos and other documents to google docs, picasa and other web-based applications. Have your presentations on your laptop, a usb-drive AND in the cloud! Cover all your bases so you never lose your information and dont get into embarrassing situations. It is also a good idea to have some of your background information in cloud-based services, especially when you cant access the server in the office (VPN). Use Skype (or other VOIP services) for staying in touch with the office and cheap phonecalls. It sure beats the hotel phone bill! And best of all... coming home is the best thing ever!!! :-)



fruit, especially apples, pears and cherries. It was fascinating to hear about the projects he runs, and especially at the time it takes from an idea to revenue stream! Because a tree must grow for about 3 - 4 years before it starts bearing fruit, it will take on average about 10 years to find out if your idea for the new variety works or not. (does this apple really give the farmer more crops? Does this pear tree really resist frost during harvest etc.) WOW - imagine this in the IT industry... your client asks you to deliver a solution / system and your reply is: Sure, we will start a project and in 11 years well know if it works or not!!! This is unimaginable in our industry.... 11 years is, like.. FOREVER! We go the exact opposite: Cloud computing gives you the opportunity to test ideas immediately! You want to see how things work if we have 20 Terabytes in storage extra? Lets add this to Amazon S3 and see what happens.. its pretty instantaneously. Also consider budgeting and funding: how will you raise funds when the project will take 11 years

n the flight back from Honolulu I sat next to a man who is involved with the design and development of new varieties of


iVankas blog artiCles

dont Compare apples to Cloud Computing

before it MAY give a return??? This long term planning and budgeting is foreign to most IT organizations. Sure, we work on 3 - 5 year plans but usually on 1 - 2 year budgets. And projects that run for more than 18 months usually dont deliver on the deliverables, time-frame or allocated budget. Imagine an 11 year project?! Nope - Id stick with Cloud Computing storage and processing opportunities. Its a lot less risky and easier to manage. At least the planning horizon is in this decade!



I sourced an article this week about cloud based email services and while I was reading it, I was wondering what you think about these services? It would be fair to say I am biased toward the use of cloud based email services. Gmail was launched in April 2004 and I have used Gmail for a really long time now, (my oldest sent mail is from July 2004). When Gmail came along it was like a breath of fresh air after my experiences with hotmail or yahoo mail. Gmail is integrated with my desktop email client (used to be outlook, now apple mail) as well as my phone and since 2009 we also use Gmail as our corporate email provider which has been a very positive experience so far. Please read the following article, and I look forward to your experiences and comments.

What do you think of cloud based email? Has it changed the way you do business?
Most individuals are introduced to cloud computing via the various popular cloud based email services that are extremely prevalent, like those offered freely by Google for example (Gmail). Whether or not people realize it, the concept of email (in any form) is essentially basic cloud computing, at least from a structural perspective. Conventional


iVankas blog artiCles

what do you think of Cloud based email?

email accounts are nothing more than an interface that allows a user to receive, access and deploy messages from a remote server or servers. However, a true cloud email setup is much more versatile than a standard email setup. Through a cloud based email account, a user often has a myriad of options at their disposal, aside from just email services. Often times, these cloud email addresses are part of a larger cloud-based account structure that offers users access to hundreds of different applications as well as specific features. In many ways, cloud email service is like a miniaturized version of a larger cloud networking structure. The difference being that cloud email only involves the deployment of email (along with other potential applications), whereas a true cloud computing service offers comprehensive hardware simulation, virtualization and operating software along with a specialized interface, which is designed to interact with and provision the resources of cloud hardware. Cloud email acts (or behaves) in much the same manner as other cloud services, but it is much less complex; its essentially a system for maintaining and operating a multi-purpose account thats designed around remotely accessing an email server. Whereas cloud computing hinges around accessing hardware specific functions, cloud email is more geared toward software specific functions and applications.


iVankas blog artiCles

what do you think of Cloud based email?

