Germany Diveded

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By: Kyle Stanford

The Start of the Berlin Airlift

The Berlin Airlift

started because of Russia not allowing to give food to the western side of Germany. On July 26th President Truman sent out C-47 sky trains and C-54 sky masters to go pick up food from the eastern side of Germany.

Berlin Airlift
The Allied Powers

used the negotiated air space to land in Tempelhof and Gatow. They realized it would be a long term operation and gave control to General William Tunner of the Combined Airlift

Why? Berlin Wall

The wall was made

because of professionals leaving from the east side of Germany to the western side They set up the wall even though there was a statement made earlier that no wall will be built.

The Fall of the Wall

A politburo

member named Schabowski misinterpreted a message to the media saying people on the east side could freely go to the west. Then slowly but surely the wall was

Cause of Cuban Missile Crisis

The crisis started

when America set up missiles in Turkey. Soviet Union didnt like the fact that the U.S could blow them up anytime they wanted. Soviet Union then set up missiles in Cuba and that

Cuban Missile Crisis

The CIA shows

Kennedy photographic evidence that there are soviet missiles in Cuba. Later on in the month of October Kennedy received a message from a Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev saying that if they dismantle their missiles in Turkey

End of Cuban Missile Crisis

Negotiations were

made in late October to take away the missiles. Nikita Khrushchev and Kennedy agreed to take away the missiles in Turkey and Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile


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