Cloud Email Applications

The wealth of free cloud email applications offered by their providers is simply stunning. In fact, cloud email accounts are quickly becoming sophisticated online PDAs of sorts. For example, Gmail (which is arguably the most popular and feature-laden cloud email service currently available) allows you to: Use GPS via Mobile. Organize your medical records. Place calls (domestic and international, with extremely competitive rates). Organize your own calendar. Search a highly developed database of scholarly articles for research and citations. Publish your own blog. Map any location on earth. Get directions. Publish, share and even edit documents remotely. Upload, Share and edit photos remotely. Do translations. Search for books related to specific topics. Get instant access to up-to-the-minute financial data. And many others.


iVankas blog artiCles

what do you think of Cloud based email?

And if all of that wasnt enough, Gmail also provides support for accessing their cloud email accounts via mobile devices. The full list of applications (in Gmail) is extremely extensive and they continue to add new services on a continuous basis. Why so many applications? People like the flexibility of being able to do everything from one point of access; which is perfectly understandable. It is extremely inconvenient to have to log in to several different sites / locations just to access the tools that a person uses on a regular basis, especially if these tools are provided by the same company that provides their cloud email (or if theyre partnered with them). And of course, logging into several sites / applications / tools can lead to an inefficient use of system resources and even errors within the OS or browser. The obvious solution to this type of dilemma is full integration. And of course once a cloud email service provider establishes a stable system of integration they can simply copy it and offer it to every user that signs up for their services. And once a user establishes their account, their preferences and activities are logged so that materials, applications and even advertisements that are specific to their interests can be presented to them.

Cloud Email and Social Media / Networking

Many cloud email providers have already integrated their services with nearly all of the popular social media outlets. This push toward integrating social networking with user end email features allows a person to keep track of all correspondences, friends, and colleagues.


iVankas blog artiCles

what do you think of Cloud based email?

And you can literally monitor their social networking activities via updates or even widget-like devices that are built into the email interface. Most cloud email systems have even integrated chat-style features into their accounts which allow connected users to quickly communicate with one another; an invaluable tool for those that like to do business through their cloud email accounts.

A personal and business capable interface that can be remotely accessed from any location
The best feature or aspect of cloud email has to be its ability to act as a storage center, organizer and remotely accessible personal / business data platform. Using cloud email means that you no longer have to worry about where your files are, where your presentation is, what that contacts name was; the list goes on and on Cloud email completely streamlines the way we interface with people on both personal and professional levels. The best evidence concerning the benefits of using cloud email service(s) is apparent in the number of governmental bodies that (in recent years) have transitioned to cloud-based email systems.


iVankas blog artiCles

what do you think of Cloud based email?

Here is a partial list of (US) governmental bodies that are currently using cloud email: NOAA General Services Administration The Department of Agriculture Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Department of Labor Many Metropolitan Governments including: 3 3 San Francisco As well as countless others that have already moved to the cloud or are considering it in the near future The features, availability, flexibility, scalability, security and remote access features of cloud email make it an obvious choice for individuals and governments, for personal or business purposes. Since the use of cloud email systems are extremely inexpensive (especially when compared to the costs that an institution or governmental body must front to set up their own email servers), the choice of moving to the cloud is an obvious one.


A ability 1, 19, 28, 31-2, 35-6, 45-6, 48, 53, 58, 63, 78, 104-6, 110, 134, 142-3, 166-7 adaptability 26, 28, 148, 166 amount 1, 39, 41, 43, 45, 87, 106, 143, 147-8, 159, 183, 203 APaaS 70, 104-7 applications 1, 8, 26, 40, 48-9, 51-3, 69-70, 82, 104-5, 116-18, 149-50, 154-6, 175-6, 180, 183, 254 apps 1, 3, 30, 35, 38, 144, 181 ART of SERVICE CLOUD COMPUTING 3, 5-6, 150, 152 B backups 8, 40-1, 213 brokers 55-6, 85-6, 88 browser 15, 65-7, 118, 162 business model 55, 57, 106, 238 businesses 8-12, 26-7, 30-2, 34-6, 40-3, 55-7, 61-3, 72-6, 85-6, 108, 110-11, 113-15, 121-2, 138-40, 164-5, 229-30 C capabilities 21, 77, 81, 87, 135, 138 capacity 44, 166, 192, 200, 204, 208, 227 capital 62, 92, 97, 99, 201 clients 6, 24, 26, 31, 35, 52-3, 55-6, 74, 102-3, 125, 128, 159, 161, 166, 219-20, 222 cloud 1, 12-14, 19-22, 24, 47-9, 52-3, 89-92, 120-4, 146-8, 162-6, 208-11, 225-6, 229-30, 237-9, 251-2 Cloud Application 69, 80, 104, 180 cloud brokerages 86, 88, 125, 154 cloud computing 7-10, 12-28, 31-3, 35-42, 44-6, 51-5, 61-5, 67-9, 79-83, 87-8, 10713, 144-5, 148-52, 158-75, 178-85 cloud computing model 34, 58, 150-1 cloud computing network 9-10, 39, 41, 53, 60, 136, 141-2, 145-6, 150-1, 160, 167

cloud computing providers 6, 31, 48, 60, 85, 103, 114, 140, 151, 160, 163, 169, 181 cloud computing service providers 5, 55-6, 111 cloud computing services 5, 26-9, 37, 47-50, 57, 116, 125, 160, 166, 228 cloud DBMS 129-32 cloud infrastructure 105, 114, 130, 147 cloud manager 66, 89-90, 100 cloud network 1-3, 10, 12-13, 34-5, 44-5, 49, 52-3, 58-9, 62, 69, 75, 77-9, 92, 96, 98, 103 cloud platforms 70, 121, 162-4 cloud providers 35, 55-6, 66, 77, 80, 85, 95, 102, 113, 115, 121, 159, 176 cloud resources 97, 126, 130, 134, 160, 176 cloud service providers 56, 100, 103, 125, 133, 156 cloud services iv, 26, 35, 55, 86-7, 94, 100, 107-8, 110, 117, 121, 123, 129-34, 140, 154-5, 163 cloudbursting 92-5, 102, 139 code 53, 79, 81, 86 companies 37-9, 42-4, 46, 52, 55, 89, 99, 105-6, 110-11, 123-8, 137-8, 159-60, 177, 181, 22930 components 15, 31, 93-4, 131, 150, 174, 177, 180, 201, 227 computers 22, 30, 58, 67, 72, 152 concept 86, 96, 116, 122, 129, 149, 160, 212 connect 7, 52-3, 66, 78, 176 consumers 16, 26, 30, 32, 57, 65, 82, 85-8, 158, 164, 177 contract 56-7, 87, 97, 113-14, 123 control 12, 48-9, 57, 79, 133, 180, 204, 228 costs 9, 31, 62, 68, 99, 103, 110, 120-2, 126, 129, 138, 143, 167, 170, 172-3, 177 creation 73, 106, 135, 144, 155-6 customers 6, 28-9, 37, 55-7, 95, 114, 129, 135, 145, 189 D database 3, 32, 117, 129-31, 135, 174, 212, 253 database management systems 129-30, 174

DBMS 104, 129-31, 175 department 10, 28, 74, 99, 108-9, 111, 143, 153-4, 173 deployment 74, 77, 87, 106, 116, 129, 132, 135 design 53, 57, 66, 68-9, 100, 155, 249 developers 66, 68, 82, 85, 87, 107, 135 developments 24, 28, 30, 39, 59, 66, 68, 70, 72, 77, 83, 87-8, 91, 99-100, 145-6, 162-4 devices 7-8, 15, 17, 19-21, 24, 52, 119, 149, 255 difference 68, 74, 92, 94, 103, 147, 227 download 54, 60, 64, 232 E effectiveness 66, 73, 131, 165-6, 229 email 7, 116, 216, 230-1, 251-2, 254 employees 9-10, 168, 218 energy 44-5, 147, 150, 164, 167, 171 enterprises iv, 63, 74-5, 77, 108-11, 241 environment iii, 43-6, 74, 78, 105, 127, 183, 195, 225 errors 40-1, 50, 82-3, 90, 142, 175 F failure 25, 28, 57, 113 for3 189-90, 209, 233, 241-2, 253-4, 256 function iii, 44, 51, 58-60, 65, 70, 80-1, 104-5, 117, 121, 129, 141, 143, 147, 158-9, 167 functionalities 48, 52, 77-8, 105-6, 123, 142, 168 G Gmail 48, 116-18, 251, 253-4 grid computing 115, 144, 151-2, 173 groups 11, 27, 68, 77-8, 83, 86-7, 96, 99, 103, 113, 125, 133-4, 144, 150, 152, 178-

H hardware 7, 11-13, 21-3, 34-5, 40-1, 45-6, 48-9, 52-3, 79-81, 86-7, 125-6, 1323, 149-50, 171-2, 180-1, 183-4 hardware resources 35, 60, 67-8, 94, 102, 127, 145, 150 hardware stacks 2, 46, 62, 78, 91, 141 host 4, 6-8, 17, 24, 66, 133-4, 162 I IaaS 35, 47-50, 60, 86-7, 94, 108, 174, 183-4 implementation 21, 67-8, 173 individuals 1, 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 15, 19, 27, 31-2, 66-8, 77, 103, 125-6, 137, 152-3, 177-8 industry 122, 210, 216, 227, 229, 249 information 20, 34, 41, 58-61, 63, 67-8, 73, 93, 111, 114, 121, 130, 132, 149, 155, 212-13 infrastructure 35, 47, 51-3, 69, 73, 86, 93-4, 99, 102, 109-10, 125, 142, 162-3, 183, 198, 2185 integration 93, 109, 118, 135, 144, 175, 178 interfaces 21, 48, 52, 106, 108, 116, 119, 123, 162, 218, 255 internet 9, 22, 32, 67, 102, 181, 231-27 is3 183-4, 188-9, 195, 208, 213, 219, 227, 233, 235, 241-3, 252-6 It3 197, 208, 218, 241, 243 ITIL 203, 218, 220, 225-8 J job 48, 53, 77-8, 85, 88, 104, 147, 233 L level 6, 22, 28, 31, 35, 46-7, 51-2, 79, 103, 114, 124, 146, 148, 180, 190, 192 limitations 15, 90-1, 132, 139

locations 6, 41, 63, 98, 114-15, 117-19, 132, 140, 144, 150, 181, 207, 254-5 M maintenance 31, 48, 61, 63, 73-4, 114, 125-6, 175, 180, 243 management 63, 74-5, 103, 111, 123, 134-5, 140, 143, 155, 178, 180, 190-2, 200, 203-4, 227, 241-2 managers 73-4, 77, 87, 96, 110-11, 122-3, 235, 241 market 30, 56, 87-8, 125 models 32, 52, 83, 108, 123, 127, 136, 159, 172, 174, 188, 218 money 45-6, 66, 87, 105, 111, 121-2, 139, 143, 147, 151, 155, 159, 166 monitor 22, 77, 112, 119, 131-2, 255 N net 7, 21, 30, 39, 47, 58, 67-8, 84, 149, 183 networking 32-3, 36, 79, 119, 125, 137, 151, 178, 254-5 networks 2, 13, 16, 19, 24, 31, 40, 44-5, 48, 53, 58, 62-3, 77-80, 121, 128-9, 1703 O operating system (OS) iii, 13, 19, 21-3, 35, 40-1, 48-9, 65-8, 81, 104, 115, 118, 129, 150, 159, 161 operations 57, 59, 67, 72, 74-5, 80, 83, 86, 90, 99-100, 109, 114, 122, 124-5, 130, 142 organizations 2, 4, 42, 47-8, 68, 72, 74-5, 91-2, 95-100, 122-3, 128, 133-5, 138, 141, 143-6, 168 P PaaS v, 47, 49-50, 86-7, 94, 104, 108, 174-7, 183-4, 229 packages 89, 103, 106, 121, 151, 181 parties 55, 96, 113, 122, 138-9, 169, 181 pdf 39, 54, 60, 64

performance 10, 34, 58, 60, 66-7, 78, 142, 192 platform v, 47-8, 51, 53, 69-70, 87, 94-5, 104-5, 162, 164, 174, 183 portals 22, 104, 125, 127, 144, 176 power 19, 32, 45, 57, 63, 82-4, 104, 111, 138, 140, 148, 162, 164, 167, 171, 206 prices 11, 35, 57, 126, 172, 177 private cloud vi, 47-9, 77, 84, 89, 94, 101, 122, 137-41, 143, 240-3 private cloud computing network 9, 11, 142-4 private cloud networks 10-11, 49-50, 57, 138-9, 141, 143-4 processes 1, 41, 58, 63, 68-9, 78, 98, 121-3, 127, 129-30, 139, 142-3, 146, 168, 176 profits 39, 85, 98, 122, 145, 147 programs 31, 74, 81-3, 101, 155 provider 5-6, 31, 48-9, 52, 73, 85-6, 92, 113-14, 117, 123, 134, 139, 159-60, 180, 242-3, 254 R range 70, 74, 102-3, 106, 127, 138, 140, 159, 162 reason 16, 18, 93, 96, 109-10, 148, 208 resources 13, 19, 30-1, 53, 67-8, 92-3, 96-7, 100-1, 108-10, 125-8, 137-41, 143, 146-8, 159-60, 166-8, 171 risks 4, 27, 39, 74, 112, 121 S SaaS 30-1, 35, 47-50, 86-7, 174, 183-4, 192-9, 229, 235, 238 scalability 1-3, 120, 130, 138, 166, 256 scenarios 5, 111, 126, 154 security 4, 6, 24, 26-7, 31, 34, 48-9, 78, 93, 98, 103, 112-13, 115, 130-2, 140, 154-5 security issues 9, 24, 126, 131-2

servers 1, 3, 13, 31, 35, 41, 45, 48-9, 52, 58-9, 62, 116, 125, 170, 206, 217-18 SERVICE 90-1, 134-6, 174-7, 225 service providers 57, 79, 112, 114-15, 125-6, 136, 141, 166 services 26-7, 29-32, 37-8, 47, 57-8, 72-6, 85-7, 89-91, 94-5, 102-4, 121-3, 128-9, 133, 138-45, 189-92 setup 1, 31, 49, 128, 166, 171-2, 195, 252 software 2-3, 19, 21-2, 30-1, 34-5, 38-9, 47-9, 52-3, 65, 79-81, 83, 86-7, 142, 150, 194-5, 229-30 software development 38, 42, 106, 172 solutions 1, 3, 5-6, 15, 46, 67, 73-5, 79, 81, 94, 106, 110, 127, 153-4, 193-5, 238 storage 30-1, 35, 48, 61, 65, 86, 125, 150, 154, 159-60, 166, 209, 229 storage space 62, 92, 159, 162 strategy 74-5, 131, 201, 203, 211 successes 13, 15, 25, 27, 33, 108 support 28, 81, 118, 123, 135, 166, 178, 180, 195, 198, 218, 242, 254 system resources 1, 81, 118, 122 T tasks 20, 52, 55, 59, 72, 81, 88-9, 91, 129, 143, 149, 152, 164, 175, 181 team 10, 56, 101, 242 technologies 12, 27-8, 75, 97, 101, 113, 122, 142-3, 152, 160, 162, 164, 174, 178, 198, 217 terms 35, 59, 62, 66-7, 70, 92, 100, 104-5, 112, 122-3, 133, 139, 141-2, 149, 159-60, 182-3 testing 89-91, 114, 127, 130 tools 38-9, 70, 77-8, 85, 89, 105-6, 118, 121-2, 136, 139, 208, 254 traditional grid network 33, 62, 137, 166 traffic 58, 60, 89-92, 112, 132 transition 14, 18, 28, 161, 163

truth 42, 57, 61, 71, 80, 84-5, 112, 115, 144, 179 types 8, 47-50, 69-70, 78-80, 85-8, 91-2, 98-100, 104, 127-33, 137-8, 152-6, 159, 162-3, 174, 176

U upgrades 7, 13, 62, 122, 126, 139, 143, 171-2 users 34-5, 47, 49, 52, 78-9, 86-7, 90, 109, 116, 118, 125, 127, 133-4, 150-1, 162-3, 175-6 users access 19, 48, 52, 116, 166 V virtual machines 2, 24, 147-8 virtualization 21-3, 59, 63, 93, 116, 149-50, 170, 182-3, 197-9 virtualized hardware 31, 36, 38, 45, 59, 65, 81, 86, 142, 152 visitors 8, 59-60, 90 VPN 101-2, 170, 248 W website 8, 89-90, 165, 214

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